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radeonxt escribió:Pillarias mw1 teniendo el 2 en steam? sobre todo tema multi. La campañ la tengo re-pasada.
si valiese mebos de 7 me lo pillaba, pero 13 con mw3 en el horizonte...
como se pasan.con los precios de los cod, tocan mucho los huevos.
Ernestorrija escribió:radeonxt escribió:Pillarias mw1 teniendo el 2 en steam? sobre todo tema multi. La campañ la tengo re-pasada.
si valiese mebos de 7 me lo pillaba, pero 13 con mw3 en el horizonte...
como se pasan.con los precios de los cod, tocan mucho los huevos.
Yo no me pillaba ninguno la verdad... si ya te has pasado las campañas, no lo merecen... ¡¡pillate el battlefield 2 en origin!!
Es que es un juego de 2007 o 2008, que el bioshock 1 y el 2 me costaron a mi 5 euros...
ruben16 escribió:te repito la pregunta que te hicieron arriba , cuanta maquina pide ese mod?
Atolm escribió:Joer, algunas de esas capturas del GTAIV son más realistas que mi propia vida. [+risas]
radeonxt escribió:ya lo tengo, pero lo mejor de todp es que me han regalado crysis 2 limited edition por un problema.en mi cuenta de origin xD
en el bad company 2 no me mola nada lo de buscar servidores, prefiero un matchmaking a lo mw2, aunque sea p2p, por qe en bf2 hay tamvien lag del copón en muchas ocasiones...
Zack_VII escribió:Meleiz escribió:¿Dónde ha conseguido usté ese mod? Porque será que yo soy torpe, pero también compre el pack Doom y no he encontrado ningún mod interesante. Así como para otros juegos sí que tengo unos cuantos instalados y sé dónde buscar (Dragon Age, Oblivion, GTA, Half-Life... y la lista sigue) para éste en concreto no he conseguido casi nada que realmente mereciese la pena...
Es este:
Lo encontré por youtube, en el readme viene una descripcion de todo lo que trae y ya digo, un poco de todo, enemigos mas jodidos, comportamiento de armas, mejora grafica, mas gore, los cuerpos no desaparecen, y un largo etc, es una especie de pack de varios de los mas interesantes que han ido saliendo por lo que he podido ver indagando por la seccion de doom 3 de modbd.
Te copio el readme por si quieres ojear antes de bajar, aunque no creo que incluya por ejemplo el texture pack que sacó el mismo autor despues que está en el enlace que te he pasado por ejemplo:1. Weapon Tweaks.
2. Monster Tweaks.
3. Added Deadly Attacks.
3. General Tweaks.
4. Blood and Gore Tweaks.
5. Ragdoll Tweaks
6. Sound Tweaks.
7. Graphics Tweaks.
8. Map tweaks
9. Main Menu Enhancements
1. Unpack the Perfected directory to your DOOM3 directory like any standard mod.
2. Start DOOM3.
3. Select 'Perfected Doom 3 v5.0.0' from the mods list.
4. Enjoy.
Check out the "Special Commands" text file included in this zip file to learn how to enable special abilities.
Weapon Changes:
1. Fists - Halved its damage rate and now it does not make flesh wounds and
it does not make blood spray.
2. Pistol - Increased the firing rate a bit and gave it its own smaller version of
the burstysquirt blood effect. Better metallic look.
3. Shotgun - Added a new skin that makes the current shotgun look like the classic shotgun. Fixed the reload flaw where the
player reloaded 2 shells at a time. Cut the spread down to 11 and set the amount of pellets to 20. Knockback has been
set to 75. If you hit a target with at close range with all of the pellets then that's like hitting him with a knockback of 1500.
Better metallic look and firing sound.
4. Machinegun - Increased the bullet damage to 15, now holds 30 rounds per clip, and can fire 30 rounds per second
and now has a max ammo amount of 210. The weapon's bullets now having a homing capability which makes it ideal for long
distance combat aswell as mid range combat. Better metallic look and firing sound.
5. Chaingun - Enlarged the clip size to 500 rounds and raised the max ammo amount to 1000.
Added a better GUI to allow one to see 3 numbers better. Also upped its firing rate and set its spread to 6. Also, when you run out of
ammo, and you don't let up on the trigger, the barrels will continue to spin until you release the trigger. The bullets have a small blast
radius added to them for more destruction. Better metallic look, firing sound, and effects.
6. Grenades - Less bounce has been added to the projectile. Cut back a little on the damage
that is done by the splash but made the weapon more powerful altogether and now has better explosion effects.
Also added a glow to the grenade that lights up a small area around the bomb and it now throws out shrapnel upon explosion.
7. Plasmagun - Better Damage. Faster projectiles. Added a radar to the weapon aswell. It fires twice as fast.
Plus clipsize is now 100. Also has its original prototype skin and classic blue color has been brought back.
All of it's effects now have that old skool blue color and the gun has a bigger glow to it. The projectiles emit a small blast radius now.
8. Rocket Launcher - Adjusted the damage done by the splash and made the weapon a lot more
powerful overall and now has better explosion effects. Better metallic look and firing sound.
9. Soul Cube - No changes except that when it hits a monster it will make a lot of blood spray out of the beast.
Knives have a better metallic look.
10. BFG - A lot more powerful and now has better explosion effects. Better metallic look, explosion sound, and it
now fires off extra projectiles that are guided and will inflict extra damage on the targeted enemy. The number of guided
projectiles that are fired out will depend on how much the weapon is charged.
11. Flashlight - Set its damage rate to 15 since the fists damage rate is now at 10. It should have
a much wider beam. Also, it does not make flesh wounds and it does not make blood spray when
used as a melee weapon. Also tweaked the light to make it even more real looking.
12. Chainsaw - More powerful. Now has blood splattered along the bar and a little on its body.
13. All guns now have the same muzzle smoke effects whether they are being fired by monsters or humans.
For example, the Cyberdemon's rocket launcher has the same smoke effect as your Rocket Launcher.
14. All bullet types have the same spread no matter who's using them. For example, The Cyber Demon's
rockets have the same spread as your rockets.
15. All ammunition pickups have been changed to make them more realistic. For example, the single machinegun
magazine pickup now gives 60 rounds because 1 magazine can hold 60 rounds. And the double machinegun magazine
pickup now gives 120 rounds.
16. All bullets now have tracer effects.
17. Velocities have been set for bullet types depending on their size. So the bigger the bullet the faster it can move.
18. All weapons will push the player backwards when being fired. The push amount depends on the weapon, and for some
weapons the push will add some difficulty for the player trying to use them.
19. All weapons that have metal on them now have a better metallic looking textures.
20. All damage values for the different bullet types have been balanced out to a very realistic amount.
21. Added a Double Barrel Shotgun straight from Resurrection of Evil. It has twice as much spread as the pumpshotgun and
its pellets do the same damage as the pumpshotgun's. Plus it fires off twice as many pellets all in one burst and the
knockback has been set to 75 too. If you hit a target with at close range with all of the pellets then that's like hitting him with a
knockback of 3000.
Monster Changes:
1. All damage ratios for monster attacks have been doubled or greatly increased.
2. All ZSec Zombies' weapons and the Commando Zombie's chaingun and Sawyer's chainsaw now do the same amount of damage
and knockback as your weapons. So if your chainsaw does 37.5 damage everytime it hits someone then so does Sawyer's
chainsaw. The shotgun is the only weapon that differs in knockback between the player's and the monsters' guns. Your shotgun
pellet makes 75 knockback and the baddies pellets each have a knockback of 3. You still get knocked around quite a bit.
