› Foros › Tecnología › Electrónica de consumo
popy5 escribió:BLink9 escribió:Buenas. Hoy he montado un módulo IR en la raspi y lleva tres cables al GPIO. Dentro de poco tendré que montar en la misma raspberry los LEDs y veo que un "puerto" del GPIO me coincidiría con el módulo comentado antes, ¿tiene solución esto? El puerto que me coincide es el de "Ground":
No te preocupes. La masa (GND) es el punto común de referencia de voltaje de los periféricos que se conecten a la Pi, por lo que todos los que tengas de conectar, deben compartir dicho terminal del puerto GPIO.
Si te fijas bien, en dicho puerto hay varios pines de masa (GND), por lo que puedes usar el que más te convenga en cada periférico conectado. Solo debes fijarte en el pin de alimentación que cada periférico necesite porque algunos dispositivos requieren +5V y otros +3.3V, y si a uno de 3.3V lo conectas al pin de 5V, pues seguramente te lo cargas.
BLink9 escribió:popy5 escribió:BLink9 escribió:Buenas. Hoy he montado un módulo IR en la raspi y lleva tres cables al GPIO. Dentro de poco tendré que montar en la misma raspberry los LEDs y veo que un "puerto" del GPIO me coincidiría con el módulo comentado antes, ¿tiene solución esto? El puerto que me coincide es el de "Ground":
No te preocupes. La masa (GND) es el punto común de referencia de voltaje de los periféricos que se conecten a la Pi, por lo que todos los que tengas de conectar, deben compartir dicho terminal del puerto GPIO.
Si te fijas bien, en dicho puerto hay varios pines de masa (GND), por lo que puedes usar el que más te convenga en cada periférico conectado. Solo debes fijarte en el pin de alimentación que cada periférico necesite porque algunos dispositivos requieren +5V y otros +3.3V, y si a uno de 3.3V lo conectas al pin de 5V, pues seguramente te lo cargas.
¿Entiendo entonces que hay varios pines de GND? ¿Cómo tendría que instalar los leds entonces? Teniendo en cuenta los pines que quedan ocupados por el módulo IR
popy5 escribió:Los pines número 6, 9, 14, 20 y 25 del GPIO de las Raspberry Pi son todos de masa (GND). Así que puedes utilizar el que más te convenga para el lightberry y el receptor de IR, como por ejemplo:
Para el Lightberry (sobre una Rasbberry Pi 2, si es otro modelo identifica antes qué pines necesitará):
Cable de la señal DATA: pin 23
Cable de la señal CLOCK: pin 19
Cable de MASA (GND): pin 6
Para el receptor de IR (según el esquema que has adjuntado):
Pin 1 del receptor IR (Out) ---> al pin 18 de la Pi
Pin 2 del receptor IR (GND) ---> al pin 9 (o al 14, 20 o 25... lo que más te convenga. Todos son GND)
Pin 3 del receptor IR (Vs) ---> al pin 1 de la Pi, que corresponde a +3,3V. Si el receptor necesitase 5V, debes usar el pin 2 o bien el 4.
Para más detalles, mira la imagen adjunta que indica qué pines hay en las revisiones 1 y 2 de la Pi.
joselele26 escribió:hola a todos.
yo también me he embarcado en este proyecto con la raspberry modelo 2.
he comprado los leds con chip w2801 e intento hacer pruebas con la raspberry .
Os cuento. He seguido este tutorial:
http://www.alessandrocolla.com/ambiligh ... ec-part-1/
http://www.alessandrocolla.com/ambiligh ... ec-part-2/
Todo correcto respecto al montaje de leds e instalación de hiperyon modificado y pasado el fichero config a su carpeta
pero los leds no se encienden en ningún momento
ya he visto que los pines de la pi 2 es diferente el sclk y mosi respecto a la pi 1.
le meto los 5 voltios con fuente de alimentación de un pc viejo de 25 A
ya solo me queda por descartar que los leds vengan malos
mis preguntas :
¿como puedo comprobar que los leds funcionan correctamente. Les meto 5 v pero no encienden. de vez en cuando se enciende alguno suelto?
¿se puede localizar hyperion instalado en openelec para ver si esta desactivado o se ejecuta en segundo plano y no puedo saber si se ha instalado correctamente?
llevo 3 días leyendo y no consigo que funcione
gracias de antemano
je5us escribió:A ver si alguien es capaz de iluminarme que estoy desesperado.
He instalado el kit lightberry hd con el hdmi premium kit, raspberry pi B2 y openelec (descargado de la web de lightberry) con hyperion. Soy incapaz de arrancar el Hyperion. He probado bastantes cosas y he leido otras cuantas, pero me sale el dichoso error XBMC Connection error (0) BORDER SWITCH REQUIRED! cuando pongo el comando
killall hyperiond
/storage/hyperion/bin/hyperiond.sh /storage/.config/hyperion.config.json
en putty, que es como accedo a la raspberry y no soy caoaz de que tire. Sólo se me enciende un Led en azul.
Algún consejo?
Mil gracias por adelantado.
OpenELEC:~ # /storage/hyperion/bin/hyperiond.sh /storage/.config/hyperion.config
Application build time: Mar 6 2015 20:57:44
QCoreApplication initialised
Selected configuration file: /storage/.config/hyperion.config.json
ColorTransform 'default' => [0; 27]
Device configuration:
"colorOrder" : "rgb",
"name" : "MyPi",
"output" : "/dev/spidev0.0",
"rate" : 1000000,
"type" : "lightberry"
Black border threshold set to 0.01 (3)
Creating linear smoothing
Created linear-smoothing(interval_ms=33;settlingTime_ms=120;updateDelay=0
Effect loaded: Knight rider
Effect loaded: Blue mood blobs
Effect loaded: Cold mood blobs
Effect loaded: Full color mood blobs
Effect loaded: Green mood blobs
Effect loaded: Red mood blobs
Effect loaded: Warm mood blobs
Effect loaded: Rainbow mood
Effect loaded: Rainbow swirl fast
Effect loaded: Rainbow swirl
Effect loaded: Snake
Effect loaded: Strobe blue
Effect loaded: Strobe Raspbmc
Effect loaded: Strobe white
Initializing Python interpreter
Hyperion created and initialised
run effect Rainbow swirl fast on channel 0
Boot sequence(Rainbow swirl fast) created and started
XBMC video checker created and started
Display opened with resolution: 1920x1080
Frame grabber created and started
V4L2 width=720 height=480
V4L2 pixel format=YUYV
V4L2 grabber signal threshold set to: {25,25,25}
V4L2 grabber started
V4l2 grabber created and started
Json server created and started on port 19444
Proto server created and started on port 19445
XBMC Connected
Message from XBMC: {"id":666,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":[]}
XBMC checker: switching to OFF mode
Message from XBMC: {"id":668,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"System.ScreenSaverActive":false}}
Message from XBMC: {"id":670,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"version":{"major":14,"minor":2,"revision":"085163e","tag":"beta","tagversion":"2"}}}
CURRENT BORDER TYPE: unknown=0 hor.size=0 vert.size=0
V4L2 grabber stopped
effect finished
V4L2 grabber started
V4L2 Grabber: Signal lost
V4L2 Grabber: Signal detected
Message from XBMC: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"GUI.OnScreensaverActivated","params":{"data":null,"sender":"xbmc"}}
popy5 escribió:He buscado un poco acerca de ése error, y creo que aparece en las versiones de OpenELEC posteriores a la 5.0.0. El problema parece que afecta a la reproducción de vídeos desde la Pi si tienes la sección "frameGrabber" activa en el fichero de configuración, la cual es necesaria para poder generar el efecto ambilight con otros contenidos por HDMI que no los reproduzca la Pi. La razón parece que es porque ahora el vídeo en sí es renderizado sobre un segundo 'framebuffer' (/dev/fb1), mientras que los menús y otras funciones, lo hacen sobre el 'framebuffer' por defecto (/dev/fb0).
