Un saludo a oda la comunidad de EOL
Acabo de recibir un correo de G2A:
Due to changes in the European Economic Area's financial law brought on by the PSD2, some functions of G2A Wallet will be temporarily unavailable, starting January 14th.
From the 14th, adding funds to G2A Wallets (including redeeming G2A Gift Cards) and using the funds on your G2A Wallet to buy anything will not be available for a limited time. All other payment methods will remain active.
You can and will be able to withdraw your funds at any time. The only exception are funds from G2A Gift Cards or Cashback, as these cannot be withdrawn for legal reasons. You can, however, spend these funds anytime before January 14th or once the work with G2A Wallets is finished.
We will let you know once G2A Wallets become available again.
Dicen que a a partir del 14 de Enero lo que tengo en el monedero de G2A VALLET dejara de funcionar temporalmente.
Miedito me da esto?
A alguien más os lo han mandado? Teneis más info?
Yo he mandado un correo a suporte, a ver que me dicen...Y me aclaren lo de "temporalmente"
Un saludo