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neocypunk escribió:Como va a joder cuando nosotros estemos esperando nuestro KZ importado y llegue los comprones y empiezen a postear:
-Ya lo tengo!
O lo que es peor un simple:
-No veo la pantalla, tengo los ojos encharcados en lágrimas y sólo he desempaquetado el juego xD
neocypunk escribió:Como va a joder cuando nosotros estemos esperando nuestro KZ importado y llegue los comprones y empiezen a postear:
-Ya lo tengo!
O lo que es peor un simple:
-No veo la pantalla, tengo los ojos encharcados en lágrimas y sólo he desempaquetado el juego xD
neocypunk escribió:Como va a joder cuando nosotros estemos esperando nuestro KZ importado y llegue los comprones y empiezen a postear:
-Ya lo tengo!
O lo que es peor un simple:
-No veo la pantalla, tengo los ojos encharcados en lágrimas y sólo he desempaquetado el juego xD
neocypunk escribió:(no os preocupéis si nos veis por la cache en pijamilla y con voz de yonki diciendo: mi chute de killzoneeeee....)
AND WE ARE BACK! Just one month till release and the reviews are starting to drip in and so far so good. Things are now getting very exciting. So to start with the thread that was collecting questions.
1) Throughout your testing and community testing did you reach complete balance between classes and their weapons? I hate playing a game where 1 weapon can really be the only thing you need to use to win.
I think we managed that, yes. We have spent a good year and a half playing online internally followed by some Sony internal Alpha testing which resulted in a heck of a lot of balancing, followed by three phases of the beta. So I think we've pretty much nailed it. if something does come up post-release, we should be able to patch it up though.
2) Follow up to previous question. If balancing issues occur, will Guerilla support the game with patches?
Ah yes. Depends on the severity of course and whether it is considered a real issue or not. Some people might just get pissed off about catching rockets with their faces and start moaning "boohoo the rockets kill me all the time" when in fact they suck a bit. We'll watch the game carefully post release.
3) Did the issue with kills not being recorded right away when you kill someone, found in the beta, get fixed completely?
Should be yes.
4) If glitches and/or cheats start to surface in KZ2, then how extensive of support can we expect from Guerilla to not only fix the problems, but deal with those who abuse them to help them win in games?
See 2). There will also be online moderation and banning taking place if the user agreement is broken. There is also kick voting.
5) If there are some reviews that talk nasty things about the AI, are you thinking of improving it or you won't touch the singleplayer campaign again?
I dont think it is an issue.
6) Can you set a way to increase damage, something like COD4 Hardcore mode, where one or two shots kill you?
We have 4 levels of difficulty for people to play the campaign in. 'Elite' will give you what you need in that regard.
7) The D-Pad is used for Badge abilites is there a way to leave one of the buttons for quick chat commands (like MEDIC!, SORRY!, ENEMY OVER HERE!)?
Voice-activated comms.
8) Can you record at the moment? are you thinking of implementing that?
Not on release. Something we might look into.
9) in the LOADING screens, can we get a mini trivia game with the Killzone history perhaps? or some Helghan / UCN propaganda?
Erm... no. There are plenty of loading screens with useful info though.
10) why did they decide to not focus so much attention on accurate, reliable, aiming down the sights shooting and instead make un-sighted shooting more reliable?
We did? I think we balanced the game in such a way to allow for both. I personally stop, crouch, zoom and shoot myself a lot. Time permitting anyway.
11) Clans INGAME Blogs with playstation EYE support and HDD import images in a future DLC?
Something to look into later. Benifit vs cost and time, etc.
12) Are you thinking of implementing a way to respawn near EACH of your Squad members, not just your leader?
No, the spawn-select screen would be a mess and it could unbalance the game too much. You of course have spawn-grenades and the Capture and Hold points to spawn on.
13) Will there be an option for dedicated servers? If no, could we maybe have them implimented later for things like clan matches to help even the keel?
14) What penalties are in place for people quitting out on your team or say a host quitting a game out right as the opposing team is to win?
