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Narcyl escribió:no me extrañaria que fuera un video pero con la posibilidad de elegir algunas opciones de la trama.
Narcyl escribió:me explique de forma muy resumida.
me refiero a escenas de video donde te cuentan el primer juego paso a paso y en el momento que este pillara varios caminos tu pudieras elegir con que quedarte.
un ejemplo: te explican la historia de que en un club un humano la esta liando y se pone agresivo, ¿decides matarlo o aceptarlo como aliado?. nada jugable pero si una historia donde tu puedes elegir tus propio camino.
yo me he pasado mass effect 1 y me parece el mejor, pero de todas formas cosas trascendentales que pasar al 2 son muy pocas y la mitad de las importantes no las tienen en cuenta (cosa que pasa en todos los juegos que tienes varios caminos).
de todas formas cosas trascendentales que pasar al 2 son muy pocas y la mitad de las importantes no las tienen en cuenta
Nokieitor escribió:no mola tanto..
Daniak escribió:Nokieitor escribió:no mola tanto..
Una hostia deberias llevarte
Este juego es una obra maestra, y la ultima mision es simplemente OMG, es un regalo que nos lo traigan a PS3
tienes cosas como ayudar a los krogan de su enfermedad o salvar a la reina rachni, que posiblemente te ayuden en tu batalla final epica.
incluso en el 2 salvar a los geth o destruirlos
Narcyl escribió: y_y me lo he pasado ya en pc y en 360 varias veces, pero lo quiero ya para ps3. tambien espero que salga ya el proximo libro.
Mass Effect 2 PS3
3-Oct-2010 We chat to BioWare founders Dr Ray and Dr Greg about Mass Effect 2 on PS3
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BioWare sci-fi epic Mass Effect is finally making its way the the PlayStation 3. However, since the original title wasn't released for the PS3 many fans may be left feeling a little lost in space.
Fortunately we sat down and had a chat with BioWare founders Dr Ray Muzyka and Dr Greg Zeschuk about the series' debut on the PS3 and what they're doing to address concerns.
So, why PS3 and why now?
Ray: Basically, we think it's an excellent congruence of a number of things. One is that we now have something we can show fans; we've been working on the game for a long time, and it's at the point where we think we know when it'll be out and where we'll be ready to show it soon.
And, frankly, GamesCom is such an important PS3 market - there are a lot of European games fans there - and Europe is such an important market for us that we thought, what better time to make the announcement and show European fans how important they are to BioWare?
What does the PS3 bring to the table that the Xbox doesn't?
Greg: I think that's interesting; we've been thinking quite a bit about it. The important thing is that, fundamentally, the console has a very different architecture.
Visually, there are probably some changes - I mean, there are differences in the way the memory is allocated, and the graphical processor is all different.
We're not going to get pulled into the argument over which is the more powerful; at the end of the day, they both are, and we can do whatever we want on them.
When you create games, you want as many people as possible to play them, so this is a great opportunity to reach a huge segment of the market. I think it'll play a little differently.
I mean, right from the start you have a different controller, and that alone will change the way the game feels.
Was there a learning curve to dealing with the PS3?
Greg: Well, we certainly had a little more experience on the Xbox side because we did Mass Effect on there as well.
There's always a learning curve, but nothing insurmountable. It's our second game for PS3 - after Dragon Age - and whenever we release a product we always want to make sure it feels like it's native to that platform.
How big a team does it take to make a game feel bespoke for PS3?
Ray: With every game we release, on any platform, we always try to take a very handcrafted and thoughtful approach to how we deploy it.
We always try to invest the right amount to make sure each version feels like it's adapted in the right ways in terms of optimisation and control interface. We always put enough people on the project to ensure that.
What are you doing to bring PlayStation gamers up to date on the events of the first Mass Effect?
Ray: What we're providing is an introductory module. We haven't revealed the details of what that is yet, but it's going to provide a lot of information on both the context and setting of Mass Effect.
You know - 'Here's some of the stuff you've done up to this point'. Then you can jump right into the intense Mass Effect 2 action. I think players are going to have a really good framing of the experience as a result, and they're going to know what they're heading into.
Mass Effect 2 is a stand-alone experience, and this is just going to make it that much richer.
Module is an unusual word; are you talking about a video, or is it something more interactive?
Greg: That remains a mystery.
Have you used this opportunity to change anything about Mass Effect 2? Anything you weren't happy with?
Ray: Every time we release a new version, we try to tune it, optimise it and take all the feedback we can. I think the comments were quite positive for Mass Effect 2, so the priority is to deliver in really high-quality fashion on PS3.
Do you think games such as Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 2 have been dumbed down for the console audience - or 'consolified', as some PC players suggest?
Greg: That's not a word!
