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Cesankar escribió:Que es I+D???
zperman escribió:Vamos a ver, no seré yo quien venga a defender el Bugmula 1 2010 pero a mi lo que estais contando no me ha pasado. Lo que os puede pasar es que paren antes que vosotros, les adelanteis, os poneis en una posición y cuando parais vosotros, esos que antes habían entrado en boxes recuperan su posición. Vamos que vuestra posición al entrar en boxes es lo que se dice "virtual".
También está el hecho de que gente que llevais detrás rueda mejor que vostros, cambia más tarde pero ya os ha abierto el hueco suficiente como para que no les paseis.
Que cuando entras a boxes tiemblas, si, que los gráficos de los retrovisores son de mega drive, también, que casi no hay abandonos, también, que los neumáticos siempre están en verde y nunca les baja la temperatura, si, que los coches son de cemento armado, también, que la primera vuelta te la marca como le sale de los cojones, si y muchas más cosas pero lo que estais contando suena más a lo que os digo yo a que sea un bug del juego.
SaTaNiCoMaN escribió:Me lo parece a mi o en la primera carrera, no hay I+D en los entrenos? Puede ser que sea a partir de la 2º carrera?, porque en Melburne que es la 2º ya lo tengo para hacer.
Por cierto en EXPERTO y con Volante esta muyyyy guapo,
carlos_xerez escribió:los que os quejais porq los lotus virgin y demas estan arriba, a cuantas vueltas jugais?? porq alomejor como van cargados al 100% de gasolina siempre la IA alomejor tienen prevista la parada mas tarde tambien y da igual las vueltas que le pongais que ellos deberian de entrar alomejor en la 30 y tu juegas a 20 vueltas y no entran
Yildiray escribió:SaTaNiCoMaN escribió:Me lo parece a mi o en la primera carrera, no hay I+D en los entrenos? Puede ser que sea a partir de la 2º carrera?, porque en Melburne que es la 2º ya lo tengo para hacer.
Por cierto en EXPERTO y con Volante esta muyyyy guapo,
Creo que depende del equipo que escojas,yo estoy con Hispania,llevo 3 GP disputados y aún no me ha salido la prueba xD.
krdnha escribió:Yildiray escribió:SaTaNiCoMaN escribió:Me lo parece a mi o en la primera carrera, no hay I+D en los entrenos? Puede ser que sea a partir de la 2º carrera?, porque en Melburne que es la 2º ya lo tengo para hacer.
Por cierto en EXPERTO y con Volante esta muyyyy guapo,
Creo que depende del equipo que escojas,yo estoy con Hispania,llevo 3 GP disputados y aún no me ha salido la prueba xD.
A mi en experto, 7temporadas y con Hispania me salió en la 4º
krdnha escribió:Yildiray escribió:SaTaNiCoMaN escribió:Me lo parece a mi o en la primera carrera, no hay I+D en los entrenos? Puede ser que sea a partir de la 2º carrera?, porque en Melburne que es la 2º ya lo tengo para hacer.
Por cierto en EXPERTO y con Volante esta muyyyy guapo,
Creo que depende del equipo que escojas,yo estoy con Hispania,llevo 3 GP disputados y aún no me ha salido la prueba xD.
A mi en experto, 7temporadas y con Hispania me salió en la 4º
Hi everyone.
As you are aware work is on-going towards a patch for the game, and we will release details on this as we move through the patch creation process. Your constructive feedback has been invaluable in helping us both identify and work to resolve issues with the game, and we appreciate your detailed posts.
Some of the identified issues have led (understandably) to people making assumptions about the game that are not accurate, so we felt that in order to reassure you and explain better the process which we are going through at the moment, we’d address a few common queries, in particular relating to AI. In putting this post together, we spoke to various people from across the development team, including the leads and specialists who are working directly on addressing the issues that have been raised.