3. All Zombies are very tough now. You must get a headhsot on them to bring them down. That includes
the ZSec and Commando Zombies. Body shots are harmful but pointless.
4. Pinky's health is now 500.
5. Revenant's health is now 372.
6. Cacodemon's health is now 800.
7. All characters now have different damage scales for their body parts depending on their size. So
if you try to take out a Hellknight with arm and leg shots, it'll take a while, but with headshots
and chest shots, you can chop him down much faster. Same goes for all the monsters, NPC's, and
the Player too. Arm and leg shots do little damage. Players beware, get hit in the
head by a severe attack (gunshots) and it's almost positive that you will die instantly.
8. All bosses' health have been greatly increased depending on their rank.
9. Hellknight's health is now 5800 and the demon has green fire constantly flowing from his hands while he is fighting you.
The branded Hellknight's body symbols now glow green.
10. Mancubus's health is now 3600.
11. The Cyberdemon's missiles now do the same amount of damage as your missiles. Which means
instant kill if a direct hit is made.
12. The Revenant's missiles do about half the amount of damage that your missiles do and they are slower. But they may be
able to score an instant kill if a direct hit is made, so do not underestimate.
13. The Mancubus's projectiles do about the same amount of damage as your missiles, just slightly less, and they are slower.
An instant kill will be made if a direct hit occurs.
14. The Cyberdemon will now fire missiles at you continuously as long as he can see you. Just like the old version
from Doom.
15. All monsters NOFOVTime has been changed to 1 or 0. The monsters will pretty much always see you if you are in their
FOV range. Which means they won't let up on attacking you as much now.
16. Zombies are now able to be resurrected by the Archvile. So now the Archvile can have all of the monsters,
except for the Bosses, at his side.
17. The Vagary's debris attacks now do 3 times as much damage when they collide into you.
18. The Archvile's Flame Wall attack can now go twice the distance that it originally could.
19. All monsters' dodge rates, except for the zombies', have been multiplied by 4. Expect more dodging from
those demon bastards.
20. The Wraith is now much harder to combat against. Expect a more difficult target to hit.
21. The chaingun-wielding Commando's accuracy has been tweaked quite a bit. He's still tough.
22. All of the Z-Sec Zombies' accuracies have been tweaked quite a bit. That way they can't get off a headshot as easily,
but they are still pretty tough.
23. Imps now throw barrels at you if there are any around.
24. Hellknights now throw nearby Imps and Zombies at you if he feels like it. And sometimes he'll just slam
them into a wall.
25. All enemy AI has been greatly tweaked to make them even more fearsome. Don't expect any of the monsters to just walk
into your gunfire, especially the ZSecs.
26. Lostsoul's health is now 30.
27. All monsters with metal on their bodies, except for bosses, have a much more realistic metallic look to their metal body parts.
28. Added in the Pain Elemental, original Lost Soul, and Baron of Hell which all have their own FX, sounds, and attributes.
Deadly Attacks:
These are all of the attacks done by monsters that will severely wound you or kill you instantly.
Be very cautious of these attacks, they are very deadly. If an attack is marked instant kill that
means that it will kill you instantly if your are hit in the chest or head. You may live if hit in
an arm or leg but more then likely you won't. If an attack is marked severe damage that means that
you may be able to live through a head or chest hit and you'll more then likely live if hit in the
arms or legs.
1. Boss_Cyberdemon - Rocket Attack - INSTANT KILL
Kicking Attack - INSTANT KILL
2. Boss_Guardian - Charging Attack - INSTANT KILL
Headbutting Attack - Severe Damage
3. Archvile - Incinerating Attack - INSTANT KILL
4. Cherub - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
5. Hellknight & Baron of Hell - Biting Attack - INSTANT KILL
Fireball Attack - Severe Damage
6. Imp - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
7. Maggot - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
8. Mancubus - Fireball Attack - INSTANT KILL
Stomping Attack - INSTANT KILL
9. Pinky - Biting Attack - INSTANT KILL
10 Revenant - Rocket Attack - INSTANT KILL
11. Tick - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
After Death Burst Explosion - Severe Damage
12. Trite - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
After Death Burst Explosion - Severe Damage
13. Wraith - Stabbing Attack - INSTANT KILL
14. Cacodemon & Pain Elemental - Biting Attack - INSTANT KILL
15. Lostsoul & Original Lost Soul - Charging Attack - Severe Damage
16. Commando - Tentacle Attack - Severe Damage
17. Sawyer - Chainsaw Attack - Severe Damage
General Game Changes:
1. All decals, except explosion and plasma rifle burn marks, stay forever.
2. Many lighting effects for weapons, projectiles, and monsters have been added to the game.
If a monster is using a weapon that you have, that weapon will have the same effects as yours.
3. Bullet casings will stay on the ground for about 5 minutes. The debris from explosions will stay forever.
4. New particle effects for bullet hits on walls added. Each bullet type has a different sized effect.
5. An Armor suit will give you full Armor now.
6. Added spark and thick smoke particle effects to all explosions.
7. Made the player walk a bit slower.
Blood and Gore:
1. Gibbing is gone.
2. Blood stays forever.
3. Blood now squirts out of the bullet wound that you put on a monster for a short while. Very cool effect.
4. All monster attacks that should make blood spray now make blood spray. The amount is dependent
on the damage ratio of the attack.
5. Added small, medium, large, deadly, and Soul Cube specific burstysquirts. The original burstysquirt acts as the
medium sized version of the particle effect with some added effects.
6. Blood is now darker.
7. Added a much better blood spray effect to the chainsaw.
8. Added burning effect to rockets and grenades hitting someone directly. Sprays blood and leaves smoke
and fire on the victim for a short period.
9. Made new burning effects for plasma and BFG htting someone directly.
10. Added new bulletwound decals for the pistol, machinegun, chaingun, chainsaw, and plasmagun.
11. Added a bloody screen splatter effect that happens when you are hit by a melee attack.
Sound Changes:
1. The opening menu music is a song that was actually the foundation for the Doom 1 level song for
the first level of the third chapter called the INFERNO. That song was from Pantera's album
Vulgar Display of Power, and it was called Mouth for War. True Doom-ites will recognize it right off the bat.
2. Added better zombie sounds.
3. Added better pistol firing sounds.
4. Added better double barrel shotgun firing sounds.
5. Added more bullethit_flesh sounds.
6. All monster weapons sounds and player weapon sounds now make the same sounds when firing.
7. All volume levels for explosion and weapon firing sounds have been doubled.
8. Added a better machinegun firing sound.
9. Added a better pumpshotgun firing sound.
10. Added a better rocket launcher firing sound.
11. Added a better explosion sounds for barrels, rockets, bfg, and grenades.
12. Gave the Hellknight's fireballs their own exploding sounds.
13. Added new teleporter sounds.
14. Added a better chaingun firing sound.
15. Added a cooler low ammo alert sound for the BFG and Plasmagun.
Graphics Changes:
1. Added new shaders to make the game's lighting, normal mapping, haze effects, and shadows more realistic.
2. Raised the heightmap values for all textures and skins a whole lot. This gives extreme depth to all of the textures
in the game. Rocks look like rocks, fabric for clothing looks like fabric, metal looks like metal, etc. The game
looks 100 times better. And best of all, it doesn't add any kind of framerate lag.
