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Mareg escribió:LAOP: Una pregunta, en qué web me recomendáis reservar el juego y qué edición? Por eso de los extras y tal... es que no me aclaro lol Gracias
T cuento tanto en game como xtralive como en gamestop dan exactamente lo mismo.
Caja metalica con juego y mondainas extras. El problema es q son unidades limitadas.
Si escoges una tienda que ya las agoto, puesssssss.... t comes uno de los extras que traen asi de reserva.
Yo de ti escogía la edición (según la pasta que te quieras dejar) y despues la tienda mmmmm....
bueno quien te caiga mejor, más barato, más cerca de casa xD
Moraydron escribió:Solo una pregunta,para lo que lo hayan probado,durante el juego,imagino que puedes jugar con mas gente que con serah y noel no?Y otra cosa,el equipo siempre son dos miembros del grupo y un monstruo?O puedes prescindir del monstruo o incluir dos y llevar solo a un tio.
Luego el sistema de combate,quitando lo de las qte que tal?El tema de las formaciones sigue igual no?Y se puede cambiar de personaje en medio del combate?.
Enga un saludo.
fenix_supremo escribió:Menudas preguntas..
Para que obtengas respuestas ve a Gamefaqs o si consigues hacerte una cuenta en naogaf pregunta por alli
aqui exeptuando alguno que se lo aya macrospoileado dudo que te respondan
cucus escribió:Moraydron escribió:Solo una pregunta,para lo que lo hayan probado,durante el juego,imagino que puedes jugar con mas gente que con serah y noel no?Y otra cosa,el equipo siempre son dos miembros del grupo y un monstruo?O puedes prescindir del monstruo o incluir dos y llevar solo a un tio.
Luego el sistema de combate,quitando lo de las qte que tal?El tema de las formaciones sigue igual no?Y se puede cambiar de personaje en medio del combate?.
Enga un saludo.
Son sólo Noel y serah, lo único que puedes cambiar es de monstruo, que hay tropocientos. El sistema de combate es bastante parecido al anterior, incluso en la dificultad. En mi primera valoración comenté que era más dificil, pero una vez avanzas , y si encima farmeas, vas bastante sobrado. Puedes cambiar de lider en medio del combate haciendo uso del comando que esta debajo de "items" y ,además, si matan al personaje que estas manejando, recibes el control del protagonista que quede en pie de forma automática. Eso en el XIII no pasaba y era un maldito coñazo que te saltara el game over
Personalmente me parece mejor que el XIII, primero por que es bastante menos pasillero, y segundo por los pueblos, minijuegos, y puzzles. LLevo 10 horas jugadas y en el XIII ya estaba un poco quemado cuando llevaba el mismo tiempo de juego, sin embargo con este estoy enganchado. Respecto a la historia, si el guiri de las traducciones no se está inventando los dialogos xD, es un poco simplona.
Ya iré comentando más cosillas!
Un saludo!
Moraydron escribió:cucus escribió:Moraydron escribió:Solo una pregunta,para lo que lo hayan probado,durante el juego,imagino que puedes jugar con mas gente que con serah y noel no?Y otra cosa,el equipo siempre son dos miembros del grupo y un monstruo?O puedes prescindir del monstruo o incluir dos y llevar solo a un tio.
Luego el sistema de combate,quitando lo de las qte que tal?El tema de las formaciones sigue igual no?Y se puede cambiar de personaje en medio del combate?.
Enga un saludo.
Son sólo Noel y serah, lo único que puedes cambiar es de monstruo, que hay tropocientos. El sistema de combate es bastante parecido al anterior, incluso en la dificultad. En mi primera valoración comenté que era más dificil, pero una vez avanzas , y si encima farmeas, vas bastante sobrado. Puedes cambiar de lider en medio del combate haciendo uso del comando que esta debajo de "items" y ,además, si matan al personaje que estas manejando, recibes el control del protagonista que quede en pie de forma automática. Eso en el XIII no pasaba y era un maldito coñazo que te saltara el game over
Personalmente me parece mejor que el XIII, primero por que es bastante menos pasillero, y segundo por los pueblos, minijuegos, y puzzles. LLevo 10 horas jugadas y en el XIII ya estaba un poco quemado cuando llevaba el mismo tiempo de juego, sin embargo con este estoy enganchado. Respecto a la historia, si el guiri de las traducciones no se está inventando los dialogos xD, es un poco simplona.
Ya iré comentando más cosillas!
Un saludo!
Pues vaya hombre,ir solo con serah y noel me quita bastante las ganas de jugar,en el xiii me gustaba el personaje de lightning,noel como personaje no sera que tal sera pero serah,pfff,la tipica princesita a la japonesa no me mola nada.La historia no se,todo el rollo ese de los viajes temporales y demas puede dar mucho juego,pero claro,tampoco me espero algo como chrono trigger.
La variedad de monstruos por lo menos es interesante no?Lastima que solo puedas llevar uno,por que si pudiera,quitaba a serah y metia otro monstruo xD.
Enga un saludo.
Foo_Fighter escribió:fenix_supremo escribió:Menudas preguntas..
Para que obtengas respuestas ve a Gamefaqs o si consigues hacerte una cuenta en naogaf pregunta por alli
aqui exeptuando alguno que se lo aya macrospoileado dudo que te respondan
como lei que uno se lo esta pasando...
las preguntas son con mala leche lo se.
cucus escribió:Si, hay mucho bicho donde elegir, y cada uno se basa en un rol específico con su propio tablero de esferas que hay que mejorar con objetos, no con CP. Obviamente, avanzan mucho más rápido que los protagonistas, tengo un robot defender a casi 3000 de vida y mi noel no llega ni a 1700![]()
Puedes meter en la party hasta tres e ir intercambiandolos con el "paradigm shift", si te lo configuras así claro.
Klonoa del Viento escribió:morfeon escribió:Bueno ya tenemos clara tu postura y se respeta tu opinion, aunque no la comparto, de todas formas cuando salga el juego lo alquilas i lo pruebas y ya me contaras si te ha gustado o no. Feliz Navidad a todos.
Lo intentare, la verdad es que despues de aquella review que os hice por aqui cuando salio el FFXIII en Japon, se me hace raro no hacer lo propio esta vez, pero bueno, cosas que pasan. Feliz Navidad a ti tambien.
I've played for like 42 hours now, some of my thoughts (spoiler free)
- mog clock/random enemies: I really don't like the new encounter system, I'm the kind of player that likes to stop and look around a lot, read text on the walls, watch the scenery etc, overall I play with a slow pace. The enemies popping on the map kind of ruined that feel for me here, I still could do that mostly but in some areas it gets really annoying.
The other thing for me personally, I like watching monsters roaming around in the map, I get the impression of 'wild life' in world from that, the world feels more alive to me like that, I personally thought Archlyte Steppe in FF13 was really cool first time I saw it, so was FF12. Now walking through empty spaces and enemies appearing doesn't feel good to me at all, there are still very few visible enemies, mostly the more bigger ones, but it doesn't feel as good as before at all, ymmv.
- graphics: some areas look very good, most are ok, some are just ugly, there are some very bad textures in this game. Framerate if you watched that analysis, it's the cut-scenes that can get bad sometimes, normal gameplay runs well mostly.
- battle system: as was said by others, yeah I think the game is easier than XIII too and I thought XIII was easy, so much that I don't even need to bother much with changing or customizing paradigm mostly. What I really liked in XIII was that buffs and debuffs were really important, I think they were handled the best there in the series, managing them and exploiting enemies weaknesses I thought it was very fun, here though they don't matter much for the most of the game so far that I played, I hope there are some more optional enemies that take more than usual to defeat, most battles here end very quickly for those things to matter. Omega battle was ok but nothing hard, I wish the colosseum was in the game already with a dozen of really hard enemies. I hope they consider a hard mode in future, just add something to stats of all enemies or something. again ymmv, depends on the player I think. overall FF games are not hard games but still I like more challenge.
There is the monsters inheritance system that lets you give new abilities from one monster to another by sacrificing one, I haven't really experimented with it yet because there was no need to, I wish the game encouraged these more with better battles for example, there are few cool monsters to get, customizing them is pretty good but still I'd rather have just another character.
- very few characters: I personally like plots involving quite a few faces, I like to meet new characters as story progresses, I thought XIII had a good balance, not too many, not too few. XIII-2 has very few characters relevant to the story, and the story part of the game is pretty short, I did it in 21-22 hours I think. I'm not going to say the story is bad or good, you have to see it for yourself and form your opinion on something like this, I think it was kind of entertaining for me personally but I prefer XIII's story and themes overall if I had to pick.
