› Foros › Retro y descatalogado › Arcade y emulación
Miguel_Angel_GG escribió:@josete2k
Ahora que me lo has dicho tu si que he visto foros en ingles donde aparece mencionado, pero ayer no me aclaraba.
apachusque escribió:Miguel_Angel_GG escribió:@josete2k
Ahora que me lo has dicho tu si que he visto foros en ingles donde aparece mencionado, pero ayer no me aclaraba.
Hay cada vez más juegos así... Hace años, sólo estaba el neogeo.zip, pero ahora hay bastantes "bios" más. Lo mejor, si te pasa, es que busques el nombre de fichero en google, y te saldrá el fichero ZIP que lo contiene.
Un saludo.
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06980: [Save/Restore] (spec128.cpp) specpls3: Unable to save state (regression). (AJR)
- 06983: [Sound] (mtouchxl.cpp) mtchxl6k (possibly others): All sounds play too fast. (Carl)
- 06984: [Graphics] (esd16.cpp) jumppop, jumppope: Missing graphics in first stage. (AJR)
- 06988: [Crash/Freeze] (kinst.cpp) kinst: Hangs during Attract Mode, noticeable when a fight loads. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 06989: [Sound] (champbas.cpp) champbb2j: AY-3-8910 sound is completely missing (Vas Crabb)
- 06992: [DIP/Input] (hornet.cpp) sscope and clones: Analog inputs do not function. (Ted Green)
- 07006: [Media Support] (at.cpp) atvga, at386, at486: [possible] Unable load Floppy Diskettes. (Carl)
- 07007: [Sound] (renegade.cpp) renegade, kuniokun: BGM stops playing after a while. (AJR)
- 07010: [DIP/Input] (missile.cpp) missile and clones: DIP switch trackball size large/mini labels reversed. (Tafoid)
- 07017: [Sound] (galaxian.cpp) kingball, kingballj: King's voice is not played correctly. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07020: [DIP/Input] (lwings.cpp) trojan and clones: DIP switches incorrectly numbered, and info on unused DIP switches. (Tafoid)
New working machines
El Fin Del Tiempo [Esther Barranco, ARPA, Juegos 2.0, Recreativas.org, Roberto Fresca, The Dumping Union]
Geneve 9640 Mod [Michael Zapf]
Megatouch 7 Encore Edition (9255-90-01 R00, Standard version) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Player's Edge Plus (X000827S+XS000002) Red, White & Blue Slots [Brian Troha]
Player's Edge Plus (X002149P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker [Brian Troha]
R-Zone: Battle Arena Toshinden [hap, Sean Riddle]
New working clones
Apple //e (Spain) [AJR]
Bubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III (Ver 2.5A 1996/02/21) [Arnaldo Abrantes, Pascal Costa]
Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) (Cocamatic bootleg) [Darksoft]
Galaxy Wars II (Defender bootleg) [Juan Romero, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Ghost Pilots (prototype) [Brian Hargrove]
Golden Tee Golf (Joystick, v3.3) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
Gran Rally (Spanish bootleg of Pole Position II) [Jordi Beltran Casany, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Hat Trick Hero '95 (Ver 2.6Asia 1994/11/17) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
Hidden Catch (World) / Tul Lin Gu Lim Chat Ki '98 (Korea) (pcb ver 3.02) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
Jump Coaster (World) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Qunxiong Zhengba / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Feilong Zai Tian /
Sangoku Senki Busyou Souha (ver. M200XX, 200, 100CN) [300wins, Bill D., The Dumping Union]
Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560, earlier) [Razoola]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0472) Deuces Wild Poker [Brian Troha]
Player's Edge Plus (X000057P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker (Stratosphere Players Club) [Kemel Haidar, Brian Troha]
Raiden Fighters (US, newer) [Arzeno Fabrice, The Dumping Union]
Strikers 1945 (World, unprotected) [Blackfish, brizzo, rtw]
Titan (Pac-Man hack) [Craig Anstett, CraftyMech]
Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Germany) [Arzeno Fabrice, The Dumping Union]
Machines promoted to working
War Mission (WM 4/6/87) [Jordi Beltran Casany, Recreativas.org, ArcadeHacker, David Haywood]
Clones promoted to working
Head On (Sidam bootleg, set 2) [Angelo Salese]
Head On 2 (Sidam bootleg) [Angelo Salese]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Hikaru Check ROM Board [coolmod]
Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold (3DO hardware) [incog, The Dumping Union]
Olympia Olytext 20 [Robbbert]
Shootout at Old Tucson (3DO hardware) [incog, The Dumping Union]
Visual 550 [Al Kossow]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Air Hockey (6.12?, encrypted) [unknown]
ALG 3DO Bios [Mr Invader]
Donkey Kong Banana Kingdom (satellite) [Will Richardson, Bill D, The Dumping Union]
Ferrari F355 Challenge (twin/deluxe, prototype) [coolmod]
Power Stone 2 (bootleg) [Arzeno Fabrice, rtw]
Puyo Pop Fever (World) (GDS-0034) [Arzeno Fabrice, rtw]
Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner - GI Kinzen Seiha e no Michi (early development board) [ResO]
The Bally Game Show (LG-6) Germany [PinMAME]
The Bally Game Show (LU-3) Europe [PinMAME]
The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (client) (Rev C) (GDT-0006C) [rtw, ShouTime]
The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (client) (Rev A) (GDT-0019A) [rtw, ShouTime]
The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (server) (Rev A) (GDT-0018A) [rtw, ShouTime]
New working software list additions
300 series Mainframe Tests, 300 series Terminal Emulator, AMS Utilities for 200/300 series, BASIC 4.0 Compiler,
BASIC 5.0 Compiler, CS/80 Exerciser, Digital Filter Design, HP BASIC 4.0, HP BASIC 5.1, HP BASIC 6.4, HP Museum Basic 5 Boot Disc,
HP Pascal 3.22, HP-UX 5.1, Interactive Test Generator, Techwriter, Texteditor for 200/300 series, Wordwise 300 [Sven Schnelle]
DR DOS 6.0 (French), DR DOS 6.0 Business Update (French, 3.5"), DR DOS 6.0 Business Update (French, 5.25") [breiztiger]
PC Games #3, Spontaneous Assembly (Version 2.0) [Foone Turing]
ibm5170: Excel (Version 2.10) [darksabre76]
Ghost Pilots (prototype) [Brian Hargrove]
Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560, earlier) [Razoola]
2601 - Teikoku Kidoubutai no Koubou, 3tsu no Negai, 714 MIDI Jr., 714 MIDI Special, 88 Kantai Monogatari, 98 Eiwa Jiten,
98 Stadium, 98 Stadium 2 - Shouko no Chousen, PC-9801N/NS/NV Teiban Free Software Shuu - 98NOTE no Hissu Aminosan
[Neo Kobe Collection]
sorcerer_cass: Checkers, Cross-Up, How The West Was Won, Lazer Fire, Mine Field, Nuclear Reaction, Pie Lob [Robbbert]
squale_cart: The Squale Intro [Jean-Francois DEL NERO / HxC2001]
Software list items promoted to working
pc98: 0x0F exp.3, 177, The 4th Unit 2 [Carl, r09]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions
ibm5170_cdrom: Jaxis (Japan) [SpinalFeyd]
neogeo: Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner - GI Kinzen Seiha e no Michi (early development board) [ResO]
Source Changes
-esb: Fixed ROM loading bug. [AJR]
-taito_b.cpp: Identified TC0180VCU as source of interrupts and converted to callbacks (timing is still guesswork). [AJR]
-keytronic_pc3270: Corrected INT0 line polarity - fixes keyboard error on tosh1000. [AJR]
-exidy.cpp, victory.cpp: Fully encapsulated audio devices. [AJR]
-atetrisb3: Hooked up microcontroller to get working sound. [AJR]
-i8275 DMA refinements: [AJR]
* Exclude FIFO characters from counting towards filling character buffer.
* Extend DMA up to one character past an "end of DMA" control code.
-wicat: Reduced video glitches with more sensible interrupt handling. [AJR]
-balsente.cpp: Split NVRAM between two X2212 devices. [AJR]
-jedi: Moderate driver overhaul: [AJR]
* Split NVRAM between two 4-bit X2212 devices.
* Guarantee an invalid checksum when default NVRAM data is used (so that the manufacturer's high scores will be installed).
* Modernized sound latches.
* Use WSQ handler to drive TMS5220.
-vta2000: Added speaker sound. [AJR]
-balsente.cpp: Use ACIA devices for sound communication. [AJR]
-x2212: Removed memory interface and cleaned up code. [AJR]
-tms9928a: Exposed internal palette using device_palette_interface. [AJR]
-dynax.cpp: Encapsulated "Rev. 2" blitter as a device. [AJR]
-cidx628: Made this display something again. [AJR]
-tatsumi.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
* Removed an ugly kludge in Round Up 5, fixing soft resets.
* Added vertical text scrolling to Round Up 5.
* Fixed Apache 3 out-of-bounds colors for sprites (trees and buildings).
* Fixed Round Up 5 video priority on map screen after a play.
* Added background bitmap layers to Round Up 5.
* Improved road clipping for Round Up 5.
* Make Cycle Warriors sub CPU not stall on soft reset.
* Added row/column scroll register select for Cycle Warriors and Big Fight.
* Added shadow sprites to Cycle Warriors and Big Fight.
* Inverted Oki status for Cycle Warriors and Big Fight - fixes "we got 'em" sample playback in the former.
* Implemented per-tile high priority and opacity enable bits for Cycle Warriors and Big Fight - fixes several glitches.
* Fixed color banks for Cycle Warriors and Big Fight - fixes fade in/out effects and CRT test colors.
* Applied page wraparound for backgrounds - fixes various glitches in Big Fight and Cycle Warriors.
* Invert shadow product when a specific register is enabled (used by Big Fight to simulate disco strobe lights).
-ninjakd2.cpp: Attempted to fix bullets not shot by enemies in Omega Fighter. [Angelo Salese]
-taitosj.cpp: Added input buttons mode to kikstart. [Angelo Salese]
-trucocl.cpp: Allowed multiple coin insertions. [Angelo Salese]
-cischeat.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
* Fixed road/sprite priorities and long-standing road colors regression in Big Run.
* Hand-tuned sound frequencies to match reference for Big Run.
* Hooked up sprite DMA to Wild Pilot - fixes flickering.
* Added backup RAM to Captain Flag.
