Intolerable escribió:Licen escribió:Yo estoy dándole a las campañas, menuda delicia el Halo anniversary 2 , brutal.
Los únicos problemas que le veo es que hay zonas que cambian elementos de iluminación y de ambientación respecto al original y que hay varios temas que están HORRIBLES en su versión anniversary, fuera de eso, me ha gustado bastante.
Intolerable escribió:Licen escribió:Yo estoy dándole a las campañas, menuda delicia el Halo anniversary 2 , brutal.
Los únicos problemas que le veo es que hay zonas que cambian elementos de iluminación y de ambientación respecto al original y que hay varios temas que están HORRIBLES en su versión anniversary, fuera de eso, me ha gustado bastante.
WILL_2 escribió:Intolerable escribió:Licen escribió:Yo estoy dándole a las campañas, menuda delicia el Halo anniversary 2 , brutal.
Los únicos problemas que le veo es que hay zonas que cambian elementos de iluminación y de ambientación respecto al original y que hay varios temas que están HORRIBLES en su versión anniversary, fuera de eso, me ha gustado bastante.
yo por ahora el unico tema que me parece un mierdolo infecto respecto al original es la persecucion en Banshee al hereje... ese es MALO MALO MALO, el original con esas gitarras electricas eran la repolla, ahora lo han dejado con sonidos tecno que quedan como el culo
melfice dark escribió:Intolerable escribió:Sí, me refiero a la música, hay algunos temas del H2 original que en la versión Anniversary no me gustan nada.
Ah, bien, gracias.
Por cierto, ya que estamos, aprovecho para preguntar:
¿Sabes si, en los Halos Anniversary (el Combat Evolved, y el 2) cambiar a la "versión clásica" durante el juego, "vuelven" a la banda sonora original de la época?
PD: También lo digo por el sonido, no sólo la Banda Sonora Original.
Cuando "remasterizaron" el primer Halo para Xbox 360, recuerdo que cambiaron buena parte de los 'diálogos' de los Grunts (la cagaron sobremanera).....y nunca me quedó claro si, durante el juego (cambiando a la versión 'clásica') se 'mantenía' el "doblaje" de esos 'pequeños seres', tal cómo era al principio.....
Tocar eso es cargarse el Alma del Juego.
Gracias otra vez![]()
Un saludo
Licen escribió:Sí, la música también cambia.
melfice dark escribió:Licen escribió:Sí, la música también cambia.
Te refieres a que puedes escuchar las "dos bandas sonoras" al 'cambiar' entre "clásico" y "anniversary", durante el juego?![]()
Licen escribió:melfice dark escribió:Licen escribió:Sí, la música también cambia.
Te refieres a que puedes escuchar las "dos bandas sonoras" al 'cambiar' entre "clásico" y "anniversary", durante el juego?![]()
miguel_jb escribió:¿Alguien sabe si se pueden hacer las 4 campañas cooperativas por Xbox Live con 2 amigos mas? ¿O solo con un amigo mas?
Un saludo.
Kaileena88 escribió:Bueno en mi ausencia...
Ya va el multi? Han arreglado algo?
Esta tarde entraré pero si me adelantais algo pues yo tan contenta xD
miguel_jb escribió:¿Alguien sabe si se pueden hacer las 4 campañas cooperativas por Xbox Live con 2 amigos mas? ¿O solo con un amigo mas?
Un saludo.
Kaileena88 escribió:Esto va como el puto culo...
Alguien me puede decir como ver la serie porque me meto en Halo Channel y me dice que tengo que comprar el juego para poder verlo pero tengo el disco dentro!!
Me van a volver loca ; (
Bot76 escribió:Kaileena88 escribió:Esto va como el puto culo...
Alguien me puede decir como ver la serie porque me meto en Halo Channel y me dice que tengo que comprar el juego para poder verlo pero tengo el disco dentro!!
Me van a volver loca ; (
Para ver la serie hay que canjear un código que viene dentro del juego. En digital no hará falta, supongo.
Kaileena88 escribió:Bot76 escribió:Kaileena88 escribió:Esto va como el puto culo...
