Hilo Oficial :: HALO 4 ::

Alguien sabe si para jugar solamente al multiplayer(juegos de guerra) es necesario tener instalado el disco 1 para que no lea desde el dvd?
tienes que tener instalado el cd 2 para el multi el 1 no importa ya que te pedira meter el dvd.
de todos modos tengo instalado los 2 ...
Selicos escribió:Alguien sabe si para jugar solamente al multiplayer(juegos de guerra) es necesario tener instalado el disco 1 para que no lea desde el dvd?

Tienes que instalar el Disco 2 y tener adentro en la bandeja el Disco 1. ;)
Gracias por responder, yo tambien tengo instalado los dos, pero ando escaso de espacio, y me gustaria intentar ganar algo, y pense que quizas borrando el disco 1 del hd, y teniendo instalado el dos, una vez que entres dentro del modo juegos de guerra, el lector dejaria de usar el disco.
Alguien para sacarse los logros de Hermanos hasta el final y nadie ha kedado atrás ?mi gametarg karlos81
Buenas,una pregunta tengo la edicion limitada y queria saber si han salido ya algun pack de mapas puesto que esta la opcion de session pass para comprar pero no me salen los mapas que supuestamente vienen ya con la edic.coleccionista.

Mi pregunta es,han salido ya? de no ser así,cuando salgan,como los descargo?yo ya introducí el codigo y instalado todo del disco 2.
Helka escribió:
fadeus escribió:Todos los capitulos de spartan ops hasta la semana actual ( la 5 ) completados... y no me han dado el logro. He vuelto a hacerme el ultimo del cap.5 y nada... ahora el juego se queda eternamente buscando descargas de contenido en el menu principal y de ahi no pasa... me tira del live.

He leído que completando un capítulo del último episodios en solitario, salta, aun no he podido comprobarlo pero me parece un fallo algo tonto, me dejaron de reconocer el episodio 3 entero, reinicie y me lo volvió a reconocer... Lo del logro no lo he podido probar todavía, si alguien lo hace y funciona que avise.

Un saludo.

Comprobado empíricamente, el truco para solucionar el bug funciona y salta el logro.
Clyde escribió:
Kill a player while you're airborne from using a Man Cannon.
30 points

Lo he hecho un huevo de veces en Halo 3. Incluso a peña en vehículos. Simplemente hay que usar continuamente el cañón humano y tener algo de suerte.

SWAT en Adrift, lo más fácil, si no quitan SWAT de las listas, claro...
Pues mira te tengo que dar la razón, no pense en el cañón gauss, pero para que sea mejor hace falta un buen piloto como dices. Ahora con la mantis tú te lo guisas tú te lo comes. A mí me encanta.

Alguien puede decirme que especialicación da el skin para el DMR,ahora mismo estoy con la pionner,y me han dado la de la pistola de plasma(que la uso solo en campaña)
Aprobecho para dejar mi Gamertag: xaviejt
Agregad para unos vicios ^^
xaviejt escribió:Alguien puede decirme que especialicación da el skin para el DMR,ahora mismo estoy con la pionner,y me han dado la de la pistola de plasma(que la uso solo en campaña)


Muchas Gracias Talesia!
Ya busco más las skins que las mejoras,que no me parecen gran cosa la verdad.
Aunque esos 500 o 600 más de exp por partida que me dara la de pionero servirán ^^
Si yo he jugado el juego desde el primer día, y no me ha llegado el codigo que a muchos de mis amigos ya les llego para las otras 6 especializaciones por mensaje a su cuenta, que hago para que me llegue a mi??
Regicidio por equipos mola bastante, es un team slayer más loco mezclado con VIP.
SpeedLimit escribió:Actualización de 30 MB

Que arregla???
han tocado algo en los equipamientos, me han jodido todas las config's lo mas gracios que entro en un partida, ni holograma ni habilidad de armadura na de na
XboxKani escribió:han tocado algo en los equipamientos, me han jodido todas las config's lo mas gracios que entro en un partida, ni holograma ni habilidad de armadura na de na

Para eso no hace falta una actu, a mí me lo han hecho 4 veces ya y tengo 5 config. distintas...
SpeedLimit escribió:Actualización de 30 MB

*An issue with DLC only working on one profile has now been fixed. / DLC para todos los perfiles de la consola
*Trying to launch ‘Halo Waypoint’ from Halo 4′s menus no longer crashes your console. / Iniciar Halowaypoint desde el juego sin bloquearse
*SitRec of final kill in a game now shows up. / Cámara de muerte final
*It is now possible to get the ‘Last Strike’ medal in Matchmaking. / Medalla de 'último golpe'

esto es lo que se ha visto, a ver si sale una lista oficial
Me acaba de mandar un correo M$ que quieren hablar conmigo por el tema del doblaje, les llamaré el viernes pa ver que me cuentan.

Con lo que sea os lo voy comentando
Tampoco hay mucho que hablar la verdad, el doblaje es una mierda y punto xD

-Cambios de actor incluso en la misma escena
-Cambios de voz de un juego al otro una y otra vez
-Poco ímpetu incluso en la mayoría de casos
-La pronunciación de algunos nombres es distinta en cada puñetero juego e incluso en distintas escenas de un mismo juego (rais, gruais, greis?)
-Traducción digna de Google: "Same place we are"----> "A donde estamos" ¿Pero que puta mierda?

Sinceramente, muy poco profesional e incluso ético, veo continuamente como echan a gente de sus puestos de trabajo por mucho menos. Muy poco respeto a Halo en España, como de costumbre, lo triste es que es por parte incluso de la propia MS.
Maes Hughes escribió:Tampoco hay mucho que hablar la verdad, el doblaje es una mierda y punto xD

-Cambios de actor incluso en la misma escena
-Cambios de voz de un juego al otro una y otra vez
-Poco ímpetu incluso en la mayoría de casos
-La pronunciación de algunos nombres es distinta en cada puñetero juego e incluso en distintas escenas de un mismo juego (rais, gruais, greis?)
-Traducción digna de Google: "Same place we are"----> "A donde estamos" ¿Pero que puta mierda?

