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Mirrowell escribió:A este paso veo mas probable el remake del FFVII, que este juego...
antoniokratos escribió:Mirrowell escribió:A este paso veo mas probable el remake del FFVII, que este juego...
O el «Kingdom Hearts III» (que dijeron que hasta que no acabasen el Versus XIII no empezarían con él). xD
El Padrin0 escribió:Un tipo de Square Enix ha posteado en su twitter esto:Es un perfume.
No dicen nada en 2 putos años, ni desmienten lo del traspaso a PS4 y van y sueltan esto. Yo ya no se como tomarmelo. Es como preguntarle la hora a alguien y que te suelte un lapo en la cara.
Yuluga escribió:Por lo visto me han dicho que el titulo sigue en desarrollo para PS3, a ver que pasa
AlexTemina escribió:Yuluga escribió:Por lo visto me han dicho que el titulo sigue en desarrollo para PS3, a ver que pasa
¿Quién te lo ha dicho?
Yuluga escribió:Por lo visto me han dicho que el titulo sigue en desarrollo para PS3, a ver que pasa
Nestor_otaku escribió:Pero de verdad , ¿como puede haber gente que aún confié en esta compañía? , ¡¡abrid los ojos ya!!
sinuba escribió:Que vayan a anunciar un nuevo FF no quiere decir que vayan a retrasar al Versus. Simplemente, pueden anuncialro, sacar una foto y tirarse años sin sacarlo. Ahí está el mismo Versus como ejemplo
So here we go..
As of last week, the game known as Final Fantasy Versus XIII was shown behind closed doors to people from Gamestop Corporate, along with Final Fantasy X HD Collection, FFXIII:LR (which is coming sooner than you think) and Final Fantasy XIV:RR. Marketing for Lightning Returns is going to startup sometime in April, so be on the lookout for that.
Final Fantasy XIV is a Playstation 3 title, will have a redemption code for the PS4 downloadable version at no extra charge. There are no plans for a full retail release of XIV on PS4.
The releases of LR, FFXIV AND Versus will be no longer than 3-4 months apart from one another, starting with LR. The idea is to re-establish the FF brand on the current platforms to generate interest/hype for the Next-Gen title which is in its infancy right now.
Final Fantasy "VERSUS XIII" pre-production began almost 4 years ago. The reason why its taken so long is due to a number of things, including manpower/resources being re-allocated to help finish Crystal Tools, work on FFXIV's re-working and work on the Luminous Engine. The game is NO LONGER AN ACTION-RPG. Its more in-line with traditional Final Fantasy and has been described to me as a combination of FFXII and the Classic ATB. seen in the older games. Still a Playstation 3 exclusive (you can thank/hate Sony for that) and is slated to release this Winter in Japan and North America (sorry Europe.) The game being shown for PS4 is NOT FFVXIII. Voice Recording sessions for the Japanese version have been happening in waves for awhile now, and actually finished up last month. Sessions for the English voice cast are slated to start sometime in July, although some work is being done in advance preparation for the E3 Trailer.
Speaking of which, expect Square to hold their own E3 briefing, for the first time in recent memory. There is simply too much to announce between the internally-developed titles and the Eidos stuff. "Versus" wont be playable until the Fall TGS. Dont expect much to be shown about the game leading up to its release, in terms of content. Theyre taking the FFVII approach with this one and not letting too much be known about the Game World prior to release, including the antagonist's identity.
And a quick note about the Vita/3DS. Dont expect any Square Enix retail releases on Vita aside from FFX. Square has very little confidence in the platform and the only reason X is seeing a Vita release is because its cost-efficient. Almost ALL of Square Enix's support will be focused towards 3DS/iOS. In fact, there isnt even a dedicated team working on Vita titles internally. FFX is being farmed-out.
Feel free to bookmark this post and come back to it over the next couple of months, starting next month when marketing begins for LR. As more info leaks out, the credibility of this post will also increase (and Aryllies).
Final Fantasy XIV is a Playstation 3 title, will have a redemption code for the PS4 downloadable version at no extra charge. There are no plans for a full retail release of XIV on PS4.
The releases of LR, FFXIV AND Versus will be no longer than 3-4 months apart from one another, starting with LR. The idea is to re-establish the FF brand on the current platforms to generate interest/hype for the Next-Gen title which is in its infancy right now.
paulcarrack escribió:No m jodas q no habrá sistema de combate en tiempo real!!! Tipo kingdom Hearts!!
The game is NO LONGER AN ACTION-RPG. Its more in-line with traditional Final Fantasy and has been described to me as a combination of FFXII and the Classic ATB. seen in the older games.
The game is NO LONGER AN ACTION-RPG. Its more in-line with traditional Final Fantasy and has been described to me as a combination of FFXII and the Classic ATB. seen in the older games.
Narcyl escribió:Llamadme loca, pero personalmente me alegra un montón que "quiten" el sistema que tenían de combate, porque lo poco que vi en los vídeos no me gusto nada de nada.
Narcyl escribió:Llamadme loca, pero personalmente me alegra un montón que "quiten" el sistema que tenían de combate, porque lo poco que vi en los vídeos no me gusto nada de nada.
BearGrylls escribió:ya no es un ARPG? Pues vaya faena, era una de las cosas que me llamaban de él. Y que conste que los FF tradicionales, por lo general, me encantan; pero con éste ya me había hecho a la idea de que tendría algo mas "kingdom hearts" (a falta de éste) ... eso sí, lo de que esté en la línea del FFXII, es una patada en los cojones, teniendo en cuenta que es para mí de los peores sistemas de combate que han hecho para la saga.