Más info: https://github.com/tvdzwan/hyperion/issues/298. Ahí un usuario comenta que modificando el fichero de configuración, consigue que en la reproducción de los vídeos vuelva a funcionar el efecto, pero no le funciona con los menús u otros contenidos.
La solución que recomiendan, hasta que corrijan el problema, es volver a la versión "antigua" 5.0.0 de OpenELEC.
OpenELEC (official) Version: 5.0.1
OpenELEC:~ # killall hyperiond
OpenELEC:~ # /storage/hyperion/bin/hyperiond.sh /storage/.config/hyperion.config
Application build time: Mar 6 2015 20:57:44
QCoreApplication initialised
Selected configuration file: /storage/.config/hyperion.config.json
ColorTransform 'default' => [0; 27]
Device configuration:
"colorOrder" : "rgb",
"name" : "MyPi",
"output" : "/dev/spidev0.0",
"rate" : 1000000,
"type" : "lightberry"
Failed to open device('/dev/spidev0.0')
Black border threshold set to 0.01 (3)
Creating linear smoothing
Created linear-smoothing(interval_ms=33;settlingTime_ms=120;updateDelay=0
Effect loaded: Knight rider
Effect loaded: Blue mood blobs
Effect loaded: Cold mood blobs
Effect loaded: Full color mood blobs
Effect loaded: Green mood blobs
Effect loaded: Red mood blobs
Effect loaded: Warm mood blobs
Effect loaded: Rainbow mood
Effect loaded: Rainbow swirl fast
Effect loaded: Rainbow swirl
Effect loaded: Snake
Effect loaded: Strobe blue
Effect loaded: Strobe Raspbmc
Effect loaded: Strobe white
Initializing Python interpreter
Hyperion created and initialised
run effect Rainbow swirl fast on channel 0
Boot sequence(Rainbow swirl fast) created and started
XBMC video checker created and started
Display opened with resolution: 1920x1080
Frame grabber created and started
V4L2 width=720 height=480
V4L2 pixel format=YUYV
V4L2 grabber signal threshold set to: {25,25,25}
V4L2 grabber started
V4l2 grabber created and started
Json server created and started on port 19444
Proto server created and started on port 19445
XBMC Connected
Message from XBMC: {"id":666,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":[]}
XBMC checker: switching to OFF mode
Message from XBMC: {"id":668,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"System.ScreenSaverActive":false}}
Message from XBMC: {"id":670,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"version":{"major":14,"minor":1,"revision":"b5dbdb5","tag":"stable"}}}
CURRENT BORDER TYPE: unknown=0 hor.size=0 vert.size=0
V4L2 grabber stopped
effect finished
V4L2 grabber started
V4L2 Grabber: Signal lost
V4L2 Grabber: Signal detected
Message from XBMC: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"GUI.OnScreensaverActivated","params":{"data":null,"sender":"xbmc"}}
// Automatically generated configuration file for 'Hyperion daemon'
// Generated by: HyperCon (The Hyperion deamon configuration file builder
/// Device configuration contains the following fields:
/// * 'name' : The user friendly name of the device (only used for display purposes)
/// * 'type' : The type of the device or leds (known types for now are 'ws2801', 'ldp8806',
/// 'lpd6803', 'sedu', 'adalight', 'lightpack', 'test' and 'none')
/// * 'output' : The output specification depends on selected device. This can for example be the
/// device specifier, device serial number, or the output file name
/// * 'rate' : The baudrate of the output to the device
/// * 'colorOrder' : The order of the color bytes ('rgb', 'rbg', 'bgr', etc.).
"device" :
"name" : "MyPi",
"type" : "lightberry",
"output" : "/dev/spidev0.0",
"rate" : 1000000,
"colorOrder" : "rgb"
/// Color manipulation configuration used to tune the output colors to specific surroundings.
/// The configuration contains a list of color-transforms. Each transform contains the
/// following fields:
/// * 'id' : The unique identifier of the color transformation (eg 'device_1') /// * 'leds' : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this color transform applies
/// (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based. /// * 'hsv' : The manipulation in the Hue-Saturation-Value color domain with the following
/// tuning parameters:
/// - 'saturationGain' The gain adjustement of the saturation
/// - 'valueGain' The gain adjustement of the value
/// * 'red'/'green'/'blue' : The manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the
/// following tuning parameters for each channel:
/// - 'threshold' The minimum required input value for the channel to be on
/// (else zero)
/// - 'gamma' The gamma-curve correction factor
/// - 'blacklevel' The lowest possible value (when the channel is black)
/// - 'whitelevel' The highest possible value (when the channel is white)
/// Next to the list with color transforms there is also a smoothing option.
/// * 'smoothing' : Smoothing of the colors in the time-domain with the following tuning
/// parameters:
/// - 'type' The type of smoothing algorithm ('linear' or 'none')
/// - 'time_ms' The time constant for smoothing algorithm in milliseconds
/// - 'updateFrequency' The update frequency of the leds in Hz
"color" :
"transform" :
"id" : "default",
"leds" : "*",
"hsv" :
"saturationGain" : 1.6000,
"valueGain" : 2.0000
"red" :
"threshold" : 0.0000,
"gamma" : 1.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 1.0000
"green" :
"threshold" : 0.0000,
"gamma" : 1.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 0.8500
"blue" :
"threshold" : 0.0000,
"gamma" : 1.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 0.8500
"smoothing" :
"type" : "linear",
"time_ms" : 120,
"updateFrequency" : 30.0000
/// The configuration for each individual led. This contains the specification of the area
/// averaged of an input image for each led to determine its color. Each item in the list
/// contains the following fields:
/// * index: The index of the led. This determines its location in the string of leds; zero
/// being the first led.