Sinceramente, muy poco profesional e incluso ético, veo continuamente como echan a gente de sus puestos de trabajo por mucho menos. Muy poco respeto a Halo en España, como de costumbre, lo triste es que es por parte incluso de la propia MS.

Por no hablar de:
- Mind if I come in?
- Of course not.

Traducido por:
- Puedo pasar?
- Por supuesto que no. ¬¬'

Por cierto, desde hace unos días en Haven hay armas que resultan imposibles de coger porque están entre medio de los dos pisos, lol, como el aguijoneador o el lanzagranadas adhesivo, no soy el único al que le pasa, no?
Y eso que no me mola mucho Gears of War y me estoy pasando rápido el 3 para quitármelo de encima y no me fijo en estas cosas en dicha saga, que no me quiero imaginar como debe ser estas cosas en ese juego.
MutantCamel escribió:
Maes Hughes escribió:Tampoco hay mucho que hablar la verdad, el doblaje es una mierda y punto xD

-Cambios de actor incluso en la misma escena
-Cambios de voz de un juego al otro una y otra vez
-Poco ímpetu incluso en la mayoría de casos
-La pronunciación de algunos nombres es distinta en cada puñetero juego e incluso en distintas escenas de un mismo juego (rais, gruais, greis?)
-Traducción digna de Google: "Same place we are"----> "A donde estamos" ¿Pero que puta mierda?

Sinceramente, muy poco profesional e incluso ético, veo continuamente como echan a gente de sus puestos de trabajo por mucho menos. Muy poco respeto a Halo en España, como de costumbre, lo triste es que es por parte incluso de la propia MS.

Por no hablar de:
- Mind if I come in?
- Of course not.

Traducido por:
- Puedo pasar?
- Por supuesto que no. ¬¬'

Por cierto, desde hace unos días en Haven hay armas que resultan imposibles de coger porque están entre medio de los dos pisos, lol, como el aguijoneador o el lanzagranadas adhesivo, no soy el único al que le pasa, no?

No, no eres el único, a mi me lleva pasando unos días también.
MutantCamel escribió:Por cierto, desde hace unos días en Haven hay armas que resultan imposibles de coger porque están entre medio de los dos pisos, lol, como el aguijoneador o el lanzagranadas adhesivo, no soy el único al que le pasa, no?

Eso lo debería arreglar el parche de hoy

AIXI escribió:Me acaba de mandar un correo M$ que quieren hablar conmigo por el tema del doblaje, les llamaré el viernes pa ver que me cuentan.

Con lo que sea os lo voy comentando

Mientras Bill Gates no quiera negociar contigo.. XD

Kenny_666 escribió:
MutantCamel escribió:
Maes Hughes escribió:Tampoco hay mucho que hablar la verdad, el doblaje es una mierda y punto xD

-Cambios de actor incluso en la misma escena
-Cambios de voz de un juego al otro una y otra vez
-Poco ímpetu incluso en la mayoría de casos
-La pronunciación de algunos nombres es distinta en cada puñetero juego e incluso en distintas escenas de un mismo juego (rais, gruais, greis?)
-Traducción digna de Google: "Same place we are"----> "A donde estamos" ¿Pero que puta mierda?

Sinceramente, muy poco profesional e incluso ético, veo continuamente como echan a gente de sus puestos de trabajo por mucho menos. Muy poco respeto a Halo en España, como de costumbre, lo triste es que es por parte incluso de la propia MS.

Por no hablar de:
- Mind if I come in?
- Of course not.

Traducido por:
- Puedo pasar?
- Por supuesto que no. ¬¬'

Por cierto, desde hace unos días en Haven hay armas que resultan imposibles de coger porque están entre medio de los dos pisos, lol, como el aguijoneador o el lanzagranadas adhesivo, no soy el único al que le pasa, no?

No, no eres el único, a mi me lleva pasando unos días también.


Esto con Bungie no pasaba. [ginyo]
Bill Gates hace años que no pinta nada en MS xD
Maes Hughes escribió:Bill Gates hace años que no pinta nada en MS xD

no me fatidies el chiste [+risas] XD
¿ Y esa actualización ? Me refiero a la parte de la KillCam, ¿ No estaba implementada en todos los modos ? ( yo es que en Asesino no doy tiempo ni a pestañear antes de reespawnearme )

Por cierto, ¿ Sabéis en qué modo de juego hay killcam de última muerte ? Me pareció ver algún vídeo que la mostraba.
iF O X escribió:¿ Y esa actualización ? Me refiero a la parte de la KillCam, ¿ No estaba implementada en todos los modos ? ( yo es que en Asesino no doy tiempo ni a pestañear antes de reespawnearme )

Por cierto, ¿ Sabéis en qué modo de juego hay killcam de última muerte ? Me pareció ver algún vídeo que la mostraba.

La killcam era una vergüenza, la quitaron y ahora se ve que la han puesto de nuevo. A ver que tal va :-|
Maes Hughes escribió:Y eso que no me mola mucho Gears of War y me estoy pasando rápido el 3 para quitármelo de encima y no me fijo en estas cosas en dicha saga, que no me quiero imaginar como debe ser estas cosas en ese juego.

Hablas del doblaje? porque el del Gears, la saga completa, está bastante bien, no cambian dobladores, y está bastante logrado.

Lo de Halo 4 es un despropósito que jamás llegaré a entender, a la altura de Halo 2, y lo peor es que ambas voces de 117 están más o menos bien, pero claro, si sólo se hubiese utilizado una de ellas...
ozspeed escribió:
Maes Hughes escribió:Y eso que no me mola mucho Gears of War y me estoy pasando rápido el 3 para quitármelo de encima y no me fijo en estas cosas en dicha saga, que no me quiero imaginar como debe ser estas cosas en ese juego.

Hablas del doblaje? porque el del Gears, la saga completa, está bastante bien, no cambian dobladores, y está bastante logrado.

Lo de Halo 4 es un despropósito que jamás llegaré a entender, a la altura de Halo 2, y lo peor es que ambas voces de 117 están más o menos bien, pero claro, si sólo se hubiese utilizado una de ellas...

