Calvato escribió:TheBlueGansta escribió:Y aunque le corten carreras al mejicano,seguiran sin subir el ritmo de los defensas a más de 50
PD:¿El punto donde lo dejamos?
TheBlueGansta escribió:Calvato escribió:TheBlueGansta escribió:Y aunque le corten carreras al mejicano,seguiran sin subir el ritmo de los defensas a más de 50
En España se permiten ambas letras,así que no me vengas de listilloPD:¿El punto donde lo dejamos?
TheBlueGansta escribió:Calvato escribió:TheBlueGansta escribió:Y aunque le corten carreras al mejicano,seguiran sin subir el ritmo de los defensas a más de 50
En España se permiten ambas letras,así que no me vengas de listilloPD:¿El punto donde lo dejamos?
JaguarSpen escribió:Me he hecho este equipazo de plata de franchutes, eso sí, solo el portero me ha costado 91.000 y todavía me queda por fichar otro central que no encuentro con la 41412 y otro jugador para completar. ... xREiEbc4GF
Va de lujo el equipo, aunque solo he jugado 2 partidos muy igualados con ellos y les he acabado ganando con paradas del portero, de momento me ha decepcionado un poco el delantero IF, ya veremos cuando le pruebe más.
JaguarSpen escribió:Me he hecho este equipazo de plata de franchutes, eso sí, solo el portero me ha costado 91.000 y todavía me queda por fichar otro central que no encuentro con la 41412 y otro jugador para completar. ... xREiEbc4GF
Va de lujo el equipo, aunque solo he jugado 2 partidos muy igualados con ellos y les he acabado ganando con paradas del portero, de momento me ha decepcionado un poco el delantero IF, ya veremos cuando le pruebe más.
angel83sa escribió:JaguarSpen escribió:Me he hecho este equipazo de plata de franchutes, eso sí, solo el portero me ha costado 91.000 y todavía me queda por fichar otro central que no encuentro con la 41412 y otro jugador para completar. ... xREiEbc4GF
Va de lujo el equipo, aunque solo he jugado 2 partidos muy igualados con ellos y les he acabado ganando con paradas del portero, de momento me ha decepcionado un poco el delantero IF, ya veremos cuando le pruebe más.
Yo me hice uno parecido, pero sin ningun IF, me estoy aficionando a hacer equipos de plata, también tengo uno de españoles y otro de la Pro League. En cuanto a los delanteros, puedes hacer como yo, poner a dos balas negras ahí arriba, a ver qué te parece:
PLakas escribió:
edujimi escribió:Alguien a probado eninho en plata.y en oro??
Yo tengo ahora la version oro y el plata me parecia mucho mejor
jugador. Alguien mas lo a notado?
angel83sa escribió:Si hay algun interesado, voy a poner esta tarde mi equipo de Italianos, muchos con la formación 41212. Me jodieron con el Chiellini y prefiero invertir en otras cosas. Los suelo poner a precio razonable, por si alguien se quiere hacer uno de italianos, van genial, pero a penas juego, me divierto más con los silver y bronze. Mi equipo es Espanya BCN
ismarider escribió:angel83sa escribió:Si hay algun interesado, voy a poner esta tarde mi equipo de Italianos, muchos con la formación 41212. Me jodieron con el Chiellini y prefiero invertir en otras cosas. Los suelo poner a precio razonable, por si alguien se quiere hacer uno de italianos, van genial, pero a penas juego, me divierto más con los silver y bronze. Mi equipo es Espanya BCN
Wow tio estas forrao jejejeje una cosa por cuanto lo vendes??? Tengo un equipo de bronce de 100 de compenetracion de inglaterra buenisimo con muchos buenos ... si quieres lo cambiamos por un tiempo o algo asi para probar como se juega en plata, saludos
Eulogio escribió:De 19 a 21 horas posibilidad de que salga un Messi IF(95) y 10 premios de 100 k .....preparar las carteras!!!
Eulogio escribió:De 19 a 21 horas posibilidad de que salga un Messi IF(95) y 10 premios de 100 k .....preparar las carteras!!!
PaLMeRR escribió:Dejad de comprar sobres, a mí ayer despues de 4 meses me dio por comprar 3 de 7500 y lo que mejor me salio fue un manta de 78 de oro No premium, osea, que imaginaos el percal.
