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Today, EA announced a brand-new addition to their elite boxing series - Fight Night Champion. Little has been given away about this new bout of punching except for the following...
- Launch ETA is 2011
- There will be 60-65 fighters included in the roster
- Fight Night Champion will 'break the mould of what is expected of a single-player sports game, where players will be introduced to an entirely new way to step between the ropes and experience the drama, emotion, excitement and tragedy of the world of championship boxing'. And according to Gameplay Producer, Brian Hayes [Source: IGN] 'it's something people won't expect from an EA sports game'
With this in mind, and while we can fantasy about what's going to be in Fight Night Champion before our dreams are smashed, we decided to put together a wish list of what we want. DING! DING! Let's go...
Better contacts
No, not of the lenses variety but the fist to face explosions. Fight Night has always nailed the haymaker impacts to great effect - contorted faces looking like Jim Carrey being hit with a bat - but the jabs and straight crosses felt weak. Super-fast but ultimately unfulfillling - a complete contrast to UFC Undisputed's meatiness. If EA can up the power stakes on each boxers standard arsenal then Fight Night Champion could reign supreme once more.
Training minigames
It's not that Fight Night's minigames have been particularly shit or anything, it's just that there are only limited ways to beef up your character and they're all present from the off. However, we would like more variety in the regimes you need to work with to spice things up.
Above: Because no boxing feature is complete without at least one Rocky snap
This may sound dull as dishwater, but how about a full set of weight-lifting machines to play with? Each one with a different method to progress, thus catering for everyone. Or a bike to up your endurance. Saying that, boxers are forever running up hills and steps to increase stamina maybe these could be options? The moral of this entry is that there needs to be more fun stuff to do in-between scraps.
A bigger roster
One of our biggest gripes with the series is each iterations fighter line-up. While worthy boxers such as Roy Jones Jr, Mike Tyson and of course G.O.A.T. Muhammad Ali all make an appearance more contemporary sluggers seem to miss the cut. Startling really since EA are famed for license grabbing. Where's Amir Khan, David Haye and Nikolai Valuev? It took DLC just to bring in the Klitschko brothers. Let's get this sorted EA.
Above: One for the ladies
A more engaging story
If you've ever seen The Contender TV series then you'll know what we're angling at here. for those of you who don't, it's essentially a reality TV show where the contestants go through rigorous training camps and emotional turmoil as they fight for a place on the professional circuit. Imagine the Rocky movies condensed into a television special. It's packed full of emotional problems like a father trying to earn a living for his mother/daughter/wife <delete as appropriate> and solemn shots of them shadow-boxing in-between the floods of tears.
Above: Taking part in a tough amateur tournament could really add a new dimension to things
It sounds cheesy as hell but the format may just work in Fight Night Champion. After all, the devs have already claimed that it will feature 'something people won't expect from an EA sports game', so it could happen. We'll have to wait and see, but at the very least we'd like far more build up to big fights and rivalries that could follow you around and shape your career like Gatti versus Ward.
You've read the piece, now have your say. What would you do to make Fight Night Champion amazing or do you think it's fine as it is? Are there more features you'd add to make it more compelling? And if you're not a boxing fan anyway, what could the game provide that would sway you to give it a shot. Place your suggestions below, you beautiful people.
July 20, 2010
Gato escribió:
avance buenísimo de la revista egm: http://www.egmnow.com/standard
Haced click donde dice Click Here To Read: EGMi Issue 242-2 , se abre una revista interactiva, la información del juego empieza en la página 14 y pasando el puntero sobre los puntos amarillos sale el texto.
Las imágenes son brutales y hay muy buena información.
- más variedad de golpes, el control se hará con movimientos más simples pero seguirán funcionando los que se hacen ahora
- los KOs de un puñetazo podrán ser tanto en cabeza como cuerpo, esa clase de puñetazos serán raros pero cuando salgan acabarán la pelea de inmediato. Y ahora los momentos en los que estamos groguis pueden durar varios minutos e incluso continuar en el siguiente asalto.