/// * hscan: The fractional part of the image along the horizontal used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
/// * vscan: The fractional part of the image along the vertical used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
"leds" :
"index" : 0,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0600 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8325, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 1,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0600 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6658, "maximum" : 0.8342 }
"index" : 2,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0600 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4992, "maximum" : 0.6675 }
"index" : 3,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0600 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3325, "maximum" : 0.5008 }
"index" : 4,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0600 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1658, "maximum" : 0.3342 }
"index" : 5,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0600 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1675 }
"index" : 6,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1256 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1000 }
"index" : 7,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1244, "maximum" : 0.2506 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1000 }
"index" : 8,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2494, "maximum" : 0.3756 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1000 }
"index" : 9,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3744, "maximum" : 0.5006 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1000 }
"index" : 10,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4994, "maximum" : 0.6256 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1000 }
"index" : 11,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6244, "maximum" : 0.7506 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1000 }
"index" : 12,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7494, "maximum" : 0.8756 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1000 }
"index" : 13,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8744, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1000 }
"index" : 14,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9400, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1675 }
"index" : 15,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9400, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1658, "maximum" : 0.3342 }
"index" : 16,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9400, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3325, "maximum" : 0.5008 }
"index" : 17,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9400, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4992, "maximum" : 0.6675 }
"index" : 18,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9400, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6658, "maximum" : 0.8342 }
"index" : 19,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9400, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8325, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 20,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8744, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9000, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 21,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7494, "maximum" : 0.8756 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9000, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 22,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6244, "maximum" : 0.7506 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9000, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 23,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4994, "maximum" : 0.6256 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9000, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 24,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3744, "maximum" : 0.5006 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9000, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 25,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2494, "maximum" : 0.3756 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9000, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 26,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1244, "maximum" : 0.2506 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9000, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 27,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1256 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9000, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
/// The black border configuration, contains the following items:
/// * enable : true if the detector should be activated
/// * threshold : Value below which a pixel is regarded as black (value between 0.0 and 1.0)
"blackborderdetector" :
"enable" : true,
"threshold" : 0.01
/// The configuration of the effect engine, contains the following items:
/// * paths : An array with absolute location(s) of directories with effects
/// * bootsequence : The effect selected as 'boot sequence'
"effects" :
"paths" :
"bootsequence" :
"effect" : "Rainbow swirl fast",
"duration_ms" : 5000
/// The configuration for the frame-grabber, contains the following items:
/// * width : The width of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * height : The height of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * frequency_Hz : The frequency of the frame grab [Hz]
"framegrabber" :
"width" : 64,
"height" : 64,
"frequency_Hz" : 10.0
/// The configuration of the XBMC connection used to enable and disable the frame-grabber. Contains the following fields:
/// * xbmcAddress : The IP address of the XBMC-host
/// * xbmcTcpPort : The TCP-port of the XBMC-server
/// * grabVideo : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during video playback
/// * grabPictures : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during picture show
/// * grabAudio : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during audio playback
/// * grabMenu : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) in the XBMC menu
/// * grabScreensaver : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) when XBMC is on screensaver
/// * enable3DDetection : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber should switch to a 3D compatible modus if a 3D video is playing
"xbmcVideoChecker" :
"xbmcAddress" : "",
"xbmcTcpPort" : 9090,
"grabVideo" : true,
"grabPictures" : true,
"grabAudio" : true,
"grabMenu" : false,
"grabScreensaver" : true,
"enable3DDetection" : true
/// Configuration for the embedded V4L2 grabber
/// * device : V4L2 Device to use [default="/dev/video0"]
/// * input : V4L2 input to use [default=0]
/// * standard : Video standard (no-change/PAL/NTSC) [default="no-change"]
/// * width : V4L2 width to set [default=-1]
/// * height : V4L2 height to set [default=-1]
/// * frameDecimation : Frame decimation factor [default=2]
/// * sizeDecimation : Size decimation factor [default=8]
/// * priority : Hyperion priority channel [default=800]
/// * mode : 3D mode to use 2D/3DSBS/3DTAB (note: no autodetection) [default="2D"]
/// * cropLeft : Cropping from the left [default=0]
/// * cropRight : Cropping from the right [default=0]
/// * cropTop : Cropping from the top [default=0]
/// * cropBottom : Cropping from the bottom [default=0]
/// * redSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the red channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * greenSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the green channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * blueSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the blue channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
"grabber-v4l2" :
"device" : "/dev/video0",
"input" : 0,
"standard" : "no-change",
"width" : 1,
"height" : 1,
"frameDecimation" : 2,
"sizeDecimation" : 4,
"priority" : 800,
"mode" : "2D",
"cropLeft" : 1,
"cropRight" : 1,
"cropTop" : 12,
"cropBottom" : 12,
"redSignalThreshold" : 0.1,
"greenSignalThreshold" : 0.1,
"blueSignalThreshold" : 0.1
/// The configuration of the Json server which enables the json remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the json server is started
"jsonServer" :
"port" : 19444
/// The configuration of the Proto server which enables the protobuffer remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the protobuffer server is started
"protoServer" :
"port" : 19445
/// The configuration of the boblight server which enables the boblight remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the boblight server is started
// "boblightServer" :
// {
// "port" : 19333
// },
"endOfJson" : "endOfJson"
popy5 escribió:joselele26 escribió:hola a todos.
yo también me he embarcado en este proyecto con la raspberry modelo 2.
he comprado los leds con chip w2801 e intento hacer pruebas con la raspberry .
Os cuento. He seguido este tutorial:
http://www.alessandrocolla.com/ambiligh ... ec-part-1/
http://www.alessandrocolla.com/ambiligh ... ec-part-2/
Todo correcto respecto al montaje de leds e instalación de hiperyon modificado y pasado el fichero config a su carpeta
pero los leds no se encienden en ningún momento
ya he visto que los pines de la pi 2 es diferente el sclk y mosi respecto a la pi 1.
le meto los 5 voltios con fuente de alimentación de un pc viejo de 25 A
ya solo me queda por descartar que los leds vengan malos
mis preguntas :
¿como puedo comprobar que los leds funcionan correctamente. Les meto 5 v pero no encienden. de vez en cuando se enciende alguno suelto?
¿se puede localizar hyperion instalado en openelec para ver si esta desactivado o se ejecuta en segundo plano y no puedo saber si se ha instalado correctamente?
llevo 3 días leyendo y no consigo que funcione
gracias de antemano
Instala la aplicación oficial de Hyperion en tu móvil android, configúrale la IP de la Pi (la puedes ver desde uno de los menús de Kodi), y comprueba si -cuando ejecutas la aplicación en el móvil-, no te aparece en el móvil un breve mensaje como "Unable to connect to ip:19444". Si te aparece dicho mensaje, o bien no le has configurado correctamente la IP de la Pi, le has cambiado el puerto por defecto (19444) o no está Hyperion funcionando por detrás.
Una posibilidad es que no se haya iniciado Hyperion de forma automática -como debería haberlo hecho- al arrancar la Pi. En este caso tendrás que iniciarlo manualmente. Ten presente que trabaja en segundo plano y no tiene interface de usuario visible ni indicador de que está en ejecución. Sólo cuando está funcionando y tienes la IP del mismo bien configurada en la aplicación de Android (el puerto por defecto en el que se comunica es el 19444 y no debes cambiarlo), verás que tienes disponibles los diversos parámetros de configuración así como los diferentes efectos preconfigurados.
