FINAL FANTASY XIII. FINAL FANTASY XIII. They pulled a serious bait-and-switch on us. Sword-and-gun-wielding heroine who looks like Yuna, flipping her way around a high-tech, futuristic world. No idea what it was until the end when that NAME popped up. Yoshinori Kitase directing! This is the guy behind all the best ones--VI, VIII, VIII, X. Be still my heart.
2:08 Sorry, I jumped the gun--Mr. Kitase was merely presenting. Motomu Toriyama will direct the game. And apparently FFXIII isn't the only game coming out of this universe--there's a, uh, mobile game too. Oh. It's Final Fantasy Agito XIII.
Oh dios no, no por favor, otro clon de Rinoa no. Cagonlaleche, mecagontoloquesemenea, "joputas no tengo reloj"(TM)
Si hasta toriyama sabe hacer personajes femeninos más diferentes! Malditos asesinos, han matado la saga (AGAIN)
El DQ no depende que sea de la saga numerada para vender como churros, basta con que sea bueno (Code Veronica no tiene numero y bien bueno que es).