If it is a clan game for valour say, the game would default to the remaining team. If a session master leaves, then a new one is picked. This should be a non-issue.
15) With features does it have the current Clan system, beside the valour points?
You get your own clan page where you can post news, challange rivals and manage your clan in-game and also plenty of functionality on www.killzone.com that links back into the game.
16) What are the kinds of options you can customize to your likings in a Private match? Like running speed, jump height?
Not so much the basic mechanics, but more options such as limiting weapons, the points scored, timings of the modes and so on.
17) What is your take with the idea of bringing Killzone franchise to a RTS future game?
I'd prefer a text-based adventure game myself. There are no plans for it currently, but hypothetically speaking, I could see how it would work.
18) Is it possible that we see in a future DLC a huge map with transport vehicles, futuristic choppers and that type of vehicles?
Anything is possible. More on DLC post-release. (naturally)
19) Use the PSP (if available) as a way to access the INGAME blog and matchmaking features (book a match, register to a tournament)?
Interesting idea. Currently there are no links to the PSP.
20) Does Killzone 2 support the ability to unlock anything if you were to connect your psp to your PS3 with Killzone Liberation?
See above.
21) Could we possibly hope to get more Killzone 2 themes,wallpapers,avatar pictures to customize our PS3 with?
Of course you can!
22) Can we get the video "Ballet of Death" on the PSN Store?
I am not sure. Something to look into I suppose.
23) Are we going to see any Real life AD videos like Liberation got?
You'll be getting better than that.
24) Have you seen Metal Gear Solid 4 DATABASE, release on the PSN Store? Could we have something like that for Killzone?
I have not seen it. I am a bit of a MGS idiot, so can't really comment on this. There will be tons of stats and so on on www.killzone.com if that is what you are refering to. Big changes coming there.
25) Can we get CGI videos explaining the whole killzone history?
Wow that would be expensive to do right. No, sorry.
26) The Bravia settings thread got a lot of notice, could you give us more TV settings?
As I said before, I only had those settings for that TV. it is not something I can provide for more TVs. If I get more, I'll post them of course.
27) Will killzone 2 still provide high quality VOIP with other headsets like it does with the offical sony headset?
I hope the comms are good enough for everyone.
28) What sound settings would you recommend for KZ2? Please be detail as much as possible
Uff, I don't know. Just make sure you set up your PS3 properly to whatever sound system you have attached. Lots of people neglect to do that from the outset.
29) What about a Killzone Movie? I heard that Devs are fans of Paul Verhoeven, maybe he could make the film! Besides that, wht do you think: real actors or just a CGI thing like Resident Evil last film?
Haha, this is not something I can officially comment on, but it is a topic we often talk about in the pub after work. Who would direct, who would play who, etc. Verhoeven would of course be high on our imaginary lists .
30) Can we have another INSIDE THE DEVS STUDIO interview like the one of gamekings?
There is a lot of media attention right now and we have a lot of visitors coming to interview us. We have a special relationship with the Gamekings, so they get more access to us and the project.
31) how do you/gg feel about kz2 being dubbed as the halo killer?
*rasberry noise* Does anyone still call it that? I thought these days we were the 'Gears/COD/Me and My Horse/Tetris/Chess/Soduku/Thumb-wrestling-killer' (delete as appropriate).
32) With the hype of killzone 2, any plans on expanding your team? perhaps outside killzone?
No comment
33) Will the demo on the 5th be Single Player only?
It will be SP, yes.
marvicdigital escribió:http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=killzone2&thread.id=117645AND WE ARE BACK! Just one month till release and the reviews are starting to drip in and so far so good. Things are now getting very exciting. So to start with the thread that was collecting questions.
1) Throughout your testing and community testing did you reach complete balance between classes and their weapons? I hate playing a game where 1 weapon can really be the only thing you need to use to win.
I think we managed that, yes. We have spent a good year and a half playing online internally followed by some Sony internal Alpha testing which resulted in a heck of a lot of balancing, followed by three phases of the beta. So I think we've pretty much nailed it. if something does come up post-release, we should be able to patch it up though.