3. All objects, monster parts, or character parts that should have shadows now make shadows.
4. All objects, monsters, weapons, and characters now have selfshadowing enabled making the game look even better.
5. Added Bloom, Motionblur, Depth of Field, and Filmgrain effects.
Map Changes:
1. I've changed up several of the maps to include the new double barrel shotgun weapon pickup. That way you don't
have to use a cheat to get it.
2. I've added several bot soldiers into some of the maps to help you out.
3. Added the Spectre to several maps.
4. Added some Barons to the Hell Hole map.
5. Added Barons, Deadsouls, and Painelementals to the Hell map.
Main Menu Changes:
Thanks to 6th Venom I have incorporated an awesome new main menu system that brings the main menu in Doom 3 up to date.
You no longer have to restart the game to make video changes and you now have a level select. Plus the visuals are top
notch and I spruced it up a bit more by sharpening the Mars planet texture and increasing the bump mapping for the
player models in the model select section of the multiplayer options. I also edited the weapon keys section of the options
menu to include the double barrel shotgun. So you can set it to a certain key like the other weapons.
Thanks To:
A special thanks to Dafama2k7 for all of his help with creating an awesome set of shaders for higher quality graphics.
The D3 FullShadows v1.4 mod for the better light and shadow settings for each map.
Sikkpin for the Motion Blur and Depth of Field effects.
Maha-X for his Brilliant Bloom shaders.
MWoody for the cluster grenade script from his website - http://mwoody.com/clusternades10.php
The Enhanced Doom 3 Models for the great models that were edited to add better, smoother curves to monsters and humans.
The AMS mod for the marine allies.
The Gears of War-style Blood Spatter Mod for the cool looking screen blood splatter effect.
The DENTONMOD REVISION 3 v0.5 ALPHA Mod for some better sound effects and better flesh wound bullet decals.
The Upgraded Teleport Sounds Mod for the better teleport sound effects.
The Labyrinth Mod for the particle FX references that I used for the bullet projectiles impact effects and the lightning effects.
The 6thVenomHQ Main Menu for the great looking and up to date main menu system that is brilliant.
The "Oldskool" Plasma Gun v1.0 Mod for the awesome classic colors for the plasmagun's muzzleflash and projectile.
Hector Gonzales from FPSBanana.com for the new machinegun firing sound.
Ryft and Scott James Lambert aka "Scotty" for helping me find bugs and glitches caused by the previous version of this mod.
The Battleready Mod for some of the particle effects.
The Bog Decal Mod for the great code used to make all decals stay.
The ExpSpice Mod for some of the particle effects and effects coding.
The MegaEfX Mod for some of the particle effects.
The No ID Humor Mod for the files used to make this mod.
The Plasma Radar 1.0 Mod for the files used to make this mod.
The Classic Cyberdemon Mod for the code used to make this mod.
The Shadow Wraith Mod for the code used to make this mod.
The Ultra Realistic Tactical Lights (RTL) Mod for the new flashlight shader.
The Trent Reznor Sounds Pack for the truely amazing sounds.
The NO-F.E.A.R. 1.2 Mod for some of the particle effects.
The Resurrection of Evil Add-on for Doom 3 by ID Software for their Double Barrel Shotgun.
The SDChainsawBlood Skin Mod for the awesome bloody chainsaw skin.
The Imp Barrel Toss Mod for the code used to make this mod.
The Hellknight Imp & Zombie Toss Mod for the code used to make this mod.
The UAC Redux mod for the excellent AI scripts used to give the enemies better tactical combat skills.
The Tinman Squad b3 Mod for the security allies.
The Awesome Sauce v1 Mod for the awesome Prototype Plasmagun Skin.
The Classic Shotgun Skin v1.1 Mod for the shotgun skin that took me back to the old days.
All of the readme files from these mods are included.
Thank you to everybody that donated something to my purpose.
I guarantee you that you made this mod so much more better then it would have been.
If anybody would like to copy parts of this mod or include it into another mod please go right ahead.
However, I would like some credit. Contact me first and then include my name in your readme and include
this readme file along with your mod. Thanx.
PeReA escribió:En un par de días he pillado Hard Corps Uprising, Comic Jumper y 30 Half-minute Hero (que me lo fundí en PSP, pero era obligatorio) y lo próximo va a ser Galaga Legions DX (que la demo me dejó los ojos como platos) y Outland (que es simplemente genial).
exar escribió:El Batmóvil si que me gusta, pero las figuras cabezonas, parece que hicieron de sobra cuando The Dark Knight y tenían que sacárselas de encima de alguna manera...
sanosukesagara escribió:A mi las figuras de Neca me gustan, de hecho la de Joker me la regaló un colega y mola, además tengo una de cabeza pincho de hellraiser y es cojonuda. A mi me gustan, pero pegan una puta mierda con la edición del juego...
Meleiz escribió:Zack_VII escribió:
Es este:
Lo encontré por youtube, en el readme viene una descripcion de todo lo que trae y ya digo, un poco de todo, enemigos mas jodidos, comportamiento de armas, mejora grafica, mas gore, los cuerpos no desaparecen, y un largo etc, es una especie de pack de varios de los mas interesantes que han ido saliendo por lo que he podido ver indagando por la seccion de doom 3 de modbd.
Te copio el readme por si quieres ojear antes de bajar, aunque no creo que incluya por ejemplo el texture pack que sacó el mismo autor despues que está en el enlace que te he pasado por ejemplo:1. Weapon Tweaks.
2. Monster Tweaks.
3. Added Deadly Attacks.
3. General Tweaks.
4. Blood and Gore Tweaks.
5. Ragdoll Tweaks
6. Sound Tweaks.
7. Graphics Tweaks.
8. Map tweaks
9. Main Menu Enhancements
1. Unpack the Perfected directory to your DOOM3 directory like any standard mod.
2. Start DOOM3.
3. Select 'Perfected Doom 3 v5.0.0' from the mods list.
4. Enjoy.
Check out the "Special Commands" text file included in this zip file to learn how to enable special abilities.
Weapon Changes:
1. Fists - Halved its damage rate and now it does not make flesh wounds and
it does not make blood spray.
2. Pistol - Increased the firing rate a bit and gave it its own smaller version of
the burstysquirt blood effect. Better metallic look.
3. Shotgun - Added a new skin that makes the current shotgun look like the classic shotgun. Fixed the reload flaw where the
player reloaded 2 shells at a time. Cut the spread down to 11 and set the amount of pellets to 20. Knockback has been
set to 75. If you hit a target with at close range with all of the pellets then that's like hitting him with a knockback of 1500.
Better metallic look and firing sound.
4. Machinegun - Increased the bullet damage to 15, now holds 30 rounds per clip, and can fire 30 rounds per second
and now has a max ammo amount of 210. The weapon's bullets now having a homing capability which makes it ideal for long
distance combat aswell as mid range combat. Better metallic look and firing sound.
5. Chaingun - Enlarged the clip size to 500 rounds and raised the max ammo amount to 1000.
Added a better GUI to allow one to see 3 numbers better. Also upped its firing rate and set its spread to 6. Also, when you run out of
ammo, and you don't let up on the trigger, the barrels will continue to spin until you release the trigger. The bullets have a small blast
radius added to them for more destruction. Better metallic look, firing sound, and effects.
6. Grenades - Less bounce has been added to the projectile. Cut back a little on the damage
that is done by the splash but made the weapon more powerful altogether and now has better explosion effects.
Also added a glow to the grenade that lights up a small area around the bomb and it now throws out shrapnel upon explosion.