Por lo menos dice que no habrá una gran demora entre un juego y otro.
Dicho esto, tiene cojones que digan que el plan respecto al juego es no liberar demasiada informacióncasi que me lo tomo como una vacilada, porque vamos...
antoniokratos escribió:No me jodas que le van a quitar el modo de combate tan molón que tenía.
Si lo hacen por turnos, por mi parte, se lo pueden meter por donde les quepa.
Y sí, sé que a muchos os gusta eso, pero vamos, yo disfruto mil veces más con el control de un «Kingdom Hearts» que jugando por turnos. :/
Fredy_ES escribió:A ver que yo soy cortito... Entonces, Lighting Returns, XIV y versus XIII estan confirmados para ps3??? Y que mas dice?? Alguien que me lo aclare que yo estoy muy loco...
Narcyl escribió:Llamadme loca, pero personalmente me alegra un montón que "quiten" el sistema que tenían de combate, porque lo poco que vi en los vídeos no me gusto nada de nada.
Cetirizino escribió:Gracias a Xiloscent de Vandal.
De Gamefaqs (donde salio el rumor de la localizacion de Bravely Default)So here we go..
As of last week, the game known as Final Fantasy Versus XIII was shown behind closed doors to people from Gamestop Corporate, along with Final Fantasy X HD Collection, FFXIII:LR (which is coming sooner than you think) and Final Fantasy XIV:RR. Marketing for Lightning Returns is going to startup sometime in April, so be on the lookout for that.
Final Fantasy XIV is a Playstation 3 title, will have a redemption code for the PS4 downloadable version at no extra charge. There are no plans for a full retail release of XIV on PS4.
The releases of LR, FFXIV AND Versus will be no longer than 3-4 months apart from one another, starting with LR. The idea is to re-establish the FF brand on the current platforms to generate interest/hype for the Next-Gen title which is in its infancy right now.
Final Fantasy "VERSUS XIII" pre-production began almost 4 years ago. The reason why its taken so long is due to a number of things, including manpower/resources being re-allocated to help finish Crystal Tools, work on FFXIV's re-working and work on the Luminous Engine. The game is NO LONGER AN ACTION-RPG. Its more in-line with traditional Final Fantasy and has been described to me as a combination of FFXII and the Classic ATB. seen in the older games. Still a Playstation 3 exclusive (you can thank/hate Sony for that) and is slated to release this Winter in Japan and North America (sorry Europe.) The game being shown for PS4 is NOT FFVXIII. Voice Recording sessions for the Japanese version have been happening in waves for awhile now, and actually finished up last month. Sessions for the English voice cast are slated to start sometime in July, although some work is being done in advance preparation for the E3 Trailer.
Speaking of which, expect Square to hold their own E3 briefing, for the first time in recent memory. There is simply too much to announce between the internally-developed titles and the Eidos stuff. "Versus" wont be playable until the Fall TGS. Dont expect much to be shown about the game leading up to its release, in terms of content. Theyre taking the FFVII approach with this one and not letting too much be known about the Game World prior to release, including the antagonist's identity.
And a quick note about the Vita/3DS. Dont expect any Square Enix retail releases on Vita aside from FFX. Square has very little confidence in the platform and the only reason X is seeing a Vita release is because its cost-efficient. Almost ALL of Square Enix's support will be focused towards 3DS/iOS. In fact, there isnt even a dedicated team working on Vita titles internally. FFX is being farmed-out.
Feel free to bookmark this post and come back to it over the next couple of months, starting next month when marketing begins for LR. As more info leaks out, the credibility of this post will also increase (and Aryllies).
Para mí todo tiene mas o menos sentido salvo lo de que ya no sea Arpg... me parecería muy extraño.
Me gusta mucho eso de que no tengan pensado mostrar mucho contenido de la historia, para que no sepamos nada hasta que lo juguemos, incluyendo en antagonista. Sería de agradecer, por que no me iba a poder resistir con las ganas que le tengo.
The releases of LR, FFXIV AND Versus will be no longer than 3-4 months apart from one another, starting with LR. The idea is to re-establish the FF brand on the current platforms to generate interest/hype for the Next-Gen title which is in its infancy right now.
Final Fantasy "VERSUS XIII" pre-production began almost 4 years ago. The reason why its taken so long is due to a number of things, including manpower/resources being re-allocated to help finish Crystal Tools, work on FFXIV's re-working and work on the Luminous Engine. The game is NO LONGER AN ACTION-RPG. Its more in-line with traditional Final Fantasy and has been described to me as a combination of FFXII and the Classic ATB. seen in the older games. Still a Playstation 3 exclusive (you can thank/hate Sony for that) and is slated to release this Winter in Japan and North America (sorry Europe.) The game being shown for PS4 is NOT FFVXIII. Voice Recording sessions for the Japanese version have been happening in waves for awhile now, and actually finished up last month. Sessions for the English voice cast are slated to start sometime in July, although some work is being done in advance preparation for the E3 Trailer.
And a quick note about the Vita/3DS. Dont expect any Square Enix retail releases on Vita aside from FFX. Square has very little confidence in the platform and the only reason X is seeing a Vita release is because its cost-efficient. Almost ALL of Square Enix's support will be focused towards 3DS/iOS. In fact, there isnt even a dedicated team working on Vita titles internally. FFX is being farmed-out.
jogdan escribió:http://www.3djuegos.com/noticia/132263/0/final-fantasy-versus-xiii/cambio-nombre-ffxv/
jogdan escribió:http://www.3djuegos.com/noticia/132263/0/final-fantasy-versus-xiii/cambio-nombre-ffxv/