The AI system implemented in F1 2010 is very complex, and is certainly not scripted in any way. Every AI driver is trained with a series of race behaviours such as overtaking, defending a position and slipstreaming etc. On top of these behaviours we have a unique set of characteristics. These characteristics are defined per driver so you’ll notice some subtle differences. Some drivers are better at race starts or are better at overtaking (they look for narrower gaps), or are better in the rain, or are more aggressive, or are better around certain race tracks. We also have a system which can make certain drivers have a particularly good or bad race depending on a number of factors. All of this driver variance is of course combined with the cars themselves also having varying levels of performance.
It’s also important to note that in order to make the tracks as richly detailed as they are, we use far more textures than the consoles can physically hold. As with many games, we actively stream in and out textures based on the position of the player. This, plus the fact we don't simulate many visual effects on the far side of the track from the player - a "level of detail” system employed to save valuable processor time - would mean there would be a significant pop or delay if we were to allow you to switch cameras between drivers on track.
Practice & Qualifying AI
In practice & qualifying (P&Q) there are two fundamental issues which have meant that we had to make some implementation decisions for the AI in F1 2010. These two issues are our jump-to-sector feature and the fast-forward feature that is available on the car monitor in the garage.
The jump-to-sector feature necessarily simulates teleporting a car instantly to a position while the fast-forward feature allows the player to speed up time. The latter prevents us from simulating the actual AI travelling around the track 100% of the time as we cannot accurately simulate 24 cars where we have accelerated the passage of time by as much as a factor of 30. An F1 car can move at over 200mph. With 30 times speedup, we cannot simulate car physics at 6000+mph without losing some fidelity. F1 cars obviously cannot move this fast. We therefore implemented a system whereby the AI times in such circumstances are calculated based on a ‘football management” style simulation model. Using this model all of the race factors, such as the car, driver, weather, tyres, engine, track conditions, traffic are all taken into account and a lap time is produced. These generated times are well considered and guided by a huge amount of data; they are not randomly generated. Nevertheless they remain simulated approximations using this model.
For P&Q sessions we spent a long time experimenting with flipping back and forth between this simulated system and actual AI physical timing, as the fast-forward is engaged and disengaged, but it lead to the potential for subtle exploits which we were not comfortable with. Therefore all AI times in these P&Q sessions use this simulation method.
Race AI
As none of the above feature restrictions are relevant in the race itself, we DO NOT use any other systems in the race other than the AI cars all physically driving the race just as the player does. Other factors also contribute to the AI lap times and the variation in their race pace. These include race start behaviours, their ultimate race pace which takes into account elements such as fuel and tyre degradation, weather, conserving / cooling engines etc, their in and out laps in the pit stop phase and their finishing pace.
We have seen several email and forum threads which suggest that an AI car’s performance is determined by where they are positioned currently in the race, or where they are in relation to the player which absolutely isn’t the case.
Based on some of the feedback we’ve received we are looking into the variation of AI race pace, as well as working hard to address as many of the following issues as possible in the upcoming patch, which aren’t AI specific but are adding to the assumptions that we are using fake or scripted AI:
Pit Stop
Several pit stop issues have been reported;
* The AI not making a mandatory pit stop during a dry race of 20% or more
* The player being forced to wait in the pits before being released
* The player or AI cars becoming stuck in the pit lane
* The use of flashback breaking the AI pit strategies
We’re currently investigating each of these issues and recognise that these would have a significant impact on the way that the race pans out. As ever with fixing these issues it’s a case of finding out how to repeat the problem so that we can track the issues down and fix them.
Split times
A few of you have correctly spotted that the race leader isn’t always the quickest on the first lap of the race. This is an issue whereby the start line is resetting the AI lap timings rather than everyone’s time being taken from when the start lights go out, which of course should be the case on the first lap.
It’s important to also note that the lap times displayed on screen in F1 2010 are compared to the gap to the leader, rather than being split times to the car in front or behind. They are calculated on the time difference within sectors, on a lap by lap basis. For example, the players lap and individual split times on any given lap is compared to the race leader only.
Track reset
There are a few videos and threads where the AI have been seen to spin off and then teleport around the track. Again this isn’t an intentional component of the AI systems. We have a retrieval system that will reset cars to the track if they manage to get out of the world which is intended for use in a number of scenarios such as violent collisions. In these cases it appears that this retrieval system has fired off by mistake.
