robsan escribió:bekiller escribió:
Que bajón me ha dado tu comentario, tan bien razonado, me has jodido la mañana ¿estarás contento?![]()
Ya solo me queda saber una cosa ¿es un RE5 con linterna?
Si es así de seguro que anulo mi reserva y me lo compraré de segunda mano.
Las notas no me asustan, ni me alegran cuando son buenas y el juego me atrae y ni hecha para atrás si son malas y a mi si me gusta el juego.
Pues ahora que lo pienso, es casi lo mismo que le achadaría a RE5 y la misma nota, por cierto.
Alan es mejor en iluminación y ambientación y RE5 es mejor como shooter y en mecanica de juego. Pero los dos carecen de lo mismo.
A este juego le añades un poco de exploración a lo RE Code Veronica y de interacción con personajes a lo Fallout y se caga la perra.
No obstante un 8,5-9 es una nota de muy buen juego, pero para mi no es el AAA que esperaba, vamos que no es un Uncharted-Killer como queríamos muchos.
Lars_ur escribió:
Pues hombre, como dije antes tienes las hojas del libro que las tienes que buscar, las radios y las televisiones, si vas a saco sin explorar los escenarios te perderas muchas cosas y luego estan los personajes segundarios que te van contando cosas, en fin, no se que mas quereis
Im A Wake escribió:robsan escribió:bekiller escribió:
Que bajón me ha dado tu comentario, tan bien razonado, me has jodido la mañana ¿estarás contento?![]()
Ya solo me queda saber una cosa ¿es un RE5 con linterna?
Si es así de seguro que anulo mi reserva y me lo compraré de segunda mano.
Las notas no me asustan, ni me alegran cuando son buenas y el juego me atrae y ni hecha para atrás si son malas y a mi si me gusta el juego.
Pues ahora que lo pienso, es casi lo mismo que le achadaría a RE5 y la misma nota, por cierto.
Alan es mejor en iluminación y ambientación y RE5 es mejor como shooter y en mecanica de juego. Pero los dos carecen de lo mismo.
A este juego le añades un poco de exploración a lo RE Code Veronica y de interacción con personajes a lo Fallout y se caga la perra.
No obstante un 8,5-9 es una nota de muy buen juego, pero para mi no es el AAA que esperaba, vamos que no es un Uncharted-Killer como queríamos muchos.
Uncharted killer??? Sera graficamente porque anda que no hay juegos a patadas mejores que Uncharted
llegar a la casa
AdventChild escribió:Hay que saber controlar el hype... es como el que ve un Teaser Trailer, que realmente no se ve un caraho del juego, y ya empiezan: "juegazo! pintaza! buabuabua!". Luego vienen los batacazos.
Y esque crearse unas espectativas tan tan altas no es bueno. A mi me ha pasado con algun juego, pero con otro me paso al revés. No tenia ninguna fe puesta en Final Fantasy XIII y al final me acabo gustando....
En Alan Wake tengo toda la fe del mundo puesta, tanto que me voy a dejar el dinero en la EC, cosa que solo he hecho con Mass Effect 1 y 2, y se a que voy a jugar, un juego de accion/suspense semi-lineal con ciertos toques de exploracion y una TREMENDA historia que contar. Asi que, salvo que la historia no me guste, el resto se que no me va a decepcionar.
Fantasy maniac escribió:
Por que cojones siempre se tienen que meter juegos de otras plataformas?por lo pronto uncharted 1 tiene mejor nota en metacritic que el alan wake: ... kesfortune
Me parece lamentable que la gente se sienta atacada de esta manera e indignada cuando un juego no se esta llevando las notas que el cree que merece,tan dificil es disfrutar del juego sin importar las notas?
Este foro cada dia se parece mas al de meristation que esta lleno de fanboys.
PD:Que felicidad me da tener todas las plataformas y no ser un rabioso como muchos de los que veo por aqui.
Remedy has worked hard to produce a polished game, one with impressive visuals and a new take on combat. On those fronts it's succeeded. Had Alan Wake been released three years ago, it would have been easy to recommend the game as a solid, polished action-adventure.
The genre has moved on since then. Games such as BioShock have shown how compelling and original storylines can be told in innovative ways. The likes of Uncharted 2 have offered up not just lush visuals but diverse locations and varied gameplay. With Heavy Rain, Quantic Dream broke the rules of game narrative and forced the player not only to think before pulling the trigger, but to feel.
If this was an internet dating profile picture, would you agree to meet this man for a drink?
