IridiumArkangel escribió: Que me escuece que!? Si dí yo la noticia en anuncios y rumores de Ps3...
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No serás tu el que anda escocio por algo más bien? Anda con el Sonier
hilo_anuncios-y-rumores-steins-gate-mirror-s-edge-2_1462526_s7000 Por cierto, Hitman absolution es de alguna compañia que he nombrado? El Glacier engine 2 que usa el juego vá bien en ambas, pero el UE 3, el FT framework engine, Rage engine, etc está más que demostrado que no rinde de igual forma en Ps3 al igual que el de los CoD y a los hechos me remito hamijo
Y con respecto al Hitman, la diferencia es nimia o cuasi nula, pero si te hace feliz diremos que "está a años luz del resto de versiones" hombre
"From a general visual perspective
the console games match up fairly well, but we do
see the 360 featuring a small image quality advantage where clarity of the foliage is concerned, whereas the
lower level of texture filtering and more heavy handed post-process MLAA on the PS3 gives that version a slightly softer look. Subjectively, the
less intense use of bloom on the PS3 is also more pleasing on the eye, better suiting the game's gritty aesthetic. Most importantly though,
both versions play just as well as each other, so we can easily recommend the game to both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 owners alike.
However, on a purely visual level, we'd be inclined to give the PS3 game the nod here if you have the choice. ... n-face-off Y con respecto a Assassins Creed 3...
"Outside of differences in
texture filtering and shadow draw distance, which favour Microsoft's console by a small margin, there's very little else that set these two versions apart in terms of image quality.
The 4.5GB mandatory install on PS3 might be a factor for some, but
it's clear that the faster streaming from HDD has benefited performance greatly, resulting in a frame-rate that's often neck-and-neck with the 360's - save for a few busy spots around city areas." ... vamos que si instalas tambien el juego en X360... SOR-PRE-SA!
Ala ala, ya pasó, TU consola es la más mejor no te preocupes...

P.D Yo seguiré disfrutando de las 3
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