me enviaron un Email ke ponia esto:
Thank you for your order with
When attempting to process your credit/debit card it was declined by your bank. We would ask you to check all of your card details carefully.
Your credit/debit card may have been declined because the card number, expiry date or start date is incorrect. For Solo and Switch cards the issue number should also be checked.
If your details are correct it may be that your bank has declined your card as part of a random security check. In this situation you will need to contact your bank to allow the card to be processed.
For PlayTrade item(s) your order could not be reserved and your PlayTrade order has been cancelled. If you would still like to purchase this PlayTrade order please revisit our website once your credit card has been approved.
For item(s) it is not necessary to re-submit your order. Your outstanding item(s) will be shipped as soon as we can process the payment.
If you experience any further problems please contact our Customer Service Department on 0845 800 102(UK only) or +44(0)1534 877 59(outside UK) who will be able to assist you further.
Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you and thank you for your patience and valued custom.
Kind regards,
lo traduci con el traductor pero coomo ke no se entendia mucho, ke es lo ke pone ke tengo ke hacer?
Es ke lo ke me paso es ke puse un numero de la fecha mal y me enviaron el mesnsaje y ayer ya lo rectifike y se me kedo en processing y aun sigue igual, y no me deja cancelar el pedido.
Ayuda Help porfa contestadme ke estoi desesperado lo pedi el SABADO