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eloskuro escribió:Más en el spoiler.
[spoiler]Solo hay un detalle del apartado técnico que no nos ha gustado y resulta un tanto decepcionante, y es que las abundantes escenas cinematográficas que narran la historia, a pesar de estar hechas aparentemente con el motor del juego, son vídeos pregrabados. En los que además se aprecia un poco de borrosidad debido a la compresión utilizada, cuando el juego en tiempo real se ve más nítido y limpio, y nos hubiera gustado que absolutamente todo se moviera en tiempo real, ya que esto resta méritos al apartado gráfico.[/ spoiler]
Romcol escribió:Llegas tarde david.
El tiempo sepia, mortal tambien.
xufeitor escribió:Yo creo que si Ryse no fuera un juego de lanzamiento pasaría sin pena ni gloria, y si encima fuera multi ya ni te cuento.
Gráficamente esta bien, pero jugablemente me aburre ya solo mirándolo. También tengo que decir que no me van mucho los hack&slash.
David Ricardo escribió:Romcol escribió:Llegas tarde david.
El tiempo sepia, mortal tambien.
Ya ha pedido disculpas? O lo han baneado?
xufeitor escribió:Yo creo que si Ryse no fuera un juego de lanzamiento pasaría sin pena ni gloria, y si encima fuera multi ya ni te cuento.
Gráficamente esta bien, pero jugablemente me aburre ya solo mirándolo. También tengo que decir que no me van mucho los hack&slash.
pers46 escribió:xufeitor escribió:Yo creo que si Ryse no fuera un juego de lanzamiento pasaría sin pena ni gloria, y si encima fuera multi ya ni te cuento.
Gráficamente esta bien, pero jugablemente me aburre ya solo mirándolo. También tengo que decir que no me van mucho los hack&slash.
Los H&S son mi genero favorito...y por eso mismo este no me llama lo más mínimo...se acerca un truño de proporciones bíblicas. Ni siquiera lo veo tan bruto gráficamente como dice la gente, lo veo cumplidor, un juego de lanzamiento.
Xsato7 escribió:RheinFire escribió:Xsato7 escribió:Joder, estoy flipando con el nivel de algunos comentario, el de RheinFire da verguenza ajena y todo xd
Sisi, pero de momento no puedes decirme lo contrario. Toda esa potencia y DC sigue siendo una "promesa" para el 2014(veremos si a 60fps, que aun no saben si podran). Lo que te tendria que dar vergÜenza es ver el catalogo con el que iniciais la generacion, pero que ya te apañaras, ya. Tanto 50% de superioridad y pareces asustado rebatiendo datos, cuando deberias estar tranquilo con tanta sobrada de maquina. Otro motivo mas para no tocar PS4 ni con un palo, ya que para mi, la experiencia de juego mermaria ese 50% encontrandome gente como tu en el online. Compasion les tengo a los que les toque estar contigo en la misma partida de lo que sea a lo que juegues. Un flipao menos
Lo dicho, que nivel. Compasion tengo yo de un tio de 41 tacos con ese nivel de fanatismo y suerte tiene que yo ni el compañero al que has llamado te hemos pedido moderacion. Eh, pero por mi sigue, un poco de humor nunca es malo, aunque seguro que en el subforo de One te sientes mas comodo, alli mas de uno te dara la razon, aqui pues simplemente nos reiremos, porque con tus ultimos mensajes no se puede hacer otra cosa.
Xsato7 escribió:Brutales las animaciones de Ryse, no se si quedarme con el teletransporte del personaje principal, o con el enemigo que viene por detras y se queda petrificado ante tal acto xd:
FanDeNintendo escribió:Xsato7 escribió:Brutales las animaciones de Ryse, no se si quedarme con el teletransporte del personaje principal, o con el enemigo que viene por detras y se queda petrificado ante tal acto xd:
¿Está dirigido por Christopher Nolan o algo?
Microsoft promises core first-party games coming to PC
"I think it's fair to say that we've lost our way a bit in supporting Windows games," Microsoft Studios VP Phil Spencer admitted. "But we're back."
We may be at an event previewing Xbox One, but Spencer notes that PC is also an important part of their portfolio. While the company may have focused exclusively on console games in the past decade, that's going to change, he promised. "Windows is incredibly important. The 'One Microsoft' mantra that's come out had us looking at all the devices that Microsoft builds and truly becoming a first-party gaming studio across all devices."