- el juego será el primero en la serie en llevar la calificación de maduro lo que permitirá mostrar heridas más graves y la sangre que haga falta
- los haymakers desaparecen y ahora se podrán lanzar versiones más fuertes del puñetazo elegido pulsando un botón. La defensa también se hará apretando un botón
- por fin habrá un arbitro en el ring todo el tiempo
- se ha añadido un ligero motion blur. texturas, iluminación y sombreado mejorados
- en el modo carrera se usará dinero para pagar a los costes de entrenamiento. 10 nuevos minijuegos para entrenar. la etapa como amateur podrá ser mucho más larga
The Fight Night series has been known for many things since it burst onto the scene back in 2004. It began with innovative controls then later expanded to become a true graphical powerhouse with Fight Night Round 3 and Round 4. Now, with Fight Night Champion, EA Sports is once again shifting the series into uncharted territory, and I couldn't be happier about it.
While I got the chance to play Fight Night Champion at a San Francisco event, the gameplay wasn't the significant departure that I was just talking about (though there are plenty of changes that we'll get into later). Instead, EA Sports seems to be making a huge push to bring the story of a boxer into the game with the new Champion Mode. The small piece of gameplay that we got to see from Champion Mode showed our fighter in a boxing match in prison. Yes, you read that right. Your introduction to the mode is a bare-knuckle brawl and it's just as bloody as you'd expect. It's more of a tutorial than anything, but given the fact that your corner man mentions your dad's death and that you need to "knock this ****er on his ass" to win makes it clear that the mode takes this game in a very different direction.
But before we got to see more the evil EA PR hounds swooped in and switched the game off. Yes, what we got was only a tease of much bigger things to come. I, for one, can't wait to see what EA has in store for Champion Mode. It's clear that they're going to deliver an ESPN 30-for-30 (a series of documentary films that runs on the network) style presentation, but in order to sell us on the story that they're trying to present, they're going to need to bring in some scriptwriting talent that knows what they're doing. They didn't announce who was penning the tale of Andre (your character in the mode), but here's hoping they can land someone with the ability to bring the story to life in a convincing way.
If Champion Mode doesn't sound like your thing, never fear, Legacy (career) Mode has seen plenty of attention as well. While I didn't get to venture into the development aspects (training, creation, etc…) for myself, I was told that training would take place all over the world and the attributes you'll be developing will be determined by the city in which you're training. For instance, if you're training in Philadelphia, you'll be improving your toughness and chin rating. If you train at Big Bear in California, you'll be improving your stamina and endurance since you'd be training at a higher altitude than normal. The amount of training that you'll be able to complete is determined by the cost of traveling from your hometown to the location of the training event.
Outside of progressing attributes like your chin, heart and stamina, you'll also be able to grow each individual punch up to level 20. There's straight to the head, right uppercut to the head, hook to the body and pretty much everything else you could want. As you increase each punch it'll get quicker and more precise and it'll have a better chance of sending your opponent into the new stun state called getting your "bell rung" or "bell ringers." Essentially this new stun state weakens the boxer considerably, but unlike in the past you'll no longer recover after a round ends or when you get up from being knocked down. Instead you'll have to change your strategy to survive until your boxer has time to get his wits back.
Once you've decided how you'd like to progress your fighter's skills, it's time to actually get into the ring. Easily the largest change that EA Sports has made to gameplay is with the controls. You'll no longer be using the right analog stick in the same manner for punches. Rather than rotating the stick in a quarter-circle for hooks, now you simply flick to either side. For uppercuts, flick to the five o'clock position for a right uppercut and the seven o'clock position for a left uppercut. Gone are the days of haymakers and they've been replaced by a power modifier that resides on the right shoulder button. Pressing it will make punches harder, but they'll also take a bit longer to launch as your boxer noticeably puts more weight behind the blow.