Ray: If anything, I'd say that the console games I've seen have been becoming more and more involved over the last year, including the titles from BioWare and many of the launches from our competitors.
I believe that's true for PCs as well. If anything, it's the interfaces that are getting more and more tuned, streamlined and accessible, so it's easier to access rich tactics and strategy while still having that usability.
I think that's the real art of video game development - providing a lot of features, a lot of balance and a lot of accessibility all at the same time. It's not easy, but it continues to evolve every year
You know - 'Here's some of the stuff you've done up to this point'. Then you can jump right into the intense Mass Effect 2 action. I think players are going to have a really good framing of the experience as a result, and they're going to know what they're heading into.
vamos que yo cuando jugue no sabia lo que pasaria decidiendo salvar a alguien o cargandome mundos (dicho por decir).
En mi 1era partida salvé a Wrex de milagro...pero la situacionera AWESOME, Wrex y Shepard apuntándose con las pistolas y gritándose "BAJA EL ARMA!!" "NO TE DEJARÉ HACERLO"!!
Joder....estuve mas de 3 minutos con la conversación parada porque me olía que eso acabaría mal y no tenia suficientes puntos de carisma xD
Eso no lo pueden poner en una elección al tun tún en ME2
rokyle escribió:Yo es que veo eso lo mas normal y sensato...si hubieran podido hacer eso de las elecciones no lo hubieran echo ya para PC y 360? Para que hacerlo ahora?
cloud_cato escribió:Una cosa q no entiendo... si te lo has pasado en 360 y PC, donde tienes las dos partes disponibles.. ¿porq quieres pasarte solo la segunda parte en PS3?... a mi no me pasaría.
Narcyl escribió:rokyle escribió:Yo es que veo eso lo mas normal y sensato...si hubieran podido hacer eso de las elecciones no lo hubieran echo ya para PC y 360? Para que hacerlo ahora?
es que para pc y 360 tenian el mass effect 1, perderian ventas del primer juego si te hacen un pedazo resumen con sus partes seleccionables.
el caso de ps3 es muy diferente y no tienen posibilidad de anular ventas del primer juego, asi que puede que metan un sistema como el que comento.
rokyle escribió:En serio....no veis raro el que hagan escoger sobre cosas que uno no sabe? xD
Spardy escribió:rokyle escribió:En serio....no veis raro el que hagan escoger sobre cosas que uno no sabe? xD
Y porqué no lo vas a saber? Con un video resumen donde te expliquen todo te basta para elegir, vale, tu no juegas a las misiones, pero coño, si tu ves en el video que X tio hace X cosa, contandote la historia mas o menos detallada en un video, tu puedes elegir de sobra que hacer con ese tio o no dentro de un rango de opciones que te den.
Vamos que es completamente factible, eso si, saldría un video resumen bien larguito, pero vamos que le buscais los 3 pies al gato, cuando la solucion yo la veo bastante sencilla.
Spardy escribió:rokyle escribió:En serio....no veis raro el que hagan escoger sobre cosas que uno no sabe? xD
Y porqué no lo vas a saber? Con un video resumen donde te expliquen todo te basta para elegir
¿Tiene doblaje en castellano?
rokyle escribió:Spardy escribió:rokyle escribió:En serio....no veis raro el que hagan escoger sobre cosas que uno no sabe? xD
Y porqué no lo vas a saber? Con un video resumen donde te expliquen todo te basta para elegir
No, no basta. Lo digo por experiencia.
Zack_VII escribió:No basta no, pero es lo que hay y desde luego me parece mejor que que sean prefijadas, que en ese caso, tengas mas o menos informacion con un videoresumen mas o menos completo, no podrias alterar nada y verte jodido en el 3 porque bioware no quiso que tomases X decision.... vamos, que cno mas o menos informacion, la decision la habrás tomado tu, no un 3o...y en una trama que se va desarrollando en parte a base de decisiones, que las tomen por ti no es lo mejor.....tomarlas en un resumen? tampoco, pero insisto, las tomas.
Realmente el que quiera apreciar mass effect ocmo un todo, tiene que jugar al 1 y al 2, no tiene mas misterio, el que simplemente sienta curiosidad por el 2, pues con un resumen ya tiene, pero no, la experiencia, el guon y personajes no tendrán nada que ver.
sino que pienso que van a ir a lo grande y con la capacidad del BD, van a currarse un largo de casi 2 horas.
Derhelm escribió:Creo que te has pasado MUCHO dando detalles del 1, haz el favor de ponerlas en spoiler macho...
