Los votos hasta ahora:
5 Votos:
Eldritch Horror
4 Votos:
Battlestar Galactica y Mansiones de la Locura
3 Votos:
7 Wonders, Agricola, Dead of Winter, Descent 2ed, Pandemia, Simbolo Arcano y Zombicide
2 Votos:
Alta Tension, Arkham Horror, Carcassonne, Catan, Coloretto, Eclipse, Hombres lobo castronegro, King of Tokyo,
Pequeñas Grandes Galaxias, Saboteur, Señor de los Anillos LCG, Splendor.
1 Voto:
1830 Railways & Robber Barons, 7 Wonders Duel, A few acres of snow, Age of Industry, Age of Steam
Arcadia Quest, Ascension, At the Gates of Loyang, Avalon, Aventureros al Tren, Bang, Blood rage, Brew Crafters
Carson City, Castillos de Borgoña, Caverna, Caylus, Ciudadelas, Codigo Secreto, Combat Commander Europa
Cyclades, D&D Boardgame System, Dawn of the Zeds, D-Day at Omaha Beach, Dominion, Dungeon Raiders
Exploradores, Five Tribes, Forbidden Stars, Friday, Gears of War, Guerra del Anillo, Hive, Huida de Silver City
Imperial Assault, Imperios del Mediterraneo, Madeira, Mage Knight, Mascarade, Munchkin, Noviembre Rojo
Pandemic Legacy, Pathfinder card game, Robinson Crusoe, Runewars, Santiago de Cuba, Scythe
Sentinels of Multiverse, Shadows of Brimstone, Skull Tales, Spartacus, Star Realms, Starcraft, Stone Age
The Island, Through the Ages, Toma 6, Triumph & Tragedy, Warhammer Quest, Zombicide Black Plague
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