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Nuku nuku escribió:zackner escribió:Estoy jugando de nuevo al Tales Of Symphonia 2 y la verdad es que hay algo que me he puesto a pensar:Emil odia a Lloyd por matar a sus padres, cuando se descubre que fue Decus disfrazado todo el mundo se queda Ah que mal, pero Emil no se cabrea con el creo recordar o al menos no como con lloyd.
Y otra cosa estoy haciendo la sidequest deRichter y la verdad es que deberia ser parte obligada de la historia, te permite conocer mejor a Richter y ver como aqua y tenebrae se pelean cuales niños
Emil es un personaje que madura muchisimo a lo largo del juego, al princio le odias y luego es el puto amo, por eso supongoQue no reacciona igual ante un hecho y otro. Ademas hay que tener en cuenta de que se ve envuelto en otros muchos asuntos, el odio o la venganza ya no son tan prioritarios y en su cabeza tiene muchas otras cosas en las que pensar.
En ese momento no sabe que es ratatosk, lo unico que le puede preocupar de mas es que sea igual al amigo de richter y la teoria de raine.
Eriksharp escribió:¿Conoceis alguna lista de JRPGs que hayan salido para PS2? Incluido los que han salido sólo en Japón.
Después de acabar las malditas prácticas y de acabarme el maldito Super Robot Taisen Alpha de PSX vuelvo al ataqueeerrr con el maldito Tales of Wesperrria, me acuerdo que lo dejé cuando conocí a Patty la pirata, a ver si mejora un poco el sistema de combate que venir de jugar a Tales of Xillia y ponerme con el Vesperia es un poco... limitado por decirlo de una manera.
Dios bendiga el sistema de combate de Xillia
Eriksharp escribió:¿Conoceis alguna lista de JRPGs que hayan salido para PS2? Incluido los que han salido sólo en Japón.
Después de acabar las malditas prácticas y de acabarme el maldito Super Robot Taisen Alpha de PSX vuelvo al ataqueeerrr con el maldito Tales of Wesperrria, me acuerdo que lo dejé cuando conocí a Patty la pirata, a ver si mejora un poco el sistema de combate que venir de jugar a Tales of Xillia y ponerme con el Vesperia es un poco... limitado por decirlo de una manera.
Dios bendiga el sistema de combate de Xillia
dark_mousy escribió:Eriksharp escribió:¿Conoceis alguna lista de JRPGs que hayan salido para PS2? Incluido los que han salido sólo en Japón.
Después de acabar las malditas prácticas y de acabarme el maldito Super Robot Taisen Alpha de PSX vuelvo al ataqueeerrr con el maldito Tales of Wesperrria, me acuerdo que lo dejé cuando conocí a Patty la pirata, a ver si mejora un poco el sistema de combate que venir de jugar a Tales of Xillia y ponerme con el Vesperia es un poco... limitado por decirlo de una manera.
Dios bendiga el sistema de combate de Xillia
limitado en que sentido? en que no puedes hacer links? porque si no es eso el xillia es mas limitado que el vesperia
Eriksharp escribió:El sistema de combate de Xillia esta totalmente por encima de cualquier juego anterior que sea Action-RPG.
dark_mousy escribió:Eriksharp escribió:El sistema de combate de Xillia esta totalmente por encima de cualquier juego anterior que sea Action-RPG.
porque lo dices tu y ya, no? xDD pero dame alguna razón más de peso hombre
moebiuss escribió:Post de lloro en plan bestial
Quien cojones fue el que tuvo la idea de quitar los puñeteros puntos de guardar en los JRPG?
joder son demasiados años y juegos a mis espaldas para darme cuenta que puedo grabar en cualquier momento del juego, y se me va la pinza siempre y hoy por ejemplo, que he vuelto a empezar el Last Remnat , despues de 3 horas me han matado y me he quedado con cara de ¿Cuando he grabado la ultima vez?...
Si, cierto NUNCA... a volver a empezar, y pensareis, despues de esa putada, no le volvera a pasar , pues anda mira NO, luego me ha vuelto a pasar y he perdido otra hora de juego T_T
se que es cosa mia que no me doy cuenta, pero leches , que no hacian daño los puntos de grabado, le daban mas gracia al juego , porque tenias momentos en los que tenias que volver corriendo para atras para asegegurarte el grabado, o te lanzabas a la aventura ...
se que se hace porque ahora los que jugamos nos hemos echo mayores y no disponemos de tanto tiempo como antes, y asi cuanto te surge algo importante grabas y te piras pero no se... lo echo de menos (ademas de por lo obvio)
Creo recordar un juego que he jugado no hace mucho, que tenia grabado en cualquier momento, pero aun asi en las mazmorras y demas habia puntos para recuperar el HP/MP que mi cerebro los recordaba mejor y siempre que veia uno grababa , me parece una buena solución
ala ya me he desquitadoseguir cada uno a lo suyo
P.D. Estoy en el Fire Emblem de Donni asta los huevos, menudo personaje mas paquete lo tengo a lvl 8 ya y sigue siendo un pringao, espero una transformacion mínimo como la de Magikarp > Gyarados
puto star ocean 4
tolomeomanseca escribió:El principal cometido de Donny es que se zumbe a una rapidito para transmitir sus genes y su habilidad "Promesa".
Aun así merece la pena entrenarle, sube muy rápido y para mitad del juego tendras una máquina de matar. Eso si, sus topes son muy bajos por lo que hacia el final muchos personajes le superaran.
Ya estoy en el capítulo final, a ver si mañana la acabo ya y empiezo la segunda vuelta. El cabron de zackner pico mi curiosidad con lo que dijo y todavia no he decidido si en la segunda vuelta Chrom será mi Husbando, o vuelvo a ser tio y desposo a Lucina
MU roba el emblema de fuego para el perillas y luego se descubre que le pueden controlar, lucina le pide hablar a solas, cuando te dan la opcion de resistirte o no, yo no me resisti y eso junto que Lucina era mi esposa pues fue una escena apoteosica para mi, casi suelto una lagrimilla. Si ya se que es un poco tonto no resistirse pero es que a Lucina no me puedo resistir
tolomeomanseca escribió:Buff esa escena es realmente emotiva, creo que empezare por Lucina para ver si cambia algo.
Lucina también es de mis preferidos, y si puede pasar Eter a Linfan/Morgan que es mi crio favorito, pues mejor aún
tolomeomanseca escribió:Fire emblem terminado, me ha encantado, es de esos juegos que se que le voy a meter miles de horas.
No solo es largo de narices y rejugable ad infinitum, sino que todas las semanas sale spotpass gratuito. Además siempre está el dlc de pago
Sin duda alguna el mas completo de los fire emblem, pero al mismo tiempo es el mejor para enganchar a los recien llegados a la franquicia. En mi lista personal de srpg acaba de destronar al Tactics Ogre y al Disgaea.
Cambiando de tema, alguien ha jugado al Mother 3, opiniones? Es necesario pasarse antes el Earthbound?
En breves me toca tragarme un viaje largo en bus y estaba pensando en meterlo en un emulador al movil
tolomeomanseca escribió:Fire emblem terminado, me ha encantado, es de esos juegos que se que le voy a meter miles de horas.
No solo es largo de narices y rejugable ad infinitum, sino que todas las semanas sale spotpass gratuito. Además siempre está el dlc de pago
Sin duda alguna el mas completo de los fire emblem, pero al mismo tiempo es el mejor para enganchar a los recien llegados a la franquicia. En mi lista personal de srpg acaba de destronar al Tactics Ogre y al Disgaea.
Cambiando de tema, alguien ha jugado al Mother 3, opiniones? Es necesario pasarse antes el Earthbound?
En breves me toca tragarme un viaje largo en bus y estaba pensando en meterlo en un emulador al movil
Eriksharp escribió:¿Vale la pena gastarse más (mucho más) y pillar la Director's Cut de Tales of Destiny? ¿O paso y me pillo Tales of Destiny Remake directamente?
goku7 escribió:Eriksharp escribió:¿Vale la pena gastarse más (mucho más) y pillar la Director's Cut de Tales of Destiny? ¿O paso y me pillo Tales of Destiny Remake directamente?
