Como no sé donde ponerlo, me ha surgido otra duda; ¿Alguien sabe cómo hacer más espacio entre logo y logo en la "rueda" del Hyperspin para que no estén muy juntos? Es que quedan como muy solapados y me gustaria que estuvieran más separados.
El Pelanas escribió:Como no sé donde ponerlo, me ha surgido otra duda; ¿Alguien sabe cómo hacer más espacio entre logo y logo en la "rueda" del Hyperspin para que no estén muy juntos? Es que quedan como muy solapados y me gustaria que estuvieran más separados.

Desde HyperHQ seguramente se pueda hacer algo toqueteando las opciones de Wheels.
@CISKO Yo no tengo ninguna version de Mameplus 0.149 con el nonag porque yo empece a compilar los mameplus más tarde, asi que no lo llegue a realizar. Más adelante si que tengo versiones de MamePlus con nonag subidas a la web y al foro de la web.

De todas formas si lo que quieres es usar filtros, ¿porque no usas una version superior de Mame o MamePlus?, incluso la oficial ya soporta filtros (aunque no se ven todos tan bien como en MamePlus) además de que te estas perdiendo muchos arreglos en muchos juegos, así como novedades interesantes jugables.

Si es porque no sabes actualizar las roms en la web tienes tutoriales sobre como realizarlo satisfactoriamente o si lo prefieres en Youtube tengo un videotutorial donde ademas de explicado puedes ver los pasos que realizo sin perderte nada.
Hola, aprovecho el hilo para hacer una consulta de Demul [fiu] [fiu] [fiu]

El caso es que hacía tiempo que no lo usaba, y hoy he probado la última version del 18/08 con el Virtua Striker 2000 y el sonido no me funciona bien; ¿es normal?, ¿os pasa a vosotros? porque en versiones antiguas iba bien ein?

@Silent Assassin
A versiones antiguas a cuales te refieres, ¿a la 0.58? ¿o a las versiones 0.7?.
Demul a partir de hace ya algunas revisiones necesita más equipo para que funcionen bien los juegos ya que los plugins antiguos se han cambiado por los nuevos y requieren de mayor velocidad para que se ejecuten bien.

No te preocupes porque no es algo que te ocurra a ti solo, le pasa a bastante gente, tendrías que intentar configurar las opciones para optimizarlo con tu ordenador (aunque hagas esto es posible que no veas un mejor resultado)
Gracias por responder @InsertMoreCoins la verdad es que no lo usaba "con continuidad" desde la versión 0.57 y le he vuelto a echar un ojo para ver qué tal va, y me ha sorprendido que en un netbook celeron con intel hd se moviera bien fallando solo el sonido, por lo que pensé an algún parche o plugin... pero aún así la jugabilidad es genial, el emulador va por muy buen camino.

Un saludo
Alguien sabe si se puede aplicar los filtros ala versión de mame 0.133u4 ?por tema compatibilidad y si es así cuales son los pasos gracias [beer]
Hace unos días ha salido la versión 0.177

Aquí las mejoras que trae.


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 00550: [Graphics] (atarisy2.c) apb: There is a graphics problem with
your police car at the point you drive away from your starting
square. (crazyc)
- 01455: [DIP/Input] (segas18.c) lghost: Problem with crosshair (Pitou)
- 05584: [Gameplay] (konamigx.c) rungun2, slamdnk2: during run mame
produces several messages about unknown protection command (Tafoid)
- 05823: [Core] (coco12.c) -ramsize does nothing for emulation although
it does change the .ini file (Nathan Woods)
- 06185: [DIP/Input] LIGHTGUNS: Aimtrak Dual Lightguns no longer
properly detect (Pitou)
- 06269: [Debugger] DEBUGGER: Unable to use any valid cheats while
using debug (Ryan Holtz)
- 06292: [Crash/Freeze] (victor9k.c) victor9k [cpm86]: Freeze with
'cpm86' disk (Curt Coder)
- 06314: [Crash/Freeze] Fatal error - All sets using '-centronics p72'
slot/option (Ryan Holtz)
- 06315: [Crash/Freeze] Fatal error - All sets using c4023, c1526,
mps802 devices (Ryan Holtz)
- 06316: [Crash/Freeze] (pc1512.c) pc1512, pc1512dd, pc1512hd10: Use of
'ibm_mfc' slot option causes Fatal error (Ryan Holtz)
- 06317: [Crash/Freeze] (pc1512.c) pc1512, pc1512dd, pc1512hd10: Use of
'3c503' slot option causes Fatal error (Ryan Holtz)
- 06326: [Crash/Freeze] (megadriv.c) megadriv, 32x and clones, some
segac2.c sets: Selecting machine and game via softlist though
internal menu results exception/crash (Osso)
- 06328: [Crash/Freeze] Various ISA using machines: Crash/Exception at
Initialization (crazyc)
- 06330: [Crash/Freeze] (altos5.c) altos5: Crash/.Exception on
start (crazyc)
- 06331: [Crash/Freeze] (apollo.c) dn3500_19i, dsp3000, dsp3500,
dsp5500: Crash/Exception on start (Osso)
- 06332: [Graphics] (galaga.c) digdug and clones: Graphics from
Tilemap 0 are missing (Osso)
- 06335: [Interface] UI:: Input (general) selection menus do not
display correctly or at all (Vas Crabb)
- 06342: [Crash/Freeze] pc (pccga): System crashing while
loading (crazyc)
- 06343: [DIP/Input] (taito_l.c) plottingu: Coinage dipswitches are
labeled incorrectly. (Tafoid)
- 06349: [Gameplay] brapboys: MAME crashed when exiting
game (O. Galibert)
- 06352: [Crash/Freeze] (cps1.c) mbombrd, mbombrdj: Crash in
demonstration mode (Osso)

Source Changes

-maygay1b: [David Haywood]
* Fixed second set of lamps
* Partially investigated MCU hookup

-apple2gs.cpp: Redumped 341-0748 FE-FF ROM for the ROM03 Apple IIGS,
confirming that 341-0748 and 341-0749 ROMs are identical.
[Brian Troha]

-mpu4.cpp: Added all known expansions as fragments for DRIVER_INIT.
This will permit 'per set' configuration to make the games
playable. [James Wallace]

-naomi.cpp: Added all known Sega DIMM board firmware dumps. [TylerDurden67]

-amstrad.cpp: Added pause button to GX4000. [Barry Rodewald]

-debugimgui: Added images menu, with crude file select dialog, added
very crude create image dialog. [Barry Rodewald]

-ALTOS5: Fixed banking, all disks can boot. [Robbbert]

-Renamed the arcade "sun" project to avoid conflict with the mess "sun"
project [Robbbert]

-Playmatic Pinball: All MPU-1 games working, plus other WIP. [Robbbert]

-MK14: [Robbbert]
* Fixed a memory bug.
* Added paste facility, cassette, sound, and notes.

-Pro-80: Added devices. [Robbbert]

-Separated the LDP-1450 laserdisc player into its own device
[James Wallace]

-Added support for MPU4 layouts for games beginning with 'a', based on
MFME2MAME conversion. CHR protection data is still not hooked up for
many of these sets, so lamping behaviour is incorrect. [James Wallace]

-Dumped Ferrari F355 Japan BIOS. [ShouTime]

-Fixed TNZS ROM locations/labels [Brian A. Troha, Lord Nightmare]

-hiscore.dat: updates [Leezer]

-Various netlist fixes: [couriersud]
* Minor include cleanup
* Fixed a memory hole caused by assign operators
* More C++
* Use noexcept in netlist code where appropriate

-abc80x: Fixed ABC-838 disk image cell size. [Curt Coder]

-c64: Optimized the 1541 bit read/write function slightly without
noticable effect on driver speed, since the 2 CIA's are the current
bottlenecks. [Curt Coder]

-compis improvements: [Curt Coder]
* Created a bus for the graphics card slot
* Fixed keyboard
* Promoted driver to working
* Fixed RTC to use 24 hour mode

-victor9k improvements: [Curt Coder]
* Set floppy RPM after track step
* Implemented hires graphics
* Implemented display brightness control
* Fixed keyboard line Y12
* Implemented SCP communications
* Boots to CP/M and MS-DOS now - promoted driver to working

-pofo improvements: [Curt Coder]
* Implemented the A: credit card memory
* Fixed the RTC
* Added memory card slot interface and ROM/RAM cards

-im6402: Reset receive/transmit registers after data frame is changed
[Curt Coder]

-wangpc improvements: [Curt Coder]
* Fixed interrupt handling - boots to DOS now
* Fixed keyboard error on POST

-Fixed missing region report when DEVICE_SELF is used. [O. Galibert]

-dirom: device_rom_interface for sound chips with rom/memory map
alternative [O. Galibert]
* Make robust for oversize ROMs

-dirom,okim6295: Added/fixed banking support. [O. Galibert]

-Preliminary VGM player (vgmplay) [O. Galibert]

-kaneko_calc3: Stop trashing memory. [O. Galibert]

-Fairlight CMI IIx driver: [Ryan Holtz]
* Modernization of Phil's CMI IIx driver
* Hooked up serial callbacks, alphanumeric keyboard now works
* Fixed FDC DMA, QDOS now boots
* Fixed MSM5832 RTC hookup
* Hook up second floppy

-vgmplay.cpp enhancement: [Ryan Holtz]
* Added HuC6280, NES APU, Gameboy DMG, YM2203, YM3812, YM3526,
AY-3-8910, Namco C352, Sega MultiPCM, Konami K053260, Atari POKEY
and Oki M6295 support.
* Added support for looping.
* Added dual-chip support for AY-3-8910, YM2203, MultiPCM, and

-tv990/995: Added save state support and LPT port. [R. Belmont]

-tv950: New redumps, fleshed out the skeleton, needs a CRTC expert to
draw anything. [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]

-ti99 improvements: [Michael Zapf]
* Fixed stuck INT line in TMS9902
* Improved logging
* Fixed missed CTS signal, outgoing RTS, incoming DTR
* Fixed RS232 line mapping
* Fixed debugger access to cartridge
* Use proper RAM devices instead of ROM_REGIONS
* Fix a problem with formatted disk images that do not match the
expected file size
* Fixed another issue with double stepping

-ti99_dsk: Fixed issue with deleted data marks in FM. [Michael Zapf]

-hdc92x4: Added 9224 emulation. [Michael Zapf]

-Added PC-AT mode (still untested), some preparations for 9224
emulation. [Michael Zapf]

-floppy: Improved floppy sound emulation with new sound samples.
[Michael Zapf]

-Funworld driver: Added technical notes to Inter Games poker.
[Roberto Fresca]

-Jolly Card (Austrian, set 2):
* Added specs [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
* Added GAL16V8S dump [Team Europe, caius]

-Jolly Joker (Apple Time): Added technical notes. [Roberto Fresca]

-Amatic multigames: Corrected technical notes. [Roberto Fresca]

-alto2 improvements: [Juergen Buchmueller]:
* Added speaker sound
* Further cleanup and removed cruft
* Get rid of the fake status display. Refactor mouse positioning code.
* Removed extra screen buffer
* Save copying odd/even frame scanlines by immediately updating bitmap
* Fixed I/O memory read
* Reduced frame rate (really 30 frames/60 fields per second)
* Replaced decoded MIR bit fields
* Removed member function pointers
* Refactored videotiming, use attoseconds_t

-apricot improvements: [Dirk Best]
* Moved expansion bus to its own directory
* Created bus interface for the keyboard interface
* Made HLE keyboard emulation a bus device
* Use device_buffered_serial_interface and
device_matrix_keyboard_interface for the HLE keyboard emulation to
reduce duplication and implement a FIFO
* Added rtc support to keyboard

-Keyboard/terminal improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Added base classes for HLE matrix keyboard and buffered RS232 device
* Made generic keyboard/terminal more usable: configurable typematic
delay/rate, selectable JIS/ANSI layout, handle simultaneous
keypresses more intuitively, use meta to set high bit, configurable
auto LF on CR, auto CR on LF and local echo, audible bell
* Untangled Olivetti M20 keyboard from generic_keyboard, add notes, use
physical layout
* Untangled RM Nimbus keyboard from generic_keyboard aand fix -natural
* Untangled x68k keyboard from generic_keyboard, improve key names,
default mapping and typematic behaviour
* Untangled QX-10 keyboard from generic_keyboard
* Kept NGEN keyboard barely working

-Rewrote srcclean to be cool with UTF-8, C++14 and Lua. [Vas Crabb]

-Fixed UTF-16 encode, pass UTF-16 to Windows character drawing. [Vas Crabb]

-Made path_iterator copy search path to fix use-after-free [Vas Crabb]

-devfind improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Made object finders behave like pointers (not pointer/reference/
vector) hybrids
* Removed some default argument values and dangerous accessors
* Use single uniform class for object array finders, using real arrays
to avoid double indirection
* Use a format string to allow more flexible tag names in object array
* Use template using typedefs to greatly reduce bolerplate code
* Consolidated template instantiations speeding up the build
* Added Doxygen comments to many key classes

-Fixed cosmic.cpp and mpu4.cpp games that had too few tags passed to
I/O port array finder [Vas Crabb]

-dooyong.cpp: Video improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Mix two 4bpp tilemaps for the 8bpp layer in popbingo
* Made ROM tilemap generator into a device, moving a whole lot of stuff
from video start to machine config and removing trampolines
* Changed tile/sprite ROM regions to be 16-bit to better match hardware
* Represent 16-bit text layer block on Z80 games as a device
* Split up state classes some more and use derived machine configs

-Fixed regression: using IPT_START in sms makes mame think joypad 1 is
occupied and inserts joypad 2&3 instead of joypad 1&2 [hap]

-dotrikun improvements: [hap]
* Much better video timing, but still shows glitches in ccovell's ROM
* eat_cycles clamps to 0, adjust_icount does do what I intended
* Try another method for video timing

-gx4000: Don't use IPT_KEYBOARD for console pause button. [hap]

-al520ex: Use correct key name for tvordiy znak. [hap]

-hh_tms1k: Gamelist notes update. [hap]

-hh_hmcs40: Added sag internal artwork (external artwork still
recommended). [hap]

-tlcs90: Fixed a nonsense check. [hap]