Entonces guay, ya te digo he jugado poco los he pasado y arreando y a penas me acuerdo, al menos cuidan una saga.
esto no es un cry.
pero la peña se esta apalancando en los mapas haciendo un sniper war, en rangarok se suben en la base del equipo rojo con una mochila cohete a una piedra y a francotirotear.

q asco por favor.
XboxKani escribió:esto no es un cry.
pero la peña se esta apalancando en los mapas haciendo un sniper war, en rangarok se suben en la base del equipo rojo con una mochila cohete a una piedra y a francotirotear.

q asco por favor.

Ni cry ni leches, es lo que ha querido la gente (que muy posiblemente ya no juega tras la salida del último COD) y estos capullos se lo dan, pues a tragar. Es lo que hay. [decaio]
Unas preguntillas, ¿lo de los skins para las armas/especializaciones como se desbloquean? ¿los skin de armas/trajes que regalaban al comprar la limitada en algunos sitios se pueden conseguir? (imagino que si)

Lei algo de que a partir del rango 50 se desbloqueaban algunas especializaciones, pero no estoy seguro (voy por el 45).
Maes Hughes escribió:
ozspeed escribió:
Maes Hughes escribió:Y eso que no me mola mucho Gears of War y me estoy pasando rápido el 3 para quitármelo de encima y no me fijo en estas cosas en dicha saga, que no me quiero imaginar como debe ser estas cosas en ese juego.

Hablas del doblaje? porque el del Gears, la saga completa, está bastante bien, no cambian dobladores, y está bastante logrado.

Lo de Halo 4 es un despropósito que jamás llegaré a entender, a la altura de Halo 2, y lo peor es que ambas voces de 117 están más o menos bien, pero claro, si sólo se hubiese utilizado una de ellas...

Entonces guay, ya te digo he jugado poco los he pasado y arreando y a penas me acuerdo, al menos cuidan una saga.

A Cole Train le cambiaron la voz, pero al menos el doblador nuevo se esforzó en imitar al doblador anterior.
zulykat escribió:Unas preguntillas, ¿lo de los skins para las armas/especializaciones como se desbloquean? ¿los skin de armas/trajes que regalaban al comprar la limitada en algunos sitios se pueden conseguir? (imagino que si)

Lei algo de que a partir del rango 50 se desbloqueaban algunas especializaciones, pero no estoy segundo (voy por el 45).

vete a Start -> especializacione sy veras los que tienes, creo que los skins vienen con las especializaciones, pero no me hagas mucho caso
croshy escribió:
iF O X escribió:¿ Y esa actualización ? Me refiero a la parte de la KillCam, ¿ No estaba implementada en todos los modos ? ( yo es que en Asesino no doy tiempo ni a pestañear antes de reespawnearme )

Por cierto, ¿ Sabéis en qué modo de juego hay killcam de última muerte ? Me pareció ver algún vídeo que la mostraba.

La killcam era una vergüenza, la quitaron y ahora se ve que la han puesto de nuevo. A ver que tal va :-|

Ah, pues ni idea tenía la verdad xDD
¿Alguien para cooperativo en legendaria?
GT: ninomelon23
Para los que se hayan pasado Halo Reach y Halo 4 en Legendario y en solitario, ¿cuál os supuso mayor dificultad?

Yo sólo me he pasado el 4 y bueno, hubo momentos muy duros y momentos de regresar por mis pasos para coger munición, pero con el sistema checkpoint al final se va consiguiendo.

Tengo algo de escasez de tiempo y no quiero ponerme con Reach y quedarme demasiado "atascado", aunque es un resquemor que tengo desde hace tiempo... [ayay]

Clyde, toda la razón del mundo en lo del Warthog con Gauss, en mi vida pensaba poder haber conseguido una racha como la que hice en un Halo, aunque con mucha suerte acumulada, por supuesto, paso de decir el resultado porque no viene a cuento, pero de verdad que con ese vehículo que mata de un disparo de golpe directo es una gozada dar vueltas por el mapa... nunca hago fotos ni vídeos, pero de ése no pude evitarlo, el problema es que creo, aún no se puede ver en un PC, un fallo más comparado con juegos anteriores como 3 o Reach. A ver si lo arreglan...

Un saludo.
ozspeed escribió:Para los que se hayan pasado Halo Reach y Halo 4 en Legendario y en solitario, ¿cuál os supuso mayor dificultad?

Yo sólo me he pasado el 4 y bueno, hubo momentos muy duros y momentos de regresar por mis pasos para coger munición, pero con el sistema checkpoint al final se va consiguiendo.

Tengo algo de escasez de tiempo y no quiero ponerme con Reach y quedarme demasiado "atascado", aunque es un resquemor que tengo desde hace tiempo... [ayay]

Clyde, toda la razón del mundo en lo del Warthog con Gauss, en mi vida pensaba poder haber conseguido una racha como la que hice en un Halo, aunque con mucha suerte acumulada, por supuesto, paso de decir el resultado porque no viene a cuento, pero de verdad que con ese vehículo que mata de un disparo de golpe directo es una gozada dar vueltas por el mapa... nunca hago fotos ni vídeos, pero de ése no pude evitarlo, el problema es que creo, aún no se puede ver en un PC, un fallo más comparado con juegos anteriores como 3 o Reach. A ver si lo arreglan...

Un saludo.

A mi me costó algo mas Halo: Reach... aunque quizá dependerá de cada uno...

Boletín Oficial de Halo 4:

Bueno, Spartan Ops se tomará un descanso. Hasta Enero no sacarán más.

El 10 de Diciembre sacan el primer DLC de Mapas Crimson Map Pack.

Y activarán Halo 4 Infinity Challenge el 17 de Diciembre (link en el nombre).

Premios de Halo 4 Infinity Challenge -> http://halo4infinitychallenge.com/platf ... rizes.html



Sí, el coche del Forza Horizon pero de verdad [+risas]
Imagen Imagen Imagen
Las Spartan Ops seguirán disponibles y se harán cambios/variaciones en algunos episodios ya existentes.