- Level design: some of the areas are pretty big, there are lots of branches to get around. some areas are comparable to hub cities in Mass Effect games if you played those. level design is better, you can go in whatever direction in some areas, some areas are more linear. I think it's a pretty good improvement over XIII.
- Costumes: they said they made the cut-scenes realtime so that you can see the changes in it but it doesn't look like there is any costume in the game right now (anyone?), looks like all of it is DLC, I don't think I will return to this game in a couple of months just because of a new costume, kind of waste, they should have had a couple in the game at least, there are just two characters, it's not much work.
- Music: I wasn't a fan of vocals at first but in the game they don't sound bad, I like that they experiment new things but I hope next time they don't do this. theme songs are good. Lots of returning music from XIII used very well in the game, overall I think it's better than XIII.
- Live triggers and cinematic action (dialog choices and battle QTE) they are pretty cool, they add nothing meaningful to the game though but still good to have I guess. QTEs are too easy and some of them in battle cut-scenes give a choice and change the scene a bit.
- Mini games: Xanadu only has chocobo racing and slots right now, then there are time labyrinth mini games. I never cared about mini games in RPGs, they are ok I guess, nothing special.
overall I think XIII does battles and encounters better and that was what I really cared about in the game, here it's a bit disappointing. I still prefer XIII between the two.
I don't care about review scores but right now I'm wondering what scores this is going to get from western critics, if I had to predict, I'm thinking 7.0-8.5 range.
So i have almost completed the game here is what I think.
Before I start I have to say that I really liked 13, but I was more than sceptical about 13-2, cant say my fears were pointless.
Random notes (only about the story time, not post game, stuff might change there):
- Roles/Paradigms:You need 3(atk,bla,hlr) roles and (3xatk, atk-bla-bla,atk-bla-hlr) paradigms to reach the end boss, more is not needed. I reached the final with those 3 paradigms I set in the beginning of the game and never changed them once. I suppose you might need the rest post game ...
- Weapons: wow all of them are just palett swaps, no new models ...
- Accs: well there are a couple but since there are restrictions (weight?) on accs now they are kind of pointless in the main game, once again only needed post game?
- Difficulty: game is so easy, its not funny, even worse the bosses are complete jokes (except maybe the final one)
- Recycling, about I dunno 5 new normal enemies and most bosses are new, otherwise only old models and color swaps.
-Stagger: you only need stagger in like the first 1/3 of the game after than you kill enemies before you can stagger them which leads to like playing 50%+ of the game with paradigm atk-atk-atk only since its faster and easier to play that way (bosses are excluded from this)
- Monsters in party: I would trade all those 150 monsters just for one more good party member ... that being sad there are some cool monsters which are sometimes stronger than even your own party members.
- Mog clock: Omg just how much I hate that thing, you guys love random encounters?, oh hell then you will love this! Honestly some areas have so high encounter rates, you literally walk 3-5 steps and the next random encounter happens, its totally annoying. I also hate that they removed smokes, in 13 you could mostly decide on your own if you wanted to fight or not, here you can try to run away ... which can lead to you having to restart from the last save point instead if repeating the battle.
- OST: Some really good tracks, but man all those bad vocal tracks ... not my thing.
- Story: well lots of people have seen the end, I think its total garbage...
- Locations: There are some pretty cool ones, but also quite some boring ones, in particular is so bad, looks ps2 and could be created in like a day ... really bad.
- Livetrigger and QTEs are just annoying, get away with them please ...
+ lots of stuff I probably have forgotten
Overall I always felt like there was a thought behind everything in 13, however in 13-2 it seems like someone just threw tons of random gameplay elements into mixer and at the end got a game. Its like they had no plan what they wanted to do when they made the game (which is probably due to the super short dev time.)
Foo_Fighter escribió:comentario en neogaf:I've played for like 42 hours now, some of my thoughts (spoiler free)
- mog clock/random enemies: I really don't like the new encounter system, I'm the kind of player that likes to stop and look around a lot, read text on the walls, watch the scenery etc, overall I play with a slow pace. The enemies popping on the map kind of ruined that feel for me here, I still could do that mostly but in some areas it gets really annoying.
The other thing for me personally, I like watching monsters roaming around in the map, I get the impression of 'wild life' in world from that, the world feels more alive to me like that, I personally thought Archlyte Steppe in FF13 was really cool first time I saw it, so was FF12. Now walking through empty spaces and enemies appearing doesn't feel good to me at all, there are still very few visible enemies, mostly the more bigger ones, but it doesn't feel as good as before at all, ymmv.
- graphics: some areas look very good, most are ok, some are just ugly, there are some very bad textures in this game. Framerate if you watched that analysis, it's the cut-scenes that can get bad sometimes, normal gameplay runs well mostly.
- battle system: as was said by others, yeah I think the game is easier than XIII too and I thought XIII was easy, so much that I don't even need to bother much with changing or customizing paradigm mostly. What I really liked in XIII was that buffs and debuffs were really important, I think they were handled the best there in the series, managing them and exploiting enemies weaknesses I thought it was very fun, here though they don't matter much for the most of the game so far that I played, I hope there are some more optional enemies that take more than usual to defeat, most battles here end very quickly for those things to matter. Omega battle was ok but nothing hard, I wish the colosseum was in the game already with a dozen of really hard enemies. I hope they consider a hard mode in future, just add something to stats of all enemies or something. again ymmv, depends on the player I think. overall FF games are not hard games but still I like more challenge.
There is the monsters inheritance system that lets you give new abilities from one monster to another by sacrificing one, I haven't really experimented with it yet because there was no need to, I wish the game encouraged these more with better battles for example, there are few cool monsters to get, customizing them is pretty good but still I'd rather have just another character.
- very few characters: I personally like plots involving quite a few faces, I like to meet new characters as story progresses, I thought XIII had a good balance, not too many, not too few. XIII-2 has very few characters relevant to the story, and the story part of the game is pretty short, I did it in 21-22 hours I think. I'm not going to say the story is bad or good, you have to see it for yourself and form your opinion on something like this, I think it was kind of entertaining for me personally but I prefer XIII's story and themes overall if I had to pick.
- Level design: some of the areas are pretty big, there are lots of branches to get around. some areas are comparable to hub cities in Mass Effect games if you played those. level design is better, you can go in whatever direction in some areas, some areas are more linear. I think it's a pretty good improvement over XIII.
- Costumes: they said they made the cut-scenes realtime so that you can see the changes in it but it doesn't look like there is any costume in the game right now (anyone?), looks like all of it is DLC, I don't think I will return to this game in a couple of months just because of a new costume, kind of waste, they should have had a couple in the game at least, there are just two characters, it's not much work.
- Music: I wasn't a fan of vocals at first but in the game they don't sound bad, I like that they experiment new things but I hope next time they don't do this. theme songs are good. Lots of returning music from XIII used very well in the game, overall I think it's better than XIII.
- Live triggers and cinematic action (dialog choices and battle QTE) they are pretty cool, they add nothing meaningful to the game though but still good to have I guess. QTEs are too easy and some of them in battle cut-scenes give a choice and change the scene a bit.
- Mini games: Xanadu only has chocobo racing and slots right now, then there are time labyrinth mini games. I never cared about mini games in RPGs, they are ok I guess, nothing special.
overall I think XIII does battles and encounters better and that was what I really cared about in the game, here it's a bit disappointing. I still prefer XIII between the two.
I don't care about review scores but right now I'm wondering what scores this is going to get from western critics, if I had to predict, I'm thinking 7.0-8.5 range.So i have almost completed the game here is what I think.
Before I start I have to say that I really liked 13, but I was more than sceptical about 13-2, cant say my fears were pointless.
Random notes (only about the story time, not post game, stuff might change there):
- Roles/Paradigms:You need 3(atk,bla,hlr) roles and (3xatk, atk-bla-bla,atk-bla-hlr) paradigms to reach the end boss, more is not needed. I reached the final with those 3 paradigms I set in the beginning of the game and never changed them once. I suppose you might need the rest post game ...
- Weapons: wow all of them are just palett swaps, no new models ...
- Accs: well there are a couple but since there are restrictions (weight?) on accs now they are kind of pointless in the main game, once again only needed post game?
