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rioazuki escribió:Podrían sacar el juego para series x del tirón y que lo disfrutemos, quien lo quiera en series s que espere
Iklander escribió:Es una casualidad muy casualidosa que del 31 de agosto como se tenía previsto, pase al 6, cuando son capaces de adelantar casi un mes la versión de PC.
Sony ya tiene su respuesta a Starfield. Ya veremos cómo le va.
old escribió:Final Fantasy VII remake también vendió tres millones los primeros días y...en total actualmente registra poco mas de 5 millones, que quiero decir con esto? Habrá que esperar un tiempo para ver si es un éxito de verdad, si le pasa lo mismo que a FFVII remake seria otro fracaso mas de Square Enix...
tiku escribió:Seguramente no esté permitido por MS (e igualmente hacía Sony con PS4 y PS4 Pro).
Si sacas un juego debes sacarlo en ambas máquina para no entrar en terrenos que nadie quiere ni desea. Ni a nivel de compañía ni de usuarios.
[Alex] escribió:tiku escribió:Seguramente no esté permitido por MS (e igualmente hacía Sony con PS4 y PS4 Pro).
Si sacas un juego debes sacarlo en ambas máquina para no entrar en terrenos que nadie quiere ni desea. Ni a nivel de compañía ni de usuarios.
No veo a Series S aguantando el tirón mucho más sin hacer grandes compromisos.
Veremos con los desarrollos de 2024 en adelante.
KaLiDEM escribió:[Alex] escribió:tiku escribió:Seguramente no esté permitido por MS (e igualmente hacía Sony con PS4 y PS4 Pro).
Si sacas un juego debes sacarlo en ambas máquina para no entrar en terrenos que nadie quiere ni desea. Ni a nivel de compañía ni de usuarios.
No veo a Series S aguantando el tirón mucho más sin hacer grandes compromisos.
Veremos con los desarrollos de 2024 en adelante.
3 años llevamos escuchando eso y al final todo sigue igual, la series s aguanta con todo, que eso lo una GPU más floja y algo menos de RAM ya está, si algo funciona en la X también funciona en la S bajando calidad.
The PS VR2 headset can be used on PC, but it will require additional hardware to work, hardware that has yet to be designed and produced, according to a new report.
Speaking on Twitter, iVRy, the developer behind the driver by the same name that makes it possible to use the original PS VR headset on PC, reported that the latest headset developed by Sony for its PlayStation 5 console wasn't working on PC due to the headset blocking DSC, which was forced using an AMD Open Source Linux GPU driver. As such, now the developer knows how to put the headset into VR mode, which is going to allow designing additional hardware that will let the headset work on PC. Outside of some AMD users on Linux, everyone else will need this additional piece of hardware, which has yet to be designed and built to hopefully get mass-produced.
jarus escribió:Si, funcionando porque obligan a ello, lastrando a la propia Series X.
carlosniper escribió:PS5 me suena que llevaba con +40M?
Pues esta la cosa equilibrada
Moraydron escribió:old escribió:Final Fantasy VII remake también vendió tres millones los primeros días y...en total actualmente registra poco mas de 5 millones, que quiero decir con esto? Habrá que esperar un tiempo para ver si es un éxito de verdad, si le pasa lo mismo que a FFVII remake seria otro fracaso mas de Square Enix...
Vender 5 millones en unos meses no es ningun fracaso, y el juego no se ha retirado de tiendas, a parte que habran llegado a algun acuerdo por que se puso en el PS Plus.
Otra cosa es que tu quieres que sea un fracaso por que odias a Square Enix por no que no hace ya FF por turnos. Y como las primeras ventas de FFXVI van bien( tu ya pintabas que iban a ir mal) pues ahora toca decir que a largo plazo puede que sea un fracaso.
Y mira si ha sido fracaso el FFVIIR que por eso han hecho un remaster del Crisis Core y sacaran la segunda parte, parece que van a explotar a saco el FFVII por que les da buenos beneficios.
Un saludo.
PD: Y aunque fuesen un fracaso, no creo que vuelvan a hacer un FF principal por turnos, por que el que mas exito y dinero da es uno donde llevas un personaje, sin turnos y MMO...asi que lo mas posible es que FFXVII(o el XVIII) sean otro MMO.
old escribió:Final Fantasy VII remake también vendió tres millones los primeros días y...en total actualmente registra poco mas de 5 millones, que quiero decir con esto? Habrá que esperar un tiempo para ver si es un éxito de verdad, si le pasa lo mismo que a FFVII remake seria otro fracaso mas de Square Enix...
soyun escribió:Si vender 5 millones en cuatro meses es un fracaso, entonces la inmensa mayoría de los juegos que se publican son un fracaso.
triki1 escribió:soyun escribió:Si vender 5 millones en cuatro meses es un fracaso, entonces la inmensa mayoría de los juegos que se publican son un fracaso.