Nunca mais.
PaLMeRR escribió:Dejad de comprar sobres, a mí ayer despues de 4 meses me dio por comprar 3 de 7500 y lo que mejor me salio fue un manta de 78 de oro No premium, osea, que imaginaos el percal.
Nunca mais.
Por cierto, voy a adoptar yo también esa táctica de equipazo de 11 titular y banquillo de bronce para lo del handycap, asi aprovecho para mejorarme más el 11 titular, tenia pensado cavani IF, alguien lo ha tenido?
Danififa2012 escribió:PaLMeRR escribió:Dejad de comprar sobres, a mí ayer despues de 4 meses me dio por comprar 3 de 7500 y lo que mejor me salio fue un manta de 78 de oro No premium, osea, que imaginaos el percal.
Nunca mais.
Por cierto, voy a adoptar yo también esa táctica de equipazo de 11 titular y banquillo de bronce para lo del handycap, asi aprovecho para mejorarme más el 11 titular, tenia pensado cavani IF, alguien lo ha tenido?
¿Cavani IF? Yo lo he comprado esta tarde en una puja y al final por 404.000 me lo he llevado!! y lo más fuerte es que no me quedaban mas monedas!!! he ido con todo y el que pujaba no lo ha vuelto a hacer, así que no lo he probado todavía pues acabo de salir del curro y estoy reventado, pero si no me gusta lo vendo por 450.000 y aún salgo ganando, que pena que no tuviese más pasta para haber ido a por ibra SIF, pero que se le va a hacer, me quedan 196 MONEDAS, es decir ni para una carta de contratos de bronce, jejeje
Así que se va de pareja con mi querido Miccoli IF en ataque a romper culos de los guiris!!!
PD: me podéis explicar eso del handycap que habláis del banquillo de bronce o no se que?? gracias
FIFA 12 Ultimate Team
-To better keep you protected, you can now only send trade offers to friends.
-A new trade notifications system will be deployed.
-A new design will be released for the Trade Feed.
-We have increased the maximum bid price from 10 million coins to 15 million.
-New Prize types have been added with additional Packs and Items.
-The prizing on offer for each tournament will now be displayed before you select one to enter.
-A new tournament reward structure has been introduced, varying the prizing depending on the number of times a tournament has been entered.
-We have introduced new tournament types, with entry criteria that allows for teams of mixed leagues, mixed nationalities or mixed clubs.
-A new tournament type will only allow users a limited number of attempts over time.
-Your team's eligibility for tournament entry is now visible on the Squad screen, and requirements that aren't being met will be highlighted.
-We have introduced a new difficulty level - Ultimate Difficulty. The toughest difficulty level in the game, it combines Legendary AI with a chemistry rating of 100.
Squad Building
-You'll now find a new Squad Wizard to help build and/or fill out your squad quickly.
-Introduced the ability to copy a squad to create variations more easily.
-The chemistry links between players will now be more obvious, with a bad connection coloured red, mediocre coloured orange, and good remaining green.
Team of the Week
-You can see the full Team of the Week and navigate and interact with it.
-You can now bring up Team of the Week player bios.
-You'll have access to new navigation to change between current and previous Teams of the Week.
Bug Fixes
-We have fixed the end-of-game disconnection error affecting some PS3 and PC users.
-A recently discovered bug that allowed an Ultimate Team player to gain control of another player's team has been fixed.
-Coins will no longer be awarded if a user Alt-tabs away at the beginning of FUT games on PC.
-Addressed a disconnection bug if a user tried to add more than 100 cards to their Watch List.
-Fixed a problem where the user receives a Debug Text error message in the Watch List when attempting to bid on an item that has already expired.
felixarg10 escribió:No se si estara ya puesto pero nuevo parche para Ultimate Team proximamente
Detalles en el SpoilerFIFA 12 Ultimate Team
-To better keep you protected, you can now only send trade offers to friends.
-A new trade notifications system will be deployed.
-A new design will be released for the Trade Feed.
-We have increased the maximum bid price from 10 million coins to 15 million.
-New Prize types have been added with additional Packs and Items.
-The prizing on offer for each tournament will now be displayed before you select one to enter.
