› Foros › PlayStation 2 › Scene
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install subversion mercurial build-essential gcc-4.4 gcc g++ patch wget curl make libtool zlib1g zlib1g-dev libucl1 libucl-dev automake cmake gperf unzip bison git-core git-gui git-doc
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
sudo dpkg -i gcc-4.2-base_4.2.4-6_*.deb
sudo dpkg -i cpp-4.2_4.2.4-6_*.deb
sudo dpkg -i gcc-4.2_4.2.4-6_*.deb
svn export svn://svn.ps2dev.org/ps2/trunk/ps2toolchain
git clone git://github.com/AzagraMac/PS2_SDK.git
cd ps2toolchain
cd PS2_SDK/ps2toolchain
chmod +x -R *.sh
sudo CC=gcc-4.2 ./toolchain-sudo.sh
sudo CC=gcc-4.4 ./toolchain-sudo.sh
## SDK PlayStation2
export PS2DEV=/usr/local/ps2dev
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/ee/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/iop/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/dvp/bin
export PS2SDK=$PS2DEV/ps2sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2SDK/bin
export PS2ETH=$PS2DEV/ps2eth
export GSKIT=$PS2DEV/gsKit
export GSKITSRC=/usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit
export ZLIB=/usr/local/ps2dev/zlib
export LIBTIFF=/usr/local/ps2dev/libtiff
#export GSLIB=/usr/local/ps2dev/gslib
export EE=/usr/local/ps2dev/ee
export IOP=/usr/local/ps2dev/iop
#export PS2LIB=/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2lib
source .bashrc
sudo -s
vi .bashrc
gedit .bashrc
cd /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/
sudo chmod -R a+w samples/
cd /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/samples/draw/teapot
svn co svn://svn.ps2dev.org/ps2/trunk/ps2sdk
cd ps2sdk/
svn up *
make clean
sudo -s
source ~/.bashrc
make install
cd $PS2DEV
sudo svn export svn://svn.ps2dev.org/ps2/trunk/ps2eth
sudo chmod -R a+w ps2eth/
cd ps2eth/
cd $PS2DEV
sudo svn export svn://svn.ps2dev.org/ps2/trunk/libtiff
sudo chmod -R a+w libtiff/
cd libtiff/
cd $PS2DEV
sudo svn export svn://svn.ps2dev.org/ps2/trunk/gsKit
sudo chmod -R a+w gsKit/
cd gsKit/
source ~/.profile
cd $PS2DEV
sudo svn co svn://svn.ps2dev.org/ps2/trunk/ps2sdk-ports/libjpeg
sudo chmod -R a+w libjpeg/
cd libjpeg
sudo -s
export PS2SDK=/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk
make install
cd $PS2DEV
sudo svn export svn://svn.ps2dev.org/ps2/trunk/ps2sdk-ports/zlib
sudo chmod -R a+w zlib/
cd zlib/
sudo -s
export PS2SDK=/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk
make install
sudo apt-get install zlib1g zlib1g-dev libucl1 libucl-dev
cd $PS2DEV
sudo svn export svn://svn.ps2dev.org/ps2/trunk/ps2-packer
sudo chmod -R a+w ps2-packer/
cd ps2-packer/
sudo -s
export PS2DEV=/usr/local/ps2dev
export PS2SDK=$PS2DEV/ps2sdk
make install
cd $PS2DEV
sudo svn co svn://svn.ps2dev.org/ps2/trunk/ps2sdk-ports/libpng
sudo chmod -R a+w libpng/
cd libpng
sudo -s
export PS2SDK=/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk
make install
Si llegaste a este punto, esque todo lo anterior te ha salido bien, Felicidades!!!![]()
Antes de nada, ten organizado el tema, y entra en el directorio donde quieras guardarlo todo, yo por ejemplo en:
Primero nos descargamos el codigo fuente desde el repositorio.hg clone https://bitbucket.org/ifcaro/open-ps2-loader
Entramos en el directorio:cd open-ps2-loader
Comprobamos posibles actualizaciones:hg update
Y lo compilamos:make
Te saldra una pantalla como esta:$ make
Building Freetype...
Building Open PS2 Loader...
* Interface
* Loader
* alternative Loader
* Elf Loader
* 10K kernel patches
* imgdrv.irx
* eesync.irx
* usb_cdvdman.irx
* usb_4Ksectors_cdvdman.irx
* smb_cdvdman.irx
* smb_pcmcia_cdvdman.irx
* hdd_cdvdman.irx
* hdd_pcmcia_cdvdman.irx
* cdvdfsv.irx
* usbhdfsd.irx
* cddev.irx
* ps2dev9.irx
* in-game SMSTCPIP.irx
* SMSMAP.irx
* smbman.irx
* discID.irx
* ps2atad.irx
* ps2hdd.irx
* genvmc.irx
* hdldsvr.irx
* udptty.irx
* ps2fs.irx
pfs.c:44: aviso: asignación de valores iniciales de tipo de apuntador incompatible
* ioptrap.irx
* ps2link.irx
Si es asi, lo has compilado con Exito y sin Errores, en caso contrario repasa el tutorial, mira las variables de las librerias, algo se te ha pasado por alto.
Cuando termine la compilacion que no dura mucho, escasos 2 minutos, si llega, te habra dejado un archivo de nombre "OPNPS2LD.ELF".
Ya lo tienes compilado y listo para ejecutarlo en tu PS2.
Posibles Errores:
Si al compilar aparece este error:Building Open PS2 Loader...
* Interface
src/hdd.c: In function `apaWritePartitionTable':
src/hdd.c:502: warning: unused variable `part_hdr'
Abrir el Makefile que se encuentra en la raiz del directorio del OPL, y editar la linea 82 que pone:y cambiarlo por:rm -f $(EE_BIN) OPNPS2LD.ELF asm/*.* obj/*.*
Lo que es comentar la linea. y volver a ejecutar la compilacion.# rm -f $(EE_BIN) OPNPS2LD.ELF asm/*.* obj/*.*
Compilamos de nuevo. y ya tendria que salir una compilacion limpia como arriba he puesto
* SI te aparece la linea "pfs.c:44: aviso: asignación de valores iniciales de tipo de apuntador incompatible" no pasa nada es bueno
Primero nos descargamos del SVN de PS2DEV.org, el codigo fuente del programa:svn export svn://svn.ps2dev.org/ps2ware/trunk/SMS
Entramos:cd SMS
y Compilamos:make
Tardara unos pocos minutos, dejale trabajar.