- Difficulty: game is so easy, its not funny, even worse the bosses are complete jokes (except maybe the final one)
- Recycling, about I dunno 5 new normal enemies and most bosses are new, otherwise only old models and color swaps.
-Stagger: you only need stagger in like the first 1/3 of the game after than you kill enemies before you can stagger them which leads to like playing 50%+ of the game with paradigm atk-atk-atk only since its faster and easier to play that way (bosses are excluded from this)
- Monsters in party: I would trade all those 150 monsters just for one more good party member ... that being sad there are some cool monsters which are sometimes stronger than even your own party members.
- Mog clock: Omg just how much I hate that thing, you guys love random encounters?, oh hell then you will love this! Honestly some areas have so high encounter rates, you literally walk 3-5 steps and the next random encounter happens, its totally annoying. I also hate that they removed smokes, in 13 you could mostly decide on your own if you wanted to fight or not, here you can try to run away ... which can lead to you having to restart from the last save point instead if repeating the battle.
- OST: Some really good tracks, but man all those bad vocal tracks ... not my thing.
- Story: well lots of people have seen the end, I think its total garbage...
- Locations: There are some pretty cool ones, but also quite some boring ones, in particular is so bad, looks ps2 and could be created in like a day ... really bad.
- Livetrigger and QTEs are just annoying, get away with them please ...
+ lots of stuff I probably have forgotten
Overall I always felt like there was a thought behind everything in 13, however in 13-2 it seems like someone just threw tons of random gameplay elements into mixer and at the end got a game. Its like they had no plan what they wanted to do when they made the game (which is probably due to the super short dev time.)
con ningun spoiler que vea a bulto.
y vandal pues una imagen vale mas que mil palabras
http://www.vandal.net/foro/mensaje/6358 ... famitsu/57a añadir que para conseguir los 160 fragmentos necessitas el factor suerte de tu lado pork se consiguen en el casino, sumale el to be continue... via DLC pork aseguraron que la pagina web de FF13-3 era una farsa.
Buscad tambien la pelea contra omega, no hay reto alguno.
Jack Grensleaves escribió:Perdon por la intromisión, Klonoa del Viento me pareces un tio muy sensato y si es cierto todo lo que comentas acerca del juego (no es que dude de ti) comparto al 100% tu indignación por lo perpetrado, igualmente como no me lo iba a comprar de salida y no tengo miedo alguno en spoilearme el juego, ¿podrias darme link a donde se revela todo lo que has insinuado acerca del true ending capado lo de los 160 fragmentos "inútiles" etc, etc?
Tengo mucha curiosidad por lo que ha hecho S-E y quisiera poder hacerme una idea de si el desaguisado es tan mayúsculo como parece.
Ponmelo en spoiler por supuesto.
Felices fiestas y un saludo.
-Minijuego del casino bloqueado a la espera del DLC correspondiente:
-DLC exclusivos para determinadas consolas (al menos 1 arma de momento, para Xbox360)
-DLC solo disponibles reservando en determinados establecimientos
El cupon "Lucha con estilo" que viene en el pack de reserva:
Arma Muramasa para Noel por reservar en amazon.co.uk (probablemente la misma que da GAME ademas del cupon del pack de reserva)
Armas/accesorios exclusivos por reservar en ciertas tiendas en Japon y USA (que aqui probalemente seran de pago):
Seraphic Wing para Serah:
Genji Bow y traje para Serah:
Accesorios exclusivos por comprar el single o el minialbum con la cancion del juego en Japon (que aqui probalemente seran de pago):
·Diva's microphone and headphone para Serah (single)
·Brazalete y pendientes de la Diosa para Serah (minialbum)
DLC de pago, combate contra Lightning en el coliseo:
Lo de que esten en el principio de la linea temporal, es decir antes del inicio del juego, es relativo (esto tiene mucho que ver con las consecuencias del ending). Lo de los fragmentos y lo tediosos que son los ultimos porque hay que ganarlos en las tragaperras del casino, cito a Foo_Fighter:Foo_Fighter escribió:comentario en neogaf:
[spoiler]I've played for like 42 hours now, some of my thoughts (spoiler free)
- mog clock/random enemies: I really don't like the new encounter system, I'm the kind of player that likes to stop and look around a lot, read text on the walls, watch the scenery etc, overall I play with a slow pace. The enemies popping on the map kind of ruined that feel for me here, I still could do that mostly but in some areas it gets really annoying.
The other thing for me personally, I like watching monsters roaming around in the map, I get the impression of 'wild life' in world from that, the world feels more alive to me like that, I personally thought Archlyte Steppe in FF13 was really cool first time I saw it, so was FF12. Now walking through empty spaces and enemies appearing doesn't feel good to me at all, there are still very few visible enemies, mostly the more bigger ones, but it doesn't feel as good as before at all, ymmv.
- graphics: some areas look very good, most are ok, some are just ugly, there are some very bad textures in this game. Framerate if you watched that analysis, it's the cut-scenes that can get bad sometimes, normal gameplay runs well mostly.
- battle system: as was said by others, yeah I think the game is easier than XIII too and I thought XIII was easy, so much that I don't even need to bother much with changing or customizing paradigm mostly. What I really liked in XIII was that buffs and debuffs were really important, I think they were handled the best there in the series, managing them and exploiting enemies weaknesses I thought it was very fun, here though they don't matter much for the most of the game so far that I played, I hope there are some more optional enemies that take more than usual to defeat, most battles here end very quickly for those things to matter. Omega battle was ok but nothing hard, I wish the colosseum was in the game already with a dozen of really hard enemies. I hope they consider a hard mode in future, just add something to stats of all enemies or something. again ymmv, depends on the player I think. overall FF games are not hard games but still I like more challenge.
There is the monsters inheritance system that lets you give new abilities from one monster to another by sacrificing one, I haven't really experimented with it yet because there was no need to, I wish the game encouraged these more with better battles for example, there are few cool monsters to get, customizing them is pretty good but still I'd rather have just another character.
- very few characters: I personally like plots involving quite a few faces, I like to meet new characters as story progresses, I thought XIII had a good balance, not too many, not too few. XIII-2 has very few characters relevant to the story, and the story part of the game is pretty short, I did it in 21-22 hours I think. I'm not going to say the story is bad or good, you have to see it for yourself and form your opinion on something like this, I think it was kind of entertaining for me personally but I prefer XIII's story and themes overall if I had to pick.
- Level design: some of the areas are pretty big, there are lots of branches to get around. some areas are comparable to hub cities in Mass Effect games if you played those. level design is better, you can go in whatever direction in some areas, some areas are more linear. I think it's a pretty good improvement over XIII.
- Costumes: they said they made the cut-scenes realtime so that you can see the changes in it but it doesn't look like there is any costume in the game right now (anyone?), looks like all of it is DLC, I don't think I will return to this game in a couple of months just because of a new costume, kind of waste, they should have had a couple in the game at least, there are just two characters, it's not much work.
- Music: I wasn't a fan of vocals at first but in the game they don't sound bad, I like that they experiment new things but I hope next time they don't do this. theme songs are good. Lots of returning music from XIII used very well in the game, overall I think it's better than XIII.
- Live triggers and cinematic action (dialog choices and battle QTE) they are pretty cool, they add nothing meaningful to the game though but still good to have I guess. QTEs are too easy and some of them in battle cut-scenes give a choice and change the scene a bit.
- Mini games: Xanadu only has chocobo racing and slots right now, then there are time labyrinth mini games. I never cared about mini games in RPGs, they are ok I guess, nothing special.
overall I think XIII does battles and encounters better and that was what I really cared about in the game, here it's a bit disappointing. I still prefer XIII between the two.
I don't care about review scores but right now I'm wondering what scores this is going to get from western critics, if I had to predict, I'm thinking 7.0-8.5 range.So i have almost completed the game here is what I think.
Before I start I have to say that I really liked 13, but I was more than sceptical about 13-2, cant say my fears were pointless.
Random notes (only about the story time, not post game, stuff might change there):
- Roles/Paradigms:You need 3(atk,bla,hlr) roles and (3xatk, atk-bla-bla,atk-bla-hlr) paradigms to reach the end boss, more is not needed. I reached the final with those 3 paradigms I set in the beginning of the game and never changed them once. I suppose you might need the rest post game ...
- Weapons: wow all of them are just palett swaps, no new models ...
- Accs: well there are a couple but since there are restrictions (weight?) on accs now they are kind of pointless in the main game, once again only needed post game?
