Xbox One ( Solo temas sobre Xbox One )

Presentado el enésimo refrito (borderlands 2 y pre-sequel):

Pero el que no los haya jugado, al menos el 2 es juegazo!
jordi1986 escribió:Presentado el enésimo refrito (borderlands 2 y pre-sequel):

Pero el que no los haya jugado, al menos el 2 es juegazo!

la razón de dejarse el 1 cual es?

vaya gilipollez...
Capi America escribió:
jordi1986 escribió:Presentado el enésimo refrito (borderlands 2 y pre-sequel):

Pero el que no los haya jugado, al menos el 2 es juegazo!

la razón de dejarse el 1 cual es?

vaya gilipollez...

Me sumo a la pregunta, ya que estás pon los 3...
Aunque el orde de salida fuera el 1 , luego el 2 y por ultimo la precuela.

Si ponen el refrito para la gent que no lo ha jugado o quiera rejugarlo lo logico hubieras sido :

Precuela, 1 y 2

Es bastante absurdo lo de precuela y el 2
Pues si, y mas metiendo la prequela que va antes del 1, absurdo vamos.
Porque Borderlands recuerda mucho, sobre todo el high end del juego, a un diablo en plan shooter (salvando las diferencias, claro), y obviamente los juegos realmente diferenciados entre si son el precuel y el 2 (que es el mejor de los 2 primeros).

Respecto al Screamride, lo ponen muy bien en Polygon y en IGN, cosa que me alegro, porque me apetece mucho un RollerCoaster next gen, y si encima es alocado, mucho mejor.
Pues el borderlands yo lo voy a pillar, tengo el 2 en 360 a medias, así que ahora podré darle duro, una pena que el 1 no salga.
Y lo de coop a 4 en pantalla partida puede ser un pasote. Aparte hay alguna otra mejora?
Para mi, que solo jugué al 1 es una buena oportunidad. Pero es lo de siempre, que se dejen de remasters y se pongan con juegos nuevos.
Rumores de ZDNET (Mary Jo Foley) sobre el evento de mañana.

-Hasta febrero no habrá versión de W10 pública para móviles, parece que quieren hacerla coincidir con la próxima versión publica de escritorio.

- Es posible que presenten los progresos de Project B, un "casco" para jugar.


- Windows 10 está construido en un sólo núcleo común llamado OneCore, que funcionará en moviles, tablets, pc, grandes pantallas y en en Xbox One.

Esto implica que que los desarrolladores pueden dirigir el mismo entorno para todas las plataformas de manera universal y en una Store común para todos los gadgets, cada una variará en el tamaño de pantalla, dispositivo y optimización claro está.

- Se presentará Spartan, el nuevo navegador de W10 para moviles, tablets y Xbox One.

- Windows 10 llegará a finales de año.
chankiss escribió:Para mi, que solo jugué al 1 es una buena oportunidad. Pero es lo de siempre, que se dejen de remasters y se pongan con juegos nuevos.

eso hace mas de 1 año q esta en xtralife puesto y de momento nda de nda
Tom Warren en la misma línea que la información que he puesto antes y Lidia me ha dicho por Twitter que mañana se hablará mucho de juegos en general.
yo creo que mañana mostraran un bazar unificado para todos los sistemas, spartan y novedades para el dash (todo esto hablando de one)

poca cosa más.

A deseo personal ojalá presenten la trilogia de GOW :)
PoOLLutioNboY escribió:Listado Mass Effect Trilogy ... -one/20533

Entre esto y la fecha de Ori soy muy feliz :3
A ver si mañana Phill mete algun gol por la escuadra :P



Aunque a mi con esto ya me tienen ganado este trimestre


Articulo sobre el evento de mañana
chopy360 escribió:a mi me parece un sistema agil de hacer un grupo. Normalmente inicio un juego y mientras esta iniciando, acoplo la app de amigos y dandole al start encima de amigo, selecciono "invitar a grupo y juego".... me lleva como mucho 6 o 7 segundos... lo justo para desacoplar y empezar con el juego..
P.D. acabo de ver un juego que sale en marzo y es del estilo PORTAL... al que le guste, que le heche un vistazo al juego.