Si cuando acabe no te ha dado ningun error, cosa que deberia ser asi, si seguiste el tutorial al pie de la letra, te habra dejado el binario compilado en la carpeta bin.cd bin
de nombre "SMS.elf" listo para meter en la PS2 y ejecutar.
Version : 1.6
* Actualizado las URLs para la descarga de las GCC 4.2
* Añadido los enlaces de descarga directa de las GCC para 32Bits y 64Bits
Version : 1.5.1
* Actualizado las URLs para la descarga de las GCC 4.2
* Añadido los enlaces de descarga directa de las GCC para 32Bits y 64Bits
Version : 1.5
* Añadido el Pack-Kit SDK PS2, y probado su correcto funcionamiento en Ubuntu 10.10 64Bits
Version : 1.3.1
* Añadida una URL con documentación Importante sobre la programación, arquitectura y hardware de PS2, Gracias a ximpachi
Version : 1.3
* Correjido algunos comandos para instalar librerias
* Solucionado el error al compilar el Open PS2 Loader
* Añadido lineas al .bashrc, algunas comentadas hasta nuevo uso.
Version : 1.2.1
* Mejoras graficas en el tutorial
Version : 1.2
* Añadido el tutorial para la Compilacion del Open PS2 Loader
* Añadido el tutorial para la Compilacion del Reproductor Multimedia SMS
Version : 1.1
* Añadido a las variables la libreria "zlib" y "libtiff"
* Instalacion de la libreria "libtiff"
Version : 1.0
* Modificacion de las variables de entorno
* Modificacion de la instalacion de las librerias del SDK
* Consejos y añadidos nuevos
* SDK Listo para compilar el OPL a fecha de hoy 04/08/2010
jose@ubuntu:~/SDK/PS2/open-ps2-loader$ ll
total 132K
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:46 asm
-rw-r--r-- 1 jose jose 2,6K 2010-07-23 15:37 CHANGELOG
-rw-r--r-- 1 jose jose 1,1K 2010-07-23 15:37 CREDITS
-rw-r--r-- 1 jose jose 29K 2010-07-23 15:37 DETAILED_CHANGELOG
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 eeload_patches
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:46 elfldr
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 gfx
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 include
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:46 kpatch_10K
drwxr-xr-x 5 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 labs
-rw-r--r-- 1 jose jose 11K 2010-07-23 15:37 LICENSE
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 lng
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:46 loader
-rw-r--r-- 1 jose jose 13K 2010-07-23 15:37 Makefile
drwxr-xr-x 22 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 modules
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:46 obj
drwxr-xr-x 4 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 pc
-rw-r--r-- 1 jose jose 2,7K 2010-07-23 15:37 README
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 scripts
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 src
drwxr-xr-x 3 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 thirdparty
jose@ubuntu:~/SDK/PS2/open-ps2-loader$ make
Building Freetype...
Building Open PS2 Loader...
* Interface
src/hdd.c: En la función `apaWritePartitionTable':
src/hdd.c:502: aviso: variable `part_hdr' sin uso
* Loader
* alternative Loader
* Elf Loader
* 10K kernel patches
* imgdrv.irx
* eesync.irx
* usb_cdvdman.irx
* usb_4Ksectors_cdvdman.irx
* smb_cdvdman.irx
* smb_pcmcia_cdvdman.irx
* hdd_cdvdman.irx
* hdd_pcmcia_cdvdman.irx
* cdvdfsv.irx
* usbhdfsd.irx
* cddev.irx
* ps2dev9.irx
* in-game SMSTCPIP.irx
* SMSMAP.irx
* smbman.irx
* discID.irx
* ps2atad.irx
* ps2hdd.irx
* hdldsvr.irx
* udptty.irx
* ioptrap.irx
* ps2link.irx
jose@ubuntu:~/SDK/PS2/open-ps2-loader$ ll
total 2,3M
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:47 asm
-rw-r--r-- 1 jose jose 2,6K 2010-07-23 15:37 CHANGELOG
-rw-r--r-- 1 jose jose 1,1K 2010-07-23 15:37 CREDITS
-rw-r--r-- 1 jose jose 29K 2010-07-23 15:37 DETAILED_CHANGELOG
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 eeload_patches
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:47 elfldr
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 gfx
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 include
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:47 kpatch_10K
drwxr-xr-x 5 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 labs
-rw-r--r-- 1 jose jose 11K 2010-07-23 15:37 LICENSE
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 lng
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:47 loader
-rw-r--r-- 1 jose jose 13K 2010-07-23 15:37 Makefile
drwxr-xr-x 22 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 modules
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:47 obj
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jose jose 1,5M 2010-07-23 15:47 opl.elf
-rw-r--r-- 1 jose jose 649K 2010-07-23 15:47 OPNPS2LD.ELF
drwxr-xr-x 4 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 pc
-rw-r--r-- 1 jose jose 2,7K 2010-07-23 15:37 README
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 scripts
drwxr-xr-x 2 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 src
drwxr-xr-x 3 jose jose 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:37 thirdparty
jose@ubuntu:/usr/local/ps2dev$ ll
total 92K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:36 bin
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 21:52 dvp
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 21:55 ee
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:38 gsKit
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 23:41 gslib
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 21:57 iop
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 23:42 libcdvd
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 23:42 libhdd
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:41 libjpeg
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 23:42 libjpg
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:43 libpng
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:30 ps2eth
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 23:35 ps2ftpd
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 23:42 ps2lib
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:35 ps2-packer
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 23:35 ps2sdk
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 23:33 ps2sdksrc
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:36 share
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 23:44 SMS
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2010-07-22 21:48 test.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 23:52 ulaunchelf
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 23:33 uLE_BUP
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4,0K 2010-07-22 23:35 usbhdfsd
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4,0K 2010-07-23 15:32 zlib
# make
make -C ps2host
make[1]: se ingresa al directorio `/usr/local/ps2dev/ulaunchelf/ps2host'
iop-gcc -O2 -G0 -c -I../include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/iop/include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -Wall net_fsys.c -o net_fsys.o
iop-gcc -O2 -G0 -c -I../include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/iop/include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -Wall net_fio.c -o net_fio.o
iop-gcc -O2 -G0 -c -I../include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/iop/include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -Wall ps2host.c -o ps2host.o
echo "#include \"irx_imports.h\"" > build-imports.c
cat imports.lst >> build-imports.c
iop-gcc -O2 -G0 -c -I../include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/iop/include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -Wall build-imports.c -o imports.o
rm -f build-imports.c
iop-gcc -nostdlib -o ps2host.irx net_fsys.o net_fio.o ps2host.o imports.o
net_fsys.o(.text+0x10c): In function `dummyFormat':
net_fsys.c: referencia a `puts' sin definir
net_fsys.o(.text+0x3a8): In function `fsysIoctl':
net_fsys.c: referencia a `puts' sin definir
net_fsys.o(.text+0x3e4):net_fsys.c: referencia a `puts' sin definir
net_fsys.o(.text+0x6d4): In function `dummyGetstat':
net_fsys.c: referencia a `puts' sin definir
net_fsys.o(.text+0x700): In function `dummyChstat':
net_fsys.c: referencia a `puts' sin definir
collect2: ld devolvió el estado de salida 1
make[1]: *** [ps2host.irx] Error 1
make[1]: se sale del directorio `/usr/local/ps2dev/ulaunchelf/ps2host'
make: *** [ps2host.s] Error 2
Freestyle escribió:Hola, llego un poco tarde, pero me apunto a intentar compilar el ulaunchelf.