Tiene huevos
javitherapper escribió:No he jugado a ningun Mass Effect pero los de Bioware no creo que sean tan tontos como para meter un resumen de 15 minutos y listos para jugar al 2. Si es un juego de tomar decisiones lo suyo sería que durante el videoresumen te dejaran elegir opciones y según esas opciones comenzar el ME:2 con unos parámetros "definidos" por el usuario, vamos, creo yo.
Una pregunta, ¿el ME:2 carga partida del 1 para continuar con las decisiones tomadas en el 1 o como va el tema este?
A recent post by Nathalie Edelmann, a moderator at BioWare’s Social Network website, has revealed new details about the PlayStation 3 version of Mass Effect 2. The text she provides is in German, but a quick Google translate helps clear things up.
According to Edelmann, producer Casey Hudson’s revealed exactly what PlayStation 3 users can expect for their Mass Effect 1 refresher:
* An interactive comic drawn by Dark Horse Comics will tell the story of the first Mass Effect before Mass Effect 2 begins. It’ll allow the player to make various choices that they’d normally make if they were able to play the first game.
* The three already-released downloadable content — Kasumi: Stolen Memory, Overlord, and Lair of the Shadow Broker — will be included on disc.
* A code allowing players to access all content published to date on the Cerberus Network will come bundled with the game.
* A new mission offering about six hours of additional playtime will be available to players.
We’re labeling this a rumor for now — until it’s officially confirmed. We’ve dispatched an e-mail to BioWare, to see if we could get an official confirmation.
Elm1ster escribió:Esa misión de 6 horas de la que nadie sabe nada me huele a chamusquina, yo cogería la noticia con pinzas.
Sheizen escribió:Sigo pensando que no tiene ciencia que saquen la parte dos sin que los usuarios de PS3 nos hayamos jugado la primera...
En fin ellos verán cuanto están dispuestos a perder porque lo que en mi opinión se refiere esto no va llegar lejos
dart1250 escribió:Por cierto a los que han jugado Mass Effect 2... En este juego uno puede andar libre mente por el mapa?
Me explico... por ejemplo si ya termine un planeta puedo volver cuando quiera a visitarlo o se cierra y a seguir con la trama?
Meleiz escribió:Me he enterado de que a parte de los DLCs tochos, traerá también la Red Cerberus para los DLC "secundarios" (trajes, armas...), que son gratuitos, si no recuerdo mal...
dart1250 escribió: ellos no van a hablar de una misión de 6 horas para luego decir que no va... seria como una traición para los que le van a comprar el juego, bueno enero no esta lejos así que ya veremos que nos tendrán.
alfon1995 escribió:http://www.3djuegos.com/noticias-ver/114237/posibles-nuevos-detalles-de-los-extras-de-la-edicion-de/
Hey Folks,
For those that don't know, I am the Producer responsible for Mass Effect 2 PS3. Some of you may have read over on the German forums some of the details on Mass Effect 2 PS3's contents. I'd like to provide some clarity as I believe that there was some translation errors in the interview that Casey gave.
Firstly I'd like to talk about what's on the BluRay Disc; Of course Mass Effect 2 will be included. On top of that, Lair of the Shadow Broker, Project Overlord, Kasumi: Stolen Memory and the Blood Dragon Armour.
Also included is, as on Xbox 360 and PC, an access code to the Cerberus Network. This will give you instant access to the same great lineup of Downloadable Content such as Zaeed and Firewalker.
We've talked briefly about the Interactive Comic. BioWare Edmonton (the group that made Mass Effect 2) teamed up with the fine folks at Dark Horse Comics to create an interactive backstory. While I can't release all the details about this yet, what I can tell you is that we want to create a stunning visual experience that not only tells the core story elements of Mass Effect 1, but also is fully interactive allowing you to be faced with some of the major choices which will have consequences your Mass Effect universe. This interactive comic's initial release will be exclusive to PS3 owners who would be otherwise unable to realize the full effect of choice in the Mass Effect universe and will be included on the Cerberus Network.
There will also be some DLC Bundles, such as the Aegis Pack as well as exclusive both Free and Paid DLC for all PlayStation 3 owners such as the Recon Operations Pack.
Edit: While I can't go into details all of this content is or was available to Xbox/PC Owners but otherwise wouldn't be available to PS3 owners.
More details about this will be released later.![]()
I want also to touch on the '6 hour exclusive mission'. This I believe is a communication error lost in translation. When we talk about 6 hours of content we are talking about what's included exclusively "On Disc" (Kasumi, Shadow Broker, Overlord), The Interactive Back Story and the Cerberus Network Access.
Words can not express how very pleased I am to be able to bring this BioWare title to our PlayStation fans.
Lastly - As we're still a little while away from shipping this game, therefor some of these details are subject to changing.
ps The the team is in the final polishing phase now and the game is looking fantastic! I can't wait to talk more about it and show more of it soon!