También puede deberse a que aún no has copiado a la ruta adecuada (bajo Raspbmc es /etc/, y bajo OpenELEC es /storage/.config/) el fichero de configuración personalizado. Antes de copiarlo, y con la utilidad Hyperion Configuration Tool abierta en el PC, debemos elegir en la pestaña "Hardware" el tipo de dispositivo que tengamos. Si tienes un kit oficial de Lightberry, será "Lightberry". Si usas una tira de leds SMD con el chip WS2801, deberás elegir "WS2801", etc.
Luego en la pestaña "External", debemos activar el Json server, dejando sin modificar el puerto TCP 19444 que muestra por defecto. Finalmente generamos el fichero personalizado y mediante Filezilla lo copiamos a la ruta adecuada, y reiniciamos la Pi. Ahora ya debería funcionar en segundo plano el servidor de Hyperion, lo cual podemos verificar al comprobar que la aplicación Hyerion de Android ahora sí se sincroniza con el servidor y ya no muestra el mensaje de error de conexión.
n saludo.
joselele26 escribió:hola gracias por ayudar:
Por fin he conseguido que funcione (a medias)
encienden solo los 50 primeros leds de un total de 128 . he probado diferentes configuraciones en hyperion configuration tool y nada.
lo que no entiendo es que si borro el hyperion.config.json de la carpeta storage/hyperion/config sigue encendiendo los 50 primeros leds. o sea que el problema no es de este archivo
también he cambiado el led siguente (51) por si estuviese mal el led o chip por 3 veces por nuevos y nada.
Voy haciendo pruebas para ir descartando. he probado independientemente los leds que no encendian. y al conectarlos funcionan los 50 primeros leds asi que los leds estan bien.
aqui os enseño como va l proyecto
http://subefotos.com/ver/?0cf386ed0bddc ... 78770o.jpg
¿que es lo que estoy haciendo mal?popy5 escribió:joselele26 escribió:hola a todos.
yo también me he embarcado en este proyecto con la raspberry modelo 2.
he comprado los leds con chip w2801 e intento hacer pruebas con la raspberry .
Os cuento. He seguido este tutorial:
http://www.alessandrocolla.com/ambiligh ... ec-part-1/
http://www.alessandrocolla.com/ambiligh ... ec-part-2/
Todo correcto respecto al montaje de leds e instalación de hiperyon modificado y pasado el fichero config a su carpeta
pero los leds no se encienden en ningún momento
ya he visto que los pines de la pi 2 es diferente el sclk y mosi respecto a la pi 1.
le meto los 5 voltios con fuente de alimentación de un pc viejo de 25 A
ya solo me queda por descartar que los leds vengan malos
mis preguntas :
¿como puedo comprobar que los leds funcionan correctamente. Les meto 5 v pero no encienden. de vez en cuando se enciende alguno suelto?
¿se puede localizar hyperion instalado en openelec para ver si esta desactivado o se ejecuta en segundo plano y no puedo saber si se ha instalado correctamente?
llevo 3 días leyendo y no consigo que funcione
gracias de antemano
Instala la aplicación oficial de Hyperion en tu móvil android, configúrale la IP de la Pi (la puedes ver desde uno de los menús de Kodi), y comprueba si -cuando ejecutas la aplicación en el móvil-, no te aparece en el móvil un breve mensaje como "Unable to connect to ip:19444". Si te aparece dicho mensaje, o bien no le has configurado correctamente la IP de la Pi, le has cambiado el puerto por defecto (19444) o no está Hyperion funcionando por detrás.
Una posibilidad es que no se haya iniciado Hyperion de forma automática -como debería haberlo hecho- al arrancar la Pi. En este caso tendrás que iniciarlo manualmente. Ten presente que trabaja en segundo plano y no tiene interface de usuario visible ni indicador de que está en ejecución. Sólo cuando está funcionando y tienes la IP del mismo bien configurada en la aplicación de Android (el puerto por defecto en el que se comunica es el 19444 y no debes cambiarlo), verás que tienes disponibles los diversos parámetros de configuración así como los diferentes efectos preconfigurados.
También puede deberse a que aún no has copiado a la ruta adecuada (bajo Raspbmc es /etc/, y bajo OpenELEC es /storage/.config/) el fichero de configuración personalizado. Antes de copiarlo, y con la utilidad Hyperion Configuration Tool abierta en el PC, debemos elegir en la pestaña "Hardware" el tipo de dispositivo que tengamos. Si tienes un kit oficial de Lightberry, será "Lightberry". Si usas una tira de leds SMD con el chip WS2801, deberás elegir "WS2801", etc.
Luego en la pestaña "External", debemos activar el Json server, dejando sin modificar el puerto TCP 19444 que muestra por defecto. Finalmente generamos el fichero personalizado y mediante Filezilla lo copiamos a la ruta adecuada, y reiniciamos la Pi. Ahora ya debería funcionar en segundo plano el servidor de Hyperion, lo cual podemos verificar al comprobar que la aplicación Hyerion de Android ahora sí se sincroniza con el servidor y ya no muestra el mensaje de error de conexión.
n saludo.
je5us escribió:
Realmente estoy buscando una configuración para utilizar con HDMI premium kit y un switcher, ya que desde raspberry no voy a emitir nada.
Gracias una vez más.
joselele26 escribió:hola gracias por ayudar:
Por fin he conseguido que funcione (a medias)
encienden solo los 50 primeros leds de un total de 128 . he probado diferentes configuraciones en hyperion configuration tool y nada.
lo que no entiendo es que si borro el hyperion.config.json de la carpeta storage/hyperion/config sigue encendiendo los 50 primeros leds. o sea que el problema no es de este archivo
también he cambiado el led siguente (51) por si estuviese mal el led o chip por 3 veces por nuevos y nada.
Voy haciendo pruebas para ir descartando. he probado independientemente los leds que no encendian. y al conectarlos funcionan los 50 primeros leds asi que los leds estan bien.
aqui os enseño como va l proyecto
http://subefotos.com/ver/?0cf386ed0bddc ... 78770o.jpg
¿que es lo que estoy haciendo mal?popy5 escribió:joselele26 escribió:hola a todos.
yo también me he embarcado en este proyecto con la raspberry modelo 2.
he comprado los leds con chip w2801 e intento hacer pruebas con la raspberry .
Os cuento. He seguido este tutorial:
http://www.alessandrocolla.com/ambiligh ... ec-part-1/
http://www.alessandrocolla.com/ambiligh ... ec-part-2/
Todo correcto respecto al montaje de leds e instalación de hiperyon modificado y pasado el fichero config a su carpeta
pero los leds no se encienden en ningún momento
ya he visto que los pines de la pi 2 es diferente el sclk y mosi respecto a la pi 1.
le meto los 5 voltios con fuente de alimentación de un pc viejo de 25 A
ya solo me queda por descartar que los leds vengan malos
mis preguntas :
¿como puedo comprobar que los leds funcionan correctamente. Les meto 5 v pero no encienden. de vez en cuando se enciende alguno suelto?