Existe alguna novedad que no este en el hilo, pronto posteo mis progresos
Freestyle escribió:Tengo un problema al conectar al svn de ps2dev, cual es la alternativa para obtener los fuentes
hg clone http://bitbucket.org/ps2dev/ps2toolchain
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install subversion gcc-4.4 patch wget make mercurial
$ cd
$ hg clone http://bitbucket.org/ps2dev/ps2toolchain
$ cd ps2toolchain/
$ sudo CC=gcc-4.4 ./toolchain-sudo.sh
$ sudo gedit ~/.profile
export PS2DEV=/usr/local/ps2dev
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/ee/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/iop/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/dvp/bin
export PS2SDK=$PS2DEV/ps2sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2SDK/bin
$ source ~/.profile
$ cd /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/
$ sudo chmod -R a+w samples/
$ cd samples/teapot/
$ make
$ cd $PS2DEV
$ sudo svn checkout http://psp.jim.sh/svn/ps2/trunk/ps2eth
$ sudo chmod -R a+w ps2eth/
$ cd ps2eth/
$ make
$ cd $PS2DEV
$ sudo hg clone http://bitbucket.org/ps2dev/gskit
$ sudo chmod -R a+w gskit/
$ cd gskit/
$ make
$ sudo gedit ~/.profile
export PS2ETH=$PS2DEV/ps2eth
export GSKIT=$PS2DEV/gskit
$ source ~/.profile
$ cd $PS2DEV
$ sudo hg clone http://bitbucket.org/ps2dev/ps2sdk-ports
$ cd $PS2DEV
$ cd ps2sdk-ports
$ sudo chmod -R a+w zlib/
$ cd zlib/
$ make
$ sudo -s
# export PS2SDK=/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk
# make install
# exit
$ cd $PS2DEV
$ cd ps2sdk-ports
$ sudo chmod -R a+w libpng/
$ cd libpng/
$ make
$ sudo -s
# export PS2SDK=/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk
# make install
# exit
$ cd $PS2DEV
$ cd ps2sdk-ports
$ sudo chmod -R a+w libjpeg/
$ cd libjpeg/
$ make
$ sudo -s
# export PS2SDK=/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk
# make install
# exit
$ sudo apt-get install zlib1g zlib1g-dev libucl1 libucl-dev
$ cd $PS2DEV
$ sudo hg clone http://bitbucket.org/ps2dev/ps2-packer
$ sudo chmod -R a+w ps2-packer/
$ cd ps2-packer/
$ make
$ sudo -s
# export PS2DEV=/usr/local/ps2dev
# export PS2SDK=$PS2DEV/ps2sdk
# make install
# exit
$ cd
$ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/ifcaro/open-ps2-loader
$ cd open-ps2-loader/
$ make
$ cd open-ps2-loader/
$ hg pull -u
$ make rebuild
Asahy escribió:Buenas, acabo de comparar la lista de directorios que tienes tu con la lista que puso airam en el link de psx-scene y he visto que no tienes la carpeta LaunchELF o en este caso la del ulaunchELF en el ps2dev. Tal vez puedan ir por ahí los tiros.
Por cierto esta noche acabé de instalar el SDK y de compilar el OPL y todo bien. Como no funciona la pagina ps2dev tuve que buscarme los repositorios en bitbucket, igual luego u otro día pongo como lo hice, aunque es practicamente lo mismo que como lo pusiste tu pero bueno, para tener otro tuto alternativo por si acaso.
airam1809 escribió:Yo ya lo tengo instalado, y me compila algunos ejemplos, pero no me encuentra el paquete gcc-4.4, le tengo metido el 4.2
Es imprescindible? Como lo soluciono?
Asahy escribió:airam1809 escribió:Yo ya lo tengo instalado, y me compila algunos ejemplos, pero no me encuentra el paquete gcc-4.4, le tengo metido el 4.2
Es imprescindible? Como lo soluciono?
Pues si te digo la verdad no se si realmente se necesita el gcc-4.4. Yo lo instalé porque aparece en el tuto de jimmikaelkael. Lo que no entiendo es cuando dices que no te encuentra el paquete, lo has instalado?
airam1809 escribió:Mañana vuelvo a probar y comento. Estoy usando una versión un poco "rara" de ubuntu, voy a intentar descargar la 9.10 mejor
airam1809 escribió:EDITO: Esto nos vale de algo?
airam1809 escribió:Con blackrhino desisti, ahora estoy con xubuntu 8.04.10.
Mirate esto:airam1809 escribió:EDITO: Esto nos vale de algo?
cd $ps2sdk-ports
cd $PS2DEV
cd ps2sdk-ports
export PS2ETH=$PS2DEV/ps2eth
export GSKIT=$PS2DEV/gskit
airam1809 escribió:Asahy creo que hay un error en tu tutorial.