Race engineer speech
There are a few issues whereby the information which the race engineer is feeding you in relation to gaps to the car in front seems to be at odds with what is happening in the race. Again this isn’t tied into the AI at all. It’s purely speech logic and triggers.
Fuel simulation and tyre degradation
This has been implemented for both players and AI cars. We’ll investigate the drop offs and see if the numbers need tweaking as part of the patch.
As ever your feedback really helps us track down these issues so many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to post up as many details as you have. We have already made significant advances against some of the issues thanks to those of you who have contributed a clear and comprehensive account of problems. We will let you know the full details of what the patch will include and when you can expect it as soon as possible.
Rest assured that we do read the forums and your feedback is extremely important to us.
Schumy escribió:Resumiendo:
- La IA no está scriptada de ningún modo, y realmente da las vueltas, no son tiempos preestablecidos.
- Los errores en los tiempos de la primera vuelta es porque al pasar por meta en la salida se resetean los tiempos, por eso el lider no siempre es el más rápido en la primera vuelta.
- Lo del teletransporte de algunos coches, es algo hecho a propósito en situaciones especiales para devovler los coches de la IA a pista cuando estos se salen del "mundo" en colisiones violentas por ejemplo.
El resto de cosas es bug y están en ello.
DAVID_BILBAO escribió:Schumy escribió:Resumiendo:
- La IA no está scriptada de ningún modo, y realmente da las vueltas, no son tiempos preestablecidos.
- Los errores en los tiempos de la primera vuelta es porque al pasar por meta en la salida se resetean los tiempos, por eso el lider no siempre es el más rápido en la primera vuelta.
- Lo del teletransporte de algunos coches, es algo hecho a propósito en situaciones especiales para devovler los coches de la IA a pista cuando estos se salen del "mundo" en colisiones violentas por ejemplo.
El resto de cosas es bug y están en ello.
Podemos comprobar los tiempos de la vuelta 1 cronometrando desde la linea de salida el tiempo. En ese caso, los tiempos de los que salen en posiciones retrasadas deberían ser mejores ya que harian la vuelta lanzada.
No creeis??
Schumy escribió:DAVID_BILBAO escribió:Schumy escribió:Resumiendo:
- La IA no está scriptada de ningún modo, y realmente da las vueltas, no son tiempos preestablecidos.
- Los errores en los tiempos de la primera vuelta es porque al pasar por meta en la salida se resetean los tiempos, por eso el lider no siempre es el más rápido en la primera vuelta.
- Lo del teletransporte de algunos coches, es algo hecho a propósito en situaciones especiales para devovler los coches de la IA a pista cuando estos se salen del "mundo" en colisiones violentas por ejemplo.
El resto de cosas es bug y están en ello.
Podemos comprobar los tiempos de la vuelta 1 cronometrando desde la linea de salida el tiempo. En ese caso, los tiempos de los que salen en posiciones retrasadas deberían ser mejores ya que harian la vuelta lanzada.
No creeis??
Tienes razón que cuanto más atrás más ventaja tienes por venir con velocidad, pero aun así los tiempos de los de atrás son muy superiores a los de delante. Piensa que desde que pasa el primero hasta que pasa el último por meta en la salida puede haber 4 o 5 segundos de diferencia máximo, y en cambio, tras completar la primera vuelta la diferencia del primero al último es mucho más grande. Quiere decir que le sacó tiempo. (Hablo de la realidad y supongo que en el juego pasa igual)
La cuestión es que si el primero le lleva 10 sg al último en la primera vuelta, no significa que haya dado una vuelta 10 sg más rápida. A esos 10 sg habría que restar la ventaja que ya tenía en la salida al pasar por meta.
Schumy escribió:Resumiendo:
- La IA no está scriptada de ningún modo, y realmente da las vueltas, no son tiempos preestablecidos.
- Los errores en los tiempos de la primera vuelta es porque al pasar por meta en la salida se resetean los tiempos, por eso el lider no siempre es el más rápido en la primera vuelta.