-ms1_tmap.cpp: Initialize VRAM to sane default - fixes ugly back pen showing up in Big Run. [Angelo Salese]
-jalmah.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
* Re-wrote video emulation using Mega System 1 tilemap devices.
* Fixed Urashima Mahjong video priority during gameplay (score display and calls).
* Emulated video scrolling partial updates for Urashima Mahjong - fixes winning animations.
* Fixed color protection in Urashima Mahjong (girls and test mode).
* Wrote a preliminary snippet for sound banking in Urashima Mahjong/Mahjong Channel Zoom In/Mahjong Daireikai.
-cyclemb.cpp: Bumped sprite size in Cycle Maabou, fixed some missing sprites (for example in how to play screen). [Angelo Salese]
-Added AppVeyor build configuration. [balrog]
-Added support for building on riscv64, and made m68000 makefile respect the VERBOSE build option. [Belegdol]
-senjyo.cpp: Simplified starforc background color swap. [cam900]
-seta.cpp: Simplified tilemaps and banking, and added output finders. [cam900]
-ms32.cpp: Identified CPU types, fixed audio CPU clock. [cam900]
-fmtowns.cpp: Fixed speaker output level. [cam900]
-vis.cpp: Fixed sample rate divider. [cam900]
-megaplay.cpp: Added notes and flagged imperfect graphics as overlay bitmap is scaled incorrectly. [cam900]
-cybertnk.cpp: Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups, fixed sound output, and added notes. [cam900]
-rltennis.cpp: Converted to object finders. [cam900]
-sf.cpp, ninjakd2.cpp: Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups. [cam900]
-dreamwld.cpp: Documented microcontroller and fixed microcontroller ROM region size. [cam900]
-williams.cpp cleaup: [cam900]
* Reduced runtime tagmap lookups, improved tags, and reduced code duplication.
* Added input_merger for interrupts and output_finder for outputs.
* Converted palette to device.
-m92.cpp updates/cleanup: [cam900]
* Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups, and split up machine configuration and address maps.
* Made EEPROM save/load using NVRAM device.
-neogeo.cpp: Add notes and fixed metadata for kof2003. [cam900]
-powerins.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
* Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups
* Cleaned up ROM loading.
* Converted vertical blanking interrupt to screen vblank callback.
-20pacgal.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
* Converted palette to device.
* Reduced runtime tagmap lookups and deferred allocation to start time.
* Restricted drawing to clipping rectangle.
-ddragon.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
* Replaced runtime tagmap lookups with object finders.
* Converted darktowr bank switching to address_map_bank_device.
* Fixed ADPCM ROM mapping.
-pgmprot_igs027a_type2.cpp: Fixed martmast metadata. [cam900]
-alpha68k.cpp: Reduce runtime tagmap lookups, made tags more meaningful, and improved banking. [cam900]
-shangha3.cpp: Cleaned up Oki banking. [cam900]
-snk.cpp: Reduced runtime tagmap lookups, and separated countryc machine configuration/address map. [cam900]
-Added a Discord presence plugin. [Carl]
-witch.cpp: Attempted to fix garbage graphics after a bonus stage in Keirin Ou. [David Haywood]
-Made floppy emulation more robust, and improved bitstream handling. [John Keoni Morris, Peter Ferrie, O. Galibert]
-markham.cpp updates: [kazblox]
* Improved banbam protection simulation - still imperfect, but all graphics are correct and game doesn't crash.
* Marked microcontroller program as good dump based on observations and Phil Bennett's comments.
-PlayStation GPU: Added missing primitives. [krom]
-buggychl.cpp: Changed microcontroller clock speed to 3 MHz as shown on schematics, and added notes. [Lord Nightmare]
-TMS5220 updates: [Lord Nightmare]
* Removed unused time_to_ready and cycles_to_ready functions.
* Fixed race condition with m_buffer_low and m_buffer_empty flags not being updated before setting interrupt state.
* Fixed issue where Speak VSM command produces endless silence with no VSM connected.
* Suppressed side effects on debugger reads.
* Fixed conditions for asserting ready signal, and zero FIFO at appropriate times.
-Apple II: Re-implemented Echo II read/write flags and write latch based on hardware tracing. [Lord Nightmare, Tony Diaz]
-alien.cpp: Added hand-made boot ROMs for Pingu's Ice Block, and documented known games. [MetalliC]
-geneve: Added BIOS options for selecting boot ROM, and made genmod a separate machine. [Michael Zapf]
-upd765: Clear ST1.ND on ID scan failure, implemented head load delay, and improved logging. [Michael Zapf]
-debugger: Added command for go_exception, and made save/load aware of address translation. [Patrick Mackinlay]
-sonydriv: Fixed issues with the 3.5" drive reporting disk switches on Apple IIgs and Mac drivers. [R. Belmont]
-zaurus.cpp: Converted to new PXA255 peripheral device interface. [Robbbert]
-apc: Reduced runtime tagmap lookups. [Ryan Holtz]
-kbdc8042: Added rudimentary PS/2 mouse support. [Ryan Holtz]
-indy_indigo2: Added mouse cursor support to Newport graphics emulation. [Ryan Holtz]
-39in1: Split Intel XScale PXA255 peripherals into a separate device. [Ryan Holtz]
-mips3: Added disassembler for Emotion Engine core opcodes. [Ryan Holtz]
-vgmplay: Added playback controls and activity indicators. [Ryan Holtz, Tafoid, Vas Crabb]
-sblaster: Implemented direct DAC mode - successfully tested in Scream Tracker 2.2. [shattered]
-ec1841: Added mouse emulation (Logitech bus mouse protocol). [shattered]
-Dreamcast: Made GD_LEND return bytes transferred by DMA rather than bytes remaining - allows Daytona USA 2001 to boot.