-chessmst: Added reset and halt buttons. [hap]

-champbasjb: Fixed MAME complaining about missing MCU device, correct
romlabels. [hap]

-lghost: Allow gun offset correction to be disabled. [hap]

-tiamc1: Tilemap bit layers disable control. [MetalliC]

-i8080: Fixed status callbacks during stack and IO access [MetalliC]

-vector06: Improvements: [MetalliC]
* RAM expansion emulated, MicroDOS and software works now
* Fixed ROM cartridge address decoding, boots now
* Changed to use KR1818VG93 FDC
* Added "Sound Tracker" and "R-Sound" AY8910 sound
* Added pit8253 sound
* Fixed vblank interrupt generation

-cv1k.cpp: Found and corrected bad bits in Pink Sweets U2 graphics ROMs
based on comparison 4 dumped versions. [MetalliC, rtw]

-aica: Added ADPCM diff value clamp based on encoder research.
[kode54, MetalliC]

-hp9845: Added correct character generator ROMs. [fulivi, A.Kueckes]

-Use emumem.h defines whenever possible. [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]

-gba: Reworked and simplified code. [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]

-gba: First batch of code refactorings: [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]
* Attempt at modernizing the code by taking advantage of C++ features

-Made hiscore path configurable by ini file, fix .hi file path
resolution. [stengun]

-Fixed Gun#2 not working in MAME #618 [Pitou]

-Fixed read case in kaneko_calc3.cpp and made kaneko_toybox.cpp safe as
well. [David Haywood]

-Various Seibu Refactoring: [David Haywood]
* Air Raid, Street Fight and Dark Mist all use very similar video
systems;this takes some steps towards allowing a common
* Street Fight and Cross Shooter use a common mmainboard wiht
different Video Boards; makes video boards into devices to
faciliate this

-Put DM01 matrix board CPU inside device for BFM Sc2/4. [David Haywood]

-Maygay M1A, MCU bones, commuication not hooked up yet. [David Haywood]

-Fixed many MPU4 set descriptions: [David Haywood]
* Identify and mark hacks
* Associate sets with correct games
* Treat Casino Bar-gain and Bar-gain as different games

-Treat Sc2 DMD as screen, avoid tag lookups, add correct DMD ROM to some
sets [David Haywood]

-Maygay M1A/B partial fix for lamp mapping: [John Parker]
* Fix the lamp mapping for the first half of the matrix
* Fix typo and add comment to function that is intended to handle the
second half of the matrix

-Added layouts to Maygay driver: [John Parker]
* These are generated, and will be updated as I MFME2MAME converter is
improved, reels are transcribed, etc.
* m1albsqp, m1apollo2, m1bargnc, m1bghou, m1bigdel, m1calypsa,
m1casclb, m1casroy1, m1chain, m1cik51o, m1clbfvr, m1cluecb1,
m1cluedo4, m1cluessf, m1coro21n, m1dkong91n, m1dxmono51o,
m1eastndl, m1eastqv3, m1fantfbb, m1fightb , m1frexplc, m1gladg,
m1grescb, m1hotpoth, m1htclb, m1imclb, m1infern, m1inwinc,
m1itjobc, m1itskob, m1jpmult, m1lucknon, m1luxorb, m1manhat,
m1monclb, m1mongam, m1monmon, m1monou, m1nhp, m1nudbnke, m1omega,
m1onbusa, m1przeeb, m1retpp, m1search, m1sptlgtc, m1startr,
m1taknot, m1thatlfc, m1topstr, m1triviax, m1trtr, m1ttcash,
m1wldzner, m1wotwa

-Added new Scorpion 1 layouts: [John Parker]
* sc1barcd, sc1bartk, sc1cl65, sc1clbtma, sc1cwcl, sc1dblch, sc1pwrl,
sc1sirb, sc1spct, sc1str4

-Scorpion 2: Added 12 internal layouts: [John Parker]
* sc2ptytm1, sc2cpe, sc2casr2, sc2majes, sc2eggs1, sc2prom, sc2cpg,
sc2copcl7, sc2town2, sc2suprz1, sc2heypr, sc2prem2

-Scorpion 4: Added 35x Layouts. [John Parker]

-Scorpion 4: Added 73 Layouts. [John Parker]
* sc4jack, sc4kalei, sc4knokb, sc4lirb, sc4lined, sc4lockb, sc4lkbcl,
sc4mmmg, sc4mgr, sc4mtbb, sc4mtbclb, sc4monoba, sc4mondxe,
sc4mr2rc, sc4motor, sc4mou, sc4nmtj, sc4nudita, sc4pacqpa,
sc4paccl, sc4pstata, sc4pgold, sc4po8, sc4ppclb, sc4pipe, sc4plumb,
sc4polic, sc4pony, sc4potsha, sc4pwrbq, sc4pwrsg, sc4pen1c,
sc4qmodo, sc4quidrb, sc4rhxcsa, sc4rhxcl, sc4redsq, sc4rotc,
sc4revod, sc4richl, sc4rttt, sc4roksc, sc4rogds, sc4rmo, sc4rtc,
sc4srrca, sc4smk7, sc4slci, sc4solgl, sc4slihd, sc4sparkd,
sc4sbust, sc4starpk, sc4strk, sc4sahed, sc4susk, sc4suscl, sc4s6cd,
sc4taekw, sc4takcl, sc4tempt, sc4lions, sc4tic2, sc4tbana,
sc4tload, sc4tpshta, sc4trail, sc4ttomb, sc4tridn, sc4tfclb,
sc4vrgclb, sc4wldjkc, sc4xmarka

-JPM IMPACT: Added 58 layouts. [John Parker]
* j6aceclb, j6acehi, j6amdrm, j6arcadee, j6big50, j6bigbukc,
j6bigtopa, j6bnkrcl, j6bnza, j6btbwd, j6camelt, j6casclaf,
j6cascze, j6colcsh, j6cpal, j6crack, j6drdogh, j6euphor, j6ewn,
j6fastfr, j6ffce, j6frtpot, j6gidogh, j6gldclb, j6gogold,
j6goldgla, j6guabc, j6guabcl, j6hapyhrb, j6impulsc, j6indyi, j6kfc,
j6kungfud, j6megbck, j6mono60, j6monst, j6montlkb, j6oxobin,
j6quick, j6ra, j6redarwf, j6reelmn, j6rh6cld, j6rhchil, j6rico,
j6rollerd, j6slagng, j6snakes, j6stards, j6swpdrp, j6tombc,
j6topflg, j6twst, j6untch, j6vindal, j6vivark, j6wizardd, j6wldkng

-MPU3: Added 39 layouts. [John Parker]
* m3acech, m3autort, m3biggam, m3bigsht, m3blkhle, m3cabreta, m3chase,
m3circle, m3cskill, m3cunlim, m3fortun, m3gcrown, m3gmine,
m3lineup, m3loony, m3nnice, m3oddson, m3online, m3oxo, m3ratrce,
m3razdaza, m3replay, m3rockpl, m3rollem, m3rxchng, m3sexcu,
m3slight, m3snaphp, m3spoof, m3supadr, m3supnud, m3supspo,
m3supwin, m3sweep, m3tfair, m3toplin, m3winagnb, m3winstr, m3xchngg

-Scorpion 4: Mostly fixed 7-segment displays. [John Parker]

-Maygay: Fixed input strobe order bug [John Parker]

-Updated regenerated Maygay layouts; all now initialise OK.
[John Parker]
* Updated due to Converter bugfixes.

-Maygay: Added/updated layouts: [John Parker]
* Layouts have the new 'MFME2MAME Debug View'
* Layouts have new fix (same as MPU4) for 'coin slot buttons'
* Some reel lamp improvement for 5th reel
* Added four new layouts

-JPM MPS: Added 89 Layouts: [John Parker]
* j2adnote, j2always, j2bankch, j2bigbnk, j2bigbox, j2blustr,
j2cashbn, j2cashrl, j2cashro, j2cashrv, j2cashtk, j2coinsh,
j2coppot, j2cprndx, j2criscr, j2crown, j2cshalm, j2cshcrd,
j2cshfil, j2cshnud, j2cshsmh, j2cvault, j2droplt, j2ewn, j2ews,
j2exec, j2fasttk, j2fiveal, j2fiveln, j2fqueen, j2frucnx,
j2fullhs, j2fws, j2ghostb, j2gldchy, j2goldbr, j2hilocl, j2hinote,
j2hiroll, j2hitmon, j2hotpot, j2hotsht, j2hypnot, j2jackbr,
j2kingcl, j2litean, j2litnot, j2lovshd, j2lovsht, j2luckar,
j2lucky2, j2maxima, j2missis, j2monblt, j2mongam, j2montrp,
j2nolimt, j2notesh, j2nudbnz, j2nudfev, j2nudmon, j2nudshf,
j2paypkt, j2penny, j2plsmnd, j2plsnud, j2pndrsh, j2rdclb,
j2reelbn, j2reelbo, j2reelcz, j2reelmc, j2reelmo, j2silvcl,
j2silvsh, j2sldgld, j2slvrgh, j2spcrsv, j2sstrea, j2stahed,
j2supfrc, j2suprsh, j2supsft, j2supstp, j2suptrk, j2swbank,
j2take2, j2trail, j2tstplt

-JPM SYSTEM5: Added 21 layouts: [John Parker]
* j5ar80cla, j5cira, j5fairp, j5firebl, j5hollyc, j5hotdoga,
j5indsum, j5intr, j5movie, j5nite, j5palma, j5popeye, j5sizl,
j5supbara, j5suphi, j5swop, j5term, j5topshp, j5trail, j5ujb,

-BFM DMD: Adjusted to more accurately match the colour of the real
machines [John Parker]

-Techno Drive improvements [superctr]
* Fix H8 ADC inputs
* Sub CPU seems to expect certain H8 SCI behavior, otherwise it locks
up after a few minutes making controls unresponsive.
* Bypassed 'COIN ERROR' at bootup by patching the sub CPU program
* Swapped 'th1fl3l.12' and 'th1fl3u.13' and placed them at proper
memory location (0x1800000) so game no longer crashes at Namco logo

-namconb1: fix sound timing for some games [superctr]
* fixes the sound tempo in nebulray, gslugrsj, gslgr94u and clones,
and vshoot.

-Byteswapped timecris sample ROM, remove MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND flags
for C352 games. [superctr]

-Namco C352 improvements: [superctr]
* Replaced C352 core with new one used in VGMPlay (fixes noise
generation and sample interpolation)
* Change clock frequencies for sub CPU and sound chip for
System 12/23 drivers based on my research on the sound drivers,
including a comparison between the ND-1 and System 12 drivers
* Removed rear channels for systems that lack a second Sanyo
LC78815M stereo DAC

-kim1: RS & ST keys, input ports update: [Dagarman]
* Hooked up the ST key and updated RS key function
* Updated INPUT_PORTS to add numpad keys and better support pasting
* Moved type definitions to kim1.h
* Simplified kim1.lay coordinates

-Documented 3 diagnostic menu bugs in the Vii's BIOS.

-Fixed action on debugger 'trace'/'traceover' commands: [Nathan Woods]
* 'trace'/'traceover' commands were registered as having three
arguments, this fixes it so there are four arguments

-Fixed some MC6847 low resolution video modes: [Nathan Woods]
* Fixed a bug from where video data was sampled that could cause too
many samples to be loaded in low resolution video modes
* On the CoCo, this fixes some low resolution video modes used by
Project Nebula and some other games

-CoCo 1/2: Fixed configurable RAM sizes: [Nathan Woods]
* Changes the 6883 SAM implementation to assume memory bank lengths
smaller than available space are not mirrored

-Made rom_entry a class that keeps copies of strings: [Nathan Woods]
* Also introduce a POD tiny_rom_entry for static ROM definitions
* C++-fiied code that iterates over rom_entry arrays

-diimage refactoring: [Nathan Woods]
* Changed device_image_interface::load() so that it doesn't load both
images and softlist items
* Remove vestigial has_been_created() API
* Consolidated error code translation
* Use std::string rather than C strings in more cases
* Better encapsulation of format list
* Better encapsulation of filename extension extraction

-software list refactoring: [Nathan Woods]
* Separation of software list data structure from runtime device
* Use std::string rather than C strings in many cases
* Standardized terminology for various concepts

-Converted many NUL-terminated strings to std::string: [Nathan Woods]
* Parameters to zippath and emufile
* menu_software_list::m_filename_buffer

-Check return value of CassetteLegacyWaveFiller.chunk_sample_calc()
(this is just better error checking). [Nathan Woods]

-Changed device_image_interface::determine_open_plan() to not create an
image unless device_image_interface::create() is used. This fixes odd
behavior where zero byte images could be created. [Nathan Woods]

-Report Win32 ERROR_INVALID_NAME as osd_file::error::NOT_FOUND
[Nathan Woods]

-Fixed menu lag. [dankan1890]

-Use required_ioport_array for multiple keyboards. [shattered]

-ec1841: Adapted to new memory system. [shattered]

-mc1502: Made serial test in BIOS work. [shattered]

-poisk1, mc1502: Minor fixes. [shattered]

-vt240: Fixed host comms when flow control is enabled. [shattered]

-dvk_ksm: Fixed host comms, added PORT_CHARs to its keyboard.

-dvk_ksm: Dropped dvk_ksm01 variant and merged ROM sets; enabled tx to
its keyboard. [shattered]

-ms7004: Enabled serial rx and add PORT_CHARs. [shattered]

-keyboard: Added F16..F20 keys (present on DEC terminals). [shattered]

-isa_hdc: Implemented READSBUFF command (used by ec1841 diagnostics).

-Remapped "P1 Mahjong Score" to / key for OS X. [AJR]

-New core input type: "Memory Reset": [AJR]
* Resets settings/bookkeeping to system-provided default
* The default key binding F1

-Designated more memory reset inputs in mahjong games. [AJR]

-dynax.cpp: Regularized service inputs. [AJR]

-Attempted to fix distortion with -refreshspeed and -audio xaudio2.

-New stretching options (as suggested by Jezze): [Calamity]
* New option -unevenstretchy (complementary to -unevenstretchx)
* New option -autostretchxy, to automatically apply -unevenstretchx
or -unevenstretchy based on source native orientation.