- Lo del teletransporte de algunos coches, es algo hecho a propósito en situaciones especiales para devovler los coches de la IA a pista cuando estos se salen del "mundo" en colisiones violentas por ejemplo.
El resto de cosas es bug y están en ello.
Schumy escribió:Están explicando algunos supuestos bugs que no lo son y confirmando que estan estudiando los que sí:
http://community.codemasters.com/forum/ ... ponse.htmlHi everyone.
As you are aware work is on-going towards a patch for the game, and we will release details on this as we move through the patch creation process. Your constructive feedback has been invaluable in helping us both identify and work to resolve issues with the game, and we appreciate your detailed posts.
Some of the identified issues have led (understandably) to people making assumptions about the game that are not accurate, so we felt that in order to reassure you and explain better the process which we are going through at the moment, we’d address a few common queries, in particular relating to AI. In putting this post together, we spoke to various people from across the development team, including the leads and specialists who are working directly on addressing the issues that have been raised.
The AI system implemented in F1 2010 is very complex, and is certainly not scripted in any way. Every AI driver is trained with a series of race behaviours such as overtaking, defending a position and slipstreaming etc. On top of these behaviours we have a unique set of characteristics. These characteristics are defined per driver so you’ll notice some subtle differences. Some drivers are better at race starts or are better at overtaking (they look for narrower gaps), or are better in the rain, or are more aggressive, or are better around certain race tracks. We also have a system which can make certain drivers have a particularly good or bad race depending on a number of factors. All of this driver variance is of course combined with the cars themselves also having varying levels of performance.
It’s also important to note that in order to make the tracks as richly detailed as they are, we use far more textures than the consoles can physically hold. As with many games, we actively stream in and out textures based on the position of the player. This, plus the fact we don't simulate many visual effects on the far side of the track from the player - a "level of detail” system employed to save valuable processor time - would mean there would be a significant pop or delay if we were to allow you to switch cameras between drivers on track.
Practice & Qualifying AI
In practice & qualifying (P&Q) there are two fundamental issues which have meant that we had to make some implementation decisions for the AI in F1 2010. These two issues are our jump-to-sector feature and the fast-forward feature that is available on the car monitor in the garage.
The jump-to-sector feature necessarily simulates teleporting a car instantly to a position while the fast-forward feature allows the player to speed up time. The latter prevents us from simulating the actual AI travelling around the track 100% of the time as we cannot accurately simulate 24 cars where we have accelerated the passage of time by as much as a factor of 30. An F1 car can move at over 200mph. With 30 times speedup, we cannot simulate car physics at 6000+mph without losing some fidelity. F1 cars obviously cannot move this fast. We therefore implemented a system whereby the AI times in such circumstances are calculated based on a ‘football management” style simulation model. Using this model all of the race factors, such as the car, driver, weather, tyres, engine, track conditions, traffic are all taken into account and a lap time is produced. These generated times are well considered and guided by a huge amount of data; they are not randomly generated. Nevertheless they remain simulated approximations using this model.
For P&Q sessions we spent a long time experimenting with flipping back and forth between this simulated system and actual AI physical timing, as the fast-forward is engaged and disengaged, but it lead to the potential for subtle exploits which we were not comfortable with. Therefore all AI times in these P&Q sessions use this simulation method.
Race AI
As none of the above feature restrictions are relevant in the race itself, we DO NOT use any other systems in the race other than the AI cars all physically driving the race just as the player does. Other factors also contribute to the AI lap times and the variation in their race pace. These include race start behaviours, their ultimate race pace which takes into account elements such as fuel and tyre degradation, weather, conserving / cooling engines etc, their in and out laps in the pit stop phase and their finishing pace.
We have seen several email and forum threads which suggest that an AI car’s performance is determined by where they are positioned currently in the race, or where they are in relation to the player which absolutely isn’t the case.
Based on some of the feedback we’ve received we are looking into the variation of AI race pace, as well as working hard to address as many of the following issues as possible in the upcoming patch, which aren’t AI specific but are adding to the assumptions that we are using fake or scripted AI:
Pit Stop
Several pit stop issues have been reported;
* The AI not making a mandatory pit stop during a dry race of 20% or more
* The player being forced to wait in the pits before being released
* The player or AI cars becoming stuck in the pit lane
* The use of flashback breaking the AI pit strategies
We’re currently investigating each of these issues and recognise that these would have a significant impact on the way that the race pans out. As ever with fixing these issues it’s a case of finding out how to repeat the problem so that we can track the issues down and fix them.
