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- PS4 Pro release date. Pro version is 4k & HDR compatible, but they're still optimizing it more for pro in a future patch.
- Gone gold
- The has gone gold and will definitely release on time. The final disc will contain the version that went gold two months ago + the day 1 patch. But they're still continuing development for further improvements that will come in a (proposed) day 1 patch. Tabata says the game is 100/100 now but they're aiming to make it 120/100 or 130/100.
- PGW report
- Mostly self-explanatory photos but Tabata was commenting that the Gladio cosplayer had 'authentic six pack' lol. FF15 booth was super packed with 2000 people gathering there.
- Omen trailer
- Tabata is really happy with the positive fan reaction to the omen trailer. They started making the Omen trailer earlier than the E3 Afrojack trailer, and it was another trailer aimed at a mostly western audience. Tabata came up with the rough sketch/composition for the trailer and handed it off to Digic Pictures to put it into visuals. It is not a direct reflection of any in-game events, but Tabata says that you can easily imagine that Regis might've gotten an omen like this.
- Post-release DLC information
- Online co-op multiplayer will come after Ignis, Gladio and Prompto are made into playable characters. They're planning on starting development in December.
- The holiday pack and booster pack will be distributed for free. But if you bought the season pass, you'll get the 'plus' version of those packs.
- They're aiming to release a PS4 pro patch around December as well. They're aiming to bump fps up to 60 if you play it on a 1080p TV (take the extra power of pro that isn't being used to fuel 4K and put it into fps basically), but at least 40~50fps should be within reason. They haven't mentioned anything about fps with 4K.
- They had a press conference/fan gathering in a church where they had people jump in and try out the master build.
- Oversease preview build reviews
- Journalists got preview builds of up to chapter 5.
- FF15 Judgement Disc: FF15 demo released on 11/11 (they mentioned something about Japan only though??? it might only be on the JP store or just the japanese version, I'm not sure)
- This demo will be a part of the actual game that has gone gold, covering from the opening to the middle of chapter 1. Tabata expects it to take 1~1.5 hours to play through.
- The demo will be locked on easy mode as it is aimed for newcomers or people on the fence about FF15. There will be limits on level, ability points, and some areas of the map. But otherwise it will be very close to the final game.
- They confirmed that the demo will be only for Japan.

And thus, there won't be anything you can carry over into the main game because that'll be 'unfair'. There'll be a small video at the end of the demo that gives you an idea of what comes after the demo. (IR PREPARANDO CUENTA JAPONESA

- They want to schedule another ATR very close to the release date.