7. Plasmagun - Better Damage. Faster projectiles. Added a radar to the weapon aswell. It fires twice as fast.
Plus clipsize is now 100. Also has its original prototype skin and classic blue color has been brought back.
All of it's effects now have that old skool blue color and the gun has a bigger glow to it. The projectiles emit a small blast radius now.
8. Rocket Launcher - Adjusted the damage done by the splash and made the weapon a lot more
powerful overall and now has better explosion effects. Better metallic look and firing sound.
9. Soul Cube - No changes except that when it hits a monster it will make a lot of blood spray out of the beast.
Knives have a better metallic look.
10. BFG - A lot more powerful and now has better explosion effects. Better metallic look, explosion sound, and it
now fires off extra projectiles that are guided and will inflict extra damage on the targeted enemy. The number of guided
projectiles that are fired out will depend on how much the weapon is charged.
11. Flashlight - Set its damage rate to 15 since the fists damage rate is now at 10. It should have
a much wider beam. Also, it does not make flesh wounds and it does not make blood spray when
used as a melee weapon. Also tweaked the light to make it even more real looking.
12. Chainsaw - More powerful. Now has blood splattered along the bar and a little on its body.
13. All guns now have the same muzzle smoke effects whether they are being fired by monsters or humans.
For example, the Cyberdemon's rocket launcher has the same smoke effect as your Rocket Launcher.
14. All bullet types have the same spread no matter who's using them. For example, The Cyber Demon's
rockets have the same spread as your rockets.
15. All ammunition pickups have been changed to make them more realistic. For example, the single machinegun
magazine pickup now gives 60 rounds because 1 magazine can hold 60 rounds. And the double machinegun magazine
pickup now gives 120 rounds.
16. All bullets now have tracer effects.
17. Velocities have been set for bullet types depending on their size. So the bigger the bullet the faster it can move.
18. All weapons will push the player backwards when being fired. The push amount depends on the weapon, and for some
weapons the push will add some difficulty for the player trying to use them.
19. All weapons that have metal on them now have a better metallic looking textures.
20. All damage values for the different bullet types have been balanced out to a very realistic amount.
21. Added a Double Barrel Shotgun straight from Resurrection of Evil. It has twice as much spread as the pumpshotgun and
its pellets do the same damage as the pumpshotgun's. Plus it fires off twice as many pellets all in one burst and the
knockback has been set to 75 too. If you hit a target with at close range with all of the pellets then that's like hitting him with a
knockback of 3000.
Monster Changes:
1. All damage ratios for monster attacks have been doubled or greatly increased.
2. All ZSec Zombies' weapons and the Commando Zombie's chaingun and Sawyer's chainsaw now do the same amount of damage
and knockback as your weapons. So if your chainsaw does 37.5 damage everytime it hits someone then so does Sawyer's
chainsaw. The shotgun is the only weapon that differs in knockback between the player's and the monsters' guns. Your shotgun
pellet makes 75 knockback and the baddies pellets each have a knockback of 3. You still get knocked around quite a bit.
3. All Zombies are very tough now. You must get a headhsot on them to bring them down. That includes
the ZSec and Commando Zombies. Body shots are harmful but pointless.
4. Pinky's health is now 500.
5. Revenant's health is now 372.
6. Cacodemon's health is now 800.
7. All characters now have different damage scales for their body parts depending on their size. So
if you try to take out a Hellknight with arm and leg shots, it'll take a while, but with headshots
and chest shots, you can chop him down much faster. Same goes for all the monsters, NPC's, and
the Player too. Arm and leg shots do little damage. Players beware, get hit in the
head by a severe attack (gunshots) and it's almost positive that you will die instantly.
8. All bosses' health have been greatly increased depending on their rank.
9. Hellknight's health is now 5800 and the demon has green fire constantly flowing from his hands while he is fighting you.
The branded Hellknight's body symbols now glow green.
10. Mancubus's health is now 3600.
11. The Cyberdemon's missiles now do the same amount of damage as your missiles. Which means
instant kill if a direct hit is made.
12. The Revenant's missiles do about half the amount of damage that your missiles do and they are slower. But they may be
able to score an instant kill if a direct hit is made, so do not underestimate.
13. The Mancubus's projectiles do about the same amount of damage as your missiles, just slightly less, and they are slower.
An instant kill will be made if a direct hit occurs.
14. The Cyberdemon will now fire missiles at you continuously as long as he can see you. Just like the old version
from Doom.
15. All monsters NOFOVTime has been changed to 1 or 0. The monsters will pretty much always see you if you are in their
FOV range. Which means they won't let up on attacking you as much now.
16. Zombies are now able to be resurrected by the Archvile. So now the Archvile can have all of the monsters,
except for the Bosses, at his side.
17. The Vagary's debris attacks now do 3 times as much damage when they collide into you.
18. The Archvile's Flame Wall attack can now go twice the distance that it originally could.
19. All monsters' dodge rates, except for the zombies', have been multiplied by 4. Expect more dodging from
those demon bastards.
20. The Wraith is now much harder to combat against. Expect a more difficult target to hit.
21. The chaingun-wielding Commando's accuracy has been tweaked quite a bit. He's still tough.
22. All of the Z-Sec Zombies' accuracies have been tweaked quite a bit. That way they can't get off a headshot as easily,
but they are still pretty tough.
23. Imps now throw barrels at you if there are any around.
24. Hellknights now throw nearby Imps and Zombies at you if he feels like it. And sometimes he'll just slam
them into a wall.
25. All enemy AI has been greatly tweaked to make them even more fearsome. Don't expect any of the monsters to just walk
into your gunfire, especially the ZSecs.
26. Lostsoul's health is now 30.
27. All monsters with metal on their bodies, except for bosses, have a much more realistic metallic look to their metal body parts.
28. Added in the Pain Elemental, original Lost Soul, and Baron of Hell which all have their own FX, sounds, and attributes.
Deadly Attacks:
These are all of the attacks done by monsters that will severely wound you or kill you instantly.
Be very cautious of these attacks, they are very deadly. If an attack is marked instant kill that
means that it will kill you instantly if your are hit in the chest or head. You may live if hit in
an arm or leg but more then likely you won't. If an attack is marked severe damage that means that
you may be able to live through a head or chest hit and you'll more then likely live if hit in the
arms or legs.
1. Boss_Cyberdemon - Rocket Attack - INSTANT KILL
Kicking Attack - INSTANT KILL
2. Boss_Guardian - Charging Attack - INSTANT KILL
Headbutting Attack - Severe Damage
3. Archvile - Incinerating Attack - INSTANT KILL
4. Cherub - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
5. Hellknight & Baron of Hell - Biting Attack - INSTANT KILL
Fireball Attack - Severe Damage
6. Imp - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
7. Maggot - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
8. Mancubus - Fireball Attack - INSTANT KILL
Stomping Attack - INSTANT KILL
9. Pinky - Biting Attack - INSTANT KILL
10 Revenant - Rocket Attack - INSTANT KILL
11. Tick - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
After Death Burst Explosion - Severe Damage
12. Trite - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
After Death Burst Explosion - Severe Damage
13. Wraith - Stabbing Attack - INSTANT KILL
14. Cacodemon & Pain Elemental - Biting Attack - INSTANT KILL
15. Lostsoul & Original Lost Soul - Charging Attack - Severe Damage
16. Commando - Tentacle Attack - Severe Damage
17. Sawyer - Chainsaw Attack - Severe Damage
General Game Changes:
1. All decals, except explosion and plasma rifle burn marks, stay forever.
2. Many lighting effects for weapons, projectiles, and monsters have been added to the game.
If a monster is using a weapon that you have, that weapon will have the same effects as yours.
