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This was posted on the Kickstarter forum - wish Justin would update us here too for the SEs...
"I'm just back from being at PAX East and will make contact with the factory tonight 9PM central time.
I will get status update on how many GCW Zero's have been produced to this point on Wendesday March 20th, 2013 we were right at 1400 units produced.
So I would think we are close to the end of the tunnel and about ready for the consoles to ship here to the good Ole USA.
I would ship just those but the cost of shipping multiple big shipments from China to the USA is just way to expensive so it is easier to do one big shipment.
All other pledge prizes are ready to go so all we need is the console which will be boxed with stretch goals in them.
On a great not we are now licensed for most of the 3D Realms titles so getting the data files you will need to Play Rise Of The Triad, Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, and Wolfenstien 3D will be easier and cheaper to purchase then trying to hunt them down any where else.
It will come in the DosBox format so it's a bonus as you will be able to play it on your PC and copy the data files over and play it on the GCW Zero and to boot it will be cheaper then you can get it on gog.com or anywhere else.
We are also in neogotians with Cinemaware to license all of there old Amiga, Atari, and Commodore 64 titles."
Not sure what the line "I will get status update on how many GCW Zero's have been produced to this point on Wendesday March 20th, 2013 we were right at 1400 units produced." implies as he posted this just 15hrs ago on the 26th of March ?
ChepoXX escribió:No entiendo el tema, el esta licenciando juegos para que la gente pague por ellos al ponerlos en la consola¿¿??? eso no destruye por completo la esencia de este este tipo de máquinas donde programadores sin fin de lucro trabajan por una comunidad que agradece y los valora y se autolimenta, donde el mayor pago es la entrega de una unidad o recaudación a forma de bono o agradecimiento??
Es que este señor se cree un mini sony o que onda, la verdad ahora si no entiendo nada.
Me da que si la consigo ver para mi cumple en Junio me doy con un canto en los dientes pero por lo menos, viendo el supuesto estado actual de drivers y preparacion de las unidades etc, parecen fechas mas logicas que no el pasado 26. Es curiosa una respuesta de uno de los programadores que dice estar hasta los huevos de la gente que se queja y que no ayudan en nada y que ya saben donde esta la puerta...entiendo la presion de programar a contra reloj y la he vivido muchas veces en mis propias carnes PERO querer mezclar dicha situacion con los fallos continuos en gestion e ideas rarunas varias de justin me parece pasarse y no ser muy coherente. A los devs todo mi apoyo y animo pero a justin, como he manisfestado hasta el momento, mi incredulidad y paciencia/espera que me da que mucho ya le estoy dando porque muchos otros ya se han cansado o cansaron hace tiempo y exigieron su dinero.I'm as concerned as most of you regarding shipping details. If we could get a more clear cut plan of action for delivery then I think it will set more minds at ease. e.g.
This is just an example but if you could provide some sort of timeline like this it would clarify a lot :
2nd week April - 1400 units arrive in US from China
3rd week April - all units are prepared & packaged, ready for delivery (bootloader issue sorted etc..)
4th week April - US SE devs recieve units
1st week May - US kickstarters receive units
2nd & 3rd week May - International SE devs recieve units
4th week May to late June - International kickstarters receive units
Tienes relacion directa con el proyecto Hi-ban o como va el tema porque permiteme decirte que la verdad que defiendes a capa y espada a Justin de una manera que no se, me parece curiosa cuanto menos y lo que tampoco puede ser es que cada nueva fecha/estimacion que de Justin sea totalmente especulativa y no se de como realista...vamos que es como la manga ancha infinita...no queria tener Atari y sacarla de lo mas profundo del avismo y que estaban preparados para ello? pues si para llevar una empresa multinacional de ese renombre lo esta no se como no lo esta para esto...creo se entiende a donde voy. Ya que dice poco o nada por el foro y demas, que menos que lo que diga se lo piense y evalue bien porque para escuchar fechas y cifras que no puedo ni tomarme como medianamente realistas mejor que ni se digan...creo yo.Remember: "best guess timeline" is NOT the same as "promise"
"estimation" is NOT the same as "promise"
"if everything goes well" is NOT the same as "promise"
"it is expected" is NOT the same as "promise"
Justin promised to deliver a quality product and try his best to do it soon. And trust me, he is doing so. Maybe he took some wrong choices, but he did in good faith. Most of the delays were caused by factory issues or unexpected problems which just happen, but Justin and the dev team are working hard to overcome all difficulties.