-Warp mode for relative mouse on OSX SDL 2.0.4 (fixes Github issue
#1232). [bradhugh]

-sengokmj: Inputs refined based on examination of program code: [AJR]
* All service inputs are momentary switches, not DIP toggles
* Added unused SW2 DIPs as displayed in service mode
* Added a couple of obscure inputs not shown in service mode

-pwrkick, othldrby: Various improvements: [AJR]
* Added NVRAM to Power Kick and Othello Derby; document the reset
mechanism for the latter
* Added ticket dispenser to Power Kick (seems to work for the most part)
* Removed numerous bogus DIP switches
* Thoroughly reconfigured coin inputs in Power Kick, adding counters
and lockouts for all three (including the "Key In" input that
really isn't)
* More meaningful settings for the "Payout" DIP switch in Power Kick
(based on program code)

-skylncr.cpp: Improvements to almost all games: [AJR]
* Use standard input mappings in all games except Sonik Fighter
* Added working hopper outputs and payout buttons
* Promoted mbutrfly to WORKING after solving the protection (the code
wasn't encrypted) and add the button lamps internally associated
with it
* Decrypted bdream97, which is almost working now with obvious
graphical glitches and some apparent input problems

-kurukuru, ppj: Input/output improvements: [AJR]
* Ticket dispenser now works
* Corrected "Payout Mode" DIP settings
* Corrected DSW1 settings in Pyon Pyon Jump
* Renamed coin inputs and coin-related DIP switches and order by
increasing denomination
* Removed "Unknown" inputs that aren't actually used
* Full character names only for Kuru Kuru Pyon Pyon
* Reset button now mapped as "Memory Reset"
* Random notes based on program code

-Show color values in palette viewer: [AJR]
* Move the mouse over a color rectangle to show index and RGB values
* For indirect pens, index of the corresponding color is also shown
* For colors in normal RAM-based palettes, the raw value in memory is
also shown (does not currently work with most buffered palettes,
and is incompatible with PROM-based or RAMDAC-based palettes)

-Validity checking improvements: [AJR]
* Always print the name of each driver with -validate -verbose before
check to help detect crashes
* Softlists get validated the first time, not every time but the
* Make address maps complain when entry bounds lie outside the global

-Midway V-Unit imrprovements: [Risugami]
* Added layouts for Cruis'n USA, Cruis'n World, and Off Road Challenge
* Added wheel force feedback reference and made notes on other outputs
* Finished implementing the Galil command communication
* Finished implementing motion controller

-Decrypted River Patrol (Japan), game now working. [MASH]

-Fixed PROMs in Dribbling (dumped a Dribbling PCB with different
PROMs). [f205v, MASH]

-Added missing PAL dump to Green Beret (bootleg). [MASH]
* Same PAL dump also in suprmriobl, drhl and ddragon6809a

-Added video proms to Turkey Shoot and Mystic Marathon. [MASH]

-Fixed arcade only build (cshooter.cpp changed to airraid.cpp). [MASH]

-Added proper SMT Flash dumps to deluxe4u. [system11]

-dynax.cpp: dumped color PROMs for Intergirl [f205v]

-arkanoid.cpp: Cleaned up comments; updated notes about which MCUs are
used. [Lord Nightmare]

-Synchronise with PinMAME and add many new pinball sets [Osso]

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Alto-II [Juergen Buchmueller]
TeleNova Compis [Curt Coder]
Atari Portfolio [Curt Coder]
Victor 9000 [Curt Coder]
Wang Professional Computer [Curt Coder]
Vector 06c [MetalliC]
Intergirl [f205v]
Magical Butterfly (version U350C, protected) [AJR]
River Patrol (Japan) [MASH]
Techno Drive (Japan, TD/VER.B) [superctr]
Select-A-Game: Baseball 4 [hap, Kevin Horton]
Select-A-Game: Pinball [hap, Kevin Horton]

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Compis II [Curt Coder]
The NewZealand Story (US, old version) (older PCB)
[CoolMod, The Dumping Union]
Metamorphic Force (ver AAA) [Abelardo Vidal]
Virtua Cop 3 (Rev B) [ShouTime, rtw]
Air Gallet (older) [Artemio Urbina]
Super Hang-On (Hang-On conversion, Japan, FD1094 317-0039)
[Charles MacDonald, ShouTime]
Deluxe 4 U (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000) [caius]
Dealer's Choice (E4A1) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LG1 11/04/91) [Bicycle Repairman]
OutRun 2 Special Tours (Japan) (Rev A) (GDX-0011A) [ShouTime, rtw]
Casino Five (3315-02, U5-2B) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 (Japan) (Rev A) [ShouTime, rtw]
Jolly Card (Austrian, set 2) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Golden Tee '98 Tournament (v3.02) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Europe, set 2)
[Hammy, The Dumping Union]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version H) [The Iron Goat]
Gulf Storm (Korea) [system11]
Champion Base Ball (Japan set 3) [Siftware, MASH]
Escape from Mars (bootleg of Lunar Rescue) [Siftware, MASH]
New Zero Team (V33 SYSTEM TYPE_B hardware) [caius]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
CMI IIx [Ryan Holtz]
Quest of D [f205v]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 Card Builder
[any, f205v, ShouTime, soyandroid, rtw]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 Card Builder Ver.2.02
[any, f205v, ShouTime, soyandroid, rtw]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Card Builder [f205v, soyandroid]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Card Builder Check Disk
[any, f205v, ShouTime, rtw]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Card Builder Ver.2.10
[any, f205v, ShouTime, soyandroid, rtw]
Ring & Ball (?) [Hammy]
The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (server) (Rev B)
[ShouTime, rtw]
The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (client) (Rev B)
[ShouTime, rtw]
Tandy/Memorex Video Information System MD-2500 [Carl, Sly DC]
Select-A-Game: Space Invader 2 [hap, Kevin Horton]
Unknown Inter Games poker [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Unknown Funworld A7-11 game 1 [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Unknown Funworld A0-1 game [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Multi Game I (unknown V2.4) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Jolly Joker (Apple Time) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Jungler (Subelectro, bootleg on Scramble hardware)
[Andrew Welburn]
Unknown Funworld A7-11 game 2 [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune (Japan) (Rev B) [ShouTime, rtw]

New WORKING software list additions
pc98_cd.xml: added more disks + FM Towns hybrids [rzero9]
fmtowns_cd.xml: new dumps [rzero9]
coco_cart.xml: Switched 'cclimbra' to 'cclimber'. [Nathan Woods]
pofo.xml: Dumped the File Manager/Tutorial card. [Curt Coder]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
gba_ereader.xml: Animal Crossing Series 2 [Shideravan]

Translations added or modified
Catalan [Jordi Mallach]
Spanish [A.Viloria]
Hola a todos
Seré breve: me interesaría saber si podría jugar en MAME a Time Crisis en un AndroidPC Minix Neo U1 usando un Wiimote. Suena rocambolesco, pero me imagino que con las herramientas necesarias debería poder jugarse.

Gracias y un saludo.
Nexus_VII está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Buenas estoy buscando por el hilo cuales el mejor emulador de mame para PC pero no encuentro ninguna respuesta (sera cosa mía seguro XD ) ¿alguien podría resolver la duda? garcías.
Nexus_VII escribió:Buenas estoy buscando por el hilo cuales el mejor emulador de mame para PC pero no encuentro ninguna respuesta (sera cosa mía seguro XD ) ¿alguien podría resolver la duda? garcías.

Mame es el emulador, de ahi su nombre: "Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator", seguramente con mame quieres decir arcade, y de arcades los unicos que hay de los que yo se son finalburnalpha, raine y kawaks, que dejaron de ser relevantes hace varios años. Ahora bien si lo que quieres sabes es de los forks de mame, seguramente estes feliz con mameui o con mameplus (no se si este se sigua manteniendo).
Nexus_VII está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
ZedHqX4 escribió:
Nexus_VII escribió:Buenas estoy buscando por el hilo cuales el mejor emulador de mame para PC pero no encuentro ninguna respuesta (sera cosa mía seguro XD ) ¿alguien podría resolver la duda? garcías.

Mame es el emulador, de ahi su nombre: "Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator", seguramente con mame quieres decir arcade, y de arcades los unicos que hay de los que yo se son finalburnalpha, raine y kawaks, que dejaron de ser relevantes hace varios años. Ahora bien si lo que quieres sabes es de los forks de mame, seguramente estes feliz con mameui o con mameplus (no se si este se sigua manteniendo).

Me refiero a las diferentes versiones de mame no oficiales que existen.
Buenas!!! Siempre he tirado de un MAME32 que tenía por ahí y sobre esa le iba añadiendo roms y demás. Pero ayer me animé a probar la última versión del MAME (01777)...y la verdad es que no me aclaro :(

Aquí mis dudas :)

*Cuando pongo un juego que no requiere ninguna BIOS en particular, como por ejemplo Capitan Commando o final fight, el juego me va de lujo. Pero al meter el Garou o el Caveman Ninja, MAME me dice que me faltan DHC o Roms. Ese error es porque me falta algo de la rom (No es el caso, uso la garou.zip y cninja.zip) o me faltan las BIOS...En algunos sitios he leido que va en el directorio de roms, pero me he bajado el Mame Bios Pack 0.157, lo he puesto en esa carpeta y nada...Tampoco se mirar en la configuración la ruta de las que las lee, para asegurarme que me las estoy poniendo en el sitio correcto

*En la versión de MAME32 que tenía si había una carpetira para las snaps, cabinets y demás...aquí no veo esa carpeta, sólo artwork. Como tampoco encuentro en las opciones de donde lee esos items, no consigo que salgan en el MAME

*Sabéis si esa versión del MAME puede arrancar snapvideos, como hyperspin u otros?

*Es posible quitar juegos de la lista (Y volverlos a poner)? Hay roms que me dan 4 versiones del juego, o para tebner la versión de 2 jugadores de las tortugas ninja (por ejemplo) necesito la world qu es de 4...si no quiero que salga la world en mi lista de juegos...puedo hacerlo? Y volver a ponerla si es necesario?

Se que son dudas muy básicas pero es que me metí ayer por la noche pensando que en media hora podría ir avanzando algo y me dió algo de guerra...esta noche si puedo seguiré intentando pelearme con esta versión de MAME, que ya me va tocando renovar [+risas] y no me apetece pillarme un pack brutal ya montado desde la bahía, prefiero aprender como manejarlo bien.
Voy a reflotar un poco esto para hacer una pregunta a ver si algún experto me puede sacar del problema xD

Estoy personalizando un hyperspin y le he añadido como emulador Mame la versión 0.177 con las roms que quería, las reconoce bien y tal, pero ahora viene el problema: algunos juegos de CPS1 y CPS2 se ejecutan pero las intros están sin sonido, por ejemplo Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Aliens vs Predator, D&D TOD, y varios más, es curioso porque no pasa en todas sino en unas pocas de esos sistemas, ¿alguna idea del por qué? Xmen vs SF va con sonido la intro y Xmen Chilfren of the Atom no por ejemplo. He googleado pero no es fácil encontrar información al respecto. Tengo un archivo llamado qsound.zip que he agregado a la carpeta de roms, pero no ha solucionado lo de algunos juegos con intro sin sonido.

Gracias y un saludooo.

PD: @Azazelsb para que te funcionen los juegos de neogeo necesitas tener el archivo neogeo.zip en la carpeta de roms, esa es la bios para hacer funcionar los juegos de neogeo, siento la tardanza en contestar pero es que no había visitado este hilo hasta ahora xD.
Missing_nin escribió:PD: @Azazelsb para que te funcionen los juegos de neogeo necesitas tener el archivo neogeo.zip en la carpeta de roms, esa es la bios para hacer funcionar los juegos de neogeo, siento la tardanza en contestar pero es que no había visitado este hilo hasta ahora xD.

Don't worry. como comenté ya puse el pack de bios que, entre otras, tenía el neogeo.zip, pero seguía sin funcionarme. Como me extrañaba que no me las cogiera pensé que tendría algo en la configuración que hiciese que fuera a buscar las bios en un path distinto a la rom, pero no sabía mirar dicho Path.

Al final tras mil peleas se ve que era problema de la versión de mame :S Me bajé otra y 0 problemas.
Ha salido la versión 0.179, a continuación la lista de cambios y mejoras.