Punches aren't all that's seen refinement in Fight Night's time away. Blocking is also much different. Dubbed Reflexive Blocking, you'll now have to time your blocks to be truly effective, but you'll no longer need to worry about blocking to a specific part of your body. If you simply hold the block button and "turtle" you'll guard punches well enough, but if your opponent mixes up his attacks you won't be able to keep up with the variety unless your boxer has a very high reflex rating.
If you keep your guard down and time the block as the punch is thrown, you'll get a small counter opportunity. Thankfully that counter opportunity does not artificially slow down the boxer as it did in the past, now you'll have to take advantage of the small counter window on your own. Oh, and if you land a punch right on the money, there is the chance of a one-punch KO. No count from the ref, no opportunity to get back up. You're just out cold.
Once I got the chance to get my hands on the controller for myself, the first thing that I noticed wasn't the controls or the blocking; it was the visuals. There's clearly been a lot of work done to the fighter models and they look even better than they did in Fight Night Round 4. They move wonderfully, they look great and they can be bloodied more than ever before with hemoglobin that falls to the mat, gets on the opponent and will spread to your clothes. Not to mention the fact that there's a ref in the ring with you for the first time and the crowd has quite a bit more detail and personality than in the past.
Being a huge fan of single-player story experiences myself, the new direction for Fight Night Champion's Champion Mode is fantastic provided that they can get the right talent to steer the plot away from being cheesy. As it stands, I couldn't be happier with the gritty direction that Champion Mode is taking. The game also looks fantastic and plays quite well even in its early state. The new controls will definitely take some getting used to if you're a Fight Night vet, but the team is including button punching in the default control scheme, so you'll have the option as soon as you pop in the disc.
Fight Night Champion is scheduled to launch in 2011 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Until then, be sure to check out the debut trailer and fresh screenshots.
Nuevo sistema de golpes ( Full Spectrum Punching) - ahora se realizarán como los jabs y ganchos de round 4, dando un toque en una dirección. Con el nuevo sistema lo que se consiguen es diferentes animaciones dependiendo de la dirección en el que movamos el stick. Se podrán usar los botones pero en ese caso las animaciones serán las predefinidas y no cambiarán dependiendo del ángulo como sí harán si usas el stick.
Esquema de control (PS3) - Ha cambiado respecto a round 4:
Stick derecho - golpes
La configuración por defecto incluye golpear con botones por lo que se podrán usar ambos sistemas a la vez
L2 - modificador de golpes al cuerpo y balanceo
R2 - bloqueo
R1 - modificador de potencia del golpe
L1 - empujar
Cruceta - burlas y golpes ilegales
KOs de un puñetazo / nuevos estados grogui - en cualquier momento de podrá acabar la pelea con un golpe. Puedes estar perdiendo claramente y de la nada sacar un puño que podrá a tu rival a dormir. Esto hace a gente como Tyson temible (como tiene que ser ). Y ahora puedes estar grogui (tocado) durante segundos, minutos o incluso varios asaltos.
Desplazamiento - una de las pocas quejas, comenta que era muy lento, parecido a cuando los boxeadores estaban cerca antes del parche en round 4, haciendo que el entra y salir rápidamente fuera muy difícil. Se lo comentó a un productor y le respondió que estaba de acuerdo y que lo ajustarían.
Precisión - mucha más baja, no todos los boxeadores pueden conectar cada golpe lo que lleva a muchos golpes fallados, que apenas rozan o que conectan son poca fuerza si se lanzan desde ángulos extraños. Muy realista.
Empujar - se ha incluido el empujar con el hombro, útil cuando estás en el cuerpo a cuerpo y quieres crear espacio para lanzar un golpe potente.
Pelea cuerpo a cuerpo - sistema similar al EA MMA. La distancia al rival determinará el tipo de golpe que se podrá realizar. Gente con mucha pegada como Tyson tendrán ventaja y los que prefieren usar la distancia perderán eficacia.