Split times
A few of you have correctly spotted that the race leader isn’t always the quickest on the first lap of the race. This is an issue whereby the start line is resetting the AI lap timings rather than everyone’s time being taken from when the start lights go out, which of course should be the case on the first lap.
It’s important to also note that the lap times displayed on screen in F1 2010 are compared to the gap to the leader, rather than being split times to the car in front or behind. They are calculated on the time difference within sectors, on a lap by lap basis. For example, the players lap and individual split times on any given lap is compared to the race leader only.
Track reset
There are a few videos and threads where the AI have been seen to spin off and then teleport around the track. Again this isn’t an intentional component of the AI systems. We have a retrieval system that will reset cars to the track if they manage to get out of the world which is intended for use in a number of scenarios such as violent collisions. In these cases it appears that this retrieval system has fired off by mistake.
Race engineer speech
There are a few issues whereby the information which the race engineer is feeding you in relation to gaps to the car in front seems to be at odds with what is happening in the race. Again this isn’t tied into the AI at all. It’s purely speech logic and triggers.
Fuel simulation and tyre degradation
This has been implemented for both players and AI cars. We’ll investigate the drop offs and see if the numbers need tweaking as part of the patch.
As ever your feedback really helps us track down these issues so many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to post up as many details as you have. We have already made significant advances against some of the issues thanks to those of you who have contributed a clear and comprehensive account of problems. We will let you know the full details of what the patch will include and when you can expect it as soon as possible.
Rest assured that we do read the forums and your feedback is extremely important to us.
jkn87 escribió:Schumy escribió:Están explicando algunos supuestos bugs que no lo son y confirmando que estan estudiando los que sí:
http://community.codemasters.com/forum/ ... ponse.htmlHi everyone.
As you are aware work is on-going towards a patch for the game, and we will release details on this as we move through the patch creation process. Your constructive feedback has been invaluable in helping us both identify and work to resolve issues with the game, and we appreciate your detailed posts.
Some of the identified issues have led (understandably) to people making assumptions about the game that are not accurate, so we felt that in order to reassure you and explain better the process which we are going through at the moment, we’d address a few common queries, in particular relating to AI. In putting this post together, we spoke to various people from across the development team, including the leads and specialists who are working directly on addressing the issues that have been raised.
The AI system implemented in F1 2010 is very complex, and is certainly not scripted in any way. Every AI driver is trained with a series of race behaviours such as overtaking, defending a position and slipstreaming etc. On top of these behaviours we have a unique set of characteristics. These characteristics are defined per driver so you’ll notice some subtle differences. Some drivers are better at race starts or are better at overtaking (they look for narrower gaps), or are better in the rain, or are more aggressive, or are better around certain race tracks. We also have a system which can make certain drivers have a particularly good or bad race depending on a number of factors. All of this driver variance is of course combined with the cars themselves also having varying levels of performance.
It’s also important to note that in order to make the tracks as richly detailed as they are, we use far more textures than the consoles can physically hold. As with many games, we actively stream in and out textures based on the position of the player. This, plus the fact we don't simulate many visual effects on the far side of the track from the player - a "level of detail” system employed to save valuable processor time - would mean there would be a significant pop or delay if we were to allow you to switch cameras between drivers on track.
Practice & Qualifying AI
In practice & qualifying (P&Q) there are two fundamental issues which have meant that we had to make some implementation decisions for the AI in F1 2010. These two issues are our jump-to-sector feature and the fast-forward feature that is available on the car monitor in the garage.