Hombre... Portal es único, pero la verdad es que este juego tiene muy buena pinta. Me encantan este tipo de juegos, de vez en cuando hay que estrujarse un poco el coco.. y si encima viene acompañado de un modo cooperativo ya será la leche

Gracias por el vídeo, éste me lo apunto en mi lista
¿A qué hora es mañana la presentación de W10?

Un saludo.
Buenas gente.
Tanta remasterización(que lo veo bien)...Peeeero sigo esperando la remasterización que me haría muuuuyyyyyy felizzzzz de red dead redemption.Se la merecia antes que gta v para mi ehh....Mientras tanto sigo esperando [buuuaaaa]
N-N escribió:¿A qué hora es mañana la presentación de W10?

Un saludo.

En principio la conferencia es a las 18:00 hora española.
Gamerlol escribió:
N-N escribió:¿A qué hora es mañana la presentación de W10?

Un saludo.

En principio la conferencia es a las 18:00 hora española.

Jo, me la pierdo, estoy en el trabajo a esa hora.

Gracias @Gamerlol.
darksch escribió:Ori por 20 pavos?, vaya chollo. Yo me esperaba un precio tipo Rayman Legends.

Y yo que esperaba que fueran 15 como mucho... [tomaaa]

De todas maneras, fecha marcada en el calendario.
¿Se puede ver la conferencia por algún sitio?
Naufri escribió:¿Se puede ver la conferencia por algún sitio?

Aquí la dan en directo y la comentan en español

Imagen Imagen


Call of Duty World at War II to be revealed in May

Imagen ... 2015011214

Esa foto es de un evento privado de Microsoft y CDProjekt de ayer donde se mostró The Witcher 3 en Xbox One.

Se habla de un framerate muy estable y unos gráficos muy buenos.

Podríamos ver algo esta tarde en la conferencia de Microsoft :)
xufeitor escribió:
darksch escribió:Ori por 20 pavos?, vaya chollo. Yo me esperaba un precio tipo Rayman Legends.

Y yo que esperaba que fueran 15 como mucho... [tomaaa]

De todas maneras, fecha marcada en el calendario.

Joer, 15 pavos por un juego tan tochaco [+risas]

Toma yo prefiero que me lo regalen, o mejor el Witcher 3, pero que se le va a hacer. Tendrán que tener un precio acorde.
URTYK escribió:@NucelarGen

Esa foto es de un evento privado de Microsoft y CDProjekt de ayer donde se mostró The Witcher 3 en Xbox One.

Se habla de un framerate muy estable y unos gráficos muy buenos.

Podríamos ver algo esta tarde en la conferencia de Microsoft :)

Si, eso e leído , que ayer tu la oportunidad de probarlo un usuario y a dejado muy buenas impresiones . Pero la foto , creo es de otro evento