¿se puede localizar hyperion instalado en openelec para ver si esta desactivado o se ejecuta en segundo plano y no puedo saber si se ha instalado correctamente?
llevo 3 días leyendo y no consigo que funcione
gracias de antemano
Instala la aplicación oficial de Hyperion en tu móvil android, configúrale la IP de la Pi (la puedes ver desde uno de los menús de Kodi), y comprueba si -cuando ejecutas la aplicación en el móvil-, no te aparece en el móvil un breve mensaje como "Unable to connect to ip:19444". Si te aparece dicho mensaje, o bien no le has configurado correctamente la IP de la Pi, le has cambiado el puerto por defecto (19444) o no está Hyperion funcionando por detrás.
Una posibilidad es que no se haya iniciado Hyperion de forma automática -como debería haberlo hecho- al arrancar la Pi. En este caso tendrás que iniciarlo manualmente. Ten presente que trabaja en segundo plano y no tiene interface de usuario visible ni indicador de que está en ejecución. Sólo cuando está funcionando y tienes la IP del mismo bien configurada en la aplicación de Android (el puerto por defecto en el que se comunica es el 19444 y no debes cambiarlo), verás que tienes disponibles los diversos parámetros de configuración así como los diferentes efectos preconfigurados.
También puede deberse a que aún no has copiado a la ruta adecuada (bajo Raspbmc es /etc/, y bajo OpenELEC es /storage/.config/) el fichero de configuración personalizado. Antes de copiarlo, y con la utilidad Hyperion Configuration Tool abierta en el PC, debemos elegir en la pestaña "Hardware" el tipo de dispositivo que tengamos. Si tienes un kit oficial de Lightberry, será "Lightberry". Si usas una tira de leds SMD con el chip WS2801, deberás elegir "WS2801", etc.
Luego en la pestaña "External", debemos activar el Json server, dejando sin modificar el puerto TCP 19444 que muestra por defecto. Finalmente generamos el fichero personalizado y mediante Filezilla lo copiamos a la ruta adecuada, y reiniciamos la Pi. Ahora ya debería funcionar en segundo plano el servidor de Hyperion, lo cual podemos verificar al comprobar que la aplicación Hyerion de Android ahora sí se sincroniza con el servidor y ya no muestra el mensaje de error de conexión.
n saludo.
joselele26 escribió:popy no entiendo bien:
¿El archivo que me dices está en storage/hyperion/config ?
o esta en otra ruta. yo accedo a traves de filezilla y no se donde esta esa carpeta config.
¿como se des-oculta?
si entiendo bien entonces hace falta que el "archihyperion.config.json" este en las 2 sitios a la vez
Fonsot escribió:
Buenas, tengo un problemilla, compre un HUB o Switch de USB y cuando lo conecto y trato de poner el kit premium de lightberry por el HUB, no lo detecta y si lo pongo directo sin HUB, me alimenta el kit en vez de transformarlo en datos y eso que el kit ya le doy alimentacion por otro transformador a la luz.
En definitiva para pelis me funciona, pero tengo la capturadora, es decir el kit premium HDMI sin usar gracias a que en vez de reconocerlo como un pen drive hace como que le da corriente y no detecta capturadora ninguna.
Tambien agradeceria, que con tanto cableado, a los que lo teneis funcionando, si seriais tan amables de colgar unas fotos de como lo teneis, para ver como acaldarlo que tengo a la parienta que dice que me va arrancar todos los cables del salon, ya me entendeis jejeje
joselele26 escribió:gracias por tu ayuda por fin lo he conseguido aunque el proceso es bastante engorroso la verdad.
Me queda por ajustar los colores, ya que no se asemejan mucho los leds con los colores de la pantalla ,pero va por el buen camino.
Aconsejo comprar una tarjeta sd para la raspberry clase 10, ya que tenia una clase 4 chinorra y se corrompía cada dos por tes.
Otra duda que ni sé como la solucioné y no me quedó claro, es que no me dejaba subir el archivo config.txt a través de filezilla y sobre-escribirlo previamente editado.con el bloc de notas, añadiendole la linea dtparam=spi=on
Otras veces al sobrescribir el archivo hyperion.config.json se copiaba en blanco con 0 bytes aunque eso lo achaco a la sd chinorra (corrígeme si no es así)
El problema que me encuenttro ahora es que openelec no reproduce vídeos que no sean avi. así que tendré que empezar de nuevo porque supongo que sera que he tocado algo que no debia.
Ya por ultimo a ver si me puedes recomendar para comprarme el aparato para ponerle hdmi externo (vamos la play) y que tenga efectos ambilight bueno bonito y barato
muchisimas gracias por tu ayuda popy
Con esto podrás modificarlo: http://htpcbuild.com/htpc-software/rasp ... rclocking/
Accede por putty y sigue esos comandos.
mount /flash -o remount,rw
cd /flash
vi config.txt (se abre el .txt en putty)
pulsa i
insertas dtparam=spi=on
dos veces escape
shif + : + w (para guardar)
shif + : + q (para salir)
joselele26 escribió:Me queda por ajustar los colores, ya que no se asemejan mucho los leds con los colores de la pantalla ,pero va por el buen camino.
killall hyperiond
/storage/hyperion/bin/hyperiond.sh /storage/.config/hyperion.config.json </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
joselele26 escribió:El problema que me encuenttro ahora es que openelec no reproduce vídeos que no sean avi. así que tendré que empezar de nuevo porque supongo que sera que he tocado algo que no debia.
joselele26 escribió:ya por ultimo a ver si me puedes recomendar para comprarme el aparato para ponerle hdmi externo (vamos la play) y que tenga efectos ambilight
superheroe escribió:Hola que tal eolianos??
Ya hace bastante tiempo que no me pasaba por aquí, principalmente por falta de tiempo,
Tal y como dije tiempo atrás, YA he cumplido mi deseo de meter todo el kit completísimo dentro de la megadrive....
Y estoy superior contento!!! Anoche la termine por fin, y me ha quedado especialmente genial!
Os lo cuento, por si alguien más se anima al hacer un MEGAMOD tan chulo!
He dejado la megadrive impoluta, le he puesto conectores al tuti pleni, mucho soldar,dremmel y mucho poxypol!!
Ahora tengo una megadrive como sistema multimedia total con openelec y emus y roms para parar un tren, aparte de los leds, que me funcionan tanto con tdt cómo la play (o avr) y todo lo de openelec, incluido los emus!!!
En general, las características técnicas más o menos:
Raspberry pi 2, 32 gb micros(la de 64 me daba problemas), hdmi splitter, hdmi to av, tiene 11 usbs, wifi, bluetooth, ethernet, micro sd accesible desde la tapa del puerto de expansión de la megacd, le he cambiado el Led de encendido por otro más chulo, y he respetado los conectores originales para alimentación, el de la salida av, (para la interconexion con los leds de la tv)el de botón de encendido, y el de reset reset,( lo he conectado también al la gpio de la rasp y lo utilizo para hacer un apagado seguro la pulsarlo!!) también la toma aux de auriculares.