- Difficulty: game is so easy, its not funny, even worse the bosses are complete jokes (except maybe the final one)
- Recycling, about I dunno 5 new normal enemies and most bosses are new, otherwise only old models and color swaps.
-Stagger: you only need stagger in like the first 1/3 of the game after than you kill enemies before you can stagger them which leads to like playing 50%+ of the game with paradigm atk-atk-atk only since its faster and easier to play that way (bosses are excluded from this)
- Monsters in party: I would trade all those 150 monsters just for one more good party member ... that being sad there are some cool monsters which are sometimes stronger than even your own party members.
- Mog clock: Omg just how much I hate that thing, you guys love random encounters?, oh hell then you will love this! Honestly some areas have so high encounter rates, you literally walk 3-5 steps and the next random encounter happens, its totally annoying. I also hate that they removed smokes, in 13 you could mostly decide on your own if you wanted to fight or not, here you can try to run away ... which can lead to you having to restart from the last save point instead if repeating the battle.
- OST: Some really good tracks, but man all those bad vocal tracks ... not my thing.
- Story: well lots of people have seen the end, I think its total garbage...
- Locations: There are some pretty cool ones, but also quite some boring ones, in particular is so bad, looks ps2 and could be created in like a day ... really bad.
- Livetrigger and QTEs are just annoying, get away with them please ...
+ lots of stuff I probably have forgotten
Overall I always felt like there was a thought behind everything in 13, however in 13-2 it seems like someone just threw tons of random gameplay elements into mixer and at the end got a game. Its like they had no plan what they wanted to do when they made the game (which is probably due to the super short dev time.)
con ningun spoiler que vea a bulto.
y vandal pues una imagen vale mas que mil palabras
http://www.vandal.net/foro/mensaje/6358 ... famitsu/57
a añadir que para conseguir los 160 fragmentos necessitas el factor suerte de tu lado pork se consiguen en el casino, sumale el to be continue... via DLC pork aseguraron que la pagina web de FF13-3 era una farsa.
Buscad tambien la pelea contra omega, no hay reto alguno.
Descripcion resumida ending:Ending:
-Caias is defeated, everything is fine and dandy. Hope's plan worked, they're going to be able to wake up Vanille and Fang or something.
-Sazh gets Vanille and Fang's statues from inside Cocoon and then saves Serah and Noel from falling to their deaths. They meet up with Hope.
-Serah and Mog suddenly die without a single explanation.
-No mention of Snow is ever made.
-Killing Caius was the wrong choice, now the world is fucked. Everything is getting destroyed.
-Close up to a frozen Lightning
That's literally it.
Explicacion mas detallada del ending:"So from what I gather pretty much everyone dies at the end right?"
At first, it looks like everyone dies. Later we learn that this is a never ending time loop established by Caius to free Yuel from her fate of dying repeatedly. Because this is a time loop, Noel survives and goes back in time to the very first sequence of the game, doomed to endlessly repeat the events of FFXIII-2 forever, meaning everything you do in the game is pointless. None of it has any permanent impact. Caius even taunts the players who go out of their way for 100% completion and basically laughs at them, telling them all their effort was wasted.
"Serah dies?"
She dies for no apparent reason. She has a vision of Etro's palace and then dies instantly. No explanation seems to be given.
"Mog is connected to her life force so he bites the dust too?"
He most likely dies because Caius kills Etro (At least that's the implication with the final extra scene you get for getting all the fragments). Since Mog was created from Etro's power, he dies when she dies.
"Lightning is turned to stone (by Caius?)"
Not directly stated, but the implication is that Caius kills both Etro and Lightning (Or just turns Lightning to stone and kills Etro, or killing Etro turned Lightning to stone. Take your pick. Either way, she's quite dead.)
"And Cocoon falls but from what I have heard either a.) Sazh or Hope manages to save their crystal before it falls. Now what was it they made Cocoon fall? Some stories I hear say Caius did it. Some I hear say Hope did it. But if hope did it, can someone explain why?"
Cocoon seems to fall as a result of Hope raising Buniberzei, Hope's own creation modeled after Cocoon, into the sky. I'm not sure how Hope became a genius scientist capable of replicating something a god made, but he did apparently. Also, the crystal pillar crumbles and both Vanille and Fang are crushed and killed as a result of this, either through disintegrating with the crystal pillar or being crushed by the falling Cocoon (Take your pick. Either way, they die and their sacrifice meant absolutely nothing.). The new Cocoon is also vaporized by the massive amounts of chaos spewing from a portal ripping open suddenly (You actually hear the screams of the people within as they are painfully vaporized by chaos) and the the visible and invisible realms (Land of the living and land of the dead) merging. We also see all the ships vaporizing as well, implying that Hope, Sazh, Noel, and Dajh die as well, though we later learn that Noel is doomed to repeat these events forever.
"Since Noel survives does that mean when he goes back to the first part in the story when he meets Serah everyone will be alive again since its an endless cycle?"
Pretty much. Yeah.
"You said Hope created this new world but Hope was alive in our timeline.....are you saying he is alive wayyyy into the future or is it just his idea and the world is built by someone else?"
Hope seems to be responsible for the new Cocoon. There are time gates so I guess that's the answer to this. I'm not entirely sure.
"I hear this whole thing was planned by Caius to prevent Yuel from rebirth. In the story it is said there is a new Yuel every generation but why would Caius want to stop it?"
Because he is close to her in someway. He seems to love her or at least share a close connection with her and wants to free her from her fate of endless death.
"Caius wants to stop Yuel from ever dying....but which Yuel does he want not to die? There's a new one born every century but if he gets attached to one of them I guess why I can see why he doesn't want that one to die. Also........is Caius immortal?"
From my understanding, Yuel is the same person regardless of her reincarnation. She retains all of the memories regardless of when she is. She is just doomed to die and remember the pain of that death. I think that's her deal. Caius seems to be immortal yes.
"Also I heard someone talk about a Buniberzei or some demi-god thing. Anyone care to offer any light on this?"
Buniberzei? It's a god in the FNC mythology. He apparently banished Etro and stripped her of power. He also created Lindzei, Pulse, and Etro. How much of this applies to FFXIII and FFXIII-2, I'm not sure. The mythology was supposed to just be a guideline. Anyway, Hope names the new Cocoon after Buniberzei (I'm not sure how he even know who Buniberzei is.).
I'm not entirely sure about this stuff though. It should hopefully make more sense after it is released in English over here, but I don't know. It is a Toriyama game.
-Hay 8 paradox ending: con el motor del juego (alguno incluso con un final aparentemente feliz), que tras verlos el juego te avisa de que son una paradoja temporal y que no puedes acabar el juego asi, con lo que te permite retroceder hasta el punto donde puedes evitar que esto suceda, es decir son finales falsos. Cada uno da un fragmento como recompensa, y al parecer no todos pueden verse en la primera partida, por lo que el juego te obliga a jugar una segunda partida para sacartelos todos.
-Ending clasico/normal en CG: Es el final verdadero en CG que sale la primera vez que te terminas el juego. Cuando estas disfrutando de la cancion del juego y todo parace ir bien, de repente Serah muere, El mogu muere, todo oscurece y Buniberzei (el nuevo nido) con todos sus habitantes mueren (se pueden escuchar los gritos de horror de la gente), la fuerza destructora arrastra y estrella todas las naves contra Buniberzei (incluida la de Sazh, donde tambien estan Vanille y Fang cristalizadas, y los cadaveres de Serah y el Mogu, en brazos de Noel y Hope). La diosa Etro ha muerto y Caius gana, el mundo es totalmente destruido. Entonces se puede ver a Lightning petrificada/cristalizada sentada en el trono de la diosa, y aparece el continuara.
-Secret Ending: Es una secuencia que aparece tras el Ending clasico/normal, despues de los creditos, una vez reunidos los 160 fragmentos. Donde Caius revela que en un mundo sin la diosa Etro, la paradoja temporal se vuelve eterna...
En este enlace puedes ver el Normal en CG + Secret:
En resumen:
El juego esta diseñado para que tras el impacto inicial de ver el final del juego la primera vez, los jugadores evidentemente no se rindan y jueguen una segunda vez para reunir los 160 fragmentos, e intentar salvar el mundo.
Y que entonces vean el final secreto, y descubran la impotencia y la frustracion de que el juego estaba diseñado para que hiciesen lo que hiciesen no sirviese para nada, el juego gana, el jugador pierde. Trolliyama y Square-Enix se han reido de todos los fans.