El lunes habrá un recopilatorio de las mejores misiones (según ellos ¬_¬ ) para jugar en cooperativo:

• Core - Capítulo 5 del Episodio 1
• Hacksaw - Capítulo 3 del Episodio 2
• Shootout in Valhalla - Capítulo 4 del Episodio 3
• The Didact’s Gift - Capítulo 5 del Episodio 4
• Spartan Thorne - Capítulo 1 del Episodio 5

Luego, del 17 de diciembre al 14 de enero rotarán los episodios 1-5 de nuevo para multijugador [+furioso]

La segunda mitad de la Temporada 1 de Spartan Ops se reanudará más tarde en Enero con nuevos episodios, capítulos, localizaciones y mapas.

Mañana dia 7 se darán más datos en Spike TV en el evento 10th Annual Video Game Awards.
Gracias sosiso, es lo que me temía.

Lo que tiene que consumir ese pedazo de pick up... [+risas]

Aunque no acabo de comprender como funcionará el evento, simplemente rankins de ambos modos (war games, Spartan Ops) y el de desafios, también con rankins.

Ya podían dar algún emblema o skin de arma por registrarse, así los que no tenemos posibilidades de conseguir ningún premio real como yo "ganarían" algo...

Las normas del concurso:

Rules & Regulations
Click to see Weekly Challenge Rules and Regulations


The Halo 4 Infinity Challenge (the "Tournament") will consist of one (1) Online Qualifier that will run from December 17, 2012 at 12:00:00 AM Eastern Standard Time ("EST") to January 10, 2013 at 11:59:59 PM EST (the "Tournament Qualifying Period"), and an Online Finals that will run from January 12, 2013 until January 19, 2013. By entering and participating in the Tournament, each entrant unconditionally accepts and agrees to comply with and abide by these Tournament Rules (the "Tournament Rules") and the decisions of Virgin Gaming (the "Sponsor"), 524 Queen St. W., P.O. Box 52453, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 2B0, which shall be final and binding in all respects.

ELIGIBILITY: Subject to the following restrictions, the Tournament is open to everyone (excluding residents of AZ, CT, MD, TN, VT, QUEBEC AND WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW) who have reached the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which they reside (19 in AL, 18 in all other U.S. states) ("Age of Majority") before the start of the Tournament. Employees, officers, directors and agents of Sponsor, Microsoft Corporation, Ford, Lions Gate Entertainment and their advertising, media buying and promotional agencies, assigns, parents, affiliated and subsidiary entities and the immediate family (spouse, parent, sibling, child) or members of their same households (whether related or not) of such employees, officers, directors and agents are not eligible to participate in the Tournament. Virgin Gaming-sponsored players are eligible to participate in the Tournament and do not receive any special privileges as they relate to the Tournament. Sponsor shall have the right at any time to require proof of identity, date of birth and/or eligibility to participate in the Tournament. Failure to provide such proof if requested shall result in disqualification. The Tournament is subject to all applicable federal, state, provincial, and local laws and regulations and is VOID IN AZ, CT, MD, TN, VT, and QUEBEC AND WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

HOW TO REGISTER: Individuals who choose to enter the Tournament ("Entrants") may do so during the Tournament Qualifying Period by navigating to the URL halo4infinitychallenge.com (the "Website"), and registering for a Virgin Gaming account and the Halo 4 Infinity Challenge. Entrants may register from December6, 2012 at 9:00:00 AM EST to January 10, 2013 at 11:59:59 PM EST.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TOURNAMENT: Entrants must log into their Xbox 360 game console and play Halo 4 (the "Game") in either War Games mode or Spartan Ops mode (each a "Game Mode") with a Gold subscription. The Online Qualifier will consist of two leader boards: a War Games leader board and a Spartan Ops leader board. Entrants participating in the War Games Leader board must compete with-in the Infinity Challenge powered by Virgin Gaming playlist option. All game scores ("Scores") accumulated in completed in the playlist option will count towards the leader board. Entrants participating in the Spartan Ops leader board must compete with-in the "Find Game" (matchmaking) option. Games in the "Play Chapters" option do not count towards the Spartan Ops leaderboard score.. Entrants get one (1) point ("Points") for every Spartan Ops chapter completed and chapters may be completed more than once for multiple points. may play the Game in either Game Mode and earn Scores/Points to increase their ranking on the corresponding leaderboards. Scores/Points will not transfer between leader boards. After completing the Game, the each Entrant's score/points will be indicated on the leader board corresponding to the game mode used.. At the end of the Tournament Qualifying Period, Entrants in each leader board will be divided into three separated groups based on their score obtained during the Tournament Qualifying Period. The top ten percent (10%) of Entrants will be placed into Tier 1, the next thirty percent (30%) will be placed into Tier 2, and the final sixty percent (60%) will be placed into Tier 3 for competition in the online final tournament (the "Finals") (Entrants who participate in the Finals hereinafter referred to as "Finalists"). In the event that an Entrant has more than one score on the leader board, his or her highest score will be used to determine Tier placement. In the event of a tie for a given Tier, the Entrant who obtained the score first will be used to break the tie for Tier placement.

During the Finals, all scores will reset, and Finalists will play the Game in the Game Mode they used to qualify to compete for a chance to win prizes in their corresponding Tier. Sponsor's computer is the official time keeping device for this Tournament.

The Finals will be in accordance with Sponsor's instructions. At the end of the Online Finals, the Sponsor will rank all Finalists in each Tier based on the score they receive. The Grand Prize winner of Tier 1 in each Game Mode will be the individual who obtained the highest score during the Finals, subject to verification. The remaining Finalists may receive prizes based on their ranking as detailed in the attached Exhibit A to these Official Tournament Rules. In the event of a tie for any rank in a given Tier, the Finalist who obtained the score first will be deemed the winner, subject to verification. Any disputes will be resolved by an independent judging organization, whose decision shall be final, conclusive and binding. The judge's decisions shall be made strictly in accordance with these Official Tournament Rules and any other rules and procedures put in place for the Finals. Additional details regarding Finals mechanics and other rules, procedures and conditions for participation in Finals may be provided to Finalists immediately prior to the Finals.