-Added HP98543 medium-resolution color graphics card emulation. [Sven Schnelle]
-hp9k_3xx improvements: [Sven Schnelle]
* Fixed keyboard microcontroller part number.
* Removed BASIC ROM cards from the default configuration as booting from floppy works now.
* Hooked up NMI line to keyboard controller.
* Split out common machine configuration.
-Added HP9122 floppy drive emulation. [Sven Schnelle]
-m68000: Fixed carry flag in divs instruction, and fixed pack instructions. [Sven Schnelle]
-6840ptm: Fixed divide-by-8 mode. [Sven Schnelle]
-topcat: Improved window mover and fixed cursor handling bugs. [Sven Schnelle]
* Allows Pascal and other software to show something after boot on hp9k_3xx.
-voodoo: Reinstated texture address masking - fixes segmentation fault in warfa. [Ted Green]
-hornet: Added separate DIP switch settings for gradius4 - allows gun to work with default settings in terabrst and sscope.
[Ted Green]
-Updated DCS audio to get sf2049 closer to working. [Ted Green]
-Made ROM BIOS macros more intuitive to use, and added a validity check for unselectable BIOS ROMs. [Vas Crabb]
-Machine configuration improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Reduced code duplication in addrmap.h and added support for object finders in more places in memory maps.
* Allowed implicit references to owner device in address maps.
* Improved syntax for specifying address maps and screen update functions in machine configuration without macros.
* Reduced overloading of member function names - it's less practical without macro helpers selecting desired overload.
* Consider floating point epsilon when validating crystal values.
-Cleaned up bulk refactoring of output code. [Wilbert Pol]
-asteroid.cpp: Documented Asteroid Deluxe Revision 3 changes, and corrected Difficulty DIP switch settings. [Brian Troha]
-naomi.cpp: Added an alternate Ferrari F355 Challenge 2 program ROM dump. [coolmod]
-polepos.cpp: Dumped the missing PROMs for grally and confirmed they match the ones from the other bootlegs.
[Jordi Beltran Casany, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
-bking.cpp: Updated ROM labels for bking2. [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]
-pc98 software list updates: [r09]
* Re-tested software with current MAME.
* Corrected titles and re-labeled disks with their actual names.
* Added usage notes for software that needs DOS.
* Removed user disks from games where they aren't included in the original box, and the user is expected to create them.
* Removed floppies for CD games that already exist in the CD software list.
* Removed notes stating that the FDD format is not supported, as this is no longer true.
-neogeo.cpp: Added Japan NEO-MVH MV1C BIOS. [Razoola]
-alien.cpp: Re-dumped Pingu's Ice Block CompactFlash card. [ShouTime, Dane Biegert, The Dumping Union]
Chopsui escribió:Buenas ¿podríais recomendarme algún título de lucha que sea con cuatro botones en lugar de seis?
No se si soy un bicho raro pero no me gustan nada los juegos de lucha con 6 botones, eso de usar gatillos en este género lo llevo fatal.
Chopsui escribió:@weirdzod Gracias! voy directo a por él
Chopsui escribió:@weirdzod Gracias! voy directo a por él
ziu escribió:Hola,
Por qué en el mane no se puede editar los controles?
Me encuentro que tengo pads digitales que solo funciona la dirección con el analógico,
Cómo puedo cambiarlo de forma sencilla en w10?
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04621: [Timing] (ironhors.cpp) ironhors: 30fps framerate seems abnormal. (Angelo Salese)
- 07027: [Sound] (vegas.cpp) warfa (and maybe clones): DCS2 OS Version Test Failed. (Ted Green)
New working machines
Acorn System 5 [Nigel Barnes]
New working clones
Acorn System 2 [Nigel Barnes]
Acorn System 3 (6502 CPU) [Nigel Barnes]
Acorn System 4 [Nigel Barnes]
Air Rescue (World) [Porchy, Muddymusic, The Dumping Union]
Apache 3 (rev E) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Hayaoshi Quiz Nettou Namahousou (ver 1.2) [Apocalypse, The Dumping Union]
Led Storm Rally 2011 (US, prototype 12) [system11, Coolfox, The Dumping Union]
Milmar Laser //c [R. Belmont, Peter Ferrie, KansasFest 2018]
Pink Sweets: Suicide Club (2017/10/31 SUICIDECLUB VER., bootleg) [MetalliC]
Raiden DX (Portugal) [Jorge Silva, Atro, Kravex]
