Vaya lo de Jeff pero ya lo decia yo desde antes con estos comentarios (no de EIDOS que conste

14-11-2007 23:41
La torna general en varios sitios escribió:One last thing,i really don't know where Gamspot is coming from with their reviews lately. Never judge a book by its cover and play more than 1 level before giving a game a score it deserves.
Forero de Gamefaqs hablando sobre la review escribió:**Before reading on the following is all speculation.**
I like many have been disappointed, to say the least, at the reviews of Kane and Lynch. Not so much the reviewers fault as it is Io Interactive's. There is no excuse for a highly hyped game to be this unpolished and for no reason should it have had its release pushed foward. That all being said I may have stumbled upon a bit of a conspiracy.
I'm sure some of you are aware Jeff Gertsmann, now the face of GameSpot is responsible for the review. It should come as no surprise he played this game on an Xbox 360 for the review and like most people with a 360 he has a GamerTag attached to his account(GameSpotting for those who wish to check). The achievement, the most popular and controversial feature of the Xbox 360, all games have them. The achievement has served another purpose today, other than showing of your skill in Halo 3.
After reading the review, as with most of Jeff's reviews, I hopped over to to check about how many achievements I would rake up as I played through. Funny thing this time however, I wasn't greeted by the typical "beat the game on the hardest difficulty" achievement you would expect from a thorough reviewer, I wasn't even greeted with a typical you beat the game achievement. In fact as I gazed upon his weak gamescore I found only two achievements had been unlocked. One for beating the first mission and one for trying the co-op.
Now I know he may have played through the game on two separate systems or accounts, but why would somebody who hates a game so much bother playing through the opening twice. Perhaps the most damning evidence lay within the review itself. At no point is anything beyond the first mission or common knowledge of the game mentioned, nothing that couldn't have been easily stolen from another review and the biggest piece to the puzzle is in the video review. Watch it yourself, clip after clip, not once in the video review is a clip shown of the game past the opening mission.
As I said at the beginning it is all speculation. I do not know for sure that he only played the game through the first level, but the evidence is there.
Un comentario del online de Kane and Lynch
Forero escribió:-People take the traitor aspect of the game very personally. The first game I betrayed my teammate, I was met with the most curse words I've ever heard in 30 seconds...ever. Very entertaining. This made the amount of cursing in the single player seem like a joke.
No es malo el juego ya he comentado unas cosas que suceden despues en el juego que son para comentar.
No es de 6, yo le pondria un 7.5+
Este tio creo que quiera jugar el AC y le toco el K&L para la review
¿Ruby que tal te parecio la pagina?
franpc ya tengo tu medicina xD