By comparison, Alan Wake is tired and derivative. Everything about it feels dated, from the linear level design to the red-green switch nonsense to the visual stylings (surely not even J Allard has attempted the hoodie-with-jacket combo since 2005). There are plenty of fancy cut-scenes, dramatic voiceovers and cinematic camera angles, but even when Alan Wake does a good job of pretending to be a film you just feel like you're watching a really bad film. That's particularly true when it comes to the ending - without spoiling anything, let's just say you're left thinking, "You mean I kick-started all those generators for that?"
All the same, there's a weekend's worth of fun here for action-adventure fans who aren't too bothered about innovative concepts and varied gameplay, and don't mind a lot of repetition. Alan Wake is an accessible, undemanding game with a neat combat mechanic and decent visuals. It's just not a very original game, it's certainly not an exceptional one, and it's a shame it wasn't ready a few years ago.
Drian-kun escribió:Quisiera destacar las conclusiones de, que les ha puesto un 7. Me llaman la atención...Remedy has worked hard to produce a polished game, one with impressive visuals and a new take on combat. On those fronts it's succeeded. Had Alan Wake been released three years ago, it would have been easy to recommend the game as a solid, polished action-adventure.
The genre has moved on since then. Games such as BioShock have shown how compelling and original storylines can be told in innovative ways. The likes of Uncharted 2 have offered up not just lush visuals but diverse locations and varied gameplay. With Heavy Rain, Quantic Dream broke the rules of game narrative and forced the player not only to think before pulling the trigger, but to feel.
If this was an internet dating profile picture, would you agree to meet this man for a drink?
By comparison, Alan Wake is tired and derivative. Everything about it feels dated, from the linear level design to the red-green switch nonsense to the visual stylings (surely not even J Allard has attempted the hoodie-with-jacket combo since 2005). There are plenty of fancy cut-scenes, dramatic voiceovers and cinematic camera angles, but even when Alan Wake does a good job of pretending to be a film you just feel like you're watching a really bad film. That's particularly true when it comes to the ending - without spoiling anything, let's just say you're left thinking, "You mean I kick-started all those generators for that?"
All the same, there's a weekend's worth of fun here for action-adventure fans who aren't too bothered about innovative concepts and varied gameplay, and don't mind a lot of repetition. Alan Wake is an accessible, undemanding game with a neat combat mechanic and decent visuals. It's just not a very original game, it's certainly not an exceptional one, and it's a shame it wasn't ready a few years ago.
Ahí lo dejo.
Im A Wake escribió:Fantasy maniac escribió:
Por que cojones siempre se tienen que meter juegos de otras plataformas?por lo pronto uncharted 1 tiene mejor nota en metacritic que el alan wake: ... kesfortune
Me parece lamentable que la gente se sienta atacada de esta manera e indignada cuando un juego no se esta llevando las notas que el cree que merece,tan dificil es disfrutar del juego sin importar las notas?
Este foro cada dia se parece mas al de meristation que esta lleno de fanboys.
PD:Que felicidad me da tener todas las plataformas y no ser un rabioso como muchos de los que veo por aqui.![]()
Yo tambien tengo todas las plataformas, por eso opino de Uncharted. Seguramente, segurisimamente, Uncharted, al igual que otros muchos como puede ser fifa o COD etc...acabaran con mas nota que AW en MC, pero no creo que me llenen ni una cuarta parte.
Drian-kun escribió:Quisiera destacar las conclusiones de, que les ha puesto un 7. Me llaman la atención...Remedy has worked hard to produce a polished game, one with impressive visuals and a new take on combat. On those fronts it's succeeded. Had Alan Wake been released three years ago, it would have been easy to recommend the game as a solid, polished action-adventure.
The genre has moved on since then. Games such as BioShock have shown how compelling and original storylines can be told in innovative ways. The likes of Uncharted 2 have offered up not just lush visuals but diverse locations and varied gameplay. With Heavy Rain, Quantic Dream broke the rules of game narrative and forced the player not only to think before pulling the trigger, but to feel.
If this was an internet dating profile picture, would you agree to meet this man for a drink?
By comparison, Alan Wake is tired and derivative. Everything about it feels dated, from the linear level design to the red-green switch nonsense to the visual stylings (surely not even J Allard has attempted the hoodie-with-jacket combo since 2005). There are plenty of fancy cut-scenes, dramatic voiceovers and cinematic camera angles, but even when Alan Wake does a good job of pretending to be a film you just feel like you're watching a really bad film. That's particularly true when it comes to the ending - without spoiling anything, let's just say you're left thinking, "You mean I kick-started all those generators for that?"