3. Bullet casings will stay on the ground for about 5 minutes. The debris from explosions will stay forever.
4. New particle effects for bullet hits on walls added. Each bullet type has a different sized effect.
5. An Armor suit will give you full Armor now.
6. Added spark and thick smoke particle effects to all explosions.
7. Made the player walk a bit slower.
Blood and Gore:
1. Gibbing is gone.
2. Blood stays forever.
3. Blood now squirts out of the bullet wound that you put on a monster for a short while. Very cool effect.
4. All monster attacks that should make blood spray now make blood spray. The amount is dependent
on the damage ratio of the attack.
5. Added small, medium, large, deadly, and Soul Cube specific burstysquirts. The original burstysquirt acts as the
medium sized version of the particle effect with some added effects.
6. Blood is now darker.
7. Added a much better blood spray effect to the chainsaw.
8. Added burning effect to rockets and grenades hitting someone directly. Sprays blood and leaves smoke
and fire on the victim for a short period.
9. Made new burning effects for plasma and BFG htting someone directly.
10. Added new bulletwound decals for the pistol, machinegun, chaingun, chainsaw, and plasmagun.
11. Added a bloody screen splatter effect that happens when you are hit by a melee attack.
Sound Changes:
1. The opening menu music is a song that was actually the foundation for the Doom 1 level song for
the first level of the third chapter called the INFERNO. That song was from Pantera's album
Vulgar Display of Power, and it was called Mouth for War. True Doom-ites will recognize it right off the bat.
2. Added better zombie sounds.
3. Added better pistol firing sounds.
4. Added better double barrel shotgun firing sounds.
5. Added more bullethit_flesh sounds.
6. All monster weapons sounds and player weapon sounds now make the same sounds when firing.
7. All volume levels for explosion and weapon firing sounds have been doubled.
8. Added a better machinegun firing sound.
9. Added a better pumpshotgun firing sound.
10. Added a better rocket launcher firing sound.
11. Added a better explosion sounds for barrels, rockets, bfg, and grenades.
12. Gave the Hellknight's fireballs their own exploding sounds.
13. Added new teleporter sounds.
14. Added a better chaingun firing sound.
15. Added a cooler low ammo alert sound for the BFG and Plasmagun.
Graphics Changes:
1. Added new shaders to make the game's lighting, normal mapping, haze effects, and shadows more realistic.
2. Raised the heightmap values for all textures and skins a whole lot. This gives extreme depth to all of the textures
in the game. Rocks look like rocks, fabric for clothing looks like fabric, metal looks like metal, etc. The game
looks 100 times better. And best of all, it doesn't add any kind of framerate lag.
3. All objects, monster parts, or character parts that should have shadows now make shadows.
4. All objects, monsters, weapons, and characters now have selfshadowing enabled making the game look even better.
5. Added Bloom, Motionblur, Depth of Field, and Filmgrain effects.
Map Changes:
1. I've changed up several of the maps to include the new double barrel shotgun weapon pickup. That way you don't
have to use a cheat to get it.
2. I've added several bot soldiers into some of the maps to help you out.
3. Added the Spectre to several maps.
4. Added some Barons to the Hell Hole map.
5. Added Barons, Deadsouls, and Painelementals to the Hell map.
Main Menu Changes:
Thanks to 6th Venom I have incorporated an awesome new main menu system that brings the main menu in Doom 3 up to date.
You no longer have to restart the game to make video changes and you now have a level select. Plus the visuals are top
notch and I spruced it up a bit more by sharpening the Mars planet texture and increasing the bump mapping for the
player models in the model select section of the multiplayer options. I also edited the weapon keys section of the options
menu to include the double barrel shotgun. So you can set it to a certain key like the other weapons.
Thanks To:
A special thanks to Dafama2k7 for all of his help with creating an awesome set of shaders for higher quality graphics.
The D3 FullShadows v1.4 mod for the better light and shadow settings for each map.
Sikkpin for the Motion Blur and Depth of Field effects.
Maha-X for his Brilliant Bloom shaders.
MWoody for the cluster grenade script from his website - http://mwoody.com/clusternades10.php
The Enhanced Doom 3 Models for the great models that were edited to add better, smoother curves to monsters and humans.
The AMS mod for the marine allies.
The Gears of War-style Blood Spatter Mod for the cool looking screen blood splatter effect.
The DENTONMOD REVISION 3 v0.5 ALPHA Mod for some better sound effects and better flesh wound bullet decals.
The Upgraded Teleport Sounds Mod for the better teleport sound effects.
The Labyrinth Mod for the particle FX references that I used for the bullet projectiles impact effects and the lightning effects.
The 6thVenomHQ Main Menu for the great looking and up to date main menu system that is brilliant.
The "Oldskool" Plasma Gun v1.0 Mod for the awesome classic colors for the plasmagun's muzzleflash and projectile.
Hector Gonzales from FPSBanana.com for the new machinegun firing sound.
Ryft and Scott James Lambert aka "Scotty" for helping me find bugs and glitches caused by the previous version of this mod.
The Battleready Mod for some of the particle effects.
The Bog Decal Mod for the great code used to make all decals stay.
The ExpSpice Mod for some of the particle effects and effects coding.
The MegaEfX Mod for some of the particle effects.
The No ID Humor Mod for the files used to make this mod.
The Plasma Radar 1.0 Mod for the files used to make this mod.
The Classic Cyberdemon Mod for the code used to make this mod.
The Shadow Wraith Mod for the code used to make this mod.
The Ultra Realistic Tactical Lights (RTL) Mod for the new flashlight shader.
The Trent Reznor Sounds Pack for the truely amazing sounds.
The NO-F.E.A.R. 1.2 Mod for some of the particle effects.
The Resurrection of Evil Add-on for Doom 3 by ID Software for their Double Barrel Shotgun.
The SDChainsawBlood Skin Mod for the awesome bloody chainsaw skin.
The Imp Barrel Toss Mod for the code used to make this mod.
The Hellknight Imp & Zombie Toss Mod for the code used to make this mod.
The UAC Redux mod for the excellent AI scripts used to give the enemies better tactical combat skills.
The Tinman Squad b3 Mod for the security allies.
The Awesome Sauce v1 Mod for the awesome Prototype Plasmagun Skin.
The Classic Shotgun Skin v1.1 Mod for the shotgun skin that took me back to the old days.
All of the readme files from these mods are included.
Thank you to everybody that donated something to my purpose.
I guarantee you that you made this mod so much more better then it would have been.
If anybody would like to copy parts of this mod or include it into another mod please go right ahead.
However, I would like some credit. Contact me first and then include my name in your readme and include
this readme file along with your mod. Thanx.
Muchas gracias por el enlace! Descargado, catado junto al Texture Pack y la verdad es que el juego cambia bastante...
Si es que siempre lo he dicho, la verdadera salsa del PC son los mods, ni gráficos ni hostias! Que además, precísamente los gráficos los modders que se aburren sacan packs de texturas impresionantes, como por ejemplo Deus Ex, que parece un juego no-tan-antiguo si le instalas todos (y bien que se agradece!)
Ernestorrija escribió:Meleiz escribió:Zack_VII escribió:
Es este:
Lo encontré por youtube, en el readme viene una descripcion de todo lo que trae y ya digo, un poco de todo, enemigos mas jodidos, comportamiento de armas, mejora grafica, mas gore, los cuerpos no desaparecen, y un largo etc, es una especie de pack de varios de los mas interesantes que han ido saliendo por lo que he podido ver indagando por la seccion de doom 3 de modbd.