Tiene dos usbs en la parte frontal, donde los mandos, para conectar mandos usb o lo que sea, (yo uso dual shocks por bluetooth )
En la ranura de los cartuchos le he puesto un hub de 4 usbs más, completamente accesibles y funcionales,
Y por detrás... Dos interruptores, uno de ellos para apagar el hdmi splitter, y el hdmi a av, para cuando sólo voy al ver kodi, también le he puesto 3 hdmi, el de salida de la rasp, a la tv, con control CEC y todo, y los otros dos, la salida y entrada de hdmi de la fuente de lo que vaya a reproducir con los leds , como la play , también le he puesto un rca hembra, como salida analógica de la rasp , para cuando me lleve la megadrive a casa de algún amigo a jugar, y no tenga tv con hdmi, pues se conecta por av y au!!
Le he puesto otro conector av para recibir la señal que saca mi tv de la tvt, para que funcionen los leds, y otro usb más, con la salida de la alimentacion de los leds .
He de decir que es un placer estar viendo kodi con películas o emus y que al cambiar con el mando de la tv, a la tdt o a la play, sigan funcionando los leds, automáticamente sin tocar nada más, cambiar de fuente de reproducción y los leds ya se ponen la compás de lo que este viendo.
Tengo un book de fotos desde cero, desde con la megadrive original enterita funcionando perfectamente sin tocar, y ya recortando la placa y metiendo todos los componentes y demás y de como ha quedado al final, ya cerrada y todo bien fijados y puesto en su sitio.
Aun no tengo suficientes permisos para subir fotos, y subirlas al imageshack es un coñazo, pero subiré alguna que otra para que veáis la obra maestra.
Seguro que me dejo algo por deciros, pero con el tostonaco que os he soltado, creo que ya tenéis bastante!!!!!!!
joselele26 escribió:hola pupy
no entiendo muy bien las conexiones
aparte del swicht que me comentas ¿hay que comprar un adaptador que transfoma la señal hdmi a usb ¿verdad?
¿el conector hdmi que trae la rasp. es salida de video y la entrada de señal debe ser por usb ?
o sea que si entiendo bien . el hdmi de la playstation al adaptador hdmi-usb
ese usb al puerto usb de la raspberri por lo quue le metemos enrada de señal de video
y el conector de hdmi de la raspberri a la television
o sea que para que sirve el switch??
Fonsot escribió:@popy5 entonces el splitter es obligatorio para poner la ps4 pues sin ello no puedo hacerlo funcionar no?
Es que tengo rpi - kit hdmi premium - ps4 - incluso un switch usb para conectar el kit con la rpi y nonme pilla el grabber nunca, asi que ni hablo de probar la ps4 .... Se me hace cuesta arriba todo.
Fonsot escribió:Correcto es el de la foto, el problema viene cuando alimento el kit por su transformador, yo conecto por usb el kit a la pi y no me detecta nada conectado y es ahi donde me pierdo, tuve que abrir el kit y volver a soldarlo que estaba haciendo masa y ni arrancaba......... Ahora si pero por usb parece como si en vez de leer el kit solo lo alimentase y eso que lo alimento yo por su propio añimentador.
Si logro acabar este paso puede ser muy grande popy
Fonsot escribió:Vaya currada @popy5 anonadado me dejas tio, he llegao de currar hace un rato y no me he podido detener a leer todo bien hasta ahora, prometo hacer las pruebas para comprobar que todo funcione perfectamente, voy a subir unas capturillas por aqui de lo que tuve que hacer a mi kit premium hdmi, que por lo que cobran vaya chapuzas son madre de dios jejejeje
Asi que haber si me pongo manos a la obra, por que realmente cuando conecto el kit a la Rpi antes de hacer las pruebas que me dices, no puedo hacer ninguna prueba como que me detecte que esta enchufado o algo por el estilo ?
Gracias y en cuanto me ponga a ello con resultados positivos o negativos lo posteo, un saludo CRACK
ls /dev/video*
/// Configuration for the embedded V4L2 grabber
/// * device : V4L2 Device to use [default="/dev/video0"]
/// * input : V4L2 input to use [default=0]
/// * standard : Video standard (no-change/PAL/NTSC) [default="no-change"]
/// * width : V4L2 width to set [default=-1]
/// * height : V4L2 height to set [default=-1]
/// * frameDecimation : Frame decimation factor [default=2]
/// * sizeDecimation : Size decimation factor [default=8]
/// * priority : Hyperion priority channel [default=800]
/// * mode : 3D mode to use 2D/3DSBS/3DTAB (note: no autodetection) [default="2D"]
/// * cropLeft : Cropping from the left [default=0]
/// * cropRight : Cropping from the right [default=0]
/// * cropTop : Cropping from the top [default=0]
/// * cropBottom : Cropping from the bottom [default=0]
/// * redSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the red channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * greenSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the green channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * blueSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the blue channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
"grabber-v4l2" :
"device" : "/dev/video0", /// Aquí debemos insertar la ruta de acceso a nuestra capturadora
"input" : 0,
"standard" : "no-change",
"width" : -1, ///1
"height" : -1, ///1
"frameDecimation" : 2,
"sizeDecimation" : 8, ///4
"priority" : 800,
"mode" : "2D",
"cropLeft" : 0, ///10
"cropRight" : 0, ///8
"cropTop" : 0, ///12
"cropBottom" : 0, ///19
"redSignalThreshold" : 0.1, ///0.4
"greenSignalThreshold" : 0.1, ///0.2
"blueSignalThreshold" : 0.1 ///1.0
Fonsot escribió:Bueno @popy5 ya me detecta la capturadora y tal, pego a mi hyperion json al final lo que me copiaste y le tiro para hacer una captura, que realmente no se donde se guarda ni donde verlo ni que tiene que hacer, ya que le tiro hacerla y me sale una gran cantidad de mensajitos con numeros que me pone "frame to small", intuyo que esto es por que las dimensiones son PEQUEÑAS? no se que hacer la verdad, voy a subir mi hyperion haber si me podeis ayudar a configurar esto, que ya CASI lo tengo, solo es hacer la captura y que detecte los leds mi PS4 que ganas diosssssssssss.
killall hyperiond
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/storage/hyperion/bin /storage/hyperion/bin/hyperion-v4l2 --screenshot
cd screenshots
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/storage/hyperion/bin /storage/hyperion/bin/hyperion-v4l2 /storage/.config/hyperion.config.json --crop-top 0 --crop-left 0 --crop-bottom 0 --crop-right 0 --size-decimator 8 --frame-decimator 2 --screenshot
/storage/hyperion/bin/hyperiond.sh /storage/.config/hyperion.config.json </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
// Automatically generated configuration file for 'Hyperion daemon'
// Generated by: HyperCon (The Hyperion deamon configuration file builder
/// Device configuration contains the following fields:
/// * 'name' : The user friendly name of the device (only used for display purposes)
/// * 'type' : The type of the device or leds (known types for now are 'ws2801', 'ldp8806',
/// 'lpd6803', 'sedu', 'adalight', 'lightpack', 'test' and 'none')
/// * 'output' : The output specification depends on selected device. This can for example be the
/// device specifier, device serial number, or the output file name
/// * 'rate' : The baudrate of the output to the device
/// * 'colorOrder' : The order of the color bytes ('rgb', 'rbg', 'bgr', etc.).
