Human [H]
Humans are the most populous of the sentient races in the world. They are very adaptable and can excel in all professions.
Minotaur [M]
Minotaurs are bulky, simple and keen to violence. They are tolerated in cities only because of their ability to do labor that demands great strength and stamina.
Strength +5 Dexterity -4 Vitality +4 Willpower -3
Skillpoints:1 Food Consumption +20%
Lizardman [L]
Lizardmen are social outcast and generally mistrusted due to their capricious and deceitful nature. They are superb in tasks requiring stealth and dexterity.
Dexterity +2 Willpower -1
Insectoid [I]
Insectoids mostly keep to themselves and rarely wander into the lands of humankind. It is believed that their knowledge of the arcane is unrivaled.
Strength -2 Dexterity +1 Vitality -2 Willpower +4
Skillpoints:3 Food Consumption -15%
Fighter [F]
Fighters are the masters of close combat and they are trained to use a wide variety of weapons and armor.
Mage [M]
Mages use their enchanted staves and orbs to command mystical powers that can be used to cause harm or to protect.
Rogue [R]
Rogues are stealthy warriors who can fight with ranged weapons or sneak behind enemies for deadly backstab attack.
H/F:60 H/M:35 H/R:45
M/F:70 M/M:45 M/R:55
L/F:60 L/M:35 L/R:45
I/F:55 I/M:30 I/R:40
Health is the ability to resist pain and withstand injuries. Character class and Vitality affects the number of Health points gained at first and subsequent character levels.
H:50 M:42 L:47 I:60
Energy is the ability to act. Strenuous activity such as special attacks and spellcasting consume energy and running out of energy prevents these actions. Willpower affects the number of energy points gained at first and subsequent character levels.
H:10 M:15 L:10 I:8
Strength is the physical prowess and strength of the character. It increases your Attack Power and carrying capacity.
Strength 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Attack Power ? ? 0 ? 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 ? ?
Max Load ? ? 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 ? ?
H:10 M:6 L:12 I:11
Dexterity id the ability to move quickly and perform maneuveurs that demand accuracy and a keen eye. Accuracy and Evasion are based on character's Dexterity.
Dexterity 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Accuracy -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ? ?
Evasion 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 ? ?
Resist Fire 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 8 11 14 18 22 ? ?
Resist Shock 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 8 11 14 18 22 ? ?
H:10 M:14 L:10 I:8
Vitality represents the overall health and stamina of your character. It affects the amount of Health points gained at first and subsequent levels and helps to get rid of harmful conditions.
Vitality 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Health[F] 50 52 55 57 60 62 65 67 70 72 75 77 80 82 85
Health[M] 25 27 30 32 35 37 40 42 45 47 50 52 55 57 60
Health[R] 35 37 40 42 45 47 50 52 55 57 60 62 65 67 70
Resist Cold 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 8 11 14 18 22 ? ?
Resist Poison 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 8 11 14 18 22 ? ?
H:10 M:7 L:9 I:14
Willpower is the force of the mind and the ability to manipulate arcane powers. It affects the amount of Energy points gained at first and subsequent levels.
Willpower 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Energy 40 42 45 47 50 52 55 57 60 62 65 67 70 72 75
Points Left
H:10 M:10 L:10 I:10
Attack Power
H:1 M:3 L:1 I:0
Attack Power represents the damage output of the character's physical attack. Attack Power is based on Strength, skills and equipped weapon.
H:0 M:-4 L:2 I:1
Accuracy affects character's chance of hitting a target in melee combat. Accuracy is determined by Dexterity, skills and equipped weapon.
H:0 M:0 L:0 I:0
Protection is the combined Protection value of all equipped armor, clothes and other defensive gear. Protection decreases physical damage of attacks against the character.
H:0 M:0 L:2 I:0
Evasion affects the character's chance of evading physical attacks. The damage from an evaded attack is completely negated. Evasion is determined by Dexterity, equipped shields and other gear.
Resist Fire
H:0 M:0 L:2 I:1
Resist Fire lowers the damage of fire, steam and heat based attacks. High Dexterity grants bonuses to your character's fire resistence.
Resist Cold
H:0 M:8 L:0 I:0
Resist Shock lowers the damage of icy and cold attacks. High Vitality grants bonuses to your character's cold resistence.
