Anuncios y Rumores - Dragon Quest: Heroes

goldenaxeband escribió:NIS anuncia "The Witcher and the Hundred Cavalrymen" para PS3

The Witch and the Hundred Cavalrymen

The Witch, no The Witcher como pones en el titulo, que me ha dado un subidon con la tercera parte del lobo blanco que para que... esos sustos no se dan, hombre.
chuarkov escribió:
goldenaxeband escribió:NIS anuncia "The Witcher and the Hundred Cavalrymen" para PS3

The Witch and the Hundred Cavalrymen

The Witch, no The Witcher como pones en el titulo, que me ha dado un subidon con la tercera parte del lobo blanco que para que... esos sustos no se dan, hombre.

LOL. Mil perdones por la errata XD, fue un lapsus freudiano por mi propio deseo de un "Witcher" en PS3.
me ha pasado lo mismo al leer the witcher, voy tirando para casa de golden...
Narcyl escribió:me ha pasado lo mismo al leer the witcher, voy tirando para casa de golden...

Cuanto tiempo Narcyl, pero vuelves con firma nueva, así q te perdono ;)
cloud_cato escribió:
Narcyl escribió:me ha pasado lo mismo al leer the witcher, voy tirando para casa de golden...

Cuanto tiempo Narcyl, pero vuelves con firma nueva, así q te perdono ;)

offtopic: pero si estoy casi todos los dias en el hilo del dark souls XDD pasate por esa zona ¬¬
Es de los pocos hilos por los q no me paso... ese juego no es para mi [mamaaaaa]
Narcyl escribió:me ha pasado lo mismo al leer the witcher, voy tirando para casa de golden...

kratos se ha convertido en un tomberi, ahora si estamos perdidos!
cloud_cato escribió:Es de los pocos hilos por los q no me paso... ese juego no es para mi [mamaaaaa]

Demasiado macho para tí? [sonrisa]
Sega ha registrado Yakuza:Dead Souls, parece que va a ser la versión occidental del Yakuza: Of the end. Probablemente vamos a poder repartir toñas a los zombies con Kazuma, Majima y cia....
IO Interactive podría estar trabajando en Kane & Lynch 3

Un nuevo anuncio de trabajo de IO Interactive ha ofrecido una pista de lo que podría ser el desarrollo de un nuevo juego de Kane & Lynch.

En el anuncio, se hace referencia a "un juego todavía no anunciado en tercera persona con un fuerte componente multijugador cooperativo".

En el mensaje esperan encontrar a alguien para "identificar problemas con el multijugador existente y proponga soluciones" y "aconsejar a los equipos del juego con las mejores soluciones para los problemas del multijugador.

Esto, sumado a las declaraciones de Ian Livingstone de Square Enix de que a la saga todavía le queda mucho por hacer antes de desaparecer, apuntan a que el juego del que se habla en el anuncio podría ser la tercera entrega de la serie.

Espero que sea verdad,quiero mas de este duo dinamico [babas] [babas] [babas]
A mí también me gustan los K&L, aunque a la crítica no...

EA anuncia Shank 2

EA has announced that it’s to release a sequel to the PSN and XBLA, arcade scroller, Shank.

This time Shank is out to save his loved one’s, although other than the addition of a co-op survival mode, that’s about all we know at the moment.

“Shank 2 isn’t just a reboot of Shank,” EA’s Andy Katkin, “it’s an entirely new game,” while developer, Klei Entertainment’s Jamie Cheng said, “What we did was rip the game apart and reconstruct it to allow us to have more responsive controls and better graphics. We tore our combat system apart … and created new controls to be able to use the enemies’ weapons against themselves.”

Shank 2 is currently due for release sometime in 2012 for PC, PSN and XBLA.

Fuente: Shoptonews

Buena noticia, me gustó mucho Shank y los gráficos ya me parecían muy buenos en el primero.
vhm74 escribió:Sega ha registrado Yakuza:Dead Souls, parece que va a ser la versión occidental del Yakuza: Of the end. Probablemente vamos a poder repartir toñas a los zombies con Kazuma, Majima y cia....

Genial, ya era hora de q lo anunciaran para Occidente, aunq sea con cambio de nombre, y eso acercaría Yakuza Kenzan tb a USa-EU??, espero q si [360º]
cloud_cato escribió:
vhm74 escribió:Sega ha registrado Yakuza:Dead Souls, parece que va a ser la versión occidental del Yakuza: Of the end. Probablemente vamos a poder repartir toñas a los zombies con Kazuma, Majima y cia....