Yo iba a preguntar lo mismo, a ver si responde alguien
Astral escribió:El Director's Cut incluye el Lion's Side nuevo que es la historia desde el punto de vista de Lion (aunque es bastante mas cortito que la historia original incluso con el contenido nuevo que tiene), incluye creo que también un nuevo modo de dificultad, nuevas artes para todos los personajes, nuevas posturas tras la batalla, nuevos rangos en el coliseo y un tercer Blast Caliber para Lion.
alucardson escribió:tolomeomanseca escribió:Fire emblem terminado, me ha encantado, es de esos juegos que se que le voy a meter miles de horas.
No solo es largo de narices y rejugable ad infinitum, sino que todas las semanas sale spotpass gratuito. Además siempre está el dlc de pago
Sin duda alguna el mas completo de los fire emblem, pero al mismo tiempo es el mejor para enganchar a los recien llegados a la franquicia. En mi lista personal de srpg acaba de destronar al Tactics Ogre y al Disgaea.
Cambiando de tema, alguien ha jugado al Mother 3, opiniones? Es necesario pasarse antes el Earthbound?
En breves me toca tragarme un viaje largo en bus y estaba pensando en meterlo en un emulador al movil
Yo lo jugué y me pareció brutal, pero es un RPG diferente, donde mas haya de una historia enrevesada, gráficos fantástico realistas, o sistema de batalla complejo, sobresale por la gran humanidad que desbordan los personajes, por la fuerte critica a la sociedad actual que se muestra en un gran numero de detalles y por el sentimiento que pudieron plasmar en cuatro monigotes mal dibujados. Es un juego que empieza algo cursi o chorra, y que puede dejarte con un mar de lagrimas (como me paso a mí, y lo digo sin pena alguna). Es un juego que a pesar de tener un aspecto infantil, muestra un trasfondo muy fuerte y crítico, para mi es sin duda el juego mas SERIO de nintendo hasta la fecha.
Para mi esta en el top de RPGs, que hay que jugar si o si.
Respecto a la otra duda, no no es necesario pasar Earthbound de SNES (que en realidad es Mother 2 de Super Famicom), pero puede ser útil para entender un par de cosas, y la presencia de cierto personaje. Sin embargo, podría darte una mala impresión, puesto que la calidad del 3 es mucho mayor que la del 2, yo recomiendo jugar el 3 primero, y si luego tienes dudas de esos detalles, pues juegas el 2 para salir de dudas. El Mother 1 de NES no lo he jugado, pero dudo que tenga relación alguna con el Mother 3.
Por otro lado la música también es muy buena, hay algún par de melodías MIDIS, bastante emotivas:
Y este que es un clásico para los FANS de Mother 3:
En fin, en la red existe un parche para poder jugarlo en ingles al 100% (Creo que hay un grupo que esta desarrollando un parche en español, pero no recuerdo donde lo vi, ni se en que nivel estará).
Sin duda es un RPG diferente, pero precisamente esas diferencias son las que lo hacen grande.![]()
Astral escribió:La diferencia de precio es abismal si, el normal lo tengo visto por 6 y 7 euros, mientras que la DC precintada no baja de los 80-75 y 50-40 de segunda mano. Yo la pillé en su día a 60 euros pero también porque Lion es uno de mis personajes favoritos de la saga.
Eriksharp escribió:Astral escribió:La diferencia de precio es abismal si, el normal lo tengo visto por 6 y 7 euros, mientras que la DC precintada no baja de los 80-75 y 50-40 de segunda mano. Yo la pillé en su día a 60 euros pero también porque Lion es uno de mis personajes favoritos de la saga.
Ya se sabe por que...
Te pone cachondo, admitelo![]()
Hostias, pues ahora me has hecho dudar, porque si es una ruta con Midori... pfff, tal vez ahorro un poco más y me pillo la DCut directamente,
Por cierto, me hago un lio, el Tales of Phantasia Narikiri Dungeon X es básicamente: ¿Remake de Phantasia + Remake de secuela de Phantasia en 1 sólo UMD? Es que está la edición Full Voice y luego está esta y no se cual pillarme.
Astral escribió:El Director's Cut incluye el Lion's Side nuevo que es la historia desde el punto de vista de Lion (aunque es bastante mas cortito que la historia original incluso con el contenido nuevo que tiene), incluye creo que también un nuevo modo de dificultad, nuevas artes para todos los personajes, nuevas posturas tras la batalla, nuevos rangos en el coliseo y un tercer Blast Caliber para Lion.
Si la habilidad de un personaje con una arma es x, y cambio al personaje a una clase que no utiliza esa arma, ¿al volverlo a cambiar a una clase que sí utiliza esa primera arma, tendrá ese nivel x de habilidad que tenía al principio?
Tengo entendido que un buen sistema para optimizar la experiencia es subir a un personaje al máximo (nivel 20), promocionarlo y subirlo a nivel 15 para aprender la habilidad correspondiente, y cambiarlo a otra clase básica y repetir el proceso para seguir subiendo y conseguir otras habilidades.
A raíz de esto me surgen dos preguntas: ¿El número de sellos que puedes adquirir para cambiar de clase y promocionar personajes es infinito? ¿Cuántos cambios de estos (por cuántas clases puede un personaje pasar) puede uno hacer antes de que se acabe el juego o llegues al nivel interno máximo (tengo entendido que al alcanzar el nivel interno máximo la unidad pasa a ganar muy poca experiencia)?
Ryuga Hideki escribió:Estoy ahora con el último Fire Emblem, y la verdad es que el tema de la experiencia, los niveles, las clases y demás es un maldito lío. Pregunté algunas cosillas en el hilo del juego, pero como no obtuve respuesta, pego el texto aquí también a ver si alguien me ilumina un poco.[...]
Si la habilidad de un personaje con una arma es x, y cambio al personaje a una clase que no utiliza esa arma, ¿al volverlo a cambiar a una clase que sí utiliza esa primera arma, tendrá ese nivel x de habilidad que tenía al principio?
Tengo entendido que un buen sistema para optimizar la experiencia es subir a un personaje al máximo (nivel 20), promocionarlo y subirlo a nivel 15 para aprender la habilidad correspondiente, y cambiarlo a otra clase básica y repetir el proceso para seguir subiendo y conseguir otras habilidades.
A raíz de esto me surgen dos preguntas: ¿El número de sellos que puedes adquirir para cambiar de clase y promocionar personajes es infinito? ¿Cuántos cambios de estos (por cuántas clases puede un personaje pasar) puede uno hacer antes de que se acabe el juego o llegues al nivel interno máximo (tengo entendido que al alcanzar el nivel interno máximo la unidad pasa a ganar muy poca experiencia)?
Aunque antes se me quedó colgada la consola al final de un capítulo, así que del cabreo ya he tenido suficiente Fire Emblem por hoy.
Ryuga Hideki escribió:Muchas gracias por la respuesta.
No he vuelto a jugar porque me he vuelto a enganchar al Mario Land (que a su vez había dejado aparcado por el Fire Embem), pero cuando me vuelva a poner avanzaré más tranquilo consciente de esa información.
De todas formas, ya que estoy puesto déjame confirmarlo: ¿quedamos en que los sellos que puedes adquirir son infinitos o no?
Ryuga Hideki escribió:Muchas gracias por la respuesta.
No he vuelto a jugar porque me he vuelto a enganchar al Mario Land (que a su vez había dejado aparcado por el Fire Embem), pero cuando me vuelva a poner avanzaré más tranquilo consciente de esa información.
De todas formas, ya que estoy puesto déjame confirmarlo: ¿quedamos en que los sellos que puedes adquirir son infinitos o no?
Namco Bandai’s two Tales of Symphonia games will be re-released in HD on the PlayStation 3, a report at Spanish website Koi-Nya claims. Koi-Nya recently had a chance to speak with Tales series producer Hideo Baba, who teased the release.
