Información sacada de la entrevista de la revista IGN a Bungie: Habrán 4 mapas en la beta.
- Parece (o eso es lo que yo entiendo), que va a haber daño por caida de cierta altura y dicen que vuelven los botiquines:
Chris Carney: Reach still builds on the solid foundation of Halo 3, but we have reevaluated some of the decisions that we made in our three previous multiplayer offerings. While ladders will never surpass the incredible awesomeness of the man cannon, there are some returning elements that should make players reminisce. But will it feel drastic? Not sure, but there are some things that will feel classic (like the return of health packs and moderate fall damage) in addition to all of the new hotness.
- Lo que los de bungie llaman "Network Test 1" se refiere a los dias apartir del dia 3 de mayo con la beta, haran el primer test online, el stress test para ver cuanto tiempo tarda en encontrar partida, en conseguir informacion de diferentes tipos de conexiones para que en el juego final no haya problemas de conexiones ni largos tiempos de espera para encontrar jugadores en el matchmaking. (nos enviaran tests para que respondamos sobre la calidad de las conexiones etc, asi que mirad los emails y los correos no deseados tb que si son de bungie habra que ayudar)
- Por lo que se ve, en los mapas Overlook y Powerhouse habran sitios elevados en los que solo podran acceder con jetpack, posiciones muy buenas para los Snipers:
When I see Overlook and Powerhouse, I start to have nightmares about where the snipers will be able to get with jetpacks.
- Parece que los jetpacks no seran muy faciles de controlar:
Chris Carney: They're not maneuverable enough to dodge all of that so they just have to eat it in the jetpack. There are spaces that, of course, you can get to and I'm sure we'll find much more of those in the Beta and as we keep playing internally. We haven't really designed any ledges or anything where if you have the jetpack you can go here and nobody else can. I'm sure there are spots like that but nothing that we've intentionally put into the game.
- Se tendrá que ir con mucho cuidado con el jetpack a la hora de "aterrizar", al haber daño por caida, si no reduces la velocidad de caida al bajar podrás matarte de la caida. Si te caes desde una altura especifica, te hará poco daño pero te dejara atontado un rato, y si la altura es muy grande morirás:
Lars Bakken: If you kick up jetpack and go to the extent of the vertical height and then let off, and don't use it to feather yourself back down, you're going to hurt yourself. Say you take a map like Overlook. If you start at the top of the map from where the human structure is, ran, jumped and jetpacked and then as the hill was sloping down you let off, you would kill yourself.
It kind of ramps up. If you fall a certain distance, the first thing that's going to happen is a little stun kind of like what we had in Halo 1. As you drop from higher and higher heights it progressively does more damage and it will kill you if you drop from too high of a height.
- En la beta solo habra un mapa suficientemente grande para hacer guerras de vehiculos, Boneyard en la modalidad Invasion:
IGN: Which maps in the beta will be big enough to support a little vehicle combat?
Chris Carney: One map, Boneyard, will feature all sorts of hot vehicle on vehicle action during the Invasion gametype.
- Aunque
no sea oficial, un colega me ha contado que en Reach las piezas de armadura se compraran con dinero del juego que iras ganando al jugar online, ya no se debloquearan por sacarse logros del modo historia u online.