angelymary escribió:PharaunMizzrym escribió:El salt en Vita no está ni en desarrollo, se barajaba la posibilidad de que fuese un estudio externo el encargado del port. Yo lo pillé en ps4 y, de momento, me parece fabuloso.
A ver por donde empiezo...que siempre se habla con desconocimiento,y alguna mentirilla para desanimar a algunos...
lo que voy a exponer lo pongo por que el juego REALMENTE ME IMPORTA Y ME GUSTA sino ni siquiera me hubiera molestado en desmentir o informar esto.
Ademas llevo desde dias antes de la llegada a ps4 indagando y buscando por lo que voy a hablar y redactar lo hago y lo hare con conocimiento de causa.El juego actualmente esta en desarrollo por un chico supuestamente un tal Tom Spillman que es un desarrollador de "sickheads stuadios" o bien esta siendo desarrollado por la propia empresa o bien un desarrollador de dicha empresa,todo parece indicar que lleva un tiempo de desarrollo puesto que se le ha preguntado JAMES SILVA(SKASTUDIOS)varias veces y como citan un poco mas arriba de mi post "no depende de ellos" y no saben cuanto tiempo tiene de desarrollo el juego en vita.
Ahora mismo la situación esta muy favorable puesto que segun algunas fuentes puede salir en semanas o bien algunos meses...La cosa es que saldra 100%100 seguro
Aqui la seguridad y la mención ... 29?lang=esy aqui ponen oficialmente que esta en desarrollo: ... 15th-2016/por otro lado CONFIRMACION DE DESARROLLO : ... /?start=20zgillet wrote:
I'm thoroughly surprised that so many people here own a Vita... I sold mine when the support plummeted - though I had a hacked PSP I played way more. Sadly that died.
We were surprised to hear so much Vita excitement, too! When we first were discussing with other developer friends about the prospects of developing for PlayStation, we were told to expect not much, sales wise, from Vita though we still wanted to make Salt and Sanctuary available for it anyway. Owning a PSVita ourselves, there is a unique excitement to playing your own game on a handheld device. That being said, we haven't actually experienced this other than Z0MB1ES On teh Phone, our port of I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES 1N IT!!!1 for the Windows Phone, so our excitement is mostly imagined at the moment.
Developing Salt and Sanctuary has been incredibly ambitious and quite the undertaking for our team of two. The scope easily doubles, maybe triples, that of our previous projects. There is especially an incredible amount of pressure on James, our only programmer. I believe it was about a year ago, though time has a way of blending together since starting work on Salt, that we had a discussion with Sony about our fears in developing for PSVita and not getting it done in time to launch with the PS4. We have never before trusted another developer with our work, which is partly why it has taken so dang long to get our previous games onto Steam, but we were offered the chance to have the Vita port done for us. It's a scary prospect but we trust the other developer's ability and please be assured, it will release.
There is much I want to share with everyone, but with the nature of working with others and keeping good relationships, we can't say much just yet. Once I get the go-ahead, I'll be certainly screaming it from the proverbial rooftops. I can say Vita will definitely be cross-buy but we're not sure how possible cross-saving will be yet.
There are a lot of firsts for us here and with Tuesday quickly approaching, our nerves are frazzled. It is a labor of incredible love. It sounds like a trope but it's very true a lot of laughs, some literal tears and even blood (Thanks Gato) went into making this game. We really hope people find enjoyment in Salt and Sanctuary.
Here is a hilarious picture a friend of ours made to help us through our launch anxieties. Allll aboooarddd!
@JAMEZILLAPostby Jamezila » Fri Mar 11, 2016 12:04 pm
zgillet wrote:
@Shelldragon I was under the impression that Sony makes it fairly seamless to develop for Vita and PS4 simultaneously (I would if I were them, being a developer myself), so it makes sense to release on both for a game where optimization probably isn't even an issue. I'm sure the moving to the Vita won't be much of a hassle for the dev in charge.
I'll admit it would be pretty nice to have this game on the go - except I'm never on the go

Sony definitely is helping a lot, but the process is currently far from seamless. Salt uses the same Vita framework as Axiom Verge (in dev) and Towerfall (out) and is being handled by the same tiny team that did those two ports, so the whole process is still a bit of a frontier.
And you'd be surprised about optimization. Salt runs at 60fps@1080, but when I first got it running on PS4 it was barely pulling 15 fps. The Vita port is going to be a major challenge, but we'll make it work.
BUENO lo siento por el post tan largo,pero ya me estaba hartando del pesimismo y el desconocimiento y ridiculeces de algunos.Ahora si que estais informados gracias