I needed to press further. I wanted him to explicitly tell me that there are PC games coming from Microsoft first-party. And he complied. "You'll see us doing more stuff on Windows. We probably have more individual projects on Windows than we've had in ten years at Microsoft Studios."
Of course, it doesn't matter much to core gamers if Microsoft plans on simply releasing casual games on Windows. However, Spencer reassured me that the focus is definitely on the core. "At the launch of Windows 8, we had about 30 games in the Windows Store. A lot of those you'd consider lightweight or casual games... But we've covered all of that property now. Now we're starting to look at bigger and core gamer things. I'm excited by that."
There's already evidence that Microsoft isn't focusing exclusively on Xbox. In fact, many of One's games are also coming to PC, including Titanfall and Project Spark (pictured above). In the case of Spark, you'll be able to play and share content between Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows 8, and Surface. Having that kind of interoperability is crucial to improving the value of Xbox Live, Spencer points out. "Let's start to act like a true first-party across all these devices. A service like Xbox Live that knows me and my content and my friends and achievements across all these devices. I think that's an advantage for us."
Consumers no longer expect services to be stuck to one device, Spencer pointed out. "For us, we're first-party across all Microsoft devices. We definitely think about ourselves that way in our studios. If you think about a service like Spotify or Netflix, you expect that service to work on any device you have. For some games, it will be similar. I just want to have an Xbox Live account and it works on my phone, on my console, and my Windows machine. And then I'll be able to access my content in a screen-appropriate way."
In some ways, Microsoft is playing catch-up to Sony. In recent years, Cross-Play games have propagated content across PlayStation 3, Vita, and, now, PS4. But "One Microsoft" isn't willing to sit by and squander the incredible audience of Windows. For PC gamers, Microsoft's newfound commitment to PC games certainly is exciting.
http://www.shacknews.com/article/81897/ ... re-core-games-coming-to-pc-than-past
Maximo_Decimo escribió:Despues de leerme la sarta de tonterias que he leido solo puedo decir:
Ryse es un pepinaco de juego, así que como dijo el grande Maradona.... que la sigan chupando. Ala a jugarse el killzone 100 veces que es lo unico que hay en bastantes meses
Sef1r0t escribió:Microsoft promete que los juegos core first-party saldran en PC.Microsoft promises core first-party games coming to PC
"I think it's fair to say that we've lost our way a bit in supporting Windows games," Microsoft Studios VP Phil Spencer admitted. "But we're back."
We may be at an event previewing Xbox One, but Spencer notes that PC is also an important part of their portfolio. While the company may have focused exclusively on console games in the past decade, that's going to change, he promised. "Windows is incredibly important. The 'One Microsoft' mantra that's come out had us looking at all the devices that Microsoft builds and truly becoming a first-party gaming studio across all devices."
I needed to press further. I wanted him to explicitly tell me that there are PC games coming from Microsoft first-party. And he complied. "You'll see us doing more stuff on Windows. We probably have more individual projects on Windows than we've had in ten years at Microsoft Studios."
Of course, it doesn't matter much to core gamers if Microsoft plans on simply releasing casual games on Windows. However, Spencer reassured me that the focus is definitely on the core. "At the launch of Windows 8, we had about 30 games in the Windows Store. A lot of those you'd consider lightweight or casual games... But we've covered all of that property now. Now we're starting to look at bigger and core gamer things. I'm excited by that."
There's already evidence that Microsoft isn't focusing exclusively on Xbox. In fact, many of One's games are also coming to PC, including Titanfall and Project Spark (pictured above). In the case of Spark, you'll be able to play and share content between Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows 8, and Surface. Having that kind of interoperability is crucial to improving the value of Xbox Live, Spencer points out. "Let's start to act like a true first-party across all these devices. A service like Xbox Live that knows me and my content and my friends and achievements across all these devices. I think that's an advantage for us."
Consumers no longer expect services to be stuck to one device, Spencer pointed out. "For us, we're first-party across all Microsoft devices. We definitely think about ourselves that way in our studios. If you think about a service like Spotify or Netflix, you expect that service to work on any device you have. For some games, it will be similar. I just want to have an Xbox Live account and it works on my phone, on my console, and my Windows machine. And then I'll be able to access my content in a screen-appropriate way."