Trust me, they will be delivered as soon as possible. Complaining will make no good.
hi-ban escribió:Personalmente, creo que su fallo siempre ha sido ser demasiado optimista con las fechas. Por eso se le han venido muchas cosas encima. Si desde el principio hubiera estimado las fechas teniendo en cuenta todos los imprevistos que podían pasar (y que al final pasaron), no andaría tan ajustado y todo el mundo estaría contento.
En fin, hay que tener en cuenta que este es su primer proyecto de este tipo, y el unico de este tipo que se ha hecho en la comunidad despues de Pandora. Asi que admito que podía haber salido todo mejor, pero tambien podría haber salido mucho peor.
El bootloader no está hecho aun porque hasta ahora los devs solo tenían prototipos de 256MB. El lunes le llegó una unidad de 512MB al dev encargado del bootloader, y resulta que por algo del hardware, hay que modificar el kernel también. Esperemos que lo tenga hecho lo mas pronto posible.
Nunca se ha pensado en enviar unidades que den problemas. De hecho la primera tirada se descartó por que tenían algun defecto de fábrica. No se que habrá pasado con esas consolas.
Trabis escribió:Sigo confiando en que saldrá antes del 26 de marzo.
alexei_gp escribió:Trabis escribió:Sigo confiando en que saldrá antes del 26 de marzo.
entonces en que año saldra la gcw zero?
Swsolaris escribió:alexei_gp escribió:Trabis escribió:Sigo confiando en que saldrá antes del 26 de marzo.
entonces en que año saldra la gcw zero?
No dijo el año...
Lord_Gouki escribió:Hi-ban, eres el mismo de los emuladores de WIZ?
hi-ban escribió:Lord_Gouki escribió:Hi-ban, eres el mismo de los emuladores de WIZ?
No. Yo soy el mismo de este emulador para dingoo (http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/din ... 0,0,71,561) opendingux (http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/din ... 0,0,71,624) y caanoo (http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/caa ... 0,0,71,768)
Al no tener WIZ, no pude intentar portarlo a ella, pero creo que otro usuario lo intentó portar a WIZ.
1) Delivery estimates- the company has made delivery estimates several times in the past and they were incorrect. Unfortunately, I feel this is something that will always haunt the project and there's no way I can go back and erase it. None of the estimates were made to give anyone false hope, they were all made because at the time the deadline was announced, we believed it was possible to meet it, but we were proven wrong. They were always estimates, not predictions, so missing them is not only a disappointment to you, but also to the team who have to bear the brunt of criticism for not strictly adhering to them. I hate time and money sinks. The time and stress that developers have had to expend to defend their work in these forums has been an enormous drain on their time that could be used to improve the product.
Therefore, to avoid this problem in the near future, I have decided to go with a radical solution- there will be only one delivery estimate from now on. You will not get that estimate now. There will be no expected shipping date whatsoever until it actually ships. The estimate will come once your Zero is delivered to the post office. There will be no other estimates until then. Instead, I will provide you with updates on development. I know this solution will have its critics, but it might be the only way we can keep the project on track and see unhindered progress. I am confident that the updates will demonstrate that the product is nearly complete.
2) SE vs. Kickstarter- Special Edition preorders will always be given preference over the Kickstarter orders. As far as the Special Edition units go, I too have been informed that the bootloader is the last thing we need right now. Once the bootloader is ready, the units will work and we can ship out.
Kickstarter units are another issue. I am adamantly opposed to shipping out any Kickstarter units with non-functioning equipment. The SE orders were made via word-of-mouth and our introduction was with a rough prototype. Remember- I too was one of the first to put my money down, I know what we all were getting into. It's understandable for us to see why some things might not work right now. But the Kickstarter orderers have a much higher expectation for a fully functional unit. If something doesn't work as expected, it could easily affect their perception of the Zero. Selling them an incomplete unit is like selling them a car with a sunroof that doesn't open.
3) the picture of 150 Zeros- I can understand everyone's concern over this issue. It's only a picture, so why can't someone just take the pic and be done with it? Again, remember, I'm 1,000 miles away so I can't really do it myself. Justin has been unable to do it because of work and you might call me a push-over, but I draw the line when either someone's job or personal relationships are at stake. Once again, everyone in this project still has their day job, including Justin and myself. Everyone has loved ones that need attention and affection. Some of us are waiting for our Zeros to arrive but those of us in the project have loved ones that are waiting for us to come back. I refuse to let the GCW Zero project claim either the job or family of the people involved in it.