Sera o no fracaso dependiendo del presupuesto, expectativas de la empresa, etc....... un titulo puede ser un exito vendiendo 50000 unidades y otro un fracaso descomunal vendiendo 20 millones( proximo GTA)
Moraydron escribió:@old comparar las ventas de Remake con el original no tiene sentido que en 23 años han cambiado muchas cosas, y de hecho según tu el FFVII también fue un fracaso por qué tras vender 9 millones, solo llegó a alcanzar 13 en toda su vida.
Dices que la Square no arriesga y por eso se la ha jugado con el nuevo combate de FFXVI, han sacado un stranger of paradise e incluso probaron su Gaas, seguro que si hubiesen seguido con turnos estarias encantado.
Square tiene mala racha por qué quieres pensar que la tiene,por qué ya no hace esos juegos por turnos y le tienes mania, que le tienes un hate tremendo.
Un saludo.
old escribió:Con respecto a FFXVI, si se la han re jugado al sacar un hack slash generico del monton,
Ah por cierto el unico hater sos vos amigo, no odio los juegos de acción, pero vos pareces que odias muchos los rpg basados por turnos, cuidado con eso, hacetelo ver. Saludos
From now on we will be handing out more significant bans and keeping our eyes open for console warring and general toxicity.
This includes things like
Poking fun at another fanbase for no reason
Instigating console warring comments for no reason
Calling someone a fanboy because of their opinion
REPLYING to someone else who started a console warring comment chain by joining in the console warring/toxic comments, that's on you.
If you're not talking about the topic of the thread, and you're just commenting something like"Xbox/Playstation fanboys are going to have a field day with this one!" you will be banned.
This subreddit is for talking and speculating about gaming leaks and rumors, and the future of gaming projects. We're not here to debate over fanbases and we're not going to support that.
Even if "Someone else started it!" you will be banned. Don't contribute to console wars. Your first offense will be at least 5 days, and it will move up to permanent on multiple offenses.
Furthermore if your account has a history of console warring or being toxic and we see your comments are continuing this trend, you're going to get shadow-banned and we're not going to tell you about it.
The community has voiced their opinion that this place has too much console warring going on and we agree, so we're stepping up to do something about it.
Don't contribute to console warring, taunting, teasing, poking fun, or anything else at fanbases of certain consoles.
Even if your comment has a thousand upvotes, if its contributing to any of these, you will be banned.
Even if you you're responding to a toxic user who is console warring and you respond with toxic console warring towards them, you will be banned. Two wrongs dont make a right. Just downvote, report, and move on.
old escribió:Moraydron escribió:@old comparar las ventas de Remake con el original no tiene sentido que en 23 años han cambiado muchas cosas, y de hecho según tu el FFVII también fue un fracaso por qué tras vender 9 millones, solo llegó a alcanzar 13 en toda su vida.
Dices que la Square no arriesga y por eso se la ha jugado con el nuevo combate de FFXVI, han sacado un stranger of paradise e incluso probaron su Gaas, seguro que si hubiesen seguido con turnos estarias encantado.
Square tiene mala racha por qué quieres pensar que la tiene,por qué ya no hace esos juegos por turnos y le tienes mania, que le tienes un hate tremendo.
Un saludo.
Si se super arriesgo con stranger of paradise, por eso le dejo el nombre completo del juego : Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin, no quisieron colgarse de ser un FF, para nada![]()
. Te juro que si me ponias el Forspoken como ejemplo te lo aceptaba, porque por mas que fue un desastre al menos no se colgo de la saga FF y al mal que mal era algo "nuevo".
Con respecto a FFXVI, si se la han re jugado al sacar un hack slash generico del monton, que manera de arriesgar, no hay juegos asi en el mercado, grande SE![]()
...el dia de mañana FFXVII pasara a ser un shooter en primera persona y si alguien lo critica por eso también van a decir lo mismo que quienes lo criticamos somos un "haters" que odian los shooter, y nada mas lejos de la realidad, ese no es tema de discusión, hay muchisimos hack slash que me gustan y me parecen juegazos, solo digo que FFXVI es un mal hack slash y ademas que no tiene nada ver con la identidad de la serie, que lo que tendría que hacer SE es volver a lo que sabe hacer bien, juegos por turnos.
Ah por cierto el unico hater sos vos amigo, no odio los juegos de acción, pero vos pareces que odias muchos los rpg basados por turnos, cuidado con eso, hacetelo ver. Saludos
old escribió:Con respecto a FFXVI, si se la han re jugado al sacar un hack slash generico del monton
VanSouls escribió:actualización sobre la guerra de consolas/toxicidad en el Subreddit
https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAnd ... ty_in_the/
Muy buena iniciativa y que "otros" foros deberían de ejercer.