In some ways, Microsoft is playing catch-up to Sony. In recent years, Cross-Play games have propagated content across PlayStation 3, Vita, and, now, PS4. But "One Microsoft" isn't willing to sit by and squander the incredible audience of Windows. For PC gamers, Microsoft's newfound commitment to PC games certainly is exciting.
http://www.shacknews.com/article/81897/ ... re-core-games-coming-to-pc-than-past
Sef1r0t escribió:Microsoft promete que los juegos core first-party saldran en PC.Microsoft promises core first-party games coming to PC
"I think it's fair to say that we've lost our way a bit in supporting Windows games," Microsoft Studios VP Phil Spencer admitted. "But we're back."
We may be at an event previewing Xbox One, but Spencer notes that PC is also an important part of their portfolio. While the company may have focused exclusively on console games in the past decade, that's going to change, he promised. "Windows is incredibly important. The 'One Microsoft' mantra that's come out had us looking at all the devices that Microsoft builds and truly becoming a first-party gaming studio across all devices."
I needed to press further. I wanted him to explicitly tell me that there are PC games coming from Microsoft first-party. And he complied. "You'll see us doing more stuff on Windows. We probably have more individual projects on Windows than we've had in ten years at Microsoft Studios."
Of course, it doesn't matter much to core gamers if Microsoft plans on simply releasing casual games on Windows. However, Spencer reassured me that the focus is definitely on the core. "At the launch of Windows 8, we had about 30 games in the Windows Store. A lot of those you'd consider lightweight or casual games... But we've covered all of that property now. Now we're starting to look at bigger and core gamer things. I'm excited by that."
There's already evidence that Microsoft isn't focusing exclusively on Xbox. In fact, many of One's games are also coming to PC, including Titanfall and Project Spark (pictured above). In the case of Spark, you'll be able to play and share content between Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows 8, and Surface. Having that kind of interoperability is crucial to improving the value of Xbox Live, Spencer points out. "Let's start to act like a true first-party across all these devices. A service like Xbox Live that knows me and my content and my friends and achievements across all these devices. I think that's an advantage for us."
Consumers no longer expect services to be stuck to one device, Spencer pointed out. "For us, we're first-party across all Microsoft devices. We definitely think about ourselves that way in our studios. If you think about a service like Spotify or Netflix, you expect that service to work on any device you have. For some games, it will be similar. I just want to have an Xbox Live account and it works on my phone, on my console, and my Windows machine. And then I'll be able to access my content in a screen-appropriate way."
In some ways, Microsoft is playing catch-up to Sony. In recent years, Cross-Play games have propagated content across PlayStation 3, Vita, and, now, PS4. But "One Microsoft" isn't willing to sit by and squander the incredible audience of Windows. For PC gamers, Microsoft's newfound commitment to PC games certainly is exciting.
http://www.shacknews.com/article/81897/ ... re-core-games-coming-to-pc-than-past
Maximo_Decimo escribió:Despues de leerme la sarta de tonterias que he leido solo puedo decir:
Ryse es un pepinaco de juego, así que como dijo el grande Maradona.... que la sigan chupando. Ala a jugarse el killzone 100 veces que es lo unico que hay en bastantes meses
gynion escribió:
A Kutaragi no lo despidieron; lo han infiltrado en Microsoft y ha estado trabajando intesamente todos estos años.
Sef1r0t escribió:Microsoft promete que los juegos core first-party saldran en PC.Microsoft promises core first-party games coming to PC
"I think it's fair to say that we've lost our way a bit in supporting Windows games," Microsoft Studios VP Phil Spencer admitted. "But we're back."
We may be at an event previewing Xbox One, but Spencer notes that PC is also an important part of their portfolio. While the company may have focused exclusively on console games in the past decade, that's going to change, he promised. "Windows is incredibly important. The 'One Microsoft' mantra that's come out had us looking at all the devices that Microsoft builds and truly becoming a first-party gaming studio across all devices."
I needed to press further. I wanted him to explicitly tell me that there are PC games coming from Microsoft first-party. And he complied. "You'll see us doing more stuff on Windows. We probably have more individual projects on Windows than we've had in ten years at Microsoft Studios."