War Games Grand Prize (1): prize includes one (1) 2013 UNSC Themed Ford F-150 Raptor SVT Truck. Approximate Retail Value ("ARV"): $73,982.30. Other package, factory options, and other prize specifics to be determined by Sponsor and are subject to availability. Sponsor does not make, nor in a manner is responsible or liable for any warranty, representation or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to the vehicle including but not limited to its quality, fitness for purpose or mechanical condition. Winner must have proof of a current valid driver's license from their state or place of residence to take delivery of vehicle; failure to show same may result in prize forfeiture and selection of an alternate winner. Winner is solely responsible for all title, license, registration, insurance and other fees required in claiming the vehicle, applicable taxes as well as all other expenses relating to the receipt and use of the vehicle, including any travel and transportation costs associated with collecting the vehicle. All other costs not specifically stated herein as being awarded are the responsibility of the winner. Winner will be provided instructions to obtain his/her Grand Prize vehicle at a dealership designated by Sponsor. Winner must take delivery of vehicle within 30 days of notification that dealership has received vehicle.

Spartan Ops Grand Prize (1): trip to Microsoft Studios and CGI integration of winner into a future Halo® title. Prize includes round-trip, coach class air transportation for winner from a major commercial airport near winner's home within the U.S. to Redmond, WA; one (1) double occupancy standard hotel room for three (3) nights/ four (4) days; and round-trip ground transportation between the destination airport and hotel. ARV: $ 10,875. Actual value of trip may vary based on point of departure and airfare fluctuations. Any difference between stated ARV and actual value of prize will not be awarded. All prize details not specified in the Official Rules will be determined in Sponsor's sole and absolute discretion. Certain restrictions and black out dates may apply. Selection of airline and hotel are solely within Sponsor's discretion. Meals, gratuities, luggage fees, incidental hotel charges and any other travel-related expenses not specified herein are the sole responsibility of winner. All travel dates are subject to the development cycle of the agreed upon future Halo® title. Exact travel dates and arrangements subject to availability. Winner must have all necessary identification and/or travel documents (e.g., a valid U.S. driver's license) required for travel. Airline tickets are non-refundable/non-transferable and are not valid for upgrades and/or frequent flyer miles. All airline tickets are subject to flight variation, work stoppages, and schedule or route changes. If in the judgment of Sponsor, air travel is not required due to winner's proximity to Redmond, WA, ground transportation will be substituted for roundtrip air travel at Sponsor's sole and absolute discretion. The difference in value will not be awarded to the winner. Sponsor shall not be responsible for any cancellations, delays, diversions or substitution or any act or omissions whatsoever by the air carriers, hotels, venue operators, transportation companies, prize providers or any other persons providing any prize-related services or accommodations. Additional prize award details and travel information to be provided to the winner at the time of notification. Winner is also responsible for obtaining travel insurance (and all other forms of insurance) at his or her option and hereby acknowledge that Sponsor has not and will not obtain or provide travel insurance or any other form of insurance. Lost, stolen or damaged airline tickets, travel vouchers or certificates will not be replaced or exchanged.

Remaining prizes for each leader board will be as follows:

Tier 1 Prizes (223 per leaderboard) distributed by ranking as described in Exhibit A.

Tier 2 Prizes (403 per leaderboard) distributed by ranking as described in Exhibit A.

Tier 3 Prizes (641 per leaderboard) distributed by ranking as described in Exhibit A.

Total ARV of all prizes: $141,499.36.

GENERAL PRIZE RESTRICTIONS: Entries to the Tournament are subject to the terms and conditions found at http://virgingaming.com/terms.html?f=FTR_2G_001. A prize is non-transferable, and must be accepted as awarded, without substitutions. In the event that a prize, or any portion thereof, cannot be awarded as described in these Official Tournament Rules, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize of equivalent or greater retail value. ARV is as of the date of printing of these Official Tournament Rules. The difference in value of prizes as stated herein and value at the time of prize notification, if any, will not be awarded. Select prizes will be distributed to the winner within one (1) month of verification by Sponsor of a properly signed Release (as further described below). Additional information regarding prize distribution may be provided to winner at the time of notification. If a winner is a U.S. resident, he/she will be issued an IRS 1099 form for prizes valued over $600 USD. Unclaimed prizes will not be awarded. Limit one (1) prize per person/household.

Winner shall be solely responsible for all federal, state, provincial and/or local taxes, and the reporting consequences thereof, and for any other fees or costs associated with the applicable prize.

WINNER NOTIFICATION: Winners will be notified by email within twenty-four (24) hours of the conclusion of the Finals. Within five (5) days from the date of notice, potential winners will be required to sign and return the Release (as further described below) to Sponsor within the timeframe indicated on the accompanying letter to successfully claim the prize or such prize may be deemed forfeited. In the event of any dispute concerning the operation of any element of the Tournament, the Finals or these Tournament Rules, the decision of Sponsor will be final.

RELEASE: Potential winners will be required to execute and deliver to Sponsor a legal release ("Release") that confirms the potential winner's (i) eligibility for the Tournament, Finals, and acceptance and compliance with these Tournament Rules; (ii) acceptance of the prizes as offered; (iii) release of Sponsor, Microsoft Corporation, and each of their respective parent, related and affiliated companies and entities, subsidiaries, members, dealers, advertising, franchisees, promotional agencies and each of their respective directors, successors, sponsors, partners, licensees, officers, subsidiaries, agents, employees, artists, advisors, assignees, and all others associated with the development and execution of the Tournament and Finals (collectively, the "Releasees") from any and all liability in connection with this Tournament, Finals or participation in any Tournament related or Finals related activities, including any travel related thereto and attendance at the Finals.

PUBLICITY RELEASE: By participating in the Tournament or Finals, each Entrant: (i) grants the Releasees the right to use his/her name, email address, mailing address, telephone number and other personal information, if any, provided to Releasees ("Personal Information") and the Entrant's Game data for the purpose of administering the Tournament and Finals, including but not limited to contacting and announcing the winners; and (ii) who is a winner grants to Releasees the right to use his/her Personal Information for publicity and promotional purposes relating to the Tournament and Finals, in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, without further compensation unless prohibited by law. Entrants who have opted-in to receive marketing communications agree that Releasees may use his/her Personal Information to contact him/her with marketing and other promotional messages related to products and services of Releasees. In addition, by participating in the Tournament or Finals all Entrants acknowledge and agree that Releasees may disclose their Personal Information to third-party agents and service providers of Sponsor in order to affect any of the activities listed above, in accordance with Sponsor's privacy policy located at http://virgingaming.com/privacy/?f=FTR_2F_001.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: By entering this Tournament, each Entrant acknowledges compliance with, and agrees to be bound by, these Official Tournament Rules and consents to the use of his/her name, city of residence, and/or likeness in any publicity carried out by Releasees, and/or their advertising and promotional agencies and agents without further notice or compensation. Entrants release and hold harmless the Releasees from and against any and all manner of action, causes of action, suits, debts, covenants, contracts, claims and demands, including legal fees and expenses, whatsoever, including but not limited to, claims based on negligence, breach of contract and fundamental breach and liability for physical injury, death, or property damage which the Entrants or his/her administrators, heirs, successors or assigns might have or could have, by reason of or arising out of the Entrant's participation in the Tournament, the Finals and/or in connection with the acceptance, use and/or misuse by the Entrant of the prize.