... and also comes in black.
The Cure escribió:Venga va, algo interesante de verdad ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... zSuKfoh8wE
Salida TV
Lo menos malo de esperar tanto es que al final puede que haya suerte y este todo solucionado.... and also comes in black.
Vamos que de ser verdad estaria la gente que no se ha involucrado en el kick recibiendo antes la consola...muy bien...xD2nd week April - 1400 units arrive in US from China
3rd week April - all units are prepared & packaged, ready for delivery (bootloader issue sorted etc..)
4th week April - US SE devs recieve units
1st week May - US kickstarters receive units
2nd & 3rd week May - International SE devs recieve units
4th week May to late June - International kickstarters receive units
KFR escribió:Realmente nada nuevo en la entrevista pero tampoco lo esperaba.
Me hace gracia lo de espera poder poner a la venta para el resto de gente la consola entre mayo y junio...Vamos que de ser verdad estaria la gente que no se ha involucrado en el kick recibiendo antes la consola...muy bien...xD2nd week April - 1400 units arrive in US from China
3rd week April - all units are prepared & packaged, ready for delivery (bootloader issue sorted etc..)
4th week April - US SE devs recieve units
1st week May - US kickstarters receive units
2nd & 3rd week May - International SE devs recieve units
4th week May to late June - International kickstarters receive units
Justo estaba pensando en eso tras escribir xDDD pero bueno, paciencia y a ver como sigue la funcion porque vamos solo me faltan las palomitas.skelton escribió:KFR escribió:Realmente nada nuevo en la entrevista pero tampoco lo esperaba.
Me hace gracia lo de espera poder poner a la venta para el resto de gente la consola entre mayo y junio...Vamos que de ser verdad estaria la gente que no se ha involucrado en el kick recibiendo antes la consola...muy bien...xD2nd week April - 1400 units arrive in US from China
3rd week April - all units are prepared & packaged, ready for delivery (bootloader issue sorted etc..)
4th week April - US SE devs recieve units
1st week May - US kickstarters receive units
2nd & 3rd week May - International SE devs recieve units
4th week May to late June - International kickstarters receive units
Da lo mismo porque las fechas seguramente ni se cumplan. Yo no espero mi SE hasta mediados de mayo por lo menos, y eso siendo optimista. (aunque seguramente le de puerta en cuanto me llegue de todas formas)
Last status update I gave was just two days ago. But if you would like I can make them more frequent... Last count I got was a little over 1500 completed with Quality Control and Assurance.
They estimate mind you this is factory estimation not mine April 20th, 2013 for completion of production and Quality Control and Assurance then shipping to USA that same day. As for when they will arrive in the USA and how long it will take to flash them is a guess I can't make.
You have to keep in mind funds from KS were not in my hands till Feb 16th, 2013 which was while Chinese New year was in full swing in China by the time they got back it was the 23rd of Feb and factory didn't spin up with production til 25th of Feb 2013. So only a little over a month has passed since production was put into motion.
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alexei_gp escribió:Me han mandado este e- mail de kickstarter sobre la gcw zero lo pongo en un quote:Last status update I gave was just two days ago. But if you would like I can make them more frequent... Last count I got was a little over 1500 completed with Quality Control and Assurance.
They estimate mind you this is factory estimation not mine April 20th, 2013 for completion of production and Quality Control and Assurance then shipping to USA that same day. As for when they will arrive in the USA and how long it will take to flash them is a guess I can't make.
You have to keep in mind funds from KS were not in my hands till Feb 16th, 2013 which was while Chinese New year was in full swing in China by the time they got back it was the 23rd of Feb and factory didn't spin up with production til 25th of Feb 2013. So only a little over a month has passed since production was put into motion.
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En pocas palabras van mandar las gcw zero del kickstarter el 20 de abril espero que esta vez si cumplan con las entregas.
Wence-Kun escribió:Si mi vista no me engaña Hannah Minx es más ''grande'' aún
The Cure escribió:Vaya par de consolas ...
hi-ban escribió:es Moxxi, un personaje del juego Borderlands:
http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2 ... -26-79.png