Bloqueo / Parry - no habrán parrys, nada de quedarse helado mientras esperas a que te peguen en la cara. Ahora los bloqueos se hacen pulsando R2. Si lo mantienes pulsado te cubrirás y protegerás automáticamente cabeza y cuerpo, pero la posibilidad de que te rompan la guardia aumentará dependiendo de la capacidad de bloqueo del boxeador que uses. Pero si das un toque al gatillo en el momento en el que el rival lanza el golpe la posibilidad de bloquearlo aumentará (aunque su eficacia no será del 100%) y los golpes a la contra desde la guardia serán más rápidos.
Contras - siguen ahí con el ridículo flash pero ahora no te dejan helado y además las puedes desactivar.
Balanceo / inclinarse - ahora estará conectado con la stamina, cuanto más cansado estés menor capacidad de movimiento tendrás. Si estás fresco los círculos serán amplios y te podrás inclinarte más, si estás cansado el movimiento será más lento y el movimiento estará más limitado.
Stamina - ahora habrán dos barras de stamina, una para los puñetazos y otra para el movimiento. Se medirá la stamina de brazos, torso y piernas. Si lanzas golpes continuamente con un solo brazo este se irá cansando y cada vez será más lento. Si te dedicas a mover el torso como loco (los tristemente famosos spinners que se dedican a hacer círculos de round 3 y 4) el cansancio hará que el movimiento se ralenticen y el boxeador los hará más erguido. Lo mismo pasará con las piernas si se abusa de los pasos continuos.
Entre asaltos - automatizado, se acabaron los puntos. La manera en que pelees tendrá repercusión en tu capacidad de recuperarte. Si tiras golpes como loco recuperarás poca stamina, en cambio si tienes cuidado la recuperación será mayor.
dormilon ZZZZ escribió:Mi juego de lucha preferido....SI!!!!!
EA ha revelado un nuevo juego de boxeo para el 2011, el titulo en cuestion se llama Fight Night Champion, los amantes del boxeo estamos de enhorabuena!!!
dormilon ZZZZ escribió:Tienes razon Erick, siempre meto la pata con estas cosas, me puede el entusiasmo![]()
Un abrazo
[erick] escribió:dormilon ZZZZ escribió:Tienes razon Erick, siempre meto la pata con estas cosas, me puede el entusiasmo![]()
Un abrazo
Nos gusta tu enstusiasmo, así que vamos a aprovecharnos de él y crea el hilo oficial
fikipro escribió:grande dormilonnnnnnnn, ostia ke buena noticia¡, madre mia como pintan esos daños en packiao con toda lka sangre por el pecho, estos de canada son los mismos ke estan desarrolando el mma?
por cierto dormilon tienes la ps3?lo digo para agregarte y echar unos combates.
un saludo crack.
fikipro escribió:grande dormilonnnnnnnn, ostia ke buena noticia¡, madre mia como pintan esos daños en packiao con toda lka sangre por el pecho, estos de canada son los mismos ke estan desarrolando el mma?
por cierto dormilon tienes la ps3?lo digo para agregarte y echar unos combates.
un saludo crack.
sickboy_80 escribió:fikipro escribió:grande dormilonnnnnnnn, ostia ke buena noticia¡, madre mia como pintan esos daños en packiao con toda lka sangre por el pecho, estos de canada son los mismos ke estan desarrolando el mma?
por cierto dormilon tienes la ps3?lo digo para agregarte y echar unos combates.
un saludo crack.
Notición del dia![]()
fikipro te dejo mi id de ps3 por si te apetecen unos combates: sickboy_80. Nos vemos!
dormilon ZZZZ escribió:fikipro escribió:grande dormilonnnnnnnn, ostia ke buena noticia¡, madre mia como pintan esos daños en packiao con toda lka sangre por el pecho, estos de canada son los mismos ke estan desarrolando el mma?
por cierto dormilon tienes la ps3?lo digo para agregarte y echar unos combates.
un saludo crack.
