Inki escribió:Bueno estuve jugando ahora un rato, me tuve que crear otro pj porque el primero me vino sin hacha ?? (era de una raza rara) y aparte donde aparecí no había ni dios, npc ni na
Hispano89 escribió:Según la nota oficial:
Good news everyone!
We released a new build of the client. A ~100mb big .exe file.
Installs MO on your harddrive, adds all the needed packages like PhysX and .Net automatically. Then starts the updater and downloads the game.
The updater is still a hybrid, meaning it's a webseed at the core but also has torrent/p2p capabilities.
Now, do you need to download this if you already have the latest client? No. But you miss out on the fancy installer and sooner or later you should.
TL;dr: Augmented client with installer, don't need it if you got the latest version though.
Vamos, que creo que dice que no hace falta bajarselo si ya lo tienes, pero que tarde o temprano se deberá hacer..¿no?
Un saludo!
Hispano89 escribió:Exactamente, es lo mismo que me ocurre a mi (y supongo a más gente). Ya veremos en al release como queda esto.
Hispano89 escribió:Pues si, tienes razón.
Yo solo espero que le metan mucho PVE, cambien la interfaz y pongan un tutorial y unas cuantas quest. Con eso ya iríamos "tirando" y más o menos no estaría tan mal.
pho3nix escribió:A mi me da la sensación que se ha puesto de moda, ser 4 matados (con todo el amor del universo) para hacer un cutre juego, sacar unas perras importantes y a ver como va el tema.
Lamento ir con este tono, pero estoy muy cansado ya... llevo 10 años jugando a estos juegos, y lo único que veo últimamente, son... "buenas intenciones" pero EL ANDAR SE DEMUESTRA CAMINANDO, caray!
Hispano89 escribió:Pues si, tienes razón.
Yo solo espero que le metan mucho PVE, cambien la interfaz y pongan un tutorial y unas cuantas quest. Con eso ya iríamos "tirando" y más o menos no estaría tan mal.
CaronteGF escribió:LoneGamer, quizá te interese probar el Spellborn, no es exactamente lo que pides pero puede interesarte.
Version – Beta
------ ADDITIONS & CHANGES ------
In the character creation, you will now find Backgrounds. There are ten (10) different Backgrounds which contain a preset of skills your character has when starting out in Nave.
Please note that Backgrounds do not in any way limit the player in what skills they wish to learn later on.
You will now discover (learn) certain skills when you perform actions related to these skills, as long as you fulfil the prerequisites. For instance picking up a sword and swinging it will unlock the Swords skill without the need to read a skill book.
- Stuck command is now triggered with /stuck.
- Pos command is now triggered with /pos.
- Trade is now triggered with /trade.
- Tame is now triggered with /tame.
- Use is now triggered with /use.
- Loot is now triggered with /loot.
- Showing your Murder Count is now triggered with /iconsidermysins or /murdercount.
- Added support for emotes write /emote to get a list of available emotes. To trigger an emote use /emote EMOTENAME. Please note the animations are still under progress, they are not final.
- Damage that is less than 0 is now rounded down to 0.1 to ensure you get hit-feedback when being hit.
- Decreased the release speed for melee attacks.
- Increased the timer for how often you can knock down a player with your horse from 1.5s to 4.0s.
- Knocking down people when you are on a mount will now drain your mounts stamina by a fixed amount.
- Getting knocked down now reduces your stamina by a fixed amount rather than draining all of it.
- There is now a chance that riders get knocked down from their mount when it is hit with enough force. More force increases the chance of knocking down the rider.
- Reduced unarmed damage.
AI & Mounts:
- Urials now reside in the mountains.
- All creature hit boxes have been made smaller.
- Creatures should now have a chance to miss even when facing its target correctly.
- Wisents and Domestic pigs have been made more courageous.
- Fleeing creatures will now dart and change directions more often.
- Creatures will now spawn their loot at their killer's position when they die.
- The leather vendor now sells cotton.
- NPCs will now turn and look at you when you use them.
- Mounts will no longer turn around after you have dismounted them.
- Creatures should now be less affected by difference in size when generating creature courage.
- Only some creatures will now guard the corpse of a defeated foe.
Art & Sound:
- There is now a mountain pass from Morin Khur to Toxai.
- Grinder added at the cave Camp.