So today I was fortunate enough to attend a exclusive Witcher 3 event hosted by CD Projekt and Microsoft where I got to play the first 3 hours of the game. First of all, from speaking with the dev team, the game is pretty much done. They are in polish mode to iron out bugs and make last minute changes. Far as I can tell, the e game is good to go. I want it now! Just based on my limited time with the game, I can already tell this will be my GOTY or at the least, GOTY contender for sure. The game starts off with the usual tutorial and overview of the mechanics. What's great is even the tutorial, it integrates with the overall story in such a great way. Not surprising from CD Project. Also the adult theme which I want to emphasize is very apparent from the start and has a very Game of Thrones vibe to it to make the most familiar comparison to for those of you who haven't played any of the Witcher titles. The outfits, architecture, dialog, the characters is done perfectly to draw you into the world and lore. The combat is smoother than ever and much more intuitive and fun without making it easy. The horse mechanic is awesome and very similar to Red Dead. I like the fact that you can just hold down "A" and it will automatically steer you to the direction you need to go. Great way to check out the beautiful surroundings and vistas. And when I say vistas.. Holy shit! You will be amazed! The engine has no inky blotches to draw far away vistas. Anywhere you look and no matter how far, your eyes will be treated to beautiful scenery as any digital painting. When I say far, i mean FAR! Like holy shit far. When i brought up my in game map which I thought was the entire map. But when the dev showed me the world map, and that where I was looking was just a tiny portion to the south, my jaw dropped. Seriously, the map is huge! No wonder the avg play test of the game is 200 hours. Anyways, you guys are in for a big treat and I can't wait till May comes. I can't even imagine what Cyberpunk 2077 will be like, but judging anything from the Witcher 3, it will be holy shit.
Lo que voy a decir suena raro, pero he disfrutado mucho de The Witcher 1 y 2, y sin embargo el juego que más ganas tengo de probar es el Final Fantasy XV (hablo de rol, claro), y eso que tras los últimos juegos de la saga (XII y XIII especialmente) he perdido la fe en la saga.

Es una locura, lo sé, pero creo que el hecho de ser padre y dormir poco me ha afectado más de lo que creía XD

Por supuesto al The Witcher 3 le daré un buen tiento, porque sé que mi hermano se lo va a comprar ( [sonrisa] )
Ya se sabe el precio de Ori?Dónde han dicho eso?

El juego decían que iba a durar 15 horas así que no es el típico juego corto :D Para mi sin exagerar está entre los 3 juegos que más espero este año^^

Un saludo
NucelarGen escribió:
URTYK escribió:@NucelarGen

Esa foto es de un evento privado de Microsoft y CDProjekt de ayer donde se mostró The Witcher 3 en Xbox One.

Se habla de un framerate muy estable y unos gráficos muy buenos.

Podríamos ver algo esta tarde en la conferencia de Microsoft :)

Si, eso e leído , que ayer tu la oportunidad de probarlo un usuario y a dejado muy buenas impresiones . Pero la foto , creo es de otro evento

So today I was fortunate enough to attend a exclusive Witcher 3 event hosted by CD Projekt and Microsoft where I got to play the first 3 hours of the game. First of all, from speaking with the dev team, the game is pretty much done. They are in polish mode to iron out bugs and make last minute changes. Far as I can tell, the e game is good to go. I want it now! Just based on my limited time with the game, I can already tell this will be my GOTY or at the least, GOTY contender for sure. The game starts off with the usual tutorial and overview of the mechanics. What's great is even the tutorial, it integrates with the overall story in such a great way. Not surprising from CD Project. Also the adult theme which I want to emphasize is very apparent from the start and has a very Game of Thrones vibe to it to make the most familiar comparison to for those of you who haven't played any of the Witcher titles. The outfits, architecture, dialog, the characters is done perfectly to draw you into the world and lore. The combat is smoother than ever and much more intuitive and fun without making it easy. The horse mechanic is awesome and very similar to Red Dead. I like the fact that you can just hold down "A" and it will automatically steer you to the direction you need to go. Great way to check out the beautiful surroundings and vistas. And when I say vistas.. Holy shit! You will be amazed! The engine has no inky blotches to draw far away vistas. Anywhere you look and no matter how far, your eyes will be treated to beautiful scenery as any digital painting. When I say far, i mean FAR! Like holy shit far. When i brought up my in game map which I thought was the entire map. But when the dev showed me the world map, and that where I was looking was just a tiny portion to the south, my jaw dropped. Seriously, the map is huge! No wonder the avg play test of the game is 200 hours. Anyways, you guys are in for a big treat and I can't wait till May comes. I can't even imagine what Cyberpunk 2077 will be like, but judging anything from the Witcher 3, it will be holy shit.