Of course, it doesn't matter much to core gamers if Microsoft plans on simply releasing casual games on Windows. However, Spencer reassured me that the focus is definitely on the core. "At the launch of Windows 8, we had about 30 games in the Windows Store. A lot of those you'd consider lightweight or casual games... But we've covered all of that property now. Now we're starting to look at bigger and core gamer things. I'm excited by that."
There's already evidence that Microsoft isn't focusing exclusively on Xbox. In fact, many of One's games are also coming to PC, including Titanfall and Project Spark (pictured above). In the case of Spark, you'll be able to play and share content between Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows 8, and Surface. Having that kind of interoperability is crucial to improving the value of Xbox Live, Spencer points out. "Let's start to act like a true first-party across all these devices. A service like Xbox Live that knows me and my content and my friends and achievements across all these devices. I think that's an advantage for us."
Consumers no longer expect services to be stuck to one device, Spencer pointed out. "For us, we're first-party across all Microsoft devices. We definitely think about ourselves that way in our studios. If you think about a service like Spotify or Netflix, you expect that service to work on any device you have. For some games, it will be similar. I just want to have an Xbox Live account and it works on my phone, on my console, and my Windows machine. And then I'll be able to access my content in a screen-appropriate way."
In some ways, Microsoft is playing catch-up to Sony. In recent years, Cross-Play games have propagated content across PlayStation 3, Vita, and, now, PS4. But "One Microsoft" isn't willing to sit by and squander the incredible audience of Windows. For PC gamers, Microsoft's newfound commitment to PC games certainly is exciting.
http://www.shacknews.com/article/81897/ ... re-core-games-coming-to-pc-than-past
Arlgrim escribió:El tema es que se le ha puesto por las nubes(cuidado con la puta retorica que ya me buscais las vueltas y no estoy haciendo ni juego de palabras ni bromitas) a ese juego y no es que sea la hostia pero tampoco tan malo de la muerte o la mierda que se le echa , es un juego normalito con su argumentillo y unos graficos "curradetes" en algun sentido , pero de ahi a venderlo como la panacea , pues no,si me dan a elegir entre Ryse y cod , ryse gana de calle , por ser IP nueva ya solo por eso les doy premio, aun que el concepto esta trillado de cojones pero tiene premio para mi , el tema de la jugabilidad lo que a unos gusta o otros cansa , pero eso va a pasar con cualquier juego.
Eso si ,ese juego le van a caer dieces pero a morir , y algun que otro juego mil veces mejor y con mas merito y etc etc se llevara entre 7 y 8 , esto es asi y sino mirar los analisis del COD "nuevo" que como penalizacion a ser tan "putisima mierda" como es, se lleva casi 8-9 , ole y ole ,a comerse la tostadita con dos cojonazos y gastarse en una mierda de juego 60-70 eurazos.
Me da lastima ver como vamos a arrastrar la mierda de la anterior gen a esta y es irremediable , las consolas next gen , nunca deberian de haber costado 400-500 nardos ni ser tan cochambrosas como son por que estan casualizadas antes de nacer( y eso no paso en esta gen hasta mediados con kinect y move , pero estas ya nacen con un cancer bien gordito de fabrica).
No digo que no las vaya a disfrutar a mi manera , pero me da mucha pena que saquen basuraza como el COD este tan cutre y la gente se consuele diciendo que se ve mejor en su consola , cuando de sobra todos sabemos que el proximo si que se lo van a comer a 720p y dios mediante , lo mas lamentable es que es un juego que es de ps360 y no hacia falta gastarse 400-500 pavos para jugar a esa calandraca.
Un saludo ppl.
CharlyDestroy escribió:Ostras,para mi opinión esto es lo mas fuerte que e leido desde hace mucho![]()
me da igual si es Micro o Sony pero,yo no les compraría ni un puto producto a una compañia que insulta a un COMPRADOR llamandole IDIOTA,y solo por preguntar si la consola necesitaba REINICIARSE cuando recibía una actualización,no me jodas esto en x360 pasa,otro caso sería una actualización de un juego que al descargarse reiniciaba el juego "lo normal".
En definitiva Microsoft da asco en su politica sectaria,y no me arrepiento en llamarles sectarios.
Si lo huviera dicho Sony diria lo mismo.