Alguien me puede decir como ver la serie porque me meto en Halo Channel y me dice que tengo que comprar el juego para poder verlo pero tengo el disco dentro!!
Me van a volver loca ; (
Para ver la serie hay que canjear un código que viene dentro del juego. En digital no hará falta, supongo.
Vale soy la gilipollas oficial de EOL, un pin para mi.
nuggle escribió:Supongo que el nightfall sigue en español neutro, no?
danix966 escribió:¿A vosotros os ha pasado alguna vez que el juego se queda bloqueado y se cierra solo? Ya lleva 2 veces que me lo hace.
Y otra cosa, ¿en el Halo 2 solo se guarda al cambiar de capitulo? Ayer deje una misión a medias y hoy la he tenido que empezar de nuevo.
Addressed a number of issues that resulted in extended matchmaking times and low matchmaking success rates.
Made a number of updates to how matchmaking progress is communicated to the player. With this update, you’ll see better, more frequent and more informative status updates throughout the matchmaking flow – so “Players Found” for example, will be displayed to let players know where they are in the matchmaking process instead of simply wondering if it’s going to connect.
The improved matchmaking flow is as follows:
Searching for more players
Players found
Finalizing matchmaking process
Connecting session
Made an update to ensure that parties stick together when returning from the post-game carnage report
Prevented the ability for players “kick” other players from matchmaking games
Made an update to ensure that the Roster correctly displays the “searching” UI rather than “My Game Session” while searching for players
Removed the possibility to boost ranking through a custom games exploit
Made an update to ensure that players cannot get stuck in the matchmaking screen during map voting
Made an update to ensure that the “Connecting to your game” message no longer incorrectly displays in the lower right of the screen during gameplay
Made an update to the “team creation” phase that allows players to be grouped by team
Made an update to prevent players from seeing the “connection failed” dialogue if disconnected during the map voting screen
Improved roster / matchmaking lobby stability
Made improvements to the accuracy and stability of the “Game Session Details” UI
Improved version compatibility
Improved emblem and nameplate behavior to ensure that they do not reset to default (especially after game sessions)
Corrected career stats that did not update uniformly across different profiles in multiple titles
Improved Forge map display names in Theater
Corrected various medal inconsistencies across titles
Made updates to the attainability of various achievements, including “Goat Roped,” “Monopolized,” “You’re Joking,” and “Devastating.”
Improved Halo: CE career stat tracking
Resolved scoring and time HUD reset and display issues
Made an update to ensure that rival emblems are displayed correctly
Improved consistency and reliability of shot registration
Improved headshot hitboxes
Fixed an issue where respawning players could momentarily appear at their death location
Made an update to ensure that the match ends when the entire opposing team quits
Improved fall damage consistency (specifically in regards to uneven surfaces)
Improved Halo: CE menu and loading screen stability
Improved consistency with multikill rewards
Made an update to improve post-game carnage report accuracy for Halo: CE FFA games
Updated default language settings
Made an update to ensure that the team color shown in pre-game lobby matches in-game
Improved a variety of networking issues to allow for improved consistency between host and clients in peer to peer matches
Improved a variety of networking issues to allow for improved gameplay consistency
Made an update to service tag functionality, allowing for service tags to appear for all players
Improved the post-game carnage report to correctly display team color
Made an update to ensure that the match ends when the entire opposing team quits
Improved “original” medal icon functionality in split-screen
Improved host migration functionality
Corrected “headshot” stat tracking
Addressed a crash that occurred with the Scarab skull
Addressed art errors that occurred on the opening cinematics for “Uprising” and “High Charity”
Made an update to prevent players from gaining achievements in Forge
Improved Forge item display names
Resolved text overlapping issues
Improved split screen stability
Made an update to resolve the notorious “-1th” scoreboard text
Improved lobby functionality to address players not being able to reconnect to the party leader after completing a match
Improved host migration functionality
Corrected vehicle and weapon thumbnails in the “Tools of destruction” table in the post-game carnage report
Addressed a dedicated server issue that caused gameplay physics issues on Stonetown
Improved split-screen party functionality to ensure that players are not directed to a broken lobby screen after completing a game session
Improved Forge mode stability
Made an update to King of the Hill scoring to prevent multiple hills from counting down at the same time
Improved Shrine objective spawn points
Improved King of the Hill and Ninjanaut mode stability
Addressed an issue where controller vibration could persist during the pause menu
Improved Race mode respawn zones
We have additional content updates on the way, and work is already underway in an effort to continue to improve your experience with Halo: The Master Chief Collection. We thank you for your continued patience and support.
