Es que de Gears le queda poco xDDD...DeSi-DS escribió:Hola, queria saber dónde estáis reservando el juego.
He visto que en dan el DLC de Dom, en Game el de Alex + arma, en Fnac solo el arma...y la verdad, no me decido. ¿Ideas?
Por cierto, he tenido que venir a la segunda página del foro a buscar el hilo oficial, no me esperaba esto para un Gears
keevviiiinn escribió:Se a confirmado si este juego llevara servers?
Saludos !
FoxFurius escribió:Tengo una duda con eso que comentais de ''rojos contra azules''... ¿en este juego no hay locust? Por que vi un par de videos donde si que aparecen locust...
El tema de la mira fija tampoco lo entiendo... ¿es como la que hay en los call of duty? ¿la marca de a donde apuntas?
¿hay algun sitio donde poder ver todos los cambios?
Un salu2 y gracias
FoxFurius escribió:Tengo una duda con eso que comentais de ''rojos contra azules''... ¿en este juego no hay locust? Por que vi un par de videos donde si que aparecen locust...
El tema de la mira fija tampoco lo entiendo... ¿es como la que hay en los call of duty? ¿la marca de a donde apuntas?
¿hay algun sitio donde poder ver todos los cambios?
Un salu2 y gracias
DeSi-DS escribió:Hola, queria saber dónde estáis reservando el juego.
He visto que en dan el DLC de Dom, en Game el de Alex + arma, en Fnac solo el arma...y la verdad, no me decido. ¿Ideas?
Por cierto, he tenido que venir a la segunda página del foro a buscar el hilo oficial, no me esperaba esto para un Gears
indigo_rs escribió:FoxFurius escribió:Tengo una duda con eso que comentais de ''rojos contra azules''... ¿en este juego no hay locust? Por que vi un par de videos donde si que aparecen locust...
El tema de la mira fija tampoco lo entiendo... ¿es como la que hay en los call of duty? ¿la marca de a donde apuntas?
¿hay algun sitio donde poder ver todos los cambios?
Un salu2 y gracias
Si que hay Locust!! Hay modos de juego con Locust como el Overrun y otros con dos equipos de la CGO. De hecho hay nuevas especies de Locust, incluso uno mutante, el Rager, que se hace más fuerte y feroz cuantos más tiros recibe.
D@rth escribió:Pero supuestamente no estaran para el resto de modos multi "de toda la vida"....vamos que en duelo por equipos y demas seran azules vs rojos...
Overrun Questions
• Are there any other classes that haven't been announced? (can you announce any? More CoG? More Locust?)
[EPIC] All Overrun classes have been announced.
• Can Overrun be played in Private Matches? (if so, can there be bots?)
[EPIC] Overrun can be played in private matches, and bots are always available in all game modes.
• Is there a chance that we will be able to choose a class and a character?
--ex: play as an Engineer, but want to play as Cole
--Or, will each class have multiple characters to choose from? (ex: engineer = Dizzy or Baird, Scout = Bernie or Garron)
[EPIC] To ensure clarity, classes and characters are locked. If you see Cole, you immediately know he’s a Soldier and can adapt strategies accordingly. There is only one character per class.
• In Beast, we could press X to make the locust laugh/Mwhahaha thing. Is this in Overrun?
[EPIC] There are no taunts in Overrun.
• How easy will it be to adjust the balance of locust/CoG.
--If one team seems to be constantly winning, can you adjust things?
[EPIC] Teams are rebalanced after each match in Quickmatches, as with Gears 3.
• How difficult will it be for groups of 'Randoms' to play together?
--The game seems to rely a lot on teamwork...and random groups don't always work well.
[EPIC] Communication is key, absolutely. This is also true of any team gametype though. There are some built in systems (bots, non-verbal spotting, automatic voice callouts (“I need ammo”), etc.) to make this less of a burden, however.
• If someone is DBNO (on their back), can they be executed?
[EPIC] Nope!
Campaign Questions:
• Can you talk about Valor Points?
[EPIC] As I said before, Valor Points were a temporary name for something that no longer exist. That feature evolved into the current Star System.
• Will any old enemies (that didn't return in GoW3) be back? (sires, kryll)?
[EPIC] Did you want me to give away all the campaign secrets?
• How long is the campaign? (longer than GoW3?)
[EPIC] I don’t know how long it is specifically, but generally speaking it’s on par with past titles, and HIGHLY replayable due to a few new features and systems.
• Will Arcade mode be returning?
---Will we be getting more customization options for Arcade?
[EPIC] Arcade mode will not be retuning in Gears of War: Judgment.