Esta tarde abro un hilo oficial y asi podemos ir caldeando en ambiente![]()
fikipro,desgraciadamente tengo FNR4 para la competencia y me jode sobremanera por que noto que no progreso,me he estancado, sigo cometiendo los mismos errores de siempre y una cosa es debatirlo en EOL y otra muy distinta ir viendo sobre el ring los errores los amigos.
Un abrazo!!º
Fight Night remains one of this generation's best fighting series. The scores are high and the visuals a benchmark of what these consoles can produce. But this time EA wants to go higher - 90 per cent or higher. In order to achieve that, Peter Moore's men have dreamt up an entirely new and "groundbreaking" mode for Fight Night Champion. Something big must be afoot to warrant a name change from Fight Night Round 5. Eurogamer cornered gameplay producer Brian Hayes to find out more.
Eurogamer: Fight Night Champion isn't called Fight Night Round 5. Why is that?
Brian Hayes: There's myriad reasons: some will become more evident as time moves on. One of the obvious ones is that when they picked up the motif of naming it Round 2, Round 3, Round 4, championship prize fights don't normally go up to around 12, so we knew we were going to have to change it sooner or later if the games kept being successful. It was one of those things we knew had to happen sometime. We'd even thought about doing it for Round 4... It can start to drone on if it's the same name. Like Friday the 13th Part VII, you know, whoop-de-doo-daa. But Freddy versus Jason sounds really cool, right?
Eurogamer: There's no more significance to the name than that?
Brian Hayes: As I said, in months to come, there'll be some more revelations. It's also somewhat related to the new game mode.
Eurogamer: The Champion part of the title: that refers to the new game mode? An RPG-like mode?
Brian Hayes: Like I said, the only thing I'm at liberty to say right now is that there is something new. And as we've probably already said, it is something quite innovative, certainly for an EA Sports title or sports title in general. This approach to a single-player experience hasn't really been tackled. As far as any details, in terms of the design or the mechanics or what it's like, we're staying mum for now. That's the ways the pros do it. Duke [Indrasigamany - senior publicist] just came in and looked at me as if to say I've already said too much.
Eurogamer: It's intriguing! I want to know what it is!
Brian Hayes: [laughs]
Fighting fit.
Eurogamer: You've mentioned that Fight Night Champion will "break the mould" - does that specifically refer to this game mode or are there other areas you're breaking the mould of?
Brian Hayes: It's certainly one of the ways, but we're not a team that's happy to put all our eggs in one basket. The franchise itself has always been recognised for really pushing the bar graphically, and that's not something we're trying to rest on our laurels on. The game looked fantastic for Round 3, and then nobody thought it could look better for Round 4 but then it did. Probably people think it won't look any better than Round 4 this year, but it's going to. We're always trying to innovate and do things that are ground breaking and blow people's minds. It's one thing the franchise is noted for and we take that seriously.
The new game mode, yeah, that's part of the reason why it's going to be mould breaking and ground breaking, but we're definitely trying to push the bar in other areas as well.
Eurogamer: Are the graphics so good now that you could trick a slightly thick boxer into thinking the game was real?
Brian Hayes: Sorry, did you say slightly sick?
Eurogamer: Slightly thick.
Brian Hayes: You know, I guess it's possible. We've seen it in the past where people sometimes do double-takes when they're walking by the television and be like, "What is that? What fight is this?" Certainly, if we were going to get medical about it, if somebody with the beginning stages of pugilistic dementia might be more prone to falling victim to thinking it's actually a real fight.
Eurogamer: Someone like Ricky Hatton? He can't be very clever.
Brian Hayes: Oh come on, you can't have turned around on him that quickly. He only lost a fight!
Eurogamer: It was a big fight.
Brian Hayes: He would not be able to tell whether or not it was a real fight because he'd be looking at it through a pint glass [laughs].
Eurogamer: This new mode you can't talk about, is it multiplayer or single-player?