Te copio el readme por si quieres ojear antes de bajar, aunque no creo que incluya por ejemplo el texture pack que sacó el mismo autor despues que está en el enlace que te he pasado por ejemplo:1. Weapon Tweaks.
2. Monster Tweaks.
3. Added Deadly Attacks.
3. General Tweaks.
4. Blood and Gore Tweaks.
5. Ragdoll Tweaks
6. Sound Tweaks.
7. Graphics Tweaks.
8. Map tweaks
9. Main Menu Enhancements
1. Unpack the Perfected directory to your DOOM3 directory like any standard mod.
2. Start DOOM3.
3. Select 'Perfected Doom 3 v5.0.0' from the mods list.
4. Enjoy.
Check out the "Special Commands" text file included in this zip file to learn how to enable special abilities.
Weapon Changes:
1. Fists - Halved its damage rate and now it does not make flesh wounds and
it does not make blood spray.
2. Pistol - Increased the firing rate a bit and gave it its own smaller version of
the burstysquirt blood effect. Better metallic look.
3. Shotgun - Added a new skin that makes the current shotgun look like the classic shotgun. Fixed the reload flaw where the
player reloaded 2 shells at a time. Cut the spread down to 11 and set the amount of pellets to 20. Knockback has been
set to 75. If you hit a target with at close range with all of the pellets then that's like hitting him with a knockback of 1500.
Better metallic look and firing sound.
4. Machinegun - Increased the bullet damage to 15, now holds 30 rounds per clip, and can fire 30 rounds per second
and now has a max ammo amount of 210. The weapon's bullets now having a homing capability which makes it ideal for long
distance combat aswell as mid range combat. Better metallic look and firing sound.
5. Chaingun - Enlarged the clip size to 500 rounds and raised the max ammo amount to 1000.
Added a better GUI to allow one to see 3 numbers better. Also upped its firing rate and set its spread to 6. Also, when you run out of
ammo, and you don't let up on the trigger, the barrels will continue to spin until you release the trigger. The bullets have a small blast
radius added to them for more destruction. Better metallic look, firing sound, and effects.
6. Grenades - Less bounce has been added to the projectile. Cut back a little on the damage
that is done by the splash but made the weapon more powerful altogether and now has better explosion effects.
Also added a glow to the grenade that lights up a small area around the bomb and it now throws out shrapnel upon explosion.
7. Plasmagun - Better Damage. Faster projectiles. Added a radar to the weapon aswell. It fires twice as fast.
Plus clipsize is now 100. Also has its original prototype skin and classic blue color has been brought back.
All of it's effects now have that old skool blue color and the gun has a bigger glow to it. The projectiles emit a small blast radius now.
8. Rocket Launcher - Adjusted the damage done by the splash and made the weapon a lot more
powerful overall and now has better explosion effects. Better metallic look and firing sound.
9. Soul Cube - No changes except that when it hits a monster it will make a lot of blood spray out of the beast.
Knives have a better metallic look.
10. BFG - A lot more powerful and now has better explosion effects. Better metallic look, explosion sound, and it
now fires off extra projectiles that are guided and will inflict extra damage on the targeted enemy. The number of guided
projectiles that are fired out will depend on how much the weapon is charged.
11. Flashlight - Set its damage rate to 15 since the fists damage rate is now at 10. It should have
a much wider beam. Also, it does not make flesh wounds and it does not make blood spray when
used as a melee weapon. Also tweaked the light to make it even more real looking.
12. Chainsaw - More powerful. Now has blood splattered along the bar and a little on its body.
13. All guns now have the same muzzle smoke effects whether they are being fired by monsters or humans.
For example, the Cyberdemon's rocket launcher has the same smoke effect as your Rocket Launcher.
14. All bullet types have the same spread no matter who's using them. For example, The Cyber Demon's
rockets have the same spread as your rockets.
15. All ammunition pickups have been changed to make them more realistic. For example, the single machinegun
magazine pickup now gives 60 rounds because 1 magazine can hold 60 rounds. And the double machinegun magazine
pickup now gives 120 rounds.
16. All bullets now have tracer effects.
17. Velocities have been set for bullet types depending on their size. So the bigger the bullet the faster it can move.
18. All weapons will push the player backwards when being fired. The push amount depends on the weapon, and for some
weapons the push will add some difficulty for the player trying to use them.
19. All weapons that have metal on them now have a better metallic looking textures.
20. All damage values for the different bullet types have been balanced out to a very realistic amount.
21. Added a Double Barrel Shotgun straight from Resurrection of Evil. It has twice as much spread as the pumpshotgun and
its pellets do the same damage as the pumpshotgun's. Plus it fires off twice as many pellets all in one burst and the
knockback has been set to 75 too. If you hit a target with at close range with all of the pellets then that's like hitting him with a
knockback of 3000.
Monster Changes:
1. All damage ratios for monster attacks have been doubled or greatly increased.
2. All ZSec Zombies' weapons and the Commando Zombie's chaingun and Sawyer's chainsaw now do the same amount of damage
and knockback as your weapons. So if your chainsaw does 37.5 damage everytime it hits someone then so does Sawyer's
chainsaw. The shotgun is the only weapon that differs in knockback between the player's and the monsters' guns. Your shotgun
pellet makes 75 knockback and the baddies pellets each have a knockback of 3. You still get knocked around quite a bit.
3. All Zombies are very tough now. You must get a headhsot on them to bring them down. That includes
the ZSec and Commando Zombies. Body shots are harmful but pointless.
4. Pinky's health is now 500.
5. Revenant's health is now 372.
6. Cacodemon's health is now 800.
7. All characters now have different damage scales for their body parts depending on their size. So
if you try to take out a Hellknight with arm and leg shots, it'll take a while, but with headshots
and chest shots, you can chop him down much faster. Same goes for all the monsters, NPC's, and
the Player too. Arm and leg shots do little damage. Players beware, get hit in the
head by a severe attack (gunshots) and it's almost positive that you will die instantly.
8. All bosses' health have been greatly increased depending on their rank.
9. Hellknight's health is now 5800 and the demon has green fire constantly flowing from his hands while he is fighting you.
The branded Hellknight's body symbols now glow green.
10. Mancubus's health is now 3600.
11. The Cyberdemon's missiles now do the same amount of damage as your missiles. Which means
instant kill if a direct hit is made.
12. The Revenant's missiles do about half the amount of damage that your missiles do and they are slower. But they may be
able to score an instant kill if a direct hit is made, so do not underestimate.
13. The Mancubus's projectiles do about the same amount of damage as your missiles, just slightly less, and they are slower.
An instant kill will be made if a direct hit occurs.
14. The Cyberdemon will now fire missiles at you continuously as long as he can see you. Just like the old version
from Doom.
15. All monsters NOFOVTime has been changed to 1 or 0. The monsters will pretty much always see you if you are in their
FOV range. Which means they won't let up on attacking you as much now.
16. Zombies are now able to be resurrected by the Archvile. So now the Archvile can have all of the monsters,
except for the Bosses, at his side.
17. The Vagary's debris attacks now do 3 times as much damage when they collide into you.
18. The Archvile's Flame Wall attack can now go twice the distance that it originally could.
19. All monsters' dodge rates, except for the zombies', have been multiplied by 4. Expect more dodging from
those demon bastards.