The two Symphonia games are the original Tales of Symphonia released for the Gamecube and PS2, and its sequel, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, which was released for the Wii. The HD compilation containing both will supposedly by titled Tales of Symphonia: Perfect Edition.
Siliconera has gotten in touch with Namco Bandai for comment.
zackner escribió:Espero que el primero sea la version de PS2 con todos los extras, que por cierto cuales eran? (seguro que astral se los sabe creo recordar que se lo lei comentar en el foro de ps2)
dark_mousy escribió:Que metan todos los extras de ps2, pero que dejen el bug de poder aprender todas las técnicas
Astral escribió:zackner escribió:Espero que el primero sea la version de PS2 con todos los extras, que por cierto cuales eran? (seguro que astral se los sabe creo recordar que se lo lei comentar en el foro de ps2)
La versión de Cube es una beta comparada con la de PS2, y lo de los 30 fps es la primera vez que lo leo.
- El unsion attack en la versión Cube tardaba 200 golpes en llenarse, en la version Ps2 tarda 150 golpes
- Nuevos monstruos
- Nuevos Eventos
- Nuevas Sidequest
- Los Bosses utilizan sus Ougis en la version de Ps2, en la versión de Cube no porque no tienen
- Bugs corregidos
- TODOS los personajes como mínimo tienen 1 Ougi o incluso 2, en la versión de Cube solo 3 personajes( de 9 que son) tienen
- Nuevas técnicas
- Nuevos tipos de ataques Unison
- Nuevos títulos
- Nuevos trajes
- Escenas Anime
- Pequeños cambios gráficos y sonoros
Astral escribió:zackner escribió:Espero que el primero sea la version de PS2 con todos los extras, que por cierto cuales eran? (seguro que astral se los sabe creo recordar que se lo lei comentar en el foro de ps2)
La versión de Cube es una beta comparada con la de PS2, y lo de los 30 fps es la primera vez que lo leo.
- El unsion attack en la versión Cube tardaba 200 golpes en llenarse, en la version Ps2 tarda 150 golpes
- Nuevos monstruos
- Nuevos Eventos
- Nuevas Sidequest
- Los Bosses utilizan sus Ougis en la version de Ps2, en la versión de Cube no porque no tienen
- Bugs corregidos
- TODOS los personajes como mínimo tienen 1 Ougi o incluso 2, en la versión de Cube solo 3 personajes( de 9 que son) tienen
- Nuevas técnicas
- Nuevos tipos de ataques Unison
- Nuevos títulos
- Nuevos trajes
- Escenas Anime
- Pequeños cambios gráficos y sonoros
Tales of Symphonia (PS2)
Due to poorer-than-expected GameCube sales of Tales of Symphonia in Japan, Namco decided to re-release the game on the PlayStation 2. This newer version included two extra anime sequences, a different opening song and some added side-quests amongst other things.
The game's theme song has been changed from Starry Heavens to Soshite Boku ni Dekiru Koto. It sounds quite similar to the original and was performed by the same band, Day After Tomorrow.
The Tales of Symphonia logo is magenta-colored instead of blue.
New anime sequences play inside of the Triet Ruins when Colette first receives her wings, and when the group first steals Rheairds from the Sylvarant Base.
The end credits now feature a montage of portraits off to the left side.
Each playable character, as well as some enemies, has a Mystic Arte (秘奥義? ”Hi Ougi”). This must be done under special conditions and inflicts massive damage to the enemy. In the GameCube version, only Lloyd, Colette, and Genis have one.
The PlayStation 2 version ships on one disc instead of two.
The frame rate is lowered from 60 frames per second to 30 frames per second.
Each character receives an extra costume, which depend on whom Lloyd chooses in Flanoir.
Loading times are increased to compensate for the PlayStation 2's poorer graphics engine.
The Synopsis option in the menu now displays newer entries at the top.
The skit portraits shake and move around more to better display the characters' emotions.
When a character is about to enter Over Limit, their portrait will start to glow. In the GameCube version, the characters flash red.
When the Unison Attack gauge fills up, it glows.
Most of the angels' wings are now of a deeper color.
The GameCube-object in the Sylvarant Base has been removed and replaced by the Sony logo.
The Sword Dancer now appears on the field as a regular white skull.
When Sheena summons a spirit, a cut-in of her face appears on the screen.
There are more post-battle animations.
The dark rooms in the Tower of Lightning have gone from slightly visible to pitch-black.
There are now a set of several books about Mithos the Hero. They can be read for deeper insight into the character and the Kharlan War itself.
There are two new events that will let you get more insight into the ancient hero, Mithos. The first can be watched by talking to Mithos while he is living in Altessa's House, and the second can be watched by speaking with Yuan after the events in Welgaia.
After completely restoring Luin, a chat with Pietro can trigger a scene where both him and the village residents thank the party by allowing one of them to become honorary mayor. Whoever takes this role is the player’s choice and whoever out of the party chosen will get a point in affection.
The sealed spirits of young Kratos, Yuan, and Mithos can be challenged in the Underworld instead of the Living Armor of the GameCube edition.
-The "Tales of Symphonia" logo on the title screen is now magenta-colored.
-Most of the angels' wings now have deeper colors.
-The "Synopsis" option in the menu now shows the newest entries at the
-When a character is about to overlimit, their portrait will start to glow
(in the GC version, the character sprite would flash red).
-When the unison attack gauge fills up, it glows.
-The Gamecube-object in the Sylvarant base now looks like a strange
machine (it doesn't look like a PS2...)
-Sword Dancer is now a regular white skull.
-Shiina's summons now show a cutaway of her face once they cast (likely to
make them match with other characters' hidden ougis).
-New anime movies have been added for Colette's first Angel transformation
and for the first flight of the Rarebirds.
-The skits are graphically more dynamic. Portraits get larger or smaller
quickly, swing from side to side, shake, and so on.
-There are more post-battle win poses.
-The 'dark' rooms in the Tower of Lightning are actually dark now (so that
you have to wait for the lightning flashes to see where you're going).
-The end credits now feature a mini-movie off to the left side.
-The opening theme has been changed to "Soshite Boku ni Dekiru Koto" (by the
same band, Day After Tomorrow).
-The background music just before the fights with Pronyma and Yggdrasil has
been changed (appropriate, since it was an instrumental version of the
opening theme).
-Zelos now says "Utsukushii~!" if he finishes an enemy with a combo. (For
some reason, Zelos and only Zelos did not have such a line in the GC
Most of the characters have gained an additional outfit in the PS2 version
of Symphonia. They are as follows:
Colette (Lloyd's Clothes)
During the Flanoir event, pick Colette. Then, between the time you spend
the night in Heimdall and the time you fight Kratos, return to Dike's house
and speak to Dike. Colette will fall into the river and Lloyd will offer her
his clothes instead. Afterwards Colette will gain the title "Kimi to Osoroi".
Lloyd and Kratos (Japanese Clothes)
Make sure Shiina has won in the Shiina/Kuchinawa one-on-one fight. Trigger
the event where Igaguri regains consciousness. During the Flanoir event, pick
Kratos. Now after Kratos rejoins your party, go to Mizuho and speak to Taiga.
He'll give Lloyd and Kratos traditional Mizuho clothing from two legendary
heroes, Musashi and Sasaki. Lloyd will gain the title "Musou no Mousha"
and Kratos will gain the title "Dai-majin?".
Genius and Presea (Winter Clothes)
During the Flanoir event, pick Genius. Then, after defeating the Dark Dragon
and passing through the main door in Ventheim, go to Flanoir and spend the
night. The "Penguin Ojiisan" will give Genius and Presea the clothes he had
intended to give to his grandchildren; Genius and Presea will also go out
on a date. Genius will gain the title "Samuku Nai Yai!" and Presea will
gain the title "Atatakai".
(Note: If you pick Presea in the Flanoir event, you can get Presea's
winter outfit but not Genius's. Thus, for efficiency's sake, it would
be better to pick Genius.)