-A new tournament reward structure has been introduced, varying the prizing depending on the number of times a tournament has been entered.
-We have introduced new tournament types, with entry criteria that allows for teams of mixed leagues, mixed nationalities or mixed clubs.
-A new tournament type will only allow users a limited number of attempts over time.
-Your team's eligibility for tournament entry is now visible on the Squad screen, and requirements that aren't being met will be highlighted.
-We have introduced a new difficulty level - Ultimate Difficulty. The toughest difficulty level in the game, it combines Legendary AI with a chemistry rating of 100.
Squad Building
-You'll now find a new Squad Wizard to help build and/or fill out your squad quickly.
-Introduced the ability to copy a squad to create variations more easily.
-The chemistry links between players will now be more obvious, with a bad connection coloured red, mediocre coloured orange, and good remaining green.
Team of the Week
-You can see the full Team of the Week and navigate and interact with it.
-You can now bring up Team of the Week player bios.
-You'll have access to new navigation to change between current and previous Teams of the Week.
Bug Fixes
-We have fixed the end-of-game disconnection error affecting some PS3 and PC users.
-A recently discovered bug that allowed an Ultimate Team player to gain control of another player's team has been fixed.
-Coins will no longer be awarded if a user Alt-tabs away at the beginning of FUT games on PC.
-Addressed a disconnection bug if a user tried to add more than 100 cards to their Watch List.
-Fixed a problem where the user receives a Debug Text error message in the Watch List when attempting to bid on an item that has already expired.
Me mola bastante lo que van a hacer en los torneos.
FIFA Ultimate Team Web App
Full Screen Mode
Enjoy FUT Web in full screen, including enhanced high-resolution graphics and all the new visual improvements. Note: Typing will not work in full-screen mode in Flash, so a keypad has been added for auction features.
Console Security Question
The FUT Web App's existing security question now works in conjunction with FUT on your console. You can no longer create your question on FUT Web, it must be created from your console. Your old security question will continue to function until you change it from FUT Console.
When logging into FUT Web on a new computer or browser, or after 30 days, you will be asked to verify your answer.
You now have the option of locking your account from the security question screen on FUT Web if you feel it has been compromised. If you do choose to do this, you must login into FUT on your console to recover your account.
Auction Info Tooltip
All active auctions now have a tooltip that displays all relevant auction information - simply hover over the item.
Bidding Changes
When you are outbid on an auction, the new amount will be highlighted in red beside the current bid. This is to warn you of a potential drastic change in bid prices where some people have been tricked in to losing many coins.
The Bid button will be delayed for 2 seconds if you have been outbid. This ensures everyone has fair time to review the latest bid.
Holding down the increment and decrement button will raise/lower the price, making it quicker when clicking.
Squad Management
Copy any Squad directly from the squad selector.
Your Active Squad is now highlighted on the squad selector
Dynamic Icons for Auction Search Filters
Each search filter now has a unique icon.
Flags, leagues and team crests are now displayed for Players.
Player positions now co-ordinate with their respective colour, as well as the formation icons.
Active Messaging
Replaced the play/pause controls with icons for each message.
Dynamic messaging now appears in the Store.
Usability and Art Improvements
You will notice a wide range of improvements to the design and usability of FUT Web, including better design elements, updated search filter options and a new filter for manager nationality. There are too many individual changes to list here, but you should certainly notice the difference.
Kestafa escribió:felixarg10 escribió:No se si estara ya puesto pero nuevo parche para Ultimate Team proximamente
Detalles en el SpoilerFIFA 12 Ultimate Team
-To better keep you protected, you can now only send trade offers to friends.
-A new trade notifications system will be deployed.
-A new design will be released for the Trade Feed.
-We have increased the maximum bid price from 10 million coins to 15 million.
-New Prize types have been added with additional Packs and Items.
-The prizing on offer for each tournament will now be displayed before you select one to enter.
-A new tournament reward structure has been introduced, varying the prizing depending on the number of times a tournament has been entered.
-We have introduced new tournament types, with entry criteria that allows for teams of mixed leagues, mixed nationalities or mixed clubs.
-A new tournament type will only allow users a limited number of attempts over time.
-Your team's eligibility for tournament entry is now visible on the Squad screen, and requirements that aren't being met will be highlighted.
