al cancelar he recibido este mail:
Hello alberto,
We're contacting you about your cancellation request for order #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Unfortunately we weren't able to cancel the following item(s) from your order:
Battlefield 3 - Limited Edition (PS3)
When you receive your order, you're welcome to refuse the package and it will be returned to us. If you are unable to refuse delivery, please visit our Online Returns Support Centre to create your personalised returns label so you can send this item back to us for a full
As a reminder, you'll only be charged for items that have been dispatched. You won't be charged for any items that are cancelled from an order.
We hope to see you again soon.
Customer Service
Y entro al estatus de mi envio y me sale el dispatched soon de los webos, si me dicen que ya lo enviaron y que lo devualva cuando me llegue,xq no me cambian el estado y me dan id tracker??