Resist Poison
H:0 M:8 L:0 I:0
Resist Shock lowers the damage of poisonous attacks. High Vitality grants bonuses to your character's poison resistence.
Resist Shock
H:0 M:0 L:2 I:1
Resist Shock lowers the damage of lightning and electrical attacks. High Dexterity grants bonuses to your character's shock resistence.
Max Load
H:45kg M:60kg L:45kg I:39kg
Load affect movement speed of the party. If one or more prisoners are Burdened (yellow bar) movement speed slows down. If one or more prisoners are Overloaded (red bar) the party can't move.
Available Skill Points
H:4 M:1 L:3 I:3
This skill represents the time spent in exercising your physique. Spending points in this skill increases your physical ability scores.
Lvl Ability
2 Strength +1
5 Vitality +2
8 Health +10
10 Endurance (Decreases food consumption rate by 25%)
12 Dexterity +2
16 Strength +2
20 Porter (Increases carrying capacity by 15kg)
22 Vitality +2
24 Dexterity +2
28 Health +10
30 Resist Fire +10, Resist Cold +10
33 Strength +2
38 Vitality +2
40 Resist Poison +10, Resist Shock +10
45 Health +10
50 Iron Body (Health +100)
Armors skill represent fighter's knowledge of armors and defensive combat techniques. Spending points in this skill improves the effectiveness of equipped armor and your character's defensive abilities.
Lvl Ability
2 Protection +1
5 Health +10
8 Light Armor Proficiency (No penalties from wearing light armors)
12 Health +10
16 Heavy Armor Proficiency (No penalties from wearing heavy armors)
19 Health +15
22 Protection +2
25 Shield Expert (Doubles evasion bonus of equipped shield)
28 Health +15
33 Evasion +5
35 Health +25
38 Protection +2
44 Health +25
50 Armor Master (Protection +25)
This skill represents your character's training with axes. By increasing this skill your Attack Power, Accuracy and chance of performing special attacks increases. The aforementioned bonuses apply only when fighting with an axe.
Lvl Ability
4 Strength +1
7 Health +5
10 Chop (Useful technique for chopping firewood and severing limbs of an enemy)
14 Health +5
18 Strength +1
22 Cleave (A mighty blow that deals huge amount of damage)
26 Health +1
29 Strength +1
33 Rampage (An extremely powerfull attack dealing massive damage)
38 Health +5
42 Strength +1
46 Health +5
50 Axe Master (Attack Power +20 when wielding an axe)
This skill represents your character's training with maces. By increasing this skill your Attack Power, Accuracy and chance of performing special attacks increases. The aforementioned bonuses apply only when fighting with an mace.
Lvl Ability
4 Vitality +1
7 Health +5
10 Bash (A bone shattering blow that deals double damage)
13 Vitality +1
17 Health +5
20 Crushing Blow (A powerful smash that deals great damage)
24 Vitality +1
28 Health +5
33 Devastating Blow (A ground trembling attack that partially bypasses enemy's armor)
38 Vitality +1
42 Health +5
46 Vitality +1
50 Mace Master (Attack with maces ignores enemy's armor)
This skill represents your character's training with swords. By increasing this skill your Attack Power, Accuracy and chance of performing special attacks increases. The aforementioned bonuses apply only when fighting with an sword.
Lvl Ability
4 Strength +1
7 Health +5
10 Slash (A powerful slash that cuts flesh to the bone)
13 Energy +5
16 Parry (Evasion +5 when wielding a sword)
19 Dexterity +1
23 Thrust (Apowerfull attack that pierces enemy's armor)
26 Health +5
29 Strength +1
33 Flurry of Slashes (A deadly chain of attacks that shred enemies to pieces)
37 Energy +5
42 Health +5
46 Dexterity +1
50 Sword Master (Doubles attack speed with swords)
Unarmed Combat
This skill represents your character's training in unarmed combat. By increasing this skill your Attack Power, Accuracy and chance of performing special attacks increases. The aforementioned bonuses apply only when fighting unarmed.
Lvl Ability
4 Dexterity +1
7 Health +10
11 Jab (A precise punch dealing some extra damage)
15 Dexterity +2
19 Health +10
23 Kick (A powerful kick dealing double damage)
27 Health +10
30 Faster than Lightning (Evasion +20)
34 Strength +2
38 Dexterity +2
42 Strength +5, Dexterity +5
45 Health +10
50 Three Point Technique (A secret technique only known to Grand Masters)
Air Magic
This skill represents your character's training in Air Magic. You obtain the power to cast new spells and increase the efficiency of air spells as you advance in this skill. In order to learn a spell you also need to find a scroll explaining the runes of the spell.