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 03045: [Interface] Cannot create INI for individual game when the game and the driver share the same name (Robbbert)
- 06404: [Graphics] (namcona1.cpp) emeralda: Visible area too small (Angelo Salese)
- 06391: [Crash/Freeze] (bnstars.cpp) bnstars1: Emulator hang & crash (Osso)
- 06110: [Documentation] (nbmj8688.cpp) kaguya2f: wrong year is listed (system11)
- 06338: [DIP/Input] (mz2000.cpp) mz2000, mz2200: Mistakes in current keyboard matrix emulation and missing keys ! (AJR)
- 05006: [Graphics] (gb.cpp) gameboy [f1race]: Corrupted graphics (racetrack not lined up) (Wilbert Pol)

New working machines
Fidelity Designer 2000 [yovan]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde 2100 [hap, anonymous]
Istrebiteli [IgorR76, MetalliC]
Splendor Blast II [ShouTime]
Ocean to Ocean (Medal) (DECO Cassette MD) (No 10 / Ver 1 Japan) [Joseph, the Game Preservation Society, David Haywood]
Mahjong Senpu [system11, David Haywood]
Super Two In One [Edstrom, David Haywood]
Canon Multi 8 [hap, Sean Riddle]
Gakken Game Robot 9/Mego Fabulous Fred [hap, Sean Riddle]
VeriFone Tranz POS terminal [Ryan Holtz]

New working clones
Dead Or Alive 2 [defor]
Bombjack Twin (prototype? with adult pictures, set 2) [Sugoi Helsinki]
Ocean to Ocean (Medal) (DECO Cassette MD) (No 10 / Ver 6 US) [Joseph, the Game Preservation Society, David Haywood]
Splendor Blast (set 2) [Stefan Lindberg]
Splendor Blast (set 3) [caius, robotype]
Lady Maker [system11]
Demon's World / Horror Story (set 2) [Sugoi Helsinki]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Asia 4 Players, version ?) [Abelardo Vidal, The Dumping Union]
Greyhound Electronics Poker (Version 50.02 ICB, set 4) [any]
UniWar S (Karateco) [MASH]
Video Hustler (bootleg, set 3) [f205v]
Fidelity Sensory 9 Playmatic S [anonymous]
Fidelity The Excellence (model 6080) [hap, yovan]
Fidelity The Excellence (model EP12) [anonymous]
Fidelity The Par Excellence (model 6083) [anonymous]

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working
Power Drift (Japan, Link Version) [Angelo Salese]
Tatakae Genshizin Joe & Mac (Japan, bootleg) [AJR]
Fidelity Elite A/S Challenger [hap]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Big Casino [Guru]
Crazy Dou Di Zhu II [Guru, Dyq, Bnathan]
Tarzan Chuang Tian Guan (V109C, set 1) [Guru, Dyq, Bnathan]
Time Scanner (TS 2.0, Magnet System, prototype) [David Haywood, Ricky2001, ArcadeHacker, IFW]
Exzisus (EX 1.0, Magnet System, prototype) [David Haywood, Ricky2001, ArcadeHacker, IFW]
Xain'd Sleena (SC 3.0, Magnet System, prototype) [David Haywood, Ricky2001, ArcadeHacker, IFW]
Puzzle Yutnori [system11, David Haywood]
Grande Fratello (Ver. 1.7) [f205v]
Ron Jan [system11]
Super Triv Quiz I [any]
Humlan's Lyckohjul (Sweden, Ver. 402) [Edstrom, Robert Quenet]
Aceex 2814 modem [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Akai AX80 [Arashikage, R. Belmont]
Burroughs EF315-I220 teller terminal (ANZ) [Vas Crabb]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Stargate (rev.5) [PinMAME]
Wing War R360 [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]

New WORKING software list additions
gameboy.xml: Pokemon - Cock Version (Bootleg) [Zeipher]
apple1.xml: Wumpus, Extended Monitor [Dagarman]
ProDOS v2.4.1 [John Brooks]
Gumball, Jumpman, Tapper [4am]
UniDOS 3.3 Plus v2.0.1, UniDOS Plus v2.1
Gamemaker, Hardball, The Heist, Law of the West, Master of the Lamps, Paper Models - The
Christmas Kit, Pipe Dream, Portal, Racter, Rambo First Blood II, Shanghai, Where in Time
is Carmen Sandiego v1.1 [TRex]
UniDOS 3.3 Plus v2.0.1, UniDOS Plus v2.1
Thexder v1, Cribbage King / Gin King v1.01 [TRex]
segacd.xml: rewritten replacing many sets with more well-documented dumps [FakeShemp]
snes.xml: update for various redumped games [Alex Jackson, byuu]
Blade of The Great Elements (Test Version), Phalanx (Sample Version), Mahjong Gensoukyoku
II - Mahjong Fantasia -The 2nd Stage The World of X68000 - Formula X, The World of X68000 -
Fortress Attack & GJ, The World of X68000 - Logic Rush & Ah! Ohimesama!, The World of
X68000 II - C Ryoku Kensa, The World of X68000 II - Cynthia, The World of X68000 II -
Rush! & Useful, The World of X68000 II - T-94X [Wayder]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
Login Disk & Book Series - X68000 Kessaku Game-sen

Source Changes
-aristmk5: Fixed missing ARISTOCRAT_MK5_BIOS defines addition. [MASH]

-core: Proposed for new system flags for 0.179 dev-cycle: [Angelo Salese]
* MACHINE_NODEVICE_MICROPHONE For unemulated microphone;
* MACHINE_NODEVICE_CAMERA For unemulated camera;
* MACHINE_NODEVICE_PRINTER For unemulated printer
* MACHINE_NODEVICE_LAN For unemulated linking multi-cabinet capabilities;
* MACHINE_NODEVICE_WAN For unemulated networking capabilities;
* Restructured MACHINE_FLAGS into FATAL/WARNING/BTANB main categories, in order to make them easier to expose.

-sh2: Added stub bus/sci/wdt devices for sh7604. [Angelo Salese]
* This also fixes Daytona USA CE for Sega Saturn.

-cischeat: Various input related bug-fixes to Wild Pilot [Angelo Salese]
* Changed lightgun to an AD-stick.
* Added player 2 inputs.
* Fixed bogus start button starting a play even without a coin inserted.

-mjsenpu: Added mahjong panel. [Angelo Salese]

-core: Added new string conversion overloads [a|w|t|utf8]_from_[a|w|t|utf8_]string(xyz.c_str()) [Nathan Woods]

-imgtool: Various changes and modernizations: [Nathan Woods]
* Mac: Fixed an unsigned overflow error that would causes crashes on 64 bit systems.
* Fixed a bug that could cause module's close() callback to be invoked if an image failed to open or be created.
* C++-ified imgtool_partition, imgtool_image, imgtool_stream, others.
* Converted a number of pointers to references.
* Made use of std functionality where possible.

-coco: Changed to use required_ioport_array and optional_ioport [Nathan Woods]

-omv1000: Removed second joystick. [einstein95]

-6809: Fixed disassembly when core is interrupted mid-instruction. [smf]

-core: Ensured all CPUs export STATE_GENPCBASE and use safe_pcbase() for everything in the debugger, which allows interruptible
CPUs to work properly. [smf]

-pc: Fixed 16-bit audio in diagnose.exe for the Sound Blaster 16. [smf]
* The fix replaces the lowest bit of the page with the upper bit of the address, in the case of a 128k DMA.
* This applies to the southbridge, cs4031, wd7600, ngen, and at devices.

-ide: Added "headphones" to ATAPI CD-ROM drives. [smf]

-ay8910: Implemented upper address check. [smf]
* Not configurable at present, but chips could be ordered from the factory with IDs other than 0.

-chdman: Fixed addmeta --valuefile by calling the correct write_metadata. [smf]

-dac: Started documenting the various DACs in use. [smf]
* ataxx: Fixed missing sound channel caused by one DAC not being hooked up and one DAC being hooked up to two addresses.
* bestbest: Fixed high pitch screech caused by incorrect addressing (two DACs weren't hooked up and two were hooked up to two
* cchasm: Fixed static noise generation caused by feeding the same bit to both DACs.
* cheekyms: Slightly improved sound by implementing sound triggers as 8x1-bit DACs instead of 1x8-bit DAC.
* galeb: Fixed sound by implementing it according to http://www.deltasoft.com.hr/retro/galebemu.htm & implemented enough of
LOAD/SAVE to stop it hanging.
* hard drivin: (all games in driver) Improved 12-bit controls, although centre still goes out of sync.
* mea8000: Converted to a sound device.
* megaphx: Fixed noisy samples due to wrong format.
* microvsn: Fixed sound pitch caused by incorrect usage of write_signed8().
* seicross: Changed to a 4-bit DAC as samples are packed nibble.
* spaceg: Preliminary sound using space invaders samples.
*suna8: Changed to a 4-bit DAC as samples are packed nibble.
* vcombat: Fixed static during machine gun fire due to incorrect dc offset removal.
* vectrex: Fixed noisy samples due to wrong format.
wheelfir: Fixed sound, EEPROM & analogue steering wheel and brake pedal.

-osd: Fixed several small issues in HLSL/BGFX. [Jezze]
* Fixed target texture dimension when -intoverscan is used (this fixes the appereance of scanlines and shadow mask)
* Added target_scale and screen_count uniforms
* Rounded corners now remain aligned with screen bounds when -intoverscan is used (single screen only)

-d3d9: Fixed null reference exception when toggling from fullscreen to window mode [Jezze]

-d3d9: Disabled clearing render targets in several passes to reduce draw time, all texels are written with opaque anyway. [Jezze]

-d3d9/bgfx: Reduced defocus effect to one pass and capped defocus strength to 2.0. [Jezze]

-norautp: Added PROM, PAL and updated PCB layout for bjpoker [Guru]

-various: Fixed various spelling errors. [Jordi Mallach]

-various: Fixed various things in certain mahjong drivers. [system11]
* homedata: Added information about board types.
* nbmj8688: Corrected kaguya*, secolove DIP switches and added DIP locations to all games.
* nbmj8891: Fixed or improved DIP switches in hanamomo and scandal.
* nbmj9195: Improved renaiclb and gal10ren DIP switches.
* niyanpai: Fixed 4psimasy DIP switches.
* niyanpai: Fixed mhhonban year and company.
* srmp6: Added DIP locations.
* ssv: Fixed hypreac2 DIP switches.
* mjsister: Fixed DIP switches.

-ninjakd2.cpp: Replaced mnight with World version, Kawakus license now mnightj [frsj8112, system11]

-hp9845: Various changes: [F.Ulivi]
* Moved hp9845b_state class into a separate file.
* Refactored handling of irq/sts/flg bits to allow for adding I/O slots.
* Added I/O slots.
* Implemented HP98035 RTC card.

-hphybrid: Fixed indirect EXE instruction [F.Ulivi]

-neogeo: Redumped irrmaze V2 ROM and fixed ROM loading. [Brian Hargrove, Razoola]

-model1: Made wingwar360 not crash on startup. [David Haywood]
* Currently hangs after you insert coins waiting for the safety bar to lower.
* Collisions in wingwar are broken since recent changes to swa.

-model1: Fixed enough to get netmerc to boot, though there are many issues still and it is unplayable. [David Haywood]

-model1: Made render list scanning code safer by masking accesses to the RAM size and using less pointer math. [David Haywood]

-mjsenpu: Hooked up payout buttons and a hopper [David Haywood]

-decocass: Tagged all sets as US / Japan based on which BIOS type they use (A = Japan, B = US/World). [David Haywood]

-decocass: Made the different BIOS ROMs selectable and added Ocean to Ocean. [David Haywood]

-cmi2x: Fixed envelope terminal flag diagnostic. [Ryan Holtz]

-6840ptm: Changed WRITE8 to WRITE_LINE for single-bit outputs. [Ryan Holtz]

-cmi2x: Fixed MAST/TIM diagnostic test. [Ryan Holtz]

-v1050: Fixed 8214 PICU hookup and promoted back to working. [Ryan Holtz]

-tranz330: Added partially working driver for the VeriFone Tranz 330 point of sale terminal. [Ryan Holtz]
* Modem is not currently emulated, but it can be interacted with in a meaningful way and configured.

-ds1386: Added Dallas DS1386-8K and DS1386-32K timekeepers (largely untested). [Ryan Holtz]

-ie15: Improved performance by using a timer to determine hblank. [Ryan Holtz]

-rainbow: Various changes: [Bavarese]
* Fixed medium resolution mode.
* Added first incarnation of Color Graphics Option for Rainbow-100 B.
* Note: Highres and vector mode still have unfixed bugs.

-Added clickable buttons to a few Midway layouts and cleaned up some code. [Risugami]

-seattle: Added layout for San Francisco Rush [Risugami]

-mjsister: A few input fixups [AJR]
* Identified the difficulty DIP switches.
* Added some non-DIP inputs for service mode.

-cninjabl2: Add sprites, changed title; promoted to WORKING with known problems [AJR]

-witch: Fixed the code handling the "Hopper Active" DSW; no longer must it be low [AJR]

-core: Misc. keyboard input improvements [AJR]
* Add BS, Tab, 00, 000 keys common on add-on keypads as input items; SDL may recognize these, but DirectInput does not
* Assign Keypad 00 and Keypad 000 in several drivers' input lists
* Add SDL keycode for "cancel" key
* Add keypad keys as alternates to natural keyboard

-core: Soft resets no longer turn back clocks on devices [AJR]
* Give RTCs their own phase of machine initialization, right after NVRAM loading
* Make RTC feature flag overrides const, including one new one
* Make rtc_clock_updated a required override

-ui: Parenthesize optional items in input menus [AJR]

-amusco: Various improvements; promoted to WORKING [AJR]
* Figured inputs out almost completely
* Added blinking cursor for service mode
* Hacked coins into working due to broken IRQ timings
* Palette is in need of improvement
* mc6845: Added readback for cursor blink state
* pit8253: Eliminated device name from logging messages

-Added row size as sixth parameter to debug dump command [AJR]

-zodiac: Changed input type to keyboard [AJR]
* Added PORT_CHARs
* Added notes on physical button layout

-mz80b, mz2000: Various minor changes [AJR]
* Moved MZ-80B to mz2000.cpp driver (emulation remains non-working)
* Overhauled character layouts, creating separate configurations for European and Japanese keyboards (MT #6338)
* Added GRPH characters and kana to key names

-octopus: Various changes: [Barry Rodewald]
* Added on-board serial comms controller.
* Added serial vector ports.
* Fix extended RAM, made 256k the default.
* Inverted IRQ signal from RTC.
* Added Centronics parallel port.
* Added software list.

-x68k: Added IPL ROM dumped from an early X68000 CZ-600CE, made default for the X68000. [The Dumping Union, Barry Rodewald]

-linenoise: Fixed build with Visual Studio ('and' isn't supported). [dankan1890]

-mac: Rewrote audio output for original Macs to work like hardware. [R. Belmont]

-osd: Incorporated product/instance DirectInput device IDs. This should allow better disambiguation of devices. [Tomer Verona]

-sms: Fixed Out Run sound in FM mode. [Enik Land]

-core: Added swpath. Allows users to specify location of loose software. [Robbbert]

-rc702: fixed ctc interrupt. [Robbbert]

-accexx: Started skeleton driver for 1995 Accexx 28.8 modem. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-z80scc: Various improvements [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
* Added support for shift left/right modes in zbus_r and zbus_w.
* Improved variant handling including some incomplete read register maps.
* Added external CTS and DCD interrupts.
* Improved device reset values.
* Added SWI acknowledge command.
* Improved/fixed handling of WR9, RR2, RR3.
* Added WR7' register.
* Improved Tx handling, added Tx FIFO including special case with 1 slot Tx FIFO for NMOS and CMOS.

-z80scc: IACK and reset improvements [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
* Added IACK by reading RR2
* Made z80daisy_iack return -1 when no vector found or disabled through the WR9 VIS.
* Removed z80daisy_reti code to match SCC documentation.
* Removed defacto reset values where possible and replaced them with documented SCC reset values.