20. The Wraith is now much harder to combat against. Expect a more difficult target to hit.
21. The chaingun-wielding Commando's accuracy has been tweaked quite a bit. He's still tough.
22. All of the Z-Sec Zombies' accuracies have been tweaked quite a bit. That way they can't get off a headshot as easily,
but they are still pretty tough.
23. Imps now throw barrels at you if there are any around.
24. Hellknights now throw nearby Imps and Zombies at you if he feels like it. And sometimes he'll just slam
them into a wall.
25. All enemy AI has been greatly tweaked to make them even more fearsome. Don't expect any of the monsters to just walk
into your gunfire, especially the ZSecs.
26. Lostsoul's health is now 30.
27. All monsters with metal on their bodies, except for bosses, have a much more realistic metallic look to their metal body parts.
28. Added in the Pain Elemental, original Lost Soul, and Baron of Hell which all have their own FX, sounds, and attributes.
Deadly Attacks:
These are all of the attacks done by monsters that will severely wound you or kill you instantly.
Be very cautious of these attacks, they are very deadly. If an attack is marked instant kill that
means that it will kill you instantly if your are hit in the chest or head. You may live if hit in
an arm or leg but more then likely you won't. If an attack is marked severe damage that means that
you may be able to live through a head or chest hit and you'll more then likely live if hit in the
arms or legs.
1. Boss_Cyberdemon - Rocket Attack - INSTANT KILL
Kicking Attack - INSTANT KILL
2. Boss_Guardian - Charging Attack - INSTANT KILL
Headbutting Attack - Severe Damage
3. Archvile - Incinerating Attack - INSTANT KILL
4. Cherub - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
5. Hellknight & Baron of Hell - Biting Attack - INSTANT KILL
Fireball Attack - Severe Damage
6. Imp - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
7. Maggot - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
8. Mancubus - Fireball Attack - INSTANT KILL
Stomping Attack - INSTANT KILL
9. Pinky - Biting Attack - INSTANT KILL
10 Revenant - Rocket Attack - INSTANT KILL
11. Tick - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
After Death Burst Explosion - Severe Damage
12. Trite - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
After Death Burst Explosion - Severe Damage
13. Wraith - Stabbing Attack - INSTANT KILL
14. Cacodemon & Pain Elemental - Biting Attack - INSTANT KILL
15. Lostsoul & Original Lost Soul - Charging Attack - Severe Damage
16. Commando - Tentacle Attack - Severe Damage
17. Sawyer - Chainsaw Attack - Severe Damage
General Game Changes:
1. All decals, except explosion and plasma rifle burn marks, stay forever.
2. Many lighting effects for weapons, projectiles, and monsters have been added to the game.
If a monster is using a weapon that you have, that weapon will have the same effects as yours.
3. Bullet casings will stay on the ground for about 5 minutes. The debris from explosions will stay forever.
4. New particle effects for bullet hits on walls added. Each bullet type has a different sized effect.
5. An Armor suit will give you full Armor now.
6. Added spark and thick smoke particle effects to all explosions.
7. Made the player walk a bit slower.
Blood and Gore:
1. Gibbing is gone.
2. Blood stays forever.
3. Blood now squirts out of the bullet wound that you put on a monster for a short while. Very cool effect.
4. All monster attacks that should make blood spray now make blood spray. The amount is dependent
on the damage ratio of the attack.
5. Added small, medium, large, deadly, and Soul Cube specific burstysquirts. The original burstysquirt acts as the
medium sized version of the particle effect with some added effects.
6. Blood is now darker.
7. Added a much better blood spray effect to the chainsaw.
8. Added burning effect to rockets and grenades hitting someone directly. Sprays blood and leaves smoke
and fire on the victim for a short period.
9. Made new burning effects for plasma and BFG htting someone directly.
10. Added new bulletwound decals for the pistol, machinegun, chaingun, chainsaw, and plasmagun.
11. Added a bloody screen splatter effect that happens when you are hit by a melee attack.
Sound Changes:
1. The opening menu music is a song that was actually the foundation for the Doom 1 level song for
the first level of the third chapter called the INFERNO. That song was from Pantera's album
Vulgar Display of Power, and it was called Mouth for War. True Doom-ites will recognize it right off the bat.
2. Added better zombie sounds.
3. Added better pistol firing sounds.
4. Added better double barrel shotgun firing sounds.
5. Added more bullethit_flesh sounds.
6. All monster weapons sounds and player weapon sounds now make the same sounds when firing.
7. All volume levels for explosion and weapon firing sounds have been doubled.
8. Added a better machinegun firing sound.
9. Added a better pumpshotgun firing sound.
10. Added a better rocket launcher firing sound.
11. Added a better explosion sounds for barrels, rockets, bfg, and grenades.
12. Gave the Hellknight's fireballs their own exploding sounds.
13. Added new teleporter sounds.
14. Added a better chaingun firing sound.
15. Added a cooler low ammo alert sound for the BFG and Plasmagun.
Graphics Changes:
1. Added new shaders to make the game's lighting, normal mapping, haze effects, and shadows more realistic.
2. Raised the heightmap values for all textures and skins a whole lot. This gives extreme depth to all of the textures
in the game. Rocks look like rocks, fabric for clothing looks like fabric, metal looks like metal, etc. The game
looks 100 times better. And best of all, it doesn't add any kind of framerate lag.
3. All objects, monster parts, or character parts that should have shadows now make shadows.
4. All objects, monsters, weapons, and characters now have selfshadowing enabled making the game look even better.
5. Added Bloom, Motionblur, Depth of Field, and Filmgrain effects.
Map Changes:
1. I've changed up several of the maps to include the new double barrel shotgun weapon pickup. That way you don't
have to use a cheat to get it.
2. I've added several bot soldiers into some of the maps to help you out.
3. Added the Spectre to several maps.
4. Added some Barons to the Hell Hole map.
5. Added Barons, Deadsouls, and Painelementals to the Hell map.
Main Menu Changes:
Thanks to 6th Venom I have incorporated an awesome new main menu system that brings the main menu in Doom 3 up to date.
You no longer have to restart the game to make video changes and you now have a level select. Plus the visuals are top
notch and I spruced it up a bit more by sharpening the Mars planet texture and increasing the bump mapping for the
player models in the model select section of the multiplayer options. I also edited the weapon keys section of the options
menu to include the double barrel shotgun. So you can set it to a certain key like the other weapons.
Thanks To:
A special thanks to Dafama2k7 for all of his help with creating an awesome set of shaders for higher quality graphics.
The D3 FullShadows v1.4 mod for the better light and shadow settings for each map.
Sikkpin for the Motion Blur and Depth of Field effects.
Maha-X for his Brilliant Bloom shaders.
MWoody for the cluster grenade script from his website - http://mwoody.com/clusternades10.php
The Enhanced Doom 3 Models for the great models that were edited to add better, smoother curves to monsters and humans.
The AMS mod for the marine allies.
The Gears of War-style Blood Spatter Mod for the cool looking screen blood splatter effect.
The DENTONMOD REVISION 3 v0.5 ALPHA Mod for some better sound effects and better flesh wound bullet decals.
The Upgraded Teleport Sounds Mod for the better teleport sound effects.
The Labyrinth Mod for the particle FX references that I used for the bullet projectiles impact effects and the lightning effects.
The 6thVenomHQ Main Menu for the great looking and up to date main menu system that is brilliant.
The "Oldskool" Plasma Gun v1.0 Mod for the awesome classic colors for the plasmagun's muzzleflash and projectile.