Shiina and Zelos (Biker Clothes)
During the Flanoir event, pick Zelos. See the event where Igaguri regains
consciousness. Now go to Altamira and spend the night in the hotel. There
will be an event where Zelos attempts to cheer Shiina up by taking her on a
ride on the Rarebirds. For the ride, they'll each get a set of biker
clothes. Shiina will get the title "Ryuusei Rider" and Zelos will get the
title "Altamira Bousouzoku".
(Note: When I tried doing this with picking Shiina at Flanoir, I got Lloyd
cheering up Shiina at Altamira instead; Shiina got the new title and outfit,
but Zelos did not. Thus, for efficiency's sake, it would be better to pick
Regal (Noble's Clothes)
During the Flanoir event, pick Regal. Now go to Altamira and speak to George;
Regal will dress up in his President's clothes to conduct business
negotiations. Afterwards he'll gain the title "Koushaku".
Refill (Bunny Girl)
Refill's outfit can be obtained any time after the Casino in Altamira is
open. To get it, purchase the "??????" item from the bunny girl to the right
of the main counter in exchange for 150,000 chips. You'll see an event
where Refill is "Employee for a Day", and she'll gain the title "Erabareshi
-If you successfully complete the Orienteering minigame in Palmacosta in
under a minute now, you get the "Dr. Palmacosta" title for Lloyd (the GC
version gave you nothing).
-Each character has one new costume title - see the Cosmetic Changes section
for details.
There are now new elemental variations of moves (such as in the GC version,
using Shunjinken 200 times and then using it with lightning-elemental
weapon enchantment caused it to be Shunraiken instead). As in the original,
each one requires the base move to be used 200 times and then a specific
element weapon enchantment. They are as follows (organized by character).
Kaen Rekkuu (Rekkuuzan + Fire)
Dankuuken (Senkuu Reppa + Wind)
Shippuu Ressen (Ressenbu + Wind)
Raishuu Hougeki (Houshuugeki + Lightning)
Retsuenshuu (Resshuugeki + Fire)
Hien Raikyaku (Hien Renkyaku + Lightning)
There are now several new unison attacks. Regal, who had zero in the GC
version, now actually has some.
Rock Mountain
Grave (Kratos/Zelos) + Grave or Rock Break or Grand Dasher (Genius)
Genma Getsueika
Yuugenfu (Shiina) + Kogetsusen (Presea)
Yuugen Shoufu or Yuugen Seifu (Shiina) + Gessen Kuuha or Shougetsu Sousen or
Shoubu Retsugekka (Presea)
Zanma Getsueika
Sakurikifu (Shiina) + Kogetsusen (Presea)
Sakuriki Shoufu or Sakuriki Seifu (Shiina) + Gessen Kuuha or Shougetsu Sousen
or Shoubu Retsugekka (Presea)
Genma Hienkyaku
Yuugenfu (Shiina) + Hienkyaku (Regal)
Yuugen Shoufu or Yuugen Seifu (Shiina) + Hiryuugaku or Hien Renkyaku (Regal)
Zanma Hienkyaku
Sakurikifu (Shiina) + Hienkyaku (Regal)
Sakuriki Shoufu or Sakuriki Seifu (Shiina) + Hiryuugaku or Hien Renkyaku
Critical Blade
Flame Lance or Eruption (Genius) + Bakuen Renbu or Bakuen Shouha (Presea)
Explode (Genius) + Renga Bakusaijin (Presea)
Note: This is evidently an homage to Roni's hidden ougi Critical Blade from
Tales of Destiny 2; Presea's line during the move is even exactly the
same as Roni's line.
Kuuhashou or Fuujinken (Lloyd/Zelos/Kratos) + Ray or Holy Lance (Refill)
Sakurikifu or Hama Toufu (Shiina) + Ray or Holy Lance (Refill)
Angel Feather or Judgment (Colette/Kratos/Zelos) + Ray or Holy Lance (Refill)
Grand Cross (Colette) + Ray or Holy Lance (Refill)
Ryuuko Metsugajin
Makoujin or Majin Rengazan (Lloyd) + Yousou Shuuraku or Yousou Moushuukyaku
Innocent Edge
Makoujin or Majin Rengazan (Lloyd) + Bakuen Shouha or Bakuen Renbu or Renga
Bakusaijin (Presea)
A few characters have gained new moves.
Shinkuu Senrestuha (35 TP)
Lloyd gains a new combination ougi. He needs to be level 53 and have the
advanced versions of Chiri-sazame and Rekkuuzan at 50 uses apiece.
Grand Cross (40 TP)
A new angel magic. Colette learns this at level 42.
Inspect Magic (16 TP)
Functions the same as a Spectacles. Refill learns this at level 20.
Shugo Houjin (12 TP)
A new light elemental attack that also heals nearby allies.
Kratos learns this at level 39.
Judgment (40 TP)
Zelos now can learn Judgment like Colette and Kratos. To do it, simply
perform his "Shining Bind" hidden ougi (see below for details) and he will
learn it at the end of the battle.
Hatsu (25 TP)
An explosive radius attack that is also the key to Regal's hidden ougi.
Regal learns this at level 53.
Hishou Tenshuubu (38 TP)
A new combination attack. Regal learns this at level 58.
Souryuu Rengadan (28 TP)
A new combination attack. Regal learns this at level 66.
There were only three hidden ougis in the GC version of ToS (Lloyd's Tenshou
Souhazan, Colette's Holy Judgment, and Genius's Indignate Judgment). In the
PS2 version, every character gets at least one hidden ougi and some get two
(an exception is Shiina; her summons have gotten changed a little graphically
so that they match with the other hidden ougis, but she gets no new one
The new hidden ougis and the methods to perform them are as follows. Any
hidden ougi that requires your HP to be below a certain amount can only
be performed once per battle. However, any hidden ougi that simply
requires being in Overlimit can be performed as many times as desired,
provided you attain Overlimit status again.
Sacred Shine (150 TP)
A massive light-elemental attack on all enemies. To perform this, simply
use Ray or Holy Lance 100 times; then during overlimit, perform Ray or Holy
Fairy Circle (150 TP)
A defensive hidden ougi that heals all allies 75% and raises their
attack, defense, and magic attack temporarily; it also does some damage to
all opponents (not as much as Sacred Shine though). To perform this, use
Resurrection 100 times; then during overlimit, perform Resurrection.
Shining Bind (100 TP)
After clearing the Tower of Salvation in Tethe'alla, perform Majin Senkuuha
during overlimit with Zelos's HP at less than 15% max (you must have used
Majin Senkuuha at least 100 times). After the battle, Zelos will learn
Divine Judgment (150 TP)
With Judgment's usage count at least 20, perform Judgment during overlimit.
Shining Bind (100 TP)
Pick Kratos during the Flanoir event and equip him with the "Judgment" Title.
Now either remove Lloyd from the party or unequip the Material Blade from
him; with Kratos's HP at less than 15% max, press square+circle+X
Reppa Enshougeki (100 TP)
After Presea regains her true self, and with Shikou Metsuryuusen at at least
100 uses, during overlimit perform Might Charge (Level 3 EX skill; hold down
O until "EX Skill Effect" appears over her head) and then perform
Shikou Metsuryuusen singly (not in a combo) when an enemy is in range.
Hien Messhoujin (100 TP)
After Presea regains her true self, and with Shikou Metsuryuusen at at least
200 uses, during overlimit, with everybody else in the party dead, and with
Presea's health below 10% max, perform Limit Over (Compound EX skill: Appeal
(Level 1) + Might Charge (Level 3); hold down O until "EX Skill Effect"
appears over her head) and then perform Shikou Metsuryuusen singly (not in
a combo) when an enemy is in range.
Garen Reshuugeki (100 TP)
After Regal reveals that he is the Lezareno Company President, with Hatsu
at at least 100 uses, during overlimit perform any chain of three moves
(ground to anti-air to air, for instance, or anti-air to air to ground)
and then perform Hatsu.
-The bug that allowed using Rune Bottles to get 99 of any item has been fixed.