[flipa] [flipa] [flipa] [flipa] [flipa] [flipa]
Como usuario de One, de Lumia 1520 y en dos o tres meses de Surface 3, sólo puedo decir una cosa:

Que lleguen ya las 6!!!!!!!!!aarrrrg.
thenemesix escribió:Como usuario de One, de Lumia 1520 y en dos o tres meses de Surface 3, sólo puedo decir una cosa:

Que lleguen ya las 6!!!!!!!!!aarrrrg.

Buen momento elegí yo para cambiarme al ecosistema Apple [buuuaaaa] (buscaba en su día una Surface Pro 3)
Kaileena88 escribió:Ya se sabe el precio de Ori?Dónde han dicho eso?

El juego decían que iba a durar 15 horas así que no es el típico juego corto :D Para mi sin exagerar está entre los 3 juegos que más espero este año^^

Un saludo

20$ así que supongo que 20€
Uno de los mejores Call of Duty que recuerdo, por ambientación y espectacularidad (con él empezaron las amputaciones desde las ametralladoras fijas), es Call of Duty: World at War, juego de Treyarch que sorprendió por volver a la Segunda Guerra Mundial en el Pacífico tras el espectacular Call of Duty: Modern Warfare de Infinity Ward.

Ahora, tras algunos rumores, un perfil de twitter que se declara protector de los derechos de las personas en internet, ha revelado esta imagen en la que podemos ver que el próximo 4 de mayo, Xbox (como viene siendo habitual) revelaría la nueva entrega de Call of Duty, nada menos que el esperado regreso a la Segunda Guerra Mundial con Call of Duty: World at War II.
Kingdom Come Deliverance Tech Interview: PS4/Xbox One Optimization, Gameworks And More


Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an ambitious role playing game under development at Warhorse Studios. The game takes place in the medieval Kingdom of Bohemia and promises to have a vast world waiting to be explored, an in-depth quest system along with a weaponry/inventory system that is said to be time accurate.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance will launch on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One and although there is no release date yet, the game is deep in development. GamingBolt recently caught up with Jiří Rýdl from Warhorse Studios to talk about the challenges they faced while working on the consoles, PC specific features and more.

Rashid Sayed: How far away we are before the game launches on the consoles and PC? Are you guys targeting simultaneous launch on consoles and PC?

Jiří Rýdl: During our Kickstarter we planned that Kingdom Come: Deliverance development will be finished on December 2015 on both PC and consoles. After eight months of development we have working builds on consoles, but we definitely need to spend much more time on the optimization. We can’t confirm that the game will be on every platform from day one, but we are working on it.

Rashid Sayed: How are you handling the reputation system in the game? How will NPC’s react depending on the character’s reputation?

Jiří Rýdl: Reputation system in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is pretty huge and complex. It is important what you do, but also where and to whom. For instance, if you steal something from a wanderer in the woods, probably nothing happens. If you steal from a shop owner in the city, you won’t be able to buy from him anymore and you may lose some quests.

And that is not all – because if the shop owner is well known in other villages too, you will face some restrictions there too. On the other hand if you save a life of a peasant from a village, you are warmly welcome there, even if you have never been there before.


Rashid Sayed: What kind of graphical options are you going to provide to the PC player?

Jiří Rýdl: We plan to offer similar option as a recently released title Ryse on PC. Ryse is looks very good, hopefully we can make Kingdom Come Deliverance even better.

Rashid Sayed: Are there plans to support Nvidia Gameworks?

Jiří Rýdl: Support for Nvidia Gameworks is in the pipeline. We work closely with the team from Crytek, so we what CryEngine is capable of. As soon the Gameworks are implemented, we will have them too. Our programmers have already taken a look at it and we are looking forward to use that.