Mira el paso después de descargar ps2sdk ports, al instalar zlib.cd $ps2sdk-ports
Con eso debería entrar a la carpeta ps2sdk-ports, pero claro, en el tutorial no dices de inluirlo en nombredeusuario/.profiles , así que la única manera es entrar manualmente:cd $PS2DEV
cd ps2sdk-ports
Y solo así puedo seguir. He seguido el tutorial haciendo todo tal como dices, salvo que no he instalado ps2eth, y cuando pides añadir estoexport PS2ETH=$PS2DEV/ps2eth
export GSKIT=$PS2DEV/gskit
a profiles, yo solo añado la ultima linea.
No me compila el opl, solo ejemplos y programas muy sencillos.
Creo que no he instalado bien las librerias libpng y libjpeg (me lie un poco leyendo el tuto xD), hay manera de saber si estan bien instaladas o reinstalar?
PD: Una duda para los 2: Por que en el tuto de AzagraMac se añaden las lienas al archico .bashrc y en el de Asahy al .profile ?? Es lo mismo?? Yo lo tengo en los dos sitios...
airam@airam-desktop:~/proyectos/open-ps2-loader$ make
Building Freetype...
Building Open PS2 Loader...
* Interface
src/hdd.c: En la función `apaWritePartitionTable':
src/hdd.c:502: aviso: variable `part_hdr' sin uso
* Loader
* alternative Loader
* Elf Loader
* 10K kernel patches
* imgdrv.irx
* eesync.irx
* usb_cdvdman.irx
* usb_4Ksectors_cdvdman.irx
* smb_cdvdman.irx
* smb_pcmcia_cdvdman.irx
* hdd_cdvdman.irx
* hdd_pcmcia_cdvdman.irx
* cdvdfsv.irx
* usbhdfsd.irx
* cddev.irx
* ps2dev9.irx
* in-game SMSTCPIP.irx
* SMSMAP.irx
* smbman.irx
* discID.irx
* ps2atad.irx
* ps2hdd.irx
* genvmc.irx
* hdldsvr.irx
* udptty.irx
* ioptrap.irx
* ps2link.irx
airam@airam-desktop:~/proyectos/open-ps2-loader$ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/ifcaro/open-ps2-loader
airam@airam-desktop:~/proyectos/fmb 1.7$ make
ee-gcc -D_EE -O2 -G0 -Wall -I/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I. -I/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/iop/include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit/include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/libjpg/include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/sbv/include -I/usr/local/ps2dev/libcdvd/ee -c mcboot.c -o mcboot.o
En el fichero incluído de mcboot.c:37:
mcboot.h:44:22: cdvd_rpc.h: No existe el fichero ó directorio
mcboot.h:54:19: gsKit.h: No existe el fichero ó directorio
mcboot.h:55:20: dmaKit.h: No existe el fichero ó directorio
mcboot.h:56:20: libjpg.h: No existe el fichero ó directorio
En el fichero incluído de mcboot.c:37:
mcboot.h:180: error de decodificación antes del elemento '*'
mcboot.h:180: aviso: el tipo de dato por omisión es `int' en la declaración de `gsGlobal'
mcboot.h:180: aviso: la definición de datos no tiene tipo o clase de almacenamiento
mcboot.h:181: error de decodificación antes del elemento '*'
mcboot.h:181: aviso: el tipo de dato por omisión es `int' en la declaración de `gsFont'
mcboot.h:181: aviso: la definición de datos no tiene tipo o clase de almacenamiento
mcboot.h:182: error de decodificación antes de "TexSkin"
mcboot.h:182: aviso: el tipo de dato por omisión es `int' en la declaración de `TexSkin'
mcboot.h:182: aviso: la definición de datos no tiene tipo o clase de almacenamiento
mcboot.c: En la función `load_Cd_modules':
mcboot.c:457: aviso: declaración implícita de la función `CDVD_Init'
mcboot.c: En la función `readCD':
mcboot.c:599: no se conoce el tamaño de almacenamiento de `TocEntryList'
mcboot.c:605: aviso: declaración implícita de la función `CDVD_FlushCache'
mcboot.c:606: aviso: declaración implícita de la función `CDVD_GetDir'
mcboot.c:606: `CDVD_GET_FILES_AND_DIRS' no ha sido declarado aquí (primero úselo en esta función)
mcboot.c:606: (Cada identificador no declarado solamente se reporta una vez
mcboot.c:606: para cada funcion en la que aparece.)
mcboot.c:599: aviso: variable `TocEntryList' sin uso
mcboot.c:599: no se conoce el tamaño de almacenamiento de `TocEntryList'
mcboot.c: En la función `unpatch_dummies':
mcboot.c:719: aviso: declaración implícita de la función `GS_SETREG_RGBAQ'
mcboot.c: En la función `print_title':
mcboot.c:2488: petición del miembro `FontM_Align' en algo que no es estructura ó unión
mcboot.c:2488: `GSKIT_FALIGN_LEFT' no ha sido declarado aquí (primero úselo en esta función)
mcboot.c: En la función `GUI_Init':
mcboot.c:2510: `GS_MODE_PAL' no ha sido declarado aquí (primero úselo en esta función)
mcboot.c:2516: `GS_MODE_NTSC' no ha sido declarado aquí (primero úselo en esta función)
mcboot.c:2524: aviso: declaración implícita de la función `gsKit_clear'
mcboot.c: En la función `main':
mcboot.c:2785: aviso: declaración implícita de la función `gsKit_detect_signal'
mcboot.c:2785: `GS_MODE_NTSC' no ha sido declarado aquí (primero úselo en esta función)
make: *** [mcboot.o] Error 1
airam@airam-desktop:~/proyectos/fmb 1.7$
airam@airam-desktop:~$ cd $PS2DEV
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev$ sudo hg clone http://psp.jim.sh/svn/ps2/trunk/ps2eth/
abort: 'http://psp.jim.sh/svn/ps2/trunk/ps2eth/' does not appear to be an hg repository!
src/hdd.c: En la función `apaWritePartitionTable':
src/hdd.c:502: aviso: variable `part_hdr' sin uso
Building Freetype...
Building Open PS2 Loader...