Lvl Ability:
4 Spell: ???
5 Resist Shock +10
9 Spell: ???
11 Dexterity +1
14 Spell: ???
17 Resist Shock +10
19 Spell: ???
22 Spell: ???
25 Dexterity +1
27 Greater Lightning Bolt (Your Lightning Bolt spells are much more powerful)
30 Resist Shock +10
32 Circle of Protection, Air (All party members gain Resist Shock +25)
35 Dexterity +1
39 Resist Shock +10
44 Dexterity +1
50 Air Mastery (Resist Shock +100)
Earth Magic
This skill represents your character's training in Earth Magic. You obtain the power to cast new spells and increase the efficiency of earth spells as you advance in this skill. In order to learn a spell you also need to find a scroll explaining the runes of the spell.
Lvl Ability:
3 Spell: ??? [Poison Cloud]
7 Spell: ???
9 Resist Poison +10
11 Spell: ???
13 Spell: ???
17 Vitality +1
19 Resist Poison +10
23 Improved Poison Bolt (Your Poison Bolt spells are much more powerful)
26 Vitality +1
29 Resist Poison +10
32 Circle of Protection, Earth (All party members gain Resist Poison +25)
35 Vitality +1
39 Resist Poison +10
44 Vitality +1
50 Earth Mastery (Resist Posion +100)
Fire Magic
This skill represents your character's training in Fire Magic. You obtain the power to cast new spells and increase the efficiency of fire spells as you advance in this skill. In order to learn a spell you also need to find a scroll explaining the runes of the spell.
Lvl Ability
2 Spell: ??? [Fireburst]
6 Resist Fire +10
7 Spell: ???
10 Strength +1
13 Spell: ???
16 Spell: ???
19 Resist Fire +10
21 Strength +1
24 Greater Fireball (Fireballs cast by you are much more powerful)
28 Resist Fire +10
32 Circle of Protection, Fire (All party members gain Resist Fire +25)
35 Strength +1
39 Resist Fire +10
44 Strength +1
50 Fire Mastery (Resist Fire +100)
Ice Magic
This skill represents your character's training in Ice Magic. You obtain the power to cast new spells and increase the efficiency of ice spells as you advance in this skill. In order to learn a spell you also need to find a scroll explaining the runes of the spell.
Lvl Ability
3 Spell: ???
5 Resist Cold +10
7 Spell: ???
10 Willpower +1
13 Spell: ???
16 Resist Cold +10
19 Spell: ???
21 Willpower +1
24 Improved Frostbolt (Your Frostbolt spells are much more powerful)
28 Resist Cold +10
32 Circle of Protection, Ice (All party members gain Resist Cold +25)
35 Willpower +1
39 Resist Cold +10
44 Willpower +1
50 Ice Mastery (Resist Cold +100)
Spellcraft skill represents your overall prograss in the way of magic. Advancing in this skill enables you to cast more spells before exhausting your energy reserve.
Lvl Ability
2 Willpower +1
5 Spell: ???
5 Spell: ???
6 Energy +10
8 Willpower +1
10 Combat Caster (25% faster spell casting)
12 Energy +10
15 Willpower +1
18 Improved Combat Caster (50% faster spell casting)
22 Energy +10
26 Willpower +1
30 Energy +10
34 Willpower +1
38 Energy +10
42 Willpower +1
46 Energy +10
50 Archmage (Spell energy cost are reduced by 50%)
Staff Defense
This skill improves mage's defensive abilities.
Lvl Ability
2 Protection +1
5 Evasion +5
8 Health +10
11 Protection +2
14 Light Armor Proficiency (No penalties from wearing light armors)
18 Evasion +5
22 Health +10
27 Evasion +5
32 Health +10
37 Protection +2
42 Evasion +5
50 Staff Master (Protection +10, Evasion +30)
This skill represents your training in the way of assassin. As you progress in this skill you gain access to deadly and precise melee techniques.