The jump-to-sector feature necessarily simulates teleporting a car instantly to a position while the fast-forward feature allows the player to speed up time. The latter prevents us from simulating the actual AI travelling around the track 100% of the time as we cannot accurately simulate 24 cars where we have accelerated the passage of time by as much as a factor of 30. An F1 car can move at over 200mph. With 30 times speedup, we cannot simulate car physics at 6000+mph without losing some fidelity. F1 cars obviously cannot move this fast. We therefore implemented a system whereby the AI times in such circumstances are calculated based on a ‘football management” style simulation model. Using this model all of the race factors, such as the car, driver, weather, tyres, engine, track conditions, traffic are all taken into account and a lap time is produced. These generated times are well considered and guided by a huge amount of data; they are not randomly generated. Nevertheless they remain simulated approximations using this model.
For P&Q sessions we spent a long time experimenting with flipping back and forth between this simulated system and actual AI physical timing, as the fast-forward is engaged and disengaged, but it lead to the potential for subtle exploits which we were not comfortable with. Therefore all AI times in these P&Q sessions use this simulation method.
Race AI
As none of the above feature restrictions are relevant in the race itself, we DO NOT use any other systems in the race other than the AI cars all physically driving the race just as the player does. Other factors also contribute to the AI lap times and the variation in their race pace. These include race start behaviours, their ultimate race pace which takes into account elements such as fuel and tyre degradation, weather, conserving / cooling engines etc, their in and out laps in the pit stop phase and their finishing pace.
We have seen several email and forum threads which suggest that an AI car’s performance is determined by where they are positioned currently in the race, or where they are in relation to the player which absolutely isn’t the case.
Based on some of the feedback we’ve received we are looking into the variation of AI race pace, as well as working hard to address as many of the following issues as possible in the upcoming patch, which aren’t AI specific but are adding to the assumptions that we are using fake or scripted AI:
Pit Stop
Several pit stop issues have been reported;
* The AI not making a mandatory pit stop during a dry race of 20% or more
* The player being forced to wait in the pits before being released
* The player or AI cars becoming stuck in the pit lane
* The use of flashback breaking the AI pit strategies
We’re currently investigating each of these issues and recognise that these would have a significant impact on the way that the race pans out. As ever with fixing these issues it’s a case of finding out how to repeat the problem so that we can track the issues down and fix them.
Split times
A few of you have correctly spotted that the race leader isn’t always the quickest on the first lap of the race. This is an issue whereby the start line is resetting the AI lap timings rather than everyone’s time being taken from when the start lights go out, which of course should be the case on the first lap.
It’s important to also note that the lap times displayed on screen in F1 2010 are compared to the gap to the leader, rather than being split times to the car in front or behind. They are calculated on the time difference within sectors, on a lap by lap basis. For example, the players lap and individual split times on any given lap is compared to the race leader only.
Track reset
There are a few videos and threads where the AI have been seen to spin off and then teleport around the track. Again this isn’t an intentional component of the AI systems. We have a retrieval system that will reset cars to the track if they manage to get out of the world which is intended for use in a number of scenarios such as violent collisions. In these cases it appears that this retrieval system has fired off by mistake.
Race engineer speech
There are a few issues whereby the information which the race engineer is feeding you in relation to gaps to the car in front seems to be at odds with what is happening in the race. Again this isn’t tied into the AI at all. It’s purely speech logic and triggers.
Fuel simulation and tyre degradation
This has been implemented for both players and AI cars. We’ll investigate the drop offs and see if the numbers need tweaking as part of the patch.
As ever your feedback really helps us track down these issues so many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to post up as many details as you have. We have already made significant advances against some of the issues thanks to those of you who have contributed a clear and comprehensive account of problems. We will let you know the full details of what the patch will include and when you can expect it as soon as possible.
Rest assured that we do read the forums and your feedback is extremely important to us.
en resumen:
tenéis razon todos, la hemos cagao bien cagada, pero lo arreglaremos pronto y os avisaremos
CITIZEN20 escribió:Vamos por parte, Creo que algunos de vosotros no sabeis que este año no se reposta en boxes, con lo cual nadie para para repostar, las paradas son para cambiar neumaticos, ya que hay que para al menos una vez para poner un juego de blandos, a no ser que esté lloviendo evidentemente,
Por otra parte el tío de Codemaster no se cree el ni harto de vino que un lotus que sale el último va hacer mejor tiempo que un Ferrari que sale el primero, por mucho que se le resete la vuelta cuando pase por meta y vaya como en vuelta lanzada, en la primera curva con tráfico ya pierde la supuesta ventaja y en la segunda curva del circuito con el tráfico que hay ya le saca el Ferrari de la cabeza 2 segundos más.