- Increased speed of the blocking animation to make it almost instant to better reflect what is really happening.
- Fixed lots of minor graphical issues in Myrland.
- Sound now available in 128 simultaneous voices instead of 32.
- Vadda has got a small facelift.
- The area around the Fabernum farm priest has got a facelift.
- Meduli has got a small facelift.
- If a Guild master leaves a guild the person next in rank will now get promoted to Guild master.
- If a House Owner leaves a guild they can no longer create a new guild and leave the old guild in limbo. If the house owner wishes to create a new guild, they must ask the new Guild master of the old guild to disband the guild. Another option is to transfer ownership of the house to the Guild master and build a new house.
Skills & Attributes:
- There is now a book for Boiled Leather lore.
- Mining yields has been increased 10 times as a temporary fix until next patch.
- When a pet becomes too scared to attack it will run back to its return target if set, otherwise if its tamer is around, it will return to its tamer. If the tamed creature has nowhere to return it will just stay where it is.
- When using the abandon command it will now clear all tamed creature data on the tamer even if the connection between tamer and pet is bugged. This should make it possible to re-tame a bugged creature although you won’t gain XP again from it.
- Transfer command is now up and running again and should work as intended.
- When transferring a tamed creature, the loyalty of the creature also got transferred. This has been changed; instead the loyalty of the transferred tamed creature will depend on its new tamers skill.
- Aggressive Stance had some flaws and has been tweaked to work better. It is now explained in the updated Quick Guide.
- The only way to stop an aggressive tamed creature is to have its tamer change the tamed creature’s mind-set either to passive or defensive.
- Taming has been tweaked again to be less costing to server performance.
- New pet command added: setreturn.
This command gives the tamer the possibility to choose where or to which target the tamed creature should return to after battle. Read updated Quick Guide for more information how to use it.
- Credits screen added in character selection screen.
- Re-skinned parts of the user guide menus.
- New weapon icons added.
- You can now right-click the Plus/Minus icons at the Attribute page in the character creation to distribute five (5) points at a time.
- Overhead chat now has a black background and white text to make it easier to read.
- Overhead chat now stays twice as long on the screen.
------ BUG FIXES ------
- Fixed a severe bug that caused the cluster server to crash. *
- Fixed a bug that caused independent nodes to crash, resulting in players ending up desynchronized and in offline mode. *
- With the introduction of Backgrounds the database load will be significantly decreased and result in a lot less lag. *
- Fixed some starting locations that were linked to the wrong location.
AI & Mounts:
- The leather, reagents and utility vendors in Morin Khur are now functioning again.
- Tamed creatures should now behave as intended even if its tamer is offline.
- Creatures should no longer (or less frequently) run around continuously aimlessly towards nothingness.
- Creatures should now when defeating a foe correctly guard the corpse if it's in their behaviour to do so.
Housing & Bridges:
- Fixed a bug that would cause house hit points to get roll backed at a server reboot.
- You will no longer be flagged as a trespasser when looting a chest in your guilds house.
- Bridges will no longer cap at 2k hp when in their first construction phase.
Skills & Attributes:
- It should no longer be possible to tame while resting.
- Tamed creature's should now again be affected by the in-game flagging system. This means that if a tamed creature attacks anyone flagged blue, it will together with its tamer take the consequences of this action.
- After many tries of solving the issue of lost connection between tamer and its pet, comes now a fix that should resolve this matter.
- Tamed creature's follow speed when following a target had some problems which should now be resolved.
- Renaming a tamed creature will now save capital letters in the creatures’ name.
Art & Sound:
- Some missing props in the area around Meduli have reappeared.
- The Kiln at the cave camp should now work properly.
- Water levels in the jungle should now be correct.
- Grizzly outside Bakti should now work properly.
- Further fixed issues with characters that appear to be falling when they are really just going up and down slopes.
- Rock oil and Water now have t he correct icons.
- Guild Stone Deed now has the correct Icon.
- Book vendors should now have the correct display name.
- Fixed an issue with the music on/off button and expensive footsteps on/off button in the options window.
xcoon escribió:Lo he estado probando un rato para verlo con mis propios ojos y si, esta muy muy verde. Alguna vez a salido algun mmorpg que fuese decente en su salida o es cosa de estos ultimos 2 años?