2) Follow up to previous question. If balancing issues occur, will Guerilla support the game with patches?
Ah yes. Depends on the severity of course and whether it is considered a real issue or not. Some people might just get pissed off about catching rockets with their faces and start moaning "boohoo the rockets kill me all the time" when in fact they suck a bit. We'll watch the game carefully post release.
3) Did the issue with kills not being recorded right away when you kill someone, found in the beta, get fixed completely?
Should be yes.
4) If glitches and/or cheats start to surface in KZ2, then how extensive of support can we expect from Guerilla to not only fix the problems, but deal with those who abuse them to help them win in games?
See 2). There will also be online moderation and banning taking place if the user agreement is broken. There is also kick voting.
5) If there are some reviews that talk nasty things about the AI, are you thinking of improving it or you won't touch the singleplayer campaign again?
I dont think it is an issue.
6) Can you set a way to increase damage, something like COD4 Hardcore mode, where one or two shots kill you?
We have 4 levels of difficulty for people to play the campaign in. 'Elite' will give you what you need in that regard.
7) The D-Pad is used for Badge abilites is there a way to leave one of the buttons for quick chat commands (like MEDIC!, SORRY!, ENEMY OVER HERE!)?
Voice-activated comms.
8) Can you record at the moment? are you thinking of implementing that?
Not on release. Something we might look into.
9) in the LOADING screens, can we get a mini trivia game with the Killzone history perhaps? or some Helghan / UCN propaganda?
Erm... no. There are plenty of loading screens with useful info though.
10) why did they decide to not focus so much attention on accurate, reliable, aiming down the sights shooting and instead make un-sighted shooting more reliable?
We did? I think we balanced the game in such a way to allow for both. I personally stop, crouch, zoom and shoot myself a lot. Time permitting anyway.
11) Clans INGAME Blogs with playstation EYE support and HDD import images in a future DLC?
Something to look into later. Benifit vs cost and time, etc.
12) Are you thinking of implementing a way to respawn near EACH of your Squad members, not just your leader?
No, the spawn-select screen would be a mess and it could unbalance the game too much. You of course have spawn-grenades and the Capture and Hold points to spawn on.
13) Will there be an option for dedicated servers? If no, could we maybe have them implimented later for things like clan matches to help even the keel?
14) What penalties are in place for people quitting out on your team or say a host quitting a game out right as the opposing team is to win?
If it is a clan game for valour say, the game would default to the remaining team. If a session master leaves, then a new one is picked. This should be a non-issue.
15) With features does it have the current Clan system, beside the valour points?
You get your own clan page where you can post news, challange rivals and manage your clan in-game and also plenty of functionality on http://www.killzone.com that links back into the game.
16) What are the kinds of options you can customize to your likings in a Private match? Like running speed, jump height?
Not so much the basic mechanics, but more options such as limiting weapons, the points scored, timings of the modes and so on.
17) What is your take with the idea of bringing Killzone franchise to a RTS future game?
I'd prefer a text-based adventure game myself. There are no plans for it currently, but hypothetically speaking, I could see how it would work.
18) Is it possible that we see in a future DLC a huge map with transport vehicles, futuristic choppers and that type of vehicles?
Anything is possible. More on DLC post-release. (naturally)
19) Use the PSP (if available) as a way to access the INGAME blog and matchmaking features (book a match, register to a tournament)?
Interesting idea. Currently there are no links to the PSP.
20) Does Killzone 2 support the ability to unlock anything if you were to connect your psp to your PS3 with Killzone Liberation?
See above.
21) Could we possibly hope to get more Killzone 2 themes,wallpapers,avatar pictures to customize our PS3 with?
Of course you can!
22) Can we get the video "Ballet of Death" on the PSN Store?
I am not sure. Something to look into I suppose.
23) Are we going to see any Real life AD videos like Liberation got?
You'll be getting better than that.