¿Que consecuencias puede tener esto? Pues que quiza o vayan preparando paquetes descargables con rutas alternativas, y un paquete final con un nuevo combate final, y un segundo FULL CG ending que arregle todo esto, o directamente saquen un FFXIII-3.
Llegas tarde puesto que esa imagen ya se posteo. Eso aparece despues de una actualizacion que meterion, de esos 3 nodos, 1 es el coliseo para los monstruos, los otros dos probablemente sean DLC, pero al estar al comienzo y no al final no tiene nada que ver con el final.
Lili_Fey escribió:No fastidies que también postea aqui. No es por censurar opiniones, faltaria mas, pero lo de este chaval con este juego es enfermizo, cuando me pasaba por el Post Oficial que se curraba vashlaestampida a ver las novedades él siempre estaba ahí echando mierda, jodiéndole un poco el hilo.
Me parece lamentable esa actitud, es totalmente entendible que un juego no te guste, pero estar atento a todo para ver qué mierda le puede sacar es un poco obsesivo. Bueno, al menos el de de-mon parece que se libra.
fenix_supremo escribió:Foo_Fighter escribió:comentario en neogaf:I've played for like 42 hours now, some of my thoughts (spoiler free)
- mog clock/random enemies: I really don't like the new encounter system, I'm the kind of player that likes to stop and look around a lot, read text on the walls, watch the scenery etc, overall I play with a slow pace. The enemies popping on the map kind of ruined that feel for me here, I still could do that mostly but in some areas it gets really annoying.
The other thing for me personally, I like watching monsters roaming around in the map, I get the impression of 'wild life' in world from that, the world feels more alive to me like that, I personally thought Archlyte Steppe in FF13 was really cool first time I saw it, so was FF12. Now walking through empty spaces and enemies appearing doesn't feel good to me at all, there are still very few visible enemies, mostly the more bigger ones, but it doesn't feel as good as before at all, ymmv.
- graphics: some areas look very good, most are ok, some are just ugly, there are some very bad textures in this game. Framerate if you watched that analysis, it's the cut-scenes that can get bad sometimes, normal gameplay runs well mostly.
- battle system: as was said by others, yeah I think the game is easier than XIII too and I thought XIII was easy, so much that I don't even need to bother much with changing or customizing paradigm mostly. What I really liked in XIII was that buffs and debuffs were really important, I think they were handled the best there in the series, managing them and exploiting enemies weaknesses I thought it was very fun, here though they don't matter much for the most of the game so far that I played, I hope there are some more optional enemies that take more than usual to defeat, most battles here end very quickly for those things to matter. Omega battle was ok but nothing hard, I wish the colosseum was in the game already with a dozen of really hard enemies. I hope they consider a hard mode in future, just add something to stats of all enemies or something. again ymmv, depends on the player I think. overall FF games are not hard games but still I like more challenge.
There is the monsters inheritance system that lets you give new abilities from one monster to another by sacrificing one, I haven't really experimented with it yet because there was no need to, I wish the game encouraged these more with better battles for example, there are few cool monsters to get, customizing them is pretty good but still I'd rather have just another character.
- very few characters: I personally like plots involving quite a few faces, I like to meet new characters as story progresses, I thought XIII had a good balance, not too many, not too few. XIII-2 has very few characters relevant to the story, and the story part of the game is pretty short, I did it in 21-22 hours I think. I'm not going to say the story is bad or good, you have to see it for yourself and form your opinion on something like this, I think it was kind of entertaining for me personally but I prefer XIII's story and themes overall if I had to pick.
- Level design: some of the areas are pretty big, there are lots of branches to get around. some areas are comparable to hub cities in Mass Effect games if you played those. level design is better, you can go in whatever direction in some areas, some areas are more linear. I think it's a pretty good improvement over XIII.
- Costumes: they said they made the cut-scenes realtime so that you can see the changes in it but it doesn't look like there is any costume in the game right now (anyone?), looks like all of it is DLC, I don't think I will return to this game in a couple of months just because of a new costume, kind of waste, they should have had a couple in the game at least, there are just two characters, it's not much work.
- Music: I wasn't a fan of vocals at first but in the game they don't sound bad, I like that they experiment new things but I hope next time they don't do this. theme songs are good. Lots of returning music from XIII used very well in the game, overall I think it's better than XIII.
- Live triggers and cinematic action (dialog choices and battle QTE) they are pretty cool, they add nothing meaningful to the game though but still good to have I guess. QTEs are too easy and some of them in battle cut-scenes give a choice and change the scene a bit.
- Mini games: Xanadu only has chocobo racing and slots right now, then there are time labyrinth mini games. I never cared about mini games in RPGs, they are ok I guess, nothing special.
overall I think XIII does battles and encounters better and that was what I really cared about in the game, here it's a bit disappointing. I still prefer XIII between the two.
I don't care about review scores but right now I'm wondering what scores this is going to get from western critics, if I had to predict, I'm thinking 7.0-8.5 range.So i have almost completed the game here is what I think.
Before I start I have to say that I really liked 13, but I was more than sceptical about 13-2, cant say my fears were pointless.
Random notes (only about the story time, not post game, stuff might change there):
- Roles/Paradigms:You need 3(atk,bla,hlr) roles and (3xatk, atk-bla-bla,atk-bla-hlr) paradigms to reach the end boss, more is not needed. I reached the final with those 3 paradigms I set in the beginning of the game and never changed them once. I suppose you might need the rest post game ...
- Weapons: wow all of them are just palett swaps, no new models ...
- Accs: well there are a couple but since there are restrictions (weight?) on accs now they are kind of pointless in the main game, once again only needed post game?
- Difficulty: game is so easy, its not funny, even worse the bosses are complete jokes (except maybe the final one)
- Recycling, about I dunno 5 new normal enemies and most bosses are new, otherwise only old models and color swaps.
-Stagger: you only need stagger in like the first 1/3 of the game after than you kill enemies before you can stagger them which leads to like playing 50%+ of the game with paradigm atk-atk-atk only since its faster and easier to play that way (bosses are excluded from this)
- Monsters in party: I would trade all those 150 monsters just for one more good party member ... that being sad there are some cool monsters which are sometimes stronger than even your own party members.
- Mog clock: Omg just how much I hate that thing, you guys love random encounters?, oh hell then you will love this! Honestly some areas have so high encounter rates, you literally walk 3-5 steps and the next random encounter happens, its totally annoying. I also hate that they removed smokes, in 13 you could mostly decide on your own if you wanted to fight or not, here you can try to run away ... which can lead to you having to restart from the last save point instead if repeating the battle.
- OST: Some really good tracks, but man all those bad vocal tracks ... not my thing.
- Story: well lots of people have seen the end, I think its total garbage...
- Locations: There are some pretty cool ones, but also quite some boring ones, in particular is so bad, looks ps2 and could be created in like a day ... really bad.
- Livetrigger and QTEs are just annoying, get away with them please ...
+ lots of stuff I probably have forgotten
Overall I always felt like there was a thought behind everything in 13, however in 13-2 it seems like someone just threw tons of random gameplay elements into mixer and at the end got a game. Its like they had no plan what they wanted to do when they made the game (which is probably due to the super short dev time.)
con ningun spoiler que vea a bulto.
y vandal pues una imagen vale mas que mil palabras
http://www.vandal.net/foro/mensaje/6358 ... famitsu/57a añadir que para conseguir los 160 fragmentos necessitas el factor suerte de tu lado pork se consiguen en el casino, sumale el to be continue... via DLC pork aseguraron que la pagina web de FF13-3 era una farsa.
Buscad tambien la pelea contra omega, no hay reto alguno.
Buenas 2 opiniones.
Llegas tarde puesto que esa imagen ya se posteo. Eso aparece despues de una actualizacion que meterion, de esos 3 nodos, 1 es el coliseo para los monstruos, los otros dos probablemente sean DLC, pero al estar al comienzo y no al final no tiene nada que ver con el final.
Detodas formas has puesto varias palabras que puedes estar destripando vilmente el juego a alguien.
Te recomiendo que si vas a flamear por aqui .. ojito ..
Foo_Fighter escribió:fenix_supremo escribió:Foo_Fighter escribió:comentario en neogaf:I've played for like 42 hours now, some of my thoughts (spoiler free)
- mog clock/random enemies: I really don't like the new encounter system, I'm the kind of player that likes to stop and look around a lot, read text on the walls, watch the scenery etc, overall I play with a slow pace. The enemies popping on the map kind of ruined that feel for me here, I still could do that mostly but in some areas it gets really annoying.