-8530scc: Fixed typo (allows System 7 to boot on Mac drivers, and fixes X68000 mouse) [CharlesJS]

-s3: Replaced Pinball sound ROMs with game specific sound dumps [barakandl]
* Williams System 3/4 Pinballs affected: World Cup, Contact, Disco Fever and Phoenix

-es5506: Various fixes [Christian Brunschen]
* Fixed readback of global registers when the current page was in a certain range.
* Made voices run for a zero-length loop, as real hardware does it and synthesizers rely on it.
* These changes fix the playback of "Transwaves" on the VFX and SD-series synths.

-stv: Added Taiwan 97/05/15 v1.14 BIOS [Corrado Tomaselli]

-hiscore.dat: Updates [Leezer]

-8042kbdc: Fixed keyboard on SGI Indy/Indigo 2 driver. [Carl]

-mcr: Redumped dpoker sound ROMs. [Sean Rider]

-core: Use standard uint64_t, uint32_t, uint16_t or uint8_t instead of UINT64, UINT32, UINT16 or UINT8 [Miodrag Milanovic
* Also use standard int64_t, int32_t, int16_t or int8_t instead of INT64, INT32, INT16 or INT8.

-Fixed alt-enter full screen toggling on SDL (Linux/Mac/BSD) builds. [Hans Ostermeyer]
Nexus_VII está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Si queréis dejar el Mame sin los marcos negros del 4:3 y un shader cojonudo recomiendo que os bajéis los bezel correspondientes a cada rom



Ejemplos de bezels https://www.flickr.com/photos/138118625 ... 653786195/

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCOT6Xm1120 (El enlace a los bezels esta en la descripción)

Una vez descargados los metéis todos en la carpeta que esta dentro del mame llamada artwork, en opciones de mame entráis en opciones de vídeo activáis el HLSL
Una vez dentro del juego dais al tabulador y en opciones de vídeo podéis elegir los 2 tipos de marcos.

Foro de Hyperspin donde pone Bezels: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2774- ... solutions/

Ando trasteando con Ubuntu y mi objetivo de esta tarde era poder jugar al metal slug con un mando de ps4.

El caso es que he conseguido:
    Instalar MAME 0.178
    Hacer que funcione el metal slug
    Conectar mi mando de ps4 y tratar de jugar ---> Correcto
    Conectar el mando de ps4 a través de bluetooth
    Tratar de jugar con el mando -----> Parece no reconocerme el mando

Así que pregunto esto aquçi pensando que igual me podeis echar una mano. Si creeis que debería hacer esta consulta en otro sitio decidmelo.

Así que la pregunta es ¿cómo puedo jugar con el mando wireless a los juegos de mame?
Ashdrugal escribió:Buenas,

Ando trasteando con Ubuntu y mi objetivo de esta tarde era poder jugar al metal slug con un mando de ps4.

El caso es que he conseguido:
    Instalar MAME 0.178
    Hacer que funcione el metal slug
    Conectar mi mando de ps4 y tratar de jugar ---> Correcto
    Conectar el mando de ps4 a través de bluetooth
    Tratar de jugar con el mando -----> Parece no reconocerme el mando

Así que pregunto esto aquçi pensando que igual me podeis echar una mano. Si creeis que debería hacer esta consulta en otro sitio decidmelo.

Así que la pregunta es ¿cómo puedo jugar con el mando wireless a los juegos de mame?

No uso Ubuntu, espero que alguien de aqui te pueda ayudar.

Ha salido la versión 0.180

Lista de mejoras:

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06436: [DIP/Input] (tecmo.cpp) gemini, geminib: Input issues (Tafoid)
- 06432: [Graphics] Creating a game specific INI disables HLSL filters (Jezze)
- 04933: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (gaiden.cpp) gaiden and clones: Very slight offset down on flip screen (Osso)
- 06427: [Documentation] (atarisy1.cpp) peterpak: A dash too much in the game description. (AntoPISA)
- 03646: [Graphics] (segas16b.cpp) altbeastj, altbeast6 : Missing graphics in the crystal ball. (David Haywood)
- 06407: [Compiling] (cps2.cpp) BUILD: Compiling a tinybuild with cps2 driver included crashes (smf)
- 06413: [Interface] CONSOLE: Does nothing but allow "EXIT" (crazyc)
- 05928: [Crash/Freeze] (zn.cpp) nbajamex: game crashes / nvram gets corrupted (Phil Bennett)
- 06418: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (8080bw.cpp) Color sets in 8080bw: No picture for second player in cocktail mode. (Robbbert)
- 06417: [Crash/Freeze] MAME crashed with UI and HLSL (Jezze)
- 06411: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (equites.cpp) splndrbt and clones, hvoltage: Cocktail mode video isn't working correctly (Osso)

New working machines
Candela CAN09 terminal [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Draw 88 Poker (V2.0) [Roberto Fresca, Charles MacDonald]
Entex Space Battle [hap, Sean Riddle]
Fidelity Designer 2100 Display [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Excel 68000 [hap, Berger]
Mephisto Montreux [unknown]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0001) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0050) Joker Poker (4 sets) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0054) Deuces Wild Poker (El Cortez) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0195) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0218) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0232) Patriot Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0294) Aces and Faces Bonus Joker Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0295) Super Deuces Wild Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0445) Aces and Faces Bonus Joker Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0450) Loose Deuce Deuces Wild! Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0453) Joker Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (X002002P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (X002240P+XP000038) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better) [BrianT]
Radio Shack Monkey See [hap, Sean Riddle]
Bandai System Control Car: Cheetah/The Incredible Brain Buggy [hap, Sean Riddle]
Shikigami no Shiro - internal build (V1.02J 2001/09/27 18:45) [rtw, ShouTime, smf, O.Galibert]
Intel iSBC 286/12 [Al Kossow]

New working clones
1945k III (newer, OPCX1 PCB) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Blue Shark (Model Racing bootleg) [f205v]
Burning Fight (prototype, ver 23.3, 910326) [Collin Foust]
Cosmic Invaders (bootleg of Space Invaders) [penrhos]
Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. B) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Gran Premio F1 (Spanish bootleg of Pole Position II) [Rockman, Arcade Hacker]
Grand Prix Star (v3.0) [Hammy]
Hit the Ice (US, with riser board) [coolmod]
Mustache Boy (Italy) [ShouTime]
Metal Slug 2 Turbo (hack/bootleg) [system11, trap15]
Ozma Wars (Model Racing bootleg) [f205v]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0008) Standard Draw Poker (set 2, El Cortez) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0048) Joker Poker (set 4) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0057) Deuces Wild Poker (set 4) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0103) Deuces Wild Poker (set 2) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0126) Deuces Wild Poker (set 3) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0188) Standard Draw Poker (set 3) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0434) Bonus Poker Deluxe (set 2) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0447) Standard Draw Poker (set 3) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0452) Double Deuces Wild Poker (set 2) [BrianT]
Road Fighter (set 3, conversion hack on Hyper Sports PCB) [f205v]
Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness (Korea) [Nomax, The Dumping Union]
Stone Ball (2 Players, v1-20 21/10/1994) [Nomax, The Dumping Union]
Vendetta (World, 2 Players, ver. ?) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]

Machines promoted to working
Exzisus (EX 1.0, Magnet System, prototype) [David Haywood]
Go By RC (V2.03O 1999/05/25 13:31) [smf]
Number Crash [kurobee]
Saitek RISC 2500 v1.04 [unknown]
Space Lords (rev C) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Tandy/Memorex Video Information System MD-2500 [Carl]
Time Scanner (TS 2.0, Magnet System, prototype) [David Haywood]
Xain'd Sleena (SC 3.0, Magnet System, prototype) [David Haywood]
Intel iSBC 286/10 [Carl]

Clones promoted to working
RC De Go (V2.03J 1999/05/22 19:29) [smf]
Space Lords (rev A) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Space Lords (rev A, German) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Space Lords (rev B) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
ACI Destiny Prodigy [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Acorn A4000 [Nigel Barnes]
Acorn A5000 [Nigel Barnes]
Bandai Super Note Club mu (Japan) [Team Europe]
Candela CAN09 main unit [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Datum [Robbbert]
Diamond Fever (0200302V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
GMX Micro 20 [Al Kossow, R. Belmont]
Hazeltine 1500 [Al Kossow, Ryan Holtz]
Intel iSBC 86/05 [Al Kossow]
Intel iSBC 86/30 [Al Kossow]
Jungle Juice (0200240V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Kron K-180 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Meng Hong Lou [Guru, Dyq, Bnathan]
Montana Choice (MG0025) Multi-Game [BrianT]
Montana Choice (MG0026) Multi-Game [BrianT]
Montana Choice (MG0182) Multi-Game [BrianT]
Player's Choice (MG0213) Multi-Game [BrianT]
Player's Edge (PK0858-PC075) Deuces Wild Poker (El Cortez) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (X000013K+XK000012) Keno [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (X000846S+XS000006) Wild Star Red White & Blue Slots [BrianT]
Player's Choice - Original (30143011, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Rider's Surf [PinMAME]
Simatic PG675 [R. Belmont, rfka01]
SYS68K/CPU-30SEN-R [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30SEN-R-501 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Televideo TV910 [Al Kossow, R. Belmont]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Acorn A3010 [Nigel Barnes]
Acorn A3020 [Nigel Barnes]
Acorn A4 [Nigel Barnes]
Acorn A5000 Alpha [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 3000 [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 305 [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 410/1 [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 420/1 [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 440 [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 440/1 [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 540 [Nigel Barnes]
Cash Chameleon (0200437V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Cash Chameleon (0300781V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Chicken (0200530V, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Inca Sun (CHG1458, US) [Heihachi_73]
Star God (variable replay score) [PinMAME]
SYS68K/CPU-30BE/16 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30BE/8 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30Lite/4 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30Lite/8 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30X [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30XA [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30ZA [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30ZBE [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-33 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Time Crisis II (Japan, TSS1 Ver. B) [Bill D., The Dumping Union]
Time Crisis II (US, TSS5 Ver. A) [Naoki, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Unicorn Dreaming (0101228V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Wild Amazon (01J01996, Venezuela) [Heihachi_73]
War: The Final Assault (Apr 7 1999) [CoolFox]

New WORKING software list additions
atom_flop.xml: Egghead in Space, F14 Tomcat [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_cass.xml: The Music System [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_flop.xml: various games, applications, utilities [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_flop_orig.xml: redumped Farm Management Suite double sided [Nigel Barnes]
bbcmc_flop.xml: ALPS, Astro Blaster, Carnival [Nigel Barnes]
megadriv.xml: Cool Spot (Euro, Prototype) [FakeShemp, Team Europe]
pet_rom.xml: SUPER*TOOL [Francesco Messineo]
pro128s_flop.xml: Disco Welcome [Nigel Barnes]
snes.xml: Syvalion (Euro, Prototype) [FakeShemp, Team Europe]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
archimedes.xml: RISC OS 3 Applications, many coverdisks and commercial applications [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_6502.xml: Hi-InterSheet, Hi-View, Hi-Wordwise+ [Nigel Barnes]
electron_flop.xml: all known 5.25" DFS releases [Nigel Barnes]
Cooking Pico (Jpn), Cooking Pico (Kor), Toy Story 2 (Kor), The Cloud is Wizard (Kor), Tago Galka (Kor), Dreamland Tour (Kor)
[Team Europe]
sawatte.xml: Doraemon Nobita no Dou Butsu Land, Soreike! Anpanman Onamae Na~ni, Ultra Hero Touch [Team Europe]

Translations added or modified
German [rootfather]

Source Changes
-imgtool: Various refactoring: [Nathan Woods]
* Consolidated logic for default implementation of imgtool::image::list_partitions().
* Changed imgtool::stream::open*() to return imgtool::stream::ptr.
* Fixed a recently introduced bug that caused image types that do not support partitions to function incorrectly.

-core: Disassembler modernisation: [Nathan Woods]
* Merged M6809, HD6309 and Konami disassemblers.
* Added arcompact and PDP8 disassemblers to unidasm.
* Fixed unidasm declaration for upd7725.
* Eliminated static disassembly buffers in RSP, PowerPC and MIPS DRCs.
* Changed all disassemblers to use output stream rather than character buffer.
* Changed disassembler overrides to use 'std::ostream &' internally.
* Changed disassembler infrastructure to not use char buffers internally.

-apollo: Enabled creation when non-existent image name is supplied for omti8621 and sc499. [Hans Ostermeyer]

-sc499: Corrected regressions that prevented writing. [Hans Ostermeyer]

-various: Miscellaneous typo fixes. [Jordi Mallach, Tafoid]

-arm, arm7: Various emulation improvements: [Sandro Ronco]
* Implemented Transfers to User Bank in LDM/STM and fixed flags corruption in branch opcodes.
* Fixed register-base shift with a value >= 32, this fixes the RISC OS graphics issues.
* Fixed carry for ROR and preserve IRQ_MASK in LDR R15,***.

-mmodular, risc2500: Moved Saitek RISC 2500 into a separate driver and added internal layout and inputs. [Sandro Ronco]

-a310: reworked HLE keyboard and added mouse input. [Sandro Ronco]

-aristmk5: Various improvements: [Sandro Ronco]
* Hooked up EEPROMs, UARTs and some inputs.
* Fixed video DMA when vidstart != 0.
* Added coin input, logic door input and RTC.
* Fixed SRAM banking.

-archimds: Fixed horizontal display position and cursor position in VIDC. [Sandro Ronco]

-atarigx2: Reverse-engineered Space Lords security FPGA and implemented decryption code.
[Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen]

-atarigx2: Fixed inputs in Space Lords. [MASH]

-ti99: Fixed save states and declared MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE. [Michael Zapf]

-midvunit: Renamed wargods CHD to reflect actual version on disk. [Ryan Holtz]

-hazeltin: Various initial changes: [Ryan Holtz]
* Added keyboard hookup, but will need 8048 dumping or black-boxing.
* Added preliminary video, still broken due to timing issues.
* Added state-machine bipolar PROMs.