• Will we get to see any UIR involved in the campaign?
[EPIC] Garron Paduk, a defected UIR soldier, is one of the main characters in the story, and is featured along with some new UIR weapons in both SP and MP.
• We've seen who the writers are, but who is doing the soundtrack. (and which other game would have the most similar soundtrack?)
[EPIC] We're not ready to discuss this quite yet, more info coming soon!
• Will the lighting in campaign be the darker feel of GoW1?
[EPIC] That’s somewhat of a subjective call, but I’d say that the overall feeling of the game is more aligned with Gears of War (1) in general.
• Will we get to see the Kryll (or any other old classic enemies)?
[EPIC] See response above.
• Will we see any Cameos? (Marcus, Chaps, Hanley, etc.)
--any Carmines?
[EPIC] See response above.
Horde/Beast Questions:
• Will these modes be returning?
--What changes will be made to Beast/Horde
----Will we be getting more customization options for these modes?
----Will the 'cha-ching' noise return in horde?
• Will we be able to use mutators in Beast?
• Will we ever be able to have more than 3 mutators on at once?
• Will the class system be used in Horde? (was this even considered?)
• Can you implement a way to specify Horde/Beast scores that were obtained during special events?
--Some scores on the leader boards were glitched, and some scores were obtained during events (beast on the cheap, creepy crawly horde)
----(because a lot of people used certain events to exploit the leader boards)
• Many people were upset because of the fact that new elements could be added to Beast/Horde.
--Will GoW:J be easier to add things to? (new fortifications/enemies)
[EPIC] We’re only talking about those things we’ve already announced publicly.
VS Multiplayer Questions:
• Can we please get more customization options for Private Matches?
--What about a GoW1 style lobby? - LINK
[EPIC] There are many customization options for Private Matches. What other types of options were you looking for? DBNO and Locust support cannot simply be “turned on” as a feature in private matches.
• You've said that in coming weeks, we'll see more gun and character customization option. What are these?
--Can we see a demo/video? (For GoW 3, we got a preview via the beta.
[EPIC] More info coming soon!
• What is this Domination mode we've heard about?
[EPIC] Domination is a new competitive MP mode that features three simultaneously active rings. Your team gets points for capturing and holding rings. The more rings your team holds at once, the more points you get per second. Teams must decide how to split up their 5 man team to cover all three rings.
• MP is all CoG v CoG now.
--What about people who are Color Blind? (any color blind assist option?)
--Won't the character's voices (battle chatter) be confusing?
[EPIC] There are a number of small features to address these problems, such as changes to reticles when placed over teammates, names over teammate heads (not enemies), etc. Any info that is team specific will only be heard by the relevant team. For example, you’ll only head “incoming frag” if an enemy frag is actually incoming.
• Many fans are concerned about the removal of DBNO in VS MP. Is this something that could be added back later (any chance of private option)?
[EPIC] I cannot currently predict what will be in future patches or releases.
• Many fans are concerned about the removal of Locust in VS MP. Is this something that could be added back later?
[EPIC] I cannot currently predict what will be in future patches or releases.
• Will the smoke tag kill people now?
[EPIC] No. A tagged Smoke Grenade will attach to an enemy, explode, and create an upper-body only stun to all players in the area when it detonates.
• Is anything being done to improve the team balance in Matchmaking? (so it isn't 4v1 when a 2v3 is possible)
[EPIC] Teams should auto balance properly based on party make up, individual player skill, and a few other factors.
• Recently, you stated that none of the maps are symmetrical.
--How does this affect the balance of team-based gametypes?
--Do you feel that this has allowed for much more creative and interactive maps?
[EPIC] Since there is no longer any forced, central front, the focus of combat is where the players want it to be. This certainly freed up the creativity and possibilities for the Level Designers, but also means a much more fluid and unpredictable battlefront that evolves differently in every match.
• Because there is no more DBNO, can other weapons get headshots now? (pistol, HB, lancer, etc.)
[EPIC] Aside from the addition of some new headshot capable weapons (i.e. Markza, Breechshot) the headshot capabilities of existing weapons did not change to my knowledge.
• Is anything being done to end the segregation between Ranked and Quickmatch?
[EPIC] The separation between Ranked and Quickmatch is intentional. Players can choose which better suits their mood: quality matches (through skill based matchmaking in Ranked mode) or quantity (through a series of fast matches that are balanced on the fly in Quickmatch).
• Will there be any single elimination game types? (wingman/execution/warzone style)
[EPIC] There are no plans for any single elimination gametypes at ship.
• Are you planning on having an MLG style playlist?
[EPIC] I’m not sure exactly what this question is asking for.