All the same, there's a weekend's worth of fun here for action-adventure fans who aren't too bothered about innovative concepts and varied gameplay, and don't mind a lot of repetition. Alan Wake is an accessible, undemanding game with a neat combat mechanic and decent visuals. It's just not a very original game, it's certainly not an exceptional one, and it's a shame it wasn't ready a few years ago.
Ahí lo dejo.
Uber Soldat escribió:Drian-kun escribió:Quisiera destacar las conclusiones de, que les ha puesto un 7. Me llaman la atención...Remedy has worked hard to produce a polished game, one with impressive visuals and a new take on combat. On those fronts it's succeeded. Had Alan Wake been released three years ago, it would have been easy to recommend the game as a solid, polished action-adventure.
The genre has moved on since then. Games such as BioShock have shown how compelling and original storylines can be told in innovative ways. The likes of Uncharted 2 have offered up not just lush visuals but diverse locations and varied gameplay. With Heavy Rain, Quantic Dream broke the rules of game narrative and forced the player not only to think before pulling the trigger, but to feel.
If this was an internet dating profile picture, would you agree to meet this man for a drink?
By comparison, Alan Wake is tired and derivative. Everything about it feels dated, from the linear level design to the red-green switch nonsense to the visual stylings (surely not even J Allard has attempted the hoodie-with-jacket combo since 2005). There are plenty of fancy cut-scenes, dramatic voiceovers and cinematic camera angles, but even when Alan Wake does a good job of pretending to be a film you just feel like you're watching a really bad film. That's particularly true when it comes to the ending - without spoiling anything, let's just say you're left thinking, "You mean I kick-started all those generators for that?"
All the same, there's a weekend's worth of fun here for action-adventure fans who aren't too bothered about innovative concepts and varied gameplay, and don't mind a lot of repetition. Alan Wake is an accessible, undemanding game with a neat combat mechanic and decent visuals. It's just not a very original game, it's certainly not an exceptional one, and it's a shame it wasn't ready a few years ago.
Ahí lo dejo.
Resumiendo: poco innovador, repetitivo y si fuera una peli, sería una mala peli. Me reafirmo en lo que dije ayer: será de alquilar y tirar. No dudo que tendrá sus momentos buenos, pero no hay pasta para todos los juegos y saliendo RDR este mes, por mi parte el bueno de Alan queda relegado a segundo plano. Soltar ahora 40 euros aprox. por un juego "correcto" sin más... en fin: alquiler de fin de semana.
chakal22 escribió:En metacritic esta la valoración de unos 20 y pico análisis. La nota es todavia puede cambar. Y si te parece un juego de 8.5-9 en general CORRECTO ya me di´ras tu. EL RDR todavía no ha salido te estas vasando es suposiciones...
Meich escribió:Deberiais de saber que una nota a partir del 7 ya es una buena nota sobretodo si el tema del juego en cuestión te llama.
En las webs de películas suele ser así. Me da asco en los videojuegos que si uno no llega al menos al 9 ya es malo, cuando en realidad un juego de 9 debería de ser de lo mejorcito de la historia.
El juego tiene, además, una sensación muy diferente según la dificultad. En el nivel más fácil los combates pueden ser tensos en determinados momentos, por lo laberíntico o terrorífico de algunas localizaciones, o incluso por la cantidad de enemigos en pantalla (tampoco muchos, pero sí cinco o seis), pero es que en el nivel superior la sensación de inferioridad ante esas criaturas de la noche es muchísimo más intensa. Alan Wake gana muchísimo si apostamos por la dificultad superior, y por suerte cuenta con un buen sistema de puntos de control que aunque penaliza no castiga por haber sido eliminados. De hecho, la curva de dificultad es tan diferente que el juego puede hacerse sustancialmente más largo o corto según esa elección.
Drian-kun escribió:Quisiera destacar las conclusiones de, que les ha puesto un 7. Me llaman la atención...All the same, there's a weekend's worth of fun here for action-adventure fans who aren't too bothered about innovative concepts and varied gameplay, and don't mind a lot of repetition. Alan Wake is an accessible, undemanding game with a neat combat mechanic and decent visuals. It's just not a very original game, it's certainly not an exceptional one, and it's a shame it wasn't ready a few years ago.
Ahí lo dejo.
morfeon escribió:El juego simplemente esta bien, es un silent hill con mejores graficos y un buen doblaje al español.
unforero escribió:But they gave WET a 7/10 and ive played that game so i huess i assume its as good as that game (wet is not good)
Honestly, and no offense, but that's kinda stupid. Unless WET was reviewed by the same person, of course the scores aren't comparable. They aren't science, and they aren't objective. How could they possibly be? Reviews are just opinions, and as such they're inherently subjective. The score is just a number that reflects the opinion, and people just stare at that way too much when they should be thinking about whether what the reviewer is saying about the game is something that makes them want to play the game. Game reviews aren't intended to be some kind of product descriptions. It's not the purpose of a game review to present some kind of an objective analysis of a game, because the game experience simply cannot be objectively quantified.
