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//* Programa: Ordenación de matriz con metodo de burbuja mejorada.
/* Descripción: Ordenacion de una matriz por columnas
//* Autor: Pablo
//* Versión: 0.1
//* Creado: 02-12-07 Última revisión: 02-12-07
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int N=4;
const int M=3;
typedef int Matriz[N][M];
int main()
Matriz a;
int i,j,ordenado, paso=1,aux;
//Rellenador aleatorio
srand(time(NULL)); // función para limpìar el RAND y que genere randoms nuevos.
cout << " Matriz A:" << endl;
for(i=0; i < N; i++)
for(j=0; j <M; j++)
a[i][j] = rand()%10; //Rellena la matriz de valores entre 0 y 9
cout.width(3); //Muestra en pantalla los numeros con una separacion de 3
cout << a[i][j] << " "; //Muestra la Matriz
cout << endl;
//FIN Rellenador aleatorio
ordenado=1; //Tomamos la Matriz como ordenada.
for(i=0;i < N; i++)
for(j=0; j <M; j++) //Fors para ir recorriendo la Matriz
if (a[i][j] > a[i+1][j]) //Si el numero actual es mayor al siguiente, se intercambian.
aux = a[i][j];
a[i][j] = a[i+1][j];
a[i+1][j] = aux;
ordenado = 0; //Se pone la variable a 0
paso++; //Contador para saber los pasos realizados hasta ordenar totalmente.
cout << "Matriz A Ordenada por columnas en " << paso " pasos: " << endl;
for(i=0; i < N; i++)
for(j=0; j <M; j++)
cout << a[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
shadow land escribió:y eso a que viene?
si quieres vacilar, pon un sistema de ordeación de arboles de n-ramas... no el algoritmo de la burbuja
shadow land escribió:y eso a que viene?
si quieres vacilar, pon un sistema de ordeación de arboles de n-ramas... no el algoritmo de la burbuja
Lee_Chaolan escribió:Ahora estoy en emuline.fr y el zorro no entra a la partida xD
darix2006 escribió:
SI fueran tetas no dirias nada xD
Ni caso PabloAM. Por cierto, que estudias?
PabloAM escribió:
Joder, parezco un ogro macho, siempre que pongo algo o es para vacilar o para spamear o para trollear :S
Lo he puesto por poner xD
Nose, tengo examen este miercoles y estoy estudiandolo, solo tengo arrays, busqueda y organización.
Pasame información sobre ordenación de arboles please.
Un saludo
PabloAM escribió:
Joder, parezco un ogro macho, siempre que pongo algo o es para vacilar o para spamear o para trollear :S
lherre escribió:Lo de siempre, los que compran la ps3 son tontos lobotomizados, solo hay 4 gatos "listos" y con "criterio".
PabloAM escribió:¿Y esque no es asi?
Todo el mundo contestais igual cuando se os da una razonamiento sobre porque si es asi.
La Wii es el doble de casual que lo compran hasta las abuelas, pero por eso no quita que la PS3 lo sea.
Un saludo
megateto escribió:Por favor!!! Y esto lo dice uno que defiende a capa y espada lo contento que está de haberse comprado un iPhone? Compañero, igual que respetamos que te guste mucho gastarte ese pastón en un teléfono que todos reconocemos como estupendo, pero que parece que es un poco más caro de lo que en realidad ofrece (respetamos pero no compartimos, y somos unos cuantos los que así opinamos), deja a la gente gastarse sus dineros en lo que quiera.
PabloAM escribió:Pues el año pasado acabe el modulo superior de Administrador de sistemas informaticos y este año estoy haciendo el Modulo superio de desarrollo de aplicaciones informaticas mientras trabajo de administrador en un colegio publico.
Por? Tienes trabajo para mi? xD
Un saludo
M@tu escribió: (Que venga el creador del hilo y me diga que esperaba que fuese a llegar tan lejos xD!)
Shadow land escribió:
buuuuuuuuuu smile_[looco]
era una coña, pero se me olvido el smiley (cosas de jugar y postear a la vez, supongo... añadiendo una gripe en medio, jeje)
ahora en serio, no esta mal, aunque he visto ese algoritmo más limpio otras veces (lo que no quiere decir que sea más eficaz o eficiente).