The other thing for me personally, I like watching monsters roaming around in the map, I get the impression of 'wild life' in world from that, the world feels more alive to me like that, I personally thought Archlyte Steppe in FF13 was really cool first time I saw it, so was FF12. Now walking through empty spaces and enemies appearing doesn't feel good to me at all, there are still very few visible enemies, mostly the more bigger ones, but it doesn't feel as good as before at all, ymmv.
- graphics: some areas look very good, most are ok, some are just ugly, there are some very bad textures in this game. Framerate if you watched that analysis, it's the cut-scenes that can get bad sometimes, normal gameplay runs well mostly.
- battle system: as was said by others, yeah I think the game is easier than XIII too and I thought XIII was easy, so much that I don't even need to bother much with changing or customizing paradigm mostly. What I really liked in XIII was that buffs and debuffs were really important, I think they were handled the best there in the series, managing them and exploiting enemies weaknesses I thought it was very fun, here though they don't matter much for the most of the game so far that I played, I hope there are some more optional enemies that take more than usual to defeat, most battles here end very quickly for those things to matter. Omega battle was ok but nothing hard, I wish the colosseum was in the game already with a dozen of really hard enemies. I hope they consider a hard mode in future, just add something to stats of all enemies or something. again ymmv, depends on the player I think. overall FF games are not hard games but still I like more challenge.
There is the monsters inheritance system that lets you give new abilities from one monster to another by sacrificing one, I haven't really experimented with it yet because there was no need to, I wish the game encouraged these more with better battles for example, there are few cool monsters to get, customizing them is pretty good but still I'd rather have just another character.
- very few characters: I personally like plots involving quite a few faces, I like to meet new characters as story progresses, I thought XIII had a good balance, not too many, not too few. XIII-2 has very few characters relevant to the story, and the story part of the game is pretty short, I did it in 21-22 hours I think. I'm not going to say the story is bad or good, you have to see it for yourself and form your opinion on something like this, I think it was kind of entertaining for me personally but I prefer XIII's story and themes overall if I had to pick.
- Level design: some of the areas are pretty big, there are lots of branches to get around. some areas are comparable to hub cities in Mass Effect games if you played those. level design is better, you can go in whatever direction in some areas, some areas are more linear. I think it's a pretty good improvement over XIII.
- Costumes: they said they made the cut-scenes realtime so that you can see the changes in it but it doesn't look like there is any costume in the game right now (anyone?), looks like all of it is DLC, I don't think I will return to this game in a couple of months just because of a new costume, kind of waste, they should have had a couple in the game at least, there are just two characters, it's not much work.
- Music: I wasn't a fan of vocals at first but in the game they don't sound bad, I like that they experiment new things but I hope next time they don't do this. theme songs are good. Lots of returning music from XIII used very well in the game, overall I think it's better than XIII.
- Live triggers and cinematic action (dialog choices and battle QTE) they are pretty cool, they add nothing meaningful to the game though but still good to have I guess. QTEs are too easy and some of them in battle cut-scenes give a choice and change the scene a bit.
- Mini games: Xanadu only has chocobo racing and slots right now, then there are time labyrinth mini games. I never cared about mini games in RPGs, they are ok I guess, nothing special.
overall I think XIII does battles and encounters better and that was what I really cared about in the game, here it's a bit disappointing. I still prefer XIII between the two.
I don't care about review scores but right now I'm wondering what scores this is going to get from western critics, if I had to predict, I'm thinking 7.0-8.5 range.So i have almost completed the game here is what I think.
Before I start I have to say that I really liked 13, but I was more than sceptical about 13-2, cant say my fears were pointless.
Random notes (only about the story time, not post game, stuff might change there):
- Roles/Paradigms:You need 3(atk,bla,hlr) roles and (3xatk, atk-bla-bla,atk-bla-hlr) paradigms to reach the end boss, more is not needed. I reached the final with those 3 paradigms I set in the beginning of the game and never changed them once. I suppose you might need the rest post game ...
- Weapons: wow all of them are just palett swaps, no new models ...
- Accs: well there are a couple but since there are restrictions (weight?) on accs now they are kind of pointless in the main game, once again only needed post game?
- Difficulty: game is so easy, its not funny, even worse the bosses are complete jokes (except maybe the final one)
- Recycling, about I dunno 5 new normal enemies and most bosses are new, otherwise only old models and color swaps.
-Stagger: you only need stagger in like the first 1/3 of the game after than you kill enemies before you can stagger them which leads to like playing 50%+ of the game with paradigm atk-atk-atk only since its faster and easier to play that way (bosses are excluded from this)
- Monsters in party: I would trade all those 150 monsters just for one more good party member ... that being sad there are some cool monsters which are sometimes stronger than even your own party members.
- Mog clock: Omg just how much I hate that thing, you guys love random encounters?, oh hell then you will love this! Honestly some areas have so high encounter rates, you literally walk 3-5 steps and the next random encounter happens, its totally annoying. I also hate that they removed smokes, in 13 you could mostly decide on your own if you wanted to fight or not, here you can try to run away ... which can lead to you having to restart from the last save point instead if repeating the battle.
- OST: Some really good tracks, but man all those bad vocal tracks ... not my thing.
- Story: well lots of people have seen the end, I think its total garbage...
- Locations: There are some pretty cool ones, but also quite some boring ones, in particular is so bad, looks ps2 and could be created in like a day ... really bad.
- Livetrigger and QTEs are just annoying, get away with them please ...
+ lots of stuff I probably have forgotten
Overall I always felt like there was a thought behind everything in 13, however in 13-2 it seems like someone just threw tons of random gameplay elements into mixer and at the end got a game. Its like they had no plan what they wanted to do when they made the game (which is probably due to the super short dev time.)
con ningun spoiler que vea a bulto.
y vandal pues una imagen vale mas que mil palabras
http://www.vandal.net/foro/mensaje/6358 ... famitsu/57a añadir que para conseguir los 160 fragmentos necessitas el factor suerte de tu lado pork se consiguen en el casino, sumale el to be continue... via DLC pork aseguraron que la pagina web de FF13-3 era una farsa.
Buscad tambien la pelea contra omega, no hay reto alguno.
Buenas 2 opiniones.
Llegas tarde puesto que esa imagen ya se posteo. Eso aparece despues de una actualizacion que meterion, de esos 3 nodos, 1 es el coliseo para los monstruos, los otros dos probablemente sean DLC, pero al estar al comienzo y no al final no tiene nada que ver con el final.
Detodas formas has puesto varias palabras que puedes estar destripando vilmente el juego a alguien.
Te recomiendo que si vas a flamear por aqui .. ojito ..
Solo daba info al que preguntaba justo por encima mio, xD
Mi ingles esta un poco dejado de banda pero no vi ningun atisbo de spoiler, si eso quito o censuro algo, si eso dimelo.
PD: Algunos confundiis crear polemica/flamear con informar. Me encanta que la tactica sea siempre dejar paginas atras mis comentarios, veo que esto tambien se hace por aqui. Ale pues a postear que malo soy hasta que no se note el mensaje critico al juego o critico a la saga.
PD2: Lo de vash no se a que viene, no nos llevamos ni bien ni mal. La saga FF le acompañan sus fans criticos alla donde vayan desde tiempos inmemoriales. Eso lo ha de aceptar cualquiera que haga un tema sobre FF.
PD3:los comentarios malos que se estan oyendo de FF13-2 son de acerrimos defensores de FF13, como algun fan hater del 13 con dinero se lo compre de salida vais a ver lo que es flamear xD
PD4: Ansioso de ver el DLC de lightining pork omega es un chiste de mucho cuidado.
cucus escribió:¿Cuantas horas llevas de juego?
Foo_Fighter escribió:cucus escribió:¿Cuantas horas llevas de juego?
los comentarios de neogaf no son mios, pensaba que quedaba claro. Solo leo todo lo que sale del juego.
PD:espero que no fuera una critica para desenbocar en sino has jugado callate o no lo tienes no opines.
yavanna07 escribió:Foo_Fighter escribió:cucus escribió:¿Cuantas horas llevas de juego?
los comentarios de neogaf no son mios, pensaba que quedaba claro. Solo leo todo lo que sale del juego.
