dani_focusrs escribió:La verdad que mucha gente se queja de la velocidad, si, pero bueno, nunca llueve a gusto de todos. Yo por mi parte si lo veia rapido en los primeros 2 partidos que jugué, luego ya me puse a tocar la configuración y ahora mismo me encanta. Jugando OFFLINE conste, modo carrera que es lo que me gusta. Os voy a poner unos Sliders que encontre no recuerdo donde, pero que me llamaron muchisimo la atención y que la verdad, al principio dice "Como?!", pero una vez has jugado unos partidos....
vaya cambio.el juego con estos sliders,todo mas lento ,mucho mejor,quitar el sprint en los jugadores gana mucho el juego porque no se ven carreras a lo loco,jugare unos cuantos partidos a ver si cambio algo de los sliders
Bueno, yo juego todo en manual, 6 minutos, velocidad lenta, y Clase Mundial (De momento.

). Los Sliders son los siguientes, con sus explicaciones de porque están puestos así. Es en inglés pero no creo que nadie tenga problemas.
Sprint: 0
This year this is a must. Last year I had Sprint much higher but the pinball-like speed of this year leaves no choice but to lower this to 0. I was skeptical at first, but after playing some games I got great results: the maximum speed reached by the players is still good and looks extremely realistic, their runs look natural and the running animations organic. I strongly believe this year this is the way to go.
Acceleration: 41
Still a work in progress. This setting is key for the pace of the game, more than the one above, because it determines the speed at which the player will start moving. I had it at 48 last year but in FIFA 13 it shouldn't be higher than 45 but also it shouldn't be lower than 39 (because accelerating with the right stick is not affected by this slider, so if Acc is too low you can simply dribble the entire opponent team with the right stick).
Shot Error: 50 HUM/70 CPU
Pass Error: 50 HUM/70 CPU
In my opinion one of the longstanding issues of the franchise is that the CPU always shoots on goal.
With Shot Error at 70 you will see all kinds of spins to the ball and the results of each shot will vary throughout the game.
These settings only affect HUM when playing Assisted. If playing full manual, don't bother changing them. If you play Assisted, they should be the same as the CPU.
Shot Speed: 50
It's perfect at default.
Pass Speed: 30
A low pass speed is another important step towards the goal of slowing down the game and - super important - it helps the AI play more realistic.
Injury Frequency: 63
Injury Severity: 53
User preference.
Goalkeeper Ability: 30
The goalkeepers in FIFA have always been too good. If you look at a real game, rarely GKs do something out of the ordinary. In this game I have seen crazy saves (just look at 1:42 in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhzXoCSjla0)
30 feels realistic.
Marking: 70
Last year I was playing with marking at 0, because if marking was too high the defenders would stick to the opponents like an NBA-style man defense.
This year is different though, and I believe 70 is a great balance and provides realistic results from the AI defenders (even teammates).
Run Frequency: 70
Line Height: 30
Line Length: 30
Line Width: 30
These 3 settings are crucial: they change the way the teams play on the field and they open up the game. I have seen the CPU backpass when there are no spaces to attack, I have seen fast breaks and - most important thing of all - midfield play is now an important part of the game (like in real life).
Fullbacks: 70
At default the fullbacks are never involved in the offensive plays, while if this is too high they will always be in the opponent's box. 70 is a great balance.
First Touch: 45
I believe this set brings out the best in this year's game, but feel free to give me constructive feedback to improve it.
Thank you!