Hispano89 escribió:Seguramente renueve la semana que viene y juegue a MO y DF
Divagador escribió:Hispano89 escribió:Seguramente renueve la semana que viene y juegue a MO y DF
Jajajaja qué agonías eres.
Yo no sé qué hacer. Estoy con unos amigos jugando al Runes of Magic, aunque está bien claro que le falta de todo. Ocurre lo de siempre, con amigos juegas a cualquier mierda.
De todas formas la verdad es que últimamente miro muchos videos de Darkfall y da como morriña ^^U. Me lo pasé muy bien con los chicos de La Unión...
Joder, estoy leyendo sobre DF y macho, está de puta madre. Ahora el juego está mejor que nunca...aquellos a los que os guste miradlo que está cojonudo. Le sigue fallando el que todos sean todo, pero han cambiado los sonidos FX de la mayoría de spells, árboles, han metido más mobs, skills especializadas (por fin!), torres en el mar, villas, y un millón de cosas más. Además están renovando los modelos de los personajes y más cosillas.
Hispano89 escribió:Lo mejor es que un 70% de la gente (y eso contando a los que juegan, si contaran a todos los que se fueron, en su gran mayoría, por el skill cap, sería la un 90%) piden el skill cap: ... ost4042038
Pero nada, siguen sin ponerlo. Si lo ponen sería el puto juego perfecto, o casi.
CaronteGF escribió:xcoon escribió:Lo he estado probando un rato para verlo con mis propios ojos y si, esta muy muy verde. Alguna vez a salido algun mmorpg que fuese decente en su salida o es cosa de estos ultimos 2 años?
Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Lord of the rings, Galaxies, (dicen) FF XI, City of Heroes... Va a ser cosa de los ultimos años.
Aun así, llevo un rato con un ladrón y es la risa, hacía mucho que no me lo pasaba tan bien haciendo el panoli en un MMO.
CaronteGF escribió:No probe el galaxies ni el FFX de salida, por eso comentaba que dicen.
Se me olvido comentar que WoW tambien tuvo una release aceptable. Estaba el bug de quedarse agachado que era un infierno, y no habia battlegrounds, pero el mundo estaba repleto de vida y habia montonazos de quests. Fue una release bastante aceptable, de cuando las raids eran de 40 personas unicamente, las monturas a nivel 40 y los bichos epicos soltaban un unico objeto y nada mas.
Pero como bien dices, el instant gratification no es solo un metodo de enganchar jugadores, sino que las empresas se suman al carro y quieren vender sin aportar absolutamente nada, como es el caso de Champions.
El panorama ahora no pinta mejor, y en el horizonte solo veo EartRise y su sistema de skills tipo EVE. Tendremos que cruzar los dedos y que hagan algo mas aceptable Mortal o Darkfall.
Total, el tiempo para jugar tampoco sobra.
Por cierto ploki ya tengo funcionando mi Hackintosh¡¡¡¡. Aunque no me entiendo con el teclado muy bien y aun no he conseguido rular mi ATI 4850 y estoy con mi vieja pero memorable X800GTO2 que todo sea dicho, la tengo sin drivers por el momento.
CCP ha anunciado que, una vez más, el número de jugadores conectados simultáneamente al servidor de EVE Online ha sido rebasado, situando el nuevo récord en 54,446.
Hispano89 escribió:La verdad es que lo de EVE es para quitarse el sombrero. Tienen cerca de 320 mil jugadores, y hace poco batieron el record de gente online simultánea en el mismo server:CCP ha anunciado que, una vez más, el número de jugadores conectados simultáneamente al servidor de EVE Online ha sido rebasado, situando el nuevo récord en 54,446.
Además que amplian y mejoran el juego sobre una base ya muy bien hecha (a esto me refiero con MO).
Ya he renovado la suscripción de Darkfall y la verdad es que está muy bien, todo correcto, optimizado, sin bugs, etc. El problema es que no hay tanta gente como antes y que sigue la mierda de planteamiento de que seas todo en uno...
Haber que nos depara el 2010!
Hispano89 escribió:No hará falta que nadie suba el cliente, Caronte. El launcher de DF baja a 600-700k/s, así que es bastante rápido. Te lo digo yo que me lo bajé anteayer xD
Un saludo!
Divagador escribió:¿No me digas que volvéis al Darkfall?. ¿Tienen intención los de La Unión de volver también, Caronte?