I did finally figured out some stuff that been anoying us for a while yesterday!
There was a random freezing issue in the boot process and the game list was behaving really weird (games with no title...).
This being fixed will really change FSD 2.0 development to 2nd gear!
Another issue that i fixed yesterday is the string convertion problem : remember those gamelist screenshot with some square instead of special char?
This was caused by a bad string to wide string convertion. We were still using the code from original author, and while it work, it doesnt support special char.
Original code :
wstring strtowstr(string str)
wstring s(str.begin(), str.end());
return s;
Working code :
WCHAR* strtowchar(string str)
WCHAR* retVal;
int Length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0,str.c_str(),-1,retVal,0);
retVal = new WCHAR[Length+1];
return retVal;
By the way.. never call this 400 times per frame
it will freeze the xbox!
Screenshot :
Cant remember if I explained this earlier : you'll notice that fps was locked at 60 mostly because at 500 we at tearing issues.
Playing wmvhd 1080p video. Playing works great without and issue except the fact the the ratio is messed...