People often seem to think that a game has an inherent ideal score, something that's set in stone and determined by... I don't even know what, but to a lot of people, it's a very real thing. And if a review score doesn't meet that ideal, then the review is wrong. That just isn't true, it's silly. It's okay for a reviewer to not like a game. And when it's our game, I obviously very much hope that they do like it, and of course I want the good scores, because that has an impact on our success. But what I want isn't the reviewer's responsibility. I mean, geez, people should be glad when reviewers speak their minds -- here's the double standard, in fact; if they praise something, they get accused of being shills for the publisher, and if they don't, they get accused of being ignorant or whatever. It's ridiculously unfair. You should read the reviewers that talk about the things they love and then the ones who talk about the things they don't, and see which ones are important to you, and that'll give you some idea about whether it's a game for you.
It's not easy for me to say something like this, because I have a huge personal investment in Alan Wake and I want it to succeed, and like I said: I want to see those great scores, I really do. I want that for marketing reasons, because it'll affect sales, because my ego wants the praise. I want that. But more than that, I want the reviews to be honest and fair, and if it didn't rock somebody's world, that's how they have to write it. That's life for ya. If somebody doesn't like the game, it's not a personal attack on anyone. No game on this planet has ever pleased everybody, and frankly, if they gave us a 7 -- which, again, should mean that they think it's a good game, according to their own scale -- it's most likely going to be a pretty positive review, even if everyone has been trained to think that anything under a 9 means the game is horrible, which is just completely ridiculous.
So let's just chill a little, okay? =)
tllt says: I've been playing for the last 45min/1hr. So far I must say that I am impressed. The game seems like the 360's answer to Heavy Rain, but with action elements thrown in. (heavy rain + silent hill = alan wake?) So far the story seems pretty damn cool, although the whole light/dark thing is sorta weird.. hopefully later it'll make more sense. The one thing that I sorta have issues with are the cutscenes. They don't seem to match up with the gameplay. They are way too dark. i'm totally digging it so far.. i thought this game was going to be overrated, but it seems like it's everything they said it would be.
Chaos2Black says: So far it's great. I don't really see the Heavy Rain similarities. (But I found that game overrated anyway) So far it's what I expected. A perfected Alone in the Dark 5 with Twin Peakes Feel with it's own charme added on top of it.
Namtox says: Great game so far. Really good tension, amazing music, nice beefy sounds and feedback for the weapons as well. Nice little touches of bullet time. Any fan of Max Payne will dig the self narration and the metaphors. Great stuff all around.
ibrahim.hyder says: The self narration is great and this game feels like a real finished game as opposed to other lacking games.
Bacon says: Probably one of the best xbox 360 games I have ever played. This game looks amazing imo. The rock solid framerate is also a plus, game is as smooth as butter.
ebrehe says: Finished the first chapter. Best game I've played. I'm totally impressed...
Ragona says: first chapter sure was damn intense...
Gregd888 says: I just got done with the first chapter, this game is really unique and creative. I thought it was gonna be overrated but it might be one of the best games I've ever played.
It feels more like you're controlling a character in a movie rather than controlling a character in the video game, the atmosphere is cool as ****. It feels kinda like that movie secret window with johnny depp.
theguy78 says: One of the best games I've ever played. also my opinion...i'm only in the 2nd chapter crossing the river,but very impressive,in many ways...
like some people say here:it looks like a real finished game.sometimes games that are too long in development look and feel outdated in the end but this one rocks!!
i think it's not a game that should be compared to heavy rain,it's too different,maybe much better...
kornetic (replying to Gregd888) says: tottally agreed with u m8...i'm on the second chapter and i'm really lovin it...the story even mentions jack nicholson in the shinning lol...and it really has that thriller feeling into it
Heisenberg says: Just made it to the cabin. All I can say so far is graphics = 11/10 simply breathtaking.
As for controls/gameplay/engine I need more time to judge........
Also, She put da lime in de coconut..........