Genial, ya era hora de q lo anunciaran para Occidente, aunq sea con cambio de nombre, y eso acercaría Yakuza Kenzan tb a USa-EU??, espero q si [360º]

Tanto el Yakuza Kenzan como el Black Panther no llegaran a salir de japon. Yakuza of the END lo traen por ser un juego mas para el mercado occidental por ser un shooter de Zombies.

El Black Panther no lo traeran por ser de PSP y el Kenzan por ser de rollo medieval y por tener toques en la historia sobre la prostitucion infantil.
Vaya, no sabia lo de la prostitución infantil... Aunq sea leve, es un tema muy tabú en Occidente y condicionaría totalmente su edición fuera de Japon.

Gracias por la info Hibiki [oki]
Scans de "The Witcher and Hundred Calvarymen".

ActionRPG de Nippon Ichi desarrollado por el Prinny Team.


En Sudáfrica dan por hecho el Jak & Daxter HD Collection

South African online retailer BT Games put up a listing tonight for a Jak and Daxter HD Collection.

In May, we were told a Jak collection was in development, at the time hinting it only as something “dark, dirty, and dangerous” (which, in actuality, is a mission in Jak 3).

Sony has been quite supportive of bringing its standard-definition titles to higher resolutions. This month they released God of War: Origins Collection and The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection for PlayStation 3.

Stay tuned.


Fuente: Gematsu

Bloody Roar 5 en desarrollo

A new entry in the Bloody Roar fighting game series is in development. Developer Hudson Soft teased the new project on Twitter today.

They wrote: “New Bloody Roar sequel, is in production! we’ll post more soon!”

The latest title in the franchise, Bloody Roar 4, released on PlayStation 2 in 2003.

Fuente: Gematsu
Cuidado, esa no es la carátula de ese supuesto Jak & Daxter que se ha colgado en esa tienda online. La web que pone ese rumor lo sacó de otra web donde recopilaba los HD más deseados, es falso xD
alojuanjo escribió:Cuidado, esa no es la carátula de ese supuesto Jak & Daxter que se ha colgado en esa tienda online. La web que pone ese rumor lo sacó de otra web donde recopilaba los HD más deseados, es falso xD

Así es, la carátula no es real, pero el juego sí está listado en la web.
También se rumorea un Bayonetta 2 con unas letras que han aparecido... Si es así, espero que siga la misma prota y tenga una historia menos estúpida, no pido algo profundo para el tipo de juego que es, pero al menos que sea disfrutable y épico a lo DMC :(
ya sabeis porque la retro jamas volvera no? con el filon que estan sacando con los collection en hd de ps2 se estan forrando y la gente comprandolo.....asi que ahora si que si adios a la retro en ps3 para siempre......JUGADA MAESTRA DE SONY!!.
Lili_Fey escribió:También se rumorea un Bayonetta 2 con unas letras que han aparecido... Si es así, espero que siga la misma prota y tenga una historia menos estúpida, no pido algo profundo para el tipo de juego que es, pero al menos que sea disfrutable y épico a lo DMC :(

Las imagenes japas del Facebook SEGA es el "Yakuza Dead Souls". (of the END)
Genial la noticia del Bloody Roar. Se llevaba esperando mucho tiempo. Este renacer de las sagas de luchas post SF4 parece un sueño, solo queda Darkstalkers.
Un saludo.
Actualizo: Se ha confirmado, la noticia del Bloody Roar es FALSA [triston] . Al parecer la cuenta de Twitter que lo anunció no es oficial.
Un saludo.
Que mamones los trollencios que se dedican a crearse cuentas de twitter para confirmar juegos inexistentes, en fín... (Bloody Roar 5)

Filtrados posibles detalles de Dead Space 3

More details have surfaced from what is claimed to be a leaked script for the unannounced Dead Space 3, including a potentially spoileriffic bit of info.

Siliconera‘s latest reveal from a reported source is that protagonist Isaac Clarke will be haunted by a secondary personality.

It’s not clear whether the entity is a psychological condition or some result of Clarke’s exposure to alien technology, but Shadow Isaac isn’t a pleasant fellow, taunting the engineer for his failures.

