de Final Fantasy XIV es una broma
de muy mal gusto, a su lado Final Fantasy XIII es una obra maestra, malgastar un título numerado
de la saga en semejante bazofia tiene tela.
It's a travesty to release an already mediocre game before ironing out all the kinks in its broken interface and having enough content to keep it interesting. It honestly feels like the PC version is just the beta test for next year's PS3 version.
A shallow, slow, grind-heavy MMO crippled by a horrible interface and nonsensical player limitations.
Right now, playing FFXIV is like playing with a toy stuck in a plastic bag: it can be fun for a while and you can get the general idea, but you can't appreciate the full experience. Future updates will no doubt open the bag, but for now, it's sealed frustratingly tight.
It lacks character; bare-bones quests and audiovisual repetition fail to instill a sense of fantasy wonder. It lacks cohesion; communication failures, economic oddities, and stringent limitations leave you constantly directionless. And it lacks joy; the abysmal interface and boring monsters make it a struggle to stay invested.
Sadly, it's just a pretty face, and there's not much below the surface. As a result, exploring doesn't yield much in the way of rewards, so odds are, you'll just stick to your daily routine of repetitive levequesting and crafting. And then you'll log out. And then, one day, you'll probably just decide to omit the part where you log back in.
PD: ¿Sabéis cuál es la situación contractual entre Microsoft y Mistwalker y si las IP's
de Blue Dragon y Lost Odyssey son propiedad
de Microsoft? estaría bien que sacaran la secuela
de Lost Odyssey, un poco
de rol clásico por turnos
de toda la vida se agradece.