That is all
greatluffy says: not so good game, id say 6/10 or 7/10
bad textures, bad animations and lip sync, bad gameplay mechanic, ONLY THE FOREST all over the game
not lived up to hype
LbC Ya562 says: Been plaayin for over an hour (tryin to get to lovers peak lol) I think its a dope story so far.... one my girlfriend probably wont mind watchin me play lol graphics r pretty too... I dont even got a HD tv or nothin and can tell how good the graphics are.
unmonstro says: Its like playing through a movie. The game seem short and I'm not sure there is going to be a lot of replay value. Graphics are very good and it has very high production value and things like the night falls episodes on the tv are great. They are reminiscent of the Twilight Zone but I love the Twilight zone so I really like the episodes. I did see a lip sync issue but it was very brief and at the beginning of the game. Its no biggie. The short story and low replay value could hurt its sales in my opinion. Prince of Persia, Skate 3, UFC, Lost Planet, Alpha Protocol, and the monster Red Dead Redemption are all out during this month (alpha protocol on June 1st) and thats a lot of competition, I think all these games will suffer a little in sales as a result. I see it receiving mostly 9/10, 86%-92% perhaps. I'm not typically a fan of these games, I kind of hate them but I'm enjoying this a great deal. I'm only in Episode 3 so I hope things just get better.
Tw1st3dSS says: wow just beat the first chapter and must say wow the game has me hooked the atmosphere graphics and audio through my 5.1 even the little tv shows etc... and the way it wraps, heck even the music fits perfect after the chapter is done on to chapter to but must say im loving what ive played so far
skylined8300 says: Interesting game so far, graphics though have something to be desired. The motion blur and the characters mouths when talking bother me. I know a bit nit picky but all i have heard is about the graphics will blow you away and i havent seen it.
hartito_estoy escribió:A los que dicen que se ve borroso a 1080p.Ponedlo a 720 y lo vereis mejor.Maldita mania ue teneis de jugar a resoluciones no nativas...
De hecho en la pagina oficial del juego y en la de Microsoft no contemplan 1080p como soportada.
Dragonssss escribió:Mi analisis: Alan Wake
juanki escribió:Dragonssss escribió:Mi analisis: Alan Wake
Gracias por tu analisislo que no me esperaba es que fuera tantas horas de juego si solo se va a pasarse sin mas, tambien eso de que para pasarlo dos veces para tener todo.
El modo pesadilla se puede cojer desde el primer momento?
Adgalo escribió:hartito_estoy escribió:A los que dicen que se ve borroso a 1080p.Ponedlo a 720 y lo vereis mejor.Maldita mania ue teneis de jugar a resoluciones no nativas...
De hecho en la pagina oficial del juego y en la de Microsoft no contemplan 1080p como soportada.
Si tienes una televisión Full HD lo mejor que puedes hacer es poner la consola a 1080p, y dejar que reescale la consola en lugar del televisor. Eso de "Maldita mania ue teneis de jugar a resoluciones no nativas..." no hay por donde cogerlo, porque de una manera u otra vas a jugar a jugar a resolución no nativa, siendo peor la solución que tú propones, porque además de que el reescalado de la consola es mejor, en muchos juegos la resolución nativa no es 720p, con lo cual haciendo lo que dices el juego tendría que ser reescalado dos veces en lugar de una. Un despropósito, vamos.
juanki escribió:Dragonssss escribió:Mi analisis: Alan Wake
Gracias por tu analisislo que no me esperaba es que fuera tantas horas de juego si solo se va a pasarse sin mas, tambien eso de que para pasarlo dos veces para tener todo.
El modo pesadilla se puede cojer desde el primer momento?
Elanodelabernarda escribió:El ostion a nivel de notas y reviews es bastante importante, el hype de los flipados de turno le han hecho mucho daño al juego.
[Barcha] escribió:Joder pues yo acabo de llegar al capitulo 3 y que quereis que os diga pero me esta pareciendo uno de los mejores juegos que he jugado en mi vida, el juego y la historia te absorben y luego los personajes son buenisimos parece que estas viviendo una serie, que el juego puede tener cosas mejores o cosas que no gusten? coño claro como todos, no existe el juego perfecto, ahora no entiendo porque importan tanto las notas de los analisis, si al que tiene que gustarle el juego es a uno, a mi como si le dan un 0 mientras lo este disfrutando como estoy haciendo me la sopla.
Zack_VII escribió:Me da por lo que leo, que si hubiese sido un tapado, habria sido otro dead space, pero con el bombo que ha venido, y como he leido por ahí, puede que remedy tenga parte de culpa (recuerdo que tiraron piedras a tejados de otras franquicias que ya habian demostrado calar en el publico, merecidamente o no) va a quedar a nivel popular como "buen juego"... .
Por mi parte, estoy practicamente convencido de que me parecerá AAA.... .
illor escribió:¿La version filtrada es la USA, la PAL ESP o la PAL UK? ¿Se sabe algo del idioma de texto y voces de la UK?