* Interface
src/hdd.c: En la función `apaWritePartitionTable':
src/hdd.c:502: aviso: variable `part_hdr' sin uso
* Loader
* alternative Loader
* Elf Loader
* 10K kernel patches
* imgdrv.irx
* eesync.irx
* usb_cdvdman.irx
* usb_4Ksectors_cdvdman.irx
* smb_cdvdman.irx
* smb_pcmcia_cdvdman.irx
* hdd_cdvdman.irx
* hdd_pcmcia_cdvdman.irx
* cdvdfsv.irx
* usbhdfsd.irx
* cddev.irx
* ps2dev9.irx
* in-game SMSTCPIP.irx
* SMSMAP.irx
* smbman.irx
* discID.irx
* ps2atad.irx
* ps2hdd.irx
* genvmc.irx
* hdldsvr.irx
* udptty.irx
* ioptrap.irx
* ps2link.irx
src/hdd.c: En la función `apaWritePartitionTable':
src/hdd.c:502: aviso: variable `part_hdr' sin uso
airam1809 escribió:PD: Asahy, se te ha pasado una cosita del tutoral, mira libpng y libjpeg
Otro error al querer instalar el ps2eth desde el mirrorairam@airam-desktop:~$ cd $PS2DEV
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev$ sudo hg clone http://psp.jim.sh/svn/ps2/trunk/ps2eth/
abort: 'http://psp.jim.sh/svn/ps2/trunk/ps2eth/' does not appear to be an hg repository!
svn checkout http://psp.jim.sh/svn/ps2/trunk/......
To access these mirrors with a SVN client, use:
svn checkout http://psp.jim.sh/svn/ps2/trunk/
svn checkout http://psp.jim.sh/svn/ps2ware/trunk/
svn checkout http://psp.jim.sh/svn/ps3/trunk/
svn checkout http://psp.jim.sh/svn/ps3ware/trunk/
svn checkout http://psp.jim.sh/svn/psp/trunk/
svn checkout http://psp.jim.sh/svn/pspware/trunk/
## SDK PS2
export PS2DEV=/usr/local/ps2dev
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/ee/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/iop/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/dvp/bin
export PS2SDK=$PS2DEV/ps2sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2SDK/bin
export PS2ETH=$PS2DEV/ps2eth
export GSKIT=$PS2DEV/gsKit
export LANG=C
export LC_ALL=C
export GSKITSRC=/usr/local/ps2dev/gskit
source ~/.bashrc
root@linux:/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer# make
gcc -m32 -O3 -Wall -I. -DVERSION=\"0.4.5\" -DPREFIX=\"/usr/local/ps2dev\" ps2-packer.c dlopen.c -o ps2-packer -ldl
ps2-packer.c: In function 'remove_section_zeroes':
ps2-packer.c:259: warning: unused variable 'realign'
ps2-packer.c:258: warning: unused variable 'whole_size'
ps2-packer.c: In function 'count_sections':
ps2-packer.c:308: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:304: warning: ignoring return value of 'fread', declared with attribute warn_unused_result
ps2-packer.c: In function 'load_stub':
ps2-packer.c:366: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:355: warning: ignoring return value of 'fread', declared with attribute warn_unused_result
ps2-packer.c: In function 'packing':
ps2-packer.c:517: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:561: warning: passing argument 2 of 'remove_section_zeroes' from incompatible pointer type
ps2-packer.c:256: note: expected 'u32 *' but argument is of type 'int *'
ps2-packer.c:513: warning: ignoring return value of 'fread', declared with attribute warn_unused_result
ps2-packer.c: In function 'main':
ps2-packer.c:813: warning: format '%i' expects type 'int', but argument 2 has type 'u32'
ps2-packer.c:813: warning: format '%i' expects type 'int', but argument 3 has type 'u32'
ps2-packer.c: In function 'packing':
ps2-packer.c:280: warning: dereferencing pointer 'section_size.91' does break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:261: warning: dereferencing pointer 'section_size.91' does break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:561: note: initialized from here
MAKE=make make -C stub
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub'
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c main.c -o main.o
main.c: In function `main':
main.c:77: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c zlib-stub.c -o zlib-stub.o
zlib-stub.c: In function `Decompress':
zlib-stub.c:14: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type
MAKE=make make -C zlib
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub/zlib'
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DNO_GZIP -DBUILDFIXED -DNO_vsnprintf -c -o adler32.o adler32.c
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DNO_GZIP -DBUILDFIXED -DNO_vsnprintf -c -o zutil.o zutil.c
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DNO_GZIP -DBUILDFIXED -DNO_vsnprintf -c -o inflate.o inflate.c
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DNO_GZIP -DBUILDFIXED -DNO_vsnprintf -c -o inffast.o inffast.c
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DNO_GZIP -DBUILDFIXED -DNO_vsnprintf -c -o inftrees.o inftrees.c
ee-ar rc zlib.a adler32.o zutil.o inflate.o inffast.o inftrees.o
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub/zlib'
touch zlib-tag.stamp
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o zlib-1d00-stub main.o zlib-stub.o ./zlib/zlib.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x42494c5a dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o zlib-0088-stub main.o zlib-stub.o ./zlib/zlib.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x42494c5a dummy.s
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c null-stub.c -o null-stub.o
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o null-1d00-stub main.o null-stub.o -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x4c4c554e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o null-0088-stub main.o null-stub.o -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x4c4c554e dummy.s
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c main-kmode.c -o main-kmode.o
main-kmode.c: In function `main':
main-kmode.c:55: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o null-kmode-1d00-stub main-kmode.o null-stub.o -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x4c4c554e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o null-kmode-0088-stub main-kmode.o null-stub.o -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x4c4c554e dummy.s
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c lzo-stub.c -o lzo-stub.o
MAKE=make make -C lzo
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub/lzo'
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DLSB_FIRST -DALIGN_DWORD -c -o minilzo.o minilzo.c
ee-ar rc lzo.a minilzo.o
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub/lzo'
touch lzo-tag.stamp
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o lzo-1d00-stub main.o lzo-stub.o ./lzo/lzo.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x314f5a4c dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o lzo-0088-stub main.o lzo-stub.o ./lzo/lzo.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x314f5a4c dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o lzo-kmode-1d00-stub main-kmode.o lzo-stub.o ./lzo/lzo.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x314f5a4c dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o lzo-kmode-0088-stub main-kmode.o lzo-stub.o ./lzo/lzo.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x314f5a4c dummy.s
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c n2b-stub.c -o n2b-stub.o
MAKE=make make -C ucl
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub/ucl'
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -c -o n2b_d.o n2b_d.c
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -c -o n2d_d.o n2d_d.c
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -c -o n2e_d.o n2e_d.c
ee-ar rc ucl.a n2b_d.o n2d_d.o n2e_d.o
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub/ucl'
touch ucl-tag.stamp
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2b-1d00-stub main.o n2b-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3142324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o n2b-0088-stub main.o n2b-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3142324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2b-kmode-1d00-stub main-kmode.o n2b-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3142324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o n2b-kmode-0088-stub main-kmode.o n2b-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3142324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c n2d-stub.c -o n2d-stub.o
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2d-1d00-stub main.o n2d-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3144324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o n2d-0088-stub main.o n2d-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3144324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2d-kmode-1d00-stub main-kmode.o n2d-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3144324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o n2d-kmode-0088-stub main-kmode.o n2d-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3144324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c n2e-stub.c -o n2e-stub.o
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2e-1d00-stub main.o n2e-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3145324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o n2e-0088-stub main.o n2e-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3145324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2e-kmode-1d00-stub main-kmode.o n2e-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3145324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o n2e-kmode-0088-stub main-kmode.o n2e-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3145324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2e-asm-1d00-stub n2e-asm-stub.S -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3145324e dummy.s -DARGS_IN_S
n2e-asm-stub.S: Assembler messages:
n2e-asm-stub.S:41: Warning: Pretending global symbol used as branch target is local.