Rashid Sayed: Given that you have a lot of time to work on the next-gen version of the game, how are you planning to tackle the eSRAM of the Xbox One. Can you please describe your approach towards it?

Jiří Rýdl: Development for Xbox One is much easier then for Xbox 360 in general and it is even easier if you use CryEngine, because this is exactly one of hundreds obstacles that is handled by the engine. We can forgot about it and focus on the game development instead.

Rashid Sayed: There is a concern that if you are developing for the Xbox One, the PC and PS4 might lose out on more ambitious visuals. What is your view on this?

Jiří Rýdl: Not at all. We are always targeting the most advanced graphical enhancements using the CryEngine. We want Kingdom Come: Deliverance to be visually attractive no matter the platform you use to play. Of course there are differences between consoles and PCs in terms of graphical features and computing power. On the other hand when we were testing the Xbox version on the same monitor as a PC version, no one was able to say, what version we are just looking at.


Rashid Sayed: The power difference between the PS4 and Xbox One is pretty apparent at the moment and Kingdom Come Deliverance seems to be a pretty resource demanding game. Do you think you will have better chances of hitting 1080p/60fps on the PS4 than the Xbox One?

Jiří Rýdl: We need some smaller targets first (smiles). Let’s create working build with at least 900p/30fps, then we can tweak it to 1080/30fps and maybe even more.

Rashid Sayed: How are you approaching development on PS4 and Xbox One slower CPUs?

Jiří Rýdl: Thanks to direct hardware access we can find our ways how to compensate slower CPU, thus it is not a big deal for now.

Rashid Sayed: A lot of open world games are suffering from pop in issues on PS4 and Xbox One. So how are you managing occlusion for Kingdom on these two consoles?

Jiří Rýdl: This is another issue that will be handled by CryEngine, which is taking care of LOD for objects. We want to make it smooth as possible, but to say the truth, we still have some pop in issues in alpha now.

Rashid Sayed: It seems that Kingdom will be using virtual texturing system. Was there a specific reason behind this decision or the 5GB memory limit was the reason behind the same?

Jiří Rýdl: We are not planning to use virtual texturing system, we are streaming the whole textures. At least for now.


Rashid Sayed: Do you plan to use post processing AA solution for the console versions? Any chance of using MSAA?
Jiří Rýdl: Thanks to Crytek’s support we will use the best possible AA solution for both consoles. In case of PC we plan to offer several options including MSAA.
Rashid Sayed: Roughly speaking how many unique animations in the game?
Jiří Rýdl: Well, currently it’s already thousands, it is very complex. We have got our in-house motion capture so we can react to any demands from the designers.
Rashid Sayed: Are you using the latest SDK update for the Xbox One version? If yes, how has that benefited development?
Jiří Rýdl: Not yet, but we will update soon and we are always looking forward for any more power we can use.

Relam escribió:Imagen
Uno de los mejores Call of Duty que recuerdo, por ambientación y espectacularidad (con él empezaron las amputaciones desde las ametralladoras fijas), es Call of Duty: World at War, juego de Treyarch que sorprendió por volver a la Segunda Guerra Mundial en el Pacífico tras el espectacular Call of Duty: Modern Warfare de Infinity Ward.

Ahora, tras algunos rumores, un perfil de twitter que se declara protector de los derechos de las personas en internet, ha revelado esta imagen en la que podemos ver que el próximo 4 de mayo, Xbox (como viene siendo habitual) revelaría la nueva entrega de Call of Duty, nada menos que el esperado regreso a la Segunda Guerra Mundial con Call of Duty: World at War II.

OMG!!! Si eso es cierto [tadoramo] [tadoramo] [tadoramo]
darksch escribió:
xufeitor escribió:
darksch escribió:Ori por 20 pavos?, vaya chollo. Yo me esperaba un precio tipo Rayman Legends.

Y yo que esperaba que fueran 15 como mucho... [tomaaa]

De todas maneras, fecha marcada en el calendario.