-The bug that allowed some characters to learn both T and S variations of
a move has been fixed.
-The bug that allowed the player to tell when Colette's Holy Song would turn
into Holy Judgment (the Targetting icon not appearing) has been fixed.
-The infinite combos some people had with normal attacks -> spell cast ->
spell cancel -> normal attacks have been removed.
-The bug that would give Lloyd the Eternal Sword during battle has been
-The bug that allowed taking Kratos's equipment off when he joins you a
second time has been fixed.
-The bug that allowed casting Indignate Judgment twice during one overlimit
has been fixed.
-The bug that allowed opening the menu during the ending has been
Some bosses have gotten even harder in ToS now thanks to new moves. Some
of these moves only appear on Hard difficulty or above.
Botta has a new ougi, Saiha Messhoujin (only on Hard or above).
If you fight him on Mania, Kratos will use Shining Bind against you.
Prisoner (Regal)
If you fight him on Mania, the Prisoner will use Garen Zesshuugeki on you.
Yuan has a new ougi, Tenshou Raizangeki. He also gains Shunraiken as a
standard move.
Celsius has a new ougi, Shikou Hyousaigeki (only on Hard or above).
Ifrit has a new ougi, Inferno Limited (only on Hard or above).
Luna has a new ougi, Lunatic (only on Hard or above).
If you fight him on Hard, he will use Shining Bind against you. If you
fight him on Mania, he'll even use Divine Judgment against you.
He now gets Yggdrasil Laser (shades of Daos Laser from way back in ToP...)
and also uses Time Stop once his HP gets below half.
He gains Time Stop. On Hard or above, he'll also use Shining Bind.
In the Arena, on Hard or above, Meredy will now use Time Stop, making her
even more annoying than before...
Abyssion is now immune to All-Divides. On Hard mode he gains the new hidden
ougis Tenshou Souhazan and Shining Bind (complete with facial cutaway); on
Mania he even gains Divine Judgment and Time Stop.
Book Readings
There are now five new book events that will let you read about the history
of the Ancient War and Mithos' journey. The location of the books and the
times you can read them are as follows:
-before heading to Palmacosta, in Iselia in Colette's house.
-after reaching Palmacosta and before releasing the third seal, in the
school in Palmacosta.
-after reaching Asgard and before releasing the third seal, in Harley's
house in Asgard.
-after reaching Asgard and before releasing the fourth seal, there are
three separate books in Asgard; one apiece in Harley's house, the
Kyoufuukan Inn, and Raina's house.
-after clearing the Meltokio sewers and before Colette is abducted in
Ozette, in Zelos's house.
Balacruf Mausoleum
After clearing the seal in the Balacruf Mausoleum, return to Asgard and
speak to Raina for an event. Refill will go into Ruins Mode again...
Mithos the Hero
There are two new events that will let you get more insight into the
ancient hero, Mithos. First, after defeating Rodyle and speaking to
Neil and before heading to Meltokio, talk to Mithos in Altesta's house.
Now after clearing Welgaia, go to the Sylvarant Base and speak to Yuan
in his office.
New Luin's Mayor
Anytime after rebuilding Luin to the furthest rank possible, speak
to Pietro. He and the residents will have decided to thank your party
by making one of your members honorary mayor. You get to choose a
member here; who you choose gains +1 in their affection (in Kratos's
case only, you must pick yourself instead of Kratos to gain +1).
Altamira Theater
After seeing the Regal and Alicia event, go to the hotel and
you'll get a ticket to go see a play at the theater during the nighttime.
You will get an event with Refill and Zelos. You must have picked up
the "Shinpi no Netachou" key item from the well in Mizuho to trigger
this event.
The Casino in Altamira now actually works. You can play Blackjack or Slots
to gain chips, and then trade in the chips for items. You can also trade
in your possessions for items: Gald (500 Gald/1 Chip); EX Gems (Level 1: 1,
Level 2: 2, Level 3: 5, Level 4: 10, MAX: 50); or Grade (10 Grade/1 Chip).
The items you can get for chips are:
Miracle Gummy (20 Chips)
Rune Bottle (500 Chips)
Rare Pellet (2000 Chips)
Strike Ring (5000 Chips)
Technical Ring (5000 Chips)
Mental Ring (15,000 Chips)
Bijascora (the Devil's Arm kendama) (250 Chips)
Forget-me-not (75,000 Chips; allows viewing of movies in Nekonin Village)
???? (150,000 Chips; Refill's Bunny Girl outfit)
Free Pass to Altamira
After seeing the Regal and Alicia event, make Lloyd the party leader and
head to Altamira. Lloyd will be congratulated on being the one millionth
visitor to the park and will receive a Free Pass, which will allow the use
of the rides in Altamira's amusement park. You can ride with another
character to raise their emotions towards you. You will also get a one-
night pass to the hotel's deluxe suite. You can then use this to see an
event with Lloyd and your #1 character (regardless of who you picked in
Flanoir if you do this after the Flanoir event; if Colette was the
first one through the door and you picked somebody else, you'll still get
a Lloyd/Colette event in Altamira).
Riding the teacups in Altamira will prompt you to choose someone to ride
with. Picking Regal will get you +3 with him; Colette will get you +2
with her; and anybody else will get you +1 with them. During the ride
you'll be asked what you prefer to drink; answering tea will get you
+1 if you're riding with Colette or +3 if you're riding with Regal, whereas
answering coffee will get you +3 if you're riding with Refill or +1
if you're riding with Kratos (no change for other members).
Grave Visiting
After seeing the Regal and Alicia event, go to Alicia's grave in the
Lezareno Company in Altamira. You'll see an additional event with Presea
and Regal. Choosing to pray with them (first choice) will get you +3 for
Presea and Regal, whereas choosing to watch quietly will get you +1 for
Farewell, Tethe'alla
After having made the contract with the first 6 spirits, you'll automatically
get a scene where your party members contemplate what to do once the two
worlds split. Then, after making the pact with Shadow, you can visit
various cities around Tethe'alla to see a new scene with the following
Meltokio: Zelos
Sybek: Refill
Ozette: Presea
Altamira: Regal
Mizuho: Shiina
Altesta's House: Genius
Zelos Reminiscing
After clearing the Iselia Ranch, if you go towards the snowman in Flanoir
you'll get an event with Zelos. Here you can choose to ask him what
he's thinking (first choice) or just leave him alone. Asking him will get
you +2 with Zelos.
Virginia, Continued
After defeating the Dark Dragon and passing through the main door in
Ventheim, return to Exire and go to Virginia's house. You'll see an
additional event with Virginia, Refill, and Genius. (You must have seen
the previous event with Virginia in order to trigger this one).
The Monster Collection now has 257 entries instead of 251. The new monsters
are present in the extra Forbidden Book dungeon. They are the "Gen'ei"
versions of Forcytus, Magnis, and Pronyma on Floor 15 and the "Eiyuu"
versions of Mithos, Yuan, and Kratos on Floor 20.
-The Unison Attack gauge fills up faster. The GC version required 200
total hits to fill up, whereas the PS2 version only requires about 150.
-During the Flanoir event, Kratos no longer comes in automatically as the
fourth visitor. If you refuse the first two visitors, you will automatically
go with the third. Thus, to recruit Kratos instead of Zelos for your final
party, Kratos MUST be in your top three.
-The Earth Dragon in the Earth Temple now drops 1000 Gald instead of 10000.
This makes rebuilding Luin a lot harder; by contrast, the Gold Dragon in
the Trent Forest now drops 8300 Gald instead of the 1052 it used to
drop; however, you don't run into the Gold Dragon until much later.
-"Vicious Core" (the Devil's Arm kendama) is no longer bought from the man
on the bridge at Altamira during night; rather it is a prize from the
Casino for 250 Chips. You still must have gotten both Maken Nebilim and
Jaken Fafnir first.
-The Forbidden Book extra dungeon is now accessible even without clearing the
game first. It is now 20 floors instead of 15.
-The battle camera is smarter when playing with more than one person now
(it doesn't stay focused just on the first player like in the GC version).