Arboles... podría perder 3 horas o 4 entre apuntes hasta encontrarlos... no se ni donde andan.
Si tienes examen y te entran la ordenación y busqueda en arboles, y no has pillado el concepto aún, despidete (espero que no sea el caso). Aunque siendo de ASI previamente, eso lo deberías de llevar al dedillo, vaya. Mucho más que los de DAI.
Luego te busco algo, y si lo encuentro te lo paso, pero vamos, no te hagas ilusiones por si acaso.
megateto escribió:Por favor!!! Y esto lo dice uno que defiende a capa y espada lo contento que está de haberse comprado un iPhone? Compañero, igual que respetamos que te guste mucho gastarte ese pastón en un teléfono que todos reconocemos como estupendo, pero que parece que es un poco más caro de lo que en realidad ofrece (respetamos pero no compartimos, y somos unos cuantos los que así opinamos), deja a la gente gastarse sus dineros en lo que quiera.
darix2006 escribió:Era curiosidad mas que nada.
Trabajo... pues bueno, si quieres ordenarme la habitacion, pasarme apuntes a limpio... no se, quiza tengo algo para ti si cobras poco xD
(Estoy estudiando ingenieria informatica [3 curso] aun)
M@tu escribió:Hablemos de lo que queramos?
Me voy a estrenar en esta mierda de hilo que ya va por el número 88 xDD
Vamos a ver, algún manitas que me ayude, lo he puesto ya en el foro de PS2 y me ha contestado un admin majete, pero no se pasa mucha peña que digamos.
Que levanten la mano los que tienen aquí una PS2 a la que le hayan tenido que cambiar la pieza AV MULTI OUT a la cual se conecta el cable que envía la señal de vídeo / audio a la televisión.
Tantos no, por favor xD
Necesito consejo EOLiano en este tema, que es un putadón del quince, y por ello os escribo en este hilo que parece ser de lo más próspero (Que venga el creador del hilo y me diga que esperaba que fuese a llegar tan lejos xD!), para solucionar el problema que me atormenta hoy en día (Joder, que quiero jugar al Jak & Daxter!).
El problema es el ya descrito ahí arriba, tengo una PsTwo Slim con el conector AV MULTI OUT jodido, pero al mismo tiempo tengo una PS2 destripada con su propio conector listo para desoldar (Si es que es así como se hace...), y así usarlo como donante.
Jugáis al MAME por Internet? Yo lo tengo instalado desde hace tiempo, si quereis me uno. Y si quereis un Smash 64 por Internet, también me apunto
Ale, que siga la fiesta.
Zorronoxo escribió:Por cierto yo ya sudo de intentar parrys, que nunca me salen y me pueden costar un combate.
lherre escribió:PabloAM la Xbox dejó hace mucho de ser la consola "hardcore" de la gente, sobre todo en USA.
megateto escribió:Xbox para jugones de toda la vida.... va ser que sólo desde hace 6 años, en primer lugar. Y respecto a lo otro, esto es calcadito a las batallitas de hace 6 años: ojalá todos fueramos consumidores responsables, bien informados y todo ese rollo, pero te lo creerás o no, no todo el mundo tiene tiempo o quiere molestarse en hacer un estudio en profundidad de lo que compra.
O acaso tenemos todos como revista de referencia, en la mesita de noche, la revista de la OCU. Has hecho un análisis en profundidad de marcas de detergentes, aceites, sopas.... Pues eso, que cada uno se gaste los dineros en lo que les salga de los mismísimos. Ahora bien, si esa persona acto seguido se dedica a soltar rollos falsos y desinformados, pues le corriges, intentas razonar con él y todos tan contentos tanto si le convences como si no.
Pero por favor, a ver si nos quitamos los aires de superioridad frente a la masa, pq estoy convencido de que en una cosa u otra, todos, al final, somos masa.
PabloAM escribió:
No me entra en arboles.
Refrescame aunque sea con algun enlace de google, ya que solo di C en ASI y Visual Studio en el 2º año, pero lo aprove por los pelos (Odio VB).
Turyx escribió:Hombre, para pillar Abenobashi te han de gustar las cosas que parodia.
Por ejemplo, en el 2º cap se mete bastante con los tópicos de los RPG, en el 3º con los mechas(cuando suena la canción de Evangelion es brutal xD), etc...