-core: Added non-netlist devices for logic ICs: [Ryan Holtz]
* 54/74160,161,162,163
* 54/7416x Hex/Quad D Flip-Flops with Clear
* 9334/DM9334 8-Bit Addressable Latch
* 7400 Quad 2-Input NAND Gate, 7404 Hex Inverter, 82S126/82S129 256x4-bit PROM

-sun4: Simplified DMA implementation. [Ryan Holtz]

-naomi: various naming changes: [MetalliC]
* Added supported region info.
* Changed all games to "Export name / Japan name" template.
* Correct a few names as per title screens.

-namcos12: Added Namco Cyber Lead cabinet JVS IO and LED controller PCB dumps. [PascalP, Team Europe]

-aristmk6: Hooked up IRQ registers. [MetalliC]

-naomi: Added missing PICs for Dragon Treasure 2 main, Dragon Treasure 2 & 3 satellite, and WCCF 2001-2002.
[Android, Darksoft, f205v, rtw, MetalliC]

-luaengine: Converted to sol2. [Carl]

-plugins/console: Added Lua console as plugin. [Carl]

-core: Moved device_memory_interface from driver_device to dummy_space_device. [smf]
* Exposed the dummy_space_device as machine().dummy_space() with a trampoline in driver_device for existing callers.
* Debugger no longer needs to special case root_device() to avoid showing the dummy address space.

-taitogn: Various changes: [smf]
* Implemented G-NET BIOS flashing
   * Games that require the v2 BIOS now require you to update the BIOS and turn off JP1 as part of the installation
   * A v1 BIOS flash is included, but you aren't forced to use it
* Moved G-NET protection out of ATAFLASH and into individual devices for each type of card
* Added build dates and times to G-NET game descriptions.

-zn: Various changes: [smf]
* Implemented enough analogue control reading on ZN1/ZN2 for RC De Go and Go By RC.
* Fixed ZN1/ZN2 DIP switch descriptions.

-Implemented S1985 backup RAM [smf]
* Fixes TPC310 accessories cursor movement on the second time you launch it with left ctrl + left shift.
* Fixed Matsushita backup RAM saving.
* Implemented S1985 and Matsushita state saving.
* Implemented MSX switched interface without using an address map.

-Fixed heap corruption when loading a new CHD fails. [smf]

-Throw CHDERR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE rather than CHDERR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION if you try to open an old version CHD or writing. [smf]

-darkmist: Video fixes: [Angelo Salese]
* Added real transparent pen mixing from PROMs, fixes ranking screen and gameplay area in Dark Mist.
* Fixed sprite-sprite priorities, sprite chip fetches from top to bottom.

-saturn: Various changes: [Angelo Salese]
* Worked around VDP1 timings in Sega Saturn, fixes regression with Batman Forever gameplay speed.
* Added Rotation Parameter read control register, fixes at least Riddler stage ROZ positioning in Batman Forever.

-mirage: Added 93C46 EEPROM hook-up. [Angelo Salese]

-seta: Added backup RAM hookup for kiwame, fixes "BACKUP RAM ERROR" at first boot. [Angelo Salese]

-ncr5390: Implemented selection disable. [O. Galibert]

-addrmap refactoring: [O. Galibert]
* Removed device parameter
* De-hand-templatized address_map_entry, remove then unneeded entry parameter
* Simplified constructor, thanks Micko
* Changed setters into passthroughs
* Stream it
* Changed to use dot syntax rather than -> syntax for chaining

-addrmem: Made obvious renames and added helpers. [O. Galibert]

-general: Eliminated attaching memory maps to driver_device. [O. Galibert]

-emucore: Removed generic_ptr. [O. Galibert]

-scn2674: Various changes: [Barry Rodewald]
* Corrected the row on which a split occurs, fixes Octopus display of the last row before the status line split.
* Added command 0xA6, fixes Octopus status line in Concurrent DOS, and BIOS character block write function.

-octopus: Various changes: [Barry Rodewald]
* Added cursor display.
* Added colour attributes.
* Added blink and underline attributes.
* Hooked up serial lines, Concurrent DOS can now use the first serial port as an extra terminal.
* Fixed Z80 RAM banking past 256kB.

-fmtowns: Addded support for IC Memory Card images. [Barry Rodewald]
* Limited to 16MB in size until software that supports more can be found.

-x68k: Added keyboard LEDs to layout display. [Barry Rodewald]
* Among other things, this fixes the 'dancing keyboard' display when running Cotton.

-mac: Split 128/512/Plus into a new separate, more modern driver. [R. Belmont]

-mac: Corrected regression in IIvx/IIvi models. [R. Belmont]

-apple2gs: Switched to use z80scc, added printer and modem ports. [R. Belmont]

-sdgndmps: Added DIP switch names and locations (verified from manual). [AJR]

-pg685: Added pg675 and hooked up MM58167 RTC. [R. Belmont, rfka01]

-pg685: Various changes: [R. Belmont]
* Preliminary working oua11 video.
* Fixed ROM and ROM shadow mapping for oua12 so it actually boots.
* Preliminary not-quite-working oua12 video (chargen decode is unknown).

-pg675, pg685: Added hardware info. [rfka01]

-micro20: Added more device hookups, gets farther into POST. [R. Belmont]

-concept: Added optional MacsBug ROMs. [Al Kossow, R. Belmont]

-core: Fixed a bug parsing the software name option that prevented loading slot defaults for software selected from the internal

-sh2dasm, sh4dasm: Changed the disassemblers to use 'std::ostream &' internally. [AJR]

-pit8253: Made MSB-only counter writes lower outputs in mode 0. [AJR]

-amusco: Various changes: [AJR]
* Identified and hooked up 8155 interface chips for LPT and RTC.
* Fixed PIT IRQs; game speed is much better now.
* Coin inputs now read properly through IRQ4.
* Promoted draw88pkr to WORKING (no more "COIN ERROR" on startup, though POST still fails memory test for some reason).
* Removed spurious coin counter.
* Updated notes on printer.

-seibu: Moved SEI80BU encryption out of the SEIBU_SOUND device and made it a device of its own. [AJR]

-amusco: Added button-lamps and coin counter support. [Roberto Fresca]

-z80scc: Various changes: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
* Added support for RTxC as BRG clock source, allows the SGI Indy to have a console.
* Fixed a bug in rr15 support, allows macplus, etc. to boot now.
* Improved interrupt handling, allows mouse pointer to move in macplus driver for System 6.0.8.
* Fixed init state of latched rr0 values, improves the success ratio of getting the mouse working in both X and Y on macplus, etc.
* Minimal sync/hunt support to enable System 7 to boot on macplus.

-z80dart: Refactored FIFOs using new template based FIFO class. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-didact: Various Candela changes: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
* Added can09, a non working driver for the Candela main computer, a 6809 based design with FDC and a 6850 CRTC.
* Added can09t, a somewhat working driver for the Candela terminal, a slimmer version without FDC and with a terminal interface.

-fccpu30: Various changes: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
* Added new board variants as WIP: cpu30x, cpu30xa, cpu30za, cpu30zbe, cpu30be8, cpu30be16, cpu30lite4, cpu30lite8, cpu30senr,
    cpu30senr501, cpu33
* Added support for -ramsize according to each board variant.
* Renamed roms to reflect on content and versions.
* Mapped the Epson 72423 RTC device to the msm6242_device driver as it is compatible.
* Added mock handlers with LOG info for devices that needs to be written.
* Exposed possibility to turn off FPU in case it is not installed.
* fccpu: Prepared to split out base fccpu class to support drivers for cpu2x and cpu4x boards etc.
* Various small fixes to PIT68230, FGA022, DUSCC.

-prodigy: Added skeleton driver for ACI Destiny Prodigy chess computer. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-z80sio, mzr8105: Added UPD7201 device type to and changed driver to use it. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-rax: Emulated the Acclaim RAX sound board, fixing sound in Batman Forever and NBA Jam Extreme. [Phil Bennett]

-zn: Hooked up extra NVRAM in NBA Jam Extreme. [Phil Bennett]

-bbc: Added ACP 1770 DFS to acorn1770 FDC. [Nigel Barnes]

-electron: Added PRES ADFS versions to Plus3 expansion. [Nigel Barnes]

-a310: Added new NOT WORKING machines Archimedes 305, Archimedes 440, Archimedes 3000, Archimedes 410/1, Archimedes 420/1,
Archimedes 440/1, Archimedes 540, Acorn A5000, Acorn A4, Acorn A4000, Acorn A5000 Alpha [Nigel Barnes]
* Renamed a310->aa310 to avoid conflict with Amiga machines.
* Added all missing OS releases Arthur 0.30, RISC OS 2.01, RISC OS 3.00, RISC OS 3.10, RISC OS 3.19 (German).
* Made all machines default to the OS (Arthur, RISC OS 2, RISC OS 3) they were shipped with.
* Corrected ROM labels/locations.
* Added default CMOS to boot to desktop.
* Mapped Acorn A4 Power Management extension.

-hp9845: Re-implemented 98035 module with a nanoprocessor driver. [F.Ulivi]
* Now possible to emulate the 98035 RTC module at a low level thanks to firmware ROM dump from Mr. Kueckes.
* Implemented "nanoprocessor" microcontroller CPU core and disassembler.

-hp9845: Implemented HP98034 module (HPIB interface). [F.Ulivi]

-quizpun2: Hooked up MCU, improved graphics and sound. [Luca Elia]

-crystal: Fixed VRender0 timers. [Luca Elia]

-cedar_magnet: Preliminary magnet system sound and various flag fixes. [David Haywood]

-smskr: Added support for the seo-jin 11-in-1 multi-game bootleg cartridge. [David Haywood]

-aristmk6: Various changes: [David Haywood]
* Cleaned up ROM loading.
* Show framebuffer? instead of debug viewer - can see startup text at least.
* Extended ROM area so that the bigger games map properly and pass their checksums.
* Corrected flamolce rom loading.
* Corrected rumbreel rom loading and switch 1x and 2x IC positions, it passes test and is consistent with others now.

-sh4: Began SH4 MMU improvements with a view to seeing what aristmk6 needs, allowed table upload by LDTLB opcode, allowed
experimental MMU test code to be enabled/disabled on a per-driver basis. [David Haywood]

-core: Added delegate support for lambdas and std::functions in general, also supporting const members now. [Miodrag Milanovic]

-aristmk5: Increased ROM window size for incasunu and geisha, fixing graphic CRC check and allowing incasunu to boot.
[David Haywood]

-core: Added more applicable Catch testing framework and converted all tests to be done properly by guidelines. [Miodrag Milanovic]
* Still needs TESTS=1 to enable build of tests

-osd: Moved UWP asset files to proper place. [Miodrag Milanovic]

-util: Added a simple FIFO template. [Vas Crabb]

-xmlfile: Turned API into something that looks like C++ and allowed use of const data node objects. [Vas Crabb]

-3rdparty: Updated LZMA to 16.04 (security and portability fixes). [Vas Crabb]

-core: Introduced u8/u16/u32/u64/s8/s16/s32/s64 alias types: [Vas Crabb]
* New abbreviated types are in osd and util namespaces, and also in global namespace for things that #include "emu.h"
* Removed the cstdint types from everything in emu.
* Removed U64/S64 macros.
* Fixed a bug in dps16 caused by incorrect use of macro.
* Fixed debugcon not checking for "do " prefix case-insensitively.
* Fixed a lot of messed up tabulation.
* Changed many macros and constants to constexpr.
* Fixed up many __names.

-complay.py: Rewrote to parse/minify layout XML - invalid XML in internal layouts now cause build failures. [Vas Crabb]

-uismall.bdf: Added some typographical characters to, including the hair space used by the internal UI. [Vas Crabb]

-frontend: Encapsulated more of the menu base class to control when layout changes can happen, encapsulated mouse translation
[Vas Crabb]

-osd: Fixed key names with -keyboardprovider win32 [Vas Crabb]

-core: Drop invalid input tokens when parsing configuration, fixes uncaught exception error when writing configuration. [Vas Crabb]

-hlsl: Fixed games with off-screen backdrop artworks (e.g. atarifb, bowler). [Jezze]

-sms: Various changes: [Enik Land]
* Set initial audio mixing state on reset.
* Documented the Sports Pad modes (and changed the default) used by Sports Pad Soccer (Jpn).

-n64: Various changes: [Happy]
* Only SP DMA skip for DRAM address, regardless of transfer direction.
* Give priority to current transfer when reading AI length register.
* Add delayed carry signal to AI (hardware bug allows carry signal from low to high to persist through a reload).

-build: Fixed make VERBOSE=1 not showing archive commands for static libraries. [Happy]

-osd: Added new UWP icons/images. [JacKc]

-bionicc: Various changes: [Asayuki]
* Added notes on clock frequencies and video signal timings.
* Converted to raw screen parameters, correcting frame rate and vblank timing.

-jangou: Corrected DIP switches for Jangou Lady. [system11]

-nbmj8891: Corrected DIP switches for Mahjong G-Men '89, Mahjong Vanilla Syndrome and Scandal Mahjong. [system11]

-nbmj9195: Corrected Pretty Sailor 18-kin DIP switches. [system11]

-tmnt: Changed back to 320x224 as per MT04790 discussion. [system11]

-vigilant: Corrected visible screen area (PCB comparison). [system11]

-twincobr: Corrected ROM names for twincobr and twincobru. [system11]

-tumbleb: Corrected Choky Choky OKI crystal, also corrected all games to mono as none use stereo PCBs. [system11]

-kaneko16: Unswapped button mappings for gtmr games so they match the PCB/manual. [system11]

-psikyosh: Corrected all games to mono as all games in this board family are mono. [system11]

-marvland: Tagged as imperfect sound and needing redump of sound ROM. [system11]
* The sound in this version does not match Japan or any of the ports, and sounds like incorrect sounds are being played.

-aleck64: Added vivdolls DIP switches, digital joystick support needs adding, game is switchable. [system11]

-rainbow: Various Rainbow 100 changes: [Bavarese]
* Fixed colors in highres mode and video levels.
* Made a small fix to serial Rx.
* Added support for hard disks with up to 17 sectors/track, as MFM controllers allow this.
* Made port 50 readable (undocumented, yet used).