• Will Stim Grenades bring dead allies back to life in some playlist? (no more DBNO, so can't revive)
[EPIC] This may be an option for special event playlists.
• We've heard that all weapons are returning, will all of them be in VS MP? (pistols don't seem like they would be viable being that we can use a shield with any weapon)
[EPIC] I don’t believe that there are any pistols as pickups in shipping MP maps with standard settings, but AFAIK you can use them as swaps in private matches. They may also appear in future DLC or patches as there was no conscious decision to cut them, and they have indeed been rebalanced like all other weapons, and now fill even more of a role as power weapons.
• What changes (if any) have been made to some of the power weapons? (particularly the digger, torque, boom, and scorcher)
[EPIC] Off the top of my head: the Digger moves faster than it used to while traveling underground, the Torque and Boom explode with more AOE damage without being active reloaded, the Scorcher is significantly more powerful than in previous titles (fire burns!) and there have been various small updates to effects and ammo balancing across the board.
Other Questions:
• Is it possible to tag the Stim or Beacon Grenades to enemies like other grenades?
[EPIC] Yes, although tagging them doesn’t produce any different effects than a standard throw would.
• What changes are there to AoE and DPS for the grenades (all types)
[EPIC] See my response here for more information:
• Are there any changes coming to the Mantle Kick?
[EPIC] There are no changes planned at this time. See podcast #13 for more info.
• Will any maps have interactive environments? (like Avalanche, Bullet Marsh, Raven Down, etc.)
--We've seen a hidden door, and moving gondolas, but are there any larger/dangerous environments?
[EPIC] We’ve tried to ensure that each map has some interactive elements that are somewhat unique and memorable, regardless of game mode.
• Can we grenade tag teammates?
-insti-revive and overshield (stim), mobile spotting beacon, or suicide mission
[EPIC] You cannot grenade tag a teammate.
• Is there any sort of indicator showing that a player has 'nades? (so you can tell who has them and who doesn't)
--Previously, we could see a player holding 'nades in his/her we tap the button, so there is no visual clue
[EPIC] There is no visual indicator, so it is safest to always assume that an enemy has grenades. Even with the quick throw you will still see it in their hands, however, and see it spin if they choose to aim.
• Will there be legacy unlocks?
--Will there be any unlocks/medals awarded for obtaining lvl 400 in GoW3? (not sure if possible due to re-upping being added late)
[EPIC] We’re not ready to discuss unlocks and awards.
• Will we be getting a nice physical manual, or will it be online?
[EPIC] I don’t know TBH. I will have to investigate.
• Many people want some sort of connection strength indicator, is this something you could/would implement?
[EPIC] This is not currently something we have planned to implement.
• Will we have an option for fading HUD? (for plasma owners)
[EPIC] You HUD does partially fade away when you are not active. I’m not exactly sure what else it is you’re asking for, I’d have to investigate.
• Can we get options for filtering the War Journal? (include/not include bots, include/not include private, etc.)
[EPIC] We’re not ready to discuss awards and unlocks.
• There is confusion about the release dates (different in US and UK) can you clarify the release date.
[EPIC] We are releasing in the US on March 19th, 2013. I don't know the specifics of our international release dates off the top of my head. I will have to investigate, or you can check with your local retailer.
• Has anything been done about the Rank Reset issue?
--Having it not happen? Allowing people to re-earn medals after a reset? (Insane Horde can't unlock after reset)
[EPIC] We have looked into this extensively and made some under the hood changes.
• Can you talk about any of the voice actors (new? returning? cameos?)
[EPIC] What type of information would you like to know about, specifically?
• Can you announce any game editions? (Epic, Limited, etc.)
[EPIC] I have no information about this right now.
• Will we have Seriously 4.0? (or 0.0 because it is before GoW1 )
[EPIC] We’re not ready to discuss awards and unlocks.
• Will DLC be released quickly (like GoW3) or will it have a larger span (like GoW2)?
[EPIC] We’re not ready to discuss DLC, other to confirm that it will indeed be forthcoming.
Camera Position/Aiming:
• The camera position seems this true, can you discuss the changes at all?
• Why didn't you just copy paste the Gears 3 camera/aim system?
• Does the new camera/aim mechanic work the same in every mode, campaign to MP?
• Was it tricky to implement and require a lot of testing?
• Is this right: bullets always travel into a circular area in the center of the TV screen, whether or not you're pressing LT?
--And the disadvantage to hipfire (not pressing LT) is the circular area in the center is larger and thus you're less accurate?
• Looks like the reticule disappears while in cover, true?