"device" :
"name" : "MyPi",
"type" : "ws2801",
"output" : "/dev/spidev0.0",
"rate" : 250000,
"colorOrder" : "bgr"
/// Color manipulation configuration used to tune the output colors to specific surroundings.
/// The configuration contains a list of color-transforms. Each transform contains the
/// following fields:
/// * 'id' : The unique identifier of the color transformation (eg 'device_1') /// * 'leds' : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this color transform applies
/// (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based. /// * 'hsv' : The manipulation in the Hue-Saturation-Value color domain with the following
/// tuning parameters:
/// - 'saturationGain' The gain adjustement of the saturation
/// - 'valueGain' The gain adjustement of the value
/// * 'red'/'green'/'blue' : The manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the
/// following tuning parameters for each channel:
/// - 'threshold' The minimum required input value for the channel to be on
/// (else zero)
/// - 'gamma' The gamma-curve correction factor
/// - 'blacklevel' The lowest possible value (when the channel is black)
/// - 'whitelevel' The highest possible value (when the channel is white)
/// Next to the list with color transforms there is also a smoothing option.
/// * 'smoothing' : Smoothing of the colors in the time-domain with the following tuning
/// parameters:
/// - 'type' The type of smoothing algorithm ('linear' or 'none')
/// - 'time_ms' The time constant for smoothing algorithm in milliseconds
/// - 'updateFrequency' The update frequency of the leds in Hz
"color" :
"transform" :
"id" : "default",
"leds" : "*",
"hsv" :
"saturationGain" : 2.0000,
"valueGain" : 1.5
"red" :
"threshold" : 0,2000
"gamma" : 2.000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 1.000
"green" :
"threshold" : 0.2000,
"gamma" : 2.000,
"blacklevel" : 0.8000,
"whitelevel" : 1.000
"blue" :
"threshold" : 0.2000,
"gamma" : 2.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.000,
"whitelevel" : 0.5000
"smoothing" :
"type" : "linear",
"time_ms" : 100,
"updateFrequency" : 25.0000
/// The configuration for each individual led. This contains the specification of the area
/// averaged of an input image for each led to determine its color. Each item in the list
/// contains the following fields:
/// * index: The index of the led. This determines its location in the string of leds; zero
/// being the first led.
/// * hscan: The fractional part of the image along the horizontal used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
/// * vscan: The fractional part of the image along the vertical used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
"leds" :
"index" : 0,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 1,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0357, "maximum" : 0.0714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 2,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0714, "maximum" : 0.1071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 3,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1071, "maximum" : 0.1429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 4,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1429, "maximum" : 0.1786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 5,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1786, "maximum" : 0.2143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 6,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2143, "maximum" : 0.2500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 7,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2500, "maximum" : 0.2857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 8,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2857, "maximum" : 0.3214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 9,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3214, "maximum" : 0.3571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 10,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3571, "maximum" : 0.3929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 11,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3929, "maximum" : 0.4286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 12,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4286, "maximum" : 0.4643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 13,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4643, "maximum" : 0.5000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 14,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5000, "maximum" : 0.5357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 15,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5357, "maximum" : 0.5714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 16,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5714, "maximum" : 0.6071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 17,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6071, "maximum" : 0.6429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 18,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6429, "maximum" : 0.6786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 19,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6786, "maximum" : 0.7143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 20,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7143, "maximum" : 0.7500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 21,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7500, "maximum" : 0.7857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 22,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7857, "maximum" : 0.8214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 23,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8214, "maximum" : 0.8571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 24,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8571, "maximum" : 0.8929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 25,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8929, "maximum" : 0.9286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 26,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9286, "maximum" : 0.9643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 27,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9643, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 28,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9231, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 29,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8462, "maximum" : 0.9231 }
"index" : 30,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7692, "maximum" : 0.8462 }
"index" : 31,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6923, "maximum" : 0.7692 }
"index" : 32,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6154, "maximum" : 0.6923 }
"index" : 33,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5385, "maximum" : 0.6154 }
"index" : 34,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4615, "maximum" : 0.5385 }
"index" : 35,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3846, "maximum" : 0.4615 }
"index" : 36,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3077, "maximum" : 0.3846 }
"index" : 37,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2308, "maximum" : 0.3077 }
"index" : 38,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1538, "maximum" : 0.2308 }
"index" : 39,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0769, "maximum" : 0.1538 }
"index" : 40,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0769 }
"index" : 41,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9643, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 42,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9286, "maximum" : 0.9643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 43,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8929, "maximum" : 0.9286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 44,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8571, "maximum" : 0.8929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 45,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8214, "maximum" : 0.8571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 46,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7857, "maximum" : 0.8214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 47,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7500, "maximum" : 0.7857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 48,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7143, "maximum" : 0.7500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 49,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6786, "maximum" : 0.7143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 50,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6429, "maximum" : 0.6786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 51,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6071, "maximum" : 0.6429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 52,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5714, "maximum" : 0.6071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 53,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5357, "maximum" : 0.5714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 54,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5000, "maximum" : 0.5357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 55,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4643, "maximum" : 0.5000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 56,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4286, "maximum" : 0.4643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 57,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3929, "maximum" : 0.4286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 58,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3571, "maximum" : 0.3929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 59,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3214, "maximum" : 0.3571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 60,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2857, "maximum" : 0.3214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 61,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2500, "maximum" : 0.2857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 62,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2143, "maximum" : 0.2500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 63,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1786, "maximum" : 0.2143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 64,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1429, "maximum" : 0.1786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 65,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1071, "maximum" : 0.1429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 66,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0714, "maximum" : 0.1071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 67,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0357, "maximum" : 0.0714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 68,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 69,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0769 }