Overdrack escribió:CITIZEN20 escribió:Vamos por parte, Creo que algunos de vosotros no sabeis que este año no se reposta en boxes, con lo cual nadie para para repostar, las paradas son para cambiar neumaticos, ya que hay que para al menos una vez para poner un juego de blandos, a no ser que esté lloviendo evidentemente,
Por otra parte el tío de Codemaster no se cree el ni harto de vino que un lotus que sale el último va hacer mejor tiempo que un Ferrari que sale el primero, por mucho que se le resete la vuelta cuando pase por meta y vaya como en vuelta lanzada, en la primera curva con tráfico ya pierde la supuesta ventaja y en la segunda curva del circuito con el tráfico que hay ya le saca el Ferrari de la cabeza 2 segundos más.
En F1 tiene la obligación de cambiar los neumáticos una vez por carrera.
forkozgz escribió:A ver si me podeis ayudar,
Tengo un driving force GT, he leido varias veces lo de configurarle los grados de giro a 200º para juegos de F1, ¿como se hace? es que en algunas curvas tengo la impresion que necesito girar mas de la cuenta el volante para tomarlas bien.
Si alguien me ayudara a configurarlo se lo agradeceria muy mucho![]()
nachin75 escribió:....la base de una gestión de fútbol "modelo de simulación de estilo. El uso de este modelo de todos los factores de raza, como el coche, el conductor, el clima, llantas, motor, condiciones de la pista, el tráfico se tomen en cuenta y un tiempo de vuelta se produce. Estos tiempos generados son bien considerados y guiados por una gran cantidad de datos, no son generados aleatoriamente. Sin embargo siguen siendo aproximaciones simulado utilizando este modelo.
Para las sesiones de P & Q pasamos mucho tiempo experimentando con voltear hacia atrás y adelante entre este sistema simulado y real el tiempo de inseminación física, como el avance rápido se activa y desactiva, pero conducen a la posibilidad de que explote sutiles que no se sienta cómodo. Por lo tanto todo momento la gripe aviar en estas sesiones de P & Q utilizar este método de simulación.
Carrera de la IA
Como ninguna de las restricciones de ......
forkozgz escribió:A ver si me podeis ayudar,
Tengo un driving force GT, he leido varias veces lo de configurarle los grados de giro a 200º para juegos de F1, ¿como se hace? es que en algunas curvas tengo la impresion que necesito girar mas de la cuenta el volante para tomarlas bien.
Si alguien me ayudara a configurarlo se lo agradeceria muy mucho![]()
CHRISOHC escribió:Estoy esperando el juego, y estoy leyendo mensajes y me salta una duda muy grande.
¿los coches hacen cada uno su vuelta real? ¿o aparece a modo ridge racer que cuando llevas un rato corriendo la maquina inventa a uno al fondo?
No se si me he explicado bien.
Schumy escribió:Codemasters ofrece 100 puestos de trabajo de Betatester, y no es coña.![]()
Interesados: http://www.codemasters.com/corporate/ca ... ls/?id=273
capetuso escribió:La verdad es que si fueran espabilados podrían poner un formulario de bug en la página web y que cada uno lo fuera rellenando. Se evitaban una pasta en betatesters y sacaríamos todos los fallos.
Fernuss escribió:Pero es que este juego está sin finalizar. Estoy hasta las narices de que las únicas carreras en las que puedo puntuar son las de mojado, básica y llanamente porque no hay que entrar en boxes. Una carrera en mojado en el mismo circuito en modo experto puedo llegar a hacer 2º con un toro rosso, pero esa misma carrera en seco es imposible pasar del 15º (¿quien dice que lo de los bugs de boxes no son para tanto?). Es que no se a vosotros, pero a mi me repatea mil veces saber que SIEMPRE voy a acabar las carreras al menos diez puestos por detrás de la posición que iba antes de entrar a boxes. Si antes de entrar en boxes voy 8º, quedaré 18; y si voy décimo, quedaré 20º (más o menos, pero desgraciadamente esta proporción,en mi caso, se cumple a rajatabla).