Lord89 escribió:nuggle escribió:Supongo que el nightfall sigue en español neutro, no?
no no ya lo han subido a halo channel en Español de España esta misma mañana estaban los dos primeros episodios
Slash076 escribió:¡Al fin mañana tendremos parche! Fechado para día 20 pero con el cambio horario casi que será ya día 21.
Addressed a number of issues that resulted in extended matchmaking times and low matchmaking success rates.
Made a number of updates to how matchmaking progress is communicated to the player. With this update, you’ll see better, more frequent and more informative status updates throughout the matchmaking flow – so “Players Found” for example, will be displayed to let players know where they are in the matchmaking process instead of simply wondering if it’s going to connect.
The improved matchmaking flow is as follows:
Searching for more players
Players found
Finalizing matchmaking process
Connecting session
Made an update to ensure that parties stick together when returning from the post-game carnage report
Prevented the ability for players “kick” other players from matchmaking games
Made an update to ensure that the Roster correctly displays the “searching” UI rather than “My Game Session” while searching for players
Removed the possibility to boost ranking through a custom games exploit
Made an update to ensure that players cannot get stuck in the matchmaking screen during map voting
Made an update to ensure that the “Connecting to your game” message no longer incorrectly displays in the lower right of the screen during gameplay
Made an update to the “team creation” phase that allows players to be grouped by team
Made an update to prevent players from seeing the “connection failed” dialogue if disconnected during the map voting screen
Improved roster / matchmaking lobby stability
Made improvements to the accuracy and stability of the “Game Session Details” UI
Improved version compatibility
Improved emblem and nameplate behavior to ensure that they do not reset to default (especially after game sessions)
Corrected career stats that did not update uniformly across different profiles in multiple titles
Improved Forge map display names in Theater
Corrected various medal inconsistencies across titles
Made updates to the attainability of various achievements, including “Goat Roped,” “Monopolized,” “You’re Joking,” and “Devastating.”
Improved Halo: CE career stat tracking
Resolved scoring and time HUD reset and display issues
Made an update to ensure that rival emblems are displayed correctly
Improved consistency and reliability of shot registration
Improved headshot hitboxes
Fixed an issue where respawning players could momentarily appear at their death location
Made an update to ensure that the match ends when the entire opposing team quits
Improved fall damage consistency (specifically in regards to uneven surfaces)
Improved Halo: CE menu and loading screen stability
Improved consistency with multikill rewards
Made an update to improve post-game carnage report accuracy for Halo: CE FFA games
Updated default language settings
Made an update to ensure that the team color shown in pre-game lobby matches in-game
Improved a variety of networking issues to allow for improved consistency between host and clients in peer to peer matches
Improved a variety of networking issues to allow for improved gameplay consistency
Made an update to service tag functionality, allowing for service tags to appear for all players
Improved the post-game carnage report to correctly display team color
Made an update to ensure that the match ends when the entire opposing team quits
Improved “original” medal icon functionality in split-screen
Improved host migration functionality
Corrected “headshot” stat tracking
Addressed a crash that occurred with the Scarab skull
Addressed art errors that occurred on the opening cinematics for “Uprising” and “High Charity”
Made an update to prevent players from gaining achievements in Forge
Improved Forge item display names
Resolved text overlapping issues
Improved split screen stability
Made an update to resolve the notorious “-1th” scoreboard text
Improved lobby functionality to address players not being able to reconnect to the party leader after completing a match
Improved host migration functionality
Corrected vehicle and weapon thumbnails in the “Tools of destruction” table in the post-game carnage report
Addressed a dedicated server issue that caused gameplay physics issues on Stonetown
Improved split-screen party functionality to ensure that players are not directed to a broken lobby screen after completing a game session
Improved Forge mode stability
Made an update to King of the Hill scoring to prevent multiple hills from counting down at the same time
Improved Shrine objective spawn points
Improved King of the Hill and Ninjanaut mode stability
Addressed an issue where controller vibration could persist during the pause menu
Improved Race mode respawn zones
We have additional content updates on the way, and work is already underway in an effort to continue to improve your experience with Halo: The Master Chief Collection. We thank you for your continued patience and support.
danix966 escribió:¿A vosotros os ha pasado alguna vez que el juego se queda bloqueado y se cierra solo? Ya lleva 2 veces que me lo hace.