Neither Sponsor, nor its parent, affiliated and subsidiary companies, directors, officers and employees (for the purposes of this paragraph, collectively, the "Tournament Administrators") shall be responsible for or bear any liability for: (i) late-received, lost, unintelligible/illegible, incomplete, or misdirected registrations, entries or Game scores; (ii) entries or game plays which fail to comply with the Official Tournament Rules; (iii) any technical or human error that may occur in the administration of the Tournament or Finals, including any problems or technical malfunction of any computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail or entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, or any combination thereof, all of which may affect an Entrant's ability to participate in the Tournament or Finals, or the ability of Sponsor to receive and/or record and Entrant's Game score; and (iv) any unauthorized human and/or mechanical intervention in any part of the entry process or the Tournament or Finals.

As a condition of participating in this Tournament or Finals, Entrant agrees that (1) under no circumstances will Entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and Entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, punitive, incidental, consequential, or any other damages, (2) all causes of action arising out of or connected with this Tournament or Finals, or any prizes awarded, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and (3) any and all claims, judgments, and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, but shall in no event include attorneys' fees.

Any attempt to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of this Tournament or the Finals is a violation of the Official Tournament Rules and criminal and civil laws, and should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent permitted by law, including criminal prosecution. Entrants agree to abide by the Tournament Rules.

Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process and/or void any games submitted fraudulently. Any changes will be posted on halo4infinitychallenge.com. Should multiple users of the same e-mail account enter the Tournament or Finals and a dispute thereafter arise regarding the identity of the entrant, the authorized account holder of said e-mail account at the time of entry will be considered the entrant. "Authorized account holder" is defined as the natural person who is assigned an e-mail address by an Internet access provider, on-line service provider or other organization which is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses or the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address. If, for any reason, the Tournament or Finals is affected by any computer virus, worm, bug, tampering, hacking, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failure or other cause which, in the sole opinion of Sponsor, corrupts or otherwise affects the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this Tournament or Finals, Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Tournament or Finals, and determine winners from game play already received or as otherwise deemed fair and equitable by Sponsor. Automatic game play is prohibited, and any use of automated devices will cause disqualification.

CHOICE OF LAW: The Tournament and Finals are subject to all applicable federal, state, provincial and local laws. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of the Official Tournament Rules or the rights and obligations as between the Entrant and Sponsor in connection with the Tournament and Finals shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. By entering, entrants consent to the jurisdiction and venue of the federal, state and local courts located in the Province of Ontario.

WINNERS LIST: To obtain a copy of the winners list, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to "Halo 4 Infinity Challenge" Winners List, Virgin Gaming, 524 Queen St. W., P.O. Box 52453, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2B0. Requests must be received by January 31, 2013. U.S. residents may omit return postage.

SPONSOR: Virgin Gaming, 524 Queen St. W., P.O. Box 52453, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2B0.
Exhibit A: Prize Distribution (Excludes Grand Prizes)
Spartan Ops Finals
Spartan Ops - Tier 1



Finalist Ranking

Halo UNSC VANGUARD™ Personal Gaming Environment



Halo Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn - Signature Series Set



Halo Anniversary X Cruiser Board



RVBX: Ten Years of Red vs. Blue 14-Disc Blu-ray Boxed Set



Halo 4 Collector’s Edition Die Cast Warthog



Halo 4: Fuzzy Dice Giclee on Paper



Halo 4 Vigilance Giclee on Paper



Halo 4 Series 1 Action Figure 5-Pack



Halo 4 UNSC Eagle Dog Tags


Spartan Ops - Tier 2



Finalist Ranking




RVBX: Ten Years of Red vs. Blue 14-Disc DVD Boxed Set



Halo Mega Bloks Countdown Set



Halo Mega Bloks Rhino Set



Halo Mega Bloks Seraph Set



Halo Mega Bloks Wraith Set



Halo 4 Series 1 Master Chief w/ Cryotube Deluxe Figure



Awakening: The Art of Halo 4



Halo 4 Die Cast Warthog



Halo 4: Collector's Edition: Prima Official Game Guide



Halo 4 Die Cast Mongoose



Halo 4 POP! Master Chief Vinyl Figure



Halo 4 POP! Cortana Vinyl Figure



Halo 4 UNSC Eagle Dog Tags



Halo Mega Bloks MAF (Micro Action Figure) Packs


Spartan Ops - Tier 3



Finalist Ranking

Halo Mega Bloks Warthog Recon Set



Halo MicrOps Small Box - High Ground Tower



Halo MicrOps Small Box - High Ground Gate



Halo Mega Bloks Orbital Banshee Set



Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn DVD



Halo 4 Series 1 Carded Action Figure



Halo MicrOps Small Card



Halo 4 Master Chief T-Shirt XL



Halo 4 POP! Spartan Warrior Vinyl Figure



Halo Mega Bloks Combat Units Set



Halo 4 UNSC Eagle Dog Tags


War Games Finals
War Games - Tier 1



Finalist Ranking

Halo UNSC VANGUARD™ Personal Gaming Environment



Halo Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn - Signature Series Set



