por fin c4 dijo algo, aunque no quedo muy claro
[2011-04-27 02:09AM UTC] #fw <slayer218> c4 still got my support
[2011-04-27 02:10AM UTC] #fw <Shamisen> so
[2011-04-27 02:10AM UTC] #fw <Shamisen> any news from major nelson about whats going on?
[2011-04-27 02:10AM UTC] #fw <quaffle> wow c4 is here
[2011-04-27 02:10AM UTC] #fw <quaffle> the man himself
[2011-04-27 02:10AM UTC] #fw <Corim123> lol
[2011-04-27 02:10AM UTC] #fw <GlassVial> hey c4eva how goes
[2011-04-27 02:10AM UTC] #fw <Corim123> like always
[2011-04-27 02:10AM UTC] #fw <AR_156> Does 360 play .flac audio files?
[2011-04-27 02:10AM UTC] #fw <Shamisen> c4′s always here quaffle
[2011-04-27 02:10AM UTC] #fw <Corim123> no
[2011-04-27 02:10AM UTC] #fw <Shamisen> watching over us
[2011-04-27 02:11AM UTC] #fw <kmplsv> hrm.
[2011-04-27 02:11AM UTC] #fw <quaffle> AR_156 – will play .wav probably
[2011-04-27 02:11AM UTC] #fw <GlassVial> c4eva has there been a roadblock on 0225 progress?
[2011-04-27 02:11AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> no
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[2011-04-27 02:12AM UTC] #fw <GlassVial> ok, was just wondering.

[2011-04-27 02:12AM UTC] #fw <slayer218> i cant get the smiley face to stop? If we donate more can we see 0225 quiker?
[2011-04-27 02:12AM UTC] #fw <BrasilRJ> c4eva, pls say hi to your all brazilian fans !!
[2011-04-27 02:12AM UTC] #fw <AR_156> ok
[2011-04-27 02:12AM UTC] #fw <Salvatore> slayer218, i’d imagine you’d have to donate enough to make him quit his job. good luck.
[2011-04-27 02:12AM UTC] #fw <Corim123> so there is a write solution besides swapping drives c4eva?
[2011-04-27 02:12AM UTC] #fw <GlassVial> c4eva people were concerned because the status changed from "nearing completion" to "in progress" again
[2011-04-27 02:12AM UTC] #fw <AR_156> which is the most lossless audio file format for 360?
[2011-04-27 02:12AM UTC] #fw <Corim123> I heard that was the roadblock
[2011-04-27 02:13AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> x360key:something better will be out around the same time