Y otra cosa, ¿en el Halo 2 solo se guarda al cambiar de capitulo? Ayer deje una misión a medias y hoy la he tenido que empezar de nuevo.
tritio escribió:Qué más les daba haberlo sacado 15 días después, hubiese estado todo en condiciones.
No entiendo la manía de las compañías de sacarlo un día en concreto esté acabado o no.
Madre mía que vicios en el cooperativo en legendaria, eso si que es un reto, los élites son unos cabronazos
Guy's the Patchnotes look's really good , but i still miss somethings.
Where are the information for the Dedicated Server?
There are Dedicated server in every Nation , or which country connect to which server?
Europa Guy's still play vs Usa Guy's ? Dedicated server doesnt fix the Lag for europa - usa!!! YOU MUST REALIZED THIS.
I buy MCC only for Dedicated Server Multiplay, I have all old TItel's from Halo, i dont need the Campagn, and i dont need a Hostgame in Multiplayer again!
Before Halo MCC was out, 343 tell us, they have Dedicated server!! but i dont found any Information about that.
If you want to Play with dedicated server, and also with no Lag.
You need in Europa 2 Server, and also in Usa, Asian, andso on.
Every player from each country can only Connect to his own Dedicated Server.
Otherwise Dedicated Server makes no sense, because you have also a Ping to this server.
If the server stay in germany, i live in Austria-> i have a ping from 50 to Germany server.
A other player from Usa , connecting to the same Server in Germany, he has a Ping from 200+!
Now this guy still lag for you, and also you lag for him!!
Watchout to the MobaGames on the PC. they Work with Dedicated server in Europa, Usaeast/usa west , asia --- and so on.
You must choose one Server before you can Play GAMES!
This is the reason why this games are not Laggy, because every player who connect to his Dedicated server, has only a Ping from Max. 100!!!
Mobagames has the same Matchmaking like Halo, you go into a Lobby and join a Gametyp with 10-12 Player. After this the Game will start, and nobody can join in.
You need this Matchmakingsystem for halo, because ranked and so on, and this is the reason why the Multiplayer from Halo are so great.
But you need for this system , a really big amount of Player, and im not Sure if Halo has this Playerbase!
For a Mobagame, you have only 1 Playlist, or maybe 3-4 and all Player Slit to this playlists.
In Halo we have normaly 12-15 Playlists, and this for each Server! Usa,Europa,Asian and so on.
So you need nearly 500,000 player each region at the same time ONLINE. to fill this Playlists and also hold the waitingtime Shortly!
Halo need also with dedicated serversystem, 5-6 Server.
500.000 Player * 5 Server = 2.500.000 Player must play HALO at the Same time around the world!
I think halo has now maybe 500.000 player Online around the World?
Sorry with this amount of player, we will never ever got Dedicated server without lags for each region.
Its imposible, maybe for Usa and Europa, but all other Country's must connect to this Server.
Also the Russianplayer will connect to the Europa server, they will still have 120ms, you cant change this!
Only with a Server is Russian, and only russian people can connect to this^^
Sorry for my Bad english, i hope all of you can understand what i mean.
I Want to show me, which server i am connected!
I want to show the Pingnumber from the Player!
obliveon escribió:Una pregunta chicos...
La edicion americana viene con el audio en latino??como el halo2 original?
Grinch escribió:No se si se ha dicho pero capitulo 2 de nightfall ya disponible. y creo que ya no esta en latino sino en español. Igualmente me pongo a verlo que me engancho la serie ^^
Arashi_ escribió:Parche bajado. Esto funciona igual de mal.
No veo por ningún lado los servidores dedicados.