-upd7220: Fixed division by zero in update_graphics. [Bavarese]

-build: Fixed building on ppc64le and s390x. [Julian Sikorski]

-firebatl: Fixed music tempo. [ShouTime]

-fidel6502: Redumped Par Excellence. [Berger]

-quizpun2: Dumped the 68705 MCU for "Quiz Punch", protected by an epoxy block. [Guru]

-sms_bootleg: Added the missing ROM to the smssgame set. [Astroblaster]

-naomigd: Added unused/unknown security PIC dumps:
* 253-5508-0352E some mahjong game? [mohamad "The Hedgehog" issawi, colour.thief]
* 253-5508-0456J WCCF 2005-2006 Japan [any]
* 253-5508-0506J unknown Chihiro [Android]

-lua: Added ability to show custom menu. [headkaze]

-fds: Detached the other cart lists. [Reagan Roush]

-zorba: Added software list for floppy disks as well as some documentation to the driver file. [Reagan Roush]

-isbc: Added new isbc 286 rom version v1.0. [Al Kossow]

-isbc_208: Added device. [Carl]
Hola alguien sabia explicarme como hacer para jugar 4 players bueno selecionarlos libremente ?en sunset riders,tnmt ,the simpson etc gracias
Queria preguntar si hay alguna forma de jugar online a los juegos de MAME.
Recuerdo que hace años (lustros) jugaba online al Street Fighter Alpha a traves de Kaillera, pero he ido a la pagina web y esta descontinuado desde el 2003. ¿Hay alguna forma mas moderna de jugar online? o ¿se sigue usando Kaillera aunque sea una version del 2003 (me extraña que funcione en Win10?

Sylvestre escribió:Queria preguntar si hay alguna forma de jugar online a los juegos de MAME.
Recuerdo que hace años (lustros) jugaba online al Street Fighter Alpha a traves de Kaillera, pero he ido a la pagina web y esta descontinuado desde el 2003. ¿Hay alguna forma mas moderna de jugar online? o ¿se sigue usando Kaillera aunque sea una version del 2003 (me extraña que funcione en Win10?


Cody_Travers escribió:
Sylvestre escribió:Queria preguntar si hay alguna forma de jugar online a los juegos de MAME.
Recuerdo que hace años (lustros) jugaba online al Street Fighter Alpha a traves de Kaillera, pero he ido a la pagina web y esta descontinuado desde el 2003. ¿Hay alguna forma mas moderna de jugar online? o ¿se sigue usando Kaillera aunque sea una version del 2003 (me extraña que funcione en Win10?



¿Solo se puede jugar a su lista de juegos? Porque mi intencion era jugar online al Golden Axe 2 arcade.
Están emuladas las maquinas Touch que antes estaban en los bares? que tenían trivial, solitarios etc,etc?
Hola, muy buenas, soy nuevo en este foro, y quiero salir de dudas con respecto al juego Night Slashers de Data East. En mi juventud (tengo 40 tacos jeje), tuve l suerte de poder viciarme a tope con esta recreativa, me molaba ese rollo zombies, Dracula, momias etc...pero lo que más m molaba era la música, era rockera a tope, con unos riffs molones y demás, incluso un amigo y yo la grabamos con una grabadora mientras intentaba no golpear a nadie para luego disfrutarla en nuestros "walkmans", en fin una pasada. La duda viene que hace unos 7años jugué en Mame a las tres versiones que habían pero me daba la sensación de que la música no era la misma, Soñaba como toda con sintetizadores y ni rastro de las guitarras. No se si era cosa mía, o si no estaba bien emulado, el caso es que hace mucho que no toco el mame como he dicho, y quería saber si ha mejorado en algo con respecto a este juego.
Gracias por aguantar tanto toston y espero vuestras respuestas muy pronto. Un saludo
IlloxXx escribió:Hola, muy buenas, soy nuevo en este foro, y quiero salir de dudas con respecto al juego Night Slashers de Data East. En mi juventud (tengo 40 tacos jeje), tuve l suerte de poder viciarme a tope con esta recreativa, me molaba ese rollo zombies, Dracula, momias etc...pero lo que más m molaba era la música, era rockera a tope, con unos riffs molones y demás, incluso un amigo y yo la grabamos con una grabadora mientras intentaba no golpear a nadie para luego disfrutarla en nuestros "walkmans", en fin una pasada. La duda viene que hace unos 7años jugué en Mame a las tres versiones que habían pero me daba la sensación de que la música no era la misma, Soñaba como toda con sintetizadores y ni rastro de las guitarras. No se si era cosa mía, o si no estaba bien emulado, el caso es que hace mucho que no toco el mame como he dicho, y quería saber si ha mejorado en algo con respecto a este juego.
Gracias por aguantar tanto toston y espero vuestras respuestas muy pronto. Un saludo

Me parece que lo que pasa es que te esta jodiendo el "efecto nostalgia" jajaja. Solemos recordar los videojuegos antiguos mas molones de lo que realmente son hoy en dia. Probablemente la música sea la misma, piensa que las roms lo que hacen es emular la placa original de la maquina, no creo que nadie se haya molestado en cambiarle las musicas...

Aqui te dejo la banda sonora del juego, no se como la recordaras, pero es así.

DJSyNcRo escribió:
IlloxXx escribió:Hola, muy buenas, soy nuevo en este foro, y quiero salir de dudas con respecto al juego Night Slashers de Data East. En mi juventud (tengo 40 tacos jeje), tuve l suerte de poder viciarme a tope con esta recreativa, me molaba ese rollo zombies, Dracula, momias etc...pero lo que más m molaba era la música, era rockera a tope, con unos riffs molones y demás, incluso un amigo y yo la grabamos con una grabadora mientras intentaba no golpear a nadie para luego disfrutarla en nuestros "walkmans", en fin una pasada. La duda viene que hace unos 7años jugué en Mame a las tres versiones que habían pero me daba la sensación de que la música no era la misma, Soñaba como toda con sintetizadores y ni rastro de las guitarras. No se si era cosa mía, o si no estaba bien emulado, el caso es que hace mucho que no toco el mame como he dicho, y quería saber si ha mejorado en algo con respecto a este juego.
Gracias por aguantar tanto toston y espero vuestras respuestas muy pronto. Un saludo

Me parece que lo que pasa es que te esta jodiendo el "efecto nostalgia" jajaja. Solemos recordar los videojuegos antiguos mas molones de lo que realmente son hoy en dia. Probablemente la música sea la misma, piensa que las roms lo que hacen es emular la placa original de la maquina, no creo que nadie se haya molestado en cambiarle las musicas...

Aqui te dejo la banda sonora del juego, no se como la recordaras, pero es así.


El efecto nostalgia, ya te digo. En mi mente de niño tengo en la retina unos videojuegos con unos gráficos y música espectacular, pero con el paso del tiempo, parece que los juegos han empeorado (pero solo en muy pocos casos). XD
poseiido escribió:
DJSyNcRo escribió:
IlloxXx escribió:Hola, muy buenas, soy nuevo en este foro, y quiero salir de dudas con respecto al juego Night Slashers de Data East. En mi juventud (tengo 40 tacos jeje), tuve l suerte de poder viciarme a tope con esta recreativa, me molaba ese rollo zombies, Dracula, momias etc...pero lo que más m molaba era la música, era rockera a tope, con unos riffs molones y demás, incluso un amigo y yo la grabamos con una grabadora mientras intentaba no golpear a nadie para luego disfrutarla en nuestros "walkmans", en fin una pasada. La duda viene que hace unos 7años jugué en Mame a las tres versiones que habían pero me daba la sensación de que la música no era la misma, Soñaba como toda con sintetizadores y ni rastro de las guitarras. No se si era cosa mía, o si no estaba bien emulado, el caso es que hace mucho que no toco el mame como he dicho, y quería saber si ha mejorado en algo con respecto a este juego.
Gracias por aguantar tanto toston y espero vuestras respuestas muy pronto. Un saludo

Me parece que lo que pasa es que te esta jodiendo el "efecto nostalgia" jajaja. Solemos recordar los videojuegos antiguos mas molones de lo que realmente son hoy en dia. Probablemente la música sea la misma, piensa que las roms lo que hacen es emular la placa original de la maquina, no creo que nadie se haya molestado en cambiarle las musicas...

Aqui te dejo la banda sonora del juego, no se como la recordaras, pero es así.


El efecto nostalgia, ya te digo. En mi mente de niño tengo en la retina unos videojuegos con unos gráficos y música espectacular, pero con el paso del tiempo, parece que los juegos han empeorado (pero solo en muy pocos casos). XD

También tiene que ver la diferencia de ver los juegos en un monitor arcade de tubo frente a un monitor LCD/LED de los actuales, ya que los juegos estaban diseñados para aprovechar los defectos de aquellos en su favor, mientras que en los monitores actuales se acentúan los defectos y se ven mucho más cuadriculados. Los filtros como el HLSL pueden arreglarlo un poco, pero como un monitor arcade no hay nada.
DJSyNcRo escribió:
IlloxXx escribió:Hola, muy buenas, soy nuevo en este foro, y quiero salir de dudas con respecto al juego Night Slashers de Data East. En mi juventud (tengo 40 tacos jeje), tuve l suerte de poder viciarme a tope con esta recreativa, me molaba ese rollo zombies, Dracula, momias etc...pero lo que más m molaba era la música, era rockera a tope, con unos riffs molones y demás, incluso un amigo y yo la grabamos con una grabadora mientras intentaba no golpear a nadie para luego disfrutarla en nuestros "walkmans", en fin una pasada. La duda viene que hace unos 7años jugué en Mame a las tres versiones que habían pero me daba la sensación de que la música no era la misma, Soñaba como toda con sintetizadores y ni rastro de las guitarras. No se si era cosa mía, o si no estaba bien emulado, el caso es que hace mucho que no toco el mame como he dicho, y quería saber si ha mejorado en algo con respecto a este juego.
Gracias por aguantar tanto toston y espero vuestras respuestas muy pronto. Un saludo

Me parece que lo que pasa es que te esta jodiendo el "efecto nostalgia" jajaja. Solemos recordar los videojuegos antiguos mas molones de lo que realmente son hoy en dia. Probablemente la música sea la misma, piensa que las roms lo que hacen es emular la placa original de la maquina, no creo que nadie se haya molestado en cambiarle las musicas...

Aqui te dejo la banda sonora del juego, no se como la recordaras, pero es así.


Hola DJSyNcRo, gracias respuesta, no lo descarto lo de "efecto nostalgia" :) :) , es muy común con mi edad, y no es que piense que hoy en día no se hacen juegos de calidad, creo que como todo, han evolucionado a otro tipo de jugadores, pero bueno para los de mi edad, gracias a dios tenemos grandes opciones como Mame y demás para seguir disfrutando de estas joyas jeje... Por lo otro he estado buscando la cinta donde grabámos la música pero no la encuentro, tendré que seguir buscando. En cuanto a la música en sí, creo recordar que cuando jugaba en el Mame (hace 7-8 años más o menos) creo que ponía que el juego no estaba al 100% emulado o algo así, no se si eso tendría algo que ver también ... y gracias por el enlace, ya la había escuchado y me sigue pareciendo diferente.... no sé...
gracias por todo amigo.... un saludo
A las buenas!
Tengo un little problem con los efectos del MAME.
Estoy usando MAMEui, y mirando varias configuraciones de hlsl logro que la imagen del juego se vea aceptable, pero no logro curvar la pantalla ni redondear las esquinas.
¿En qué estoy fallando? ¿Alguien podría ayudarme?
Mi mame.ini ahora mismo luce tal que así:

readconfig                1
writeconfig               0

homepath                  .
rompath                   roms
hashpath                  hash
samplepath                samples
artpath                   artwork
ctrlrpath                 ctrlr
inipath                   ini/presets
fontpath                  .
cheatpath                 cheat
crosshairpath             crosshair
pluginspath               plugins
languagepath              language
swpath                    software

cfg_directory             cfg
nvram_directory           nvram
input_directory           inp
state_directory           sta
snapshot_directory        snap
diff_directory            diff
comment_directory         comments

autosave                  0
record_timecode           0
exit_after_playback       0
snapname                  %g/%i
snapsize                  auto
snapview                  internal
snapbilinear              1
statename                 %g
burnin                    0

autoframeskip             0
frameskip                 0
seconds_to_run            0
throttle                  1
sleep                     1
speed                     1.0
refreshspeed              0

keepaspect                1
unevenstretch             1
unevenstretchx            0
unevenstretchy            0
autostretchxy             0
intoverscan               0
intscalex                 0
intscaley                 0

rotate                    1
ror                       0
rol                       0
autoror                   0
autorol                   0
flipx                     0
flipy                     0

artwork_crop              0
use_backdrops             1
use_overlays              1
use_bezels                1
use_cpanels               1
use_marquees              1

brightness                1.0
contrast                  1.0
gamma                     1.0
pause_brightness          0.65
effect                    none

beam_width_min            1.0
beam_width_max            1.0
beam_intensity_weight     0
flicker                   0

samplerate                48000
samples                   1
volume                    0

coin_lockout              1
mouse                     0
joystick                  1
lightgun                  0
multikeyboard             0
multimouse                0
steadykey                 0
ui_active                 0
offscreen_reload          0
joystick_map              auto
joystick_deadzone         0.3
joystick_saturation       0.85
natural                   0
joystick_contradictory    0
coin_impulse              0

paddle_device             keyboard
adstick_device            keyboard
pedal_device              keyboard
dial_device               keyboard
trackball_device          keyboard
lightgun_device           keyboard
positional_device         keyboard
mouse_device              mouse

verbose                   0
log                       0
oslog                     0
debug                     0
update_in_pause           0

comm_localport            15112
comm_remoteport           15112

drc                       1
drc_use_c                 0
drc_log_uml               0
drc_log_native            0
cheat                     1
skip_gameinfo             1
uifont                    default
ui                        cabinet
confirm_quit              0
ui_mouse                  1
autoboot_delay            0
console                   0
plugins                   1
language                  English

uimodekey                 SCRLOCK

uifontprovider            auto

output                    auto

keyboardprovider          auto
mouseprovider             auto
lightgunprovider          auto
joystickprovider          auto

debugger                  auto
debugger_font             auto
debugger_font_size        0
watchdog                  0

numprocessors             auto
bench                     0

video                     auto
numscreens                1
window                    0
maximize                  1
waitvsync                 0
syncrefresh               0
monitorprovider           auto