Alejo I escribió:No, ese era Ossobuco. Lamentable por méritos propios, especialmente después de su llorona despedida diciendo que se iba de EOL, y blablabla. Oye, su re-registro fue casi instantáneo.darix2006 escribió:
Y ahora sin coñas, me parece normal reportar a los que se dedican a joder, pero a la gente que esta integrada en el foro(...)
Diskun escribió:Imagen muy fluida, el color negro es negro, sin ghosting... Si quereis preguntar algo o pedir más fotos no os cortéis.
oslando escribió:atencion, pregunta: creen que un aparato que se alimente por usb puede descuajaringar la x360? lo digo porque ayer vi un disco duro externo con alimentacion por usb muy majo. otra cosa, la tasa de transferencia del usb2.0 es factible para hacer streaming de una pelicula en hd?
M@tu escribió:Hablemos de lo que queramos?
Me voy a estrenar en esta mierda de hilo que ya va por el número 88 xDD
M@tu escribió:El problema es el ya descrito ahí arriba, tengo una PsTwo Slim con el conector AV MULTI OUT jodido, pero al mismo tiempo tengo una PS2 destripada con su propio conector listo para desoldar (Si es que es así como se hace...), y así usarlo como donante.
Lee_Chaolan escribió:Ha entrado oslando y han empezado a pasar cosas raras xD
Ahora deben de estar mirando en una partida que he creado yo pero que me he ido y sigue estando ahí xD
He salvado a la reina Rachni. Muy guapa toda la escena. Me pregunto de que forma esta decisión afectará al juego. Por cierto, me ha tocado mucho las bowlings que después de activar la purga no pueda volver a la zona de los refugiados para que me aclamen como a un heroe. Joder, ni un reconocimiento, tras activar la purga directo para la nave.
M@tu escribió:Me voy a estrenar en esta mierda de hilo que ya va por el número 88 xDD
PabloAM escribió:Ale, un poco de C++ xD//**************************************************/
//* Programa: Ordenación de matriz con metodo de burbuja mejorada.
/* Descripción: Ordenacion de una matriz por columnas
//* Autor: Pablo
//* Versión: 0.1
//* Creado: 02-12-07 Última revisión: 02-12-07
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int N=4;
const int M=3;
typedef int Matriz[N][M];
int main()
Matriz a;
int i,j,ordenado, paso=1,aux;
//Rellenador aleatorio
srand(time(NULL)); // función para limpìar el RAND y que genere randoms nuevos.
cout << " Matriz A:" << endl;
for(i=0; i < N; i++)
for(j=0; j <M; j++)
a[i][j] = rand()%10; //Rellena la matriz de valores entre 0 y 9
cout.width(3); //Muestra en pantalla los numeros con una separacion de 3
cout << a[i][j] << " "; //Muestra la Matriz
cout << endl;
//FIN Rellenador aleatorio
ordenado=1; //Tomamos la Matriz como ordenada.
for(i=0;i < N; i++)
for(j=0; j <M; j++) //Fors para ir recorriendo la Matriz
if (a[i][j] > a[i+1][j]) //Si el numero actual es mayor al siguiente, se intercambian.
aux = a[i][j];
a[i][j] = a[i+1][j];
a[i+1][j] = aux;
ordenado = 0; //Se pone la variable a 0
paso++; //Contador para saber los pasos realizados hasta ordenar totalmente.
cout << "Matriz A Ordenada por columnas en " << paso " pasos: " << endl;
for(i=0; i < N; i++)
for(j=0; j <M; j++)
cout << a[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
GXY escribió:tendre que echarle un vistazo a la serie esa
ElChabaldelPc escribió:suddenly lolis hundreds of them
micasa vuelve a estar llena de amigas de mi hermana![]()
Vivendi and Activision merge to form Activision Blizzard
SANTA MONICA, Calif. & PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Activision, Inc. (NASDAQ: ATVI) and Vivendi (Euronext Paris: VIV) today announced that they have signed a definitive agreement to combine Vivendi Games, Vivendi's interactive entertainment business -- which includes Blizzard Entertainment’s® World of Warcraft®, the world’s #1 multi-player online role-playing game franchise -- with Activision, creating the world’s largest pure-play online and console game publisher. The new company, Activision Blizzard, is expected to have approximately $3.8 billion in pro forma combined calendar 2007 revenues and the highest operating margins of any major third-party video game publisher. On closing of the transaction, Activision will be renamed Activision Blizzard and will continue to operate as a public company traded on NASDAQ under the ticker ATVI.