Shadow Isaac will appear on screen as a second character, and the pair will swap heated remarks over the course of the game.

According to the source, Isaac agrees to visit the ice planet detailed previously to avoid the possibility of arrest.

EA has not formally announced Dead Space 3 but has made multiple references to the series as an ongoing commitment.

Fuente: VG247
Interesante lo de Dead Space 3,la idea de
una doble personalidad por parte de Isaac no estaria nada mal,aunque ya lo haya visto en POP las Dos Coronas,pero seguro que en Dead Space se llevaria muchisimo mejor
Langdon escribió:Interesante lo de Dead Space 3,la idea de
una doble personalidad por parte de Isaac no estaria nada mal,aunque ya lo haya visto en POP las Dos Coronas,pero seguro que en Dead Space se llevaria muchisimo mejor

Pues si, yo espero que lo lleven mejor, por que en pop no me gusto.
Al final el misterioso video que se vio la semana pasada es parte de una campaña de Sony llamada Long Live Play. Muy buen anuncio en mi opinión.

That “beyond the doors” teaser campaign from last week? Turns out it’s the start of a new ‘Long Live Play’ campaign for PlayStation 3, celebrating games and the gamers who play them.

The campaign went live today with the launch of the “Michael” TV spot, which continues last week’s trailer, revealing an assortment of characters behind the doors. They include: Cole (inFAMOUS 2), Old Snake (Metal Gear Solid 4), Kratos (God of War III), Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII), Ezio (Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood), and more. They’re going on about how Michael, the player, helped them get through their struggles.

Watch it below. ... dWkKKSckNk

Como se anticipó, anunciado Yakuza: Dead Souls para occidente

As guessed, Sega announced Yakuza: Dead Souls for North America and Europe today. Out in March 2012, Dead Souls is the localized version of Japan’s Yakuza: Of the End.

Yakuza: Dead Souls is set in Tokyo’s red light district, which is under attack by hordes of zombies. As “four of the most infamous characters of the series,” players will “Face armies of the undead and incredibly powerful mutants,” as well as the Japanese underworld. A third-person shooter, the game features “everything from pistols, machine guns and rocket launchers” to chainsaws and forklifts.

“We know how much people love Yakuza in the West and with Dead Souls being the latest and greatest in the franchise, it is only right we bring it to them closer to the Japanese release than ever,” said Gary Knight, Senior Vice President of Marketing at SEGA.

The debut trailer can be seen below. Screenshots and box are can be found at the gallery.

Fuente: Gematsu


Trailer: ... r_embedded
Espero que esa caratula cambie de aqui al lanzamiento,porque vaya aborto [+risas]
Cobertura para Noviembre en Gameinformer:




Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
Buena portada como casi todas las de la GI.

Dice: Definitivamente hay un mercado para Mirror's Edge 2

Mirror’s Edge 2. It’s become a much-awaited desire. Speaking to Spong, DICE producer Patrick Liu said that if a sequel were created, there would definitely be a market for it.

“We see that there’s a huge fan following, it’s almost like a cult,” said Liu. “And we know what strengths we had, and what weaknesses we had in that game. If we were to release a new game, we’d know what to improve and how to reach a broader audience. So I definitely think there’s a market there.”

At E3, Electronic Arts Europe VP Patrick Soderlund said that they’re currently “working on something” in the Mirror’s Edge universe, assuring fans they “have not abandoned the franchise.”

In July, Official PlayStation Magazine rumors said a sequel is in development and is using Battlefield 3‘s Frostbite 2 Engine.

Fuente: Gematsu
goldenaxeband escribió:Buena portada como casi todas las de la GI.

Dice: Definitivamente hay un mercado para Mirror's Edge 2

Mirror’s Edge 2. It’s become a much-awaited desire. Speaking to Spong, DICE producer Patrick Liu said that if a sequel were created, there would definitely be a market for it.

“We see that there’s a huge fan following, it’s almost like a cult,” said Liu. “And we know what strengths we had, and what weaknesses we had in that game. If we were to release a new game, we’d know what to improve and how to reach a broader audience. So I definitely think there’s a market there.”

At E3, Electronic Arts Europe VP Patrick Soderlund said that they’re currently “working on something” in the Mirror’s Edge universe, assuring fans they “have not abandoned the franchise.”