n2e-asm-stub.S:53: Warning: Loop length is too short for r5900.
ee-gcc -nostartfiles -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2e-asm-one-1d00-stub n2e-asm-one-stub.S -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3145324e dummy.s -DARGS_IN_S
n2e-asm-one-stub.S: Assembler messages:
n2e-asm-one-stub.S:33: Warning: Pretending global symbol used as branch target is local.
n2e-asm-one-stub.S:41: Warning: Loop length is too short for r5900.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub'
touch stubs-tag.stamp
cp stub/n2e-asm-one-1d00-stub ./b_stub_one
ld -r -b binary -m elf_i386 b_stub_one -o builtin_stub_one.o
rm b_stub_one
cp stub/n2e-asm-1d00-stub ./b_stub
ld -r -b binary -m elf_i386 b_stub -o builtin_stub.o
rm b_stub
gcc -m32 -O3 -Wall -I. -DVERSION=\"0.4.5\" -DPREFIX=\"/usr/local/ps2dev\" -DPS2_PACKER_LITE ps2-packer.c n2e-packer.c /usr/lib32/libucl.a builtin_stub_one.o builtin_stub.o -o ps2-packer-lite
gcc: /usr/lib32/libucl.a: No such file or directory
ps2-packer.c: In function 'remove_section_zeroes':
ps2-packer.c:259: warning: unused variable 'realign'
ps2-packer.c:258: warning: unused variable 'whole_size'
ps2-packer.c: In function 'count_sections':
ps2-packer.c:308: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:304: warning: ignoring return value of 'fread', declared with attribute warn_unused_result
ps2-packer.c: In function 'load_stub':
ps2-packer.c:366: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:343: warning: unused variable 'size'
ps2-packer.c: In function 'packing':
ps2-packer.c:517: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:561: warning: passing argument 2 of 'remove_section_zeroes' from incompatible pointer type
ps2-packer.c:256: note: expected 'u32 *' but argument is of type 'int *'
ps2-packer.c:564: warning: implicit declaration of function 'pack_section'
ps2-packer.c:513: warning: ignoring return value of 'fread', declared with attribute warn_unused_result
ps2-packer.c: In function 'main':
ps2-packer.c:797: warning: implicit declaration of function 'signature'
ps2-packer.c:813: warning: format '%i' expects type 'int', but argument 2 has type 'u32'
ps2-packer.c:813: warning: format '%i' expects type 'int', but argument 3 has type 'u32'
ps2-packer.c:652: warning: unused variable 'packer_module'
ps2-packer.c:644: warning: unused variable 'buffer'
ps2-packer.c: In function 'packing':
ps2-packer.c:280: warning: dereferencing pointer 'section_size.90' does break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:261: warning: dereferencing pointer 'section_size.90' does break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:561: note: initialized from here
make: *** [ps2-packer-lite] Error 1
AzagraMac escribió:EDITO:
Estoy instalando la libreria "ps2-packer" y me da este error:root@linux:/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer# make
gcc -m32 -O3 -Wall -I. -DVERSION=\"0.4.5\" -DPREFIX=\"/usr/local/ps2dev\" ps2-packer.c dlopen.c -o ps2-packer -ldl
ps2-packer.c: In function 'remove_section_zeroes':
ps2-packer.c:259: warning: unused variable 'realign'
ps2-packer.c:258: warning: unused variable 'whole_size'
ps2-packer.c: In function 'count_sections':
ps2-packer.c:308: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:304: warning: ignoring return value of 'fread', declared with attribute warn_unused_result
ps2-packer.c: In function 'load_stub':
ps2-packer.c:366: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:355: warning: ignoring return value of 'fread', declared with attribute warn_unused_result
ps2-packer.c: In function 'packing':
ps2-packer.c:517: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:561: warning: passing argument 2 of 'remove_section_zeroes' from incompatible pointer type
ps2-packer.c:256: note: expected 'u32 *' but argument is of type 'int *'
ps2-packer.c:513: warning: ignoring return value of 'fread', declared with attribute warn_unused_result
ps2-packer.c: In function 'main':
ps2-packer.c:813: warning: format '%i' expects type 'int', but argument 2 has type 'u32'
ps2-packer.c:813: warning: format '%i' expects type 'int', but argument 3 has type 'u32'
ps2-packer.c: In function 'packing':
ps2-packer.c:280: warning: dereferencing pointer 'section_size.91' does break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:261: warning: dereferencing pointer 'section_size.91' does break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:561: note: initialized from here
MAKE=make make -C stub
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub'
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c main.c -o main.o
main.c: In function `main':
main.c:77: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c zlib-stub.c -o zlib-stub.o
zlib-stub.c: In function `Decompress':
zlib-stub.c:14: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type
MAKE=make make -C zlib
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub/zlib'
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DNO_GZIP -DBUILDFIXED -DNO_vsnprintf -c -o adler32.o adler32.c
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DNO_GZIP -DBUILDFIXED -DNO_vsnprintf -c -o zutil.o zutil.c
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DNO_GZIP -DBUILDFIXED -DNO_vsnprintf -c -o inflate.o inflate.c
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DNO_GZIP -DBUILDFIXED -DNO_vsnprintf -c -o inffast.o inffast.c
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DNO_GZIP -DBUILDFIXED -DNO_vsnprintf -c -o inftrees.o inftrees.c
ee-ar rc zlib.a adler32.o zutil.o inflate.o inffast.o inftrees.o
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub/zlib'
touch zlib-tag.stamp
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o zlib-1d00-stub main.o zlib-stub.o ./zlib/zlib.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x42494c5a dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o zlib-0088-stub main.o zlib-stub.o ./zlib/zlib.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x42494c5a dummy.s
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c null-stub.c -o null-stub.o
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o null-1d00-stub main.o null-stub.o -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x4c4c554e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o null-0088-stub main.o null-stub.o -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x4c4c554e dummy.s
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c main-kmode.c -o main-kmode.o
main-kmode.c: In function `main':
main-kmode.c:55: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o null-kmode-1d00-stub main-kmode.o null-stub.o -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x4c4c554e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o null-kmode-0088-stub main-kmode.o null-stub.o -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x4c4c554e dummy.s
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c lzo-stub.c -o lzo-stub.o
MAKE=make make -C lzo
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub/lzo'