Joer, 15 pavos por un juego tan tochaco [+risas]

Toma yo prefiero que me lo regalen, o mejor el Witcher 3, pero que se le va a hacer. Tendrán que tener un precio acorde.

Porque creia que era un indie/arcade de los que duran un par de horas.
Dejad de poner juegos que no hay dinero... donde esta el phil ese ... si se corta la cabeza a la serpiente esta deja de sacar juegos xD
No soy muy entendido en el tema, pero, si PC y One comparten OS y si meten Live en PC ,podrá haber juego cruzado? Repito, no tiréis a matar que soy de la época del Spectrum...
Lo que sí creo es que habrá algún exclusivo de One que pase a PC también,no? He oído rumores sobre el KI, eso le vendría de lujo al juego :)
O Dae_soo escribió:No soy muy entendido en el tema, pero, si PC y One comparten OS y si meten Live en PC ,podrá haber juego cruzado? Repito, no tiréis a matar que soy de la época del Spectrum...
Lo que sí creo es que habrá algún exclusivo de One que pase a PC también,no? He oído rumores sobre el KI, eso le vendría de lujo al juego :)

Espero.. y rezo que no. No me gustaria encontrarme peña como en el cod o evolve de peña con teclado y raton.

Y si lo ponen que haya salas especiales para ellos
hadock0 escribió:
Kingdom Come Deliverance Tech Interview: PS4/Xbox One Optimization, Gameworks And More


Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an ambitious role playing game under development at Warhorse Studios. The game takes place in the medieval Kingdom of Bohemia and promises to have a vast world waiting to be explored, an in-depth quest system along with a weaponry/inventory system that is said to be time accurate.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance will launch on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One and although there is no release date yet, the game is deep in development. GamingBolt recently caught up with Jiří Rýdl from Warhorse Studios to talk about the challenges they faced while working on the consoles, PC specific features and more.

Rashid Sayed: How far away we are before the game launches on the consoles and PC? Are you guys targeting simultaneous launch on consoles and PC?

Jiří Rýdl: During our Kickstarter we planned that Kingdom Come: Deliverance development will be finished on December 2015 on both PC and consoles. After eight months of development we have working builds on consoles, but we definitely need to spend much more time on the optimization. We can’t confirm that the game will be on every platform from day one, but we are working on it.

Rashid Sayed: How are you handling the reputation system in the game? How will NPC’s react depending on the character’s reputation?

Jiří Rýdl: Reputation system in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is pretty huge and complex. It is important what you do, but also where and to whom. For instance, if you steal something from a wanderer in the woods, probably nothing happens. If you steal from a shop owner in the city, you won’t be able to buy from him anymore and you may lose some quests.

And that is not all – because if the shop owner is well known in other villages too, you will face some restrictions there too. On the other hand if you save a life of a peasant from a village, you are warmly welcome there, even if you have never been there before.


Rashid Sayed: What kind of graphical options are you going to provide to the PC player?

Jiří Rýdl: We plan to offer similar option as a recently released title Ryse on PC. Ryse is looks very good, hopefully we can make Kingdom Come Deliverance even better.

Rashid Sayed: Are there plans to support Nvidia Gameworks?

Jiří Rýdl: Support for Nvidia Gameworks is in the pipeline. We work closely with the team from Crytek, so we what CryEngine is capable of. As soon the Gameworks are implemented, we will have them too. Our programmers have already taken a look at it and we are looking forward to use that.

Rashid Sayed: Given that you have a lot of time to work on the next-gen version of the game, how are you planning to tackle the eSRAM of the Xbox One. Can you please describe your approach towards it?

Jiří Rýdl: Development for Xbox One is much easier then for Xbox 360 in general and it is even easier if you use CryEngine, because this is exactly one of hundreds obstacles that is handled by the engine. We can forgot about it and focus on the game development instead.