In July, Official PlayStation Magazine rumors said a sequel is in development and is using Battlefield 3‘s Frostbite 2 Engine.

Fuente: Gematsu

Ahora que ya terminan con Battlefield 3 ya va siendo hora de volver a los Runners,que tenemos ya unas ganas... [babas] [babas] [babas]
Langdon escribió:
goldenaxeband escribió:Buena portada como casi todas las de la GI.

Dice: Definitivamente hay un mercado para Mirror's Edge 2

Mirror’s Edge 2. It’s become a much-awaited desire. Speaking to Spong, DICE producer Patrick Liu said that if a sequel were created, there would definitely be a market for it.

“We see that there’s a huge fan following, it’s almost like a cult,” said Liu. “And we know what strengths we had, and what weaknesses we had in that game. If we were to release a new game, we’d know what to improve and how to reach a broader audience. So I definitely think there’s a market there.”

At E3, Electronic Arts Europe VP Patrick Soderlund said that they’re currently “working on something” in the Mirror’s Edge universe, assuring fans they “have not abandoned the franchise.”

In July, Official PlayStation Magazine rumors said a sequel is in development and is using Battlefield 3‘s Frostbite 2 Engine.

Fuente: Gematsu

Ahora que ya terminan con Battlefield 3 ya va siendo hora de volver a los Runners,que tenemos ya unas ganas... [babas] [babas] [babas]

estoy deseando ver lo que puede hacer faith con frostbite 2
roberto28live escribió:Cobertura para Noviembre en Gameinformer:




Transformers: Fall of Cybertron

El primero es un juegazo, ojala se lo curren igual!!!
roberto28live escribió:el muñeco diabólico tendrá su videojuego :-| ... ideojuego/

LOL, no me lo esperaba.

Rumor: Jak & Daxter HD Collection presentada en Oslo

A Jak and Daxter high-definition collection was confirmed during an Uncharted 3 press conference in Oslo, Norway, according to a PlayStationspill report.

Naughty Dog game director Justin Richmond reportedly announced the package, which the site says will include the first three games, upgraded for high-definition, when it launches in 2012.

The collection was most recently listed by a South African online retailer. Prior, we were told by a source that the game was supposed to be at this year’s E3, as well as a Devil May Cry collection.

We’ve sent Richmond a message on Twitter, and are awaiting confirmation. Though, if it means anything, he tweeted he arrived in Oslo just about 21 hours ago.

Fuente: Gematsu

¿Será verdad?

Bit.Trip Presents: Runner 2 llegará a PlayStation Store

Bit.Trip is coming to PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE Arcade next year. Aksys Games and Gaijin Games today announced sequel Bit.Trip Presents: Runner 2, Future Legend of Rhythm Alien.

Inspired by the Bit.Trip series started on Nintendo (thus the title Bit.Trip Presents), Runner 2 sees CommanderVideo return in “an all-new re-imagined downloadable game with tons of features.” Alongside a new art style, the game promises the following features:

High-definition Graphics.
10+ new abilities for CommanderVideo (and other playable characters).
Unlockable costumes.
Difficulty modes and checkpoints.
“LOTS more” to be revealed later.

Gaijin Games’ Alex Neuse said: “With its new art style, fantastic music, and gameplay innovations, Runner 2 will make your brain glands SWEAT BLOOD!”

Fuente: Runner2

Nuevos anuncios de Double Fine (Brütal Legend, Costume Quest, Stacking) la próxima semana

Invitations sent to games media suggest Stacking, Iron Brigade and Brütal Legend developer Double Fine has a number of new reveals to make this week.

GameInformer scored an invite to an event on October 14, which promises six “incredible products to behold” as well as “multiple exciting announcements”.

Tim Schafer’s independent studio has been quiet since the release of Trenched, which was recently renamed as Iron Brigade. Its last few games, including Stacking and Costume Quest, have been small, creative projects – an approach we may see the team take again, given the number of reveals expected.

Although the studio has not ruled out a return to core triple A development, Double Fine’s difficulties with Brütal Legend – which switched publisher from Activision to EA at a late stage – Schafer’s comments since have suggested he is wary of it.

Double Fine is currently working on Once Upon a Monster, a Sesame Street-licensed, Kinect-powered family game.