Brian Hayes: Boxing is a really tricky sport to add any co-operative or team-based multiplayer to. It is a single-player mode. It's not an online head-to-head. That being said, which is a great segue into other game modes I'm going to do whatever I can to get you off the topic of the new game mode [laughs]. Even though we're taking a big step forward with this new game mode, the online gameplay last year was something that even the development team found tremendously addictive. Between me and another producer we probably racked up 1000 to 1500 fights between us.
Eurogamer: Were you guys the best?
Brian Hayes: Heh! Certainly not. That's unfortunate. We know that probably for the first two weeks or so we're going to be hanging around the top of the heap, but it does not take very long... At the end of the day we still have jobs, and there are people out there that are literally spending eight to 10 hours a day perfecting every nuance of the game and finding out all the tricks. We can hang with almost anybody.
Eurogamer: One thing that impressed me about Fight Night Round 4 was the way the career mode integrated with the online mode. What's Fight Night Champion doing in that area?
Brian Hayes: The online gameplay is an area we know people are still playing. Every time I go to the game, somebody sends me an invite to play: they know who I am and they want to beat me up because I'm the producer or whatever. As with a lot of games, that's the type of mode that keeps people playing the game, keeps the game in their consoles. We definitely want to do as many things as we can to make the online community in the game stronger and more vibrant, and communicate more information to the users about who's online, how to find good matches and all that sort of stuff. As far as details go, we're a little bit tight-lipped right now in terms of what features we're adding and improving and all that sort of stuff. The things that our community felt were missing are the things we're working on, to make it more fun to go online and find someone of a similar skill or playing style. We're making significant efforts [online].
Eurogamer: Similar, then, but tweaked?
Brian Hayes: There are elements of streamlining to make it easier to get there, but then there's also depth by adding more things. A more robust experience in the online experience is certainly something we want to provide.
Biff! Pow! Blork! etc.
Eurogamer: EA has been keeping people's games in their consoles via the Project Ten Dollar initiative. How does Fight Night Champion fit with this?
Brian Hayes: To be honest, I have no idea what we're doing with that. I know we're doing something, but that's the other producer's ball.
Eurogamer: Back to the new mode you can't tell me anything about: just how ground breaking will this be for Fight Night as a series? Is it a feature you can't believe you didn't add before? Is it the iPhone of fighting mechanics or the Gizmondo?
Brian Hayes: How groundbreaking is it in relation to Fight Night? It's certainly the most innovative, groundbreaking thing that any Fight Night game or any Knock Out game has done. Even more so, in terms of EA Sports, this approach to a single-player experience is just something that no other EA Sports game has done.
Eurogamer: Will it spread to other EA Sports games?
Brian Hayes: It's possible. Obviously all that will depend on the success, which we hope is going to be very high! [laughs]
It's something that could work in a lot of other sports areas. It works particularly well for us because of the nature of boxing, but it's definitely something you could see other games doing down the road. If that happened that would be a pretty cool thing.
Eurogamer: I can't think what it is. Is it a managerial thing?
Brian Hayes: This is perfect! You're good. I have you going nuts
Eurogamer: It's not going to turn out to be a dog, is it? That's what Peter Molyneux teased for ages with Fable II.
Brian Hayes: I can verify this: it's not a dog. [laughs]
All I can say to that effect is everybody here is really excited about what we're doing. Everybody here is on the same page in terms of like, "Wow, we've never really done anything like this before." At the same time, as much as they're excited about it, there's a wee bit of nerves. Everybody's working really hard to make sure we're knocking it out of the park.
I'm sure there's going to be some cynics out there that when the game drops someone will say, "This is not a big deal." But I can tell you that everyone here, everyone we've shown the contents to, thinks it's a pretty big deal and is genuinely excited and jazzed to see it.
Eurogamer: The press release mentioned that Fight Night Champion will have the most realistic and the most accessible control system ever. How can you have both at once?
Brian Hayes: The realism of the control system is a bit tricky. Obviously we're not putting you into an infra-red capture suit and you're controlling it that way, because that would cost hundreds-of-thousands-of-dollars. More it's about what the control system allows you to do in the game, in terms of creating realistic boxing actions inside the ring. The control system is very user friendly and the benefit is that you can do things in better and more realistic ways.