Halo Anniversary X Cruiser Board



RVBX: Ten Years of Red vs. Blue 14-Disc Blu-ray Boxed Set



Halo 4 Collector’s Edition Die Cast Warthog



Halo 4: Fuzzy Dice Giclee on Paper



Halo 4 Vigilance Giclee on Paper



Halo 4 Series 1 Action Figure 5-Pack



Halo 4 UNSC Eagle Dog Tags


War Games - Tier 2



Finalist Ranking




RVBX: Ten Years of Red vs. Blue 14-Disc DVD Boxed Set



Halo Mega Bloks Countdown Set



Halo Mega Bloks Rhino Set



Halo Mega Bloks Seraph Set



Halo Mega Bloks Wraith Set



Halo 4 Series 1 Master Chief w/ Cryotube Deluxe Figure



Awakening: The Art of Halo 4



Halo 4 Die Cast Warthog



Halo 4: Collector's Edition: Prima Official Game Guide



Halo 4 Die Cast Mongoose



Halo 4 POP! Master Chief Vinyl Figure



Halo 4 POP! Cortana Vinyl Figure



Halo 4 UNSC Eagle Dog Tags



Halo Mega Bloks MAF (Micro Action Figure) Packs


War Games - Tier 3



Finalist Ranking

Halo Mega Bloks Warthog Recon Set



Halo MicrOps Small Box - High Ground Tower



Halo MicrOps Small Box - High Ground Gate



Halo Mega Bloks Orbital Banshee Set



Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn DVD



Halo 4 Series 1 Carded Action Figure



Halo MicrOps Small Card



Halo 4 Master Chief T-Shirt XL



Halo 4 POP! Spartan Warrior Vinyl Figure



Halo Mega Bloks Combat Units Set



Halo 4 UNSC Eagle Dog Tags




The Halo 4 Weekly Challenge (the "Promotion") will consist of five (5) online weekly challenges ("Challenges") that will run each week between December 17, 2012 at 12:00:00 AM Eastern Standard Time ("EST") to January 19, 2013 at 11:59:59 PM EST. By entering and participating in the Promotion, each entrant unconditionally accepts and agrees to comply with and abide by these Promotion Rules (the "Promotion Rules") and the decisions of Virgin Gaming (the "Sponsor"), 524 Queen St. W., P.O. Box 52453, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 2B0, which shall be final and binding in all respects.

ELIGIBILITY: Subject to the following restrictions, the Promotion is open to everyone (excluding residents of AZ, CT, MD, TN, VT, AND WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW) who have reached the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which they reside (19 in AL, 18 in all other U.S. states) ("Age of Majority") before the start of the Promotion. Employees, officers, directors and agents of Sponsor, Microsoft Corporation, Ford, Lions Gate Entertainment and their advertising, media buying and promotional agencies, assigns, parents, affiliated and subsidiary entities and the immediate family (spouse, parent, sibling, child) or members of their same households (whether related or not) of such employees, officers, directors and agents are not eligible to participate in the Promotion. Virgin Gaming-sponsored players are eligible to participate in the Promotion and do not receive any special privileges as they relate to the Promotion. Sponsor shall have the right at any time to require proof of identity, date of birth and/or eligibility to participate in the Promotion. Failure to provide such proof if requested shall result in disqualification. The Promotion is subject to all applicable federal, state, provincial, and local laws and regulations and is VOID IN AZ, CT, MD, TN, VT, AND WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

HOW TO REGISTER: Individuals who choose to enter the Promotion ("Entrants") may do so during the Promotion Qualifying Period by navigating to the URL halo4infinitychallenge.com (the "Website"), and registering for a Virgin Gaming account and the Halo 4 Infinity Challenge. Entrants may register from December 10, 2012 at 12:00:00 AM EST to January 13, 2013 at 11:59:59 PM EST.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROMOTION: Entrants must log into their Xbox 360 game console and play Halo 4 (the "Game") in War Games mode with a Gold subscription. The first twenty (20) Entrants who complete one (1) or more of the five (5) Challenges during the corresponding week (as defined below) will be deemed a prize winner, subject to verification.


Challenge Name


Required Act to Complete Challenge


To Be Precise

Dec. 17 - Dec. 23, 2012

Get 200 kills with a Precision Loadout Weapon


Got Backup

Dec. 24 - Dec. 30, 2012

Get 200 kills with a Secondary Weapon


Spray and Pray

Dec. 31 - Jan. 6, 2012

Get 200 kills with an Automatic Loadout Weapon


One, Two, Three, Four...

Jan. 7, 2012 - Jan. 13, 2013

Earn 150 Multikill medals


Spartan Takedown

Jan. 14 - Jan. 20, 2013

Kill 250 players

Each Challenge Week begins at 12:00:00 AM EST and ends at 11:59:59 PM EST on the dates noted above. In the event of a tie, the Entrant who first completed the Challenge will be deemed a winner, subject to verification. Any disputes will be resolved by an independent judging organization, whose decision shall be final, conclusive and binding. The judge's decisions shall be made strictly in accordance with these Promotion Rules and any other rules and procedures put in place for the Promotion.

PROMOTION PRIZES (100 total; 20 per Week): each winner will each receive one (1) Weekly Challenge Prize Pack that includes one (1) Halo 4 Master Chief T-shirt XL; one (1) Halo 4 OST CD; and one (1) Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Blu-ray. Approximate Retail Value ("ARV"): $62.96 each. Total ARV of all prizes: $6,296.00.

GENERAL PRIZE RESTRICTIONS: Entries to the Promotion are subject to the terms and conditions found at http://virgingaming.com/terms.html?f=FTR_2G_001. A prize is non-transferable, and must be accepted as awarded, without substitutions. In the event that a prize, or any portion thereof, cannot be awarded as described in these Official Promotion Rules, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize of equivalent or greater retail value. Entrants are only eligible to win one (1) prize pack during the Tournament. If an Entrant falls under the top 20 winner list, more than once, his/her position will be nullified and given to the next eligible Entrant. ARV is as of the date of printing of these Official Promotion Rules. The difference in value of prizes as stated herein and value at the time of prize notification, if any, will not be awarded. Prize will be shipped to the winner within one (1) month of verification by Sponsor. Unclaimed prizes will not be awarded.

Winner shall be solely responsible for all federal, state, provincial and/or local taxes, and the reporting consequences thereof, and for any other fees or costs associated with the applicable prize.