CharlyDestroy escribió:Ostras,para mi opinión esto es lo mas fuerte que e leido desde hace mucho![]()
me da igual si es Micro o Sony pero,yo no les compraría ni un puto producto a una compañia que insulta a un COMPRADOR llamandole IDIOTA,y solo por preguntar si la consola necesitaba REINICIARSE cuando recibía una actualización,no me jodas esto en x360 pasa,otro caso sería una actualización de un juego que al descargarse reiniciaba el juego "lo normal".
En definitiva Microsoft da asco en su politica sectaria,y no me arrepiento en llamarles sectarios.
Si lo huviera dicho Sony diria lo mismo.
Sef1r0t escribió:Microsoft promete que los juegos core first-party saldran en PC.Microsoft promises core first-party games coming to PC
"I think it's fair to say that we've lost our way a bit in supporting Windows games," Microsoft Studios VP Phil Spencer admitted. "But we're back."
We may be at an event previewing Xbox One, but Spencer notes that PC is also an important part of their portfolio. While the company may have focused exclusively on console games in the past decade, that's going to change, he promised. "Windows is incredibly important. The 'One Microsoft' mantra that's come out had us looking at all the devices that Microsoft builds and truly becoming a first-party gaming studio across all devices."
I needed to press further. I wanted him to explicitly tell me that there are PC games coming from Microsoft first-party. And he complied. "You'll see us doing more stuff on Windows. We probably have more individual projects on Windows than we've had in ten years at Microsoft Studios."
Of course, it doesn't matter much to core gamers if Microsoft plans on simply releasing casual games on Windows. However, Spencer reassured me that the focus is definitely on the core. "At the launch of Windows 8, we had about 30 games in the Windows Store. A lot of those you'd consider lightweight or casual games... But we've covered all of that property now. Now we're starting to look at bigger and core gamer things. I'm excited by that."
There's already evidence that Microsoft isn't focusing exclusively on Xbox. In fact, many of One's games are also coming to PC, including Titanfall and Project Spark (pictured above). In the case of Spark, you'll be able to play and share content between Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows 8, and Surface. Having that kind of interoperability is crucial to improving the value of Xbox Live, Spencer points out. "Let's start to act like a true first-party across all these devices. A service like Xbox Live that knows me and my content and my friends and achievements across all these devices. I think that's an advantage for us."
Consumers no longer expect services to be stuck to one device, Spencer pointed out. "For us, we're first-party across all Microsoft devices. We definitely think about ourselves that way in our studios. If you think about a service like Spotify or Netflix, you expect that service to work on any device you have. For some games, it will be similar. I just want to have an Xbox Live account and it works on my phone, on my console, and my Windows machine. And then I'll be able to access my content in a screen-appropriate way."
In some ways, Microsoft is playing catch-up to Sony. In recent years, Cross-Play games have propagated content across PlayStation 3, Vita, and, now, PS4. But "One Microsoft" isn't willing to sit by and squander the incredible audience of Windows. For PC gamers, Microsoft's newfound commitment to PC games certainly is exciting.
http://www.shacknews.com/article/81897/ ... re-core-games-coming-to-pc-than-past
Mapache Power escribió:
Aparte, para mover los juegos a la misma resolución que la One tampoco voy a necesitar ningún pepino![]()
alvarions escribió:Tampoco nos pasemos que tendra que ver lo que llame un periodista de polygon a la gente con MS.
Atolm escribió:Juegos con la perfección en calidad de imagen de ese grupito de Forza 5 no los ves ni en PC con los filtros más tochos activados.
gynion escribió:Pero, una cosa... si las imágenes esas del Forza 5 resultan ser bullshots o tipo modo foto de Gran Turismo... ¿que sentido tiene mostrarlas para valorar la calidad del juego? si al fin y al cabo lo que importa es el gameplay.
Quien dice Forza dice Killzone, Ryse, etc..
Atolm escribió:Juegos con la perfección en calidad de imagen de ese grupito de Forza 5 no los ves ni en PC con los filtros más tochos activados.
IridiumArkangel escribió:Dejaros de DC, Rivals, ni leches... estooooo, yo quiero estooooooooo!!!Y más temprano que tarde
denis74 escribió:
Y dejo unas capturas de regalo![]()
P.D P.C.A.R.S en Pc
IridiumArkangel escribió:Nuevas imágenes de P.C.A.R.S