• It sort of looks like the reticule would be somewhat misleading when two characters are very close together. Is that a real issue or are we overlooking something else or over-thinking this?
• When you were implementing camera/aim changes, did you also consider putting camera flip (left/right shoulder) on a button (like d-pad or clicking analog stick)?
--Is this a feature we can look forward to or did you guys decide its costs outweigh its benefits?
[EPIC] I am by no means an expert in this area, so I’ll defer to someone else and put this on the docket for a future post or podcast.
D@rth escribió:Se confirman muchas de las cagadas....solo queda esperar como dicen que quien sabe si con futuros parches lo solucionen.
diegales escribió:Esto solo puede salir bien si hacen un online super pulido, sobretodo el tema del lag y dl host.
D@rth escribió:Sacado del foro oficial del hilo del podcast de los modos multi.
These are all the competitive MP game modes shipping with Judgment:
- Free For All
- Team Deathmath
- Domination
- Overrun
Ningun modo de ejecucion ni guardia ni nada. Y creo haber leido que en duelo por equipos, ya no seran 20 vidas y pierde el que se quede a 0 si no que sera al contrario, ganara el que llegue a un numero determinado de muertes...vamos a lo acabaron los duelos del final de partida, empatar de forma estrategica la partida, matar tu solo al equipo rival etc etc....
Madrid, 16 de enero de 2013 – Microsoft y Epic Games ofrecen a los jugadores un buen motivo para esperar con ganas la primavera de 2013, inaugurando la campaña de reservas de “Gears of War: Judgment”.
“Gears of War: Judgment” es la precuela de la trilogía “Gears of War”, la franquicia exclusiva de Xbox 360 que ha vendido más de 19 millones de unidades y ha redefinido el género de acción en consolas, y que permitirá a los fans vivir por primera vez los acontecimientos inmediatamente posteriores al Día de la Emergencia en la entrega más intensa y desafiante de toda la saga.
Los usuarios que reserven “Gears of War: Judgment” en los comercios participantes recibirán un arma exclusiva para utilizar en el modo multijugador, el Hammerburst Clásico, además de otros personajes jugables exclusivos de cada comercio2.
El Hammerburst Clásico era el rifle de asalto estándar del Ejército Locust. Originalmente, era un arma diseñada para disparar seis proyectiles en una única ráfaga, convirtiéndolo en una ventaja decisiva para los Locust durante el Día de la Emergencia. Ahora, puedes conseguir esta temida arma de forma exclusiva con la reserva de “Gears of War: Judgment”. Puedes ver el Hammerburst Clásico en acción en este vídeo: Hammerburst Clásico
Además, el personaje jugable para el modo multijugador Marcus joven, Dom joven, Anya o Alex Brand, podrá ser tuyo al reservar el juego en alguno de los comercios participantes2. Por favor visita y la página de tu comercio favorito para más información, y permanece atento a las noticias de “Gears of War: Judgment”.
Desarrollado en exclusiva para Xbox 360 por Epic Games y People Can Fly, “Gears of War: Judgment” saldrá a la venta en todo el mundo el 22 de marzo de 2013. Para conocer más sobre el juego, por favor visita
Important info:
MP modes shipping with Judgment: Overrun, FFA, Domination, and TDM.
There are NO elimination, non-respawn modes.
TDM now counts kills towards a goal; there is no more respawn pool
Overrun has bots, can be played in private.
Overrun has no unannounced classes on either side.
You cannot choose characters for Overrun, only classes (ex: you can't be a Cole engineer).
Ranked and quick are still separate, sound unchanged.
You can tag people with any type of grenade; its effect is unchanged (ex: beacon grenade tagged on opponent still just spots)
You can destroy and jump through windows.
Mantle kick is unchanged.
Ammo boxes replenish grenades.
(Supposedly) Every starting weapon has a very specific role, is ineffective out of that role, and has a weakness.
-No non-respawn game-modes. Therefore, no clutches whatsoever, which was the most exciting moments for Gears in my opinion.
-Only four modes. Two of them are basically the same thing.
Biggest thing to take away from this is there will only be 4 MP modes. Overrun, Domination, FFA, and TDM.
Bettoks escribió:Después de leer con atención el hilo opino que la saga Gears of War, una de mis favoritas, murió con el GOW 3.
Esto lo único que tiene de GOW es el nombre, se ha perdido la esencia que diferenció el juego de los demás.
No compraré el juego de salida y dudo mucho que lo compre más adelante. También espero que este Gears fracase y preparen uno como los de antaño para la nextgen, si este vende supongo que ya no volveremos a jugar a un GOW.