Rashid Sayed: There is a concern that if you are developing for the Xbox One, the PC and PS4 might lose out on more ambitious visuals. What is your view on this?

Jiří Rýdl: Not at all. We are always targeting the most advanced graphical enhancements using the CryEngine. We want Kingdom Come: Deliverance to be visually attractive no matter the platform you use to play. Of course there are differences between consoles and PCs in terms of graphical features and computing power. On the other hand when we were testing the Xbox version on the same monitor as a PC version, no one was able to say, what version we are just looking at.


Rashid Sayed: The power difference between the PS4 and Xbox One is pretty apparent at the moment and Kingdom Come Deliverance seems to be a pretty resource demanding game. Do you think you will have better chances of hitting 1080p/60fps on the PS4 than the Xbox One?

Jiří Rýdl: We need some smaller targets first (smiles). Let’s create working build with at least 900p/30fps, then we can tweak it to 1080/30fps and maybe even more.

Rashid Sayed: How are you approaching development on PS4 and Xbox One slower CPUs?

Jiří Rýdl: Thanks to direct hardware access we can find our ways how to compensate slower CPU, thus it is not a big deal for now.

Rashid Sayed: A lot of open world games are suffering from pop in issues on PS4 and Xbox One. So how are you managing occlusion for Kingdom on these two consoles?

Jiří Rýdl: This is another issue that will be handled by CryEngine, which is taking care of LOD for objects. We want to make it smooth as possible, but to say the truth, we still have some pop in issues in alpha now.

Rashid Sayed: It seems that Kingdom will be using virtual texturing system. Was there a specific reason behind this decision or the 5GB memory limit was the reason behind the same?

Jiří Rýdl: We are not planning to use virtual texturing system, we are streaming the whole textures. At least for now.


Rashid Sayed: Do you plan to use post processing AA solution for the console versions? Any chance of using MSAA?
Jiří Rýdl: Thanks to Crytek’s support we will use the best possible AA solution for both consoles. In case of PC we plan to offer several options including MSAA.
Rashid Sayed: Roughly speaking how many unique animations in the game?
Jiří Rýdl: Well, currently it’s already thousands, it is very complex. We have got our in-house motion capture so we can react to any demands from the designers.
Rashid Sayed: Are you using the latest SDK update for the Xbox One version? If yes, how has that benefited development?
Jiří Rýdl: Not yet, but we will update soon and we are always looking forward for any more power we can use.


Tio si fusilas un artículo de otra web ten la decencia de poner un enlace a el.

De todas formas:

Miedo me da el evento de hoy si se centran mucho en pc... espero que no sea así... y sea más de juegos en xbox que en pc... :S
radeonxt escribió:Miedo me da el evento de hoy si se centran mucho en pc... espero que no sea así... y sea más de juegos en xbox que en pc... :S

El evento es de W10 no de Xbox One.
The conference begins at 9am PT, which is 5pm GMT, and can be watched live here.

18:00 hora española, por si alguno podía tener dudas.

España es GMT+1
URTYK escribió:
radeonxt escribió:Miedo me da el evento de hoy si se centran mucho en pc... espero que no sea así... y sea más de juegos en xbox que en pc... :S

El evento es de W10 no de Xbox One.

indirectamente puede afectar a xbox one, la manager de Ms iberica te lo ha comentado por twitter... xD
Hay ganas de ver que dicen, me interesa también el sistema operativo de pc, pero especialmente me interesa todo lo referente a one, que es la maquina que uso para jugar a todo.

Un saludo!
O Dae_soo escribió:No soy muy entendido en el tema, pero, si PC y One comparten OS y si meten Live en PC ,podrá haber juego cruzado? Repito, no tiréis a matar que soy de la época del Spectrum...
Lo que sí creo es que habrá algún exclusivo de One que pase a PC también,no? He oído rumores sobre el KI, eso le vendría de lujo al juego :) ... enero-2015
143083 respuestas