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OS version released: th2_xbox_rel_1510.151105-1900
Available: 6:00PM PST 11/6 (2AM GMT 11/7)
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: You should no longer have difficulty accessing multiplayer for DLC map packs (Nuketown, Giant Zombies, etc.) in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.
Media Apps:
You should now experience fewer instances of lag, lost input, or duplicate input when browsing content in the HBO GO app.
When selecting a video to play, playback should now begin more promptly in certain apps (SyFy, USA NOW, etc.).
This build contains a fix to address issues with apps sometimes failing to launch.
This build contains a fix to address issues with apps failing to update or uninstall.
YouTube videos in the “Purchases” section should now play normally.
Starz Play: You should no longer be unable to proceed past the title screen.
Guide: This build contains a fix to address additional issues with the Guide failing to launch.
Edge browser: This build contains a fix to address additional issues with the Edge browser crashing during use.
Sharing Community content: You should now be able to correctly add recipients and text to messages shared from the feed in the Community tab.
The Escapists: You should no longer experience issues accessing DLC for The Escapists.
Privacy settings:
After changing certain privacy or account settings, the changes should now take effect immediately.
This build contains a fix to address additional issues with error messages or incorrect information when accessing Privacy & online safety in Settings.
Multiplayer games: The following titles should now correctly connect to multiplayer.
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Crimson Dragon
Dynasty Warriors 8
Warriors Orochi
Wireless and external hard drives: This build contains a fix to address issues with the console failing to detect wireless networks when an external hard drive is connected.
My games & apps:
This build contains a fix to address additional issues with installation stopped errors when installing certain content.
This build contains a fix to address additional issues with blank tiles appearing in My games & apps.
Crashes after resuming from Instant-On: This build contains a fix to address console crashes after resuming from Instant-On mode.
Volume and suspended games: Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the console to freeze when adjusting volume while a game is suspended.
We have some new content for you, so be sure to check out the Preview Dashboard app for more details! Our highlighted quests for this release are:
Mic Check: Test out adding commentary to your favorite clips.
Game and App Issues:
Media Player: DLNA servers may fail to display in the Media Player app.
Workaround: If you are experiencing this issue, please ensure ‘Media Streaming’ is still enabled in Windows Media Player on the source PC.
General System Issues:
Party and game chat: You may be unable to hear others when joining a party chat.
Workaround: Switching to game chat should allow you to hear others correctly.