That’s right folks this thread does exactly what it says on the tin.
This is where I step in. As work on the official guide has finished I now have some free time and due to my time working on the guide I still get to have the odd quick conversation with some of the guys at WM about how things are going. I'll relay some of this information to you guys and to keep you updated on the progress of all the projects you guys have invested in. I will do my best to provide some sort of update once a week. These updates will be short and sweet unless there is some huge news to tell. Anything I relay here will be as much as I know which means I most likely won’t be able to answer any questions about it, but hey, it’s better than nothing, right?
First things first.....
Project Y has been going through bug fixes. Some minor bugs have been caught and squashed, as well as some slightly bigger ones. There was even mention of problems with cockroaches!!!!!! Yesterday a colour bug was found which was a clear mark of memory corruption, but fear not, today it was traced to the source and exterminated.
Animations for anything that can die or kill, like enemies, barrels, weapons etc are being checked over to be sure that they are all consistent and precisely timed. With over 200 items in the game this is a huge task.
Work for optimising sprite routines is still ongoing. The processing speed for sprites is improving everyday and look to set a new benchmark for the MD.
That’s it for this week folks. All being well I may have some more updates next week