Activision, one of the world’s leading independent publishers of interactive entertainment, is best known for its top-selling franchises, including Guitar Hero®, Call of Duty® and the Tony Hawk series, as well as Spider-Man™, X-Men™, Shrek®, James Bond™ and TRANSFORMERS™. Blizzard Entertainment, a division of Vivendi Games, has projected calendar 2007 revenues of $1.1 billion, operating margins of over 40% and approximately $520 million of operating profit. Blizzard owns the #1 multi-player online role-playing game franchise, World of Warcraft, which currently has over 9.3 million subscribers worldwide. Blizzard’s World of Warcraft, Warcraft®, StarCraft® and Diablo® games account for four of the top-five best-selling PC game titles of all time. Vivendi Games also owns popular franchises, including Crash Bandicoot™ and Spyro™. Pro forma for calendar 2007, Activision Blizzard expects to generate approximately 70% of its revenues from owned franchises. As a result of the business combination, Activision Blizzard expects to have the most diversified and broadest portfolio of interactive entertainment assets in its industry, positioning the combined company to capitalize on the continued worldwide growth in interactive entertainment.
Jean-Bernard Lévy, Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer of Vivendi stated: “This alliance is a major strategic step for Vivendi and is another illustration of our drive to extend our presence in the entertainment sector. By combining Vivendi’s games business with Activision, we are creating a worldwide leader in a high-growth industry. We are excited about the opportunities for Activision Blizzard as a broader entertainment software platform. We believe this transaction will create significant value for Activision Blizzard and Vivendi stockholders. In Activision, we have found a partner with a highly complementary business and strong operating team. Bobby Kotick and Brian Kelly are industry pioneers, well known for creating shareholder value. The combined strength of the existing management teams at both companies will set the stage for further profitable growth of Activision Blizzard. We look forward to being an active and supportive majority stockholder in a company that is poised to lead the worldwide interactive entertainment industry in the years ahead.”
René Penisson, Member of the Management Board of Vivendi and current Chairman of Vivendi Games, added: “We are very confident that by combining forces, Activision Blizzard will set the highest standards in quality, reputation and profitability, and will bring together the best creative teams in the industry. The combination of this unique product portfolio with highly professional employees gives us great confidence in the growth prospects for Activision Blizzard.”
Said Robert Kotick, Activision's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer: “This is an outstanding transaction for Activision and our stockholders, as well as a pivotal event in the continuing transformation of the interactive entertainment industry. By combining leaders in mass-market entertainment and subscription-based online games, Activision Blizzard will be the only publisher with leading market positions across all categories of the rapidly growing interactive entertainment software industry and reach the broadest possible audiences. By joining forces with Vivendi Games, we will become the immediate leader in the highly profitable online games business and gain a large footprint in the rapidly growing Asian markets, including China and Korea, while maintaining our leading operating performance across North America and Europe. Activision stockholders will benefit from significantly increased earnings power and the recurring nature and predictability of subscription-based revenues, while also having the opportunity, if they choose, to receive $27.50 per share for a portion of their shares in the post-closing tender offer.”
Kotick continued: “Vivendi Games provides Activision with unique strategic and financial benefits and will allow us to leverage our franchises into emerging online opportunities as Blizzard has done so successfully. Activision has been very focused on margin expansion, and this transaction will meaningfully increase our overall operating margins as we expand our franchises online and in new geographies. Diversifying our revenue base among subscription-based online, console and PC formats, as well as wireless and casual emerging opportunities, gives us the broadest platform to capitalize on industry growth. With Blizzard’s successful franchises, such as World of Warcraft, StarCraft and an exciting pipeline of yet-to-be announced titles, Vivendi Games’ and Blizzard’s management team will join with Activision’s strong and experienced leaders to become an even more powerful force for innovation in online and offline interactive entertainment across a wide range of platforms. This transaction also provides a unique relationship with Universal Music Group – the world’s largest music company – which will benefit Guitar Hero and further extend our sizable leadership position in music-based games.”