24) Have you seen Metal Gear Solid 4 DATABASE, release on the PSN Store? Could we have something like that for Killzone?
I have not seen it. I am a bit of a MGS idiot, so can't really comment on this. There will be tons of stats and so on on http://www.killzone.com if that is what you are refering to. Big changes coming there.
25) Can we get CGI videos explaining the whole killzone history?
Wow that would be expensive to do right. No, sorry.
26) The Bravia settings thread got a lot of notice, could you give us more TV settings?
As I said before, I only had those settings for that TV. it is not something I can provide for more TVs. If I get more, I'll post them of course.
27) Will killzone 2 still provide high quality VOIP with other headsets like it does with the offical sony headset?
I hope the comms are good enough for everyone.
28) What sound settings would you recommend for KZ2? Please be detail as much as possible
Uff, I don't know. Just make sure you set up your PS3 properly to whatever sound system you have attached. Lots of people neglect to do that from the outset.
29) What about a Killzone Movie? I heard that Devs are fans of Paul Verhoeven, maybe he could make the film! Besides that, wht do you think: real actors or just a CGI thing like Resident Evil last film?
Haha, this is not something I can officially comment on, but it is a topic we often talk about in the pub after work. Who would direct, who would play who, etc. Verhoeven would of course be high on our imaginary lists .
30) Can we have another INSIDE THE DEVS STUDIO interview like the one of gamekings?
There is a lot of media attention right now and we have a lot of visitors coming to interview us. We have a special relationship with the Gamekings, so they get more access to us and the project.
31) how do you/gg feel about kz2 being dubbed as the halo killer?
*rasberry noise* Does anyone still call it that? I thought these days we were the 'Gears/COD/Me and My Horse/Tetris/Chess/Soduku/Thumb-wrestling-killer' (delete as appropriate).
32) With the hype of killzone 2, any plans on expanding your team? perhaps outside killzone?
No comment
33) Will the demo on the 5th be Single Player only?
It will be SP, yes.
kureizu escribió:Pero la demo del dia 5 es solo con los codigos de los que lo han reservao en usa o lo ponen para todos en la store europea?
trane escribió:Buenas.
He liedo en el foro algo sobre el sistema de cobertura, mas o menos a que se refiere?
Valvemi escribió:Yo he cancelado en shopto i he pillado... en blah dvd... no me puedo resistir a esa caja metalica xD.... AUNQUE me tarde un poco mas.
kureizu escribió:Pero la demo del dia 5 es solo con los codigos de los que lo han reservao en usa o lo ponen para todos en la store europea?
nachobarro escribió:trane escribió:Buenas.
He liedo en el foro algo sobre el sistema de cobertura, mas o menos a que se refiere?
Pues a eso![]()
A cubrirse detras de muros, paredes, barricadas, con posibilidad de disparar.
Si quieres te digo un video , pero sino quieres spoileartemmin 00:23http://www.videogamer.com/videos/killzone_2_visari_square_gameplay.html
neocypunk escribió:Joder, osea os ponen una entrevista a un desarrollador y pasais de ella como de la mierda.
Puntos a destacar:
-No puede hablar oficialmente de una PELICULA basada en Killzone.
-No habra secuencias cinemáticas explicando Killzone1, demasiado caro dice.
-Habrá parches asi como gente del STAFF en el online a modo de policía...
-Podrás reportar abusos así como "kick" o sea expulsar de las partidas mediante votacion a la gente que haga el capuyo.
-Luego le hacen muchas preguntas acerca del online que ya sabiamos.
Punto gracioso:
31) how do you/gg feel about kz2 being dubbed as the halo killer?
*rasberry noise* Does anyone still call it that? I thought these days we were the 'Gears/COD/Me and My Horse/Tetris/Chess/Soduku/Thumb-wrestling-killer' (delete as appropriate)
Le preguntan acerca de que killzone2 se le apoda el Halo-killer y dice creo que si alguien todavía le llama asi, que deberían llamarle el gears-cod-tetris-ajedrez-sudoku-pulsochino-killer. Vamos que es mejor que cualquier otra cosa xD
Más adelante en el foro dice que sólo podrá pertenecerse a un clan, nada de poner los cuernos a tu clan...