screen                    auto
aspect                    auto
resolution                auto
view                      auto
screen0                   auto
aspect0                   auto
resolution0               auto
view0                     auto
screen1                   auto
aspect1                   auto
resolution1               auto
view1                     auto
screen2                   auto
aspect2                   auto
resolution2               auto
view2                     auto
screen3                   auto
aspect3                   auto
resolution3               auto
view3                     auto

switchres                 0

filter                    0
prescale                  1

gl_forcepow2texture       0
gl_notexturerect          0
gl_vbo                    1
gl_pbo                    1
gl_glsl                   1
gl_glsl_filter            1
glsl_shader_mame0         /home/user/.mame/osd/shader/glsl_plain
glsl_shader_mame1         /home/user/.mame/osd/CRT-geom
glsl_shader_mame2         none
glsl_shader_mame3         none
glsl_shader_mame4         none
glsl_shader_mame5         none
glsl_shader_mame6         none
glsl_shader_mame7         none
glsl_shader_mame8         none
glsl_shader_mame9         none
glsl_shader_screen0       none
glsl_shader_screen1       none
glsl_shader_screen2       none
glsl_shader_screen3       none
glsl_shader_screen4       none
glsl_shader_screen5       none
glsl_shader_screen6       none
glsl_shader_screen7       none
glsl_shader_screen8       none
glsl_shader_screen9       none

sound                     auto
audio_latency             2

bgfx_path                 bgfx
bgfx_backend              auto
bgfx_debug                0
bgfx_screen_chains        default
bgfx_shadow_mask          slot-mask.png
bgfx_avi_name             auto

priority                  0
profile                   0

menu                      0

hlsl_enable 1
hlslpath hlsl
hlsl_ini_read 0
hlsl_ini_write 0
hlslini foo
hlsl_prescale_x 0
hlsl_prescale_y 0
hlsl_preset -1
hlsl_snap_width 2048
hlsl_snap_height 1536
shadow_mask_alpha 0.05
shadow_mask_texture aperture.png
shadow_mask_x_count 320
shadow_mask_y_count 240
shadow_mask_usize 0.093750
shadow_mask_vsize 0.109375
curvature 0.000000
pincushion 0.030000
scanline_alpha 0.600000
scanline_size 1.000000
scanline_height 1.000000
scanline_bright_scale 1.000000
scanline_bright_offset 0.600000
scanline_jitter 0.000000
defocus 1.500000,1.500000
converge_x -0.300000,0.000000,0.000000
converge_y -0.300000,0.000000,0.000000
radial_converge_x 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
radial_converge_y 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
red_ratio 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000
grn_ratio 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000
blu_ratio 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000
saturation 1.050000
offset 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
scale 1.020000,1.020000,1.020000
power 1.300000,1.300000,1.300000
floor 0.020000,0.020000,0.020000
phosphor_life 0.100000,0.100000,0.100000

yiq_enable 0
yiq_cc 3.59754545
yiq_a 0.5
yiq_b 0.5
yiq_o 0.0
yiq_p 1.0
yiq_n 1.0
yiq_y 3.0
yiq_i 1.2
yiq_q 0.6
yiq_scan_time 52.6
yiq_phase_count 2

vector_beam_smooth        0.0
vector_length_scale       0.8
vector_length_ratio       40.0

bloom_blend_mode          0
bloom_scale               0.0
bloom_overdrive           1.0,1.0,1.0
bloom_lvl0_weight         1.000000
bloom_lvl1_weight         0.320000
bloom_lvl2_weight         0.16
bloom_lvl3_weight         0.08
bloom_lvl4_weight         0.04
bloom_lvl5_weight         0.02
bloom_lvl6_weight         0.02
bloom_lvl7_weight         0.01
bloom_lvl8_weight         0.01

triplebuffer              0
full_screen_brightness    1.0
full_screen_contrast      1.0
full_screen_gamma         1.0

global_inputs             0
dual_lightgun             0

Muchas gracias de antemano.
Hola a todos,
Papa Noel me ha traido un portatil y, por otras mas cosas, me gustaria usarlo para emular maquinas arcades. He visto que esta disponible la version 0.181 del mame pero, antes de instalarlo, me gustaria saber unas cosillas :
puedo descargarme qualquier roms set o ¿tengo que descargarme roms solo para esta version de mame?
¿funciona el pad de ps4 via blutooth?
y, otra cosa, mi portatil es un ideapad 310 con 8 gb de ram, un procesador amd A10 y una tarjeta grafica principal radeon r5 y una tarjeta grafica conectada (..no se muy bien que quiere decir, pero, a si lo pone mi pc..) radeon r6 m435dx..todos esos numeros y nombres ¿valen para que el mame y las roms mas nuevesillas puedan funcionar bien?

gracias por vuestra ayuda compañeros, un saludo.
simmolick escribió:Hola a todos,
Papa Noel me ha traido un portatil y, por otras mas cosas, me gustaria usarlo para emular maquinas arcades. He visto que esta disponible la version 0.181 del mame pero, antes de instalarlo, me gustaria saber unas cosillas :
puedo descargarme qualquier roms set o ¿tengo que descargarme roms solo para esta version de mame?
¿funciona el pad de ps4 via blutooth?
y, otra cosa, mi portatil es un ideapad 310 con 8 gb de ram, un procesador amd A10 y una tarjeta grafica principal radeon r5 y una tarjeta grafica conectada (..no se muy bien que quiere decir, pero, a si lo pone mi pc..) radeon r6 m435dx..todos esos numeros y nombres ¿valen para que el mame y las roms mas nuevesillas puedan funcionar bien?

gracias por vuestra ayuda compañeros, un saludo.

Hola! Voy a intentar repsonderte lo mejor que pueda.

Para que no tengas problemas, lo mejor es que uses el romset correspondiente para la versión que vas a utilizar.
Si consigues conectar el pad de PS4 a Windows, con MAME no tendrás ningun problema para utilizarlo.
El tema de rendimiento, lo mejor es que lo pruebes tu mismo, yo siempre pruebo el Tekken3, y si ese va a 60fps, significa que podrás tirar bien la mayoría de juegos.

Un saludo!
poseiido escribió:
simmolick escribió:Hola a todos,
Papa Noel me ha traido un portatil y, por otras mas cosas, me gustaria usarlo para emular maquinas arcades. He visto que esta disponible la version 0.181 del mame pero, antes de instalarlo, me gustaria saber unas cosillas :
puedo descargarme qualquier roms set o ¿tengo que descargarme roms solo para esta version de mame?
¿funciona el pad de ps4 via blutooth?
y, otra cosa, mi portatil es un ideapad 310 con 8 gb de ram, un procesador amd A10 y una tarjeta grafica principal radeon r5 y una tarjeta grafica conectada (..no se muy bien que quiere decir, pero, a si lo pone mi pc..) radeon r6 m435dx..todos esos numeros y nombres ¿valen para que el mame y las roms mas nuevesillas puedan funcionar bien?

gracias por vuestra ayuda compañeros, un saludo.

Hola! Voy a intentar repsonderte lo mejor que pueda.

Para que no tengas problemas, lo mejor es que uses el romset correspondiente para la versión que vas a utilizar.
Si consigues conectar el pad de PS4 a Windows, con MAME no tendrás ningun problema para utilizarlo.
El tema de rendimiento, lo mejor es que lo pruebes tu mismo, yo siempre pruebo el Tekken3, y si ese va a 60fps, significa que podrás tirar bien la mayoría de juegos.

Un saludo!

Gracias por contestar compañero. Lo que si..¿como se qual es el romset correspondientes a la ultima version del mame?
Hola, ¿en las últimas versiones os funciona el Battletoads?, es que al arrancar siempre me dice que faltan archivos...

Hola , tengo un problemilla con el grovymame , he actualizado a la ultima version 0.181d3d9ex , la opcion de video esta 3d3 , pero me da un error en los plugins os pongo lo que me sale.

Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\coro-channel\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\coro-fs\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\coro-http\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\coro-net\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\coro-tls\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\coro-wrapper\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\dummy\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\http-codec\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\json\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\mime\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\path\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\pretty-print\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\querystring\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\weblit\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\webserver\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
Unable to parse plugin definition file plugins\websocket-codec\plugin.json. Errors returned:
Missing a name for object member.
[LUA ERROR] in run: plugins\boot.lua:2: module 'luv' not found:
        no field package.preload['luv']
        no file 'C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\lua\luv.lua'
        no file 'C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\lua\luv\init.lua'
        no file 'C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\luv.lua'
        no file 'C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\luv\init.lua'
        no file 'C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\..\share\lua\5.3\luv.lua'
        no file 'C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\..\share\lua\5.3\luv\init.lua'
        no file '.\luv.lua'
        no file '.\luv\init.lua'
        no file 'C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\luv.dll'
        no file 'C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\..\lib\lua\5.3\luv.dll'
        no file 'C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\loadall.dll'
        no file '.\luv.dll'

el path de los plugins esta bien en pluginspath plugins y como no me entero mucho con el tema de los plugins haber si me podeis echar una mano.

Un Saludo.
Funciona Steam Controller en MAME, desde steam link?
Me gustaría preguntaros una cosa.

Tengo esta versión de mame: Mame Mame plus! 0.119

Tengo esa por el motivo de poder jugar con un amigo online que va de lujo...El problema esta en lo siguiente

Y es que cuando bajo por ejemplo dinamite Cop me da error, hasta me sale en rojo como que no me va a funcionar ¿Se puede hacer algo para que funcione?
Hola chic@s....el caso es que tengo mame de hace tiempo en Windows 7 32 bits y funcionaba perfectamente....el caso es que tuve que formatear y despues de reinstalar todo con sus actualizaciones del Windows update y ahora el mame no me funciona....carga la rom, pantallazo en negro y se cierra con todas las roms y mames distintos. Que puede ser???
Alfalfa escribió:Hola chic@s....el caso es que tengo mame de hace tiempo en Windows 7 32 bits y funcionaba perfectamente....el caso es que tuve que formatear y despues de reinstalar todo con sus actualizaciones del Windows update y ahora el mame no me funciona....carga la rom, pantallazo en negro y se cierra con todas las roms y mames distintos. Que puede ser???

Puede que las roms que intentes ejecutar no sean el romset correspondiente a la version que estas utilizando. Es decir, si tienes la version 0.181, deberías usar el romset de dicha versión la 0.181. Cada version hay cambios en el romset, por lo que si actualizas de version, es recomendable que tambien actualices tu romset para que todo funcione sin problemas.

Espero haberte ayudado.

Un saludo.
Buenas buenas, quisiera preguntar si alguien tiene info sobre la ultima versión de mame 0.182, osea si alguien anduvo averiguando sobre dos instancias de mame por tcp para una partida multiplayer, esto es maso menos el equivalente a que mame al fin se quiere unir al mundo de las partidas online?

Esto lo vi de reojo el otro día en la web de mamedev, pero no se habla mucho al respecto!!

Para quien le interese salió una versión no oficial de mame que emula muy bien el Primal Rage 2. Buscar
MAME4RAGE2. La descarga disponible es sólo para el emulador, la rom y el chd del juego hay que conseguirla por otro lado, ocupa alrededor de 560 mb :-|

Un par de capturas que hice, con el HLSL y el reshade.

@In_Flames_81 Gracias por la info! y que bien se ve ese shader... [babas]
Hay algun sitio donde se pueda descargar regularmente el GroovyMame con los parches nonag (para evitar las pantallas de warning etc)?
Hola chic@s,

Pues tengo actualmente tengo la version de MAME 0.179 y converti mi romset de una version anterior a la 0.179.
No todos los juegos me corren, pero si puedo decir que la mayoria. No los puedo probar todos ya que son miles.

Ahora que salio MAME 0.183, y me he fijado que los desarrolladores, estan actualizando el MAME cada mese en promedio... miren el link de abajo para que miren las fechas:
MAME Announcements

Entonces tendria que cambiar los romset de cada generacion? si es asi, vale la pena hacerlo?

Todavia no logro entender en general el MAME, pero lo poco que he entendido es que los romset de , por ejemplo, la 0.179 no funcionaran en la 0.183, o solo algunos funcionarian.
@bad_boo una vez que estas en una version reciente, yo lo que hago es pasarme por emuparadise y de ahi voy descargando las actualizaciones de las roms de mame, solo tendras que pasar de la por ejemplo 0179 a la 1080, luego a la 1081, 1082 y 1083. son actualizaciones pequeñas, no hace falta nada mas, descomprimes en orden en la carpeta roms sobrescribiendo las anteriores y ya con actualizar el exe del mame a la version de las roms lo tienes todo hecho
alex2005 escribió:@bad_boo una vez que estas en una version reciente, yo lo que hago es pasarme por emuparadise y de ahi voy descargando las actualizaciones de las roms de mame, solo tendras que pasar de la por ejemplo 0179 a la 1080, luego a la 1081, 1082 y 1083. son actualizaciones pequeñas, no hace falta nada mas, descomprimes en orden en la carpeta roms sobrescribiendo las anteriores y ya con actualizar el exe del mame a la version de las roms lo tienes todo hecho

Ah ya veo, entonces lo que descargas son unos pequeños archivos del emuparadise, que los guardas en la carpeta de roms? Si es asi, pues no hay que maravilla, porque yo pensaba que tenias que descargarte toda la libreria de roms de nuevo, o convertirlas con una herramienta.

Gracias por tu respuesta
@bad_boo si, exactamente, es solo descargarlos y descomprimirlos sobreescribiendo las roms que ya existen, que son las que se actualizan en cada version. Es muy sencillo todo cuando se sabe como hacerlo jejeje
@alex2005 gracias por la info, no sabia que era tan sencillo lol.
In_Flames_81 escribió:Para quien le interese salió una versión no oficial de mame que emula muy bien el Primal Rage 2. Buscar
MAME4RAGE2. La descarga disponible es sólo para el emulador, la rom y el chd del juego hay que conseguirla por otro lado, ocupa alrededor de 560 mb :-|

Un par de capturas que hice, con el HLSL y el reshade.


Compañero podrias pasar el .ini con la configuracion hlsl y info de como aplicas el reshade?

Muchas gracias
3268 respuestas