-The enemy AI is somewhat smarter.
Astral escribió:dark_mousy escribió:Que metan todos los extras de ps2, pero que dejen el bug de poder aprender todas las técnicas
Creo que junto con el "spell cancel" era el único bug que seguía en PS2 xD
Eriksharp escribió:Astral escribió:zackner escribió:Espero que el primero sea la version de PS2 con todos los extras, que por cierto cuales eran? (seguro que astral se los sabe creo recordar que se lo lei comentar en el foro de ps2)
La versión de Cube es una beta comparada con la de PS2, y lo de los 30 fps es la primera vez que lo leo.
- El unsion attack en la versión Cube tardaba 200 golpes en llenarse, en la version Ps2 tarda 150 golpes
- Nuevos monstruos
- Nuevos Eventos
- Nuevas Sidequest
- Los Bosses utilizan sus Ougis en la version de Ps2, en la versión de Cube no porque no tienen
- Bugs corregidos
- TODOS los personajes como mínimo tienen 1 Ougi o incluso 2, en la versión de Cube solo 3 personajes( de 9 que son) tienen
- Nuevas técnicas
- Nuevos tipos de ataques Unison
- Nuevos títulos
- Nuevos trajes
- Escenas Anime
- Pequeños cambios gráficos y sonoros
Pues yo he leído todo lo contrario:Tales of Symphonia (PS2)
Due to poorer-than-expected GameCube sales of Tales of Symphonia in Japan, Namco decided to re-release the game on the PlayStation 2. This newer version included two extra anime sequences, a different opening song and some added side-quests amongst other things.
The game's theme song has been changed from Starry Heavens to Soshite Boku ni Dekiru Koto. It sounds quite similar to the original and was performed by the same band, Day After Tomorrow.
The Tales of Symphonia logo is magenta-colored instead of blue.
New anime sequences play inside of the Triet Ruins when Colette first receives her wings, and when the group first steals Rheairds from the Sylvarant Base.
The end credits now feature a montage of portraits off to the left side.
Each playable character, as well as some enemies, has a Mystic Arte (秘奥義? ”Hi Ougi”). This must be done under special conditions and inflicts massive damage to the enemy. In the GameCube version, only Lloyd, Colette, and Genis have one.
The PlayStation 2 version ships on one disc instead of two.
The frame rate is lowered from 60 frames per second to 30 frames per second.
Each character receives an extra costume, which depend on whom Lloyd chooses in Flanoir.
Loading times are increased to compensate for the PlayStation 2's poorer graphics engine.
The Synopsis option in the menu now displays newer entries at the top.
The skit portraits shake and move around more to better display the characters' emotions.
When a character is about to enter Over Limit, their portrait will start to glow. In the GameCube version, the characters flash red.
When the Unison Attack gauge fills up, it glows.
Most of the angels' wings are now of a deeper color.
The GameCube-object in the Sylvarant Base has been removed and replaced by the Sony logo.
The Sword Dancer now appears on the field as a regular white skull.
When Sheena summons a spirit, a cut-in of her face appears on the screen.
There are more post-battle animations.
The dark rooms in the Tower of Lightning have gone from slightly visible to pitch-black.
There are now a set of several books about Mithos the Hero. They can be read for deeper insight into the character and the Kharlan War itself.
There are two new events that will let you get more insight into the ancient hero, Mithos. The first can be watched by talking to Mithos while he is living in Altessa's House, and the second can be watched by speaking with Yuan after the events in Welgaia.
After completely restoring Luin, a chat with Pietro can trigger a scene where both him and the village residents thank the party by allowing one of them to become honorary mayor. Whoever takes this role is the player’s choice and whoever out of the party chosen will get a point in affection.
The sealed spirits of young Kratos, Yuan, and Mithos can be challenged in the Underworld instead of the Living Armor of the GameCube edition.
Yo no puedo confirmarlo porque sólo he jugado la versión de GameCube, voy a mirar por gamefaqs a ver que dicen.
EDIT: Vale, aqui todos los cambios, preparaos para el tochazo:2. COSMETIC CHANGES
-The "Tales of Symphonia" logo on the title screen is now magenta-colored.
-Most of the angels' wings now have deeper colors.
-The "Synopsis" option in the menu now shows the newest entries at the
-When a character is about to overlimit, their portrait will start to glow
(in the GC version, the character sprite would flash red).
-When the unison attack gauge fills up, it glows.
-The Gamecube-object in the Sylvarant base now looks like a strange
machine (it doesn't look like a PS2...)
-Sword Dancer is now a regular white skull.
-Shiina's summons now show a cutaway of her face once they cast (likely to
make them match with other characters' hidden ougis).
-New anime movies have been added for Colette's first Angel transformation
and for the first flight of the Rarebirds.
-The skits are graphically more dynamic. Portraits get larger or smaller
quickly, swing from side to side, shake, and so on.
-There are more post-battle win poses.
-The 'dark' rooms in the Tower of Lightning are actually dark now (so that
you have to wait for the lightning flashes to see where you're going).
-The end credits now feature a mini-movie off to the left side.
-The opening theme has been changed to "Soshite Boku ni Dekiru Koto" (by the
same band, Day After Tomorrow).
-The background music just before the fights with Pronyma and Yggdrasil has
been changed (appropriate, since it was an instrumental version of the
opening theme).
-Zelos now says "Utsukushii~!" if he finishes an enemy with a combo. (For
some reason, Zelos and only Zelos did not have such a line in the GC
Most of the characters have gained an additional outfit in the PS2 version
of Symphonia. They are as follows:
Colette (Lloyd's Clothes)
During the Flanoir event, pick Colette. Then, between the time you spend
the night in Heimdall and the time you fight Kratos, return to Dike's house
and speak to Dike. Colette will fall into the river and Lloyd will offer her
his clothes instead. Afterwards Colette will gain the title "Kimi to Osoroi".
Lloyd and Kratos (Japanese Clothes)
Make sure Shiina has won in the Shiina/Kuchinawa one-on-one fight. Trigger
the event where Igaguri regains consciousness. During the Flanoir event, pick
Kratos. Now after Kratos rejoins your party, go to Mizuho and speak to Taiga.
He'll give Lloyd and Kratos traditional Mizuho clothing from two legendary
heroes, Musashi and Sasaki. Lloyd will gain the title "Musou no Mousha"
and Kratos will gain the title "Dai-majin?".
Genius and Presea (Winter Clothes)
During the Flanoir event, pick Genius. Then, after defeating the Dark Dragon
and passing through the main door in Ventheim, go to Flanoir and spend the
night. The "Penguin Ojiisan" will give Genius and Presea the clothes he had
intended to give to his grandchildren; Genius and Presea will also go out
on a date. Genius will gain the title "Samuku Nai Yai!" and Presea will
gain the title "Atatakai".
(Note: If you pick Presea in the Flanoir event, you can get Presea's
winter outfit but not Genius's. Thus, for efficiency's sake, it would
be better to pick Genius.)
Shiina and Zelos (Biker Clothes)
During the Flanoir event, pick Zelos. See the event where Igaguri regains
consciousness. Now go to Altamira and spend the night in the hotel. There
will be an event where Zelos attempts to cheer Shiina up by taking her on a
ride on the Rarebirds. For the ride, they'll each get a set of biker
clothes. Shiina will get the title "Ryuusei Rider" and Zelos will get the
title "Altamira Bousouzoku".
(Note: When I tried doing this with picking Shiina at Flanoir, I got Lloyd
cheering up Shiina at Altamira instead; Shiina got the new title and outfit,
but Zelos did not. Thus, for efficiency's sake, it would be better to pick
Regal (Noble's Clothes)
During the Flanoir event, pick Regal. Now go to Altamira and speak to George;
Regal will dress up in his President's clothes to conduct business
negotiations. Afterwards he'll gain the title "Koushaku".