Scramble (bootleg, set 2) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Mstreet-6, bootleg, set 1) [TwistedTom]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Mstreet-6, bootleg, set 2) [TwistedTom]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Mstreet-6, bootleg, set 3) [TwistedTom]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Boris - Electronic Chess Computer [TrevEB, Sean Riddle, The Dumping Union]
Captain Zodiac [Siftware]
CMS 6502 Development System [Nigel Barnes]
DECstation 5000/133 [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
Donkey Kong / Donkey Kong Jr / Mario Bros [Michael Moffitt, coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Fever Chance [GoneMad]
iPhone (A1203) [MoochMcGee]
Marbella Vice [Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Topaz (Inder) [PinMAME]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Jokerz! (G-4) [PinMAME]
Safe Cracker (1.0) [PinMAME]
New working software list additions
acrnsys_flop: Atom/System 3 File Server, System 3 Utilities, System 5 File Server, System BBC BASIC [Nigel Barnes]
acrnsys_rom: Econet 2.40, Econet 3.40, Econet 3.50 [Nigel Barnes]
3D Monster Craze, 6845p, Aide (Label-Procedures) (Fra), Backgammon, Battle Brick, Card Index (96K), Centipede, Chopin (Fra),
Cinema (96K), Colossal Adventure, Compass, Dam Buster, Deathball, Digger Man, Disassembler (Fra), Dungeon Adventure, Floyds Bank,
Games Pack III, Games Pack IV, Gobble de Spook, Grid Trap (Fra), Generateur Basic (Fra), Generateur de Caracteres (96K)(Fra),
Hangman, Hi-Lo (96K), IntelTab (96K)(Fra), Introductory Tape (48K), L'odyssee d'Asterix (96K)(Fra), Labyrinthe (Fra),
LogiChess 2.2, Lynx Composer (96K), Lynx Disassembler (Fra), Lynx Invaders, Lynx Muncher, MODER-80, Mastermind (96K)(Fra),
Maths (Fra), Maxi-Mots (96K)(Fra), Mazeman, Mined Out, Moonfall, Moonfall (Fra), Music Master, Nuclear Invaders, Numerons (Fra),
Oh Mummy, Panik, Pengo, Planets, Power Blaster, Racer, Rising Moon, Rocketman, ScrabLynx (96K)(Fra), Screen Dump, Siege Attack,
Space Trek, Spellbound, Star Rover, The Forest (96K), The Worm, The Worm (96K)(Fra), Treasure Island, Triangles (96K),
Tron Blocker (96K)(Fra), Twinkle, Word Processor, Ynxvaders, Zombie Panic (Fra) [Nigel Barnes]
PC Globe 3.0, PC Globe 5.0 (Spanish), PC Globe 5.04, Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula (3.5") [ArcadeShadow]
Cadaver (5.25"), Cadaver (3.5") [Chism]
Cadaver (3.5", Quest and Glory Compilation) [Justin Kerk]
LucasArts Air Combat Classics, The Incredible Machine (alt), The Incredible Machine 2 [ArcadeShadow]
Excel (Version 3.0a) [darksabre76]
MS-DOS (Version 6.22, Thai) [Justin Kerk]
st_flop: STE Language Disk (Swe, Rev. B) [FakeShemp]
Ajisai (ldb_x68k conversion), Camerot (ldb_x68k conversion), Choro Choro, Choro Choro (ldb_x68k conversion),
Cuarto (ldb_x68k conversion), Dungeon Management (ldb_x68k conversion), Galseed II (ldb_x68k conversion), Kurupon, Leshies,
My Today's Job (ldb_x68k conversion), Over Driver, Programan Ace -Source68, Sekai Seifuku Set (ldb_x68k conversion), Stein
New NOT_WORKING software list additions
acrnsys_rom: System/3 Econet 1.48 [Nigel Barnes]
ibm5150: PC Globe 4.0 [ArcadeShadow]
ibm5170: POWER DoLLS [Justin Kerk]
pc88va: Tetris (Bullet-Proof Software) [r09]
Source Changes
-Standardized order of "On"/"Off" items in UI menus with "On" consistently to the right of "Off". [AJR]
-x68000: Compute refresh rates from CRTC parameters and known crystal values. [AJR]
-Eliminated "Atari VG EAROM" in favor of newer ER2055 device. [AJR]
-z8: Added dump of pre-programmed Z8671 MCU with BASIC/DEBUG interpreter. [AJR]
-x68000: Separated VINAS/VICON CRTC device. [AJR]
-cischeat.cpp: Improvements: [Angelo Salese]
* Reworked interrupt generation, and fixed attract mode de-synchronization in Big Run.
* Fixed Grand Prix Star stuck tyre sprite in attract mode.
-ironhors.cpp: Changed Iron Horse frame rate to 61 Hz. [Angelo Salese]
-sigmab52.cpp: Changed frame rate to 60 Hz. [Angelo Salese]
-tetrisp2.cpp: Added support for YUV422 colors in Stepping Stage. [Angelo Salese]
-amstrad: Added a device for PPI clone implemented by the Amstrad Plus ASIC, and used it for the Plus and GX4000. [Barry Rodewald]
* Fixes Plus detection in some games, and correctly breaks inputs in Barbarian.
-taito_b.cpp, tc0180vcu.cpp: Cleanup: [cam900]
* Moved TC0180VCU functionality from driver state class to device class and internalized graphics decoding.
* Deferred allocation of buffers to start time.
* Removed unused/redundant code.
-lastduel.cpp: Cleanup: [cam900]
* Improved tag and variable naming, reduced code duplication, and reduced runtime tag map lookups.
* Added a palette decoder function for palette.