Fuente: VG247

Kojima, "mientras los fans quieran, seguiré participando en juegos de Metal Gear Solid. Espero que la saga continúe aún después de mi muerte"

You can take Kojima out of Metal Gear, but you can’t take the Metal Gear out of him, it seems.

Hideo Kojima has said he’ll continue onwards with his involvement with Metal Gear Solid as long as the fans still want it, going as far as saying he hopes to see it continue after he’s dead.

“First of all, I just want to say that as long as there are fans who want Metal Gear Solid, as a producer, I will always want to still make them and I want the series to continue. So even after I die, I still would love to have the Metal Gear Solid series continue,” he said at a presentation last week at the University of Southern California (via GT).

Since MGS3, Kojima has tired to hand off his director and writer roles to other staff at Kojima Productions, although came back to write, direct and produce Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

The last MGS title he was fully involved in was MGS: Peace Walker. Kojima admitted that he’s not looking to be restricted to just MGS for the rest of his days.

“As a creator, of course, I want to do something new, and I don’t want to be limited to Metal Gear forever, right?,” he said.

“So of course I have tried in the past. I’ve tried to hand Metal Gear off to other people within the studio and I’ve tried to raise people up so they have the ability to take over. And I think since Metal Gear Solid 3, I’ve tried this and actually did hand it off and have other people come up with the story and come up with the game design.

“But for some reason it just never really works out. And, you know, I end up having to step in again to take charge and kind of fix things here and there and just get sucked back in unfortunately.”

Kojima is currently making his next full game at KP using the new multiplatform Fox Engine, as well as being a producer for Metal Gear Solid: Rising.

He’s also noted interest in rebooting development on Zone of the Enders 3, which he’s been producer on for the past two installments.

Fuente: VG247
Rumor: Ofertas de trabajo indican que la nueva IP de Guerrilla (Killzone) volvería a ser un FPS

Since word got out that the makers of the Killzone franchise were hard at work on a new IP rumors indicated that the studio was sticking with a familiar genre for the unannounced title. Recent job openings listed on GG’s website echoes these claims as the studio is currently looking to recruit those experienced with the first person shooter genre as well as multiplayer modes.

-Guerrilla is looking for a senior multiplayer designer who eats, sleeps and breathes nothing but multiplayer.

•You have expert knowledge and understanding of current multiplayer trends both in First-Person Shooters as well as Online/Multiplayer in general.

•You’re able to remain calm and collected, even when thousands of public beta testers are clamoring for your attention.

•You have experience designing levels/environments for multiplayer FPS games.

•You have experience designing multiplayer game design components like missions, weapons, player abilities, user interface designs, etc.

GG is also in search for an Art Outsource Manager that can “set up and maintain an Art Outsourcing Pipeline that supports multiple AAA projects. The ideal candidate has successfully accomplished this before on project(s) that are comparable in terms of scope and ambition level to Guerrilla Games’ current flagship title: Killzone 3.”

There was no mention of which platform Guerrilla Games’ new project is in development for, however an additional job opening for a Java Developer indicates that future titles will run on a server set that “runs in a cloud environment and will have a persistent connection with the PS3 game client.”

Fuente: Thesilentchief
Kojima: Blah blah quiero dinero, me da igual que metal gear acabe oliendo a mierda.

Pero qué haces, kojima, QUÉ HACES.
BSTCloud escribió:
Kojima: Blah blah quiero dinero, me da igual que metal gear acabe oliendo a mierda.

Pero qué haces, kojima, QUÉ HACES.

Y hasta después de su muerte dice!! [carcajad]

Menuda manera de prostituir a su propio "hijo" Supongo que le quedará algo de remordimiento por dentro después de decir esas palabras.
ojala salga el jack hd,¿hay indicios si saldran solo las 3 primeras partes o las 5?
vag escribió:ojala salga el jack hd,¿hay indicios si saldran solo las 3 primeras partes o las 5?

El rumor dice los tres primeros.
Y de las otras dos pasando, como se nota que no las hizo Naughty Dog...
Solo sacaran la trilogia de jak and daxter,los demas games fueron una basura en comparacion con los 3 primeros.Como se nota la mano de nauthy dog en los juegos que hacen :).Son Obras maestras :O

ojala salgan antes de navidad
Inafune anuncia un nuevo RPG

This week’s issue of Dengeki PlayStation revealed Keiji Inafune’s new collaboration project with Compile Heart. Attouteki Yuugi Mugen Souls is a role-playing game for an unannounced platform, though given the magazine, we take it it’s either a PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, or PSP title.