Lvl Ability
4 Strength +1
8 Backstabbing (Double damage when attacking enemy from behind)
12 Reach Attack (Attack with melee weapons from back row)
16 Strength +2
20 Improved Backstabbing (Triple damage when attacking enemy from behind)
23 Quick Strike (25% faster attack rate with melee weapons)
27 Strength +2
31 Improved Critical (Doubles chance of scoring a critical hit)
35 Piercing Attack (Reduces target's protection by 10)
40 Strength +2
45 Improved Quick Strike (50% faster attack rate with melee weapons)
50 Master Assasin (?)
This skill represents your character's training with daggers. By increasing this skill your Attack Power, Accuracy and chance of performing special attacks increases. The aforementioned bonuses apply only when fighting with a dagger.
Lvl Ability
4 Dexterity +1
7 Energy +5
10 Stab (A precise attack that deals double damage)
14 Energy +5
18 Dexterity +1
22 Piercing Strike (A stab that pierces through enemy's armor)
26 Energy +5
29 Dexterity +1
33 Flurry of Slashes (A deadly chain of attacks that shred enemies to pieces)
38 Energy +5
42 Dexterity +1
46 Energy +5
50 Death Strike (An extremely deadly attack that slays most enemies)
This skill improves rogue's defensive abilities.
Lvl Ability
2 Evasion +5
5 Evade (Resist Fire +5, Resist Shock +5)
8 Health +15
11 Stealth (Doubles evasion bonus of equipped cloak)
14 Evasion +5
17 Light Armor Proficiency (No penalties from wearing light armors)
20 Health +15
24 Improved Stealth (Doubles evasion bonus of equipped clothes)
28 Resist Poison +20
32 Evasion +5
34 Greater Evade (Resist Fire +25, Resist Shock +25)
38 Health +15
42 Evasion +5
46 Health +15
50 Ninja Archer (Evasion +50)
Missile Weapons
This skill represents your character's training with missile weapons such as slings, bows and crossbows. Attack Power with these weapons increases as you progress in this skill.
Lvl Ability
4 Dexterity +1
8 Energy +5
12 Quick Shot (25% faster attack rate with bows)
16 Dexterity +1
20 Energy +5
24 Improved Quick Shot (50% faster attack rate with bows)
28 Energy +5
32 Volley (Shoot 2 missiles with single shot)
36 Dexterity +1
40 Energy +5
45 Dexterity +1
50 Master Archer (Doubles chance of scoring a critical hit with missile weapons)
Throwing Weapons
This skill represents your character's training with throwing weapons. Attack Power with throwing weapons increases as you progress in this skill.
Lvl Ability
4 Strength +1
8 Health +5
12 Quick Throw (25% faster attack rate with throwing weapons)
16 Strength +1
20 Health +5
24 Improved Quick Throw (50% faster attack rate with throwing weapons)
28 Strength +1
32 Double Throw (Throw two items with single attack)
36 Strength +1
40 Health +5
45 Strength +1
50 Throwing Master (Doubles chance of scoring a critical hit with throwing weapons)
Unarmed Combat
This skill represents your character's training in unarmed combat. By increasing this skill your Attack Power, Accuracy and chance of performing special attacks increases. The aforementioned bonuses apply only when fighting unarmed.
Lvl Ability
4 Dexterity +1
7 Health +10
11 Jab (A precise punch dealing some extra damage)
15 Dexterity +2
19 Health +10
23 Kick (A powerful kick dealing double damage)
27 Health +10
30 Faster than Lightning (Evasion +20)
34 Strength +2
38 Dexterity +2
42 Strength +5, Dexterity +5
45 Health +10
50 Three Point Technique (A secret technique only known to Grand Masters)
You are full of rage
Attack Power +4
Your reflexes are exceptional
Dexterity +2
Your body is muscular
Strength +2
You have a potent aura
Energy +15
You are naturally resistant to cold
Resist Cold +25
You know better to stay away from harm
Evasion +7
Daemon Ancestor
Your Great Granfather had fiery eyes
Resist Fire +25
Fist Fighter
You know how to survive tavern brawls
Attack Power +6 when unarmed
Head Hunter (Minotaur)
Required Race: Minotaur
Attack Power +3 for each skull carried
You are exceptionally healthy
Vitality +2
Natural Armor (Insectoid)
Required Race: Insectoid
Your skin is very thick and armor-like
Protection +5
Poison Resistant
You are naturally resistant to poisons
Resist Poison +25
You are learned
+3 Skillpoints
Strong Mind
Your mind is shard as a needle
Willpower +2
You are resistant to physical punishment
Health +15
gatosamurai escribió:Es que me ha sorprendido mucho no ver el hilo creado, y a 2 días de que salga.... Vamos, yo ya lo tengo pagado, ajajaja.