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DLSB_FIRST -DALIGN_DWORD -c -o minilzo.o minilzo.c
ee-ar rc lzo.a minilzo.o
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub/lzo'
touch lzo-tag.stamp
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o lzo-1d00-stub main.o lzo-stub.o ./lzo/lzo.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x314f5a4c dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o lzo-0088-stub main.o lzo-stub.o ./lzo/lzo.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x314f5a4c dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o lzo-kmode-1d00-stub main-kmode.o lzo-stub.o ./lzo/lzo.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x314f5a4c dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o lzo-kmode-0088-stub main-kmode.o lzo-stub.o ./lzo/lzo.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x314f5a4c dummy.s
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c n2b-stub.c -o n2b-stub.o
MAKE=make make -C ucl
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub/ucl'
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -c -o n2b_d.o n2b_d.c
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -c -o n2d_d.o n2d_d.c
ee-gcc -G0 -I . -D_EE -O3 -Wall -c -o n2e_d.o n2e_d.c
ee-ar rc ucl.a n2b_d.o n2d_d.o n2e_d.o
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub/ucl'
touch ucl-tag.stamp
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2b-1d00-stub main.o n2b-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3142324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o n2b-0088-stub main.o n2b-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3142324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2b-kmode-1d00-stub main-kmode.o n2b-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3142324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o n2b-kmode-0088-stub main-kmode.o n2b-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3142324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c n2d-stub.c -o n2d-stub.o
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2d-1d00-stub main.o n2d-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3144324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o n2d-0088-stub main.o n2d-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3144324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2d-kmode-1d00-stub main-kmode.o n2d-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3144324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o n2d-kmode-0088-stub main-kmode.o n2d-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3144324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -G0 -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/include -I /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/common/include -I . -I zlib -I lzo -I ucl -D_EE -O3 -Wall -DDO_EXECPS2 -c n2e-stub.c -o n2e-stub.o
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2e-1d00-stub main.o n2e-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3145324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o n2e-0088-stub main.o n2e-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3145324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2e-kmode-1d00-stub main-kmode.o n2e-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3145324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles ./crt0.s -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x0088000 -o n2e-kmode-0088-stub main-kmode.o n2e-stub.o ./ucl/ucl.a -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3145324e dummy.s
ee-gcc -nostartfiles -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2e-asm-1d00-stub n2e-asm-stub.S -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3145324e dummy.s -DARGS_IN_S
n2e-asm-stub.S: Assembler messages:
n2e-asm-stub.S:41: Warning: Pretending global symbol used as branch target is local.
n2e-asm-stub.S:53: Warning: Loop length is too short for r5900.
ee-gcc -nostartfiles -Wl,--defsym,_start_address=0x1d00000 -o n2e-asm-one-1d00-stub n2e-asm-one-stub.S -T ./linkfile -L /usr/local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/ee/lib -lc -lkernel -lc -lsyscall -Wl,--defsym,_signature=0x3145324e dummy.s -DARGS_IN_S
n2e-asm-one-stub.S: Assembler messages:
n2e-asm-one-stub.S:33: Warning: Pretending global symbol used as branch target is local.
n2e-asm-one-stub.S:41: Warning: Loop length is too short for r5900.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/ps2-packer/stub'
touch stubs-tag.stamp
cp stub/n2e-asm-one-1d00-stub ./b_stub_one
ld -r -b binary -m elf_i386 b_stub_one -o builtin_stub_one.o
rm b_stub_one
cp stub/n2e-asm-1d00-stub ./b_stub
ld -r -b binary -m elf_i386 b_stub -o builtin_stub.o
rm b_stub
gcc -m32 -O3 -Wall -I. -DVERSION=\"0.4.5\" -DPREFIX=\"/usr/local/ps2dev\" -DPS2_PACKER_LITE ps2-packer.c n2e-packer.c /usr/lib32/libucl.a builtin_stub_one.o builtin_stub.o -o ps2-packer-lite
gcc: /usr/lib32/libucl.a: No such file or directory
ps2-packer.c: In function 'remove_section_zeroes':
ps2-packer.c:259: warning: unused variable 'realign'
ps2-packer.c:258: warning: unused variable 'whole_size'
ps2-packer.c: In function 'count_sections':
ps2-packer.c:308: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:304: warning: ignoring return value of 'fread', declared with attribute warn_unused_result
ps2-packer.c: In function 'load_stub':
ps2-packer.c:366: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:343: warning: unused variable 'size'
ps2-packer.c: In function 'packing':
ps2-packer.c:517: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:561: warning: passing argument 2 of 'remove_section_zeroes' from incompatible pointer type
ps2-packer.c:256: note: expected 'u32 *' but argument is of type 'int *'
ps2-packer.c:564: warning: implicit declaration of function 'pack_section'
ps2-packer.c:513: warning: ignoring return value of 'fread', declared with attribute warn_unused_result
ps2-packer.c: In function 'main':
ps2-packer.c:797: warning: implicit declaration of function 'signature'
ps2-packer.c:813: warning: format '%i' expects type 'int', but argument 2 has type 'u32'
ps2-packer.c:813: warning: format '%i' expects type 'int', but argument 3 has type 'u32'
ps2-packer.c:652: warning: unused variable 'packer_module'
ps2-packer.c:644: warning: unused variable 'buffer'
ps2-packer.c: In function 'packing':
ps2-packer.c:280: warning: dereferencing pointer 'section_size.90' does break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:261: warning: dereferencing pointer 'section_size.90' does break strict-aliasing rules
ps2-packer.c:561: note: initialized from here
make: *** [ps2-packer-lite] Error 1
$ sudo apt-get install zlib1g zlib1g-dev libucl1 libucl-dev
$ cd $PS2DEV
$ sudo hg clone http://bitbucket.org/ps2dev/ps2-packer
$ sudo chmod -R a+w ps2-packer/
$ cd ps2-packer/
$ make
$ sudo -s
# export PS2DEV=/usr/local/ps2dev
# export PS2SDK=$PS2DEV/ps2sdk
# make install
# exit
jose@linux:~/sdk/ps2/sdkps2/open-ps2-loader$ make
Building Freetype...