-seta001.cpp: Deferred allocation to start time and cleaned up code. [cam900]
-srmp2.cpp, thedealr.cpp, seta.cpp, champbwl.cpp: Reduced runtime tag lookups and cleaned up code. [cam900]
-taito_x.cpp: Cleanup: [cam900]
* Split out common parts of memory maps, and separated kyustrkr machine configuration.
* Reduced runtime tag map lookups.
-atarigt.cpp, cage.cpp, metalmx.cpp: Minor cleanup and runtime tag map lookup reduction. [cam900]
-nmk16.cpp: Updates and cleanup: [cam900]
* Reduced code duplication, improved tags, modernized banking, and reduced runtime tag map lookups.
* Implemented sprite and palette size limits.
* Added bad dump flag to ROMs in tdragon3h set sourced from a different PCB.
* Improved save state support.
-unico.cpp: Cleanup: [cam900]
* Improved member names and tags.
* Deferred video RAM allocation to start time.
* Reduced runtime tag map lookups and ACCESSING_BITS checks.
* Added palette decoder function.
-silkroad.cpp: Reduced redundant/unused code, and reduced ACCESSING_BITS checks. [cam900]
-drgnmst.cpp: Reduced code duplication and added palette decoder function. [cam900]
-namcoic.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding/manipulation and reduced code duplication. [cam900]
* Also moved Namco NB-2 ROZ banking to namconb1.cpp driver.
-vgmplay.cpp: Fixed NMK112 bank table mask, and added support for Irem GA20, RF5C68, and RF5C164. [cam900]
-c140.cpp, c45.cpp, namco_c139.cpp: Cleaned up code, removed MCFG_ macros, and added object finders. [cam900]
-namcona1.cpp, tceptor2.cpp: Minor cleanup. [cam900]
-namcos2.cpp: Split out common C116 configuration and removed MCFG_ macros. [cam900]
-bbusters.cpp: Split out mechatt state class, reduced runtime tag map lookup, and simplified graphics decoding. [cam900]
-m107.cpp: Added buffered sprite RAM device, and split machine configuration according to ROM size/banking. [cam900]
-lynx.cpp: Modernized banking, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and cleaned up palette code. [cam900]
-argus.cpp: Cleanup: [cam900]
* Improved argus tilemap handling and added MACHINE_NO_COCKTAIL as scrolling is wrong when flipped.
* Moved butasan tilemap scanning into mapper function.
* Reduced code duplication.
-realbrk.cpp: Fixed sprite priority, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and added notes. [cam900]
-sknsspr.cpp: Implemented bitmap clearing disable bit (used by galpani3). [cam900]
-suprnova.cpp: Restricted bitmap drawing to clipping rectangle. [cam900]
-galpani3.cpp: Implemented/fixed some effects and added notes. [cam900]
* Fixes background color fading in intro, and girl display in stage start.
-kaneko_grap2.cpp: Added device_palette_interface for palette. [cam900]
-Made many class members private and removed dead code exposed. [David Haywood]
-315_5124.cpp: Updates and improvements: [Enik Land]
* Renamed Game Gear VDP to 315-5377 to match the maintenance manual.
* Added a device to support behaviour specific to the 315-5313 in mode 4.
* Made 315-5377 (Game Gear) and 315-5212 (Mega Drive) derive from 315-5256 (SMS2) rather than 314-5124 (SMS1).
* Improved timing behaviour (verified with Flubba's VDP Test for 315-5313 in mode 4).
* Emulated sprite status register bits indicating first sprite that overflows.
* Implemented sprite zoom limit for 315-5124/315-5313.
* Fixed incorrect scrolling exhibited in Charles' scrolling test.
* Improved color of leftmost column in mode 4 when fine scroll is applied.
* Implemented display mode 1 (text) and mode 3 (multicolor).
-Fixed crash when running a DRC CPU core under Emscripten (github #2794). [Justin Kerk]
-cassette.cpp: Fixed handling of multi-channel reads. [Frank Palazzolo]
-Added ARM1176JZF-S CPU device. [MoochMcGee]
-i386: Fixed two cppcheck warnings. [MoochMcGee]
-Added Acorn Bus slot devices. [Nigel Barnes]
* For Acorn Atom: AtomSID, Acorn Atom Disc Pack, Econet Board.
* For Acorn System: 32K Dynamic RAM Board, 8K Static RAM Board, Cassette Interface Board, Econet Board,
Floppy Disc Controller Board, 40 Column VDU Board, 80x25 VDU Board, Versatile Interface Board.
* For CMS: CMS 40/80 Video Terminal Card, CMS Floppy Disc Controller, CMS High Resolution Colour Graphics Card.
-a6809: Renamed to acrnsys3_6809, and rewrote with card slot devices. [Nigel Barnes]
-ef9365: Clear frame buffer memory on reset. [Nigel Barnes]
-camplynx_cas: Added support for multiple files (concatenated) in TAP file. [Nigel Barnes]
-emumem: Replaced with new, modernized back-end. [O. Galibert]
-williams.cpp, wmg.cpp: Removed hard-coded default service button assignments. [OzFalcon]
-interpro.cpp: Improved to the point where CLIX boots on the ip2000. [Patrick Mackinlay]
* Includes re-written IOGA interrupt and DMA handling, and fixes for CPU and MMU issues.
-nscsi: Added support for CD-ROM drives with 512-byte blocks (required for many UNIX workstations). [Patrick Mackinlay]
* Also added stubs for "prevent/allow medium removal", and improved hard disk "inquiry" command behaviour.
