SR71 escribió:"We hear you loud and clear!"
Y la primera vez que nos oyeron bajito y confuso.
La primera vez el tono general fue la queja formal y critica constructiva. Igual no fue suficiente.
Esta vez lo mas light que leí en reddit fue: "incompetente grupo de payasos"
![Que me parto! [qmparto]](/images/smilies/net_quemeparto.gif)
Algunos comentarios son para enmarcar:
"is this company fucked in their collective head? my god, what is this asinine bullshit? having to deal with the shitty cheater situation and now this? Infinity Ward get your fucking shit together you fucking clowns"
"This is what happens when your mom is a meth addict"
"Very progressive of them to let someone with a traumatic brain injury decide which modes get removed."
"They have got to be the dumbest fucking devs I've ever seen."
"Holy fuck they're morons"
"These developers are literally fucking idiots. Completely fucking removed from the community and out of touch with reality. What a bunch of fucking brainless idiots."
"whoever decided to take trios away for the second time is a mental midget."
"This sucks donkey dick"
"Just STOP fucking deleting a normal fun game mode every week. Leave solo duos trios quads alone and stop with this fucking bullshit. Stupid IW is stupid."
"They're are total bunch of potatoes"
"Whoever came up with the idea of removing Trios for some bullshit playlist needs to get punched in the face repeatedly."
"We're all thinking it, so let me say it:
The people at infinity ward are fucking idiots. This level of stupidity can't be fixed, so I don't ever expect them to listen to the community."