From now on we will be handing out more significant bans and keeping our eyes open for console warring and general toxicity.
This includes things like
Poking fun at another fanbase for no reason
Instigating console warring comments for no reason
Calling someone a fanboy because of their opinion
REPLYING to someone else who started a console warring comment chain by joining in the console warring/toxic comments, that's on you.
If you're not talking about the topic of the thread, and you're just commenting something like"Xbox/Playstation fanboys are going to have a field day with this one!" you will be banned.
This subreddit is for talking and speculating about gaming leaks and rumors, and the future of gaming projects. We're not here to debate over fanbases and we're not going to support that.
Even if "Someone else started it!" you will be banned. Don't contribute to console wars. Your first offense will be at least 5 days, and it will move up to permanent on multiple offenses.
Furthermore if your account has a history of console warring or being toxic and we see your comments are continuing this trend, you're going to get shadow-banned and we're not going to tell you about it.
The community has voiced their opinion that this place has too much console warring going on and we agree, so we're stepping up to do something about it.
Don't contribute to console warring, taunting, teasing, poking fun, or anything else at fanbases of certain consoles.
Even if your comment has a thousand upvotes, if its contributing to any of these, you will be banned.
Even if you you're responding to a toxic user who is console warring and you respond with toxic console warring towards them, you will be banned. Two wrongs dont make a right. Just downvote, report, and move on.
fer5 escribió:VanSouls escribió:actualización sobre la guerra de consolas/toxicidad en el Subreddit
https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAnd ... ty_in_the/
Muy buena iniciativa y que "otros" foros deberían de ejercer.
From now on we will be handing out more significant bans and keeping our eyes open for console warring and general toxicity.
This includes things like
Poking fun at another fanbase for no reason
Instigating console warring comments for no reason
Calling someone a fanboy because of their opinion
REPLYING to someone else who started a console warring comment chain by joining in the console warring/toxic comments, that's on you.
If you're not talking about the topic of the thread, and you're just commenting something like"Xbox/Playstation fanboys are going to have a field day with this one!" you will be banned.
This subreddit is for talking and speculating about gaming leaks and rumors, and the future of gaming projects. We're not here to debate over fanbases and we're not going to support that.
Even if "Someone else started it!" you will be banned. Don't contribute to console wars. Your first offense will be at least 5 days, and it will move up to permanent on multiple offenses.
Furthermore if your account has a history of console warring or being toxic and we see your comments are continuing this trend, you're going to get shadow-banned and we're not going to tell you about it.
The community has voiced their opinion that this place has too much console warring going on and we agree, so we're stepping up to do something about it.
Don't contribute to console warring, taunting, teasing, poking fun, or anything else at fanbases of certain consoles.
Even if your comment has a thousand upvotes, if its contributing to any of these, you will be banned.
Even if you you're responding to a toxic user who is console warring and you respond with toxic console warring towards them, you will be banned. Two wrongs dont make a right. Just downvote, report, and move on.
Esto para feedback sería interesante, pero dudo que hagan nada, sobretodo en los foros monosistema, se quedaría un páramo sin las tonterías y risitas habituales.
DiGiL escribió:Y asi es como muere la comunidad gamer en reddit...
fer5 escribió:VanSouls escribió:actualización sobre la guerra de consolas/toxicidad en el Subreddit
https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAnd ... ty_in_the/
Muy buena iniciativa y que "otros" foros deberían de ejercer.
From now on we will be handing out more significant bans and keeping our eyes open for console warring and general toxicity.
This includes things like
Poking fun at another fanbase for no reason
Instigating console warring comments for no reason
Calling someone a fanboy because of their opinion
REPLYING to someone else who started a console warring comment chain by joining in the console warring/toxic comments, that's on you.
If you're not talking about the topic of the thread, and you're just commenting something like"Xbox/Playstation fanboys are going to have a field day with this one!" you will be banned.
This subreddit is for talking and speculating about gaming leaks and rumors, and the future of gaming projects. We're not here to debate over fanbases and we're not going to support that.
Even if "Someone else started it!" you will be banned. Don't contribute to console wars. Your first offense will be at least 5 days, and it will move up to permanent on multiple offenses.
Furthermore if your account has a history of console warring or being toxic and we see your comments are continuing this trend, you're going to get shadow-banned and we're not going to tell you about it.
The community has voiced their opinion that this place has too much console warring going on and we agree, so we're stepping up to do something about it.
Don't contribute to console warring, taunting, teasing, poking fun, or anything else at fanbases of certain consoles.
Even if your comment has a thousand upvotes, if its contributing to any of these, you will be banned.