-apple2e updates: [R. Belmont]
* Added debugger guards to avoid accidentally banking out ROM.
* Fixed floating bus reads - synchronizes Talbot Fantasy Seven credits screen.
-apple2gs: Re-wrote driver using address map bank device. [R. Belmont]
-apple2gs: Fixed issues with Jam Session and ACS Demo Disk #2. [R. Belmont]
-es5503: Fixed bad playback of synthLAB sampled-attack looped-sustain instruments. [R. Belmont]
-z80scc: Fixed transmit interrupt behavior that was locking up the Apple IIgs [R. Belmont, Patrick Mackinlay]
-mc146818: Added support for direct-access bus hook-up method used by MIPS DECstations. [R. Belmont]
-trs80 work in progress: [Robbbert]
* Split into separate sources.
* Fixed UI paste/natural keyboard.
* Added UART, RS-232, and Baud rate clock/BRG depending on hardware.
* Fixed UART status on sys80.
* Fixed cassette waveform.
* Tidied up and modernised code.
* Added monitor documentation.
-ht1080z: Added ay8910. [Robbbert]
-ps2sony: Fleshed out the skeleton driver. [Ryan Holtz]
* Added device to encapsulate PlayStation 2 timers.
* Temporarily hacked R5900 core to always have scratchpad RAM mapped at 0x70000000.
* Added reference counting to divtlb so it does not unmap pages that are still shared with other entries.
* Added skeleton GIF, VIF1 and GS devices.
-mips3: Added basic Emotion Engine support. [Ryan Holtz]
-kr03: Defined native keyboard layout (partially addresses MT05818). [shattered]
-PowerVR2: re-implemented color calculation. [snickerbockers]
-Moved instantiation of device_finder for interface classes from implementation sources to interface sources. [Stefan Bruns]
* Avoids multiple explicit instantiations with the same template arguments.
-devcb: Replaced with new, more flexible implementation. [Vas Crabb]
* Converted a number of devices and drivers to use the newly supported less macro-dependent syntax.
-Layout system improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Allow screens to be referenced by tag in layouts.
* Allow an internal layout to be supplied per device rather than just per system, with relative screen and input tags.
* Improved view generation and selection for systems with two screens.
* Added support for user variables and repetition in layouts, and converted a number of layouts.
-v550: Added keyboard program ROM dump. [Al Kossow]
-Added skeleton device for WD1007A ESDI hard disk controller. [Al Kossow]
-hiscore.dat: Updated for recent changes. [Leezer]
-x68k_flop: Updates: [Wayder]
* Organised and corrected entries, and replaced disk images with new dumps.
* Removed Ninin Battle (Alt) - it's a modified copy.
* Updated/corrected missing dumps, release years, and Japanese titles.
-ibm5170: Fixed typo in interface for Turbo Pascal 6.01 (German). [xinyingho]
aki7 escribió:Pues ya estamos en la versión 0.2000.200
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Marbella Vice [Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
kaironman escribió:aki7 escribió:Pues ya estamos en la versión 0.2000.200
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Marbella Vice [Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Qué ganas de jugarlo.
EL PIxXxA escribió:kaironman escribió:aki7 escribió:Pues ya estamos en la versión 0.2000.200
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Marbella Vice [Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Qué ganas de jugarlo.
Si aun no funciona no?
Pone not working
daniel39 escribió:cual es la version de mame mas actualizada que hay para windows 10? cual es el mejor emulador que hay de mame actualmente?
elneocs escribió:Me llego un sobrino con un pedido, le regalaron una netbook Lenovo de estas Atom viejunas con 1gb ram ddr2 y una grafica integrada intel gma950 y quiere jugar "juegos de los de antes" y se me ocurrio ponerle entre otras cosas, el MAME pero lo que quiero preguntaros es:
¿Que version o build de MAME usar en una PC con ese hard tan debil?
He estado leyendo que las 0.160 corren bien en PIII/PIV asi que mas o menos irian alli los tiros.
Sorprendentemente la pantalla LCD que monta tiene una res nativa de 1024x600, pero puede mostrar 240p. Se ve regular sin scanlines pero con scanlines de estos basicos se ve MUY bien (Probado con un emu de snes).
josete2k escribió:Mame como tal alberga arcade y consolas...
O sea, mame=mamearcade+mess
Para una recre suelo compilar la versión arcade porque ocupa menos y realmente sólo necesito que emule juegos arcade.
apachusque escribió:josete2k escribió:Mame como tal alberga arcade y consolas...
O sea, mame=mamearcade+mess
Para una recre suelo compilar la versión arcade porque ocupa menos y realmente sólo necesito que emule juegos arcade.
Y ya, rizar el rizo es quitar los drivers "mierder" que ocupan más de la mitad de gigas de MAME (pinballs, poker, y todas esas ROMS que empiezan por m4, m3, etc.).
MESS es lo que menos ocupa, realmente.
Un saludo.
josete2k escribió:apachusque escribió:josete2k escribió:Mame como tal alberga arcade y consolas...
O sea, mame=mamearcade+mess
Para una recre suelo compilar la versión arcade porque ocupa menos y realmente sólo necesito que emule juegos arcade.
Y ya, rizar el rizo es quitar los drivers "mierder" que ocupan más de la mitad de gigas de MAME (pinballs, poker, y todas esas ROMS que empiezan por m4, m3, etc.).