WINNER NOTIFICATION: Winners will be notified by email within twenty-four (24) hours of the conclusion of the Challenge Week. In the event of any dispute concerning the operation of any element of the Promotion, the decision of Sponsor will be final.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: By entering this Promotion, each Entrant acknowledges compliance with, and agrees to be bound by, these Official Promotion Rules and consents to the use of his/her name, city of residence, and/or likeness in any publicity carried out by Sponsor, Microsoft Corporation, and each of their respective parent, related and affiliated companies and entities, subsidiaries, members, dealers, advertising, franchisees, promotional agencies and each of their respective directors, successors, sponsors, partners, licensees, officers, subsidiaries, agents, employees, artists, advisors, assignees, and all others associated with the development and execution of the Promotion and Finals (collectively, the "Releasees") without further notice or compensation. Entrants release and hold harmless the Releasees from and against any and all manner of action, causes of action, suits, debts, covenants, contracts, claims and demands, including legal fees and expenses, whatsoever, including but not limited to, claims based on negligence, breach of contract and fundamental breach and liability for physical injury, death, or property damage which the Entrants or his/her administrators, heirs, successors or assigns might have or could have, by reason of or arising out of the Entrant's participation in the Promotion, the Finals and/or in connection with the acceptance, use and/or misuse by the Entrant of the prize.

Neither Sponsor, nor its parent, affiliated and subsidiary companies, directors, officers and employees (for the purposes of this paragraph, collectively, the "Promotion Administrators") shall be responsible for or bear any liability for: (i) late-received, lost, unintelligible/illegible, incomplete, or misdirected registrations, entries or Game scores; (ii) entries or Game plays which fail to comply with the Promotion Rules; (iii) any technical or human error that may occur in the administration of the Promotion or Finals, including any problems or technical malfunction of any computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail or entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, or any combination thereof, all of which may affect an Entrant's ability to participate in the Promotion or Finals, or the ability of Sponsor to receive and/or record and Entrant's Game score; and (iv) any unauthorized human and/or mechanical intervention in any part of the entry process or the Promotion or Finals.

As a condition of participating in this Promotion or Finals, Entrant agrees that (1) under no circumstances will Entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and Entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, punitive, incidental, consequential, or any other damages, (2) all causes of action arising out of or connected with this Promotion or Finals, or any prizes awarded, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and (3) any and all claims, judgments, and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, but shall in no event include attorneys' fees.

Any attempt to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of this Promotion or the Finals is a violation of the Official Promotion Rules and criminal and civil laws, and should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent permitted by law, including criminal prosecution. Entrants agree to abide by the Promotion Rules.

Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process and/or void any games submitted fraudulently. Any changes will be posted on halo4infinitychallenge.com. Should multiple users of the same e-mail account enter the Promotion or Finals and a dispute thereafter arise regarding the identity of the entrant, the authorized account holder of said e-mail account at the time of entry will be considered the entrant. "Authorized account holder" is defined as the natural person who is assigned an e-mail address by an Internet access provider, on-line service provider or other organization which is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses or the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address. If, for any reason, the Promotion or Finals is affected by any computer virus, worm, bug, tampering, hacking, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failure or other cause which, in the sole opinion of Sponsor, corrupts or otherwise affects the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this Promotion or Finals, Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Promotion or Finals, and determine winners from game play already received or as otherwise deemed fair and equitable by Sponsor. Automatic game play is prohibited, and any use of automated devices will cause disqualification.

PUBLICITY RELEASE: By participating in the Promotion or Finals, each Entrant: (i) grants the Releasees the right to use his/her name, email address, mailing address, telephone number and other personal information, if any, provided to Releasees ("Personal Information") and the Entrant's Game data for the purpose of administering the Promotion and Finals, including but not limited to contacting and announcing the winners; and (ii) who is a winner grants to Releasees the right to use his/her Personal Information for publicity and promotional purposes relating to the Promotion and Finals, in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, without further compensation unless prohibited by law. Entrants who have opted-in to receive marketing communications agree that Releasees may use his/her Personal Information to contact him/her with marketing and other promotional messages related to products and services of Releasees. In addition, by participating in the Promotion or Finals all Entrants acknowledge and agree that Releasees may disclose their Personal Information to third-party agents and service providers of Sponsor in order to affect any of the activities listed above, in accordance with Sponsor's privacy policy located at http://virgingaming.com/privacy/?f=FTR_2F_001.

CHOICE OF LAW: The Promotion and Finals are subject to all applicable federal, state, provincial and local laws. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of the Official Promotion Rules or the rights and obligations as between the Entrant and Sponsor in connection with the Promotion and Finals shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. By entering, entrants consent to the jurisdiction and venue of the federal, state and local courts located in the province of Ontario.

WINNERS LIST: To obtain a copy of the winners list, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to "Halo 4 Infinity Challenge" Winners List, Virgin Gaming, 524 Queen St. W., P.O. Box 52453, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2B0. Requests must be received by January 31, 2013. U.S. residents may omit return postage.

SPONSOR: Virgin Gaming, 524 Queen St. W., P.O. Box 52453, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2B0.
Buenas como descargo mapas de la comunidad? me dice que no hay archivos , pero a lo mejor es que no lo estoy buscando bien
Maes Hughes escribió:
XboxKani escribió:esto no es un cry.
pero la peña se esta apalancando en los mapas haciendo un sniper war, en rangarok se suben en la base del equipo rojo con una mochila cohete a una piedra y a francotirotear.

q asco por favor.

Ni cry ni leches, es lo que ha querido la gente (que muy posiblemente ya no juega tras la salida del último COD) y estos capullos se lo dan, pues a tragar. Es lo que hay. [decaio]

Es lo que pasa cuando por matar 2 o 3 tios te dan un sniper, a ti y a cada uno de tus compañeros, que no se molestan en moverse de su esquinita, porque con campear ya pillan armas tochas.
por el 41 que voy (lvl) y se hace duro subir [buuuaaaa]

los francos molestan, pero al final solo son eso, unos stats-noobs que chupan muertes en su esquina hasta que los cazen.
Un vídeo de Just for laughs. Os recomiendo que lo veáis. Sobre todo a partir del 2:33. Ahí ya es un descojone brutal.

11829 respuestas