Hector Gonzales from FPSBanana.com for the new machinegun firing sound.
Ryft and Scott James Lambert aka "Scotty" for helping me find bugs and glitches caused by the previous version of this mod.
The Battleready Mod for some of the particle effects.
The Bog Decal Mod for the great code used to make all decals stay.
The ExpSpice Mod for some of the particle effects and effects coding.
The MegaEfX Mod for some of the particle effects.
The No ID Humor Mod for the files used to make this mod.
The Plasma Radar 1.0 Mod for the files used to make this mod.
The Classic Cyberdemon Mod for the code used to make this mod.
The Shadow Wraith Mod for the code used to make this mod.
The Ultra Realistic Tactical Lights (RTL) Mod for the new flashlight shader.
The Trent Reznor Sounds Pack for the truely amazing sounds.
The NO-F.E.A.R. 1.2 Mod for some of the particle effects.
The Resurrection of Evil Add-on for Doom 3 by ID Software for their Double Barrel Shotgun.
The SDChainsawBlood Skin Mod for the awesome bloody chainsaw skin.
The Imp Barrel Toss Mod for the code used to make this mod.
The Hellknight Imp & Zombie Toss Mod for the code used to make this mod.
The UAC Redux mod for the excellent AI scripts used to give the enemies better tactical combat skills.
The Tinman Squad b3 Mod for the security allies.
The Awesome Sauce v1 Mod for the awesome Prototype Plasmagun Skin.
The Classic Shotgun Skin v1.1 Mod for the shotgun skin that took me back to the old days.
All of the readme files from these mods are included.
Thank you to everybody that donated something to my purpose.
I guarantee you that you made this mod so much more better then it would have been.
If anybody would like to copy parts of this mod or include it into another mod please go right ahead.
However, I would like some credit. Contact me first and then include my name in your readme and include
this readme file along with your mod. Thanx.
Muchas gracias por el enlace! Descargado, catado junto al Texture Pack y la verdad es que el juego cambia bastante...
Si es que siempre lo he dicho, la verdadera salsa del PC son los mods, ni gráficos ni hostias! Que además, precísamente los gráficos los modders que se aburren sacan packs de texturas impresionantes, como por ejemplo Deus Ex, que parece un juego no-tan-antiguo si le instalas todos (y bien que se agradece!)
Pero ese mod lo hace mucho mucho más chungo... o eso parece por la lista de cambios en enemigos, ¿es asi? ¿se puede regular?
1. Boss_Cyberdemon - Rocket Attack - INSTANT KILL
Kicking Attack - INSTANT KILL
2. Boss_Guardian - Charging Attack - INSTANT KILL
Headbutting Attack - Severe Damage
3. Archvile - Incinerating Attack - INSTANT KILL
4. Cherub - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
5. Hellknight & Baron of Hell - Biting Attack - INSTANT KILL
Fireball Attack - Severe Damage
6. Imp - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
7. Maggot - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
8. Mancubus - Fireball Attack - INSTANT KILL
Stomping Attack - INSTANT KILL
9. Pinky - Biting Attack - INSTANT KILL
10 Revenant - Rocket Attack - INSTANT KILL
11. Tick - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
After Death Burst Explosion - Severe Damage
12. Trite - Leaping Attack - Severe Damage
After Death Burst Explosion - Severe Damage
13. Wraith - Stabbing Attack - INSTANT KILL
14. Cacodemon & Pain Elemental - Biting Attack - INSTANT KILL
15. Lostsoul & Original Lost Soul - Charging Attack - Severe Damage
16. Commando - Tentacle Attack - Severe Damage
17. Sawyer - Chainsaw Attack - Severe Damage
Atolm escribió:Ya la edición limitada del Arkham Asylum era una mierda (y yo me la compré, idiota de mí), así que que esta sea otra mierda no me sorprende nada.
exar escribió:sanosukesagara escribió:A mi las figuras de Neca me gustan, de hecho la de Joker me la regaló un colega y mola, además tengo una de cabeza pincho de hellraiser y es cojonuda. A mi me gustan, pero pegan una puta mierda con la edición del juego...
Si, me refiero a que me gusta como incorporación para la edición. La figuras también están bien, pero es que es lo que digo, que tenían stock de sobra y dijeron, venga, con el juego y así lo cobramos mas caro
PD: Acabo de echarme un online al Mercenaries y la verdad es que está genial, asi que Rune, que ya he visto que te lo has comprado, tendremos que echar algún día uno. Por ahí atras he dejado mi código amigo.
trane escribió:Atolm escribió:Ya la edición limitada del Arkham Asylum era una mierda (y yo me la compré, idiota de mí), así que que esta sea otra mierda no me sorprende nada.
1+. Espero que la figura no sea de madera barata como el Batarang
Arukado escribió:Me ha agregado alguien de por aqui al psn? Lo comento porque me han agregado pero por el psn id no reconozco quien es.
exar escribió:sanosukesagara escribió:A mi las figuras de Neca me gustan, de hecho la de Joker me la regaló un colega y mola, además tengo una de cabeza pincho de hellraiser y es cojonuda. A mi me gustan, pero pegan una puta mierda con la edición del juego...
Si, me refiero a que me gusta como incorporación para la edición. La figuras también están bien, pero es que es lo que digo, que tenían stock de sobra y dijeron, venga, con el juego y así lo cobramos mas caro
HunterZero escribió:Los que tengáis steam, si no habéis pillado el Hydrophobia: Prophecy, merecéis morir.
Yarky escribió:En mi pueblo ha ocurrido un acontecimiento con el que se me caen los huevos. Murió un hombre el otro día bastante conocido en el pueblo y hoy durante el entierro, mientras la familia estaba esperando la llegada del feretro a la salida de la iglesia, a la mujer le ha dado un infarto y ha quedado tiesa al instante. Los hijos se han puesto a llorar y gritar con una desesperación terrible, joder como para no habiendo perdido a los dos padres de una sentada.
¿Esta guapo?HunterZero escribió:Los que tengáis steam, si no habéis pillado el Hydrophobia: Prophecy, merecéis morir.
Finalmente, Todd Howard, director del juego ha subrayado que, a pesar de que, en principio, las versiones para las consolas estarán a una altura similar a la del PC, las posibilidades que este último ofrece al jugador pueden ser brutales, si se tiene el equipo adecuado: “la versión de PC consigue más texturas, mejor rendimiento y un montón de otros efectos que mejoran si tu máquina es una bestia”.
Valkyria escribió:Arukado escribió:Me ha agregado alguien de por aqui al psn? Lo comento porque me han agregado pero por el psn id no reconozco quien es.
Debe ser iridiumarkangel que me ha agregado también.
Spardy escribió:Yo en el demons he llegado al boss del 2-1, pero me peta bastante el ojal, solo lo he intentado matar 2 veces, pero vamos que le he quitado muy poca vida. Había pensado en farmear un poco para subir nivel, pero te piden una cantidad de almas que flipas![]()
Imagino que cada enemigo sera debil a ciertos elementos ect... no?
Zack_VII escribió:Bueno, al final he estado trasteando de nuevo con el mod de marras y pese a que tiene que pulir mucho la iluminacion segun las fases del dia, en general el contraste de luces que hace le da un aspecto fotorealista en determinados momentos del dia, en otro no tantos. A mi con el mod, a 1600x900 y todo a alto o muy alto pues me oscila entre los 25 y 35 frames, segun zonas.
IridiumArkangel escribió:P.D Espero que no os moleste que os haya agregado sin preguntaros...