MESS es lo que menos ocupa, realmente.
Un saludo.
Pero eso es cosa de roms, no de programa.
Yo tengo las working sólo gracias a los dat de @insertmorecoins (aunque sus dat me borraron todas las bios y tuve que hace un apaño).
Compiling resources scripts/resources/windows/mame/mame.rc...
Linking mamearcade.exe...
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x32/Release/mame_arcade/liboptional.a(ps2gs.o):ps2gs.cpp:(.text+0x4de): undefined reference to `vtable for device_finder<ps2_intc_device, true>'
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x32/Release/mame_arcade/liboptional.a(ps2gs.o):ps2gs.cpp:(.text$_ZN3emu6detail21device_type_impl_base13create_deviceI13ps2_gs_deviceEESt10unique_ptrI8device_tSt14default_deleteIS5_EERKS1_RK14machine_configPKcPS5_j[__ZN3emu6detail21device_type_impl_base13create_deviceI13ps2_gs_deviceEESt10unique_ptrI8device_tSt14default_deleteIS5_EERKS1_RK14machine_configPKcPS5_j]+0xb3): undefined reference to `vtable for device_finder<ps2_intc_device, true>'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
mamearcade.make:252: recipe for target '../../../../../mamearcade.exe' failed
make[2]: *** [../../../../../mamearcade.exe] Error 1
makefile:409: recipe for target 'mamearcade' failed
make[1]: *** [mamearcade] Error 2
makefile:1052: recipe for target 'windows_x86' failed
make: *** [windows_x86] Error 2
frikidaguel escribió:@josete2k no tenia ni idea de la existencia de MESS, cada dia aprendo algo nuevo, muchas gracias por la respuesta!
AlterNathan escribió:@Nexus_VII ¿Y no serán samples? Normalmente van separados con las roms por eso no te las encuentra.
josete2k escribió:@apachusque
Yo tengo W7 32 bit así que tengo que renegarme a msys32 donde además make.exe no funciona salvo la versión de 2016.
Hasta ahora habría dicho que es problema de mi compilador pero viendo que le pasa a más gente...
josete2k escribió:@Hodor gracias.
Justo pedí registro en los foros de mamedev para comentarlo y acaba de llegarme la aceptación.
Ya no tengo que buscar.
Gracias... Luego lo pruebo.
GroovyMame Arcade 32 bit
http://www.mediafire.com/file/9k4uluw7u ... 0.rar/file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
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InsertMoreCoins escribió:@StevenCostner Lo del cuadradito lo hago intencionadamente porque si voy a un local y veo que están usando mi compilación cobrando a la gente que juega,podría ('si quisiera') tomar medidas al respecto ya que mi parche mete en el código fuente una clausula ante ese posible uso.
Lo del bezel vertical y horizontal se puede hacer en cualquier compilación que uno quiera hacerse, simplemente hay que editar los ficheros vertical.lay y horizontal.lay en la ruta
Y asi podrás tener una compilación con bezels por defecto, tanto en vertical como en horizontal
dentro de esos ficheros deberéis de tener algo parecido a esto (teniendo en cuenta el bezel que vais a meter)
Ejemplo de vertical.lay<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mamelayout version="2">
<element name="backdrop">
<image file="nombredelbezel.png" />
<view name="Generic_Artwork">
<screen index="0">
<bounds x="700" y="0" width="1800" height="2400" />
<backdrop element="backdrop">
<bounds x="0" y="0" width="3200" height="2400" />
<view name="Standard (3:4)">
<screen index="0">
<bounds left="0" top="0" right="3" bottom="4" />
<view name="Pixel Aspect (~scr0nativeyaspect~:~scr0nativexaspect~)">
<screen index="0">
<bounds left="0" top="0" right="~scr0height~" bottom="~scr0width~" />
<view name="Cocktail">
<screen index="0">
<bounds x="-3.03" y="0" width="3" height="4" />
<orientation rotate="180" />
<screen index="0">
<bounds x="0" y="0" width="3" height="4" />
Los que compileis Mame os recomiendo que os quedéis lo máximo posible que se pueda en los GCC 6.3.0, ya que si los compartís con más gente los ejecutables necesitan menos requisitos que con los 7.x.x
Y aparte cuando los compileis si podéis usad la version de 64 bits porque rinde en algunos juegos hasta un 30% más que la de 32 bits
Podéis mirarlo vosotros mismos haciendo un benchmark con la versión de 32 bits y la de 64
Nexus_VII escribió:InsertMoreCoins escribió:Lo decía sin acritud y entiendo lo que comentastu y tu foro me habéis ayudado ( y seguramente me ayudareis mas
) en muchísimas cosas, lo que yo para algunos detalles soy un poco pijo
y eso de compilar no lo e echo en mi vida y esa versión que comento pues es como la estaba buscando.
De paso aprovecho para comentar que no tengo cojones de encontrar el archivo "epr-14869b.25" para la 0.200, lo tengo en el model1io.zip pero el crcr/SHA-1 no coincide y el VR.zip y el VF.zip me salen rojos porque me falta ese archivo.
Tampoco encuentro los samples del nhomerun.zip y el nsub.zip.
Esos son los 4 últimos juegos que me faltan por verificar en verde para completar mi set correctamente.