PD:espero que no fuera una critica para desenbocar en sino has jugado callate o no lo tienes no opines.
desenado de que llegue febreroadios haters
yavanna07 escribió:Foo_Fighter escribió:cucus escribió:¿Cuantas horas llevas de juego?
los comentarios de neogaf no son mios, pensaba que quedaba claro. Solo leo todo lo que sale del juego.
PD:espero que no fuera una critica para desenbocar en sino has jugado callate o no lo tienes no opines.
con la actitud esa que me tienes, deberías callarte tuvieras el juego o no![]()
spoiler sobre lo del final de un forero anterior: menuda gilipollez, es decir, eso es una trollada? gilipolleces, entonces cuando una película te la dejan para una segunda parte también es un trolleo? absurdo, me he leído la descripción del final y me ha parecido acojonantemente original, porque no te lo esperas! en serio, criticáis cualquier mierda ya... que la recompensa por los 160 sea quizás poco aclaratoria? pues vale, pero el final es ese y claramente lo dejan para un futuro DLC masivo o ffxiii-3, yo espero que sea esto último![]()
desenado de que llegue febreroadios haters
PD: Algunos confundiis crear polemica/flamear con informar. Me encanta que la tactica sea siempre dejar paginas atras mis comentarios, veo que esto tambien se hace por aqui. Ale pues a postear que malo soy hasta que no se note el mensaje critico al juego o critico a la saga.
Sould escribió:Por aquí también le tenéis calado.
Foo_Fighter escribió:Sould escribió:Por aquí también le tenéis calado.
se ve que si. Pero me sigue fascinando la capacidad de la gente de leer criticas malas y sudar como si no existieran.
Todos los que tuvieron la dignidad de leer los destripes que son criticas negativas, teneis alguna opinion al respecto ?
eldesiempre escribió:Me he metido tarde en el hilo (no tengo tiempo pa'na'), pero os agradezco los comentarios.
Me queda claro que, en vez de empezarme el XIII, me espere unos meses y me haga el XIII-2 mejor.
cucus escribió:No me gusta meterme en lios aquí, pero es que joder algunos parece que disfrutan más tocando las narices criticando juegos a destajo, que jugando en sí. En serio es flipante. Yo , por ejemplo, detesto los COD y no estoy todo el dia dando por saco en el hilo oficial diciendo "jaja os venden DLC a 70 pavos", y cosas asi...
tony stonem escribió:cucus escribió:No me gusta meterme en lios aquí, pero es que joder algunos parece que disfrutan más tocando las narices criticando juegos a destajo, que jugando en sí. En serio es flipante. Yo , por ejemplo, detesto los COD y no estoy todo el dia dando por saco en el hilo oficial diciendo "jaja os venden DLC a 70 pavos", y cosas asi...
Te lo explicare siguiendo el ejemplo de los COD que comentas.Yo tambien detesto los COD,no espero nada de ellos,no entro a su hilo,fin.
Final fantasy es mi saga favorita,entro al hilo a empaparme de informacion,si algo me decepciona,lo comentare,puesto que espero muchisimo de esta saga ya que,repito,al ser de mis favoritas siempre espero que sea de lo mejor.
La gente no entra a criticar por criticar,(bueno,si,siempre estan los tipicos gilipollas que odian la saga y se limitan a repetir "mas de lo mismo","esta saga esta muerta","otro refrito" y frases que les hacen demostrar que no han tocado un final fantasy en su puta vida)asi que algunos tendriais que quitaros ese complejo de estar a la defensiva en todo momento y pensando que solo os lo hacen "para fastidiar".
Ethan2011 escribió:eldesiempre escribió:Me he metido tarde en el hilo (no tengo tiempo pa'na'), pero os agradezco los comentarios.
Me queda claro que, en vez de empezarme el XIII, me espere unos meses y me haga el XIII-2 mejor.
Sino has jugado al XIII, hazlo antes del XIII-2.
Es verdad que no es el mejor FF de todos los que han salido, pero es muy buen juego y con una historia más que aceptable.
eldesiempre escribió:Ethan2011 escribió:eldesiempre escribió:Me he metido tarde en el hilo (no tengo tiempo pa'na'), pero os agradezco los comentarios.
Me queda claro que, en vez de empezarme el XIII, me espere unos meses y me haga el XIII-2 mejor.
Sino has jugado al XIII, hazlo antes del XIII-2.
Es verdad que no es el mejor FF de todos los que han salido, pero es muy buen juego y con una historia más que aceptable.
Es lo que te digo: no tengo mucho tiempo y me atrae el universo FF.
Lo cierto es que la linealidad que se le achaca podría ser incluso algo positivo para mí,
pero no conzco a nadie que hable bien del juego.
Siguiendo tu consejo, le daré unas horas a ver qué tal.
tony stonem escribió:cucus escribió:No me gusta meterme en lios aquí, pero es que joder algunos parece que disfrutan más tocando las narices criticando juegos a destajo, que jugando en sí. En serio es flipante. Yo , por ejemplo, detesto los COD y no estoy todo el dia dando por saco en el hilo oficial diciendo "jaja os venden DLC a 70 pavos", y cosas asi...
Te lo explicare siguiendo el ejemplo de los COD que comentas.Yo tambien detesto los COD,no espero nada de ellos,no entro a su hilo,fin.
Final fantasy es mi saga favorita,entro al hilo a empaparme de informacion,si algo me decepciona,lo comentare,puesto que espero muchisimo de esta saga ya que,repito,al ser de mis favoritas siempre espero que sea de lo mejor.
La gente no entra a criticar por criticar,(bueno,si,siempre estan los tipicos gilipollas que odian la saga y se limitan a repetir "mas de lo mismo","esta saga esta muerta","otro refrito" y frases que les hacen demostrar que no han tocado un final fantasy en su puta vida)asi que algunos tendriais que quitaros ese complejo de estar a la defensiva en todo momento y pensando que solo os lo hacen "para fastidiar".
eldesiempre escribió:...pero no conzco a nadie que hable bien del juego.
Siguiendo tu consejo, le daré unas horas a ver qué tal...
cucus escribió:tony stonem escribió:cucus escribió:No me gusta meterme en lios aquí, pero es que joder algunos parece que disfrutan más tocando las narices criticando juegos a destajo, que jugando en sí. En serio es flipante. Yo , por ejemplo, detesto los COD y no estoy todo el dia dando por saco en el hilo oficial diciendo "jaja os venden DLC a 70 pavos", y cosas asi...
Te lo explicare siguiendo el ejemplo de los COD que comentas.Yo tambien detesto los COD,no espero nada de ellos,no entro a su hilo,fin.
Final fantasy es mi saga favorita,entro al hilo a empaparme de informacion,si algo me decepciona,lo comentare,puesto que espero muchisimo de esta saga ya que,repito,al ser de mis favoritas siempre espero que sea de lo mejor.
La gente no entra a criticar por criticar,(bueno,si,siempre estan los tipicos gilipollas que odian la saga y se limitan a repetir "mas de lo mismo","esta saga esta muerta","otro refrito" y frases que les hacen demostrar que no han tocado un final fantasy en su puta vida)asi que algunos tendriais que quitaros ese complejo de estar a la defensiva en todo momento y pensando que solo os lo hacen "para fastidiar".
Tienes toda la razón en todo lo que dices, de hecho mi comentario iba dirigido ,en mayor medida, a esos que tu has mencionado entre parentesis. Está claro que esto es un foro, pero hay una diferencia entre dar tu opinión y estar metiendo cizaña una y otra vez. Y que conste que esto último ni mi otro post iba por tí, que quede claro.
Creo que la gente que compramos un Final Fantasy (tú incluido por lo que leo) lo compramos porque siempre va a mantener un mínimo de calidad, ya que le guste a uno "personalmente" más que a otro no quita que ese mínimo de calidad siempre esté presente en todos los juegos. Es su sello, siempre van a ser como mínimo de notable para arriba gráficamente, a nivel sonoro ídem de lo mismo, y jugablemente ya es cuestión de gustos. Un sistema de batallas para cada FF, de exploración, desarrollo... no se crea en 5 minutos, todo eso lleva días y meses de estudio y no lo hacen de la noche a la mañana, tienen sus revisiones y cambios, vamos que está todo estudiado. Ya después el resultado final puede gustar más o menos, pero quiero creer que todo esto lo hacen para satisfacernos a los jugadores, no para que continuamente estemos echándole en cara que "por qué no han metido esto" o "por qué no han quitado esto otro".Foo_Fighter escribió:a mi almenos me produce un tremendo escozor leer analisis en ingles o traducidos del japones comentando fallos graves o no graves, y aqui y en meri solo se habla de reservar reservar bso bso. No es quitar hype a la gente es simplemente que no es un juego AAA, no es un candidato a goty, es un candidato a entre toda la mediania de jrpg's ser la mediania mas buena.
la saga FF es un jrpg que se lo trata como a un juego adulto, no se permiten niñerias y errores que a otros jrpg's se los pasamos, antes ese era el sentir general, ahora todo se basa en autocomplacencia, graficos, bso y merchandaising por lo que se ve.