Espero equivocarme y que el juego sea bueno ya que cambia mucho leer las novedades y jugarlo, pero tiene mala pinta.
jose juan escribió:A mi las noticiAs que van saliendo del juego gustar no me gustan mucho,pero bueno esta gente quiere hacer algo diferente y ya veremos como les sale,el problema de todo esto es llamarse el juego gears y hay radica el quiz de la cuestion,yo no voy a decir que no lo comprare por que oye puede que el juego sea divertido al final que creo es lo que cuenta,eso si tendre que pensar que esto de gears viendo las noticias hablando del multi tendra poco,a si lo primero es diversion y si eso al final lo hace es lo que mas cuenta creo yo,ya veremos al final lo que hago con el juego,eso espero que empiezen a salir videos del multi por que de eso poco o nada han sacado,y ya de paso algo mas de la campaña que estamos a poco mas de 2 meses de que salga y poco hemos visto de estas 2 cosas que digo
Cyborg_Ninja escribió:A mi lo que me hace gracia es que entro en algun otro foro y leo "pff, mas de lo mismo, ni lo diferenciaria de los anteriores", en otros "joder, esto ya no deberia de llamarse Gears of War", opiniones totalmente diferenciadas y extremistas a mas no poder. A ver, a mi tampoco me hace gracia lo que se sabe hasta ahora, pero tampoco es para echarse las manos a la cabeza. Ves cualquier gameplay y lo ves tan Gears of War como los anteriores.
A mi lo que me interesa realmente es la campaña, el nuevo sistema de los enemigos puede quedarle de lujo a la saga. Espero que en un Gears 4 cojan alguna cosilla de este Judgment si es que cumplen lo que prometen.
D@rth escribió:Cyborg_Ninja escribió:A mi lo que me hace gracia es que entro en algun otro foro y leo "pff, mas de lo mismo, ni lo diferenciaria de los anteriores", en otros "joder, esto ya no deberia de llamarse Gears of War", opiniones totalmente diferenciadas y extremistas a mas no poder. A ver, a mi tampoco me hace gracia lo que se sabe hasta ahora, pero tampoco es para echarse las manos a la cabeza. Ves cualquier gameplay y lo ves tan Gears of War como los anteriores.
A mi lo que me interesa realmente es la campaña, el nuevo sistema de los enemigos puede quedarle de lujo a la saga. Espero que en un Gears 4 cojan alguna cosilla de este Judgment si es que cumplen lo que prometen.
Una cosa es innovar y otra bien distinta es quitar todo lo que ha hecho grande el multi de esta saga. Y no te hago la lista porque ya esta muy hablado...
D@rth escribió:De innovacion ahora mismo no se me ocurre nada, pero lo unico que se es que no le quitaria lo que ha dado fama al multi de la saga. Quitarle los derribos, quitar locust, quitar ejecuccion, quitar la recarga activa....eso.NO es innovar.
D@rth escribió:Tambien he leido que se podra saltar/romper ventanas....y el modo horda creo que no estará.
Buste escribió:Y este a solo 2 meses de salir el juego solo veo 100 y pico paginas de la precuela esta,lo que viene a demostrar que es un saga quemada y no han sabido llevarla a lo mas alto despues de los años cosa que se hace notar en la gente de por aqui o en el online que el GOW3 no esta ni entre los mas jugados.
Tengo la sensacion que por lo que veo la compañia quiere darle aire fresco o nuevo pero a la gente no le gusta mucho las ideas que ven y lo entiendo.
Este juego para mi creo que marcara el futuro de esta saga en cuanto renovarse o morir y poco a poco es un juego que esta perdiendo chicha,mismamente no recuerdo muy bien preo creo que al poco de salir el GOW3 habia 1000 o 2000 paginas y aqui poco mas de 100 que da una idea de donde puede acabar esta gran saga que ami me trae muy buenos recuerdo
Selphie_Epojé escribió:D@rth escribió:Tambien he leido que se podra saltar/romper ventanas....y el modo horda creo que no estará.
Menudo disgusto, sin modo horda.![]()
Francamente, no lo entiendo, si en cada entrega lo pulían más y lo hacían cada vez más entretenido; esto es un retroceso en toda regla.
Ya veo que muchos lo compraremos solo por el modo campaña, y de ahí directo a la estantería.
SCREAM25 escribió:Pero es que el tema de azules vs rojos, etc todo eso lo han puesto en el foro oficial pero no han hecho un comunicado en forma de noticia ni nada? Al igual que los modos de juego, de ediciones coleccionista todavía no se sabe nada tampoco. Podrían informar mucho mejor a la gente, sacar más videos, no se ellos mismos le estan dando muy poco bombo al juego, un despropósito total.