Even if you you're responding to a toxic user who is console warring and you respond with toxic console warring towards them, you will be banned. Two wrongs dont make a right. Just downvote, report, and move on.
Esto para feedback sería interesante, pero dudo que hagan nada, sobretodo en los foros monosistema, se quedaría un páramo sin las tonterías y risitas habituales.
LaGarrota escribió:fer5 escribió:VanSouls escribió:actualización sobre la guerra de consolas/toxicidad en el Subreddit
https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAnd ... ty_in_the/
Muy buena iniciativa y que "otros" foros deberían de ejercer.
From now on we will be handing out more significant bans and keeping our eyes open for console warring and general toxicity.
This includes things like
Poking fun at another fanbase for no reason
Instigating console warring comments for no reason
Calling someone a fanboy because of their opinion
REPLYING to someone else who started a console warring comment chain by joining in the console warring/toxic comments, that's on you.
If you're not talking about the topic of the thread, and you're just commenting something like"Xbox/Playstation fanboys are going to have a field day with this one!" you will be banned.
This subreddit is for talking and speculating about gaming leaks and rumors, and the future of gaming projects. We're not here to debate over fanbases and we're not going to support that.
Even if "Someone else started it!" you will be banned. Don't contribute to console wars. Your first offense will be at least 5 days, and it will move up to permanent on multiple offenses.
Furthermore if your account has a history of console warring or being toxic and we see your comments are continuing this trend, you're going to get shadow-banned and we're not going to tell you about it.
The community has voiced their opinion that this place has too much console warring going on and we agree, so we're stepping up to do something about it.
Don't contribute to console warring, taunting, teasing, poking fun, or anything else at fanbases of certain consoles.
Even if your comment has a thousand upvotes, if its contributing to any of these, you will be banned.
Even if you you're responding to a toxic user who is console warring and you respond with toxic console warring towards them, you will be banned. Two wrongs dont make a right. Just downvote, report, and move on.
Esto para feedback sería interesante, pero dudo que hagan nada, sobretodo en los foros monosistema, se quedaría un páramo sin las tonterías y risitas habituales.
eso aqui no lo hacen, si quitas la gente que entra en el foro de xbox a dar por culo no seria el mas activo durante semanas, y las visitas de dar por culo cuentan para la publicidad, que es lo que les interesa, lo demas se la suda.
ahora me dirá alguien que en el foro de ps5 tambien, pero como yo no entro porque no es una consola que tenga, pues no tengo ni idea.
Nuhar escribió:La gente viene a esto, si tu no se lo das se irán a otro lado.
Moderar no es lo mismo que prohibir
.LaGarrota escribió:fer5 escribió:VanSouls escribió:actualización sobre la guerra de consolas/toxicidad en el Subreddit
https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAnd ... ty_in_the/
Muy buena iniciativa y que "otros" foros deberían de ejercer.
From now on we will be handing out more significant bans and keeping our eyes open for console warring and general toxicity.
This includes things like
Poking fun at another fanbase for no reason
Instigating console warring comments for no reason
Calling someone a fanboy because of their opinion
REPLYING to someone else who started a console warring comment chain by joining in the console warring/toxic comments, that's on you.
If you're not talking about the topic of the thread, and you're just commenting something like"Xbox/Playstation fanboys are going to have a field day with this one!" you will be banned.
This subreddit is for talking and speculating about gaming leaks and rumors, and the future of gaming projects. We're not here to debate over fanbases and we're not going to support that.
Even if "Someone else started it!" you will be banned. Don't contribute to console wars. Your first offense will be at least 5 days, and it will move up to permanent on multiple offenses.
Furthermore if your account has a history of console warring or being toxic and we see your comments are continuing this trend, you're going to get shadow-banned and we're not going to tell you about it.
The community has voiced their opinion that this place has too much console warring going on and we agree, so we're stepping up to do something about it.
Don't contribute to console warring, taunting, teasing, poking fun, or anything else at fanbases of certain consoles.
Even if your comment has a thousand upvotes, if its contributing to any of these, you will be banned.
Even if you you're responding to a toxic user who is console warring and you respond with toxic console warring towards them, you will be banned. Two wrongs dont make a right. Just downvote, report, and move on.
Esto para feedback sería interesante, pero dudo que hagan nada, sobretodo en los foros monosistema, se quedaría un páramo sin las tonterías y risitas habituales.
eso aqui no lo hacen, si quitas la gente que entra en el foro de xbox a dar por culo no seria el mas activo durante semanas, y las visitas de dar por culo cuentan para la publicidad, que es lo que les interesa, lo demas se la suda.
ahora me dirá alguien que en el foro de ps5 tambien, pero como yo no entro porque no es una consola que tenga, pues no tengo ni idea.