-We have introduced a new difficulty level - Ultimate Difficulty. The toughest difficulty level in the game, it combines Legendary AI with a chemistry rating of 100.
Squad Building
-You'll now find a new Squad Wizard to help build and/or fill out your squad quickly.
-Introduced the ability to copy a squad to create variations more easily.
-The chemistry links between players will now be more obvious, with a bad connection coloured red, mediocre coloured orange, and good remaining green.
Team of the Week
-You can see the full Team of the Week and navigate and interact with it.
-You can now bring up Team of the Week player bios.
-You'll have access to new navigation to change between current and previous Teams of the Week.
Bug Fixes
-We have fixed the end-of-game disconnection error affecting some PS3 and PC users.
-A recently discovered bug that allowed an Ultimate Team player to gain control of another player's team has been fixed.
-Coins will no longer be awarded if a user Alt-tabs away at the beginning of FUT games on PC.
-Addressed a disconnection bug if a user tried to add more than 100 cards to their Watch List.
-Fixed a problem where the user receives a Debug Text error message in the Watch List when attempting to bid on an item that has already expired.
Me mola bastante lo que van a hacer en los torneos.
6 meses después, no está mal.
También hay cambios para la web del FUTFIFA Ultimate Team Web App
Full Screen Mode
Enjoy FUT Web in full screen, including enhanced high-resolution graphics and all the new visual improvements. Note: Typing will not work in full-screen mode in Flash, so a keypad has been added for auction features.
Console Security Question
The FUT Web App's existing security question now works in conjunction with FUT on your console. You can no longer create your question on FUT Web, it must be created from your console. Your old security question will continue to function until you change it from FUT Console.
When logging into FUT Web on a new computer or browser, or after 30 days, you will be asked to verify your answer.
You now have the option of locking your account from the security question screen on FUT Web if you feel it has been compromised. If you do choose to do this, you must login into FUT on your console to recover your account.
Auction Info Tooltip
All active auctions now have a tooltip that displays all relevant auction information - simply hover over the item.
Bidding Changes
When you are outbid on an auction, the new amount will be highlighted in red beside the current bid. This is to warn you of a potential drastic change in bid prices where some people have been tricked in to losing many coins.
The Bid button will be delayed for 2 seconds if you have been outbid. This ensures everyone has fair time to review the latest bid.
Holding down the increment and decrement button will raise/lower the price, making it quicker when clicking.
Squad Management
Copy any Squad directly from the squad selector.
Your Active Squad is now highlighted on the squad selector
Dynamic Icons for Auction Search Filters
Each search filter now has a unique icon.
Flags, leagues and team crests are now displayed for Players.
Player positions now co-ordinate with their respective colour, as well as the formation icons.
Active Messaging
Replaced the play/pause controls with icons for each message.
Dynamic messaging now appears in the Store.
Usability and Art Improvements
You will notice a wide range of improvements to the design and usability of FUT Web, including better design elements, updated search filter options and a new filter for manager nationality. There are too many individual changes to list here, but you should certainly notice the difference.
PLakas escribió:"-To better keep you protected, you can now only send trade offers to friends."
Vaya mierda, yo con las cartas muy caras hago cambios, porque es mas dificil venderlas. Me parece una cagada inmensa.
jota-ele256 escribió:PLakas escribió:"-To better keep you protected, you can now only send trade offers to friends."
Vaya mierda, yo con las cartas muy caras hago cambios, porque es mas dificil venderlas. Me parece una cagada inmensa.
k significa??
felixarg10 escribió:jota-ele256 escribió:PLakas escribió:"-To better keep you protected, you can now only send trade offers to friends."
Vaya mierda, yo con las cartas muy caras hago cambios, porque es mas dificil venderlas. Me parece una cagada inmensa.
k significa??
Que ahora solo podras hacer ofertas de cambio a amigos. Por lo visto era una de las formas de estafa mas usadas.
felixarg10 escribió:jota-ele256 escribió:PLakas escribió:"-To better keep you protected, you can now only send trade offers to friends."
Vaya mierda, yo con las cartas muy caras hago cambios, porque es mas dificil venderlas. Me parece una cagada inmensa.
k significa??
Que ahora solo podras hacer ofertas de cambio a amigos. Por lo visto era una de las formas de estafa mas usadas.