Mike Morhaime, President and Chief Executive Officer of Blizzard, added: "Blizzard's industry-leading PC games business, with a track record of nine consecutive bestsellers and a global subscriber base of more than 9.3 million World of Warcraft players, is an exceptional fit for Activision's highly profitable console games business. From our interactions with the Activision team, it is clear we have much in common in terms of our approaches to game development and publishing. Above all, we are looking forward to continue creating great games for Blizzard gamers around the world, and we believe this new partnership will help us to do that even better than before.”
Structure & Terms of Transaction
Under the terms of the agreement, Vivendi Games will be merged with a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision. In the merger, shares of Vivendi Games will be converted into 295.3 million new shares of Activision common stock. Based on the transaction price of $27.50 per share of Activision common stock, this implies a value of approximately $8.1 billion for Vivendi Games. Concurrently with the merger, Vivendi will purchase 62.9 million newly issued shares of Activision common stock at a price of $27.50 per share – a premium of 31% to Activision’s average closing price over the past 20 trading days – for a total of $1.7 billion in cash. As a result of these transactions, Vivendi will own an approximate 52% ownership stake in Activision Blizzard on a fully diluted basis.
Within five business days after closing the transaction, Activision Blizzard will launch a $4 billion all-cash tender offer to purchase up to 146.5 million Activision Blizzard common shares at $27.50 per share. The tender offer will be funded by Activision Blizzard’s cash on hand at closing, including the $1.7 billion in cash received from the Vivendi share purchase. In addition, Vivendi has agreed to acquire from Activision Blizzard additional newly issued shares for up to an additional $700 million of Activision common stock at $27.50 per share, the proceeds of which would also be used to fund the tender offer. Any remaining funds required to complete the tender offer will be borrowed by Activision Blizzard from Vivendi or third-party lenders. If the tender offer is fully subscribed, Vivendi will own an approximate 68% ownership stake in Activision Blizzard on a fully diluted basis.
The transaction is expected to be immediately accretive in its first year post-closing for Activision’s stockholders and slightly accretive for Vivendi’s stockholders. Activision Blizzard is targeting pro forma operating income of $1.1 billion and pro forma earnings per share (EPS) in excess of $1.20 in calendar year 2009. The transaction is expected to be at least $0.20 accretive to Activision stockholders in calendar year 2009.
Activision Blizzard’s board of directors will be comprised of eleven members: six directors designated by Vivendi, two Activision management directors and three independent directors who currently serve on Activision’s board of directors. René Penisson, currently a member of the Management Board of Vivendi and Chairman of Vivendi Games, will serve as Chairman of Activision Blizzard. Brian Kelly, currently Co-Chairman of Activision, will serve as Co-Chairman of Activision Blizzard. The three independent directors will be Richard Sarnoff, Robert J. Corti and Robert Morgado. Other Activision Blizzard directors will be Robert Kotick (President and Chief Executive Officer of Activision Blizzard), Bruce Hack (Vice-Chairman and Chief Corporate Officer of Activision Blizzard), Jean-Bernard Lévy (Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer of Vivendi), Doug Morris (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Universal Music Group), Philippe Capron (Member of the Management Board and Chief Financial Officer of Vivendi), and Frédéric Crépin (Senior Vice President, Head of Legal, Vivendi).
Following the completion of the transaction, Robert Kotick will be President and Chief Executive Officer of Activision Blizzard. Bruce Hack, current Chief Executive Officer of Vivendi Games, will serve as Vice-Chairman and Chief Corporate Officer of Activision Blizzard, accountable for leading the merger integration and the finance, human resources and legal functions. Mike Griffith will serve as President and Chief Executive Officer of Activision Publishing, which after closing will include the Sierra Entertainment, Sierra Online and Vivendi Games Mobile divisions in addition to the Activision business. Mike Morhaime will continue to serve as President and Chief Executive Officer of Blizzard Entertainment. Thomas Tippl, currently Chief Financial Officer of Activision, will be appointed Chief Financial Officer of Activision Blizzard and Jean-François Grollemund, currently Chief Financial Officer of Vivendi Games, will be appointed Chief Accounting Officer of Activision Blizzard.