Refill (Bunny Girl)
Refill's outfit can be obtained any time after the Casino in Altamira is
open. To get it, purchase the "??????" item from the bunny girl to the right
of the main counter in exchange for 150,000 chips. You'll see an event
where Refill is "Employee for a Day", and she'll gain the title "Erabareshi
-If you successfully complete the Orienteering minigame in Palmacosta in
under a minute now, you get the "Dr. Palmacosta" title for Lloyd (the GC
version gave you nothing).
-Each character has one new costume title - see the Cosmetic Changes section
for details.
There are now new elemental variations of moves (such as in the GC version,
using Shunjinken 200 times and then using it with lightning-elemental
weapon enchantment caused it to be Shunraiken instead). As in the original,
each one requires the base move to be used 200 times and then a specific
element weapon enchantment. They are as follows (organized by character).
Kaen Rekkuu (Rekkuuzan + Fire)
Dankuuken (Senkuu Reppa + Wind)
Shippuu Ressen (Ressenbu + Wind)
Raishuu Hougeki (Houshuugeki + Lightning)
Retsuenshuu (Resshuugeki + Fire)
Hien Raikyaku (Hien Renkyaku + Lightning)
There are now several new unison attacks. Regal, who had zero in the GC
version, now actually has some.
Rock Mountain
Grave (Kratos/Zelos) + Grave or Rock Break or Grand Dasher (Genius)
Genma Getsueika
Yuugenfu (Shiina) + Kogetsusen (Presea)
Yuugen Shoufu or Yuugen Seifu (Shiina) + Gessen Kuuha or Shougetsu Sousen or
Shoubu Retsugekka (Presea)
Zanma Getsueika
Sakurikifu (Shiina) + Kogetsusen (Presea)
Sakuriki Shoufu or Sakuriki Seifu (Shiina) + Gessen Kuuha or Shougetsu Sousen
or Shoubu Retsugekka (Presea)
Genma Hienkyaku
Yuugenfu (Shiina) + Hienkyaku (Regal)
Yuugen Shoufu or Yuugen Seifu (Shiina) + Hiryuugaku or Hien Renkyaku (Regal)
Zanma Hienkyaku
Sakurikifu (Shiina) + Hienkyaku (Regal)
Sakuriki Shoufu or Sakuriki Seifu (Shiina) + Hiryuugaku or Hien Renkyaku
Critical Blade
Flame Lance or Eruption (Genius) + Bakuen Renbu or Bakuen Shouha (Presea)
Explode (Genius) + Renga Bakusaijin (Presea)
Note: This is evidently an homage to Roni's hidden ougi Critical Blade from
Tales of Destiny 2; Presea's line during the move is even exactly the
same as Roni's line.
Kuuhashou or Fuujinken (Lloyd/Zelos/Kratos) + Ray or Holy Lance (Refill)
Sakurikifu or Hama Toufu (Shiina) + Ray or Holy Lance (Refill)
Angel Feather or Judgment (Colette/Kratos/Zelos) + Ray or Holy Lance (Refill)
Grand Cross (Colette) + Ray or Holy Lance (Refill)
Ryuuko Metsugajin
Makoujin or Majin Rengazan (Lloyd) + Yousou Shuuraku or Yousou Moushuukyaku
Innocent Edge
Makoujin or Majin Rengazan (Lloyd) + Bakuen Shouha or Bakuen Renbu or Renga
Bakusaijin (Presea)
A few characters have gained new moves.
Shinkuu Senrestuha (35 TP)
Lloyd gains a new combination ougi. He needs to be level 53 and have the
advanced versions of Chiri-sazame and Rekkuuzan at 50 uses apiece.
Grand Cross (40 TP)
A new angel magic. Colette learns this at level 42.
Inspect Magic (16 TP)
Functions the same as a Spectacles. Refill learns this at level 20.
Shugo Houjin (12 TP)
A new light elemental attack that also heals nearby allies.
Kratos learns this at level 39.
Judgment (40 TP)
Zelos now can learn Judgment like Colette and Kratos. To do it, simply
perform his "Shining Bind" hidden ougi (see below for details) and he will
learn it at the end of the battle.
Hatsu (25 TP)
An explosive radius attack that is also the key to Regal's hidden ougi.
Regal learns this at level 53.
Hishou Tenshuubu (38 TP)
A new combination attack. Regal learns this at level 58.
Souryuu Rengadan (28 TP)
A new combination attack. Regal learns this at level 66.
There were only three hidden ougis in the GC version of ToS (Lloyd's Tenshou
Souhazan, Colette's Holy Judgment, and Genius's Indignate Judgment). In the
PS2 version, every character gets at least one hidden ougi and some get two
(an exception is Shiina; her summons have gotten changed a little graphically
so that they match with the other hidden ougis, but she gets no new one
The new hidden ougis and the methods to perform them are as follows. Any
hidden ougi that requires your HP to be below a certain amount can only
be performed once per battle. However, any hidden ougi that simply
requires being in Overlimit can be performed as many times as desired,
provided you attain Overlimit status again.
Sacred Shine (150 TP)
A massive light-elemental attack on all enemies. To perform this, simply
use Ray or Holy Lance 100 times; then during overlimit, perform Ray or Holy
Fairy Circle (150 TP)
A defensive hidden ougi that heals all allies 75% and raises their
attack, defense, and magic attack temporarily; it also does some damage to
all opponents (not as much as Sacred Shine though). To perform this, use
Resurrection 100 times; then during overlimit, perform Resurrection.
Shining Bind (100 TP)
After clearing the Tower of Salvation in Tethe'alla, perform Majin Senkuuha
during overlimit with Zelos's HP at less than 15% max (you must have used
Majin Senkuuha at least 100 times). After the battle, Zelos will learn
Divine Judgment (150 TP)
With Judgment's usage count at least 20, perform Judgment during overlimit.
Shining Bind (100 TP)
Pick Kratos during the Flanoir event and equip him with the "Judgment" Title.
Now either remove Lloyd from the party or unequip the Material Blade from
him; with Kratos's HP at less than 15% max, press square+circle+X
Reppa Enshougeki (100 TP)
After Presea regains her true self, and with Shikou Metsuryuusen at at least
100 uses, during overlimit perform Might Charge (Level 3 EX skill; hold down
O until "EX Skill Effect" appears over her head) and then perform
Shikou Metsuryuusen singly (not in a combo) when an enemy is in range.
Hien Messhoujin (100 TP)
After Presea regains her true self, and with Shikou Metsuryuusen at at least
200 uses, during overlimit, with everybody else in the party dead, and with
Presea's health below 10% max, perform Limit Over (Compound EX skill: Appeal
(Level 1) + Might Charge (Level 3); hold down O until "EX Skill Effect"
appears over her head) and then perform Shikou Metsuryuusen singly (not in
a combo) when an enemy is in range.
Garen Reshuugeki (100 TP)
After Regal reveals that he is the Lezareno Company President, with Hatsu
at at least 100 uses, during overlimit perform any chain of three moves
(ground to anti-air to air, for instance, or anti-air to air to ground)
and then perform Hatsu.
-The bug that allowed using Rune Bottles to get 99 of any item has been fixed.
-The bug that allowed some characters to learn both T and S variations of
a move has been fixed.
-The bug that allowed the player to tell when Colette's Holy Song would turn
into Holy Judgment (the Targetting icon not appearing) has been fixed.
-The infinite combos some people had with normal attacks -> spell cast ->
spell cancel -> normal attacks have been removed.
-The bug that would give Lloyd the Eternal Sword during battle has been
-The bug that allowed taking Kratos's equipment off when he joins you a
second time has been fixed.
-The bug that allowed casting Indignate Judgment twice during one overlimit
has been fixed.
-The bug that allowed opening the menu during the ending has been
Some bosses have gotten even harder in ToS now thanks to new moves. Some
of these moves only appear on Hard difficulty or above.
Botta has a new ougi, Saiha Messhoujin (only on Hard or above).
If you fight him on Mania, Kratos will use Shining Bind against you.
Prisoner (Regal)
If you fight him on Mania, the Prisoner will use Garen Zesshuugeki on you.
Yuan has a new ougi, Tenshou Raizangeki. He also gains Shunraiken as a
standard move.