Si, tienes razón, es genial, eso puede hacer este juego infinito xDD También quieren poner avatares personalizados para los personajes, se supone que no tardarán mucho en ponerlo.
De todas formas me cuesta mucho encontrar información sobre las razas, las clases, etc... Sé que al menos hay razas humana, minutauro e insectoide, y clases hay guerrero, pícaro, mago y una especie de clérigo pero nada más... Si alguien encuentra algo que lo diga, para añadirlo al hilo
Un saludo!!!
OniTako escribió: ...
Crapulajb escribió:Otra precompra por aquí, se queda en 10 pavos, es la primera vez qué compro un juego sin probarlo pero lo poco qué he visto me vale para saber qué me va a gustar, una pregunta: se sabe si vendrá en castellano?
OniTako escribió:El juego tendrá muy poco texto, solo las pistas que veremos pintadas en la pared, las descripciones de los objetos y poca cosa más.
De todas formas os dejo un enlace con el manual del juego en castellano, traducido por la buena gente del Clan Dlan.
El manual del juego traducido que os paso está para descargar también en el foro oficial del juego, así que no pasa nada eh?
Ahí va el link!
Lo he estado mirando y la verdad es que se me hace excesivamente parecido al Eye of the beholder.
Realmente estoy tentado en pillarmelo pero tiene algo que no se porque me hecha para atras.
Gaunt escribió:Lo he estado mirando y la verdad es que se me hace excesivamente parecido al Eye of the beholder.
Realmente estoy tentado en pillarmelo pero tiene algo que no se porque me hecha para atras.
Gaunt escribió:Lo he estado mirando y la verdad es que se me hace excesivamente parecido al Eye of the beholder.
Realmente estoy tentado en pillarmelo pero tiene algo que no se porque me hecha para atras.
Jesugandalf escribió:Gaunt escribió:Lo he estado mirando y la verdad es que se me hace excesivamente parecido al Eye of the beholder.
Realmente estoy tentado en pillarmelo pero tiene algo que no se porque me hecha para atras.
La idea era hacer un juego como los de antes pero actualizado a los tiempos que corren, con gráficos más modernos y tal. Si te recuerda al EOB es que han tenido éxito.
Pero bueno, mañana veremos en cuanto le podamos echar el guante. Ya tengo ganas de jugar un juego sin automapa y tener que mapearlo como años atrás
OniTako escribió:Pues yo también voy a jugar sin el automapa, que dibujarlos era una característica que me encantaba de los Etrian Odyssey (con los que descubrí y me maravillé de éste género).
De hecho ya me he imprimido 10 hojas de mapas de las que vienen con el preorder![]()
(En blanco y negro, eso sí! Que no estamos pa gastar color).
Jesugandalf escribió:Yo pertenezco al Clan DLAN, que como algunos sabréis somos una comunidad en la que traducimos muchos juegos que, como éste, salen en inglés, y le envié hace unos días a Petri (uno de los desarrolladores del juego) un PM en los foros oficiales de LoG y me comentó que de momento no tienen pensado facilitar herramientas ni modos de extraer los textos del juego para poder traducirlos, así que habrá que esperar a que se decidan a ayudarnos para traducirlo, o a que encontremos un crack que cree un método para extraer los textos originales e introducir los textos ya traducidos.
De cualquier modo, si al final se puede hacer la traducción de algún modo me imagino que seréis de los primeros en saberlo
al fernan escribió:Hola, me acuerdo hace 6 o 7 años de buscar en internet traducciones para juegos, el morrowind, el gta 3 y el vampire también, y encontrar en google tu página siempre con las traducciones. La verdad es que he descargado un puñado de traducciones del clan DLAN en los últimos años y es de agradecer le trabajo que hacéis.
ivanhl escribió:La nota media en metacritic es de 84 no esta nada mal eh?
Edit: Le leido en un foro que la duración es de 10-15 horas. Solo espero que haya algun tipo de añadido (aparte de la dificultad) que haga que esas horas se multipliquen x2 x3 x4 ... ESE EDITOR ... !!!!
No os parecen algo escasas 10-15 horas para este tipo de juego?