Eurogamer: How different will it be to Fight Night Round 4?
Brian Hayes: We don't want to give too many details about everything just yet. The one thing I would say to you as someone who has experience of Round 3 and Round 4 is that one thing we wanted to do was make sure we don't throw a big monkey wrench into the gears of your Fight Night gameplay experience. For someone like you and for someone like me it's really an element of... you're probably not really going to notice a significant difference because you're already pretty talented at it. [I'm not -Ed.] But it's about making that same control scheme a little bit more entry-level friendly. Where you will find a difference is the fidelity of control you have over the boxer will be greater.
Eurogamer: Is the career mode of Fight Night Champion tied to this new secret mode?
Brian Hayes: I can talk a little bit about the career mode, just to say that FNR4 had the Legacy mode and Legacy mode is back. There's a significant list of additional features and improvements.
Eurogamer: What are they?
Brian Hayes: It's going to be quite some time before the game drops and we don't want to let all the cats out of the bag right now.
Eurogamer: What about one little kitten?
Brian Hayes: [laughs] Can I let one little kitten out of the bag? All of the kittens are howling in fear at the bottom of that bag right now. I'm trying to coax them out with snacks but they're not having it.
Suffice to say that Legacy mode will take a step forwards. It's back as that traditional sports single-player experience.
When we say that there's a new innovative single-player experience, that's not something where we're saying... That new thing we're doing is something that is a whole new addition to the game. Everything that you would have expected from a Fight Night Round 5 is still there. The new game mode is something that we're also adding on top of it. It's like when you go to a furniture store and you buy a sofa set and then they give you a 56" plasma screen for free - that's a decent analogy.
Now don't mistake that: I don't want the story to get out that when you buy Fight Night Champion you get a 56" plasma screen.
Eurogamer: But you've just said it.
Brian Hayes: We really need to shut this down. [laughs]
Eurogamer: Is there anything else we don't we know about Fight Night Champion that we should?
Brian Hayes: It's all about the total package. Fight Night is known as... It has always been a consistently high rated game, going from low 80s to the high 80s. And we're expecting and shooting to be a 90-plus Metacritic rated game when this one drops.
Gato escribió:En Gamesradar hay un interesante avance del juego con detalles y unas pantallas nuevas:
- nuevo sistema para golpear con el stick, ahora no se harán los movimientos circulares sino moviendo en diferentes direcciones
- se acabaron los haymakers, ahora habra un botón que hará de modificador para lanzar una versión más fuerte del puñetazo
- KOs de un puñetazo
- nuevos sistema de defensa y esquiva, ahora se apretará un botón y se moverá el stick en la dirección deseada. En el caso de loqueo, si se bloquea en el momento adecuado y la dirección coincide con el puñetazo que lanza tu rival desviaremos su golpe (vuelven los parrys, esperemos que no sean tan exagerados como los del round 3)
- se acabaron los puntos entre rounds, ahora la recuperación será automática
sparrowsitn escribió:Este caerá fijo
Gato escribió:Nueva imagen, Wladimir Klitschko vs Eddie Chambers
Y atentos porque en la página de facebook del fight night han anunciado hoy verá la luz el trailer de presentación del juego y según ha dicho un community manager se mostrará la parte jugable y no será simplemente la típica CG.
Gato escribió:Por mi parte no hay problema DR4GO, todo arreglado. Por cierto ahora mismo en Marca tv ha empezado la velada de boxeo que terminará con el Pacquiao vs Margarito. A disfrutar.
DR4GO BCN escribió:Gato escribió:Por mi parte no hay problema DR4GO, todo arreglado. Por cierto ahora mismo en Marca tv ha empezado la velada de boxeo que terminará con el Pacquiao vs Margarito. A disfrutar.
Si, ya lo tenia presente, hace tiempo que queria ver este combate y la verdad es que me lo he pasado pipa, gracias por avisar