This is apparently the project teased last week.

According to early leaks, players control a big-headed character, utilize infinite combo attacks and powerful moves, such as the “Triple Counter Stop,” which deals 1 trillion points of damage, and level their characters to endless levels.

The magazine introduces characters Shu Shu Infinite (voiced by Yukai Tamura), Ryuto (voiced by Hiromi Hirano), Altis (voiced by Saori Hayami) and Shambre (voiced by Emiri Katou).

As far as the game’s staff goes, Keiji Inafune is heading the project. Kenta Kanno, who’s previously direct Spectral Souls, Record of Agarest War and Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2, is directing. The game promises “erotic” visuals drawn by Katsuyuki Hirano. Think Record of Agarest War.

Inafune hopes the game sells a million copies. He’s not joking either. He said that if the game’s staff were cars, they’d be Ferraris and Porsches.

Oh. Inafune is writing and singing the game’s theme song.

Fuente: Gematsu

Cuidado chicas, Larry vuelve en HD, remake de Leisure Suit Larry in Land of the Lounge Lizards

If you miss the good old days of late 1980s, early 1990s adventure games, then we’ve got some great news for you today. The classic Leisure Suit Larry series is being resurrected and remade.Before you get too worried about a modern day bastardizing the series to make it palatable for new audiences, you should know that this is a remake, not a revival.

The developer, Replay Games, is merely updating the game for the HD era, not remaking its content.

Apparently even more remakes will be on their way as well if the first game is successful, but not the awful Xbox games. Those are thankfully staying dead.

The game will be headed to a plethora of platforms including Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, OnLive and Steam.

Fuente: Vg247
goldenaxeband escribió:Inafune anuncia un nuevo RPG

No es el verdadero "Keiji Inafune", ex-de capcom. Dengeki dice que es otro Inafune por eso lo han llamado "Keiji Shin Inafune" (nuevo keiji inafune).

El RPG es para PS3, desarrollado por Idea Factory y el Director de la saga Agarest y Nepune Mk2. Tambien tendra los toques eroticos de la saga Agarest.
Ojalá no solo saquen el Jack &Daxter HD y se animen y saquen el Ratchet & Clank HD, que me gustan más xD
Dicen que no es el keiji inafune que conocemos.Igualmente siendo de compile heart y conociendo que esta detras de el el del agarest es un juego muy a tener en cuenta.Yo pienso probarlo :3
Ailish escribió:Dicen que no es el keiji inafune que conocemos.Igualmente siendo de compile heart y conociendo que esta detras de el el del agarest es un juego muy a tener en cuenta.Yo pienso probarlo :3

Yo me como casi cualquier rpg...siempre y cuando salga de Japon, que eso ya es otro cantar.
entonces el Jack & Daxter sale seguro? que saldra por Marzo y a 40euros? saludos.
goldenaxeband escribió:
Cuidado chicas, Larry vuelve en HD, remake de Leisure Suit Larry in Land of the Lounge Lizards

If you miss the good old days of late 1980s, early 1990s adventure games, then we’ve got some great news for you today. The classic Leisure Suit Larry series is being resurrected and remade.Before you get too worried about a modern day bastardizing the series to make it palatable for new audiences, you should know that this is a remake, not a revival.

The developer, Replay Games, is merely updating the game for the HD era, not remaking its content.

Apparently even more remakes will be on their way as well if the first game is successful, but not the awful Xbox games. Those are thankfully staying dead.

The game will be headed to a plethora of platforms including Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, OnLive and Steam.

Fuente: Vg247

Cuánto vocabulario aprendí en inglés a mis 12 o 13 añitos al jugar a este juego en dos discos de 5" 1/4, y como me volvía loco para saber que coño eran los píxeles esos para buscar la palabra en el diccionario y poner "look bottle" ... puff y el examen tipo test que hacían al principio del juego para saber si eras mayor de 18 que eran preguntas de culturilla cutre americana con lo cual lo repetí tantas veces que al final me sabía las respuestas... Luego apareció el ratón y los iconos e hicieron otra versión pero ya no era lo mismo, más adelante hicieron la aberración 3D, una violación salvaje al pobre Larry...

Memorias de un anciano sniff...
9660 respuestas