Building Open PS2 Loader...
* Interface
In file included from src/pad.c:7:
include/usbld.h:18:19: gsKit.h: No such file or directory
include/usbld.h:19:20: dmaKit.h: No such file or directory
include/usbld.h:20:23: gsToolkit.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [obj/pad.o] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2
src/hdd.c: En la función `apaWritePartitionTable':
src/hdd.c:502: aviso: variable `part_hdr' sin uso
This is a collection of sources I've collected over time (though I have quite a few more, these are the ones that currently compile), but none of these is mine (well, random is, though I merely took the idea from a thread at PS2Dev.org and a site referenced therein, and the HELLO20 example is, but I'd hardly take credit for adding a single For loop that counts to 20, heh). Some of these have had slight modifications made to update them (either by myself, or others lending a hand), and I don't quite recall which. Hence, I may have violated a license or two, and if I have, and you'd like your work removed from this list, please feel free to let me know. I'm only trying to help beginners learn the ropes, not to steal anyone's thunder. I'm not sure about the authors of some of these (note the ?), and some of them may have had other contributors, which should be noted as well, so please let me know if you know them, and I'll gladly add them. Anyway, on with the credits:
Basic SDK
file_system_xtra - whatisdot
FunSlower - SoopaDoopa (updated for yours truly by Lukasz Bruun)
Hello - ?
HELLO20 - Same as Hello; I just added a For loop to illustrate a slight variation
keyboard - whatisdot
LIBCDVD - A.Lee & Nicholas Van Veen (sjeep)
Memory Plus ELF Loader - Lukasz Bruun
modplayerv2.0 - adresd
newhello - whatisdot
PS2SDK Samples (all) - ?
PS2TUT - Tony Saveski (DreamTime)
random - Something very basic I threw together after Jim mentioned it at forums.PS2Dev.org
SMS - Eugene Plotnikov
starsim - sjeep (updated by Shine)
threads - whatisdot
dumpbios - Pukko (makefile updated by leonidas08)
dumpbios_mc - Pukko (modified to allow dumping to memory card, by leonidas08)
Requires gsKit
gsKit Examples - ?
ps2_initial_fantasy - ps2devman
ps2_pong - ps2devman
ps2_qbert - ps2devman
Requires gsKit+SDL
ps2doom-src - Port by Lukasz
Una PS2 TOOL![]()
airam@airam-desktop:~$ cd $PS2DEV
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev$ sudo rm -r gskit
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev$ ls
bin dvp ee iop ps2-packer ps2sdk ps2sdk-ports share test.tmp
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev$ sudo hg clone http://bitbucket.org/ps2dev/gskit
destination directory: gskit
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 130 changesets with 750 changes to 114 files
updating working directory
97 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev$ sudo mv gskit gsKit
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev$ ls
bin dvp ee gsKit iop ps2-packer ps2sdk ps2sdk-ports share test.tmp
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev$ sudo chmod -R a+w gsKit/
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev$ cd gsKit
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit$ make
GSKITSRC=/usr/local/ps2dev/gskit make -C ee
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit/ee'
GSKITSRC=/usr/local/ps2dev/gskit make -C gs
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit/ee/gs'
GSKITSRC=/usr/local/ps2dev/gskit make -C src
make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit/ee/gs/src'
../../../Makefile.global:13: /usr/local/ps2dev/gskit/ee/Rules.make: No such file or directory
make[3]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/local/ps2dev/gskit/ee/Rules.make'. Stop.
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit/ee/gs/src'
make[2]: *** [all-src] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit/ee/gs'
make[1]: *** [all-gs] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit/ee'
make: *** [all-ee] Error 2
airam1809 escribió:Pues ya no sé lo que hacer. He hecho esto:
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev$ sudo mv gskit gsKit
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev$ ls
bin dvp ee gsKit iop ps2-packer ps2sdk ps2sdk-ports share test.tmp
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev$ sudo chmod -R a+w gsKit/
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev$ cd gsKit
airam@airam-desktop:/usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit$ make
GSKITSRC=/usr/local/ps2dev/gskit make -C ee
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/ps2dev/gsKit/ee'
Y nada, al final lo tengo que dejar todo tal como estaba. Que hago mal?
ya empiezo a pensar que esto se me viene grande. Entre lo poco que me manejo con la consola y que el svn oficial no tira... uff
Those compile time warnings are nothing to worry about.
They are intended only to remind a programmer that he may have forgotten something, as variables that are defined normally should have some explicit reference too. But that is not always the intention, such as in this case.
src/hdd.c: En la función `apaWritePartitionTable':
src/hdd.c:502: aviso: variable `part_hdr' sin uso
AzagraMac escribió:A mi no me deja publicar nada en psx-scene,
Si puedes cimbra el
tema de mis errores, seria de gran ayuda.
Un saludo
AzagraMac escribió:EDITO::::
Ahora me da error de la libreria usbdjose@linux:~/sdk/ps2/sdkps2/open-ps2-loader$ make
Building Freetype...
Building Open PS2 Loader...
* Interface
In file included from src/pad.c:7:
include/usbld.h:18:19: gsKit.h: No such file or directory
include/usbld.h:19:20: dmaKit.h: No such file or directory
include/usbld.h:20:23: gsToolkit.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [obj/pad.o] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2
y todo esto intentando compilar el OPL jajajaja
AzagraMac escribió:Exactamente que pasos as seguidos para instalarlo todo?