Conditions to Closing
The transaction has been approved by the boards of directors of Vivendi, Vivendi Games and Activision. The transaction is subject to the approval of Activision's stockholders and the satisfaction of customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals, including expiration of applicable waiting periods and receipt of applicable approvals under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act and European Union merger control regulations. Pending regulatory and stockholder approval, the companies expect the transaction to be completed in the first half of calendar year 2008.
Financial and Legal Advisors
Activision’s financial advisor on the transaction is Allen & Company LLC and its legal counsel is Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP. Vivendi’s financial advisor is Goldman, Sachs & Co. and Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP is acting as legal counsel to Vivendi.
Conference Call and Webcast Information
The management of both companies will host a joint conference call and live webcast on Monday, December 3, 2007 at 8:30 a.m. ET, 2:30 p.m. Paris time, 1:30 p.m. London time to discuss this announcement. The companies welcome all members of the investment community to listen to the call live by dialing into (888) 765-5554 in the U.S. or (913) 312-1235 outside the U.S. The live webcast of the call can be accessed at http://www.vivendi.com and http://www.activision.com.
For those unable to listen to the live conference call, an audio replay of the call will be available through December 17, 2007, approximately two hours after the call’s conclusion and can be accessed by calling (888) 203-1112 in the U.S. or (719) 457-0820 outside the U.S. and entering the pass-code: 5648597. In addition, a webcast replay also will be archived on the Investor Relations section of each company’s website.
Activision Broadcast Media Center
Broadcast quality video and web-streaming video is available in PAL and NTSC formats on Activision's Broadcast Media Center at http://activision.pondserver.com. Pathfire users can download video to their Digital Media Gateway by choosing the Pathfire Enabled file. All video is free of charge and its use is unrestricted.
About Vivendi
Vivendi is a global leader in digital entertainment with activities in music, TV, cinema, mobile, internet, and games through its ownership of Universal Music Group, Canal+ Group, SFR, Maroc Telecom and Vivendi Games. In 2006, Vivendi had revenues of over €20 billion and a global headcount of 39,000. Listed on the Paris Stock market, Vivendi is a member of the CAC 40. More information about Vivendi is available at http://www.vivendi.com.
About Vivendi Games
Vivendi Games is a global developer, publisher and distributor of multiplatform interactive entertainment. The company is the leader in the subscription-based massively multi-player online role-playing games (MMORPG) category and is building on its position in the PC, console and handheld games markets. Vivendi Games has a global presence, a history of franchise success, development teams around the world and a catalog of its own original and licensed material. Vivendi Games has approximately 4,000 employees and is driven by four creative divisions: Blizzard Entertainment, Sierra Entertainment, Sierra Online and Vivendi Games Mobile. Irvine, California-based Blizzard, creator of the Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo games series, is by far the largest of the four entities with approximately 2,300 employees.
About Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
Best known for blockbuster hits including World of Warcraft and the Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo series, Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. (http://www.blizzard.com), a division of Vivendi Games, is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment software renowned for creating some of the industry’s most critically acclaimed games. Blizzard Entertainment’s track record includes ten #1-selling games and multiple Game of the Year awards. The company’s online-gaming service, Battle.net®, is one of the largest in the world, with millions of active users.
About Activision, Inc.
Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, Activision, Inc. is a leading worldwide developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment and leisure products. Founded in 1979, Activision posted net revenues of $1.5 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007. Activision has more than 2,000 employees worldwide.
Activision maintains operations in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain, the Netherlands, Australia, Japan and South Korea. More information about Activision and its products can be found on the company's World Wide Web site, which is located at http://www.activision.com.