Foo_Fighter escribió:
iria por mi claro, donde no he hecho ningun comentario de ese tipo en eol, y en meri la mayoria de mensajes de ese tipo mios eran en mericonsolas, tierra hostil o de guerra.
Ademas como bien dice tony stonem creo que es evidente que algunos se nos intuye que somos fans desde hace mucho tiempo de esta saga. Joder, si me rejuego minimo 2 FF al año y ahora mismo estoy jugando al FF tactics de psx, algun dia le tocará el rejugarse al FF13, pero bueno...
a mi almenos me produce un tremendo escozor leer analisis en ingles o traducidos del japones comentando fallos graves o no graves, y aqui y en meri solo se habla de reservar reservar bso bso. No es quitar hype a la gente es simplemente que no es un juego AAA, no es un candidato a goty, es un candidato a entre toda la mediania de jrpg's ser la mediania mas buena.
la saga FF es un jrpg que se lo trata como a un juego adulto, no se permiten niñerias y errores que a otros jrpg's se los pasamos, antes ese era el sentir general, ahora todo se basa en autocomplacencia, graficos, bso y merchandaising por lo que se ve.
No estoy seguro, pero leyendo su post no creo que Foo_Fighter sea precisamente un hater, dice tener y rejugar cada cierto tiempo los FFs, sólo que creo que le está desencantando, es lo que me pareceLili_Fey escribió:Foo_Fighter escribió:
iria por mi claro, donde no he hecho ningun comentario de ese tipo en eol, y en meri la mayoria de mensajes de ese tipo mios eran en mericonsolas, tierra hostil o de guerra.
Ademas como bien dice tony stonem creo que es evidente que algunos se nos intuye que somos fans desde hace mucho tiempo de esta saga. Joder, si me rejuego minimo 2 FF al año y ahora mismo estoy jugando al FF tactics de psx, algun dia le tocará el rejugarse al FF13, pero bueno...
a mi almenos me produce un tremendo escozor leer analisis en ingles o traducidos del japones comentando fallos graves o no graves, y aqui y en meri solo se habla de reservar reservar bso bso. No es quitar hype a la gente es simplemente que no es un juego AAA, no es un candidato a goty, es un candidato a entre toda la mediania de jrpg's ser la mediania mas buena.
la saga FF es un jrpg que se lo trata como a un juego adulto, no se permiten niñerias y errores que a otros jrpg's se los pasamos, antes ese era el sentir general, ahora todo se basa en autocomplacencia, graficos, bso y merchandaising por lo que se ve.
Ni creo que los que esperamos el juego pensamos que vaya a ser el FF definitivo. El problema es la insistencia una y otra vez, una y otra vez, es como lo de Justin Bieber, que hay un punto en que los detractores son más coñazos que las mismas fans. ¿Que a ti este juego te parece una mierda? pues pasas de él como hacemos muchos con otros juegos y deja que "sufra" la gente que sí les interesa el juego, que la gente se compre lo que les salga de las pelotas. Pero tan terrible no te parecerá ya que estás tan atento a todo lo relacionado con el juego, o a lo mejor eres de esos haters que se compran los juegos que no les gusta (nunca entendere a esa gente, si no te gusta algo para qué te lo compras?)
javitherapper escribió:Creo que la gente que compramos un Final Fantasy (tú incluido por lo que leo) lo compramos porque siempre va a mantener un mínimo de calidad, ya que le guste a uno "personalmente" más que a otro no quita que ese mínimo de calidad siempre esté presente en todos los juegos. Es su sello, siempre van a ser como mínimo de notable para arriba gráficamente, a nivel sonoro ídem de lo mismo, y jugablemente ya es cuestión de gustos. Un sistema de batallas para cada FF, de exploración, desarrollo... no se crea en 5 minutos, todo eso lleva días y meses de estudio y no lo hacen de la noche a la mañana, tienen sus revisiones y cambios, vamos que está todo estudiado. Ya después el resultado final puede gustar más o menos, pero quiero creer que todo esto lo hacen para satisfacernos a los jugadores, no para que continuamente estemos echándole en cara que "por qué no han metido esto" o "por qué no han quitado esto otro".Foo_Fighter escribió:a mi almenos me produce un tremendo escozor leer analisis en ingles o traducidos del japones comentando fallos graves o no graves, y aqui y en meri solo se habla de reservar reservar bso bso. No es quitar hype a la gente es simplemente que no es un juego AAA, no es un candidato a goty, es un candidato a entre toda la mediania de jrpg's ser la mediania mas buena.
la saga FF es un jrpg que se lo trata como a un juego adulto, no se permiten niñerias y errores que a otros jrpg's se los pasamos, antes ese era el sentir general, ahora todo se basa en autocomplacencia, graficos, bso y merchandaising por lo que se ve.
No quiero creer que sea autocomplacencia como tú dices, sino que prefiero "arriesgarme" a gastarme 70 euros en un Final Fantasy que estoy seguro al 100% que me gustará (más o menos que otro FF, pero eso da igual) a gastármelos en cualquier otro que probablemente no me guste, o me acabe gustando más, pero como yo eso no lo se, pues voy sobre seguro con el FF de turno.
No se si se me ha entendido bien lo que he querido decir o bien me he salido un poco del tiesto...
eldesiempre escribió:Ethan2011 escribió:eldesiempre escribió:Me he metido tarde en el hilo (no tengo tiempo pa'na'), pero os agradezco los comentarios.
Me queda claro que, en vez de empezarme el XIII, me espere unos meses y me haga el XIII-2 mejor.
Sino has jugado al XIII, hazlo antes del XIII-2.
Es verdad que no es el mejor FF de todos los que han salido, pero es muy buen juego y con una historia más que aceptable.
Es lo que te digo: no tengo mucho tiempo y me atrae el universo FF.
Lo cierto es que la linealidad que se le achaca podría ser incluso algo positivo para mí,
pero no conzco a nadie que hable bien del juego.
Siguiendo tu consejo, le daré unas horas a ver qué tal.
Foo_Fighter escribió:es un tema complicado el tema calidad.
Es obvio por ahora (ffvs nos lo desmentirá) que hacer un FF como antaño con mapamundi, con ciudades, con ruinas y retos con un mundo vivo por el que desplazarte y perderte es muy dificil de conseguir. Mas si le sumas la exigencia grafica que es una seña de identidad de la saga.
FF tenia tantos pilares que lo mantenian que nada lo hacia tambalear. Cuando en FF13 se queda en 3 pilares (aunque muy estable en diseño) graficos historia sistema de combate... pues a los ojos de cualquiera es una decepción.
En FF13-2 graficos se sobre entiende, sistema de combate dicen que ya no hace falta buffear, esta por ver la historia ( que los multiples finales no ayuda), tema añadidos como casino y coliseum saben a poco, escuchar a los fans en un par de cosas faciles de implementar es un punto a favor. tema de DLC la fama que tienen en el mundillo juega en contra si o si y mas si son presuntamente no de chorradas.
Es un producto que tiene muchos altibajos, cosa que no pasaba con los demas FF (11 para abajo) aunque errores y gustos se los podemos sacar a todos los FF. Pero a mi y a muchos nos chirria sobremanera este y su anterior.
Ademas que hay un problema inherente con el planteamiento de FF13-2, los fans ya han crecido, la prota nos recuerda a FFX-2, luego nos dicen que hay saltos temporales y tal, y sin mediar mas palabra ya sabemos 2 o 3 finales. Ademas de haber jugado a chrono triger y cross, ver fringe ya te quita el interes que no veas.
En esto ultimo se puede intuir que han bajado la edad media esperada de sus compradores y hacerlo multi tambien lleva a querer agradar a la mayoria.
Supongo que versus es la ultima esperanza y que FF13 y 13-2 fue un desvio necessario para financiar el nuevo motor grafico; supongo que seria lo mejor a mi modo de ver.