Celsius has a new ougi, Shikou Hyousaigeki (only on Hard or above).
Ifrit has a new ougi, Inferno Limited (only on Hard or above).
Luna has a new ougi, Lunatic (only on Hard or above).
If you fight him on Hard, he will use Shining Bind against you. If you
fight him on Mania, he'll even use Divine Judgment against you.
He now gets Yggdrasil Laser (shades of Daos Laser from way back in ToP...)
and also uses Time Stop once his HP gets below half.
He gains Time Stop. On Hard or above, he'll also use Shining Bind.
In the Arena, on Hard or above, Meredy will now use Time Stop, making her
even more annoying than before...
Abyssion is now immune to All-Divides. On Hard mode he gains the new hidden
ougis Tenshou Souhazan and Shining Bind (complete with facial cutaway); on
Mania he even gains Divine Judgment and Time Stop.
Book Readings
There are now five new book events that will let you read about the history
of the Ancient War and Mithos' journey. The location of the books and the
times you can read them are as follows:
-before heading to Palmacosta, in Iselia in Colette's house.
-after reaching Palmacosta and before releasing the third seal, in the
school in Palmacosta.
-after reaching Asgard and before releasing the third seal, in Harley's
house in Asgard.
-after reaching Asgard and before releasing the fourth seal, there are
three separate books in Asgard; one apiece in Harley's house, the
Kyoufuukan Inn, and Raina's house.
-after clearing the Meltokio sewers and before Colette is abducted in
Ozette, in Zelos's house.
Balacruf Mausoleum
After clearing the seal in the Balacruf Mausoleum, return to Asgard and
speak to Raina for an event. Refill will go into Ruins Mode again...
Mithos the Hero
There are two new events that will let you get more insight into the
ancient hero, Mithos. First, after defeating Rodyle and speaking to
Neil and before heading to Meltokio, talk to Mithos in Altesta's house.
Now after clearing Welgaia, go to the Sylvarant Base and speak to Yuan
in his office.
New Luin's Mayor
Anytime after rebuilding Luin to the furthest rank possible, speak
to Pietro. He and the residents will have decided to thank your party
by making one of your members honorary mayor. You get to choose a
member here; who you choose gains +1 in their affection (in Kratos's
case only, you must pick yourself instead of Kratos to gain +1).
Altamira Theater
After seeing the Regal and Alicia event, go to the hotel and
you'll get a ticket to go see a play at the theater during the nighttime.
You will get an event with Refill and Zelos. You must have picked up
the "Shinpi no Netachou" key item from the well in Mizuho to trigger
this event.
The Casino in Altamira now actually works. You can play Blackjack or Slots
to gain chips, and then trade in the chips for items. You can also trade
in your possessions for items: Gald (500 Gald/1 Chip); EX Gems (Level 1: 1,
Level 2: 2, Level 3: 5, Level 4: 10, MAX: 50); or Grade (10 Grade/1 Chip).
The items you can get for chips are:
Miracle Gummy (20 Chips)
Rune Bottle (500 Chips)
Rare Pellet (2000 Chips)
Strike Ring (5000 Chips)
Technical Ring (5000 Chips)
Mental Ring (15,000 Chips)
Bijascora (the Devil's Arm kendama) (250 Chips)
Forget-me-not (75,000 Chips; allows viewing of movies in Nekonin Village)
???? (150,000 Chips; Refill's Bunny Girl outfit)
Free Pass to Altamira
After seeing the Regal and Alicia event, make Lloyd the party leader and
head to Altamira. Lloyd will be congratulated on being the one millionth
visitor to the park and will receive a Free Pass, which will allow the use
of the rides in Altamira's amusement park. You can ride with another
character to raise their emotions towards you. You will also get a one-
night pass to the hotel's deluxe suite. You can then use this to see an
event with Lloyd and your #1 character (regardless of who you picked in
Flanoir if you do this after the Flanoir event; if Colette was the
first one through the door and you picked somebody else, you'll still get
a Lloyd/Colette event in Altamira).
Riding the teacups in Altamira will prompt you to choose someone to ride
with. Picking Regal will get you +3 with him; Colette will get you +2
with her; and anybody else will get you +1 with them. During the ride
you'll be asked what you prefer to drink; answering tea will get you
+1 if you're riding with Colette or +3 if you're riding with Regal, whereas
answering coffee will get you +3 if you're riding with Refill or +1
if you're riding with Kratos (no change for other members).
Grave Visiting
After seeing the Regal and Alicia event, go to Alicia's grave in the
Lezareno Company in Altamira. You'll see an additional event with Presea
and Regal. Choosing to pray with them (first choice) will get you +3 for
Presea and Regal, whereas choosing to watch quietly will get you +1 for
Farewell, Tethe'alla
After having made the contract with the first 6 spirits, you'll automatically
get a scene where your party members contemplate what to do once the two
worlds split. Then, after making the pact with Shadow, you can visit
various cities around Tethe'alla to see a new scene with the following
Meltokio: Zelos
Sybek: Refill
Ozette: Presea
Altamira: Regal
Mizuho: Shiina
Altesta's House: Genius
Zelos Reminiscing
After clearing the Iselia Ranch, if you go towards the snowman in Flanoir
you'll get an event with Zelos. Here you can choose to ask him what
he's thinking (first choice) or just leave him alone. Asking him will get
you +2 with Zelos.
Virginia, Continued
After defeating the Dark Dragon and passing through the main door in
Ventheim, return to Exire and go to Virginia's house. You'll see an
additional event with Virginia, Refill, and Genius. (You must have seen
the previous event with Virginia in order to trigger this one).
The Monster Collection now has 257 entries instead of 251. The new monsters
are present in the extra Forbidden Book dungeon. They are the "Gen'ei"
versions of Forcytus, Magnis, and Pronyma on Floor 15 and the "Eiyuu"
versions of Mithos, Yuan, and Kratos on Floor 20.
-The Unison Attack gauge fills up faster. The GC version required 200
total hits to fill up, whereas the PS2 version only requires about 150.
-During the Flanoir event, Kratos no longer comes in automatically as the
fourth visitor. If you refuse the first two visitors, you will automatically
go with the third. Thus, to recruit Kratos instead of Zelos for your final
party, Kratos MUST be in your top three.
-The Earth Dragon in the Earth Temple now drops 1000 Gald instead of 10000.
This makes rebuilding Luin a lot harder; by contrast, the Gold Dragon in
the Trent Forest now drops 8300 Gald instead of the 1052 it used to
drop; however, you don't run into the Gold Dragon until much later.
-"Vicious Core" (the Devil's Arm kendama) is no longer bought from the man
on the bridge at Altamira during night; rather it is a prize from the
Casino for 250 Chips. You still must have gotten both Maken Nebilim and
Jaken Fafnir first.
-The Forbidden Book extra dungeon is now accessible even without clearing the
game first. It is now 20 floors instead of 15.
-The battle camera is smarter when playing with more than one person now
(it doesn't stay focused just on the first player like in the GC version).
-The enemy AI is somewhat smarter.
zackner escribió:He leido la lista de cambios y algo que me ha dejado pensando es uno de los trajes de sheena y Zelos es eligiendo a zelos en los eventos de flanoir, la cosa es, en la version de ps2 puedes elegir a alguien mas que a collete, Genis, Sheena o a nadie? O hay algun evento mas en flanoir que yo no recuerde
“la representación de los sueños y esperanzas de los fans que tanto tiempo llevan esperándolo“.
dark_mousy escribió:Se dejen de ostias, remake del destiny DC (que ya de por si es uno xD) y destiny 2!
dark_mousy escribió:Se dejen de ostias, remake del destiny DC (que ya de por si es uno xD) y destiny 2!
ertitoagus escribió:dark_mousy escribió:Se dejen de ostias, remake del destiny DC (que ya de por si es uno xD) y destiny 2!
Subo la apuesta, Tales Of Compilation HD con todos los tales menos los de la gen actual (wii,ps3,xbox)![]()