Es que ya no solo estamos hablando de que si entras a boxes con muchos coches a la vez el tio de la piruleta no te da la salida, ya es que MUCHOS coches ni siquiera hacen su parada. Esto si juegas en modo fácil no te importará mucho, pero en modo experto, con un toro rosso que no corre nada, cuesta sudor y lágrimas conseguir hacer una buena clasificación y una buena carrera, como para que luego te lo joroben todo los malditos bugs.
Pero todo no quita que en el resto sea un muy buen juego, con una gran jugabilidad (si juegas con volante), así que a ver si sacan ya un parche que arregle todos estos desperfectos y podamos disfrutar del juego como dios manda.
Un saludo.
manotari escribió:Buenas, ¿alguien ha recibido el juego de zavvi?.
Se me está haciendo la espera muy larga.
jtw escribió:manotari escribió:Buenas, ¿alguien ha recibido el juego de zavvi?.
Se me está haciendo la espera muy larga.
lo mismo digo...
SnoK escribió:jtw escribió:manotari escribió:Buenas, ¿alguien ha recibido el juego de zavvi?.
Se me está haciendo la espera muy larga.
lo mismo digo...
Yo lo he recibido esta mañana
Nameless escribió:A ver...
Este supuesto "BUG", no es más que una falta de ritmo en carrera.
En carrera se puede simular el desgaste de neumaticos, de combustible, de la pista, pero los tiempos no.
En carreras al 20% 40%... nunca tendremos una ventaja de tiempo suficiente como para escalar 15 puestos en un repostaje, sólo si le metemos 2 segundos por vuelta a TODOS (en una carrera de 40%, en una de 20% no creo que sea suficiente...)
Un compañero lo explicó más atras, son posiciones "virtuales", sólo que en carreras del 20% se acentúa más debido a que los neumaticos de una vuelta a otra se desgastan en relación al 20% de carrera y perdemos mucho tiempo.
En carreras cortas os recomiendo entrar al principio y adelantar a los que podais con las duras.
tigerscream escribió: No acabo de entender tu teoria...
... no veo que el hecho que me adelanten 15 de golpe sea porque voy "lento" adelantando a todos en pista...
Nameless escribió:tigerscream escribió: No acabo de entender tu teoria...
... no veo que el hecho que me adelanten 15 de golpe sea porque voy "lento" adelantando a todos en pista...
No es que vayas "lento", es que es IMPOSIBLE en 20% o 40% de carrera sacar ventaja en los repostajes, no hay tiempo para sacar distancias a los que has adelantado, ya que si en las primeras vueltas adelantas a 10 quiere decir que van en fila india, en "trenecito", por lo que en cuanto pares en boxes, si no tienes ventaja con ese "trenecito" te van a adelantar TODOS. En los tiempos verás que p.e. sacas 2 seg al que va detrás tuya, pero al último a lo mejor le sacas sólo 6 segundos... OJO tambien te puede pasar siendo el primer clasificado, si no tiras lo suficiente para distanciarse del trenecito. También influye mucho tu parada en boxes, la máquina las hace perfectas, en menos de 3.5 seg y entrando a tod trapo por la línea (en algunos circuitos...)
Esto no ocurre en carreras al 100%, porque para cuando quieren entrar a acambiar ruedas ya se ha establecido un orden en la parrilla.
SnoK escribió:jtw escribió:manotari escribió:Buenas, ¿alguien ha recibido el juego de zavvi?.
Se me está haciendo la espera muy larga.
lo mismo digo...
Yo lo he recibido esta mañana
kyozuto escribió: bueno, mi pregunta es, a alguien le ha pasado adelantar a un doblado y que este se aparte de forma intencionada para facilitar el adelantamiento???
Y en clasificación?? se han encontrado alguno que se aparte porque no va en su vuelta buena???