Calculation of Certain Estimates
All financial information relating to Activision, Vivendi Games and Blizzard Entertainment included in this press release, including pro forma estimates for calendar year 2007, and projections for future periods, represent the companies' respective estimates and projections and were not prepared in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. These estimates exclude the impact of expenses related to equity-based compensation and related tax benefits, potential one-time restructuring charges of up to $100 million that may be incurred in connection with the transaction, and the potential impact from non-cash intangible amortization resulting from purchase price accounting. In addition, these estimates assume continued net revenue growth as well as expense reductions and other synergies that may or may not be realized. Estimates for future periods are subject to significant inherent uncertainties, which increase with periods farther into the future. Actual results may differ materially and are subject to risks, including the risks described in the Cautionary Note below. To the extent that the estimates for calendar year 2007 are based on the historical performance of Activision and Vivendi Games through September 30, 2007, not all such historical information has been audited, the accounting policies of the companies may differ, and the two companies have different fiscal years. The financial information for Blizzard Entertainment contained in this press release is presented on a stand-alone basis and does not reflect the results of operations of other Vivendi Games divisions.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-looking Statements
Information in this press release that involves expectations, plans, intentions or strategies regarding the future are forward-looking statements that are not facts and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. In this release they are identified by references to dates after the date of this release and words such as "outlook," "will," "will be," "remains," "to be," "plans," "believes", "may", "expects," "intends," "should," "continue," and similar expressions. Factors that could cause actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements set forth in this release include, but are not limited to, the timing and successful completion of the transactions described in this release (including the timing and receipt of stockholder and regulatory approvals and the satisfaction of other closing conditions), the combined companies’ success in executing planned strategies and achieving assumed synergies and cost savings, sales of each company’s titles, shifts in consumer spending trends, the seasonal and cyclical nature of the interactive game market, the ability of Activision Blizzard to predict consumer preferences among competing hardware platforms (including next-generation hardware), declines in software pricing, product returns and price protection, product delays, retail acceptance of the company’s products, adoption rate and availability of new hardware and related software, industry competition, rapid changes in technology and industry standards, protection of proprietary rights, maintenance of relationships with key personnel, customers, vendors and third-party developers, international economic and political conditions, integration of recent acquisitions and identification of suitable future acquisition opportunities, and foreign exchange rate changes. Other such factors include, without limitation, the additional risks identified in Activision's most recent annual report on Form 10-K and in the documents Vivendi has filed with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (French securities regulator) and which are also available in English on Vivendi’s website (http://www.vivendi.com). Investors and security holders may obtain a free copy of documents filed by Vivendi with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers at http://www.amf-france.org, or directly from Vivendi.
The forward-looking statements in this release are based upon information available to Activision and Vivendi as of the date of this release, and neither Activision nor Vivendi assumes any obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements believed to be true when made may ultimately prove to be incorrect. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond the companies’ control and may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.
ElChabaldelPc escribió:suddenly lolis hundreds of them
micasa vuelve a estar llena de amigas de mi hermana![]()
ciclon-cht escribió:
Muy de acuerdo con ese no, como conviertan Starcraft o alguna franquicia de Blizzard en algún juego con entregas anuales iré y quemaré vivos a los directivos de ambas compañías.
megateto escribió:Xbox para jugones de toda la vida.... va ser que sólo desde hace 6 años, en primer lugar. Y respecto a lo otro, esto es calcadito a las batallitas de hace 6 años: ojalá todos fueramos consumidores responsables, bien informados y todo ese rollo, pero te lo creerás o no, no todo el mundo tiene tiempo o quiere molestarse en hacer un estudio en profundidad de lo que compra.
O acaso tenemos todos como revista de referencia, en la mesita de noche, la revista de la OCU. Has hecho un análisis en profundidad de marcas de detergentes, aceites, sopas.... Pues eso, que cada uno se gaste los dineros en lo que les salga de los mismísimos. Ahora bien, si esa persona acto seguido se dedica a soltar rollos falsos y desinformados, pues le corriges, intentas razonar con él y todos tan contentos tanto si le convences como si no.
Pero por favor, a ver si nos quitamos los aires de superioridad frente a la masa, pq estoy convencido de que en una cosa u otra, todos, al final, somos masa.
Orodreth escribió:
Ahora es cuando Triki va a devolver las coñas de BiowEA a unos cuantos
arahijapon escribió:El primero fue el Uncharted: Drake's Fortune,
tzare escribió:
pd. en lugar de mandarme mi sharp de 46 me ha llegado un reproductor BRD, cagumdeu, otra semana mas sin tele grande (eso si, si puedo no lo devuelvo y me lo vendo barato)
Ahora es cuando Triki va a devolver las coñas de BiowEA a unos cuantos smile_XD
lYahikol escribió:
Y yo en medio del fuego cruzado jodido por ambas cosas![]()