Edito!! Justifica el que no haya modo historia a pantalla dividida, dice que renderizar dos veces semejantes escenario sería imposible, no podría mantener la calidad gráfica y lo veo lógico...
en serio se q nadie la va a compartir asi por q si conmigo pero si alguen se apiada de un ISA q no puede dar por culo a los HELGAST hasta el 26 de febrero aqi ay un soldado preparado.jajajaaja
provar la demo del FEAR 2 me e cagao
PD si alguien bondadoso y wena persona se apiada de mi alma contesta por mensaje privado.
dormilon ZZZZ escribió:VISARI SQUARE GAMEPLAY 720p
http://www.videogamer.com/videos/killzo ... eplay.html
toni_23 escribió:Yo ya tengo a un amigo que me va a pasar la demo asi que yas os diré cosas![]()
nachobarro escribió:toni_23 escribió:Yo ya tengo a un amigo que me va a pasar la demo asi que yas os diré cosas![]()
Tu eres un cabron , osea juegas ala beta, y encima vienes a chulear de demo ???![]()
Lewis-Angelo escribió:en 2 semanas casi 200 paginas![]()
¿ha habido algún dato de interés?, ¿o solo hype a raudales?
Lewis-Angelo escribió:en 2 semanas casi 200 paginas![]()
¿ha habido algún dato de interés?, ¿o solo hype a raudales?
Lewis-Angelo escribió:en 2 semanas casi 200 paginas![]()
¿ha habido algún dato de interés?, ¿o solo hype a raudales?
dormilon ZZZZ escribió:Ya no es Hype es algo mas parecido al Hipo, ya sabes, un espasmo involuntario del diafragma
Lewis-Angelo escribió:si ya me ha entrado el hype a mi solo al descargar el video de visari que hay por ahi
venga que ya va por el 88%![]()
Lewis-Angelo escribió:hay alguna firma por ahi que tiene otra caratula, ¿que es la edición coleccionista?
TEREON escribió:Esta noche o mañana creo que tenemos el análisis de Meristation ¿verdad?
TEREON escribió:Esta noche o mañana creo que tenemos el análisis de Meristation ¿verdad?
TEREON escribió:Esta noche o mañana creo que tenemos el análisis de Meristation ¿verdad?
SrX escribió:TEREON escribió:Esta noche o mañana creo que tenemos el análisis de Meristation ¿verdad?
Hasta el día 2 no se levanta el embargo de reviews oficiales.
Lewis-Angelo escribió:TEREON escribió:Esta noche o mañana creo que tenemos el análisis de Meristation ¿verdad?
mañana por la tarde decian, y demás analisis de otras webs
pero a mi me da igual que puntuación le den, como si le dan un 5 y no se lo compra nadie, mas para mi
SrX escribió:Po si, en Meri mañana a las 18:00 la publican.
nachobarro escribió:Bravo!
neocypunk escribió:Punto gracioso:
31) how do you/gg feel about kz2 being dubbed as the halo killer?
*rasberry noise* Does anyone still call it that? I thought these days we were the 'Gears/COD/Me and My Horse/Tetris/Chess/Soduku/Thumb-wrestling-killer' (delete as appropriate)
Le preguntan acerca de que killzone2 se le apoda el Halo-killer y dice creo que si alguien todavía le llama asi, que deberían llamarle el gears-cod-tetris-ajedrez-sudoku-pulsochino-killer. Vamos que es mejor que cualquier otra cosa xD
dormilon ZZZZ escribió:nachobarro escribió:Bravo!
Hago dos lecturas del tema, una primera donde me sale la verguenza torera y digo "ole sus cojones", eso es respeto por el lector, y una segunda donde creo ver cierto malestar con Sony por ningunear a la web en cuestion y en consecuencia parece ser un acto de despecho. Como soy un romantico me quedo con la primera.