Entiendo que la actualización es la enchanced edition, con sus mejoras gráficas, y seguramente también traiga la expansión que no sera visible para comprar hasta el día que este en la store ¿No?
Edito yo mismo con la info que ya esta todo aclarado:
Owners of Dying Light get a few enchantments to their base game today with the release of The Following expansion, but the Xbox One download is pretty big.
The Following expansion is out today for Dying Light, and with it comes an update for the main game.
That patch is out now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but the latter seems to be almost double the size of the former. Reddit users have reported having to download a 17GB patch, as opposed to 8GB on PS4.
The patch adds a new difficulty level, challenge and daily activities, new outfits and weapons, and improves the game’s graphics. It also adds support for the expansion itself, but you’ll have to download it separately if you bought it.
https://www.vg247.com/2016/02/09/dying- ... x-one-ps4/