Edit 2: Acaba de sacar nota IGN ---> 8,5
ivanhl escribió:Os veo muy lanzados!!!!!
Que vais a empezar en modo "hardcore"?????????????
Yo es que igual me he vuelto un "blando"y en estos tiempos estar ya sin mapa
OniTako escribió:Me da que no voy a ver la luz del sol hasta que me acabe este juego, que se echaba de menos
OniTako escribió:Según la web de Grimrock el juego estará listo para descargar a las 17:00 UTC, que me parece que son las 18:00 aquí en España.
Seguramente en Steam no esté hasta las 19:00, que es la hora a la que suelen actualizar siempre.
Jesugandalf escribió:OniTako escribió:Según la web de Grimrock el juego estará listo para descargar a las 17:00 UTC, que me parece que son las 18:00 aquí en España.
Seguramente en Steam no esté hasta las 19:00, que es la hora a la que suelen actualizar siempre.
Con el horario de verano, las 17:00GMT son las 19:00 aquí en España, así que el lanzamiento será "global"
Lo que me dan miedo son los servidores de GoG, no sé yo cómo aguantarán todas esas descargas prácticamente a la vez, porque está claro que somos unos cuantos los que estaremos ahí a las siete de la tarde esperando a que liberen el juego para descargarlo, instalarlo y jugarlo en cuanto podamos.
Y, efectivamente, modo hardcore y mapas con lápiz y papel cuadriculado y la habitación con la luz apagada (para meterse uno más en harina). Yo ya tengo mis bolsas de patatas fritas y risketos para pasar mejor la madrugada
OniTako escribió:ivanhl escribió:Os veo muy lanzados!!!!!
Que vais a empezar en modo "hardcore"?????????????
Yo es que igual me he vuelto un "blando"y en estos tiempos estar ya sin mapa
Me he imprimido 10 copias de las cuadriculas que vienen con el preorder. Como ya os digo estoy listo para la Party Hard![]()
Me da que no voy a ver la luz del sol hasta que me acabe este juego, que se echaba de menos
¿Tenéis ya pensada la party?
Yo voy a tirar con la siguiente formación:
Minotauro - Fighter (le subiré Hachas/Armadura y Atletismo) Lizardman - Rogue (Dagas/Assasination y Dodge)
Humano - Mage (Spellcraft/Air/Staff) Insectoid - Mage (Ice/Fire/Earth)
No puedo con la espera, me he visto ya 30 veces las reviews del yutú y el hype solo hace que aumentar.
ivanhl escribió:1ª decision importante: por donde vais a empezar a dibujar el mapa?????????? LOL
Cuantas veces me pasaba que empezara por donde empezara (centro, arriba, abajo,... da igual) al final se me quedaba pequeño y tenia que empezar con apaños, que luego me costaba entender
javieron_ escribió:Acabo de conocer la existencia de este juego y me ha enamorado xD ... lo unico que veo en steam que no me guta .. REalmente esta solo en ingles ??
Vale ya veo que si .. no digo nada, pues que lastima me quedo sin juego y ellos sin mi dinero
El primer nivel está más o menos en la esquina superior izquierda, y todos los niveler comparten coordenadas. Quiero decir que si la escalera al segundo nivel está en la casilla 7C por ejemplo, en esa casilla del nivel 2 empezarás, y así sucesivamente. Espero haberme explicado
ByR escribió:Yo desde la descarga directa, desde steam aun no se puede si tienes preorder, la gente se esta volviendo loca, vaya fanatismo xDD
Panton777 escribió:Todavía no dejan desde steam...
ivanhl escribió:Decid algo, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
necesito primeras impresiones![]()
"caguen" todavia no puedo jugar. Haber si tengo suerte y tengo tiempo en media hora
NaN escribió:ivanhl escribió:Decid algo, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
necesito primeras impresiones![]()
"caguen" todavia no puedo jugar. Haber si tengo suerte y tengo tiempo en media hora
yo uan estoy creando personajesque FEOS son los insectos y los lagartos jaja no me meto en el papel.
elveon123 escribió:Buenas noches, alguien me podria ayudar, es la primera vez que compro en GOG.COM y llevo unos 15 dias desde que hice la preorder y ahora que parece que ya ha salido no se descargar el juego, alguien me podria explicar que tengo que hacer, gracias y salu2