PLakas escribió:Conclusión: Pierde dinero todo el mundo.
FIFA 12 Ultimate Team
-To better keep you protected, you can now only send trade offers to friends.
Que solo se pueden enviar ofertas a tus amigos.
-A new trade notifications system will be deployed.
Van a implantar un nuevo sistema de notificaciones en el tradeo.
-A new design will be released for the Trade Feed.
Nuevo diseño de Trade Feed (por lo que veo, creo que es dónde aparecen tus últimas negociaones/compras).
-We have increased the maximum bid price from 10 million coins to 15 million.
La oferta máxima sube a 15 millones.
-New Prize types have been added with additional Packs and Items.
Se añaden nuevos tipos de premios con packs adicionales e items.
-The prizing on offer for each tournament will now be displayed before you select one to enter.
El premio que se ofrece para cada torneo ahora aparecerá antes de elegir un torneo en el que entrar ¿?
-A new tournament reward structure has been introduced, varying the prizing depending on the number of times a tournament has been entered.
Nuevo sistemas de recompensas de los torneos, en el que se varía el premio dependiendo del número de veces que se ha ganado el torneo.
-We have introduced new tournament types, with entry criteria that allows for teams of mixed leagues, mixed nationalities or mixed clubs.
Nuevos tipos de torneos, con requisitos que permiten equipos de ligas mezcladas, nacionalidades mezcladas o clubs mezclados.
-A new tournament type will only allow users a limited number of attempts over time.
Un nuevo tipo de torneo que solo permitirá que te apuntes un número limitado de veces.
-Your team's eligibility for tournament entry is now visible on the Squad screen, and requirements that aren't being met will be highlighted.
La plantilla que puedes elegir para el torneo ahora se ve directamente desde el editor de plantillas, y te remarca los requisitos que no cumples.
-We have introduced a new difficulty level - Ultimate Difficulty. The toughest difficulty level in the game, it combines Legendary AI with a chemistry rating of 100.
Nuevo nivel dificultad Ultimate, que es la IA legendaria más la compenetración del rival al 100.
Squad Building
-You'll now find a new Squad Wizard to help build and/or fill out your squad quickly.
Un nuevo wizard que te ayuda a hacer plantillas más rápido.
-Introduced the ability to copy a squad to create variations more easily.
Se pueden copiar plantillas
-The chemistry links between players will now be more obvious, with a bad connection coloured red, mediocre coloured orange, and good remaining green.
Más colorines en las líneas de compenetración, rojo y naranja.
Team of the Week
-You can see the full Team of the Week and navigate and interact with it.
-You can now bring up Team of the Week player bios.
Estas dos se refieren a que se podrá ver estádísticas y todo los datos en general de los jugadores del TOTW
-You'll have access to new navigation to change between current and previous Teams of the Week.
Creo que se refiere a una forma de elegir que TOTW ver.
Bug Fixes
-We have fixed the end-of-game disconnection error affecting some PS3 and PC users.
Arreglan un bug de desconexión que afecta a algunos usuarios de ps3 y pc.
-A recently discovered bug that allowed an Ultimate Team player to gain control of another player's team has been fixed.
Han arreglado un bug que ha aparecido recientemente (y una polla) con el que manejas los jugadores del rival.
-Coins will no longer be awarded if a user Alt-tabs away at the beginning of FUT games on PC.
Esto tiene pinta de ser un truco de la versión de PC que haciendo Alt-tab al principio del partido ganabas monedas.
-Addressed a disconnection bug if a user tried to add more than 100 cards to their Watch List.
Creo que han arreglado un bug de desconexión que ocurría cuando tenías más de 100 cartas preseleccionadas.
-Fixed a problem where the user receives a Debug Text error message in the Watch List when attempting to bid on an item that has already expired.
Arreglado el problema de recibír un texto de error en la lista de preselección cuando intentabas pujar por una carta expirada.
Special One escribió:Os esta dando problemas de conexion el ultimate ?? yo llevo desde ayer sin poder jugar un partido online ni torneo, es cuando le da a buscar rival cuando te echa fuera un error de no se que puta conexion a los servidores.
ionaindi escribió:Muy buenas....
¿Merece la pena Xabi Alonso TOTY...?. Es que 700K, son muchas 700K.....