"index" : 70,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0769, "maximum" : 0.1538 }
"index" : 71,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1538, "maximum" : 0.2308 }
"index" : 72,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2308, "maximum" : 0.3077 }
"index" : 73,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3077, "maximum" : 0.3846 }
"index" : 74,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3846, "maximum" : 0.4615 }
"index" : 75,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4615, "maximum" : 0.5385 }
"index" : 76,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5385, "maximum" : 0.6154 }
"index" : 77,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6154, "maximum" : 0.6923 }
"index" : 78,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6923, "maximum" : 0.7692 }
"index" : 79,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7692, "maximum" : 0.8462 }
"index" : 80,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8462, "maximum" : 0.9231 }
"index" : 81,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9231, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
/// The black border configuration, contains the following items:
/// * enable : true if the detector should be activated
/// * threshold : Value below which a pixel is regarded as black (value between 0.0 and 1.0)
"blackborderdetector" :
"enable" : true,
"threshold" : 0.02
/// The configuration of the effect engine, contains the following items:
/// * paths : An array with absolute location(s) of directories with effects
/// * bootsequence : The effect selected as 'boot sequence'
"effects" :
"paths" :
"bootsequence" :
"effect" : "Rainbow swirl fast",
"duration_ms" : 500
/// The configuration for the frame-grabber, contains the following items:
/// * width : The width of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * height : The height of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * frequency_Hz : The frequency of the frame grab [Hz]
///"framegrabber" :
/// "width" : 96,
/// "height" : 54,
/// "frequency_Hz" : 40.0
/// The configuration of the XBMC connection used to enable and disable the frame-grabber. Contains the following fields:
/// * xbmcAddress : The IP address of the XBMC-host
/// * xbmcTcpPort : The TCP-port of the XBMC-server
/// * grabVideo : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during video playback
/// * grabPictures : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during picture show
/// * grabAudio : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during audio playback
/// * grabMenu : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) in the XBMC menu
/// * grabScreensaver : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) when XBMC is on screensaver
/// * enable3DDetection : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber should switch to a 3D compatible modus if a 3D video is playing
"xbmcVideoChecker" :
"xbmcAddress" : "",
"xbmcTcpPort" : 9090,
"grabVideo" : true,
"grabPictures" : true,
"grabAudio" : true,
"grabMenu" : false,
"grabScreensaver" : false,
"enable3DDetection" : false
/// The configuration of the Json server which enables the json remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the json server is started
"jsonServer" :
"port" : 19444
/// The configuration of the Proto server which enables the protobuffer remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the protobuffer server is started
"protoServer" :
"port" : 19445
/// The configuration of the boblight server which enables the boblight remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the boblight server is started
// "boblightServer" :
// {
// "port" : 19333
// },
/// Configuration for the embedded V4L2 grabber
/// * device : V4L2 Device to use [default="/dev/video0"]
/// * input : V4L2 input to use [default=0]
/// * standard : Video standard (no-change/PAL/NTSC) [default="no-change"]
/// * width : V4L2 width to set [default=-1]
/// * height : V4L2 height to set [default=-1]
/// * frameDecimation : Frame decimation factor [default=2]
/// * sizeDecimation : Size decimation factor [default=8]
/// * priority : Hyperion priority channel [default=800]
/// * mode : 3D mode to use 2D/3DSBS/3DTAB (note: no autodetection) [default="2D"]
/// * cropLeft : Cropping from the left [default=0]
/// * cropRight : Cropping from the right [default=0]
/// * cropTop : Cropping from the top [default=0]
/// * cropBottom : Cropping from the bottom [default=0]
/// * redSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the red channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * greenSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the green channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]......
/// * blueSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the blue channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// Configuration for the embedded V4L2 grabber
/// * device : V4L2 Device to use [default="/dev/video0"]
/// * input : V4L2 input to use [default=0]
/// * standard : Video standard (no-change/PAL/NTSC) [default="no-change"]
/// * width : V4L2 width to set [default=-1]
/// * height : V4L2 height to set [default=-1]
/// * frameDecimation : Frame decimation factor [default=2]
/// * sizeDecimation : Size decimation factor [default=8]
/// * priority : Hyperion priority channel [default=800]
/// * mode : 3D mode to use 2D/3DSBS/3DTAB (note: no autodetection) [default="2D"]
/// * cropLeft : Cropping from the left [default=0]
/// * cropRight : Cropping from the right [default=0]
/// * cropTop : Cropping from the top [default=0]
/// * cropBottom : Cropping from the bottom [default=0]
/// * redSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the red channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * greenSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the green channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * blueSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the blue channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
"grabber-v4l2" :
"device" : "/dev/video0",
"input" : 0,
"standard" : "NTSC",
"width" : 720,
"height" : 576,
"frameDecimation" : 2,
"sizeDecimation" : 6,
"priority" : 1000,
"mode" : "2D",
"cropLeft" : 10,
"cropRight" : 30,
"cropTop" : 5,
"cropBottom" : 15,
"redSignalThreshold" : 0.1,
"greenSignalThreshold" : 0.1,
"blueSignalThreshold" : 0.1
"endOfJson" : "endOfJson"
Fonsot escribió:Vale y ahora viene cuando la matan, como reduzco el tamaño de la captura ? por que me detecta todo y tal........ pero eso de frame too small ....algo se nos esta escapando
Comandos para cambiar la captura ? ya es por probar que tengo toda la tarde y me desespera tener 200€ parados GRRRRRRR jejeje
Gracias por aguantarme ami y a a tantos @popy5
"grabber-v4l2" :
"device" : "/dev/video0",
"input" : 0,
"standard" : "no-change",
"width" : 640,
"height" : 480,
popy5 escribió:Fonsot escribió:Vale y ahora viene cuando la matan, como reduzco el tamaño de la captura ? por que me detecta todo y tal........ pero eso de frame too small ....algo se nos esta escapando
Comandos para cambiar la captura ? ya es por probar que tengo toda la tarde y me desespera tener 200€ parados GRRRRRRR jejeje
Gracias por aguantarme ami y a a tantos @popy5
Lo cambias en el fichero de configuración del Hyperion, dentro de la sección del grabber grabber-v4l2. Fíjate que tienes dos parámetros width y height que puedes modificar (entre otros muchos):"grabber-v4l2" :
"device" : "/dev/video0",
"input" : 0,
"standard" : "no-change",
"width" : 640,
"height" : 480,
popy5 escribió:Prueba con un valor de 64 para ambos campos... Para ver si captura bien, es suficiente. Además, no se necesita una imagen muy nítida, tan solo que se capturen los colores lo suficientemente detallados para que la generación del efecto ambilight a partir de los mismos sea lo suficientemente aceptable.
Fonsot escribió:popy5 escribió:Prueba con un valor de 64 para ambos campos... Para ver si captura bien, es suficiente. Además, no se necesita una imagen muy nítida, tan solo que se capturen los colores lo suficientemente detallados para que la generación del efecto ambilight a partir de los mismos sea lo suficientemente aceptable.
Se que es muchisimo pedir, pero atraves del codigo del hyperion config que he pasado en codigo, podrias decirme exactamente donde debo sustituir el archivo para que lo coja bien ? es decir, en que DIRECTORIO exactamente debo cambiar el hyperion json para que la Rpi lo coja y pueda hacer la captura, por que cambie a menos y no coge nada de nada................ gracias @popy5
Fonsot escribió:Es que realmente no entiendo que me dices que lo instale con OPENELEC, yo lo meto a la raiz deldirectorio que filezilla y despues que hago ? reinicio la PI ?
Tengo 116 leds,para una pantalla de 55", he puesto en el codigo que copie paginas atras en lo de weid y el otro 64 lo salvo lo meto con filezzilla dentro del directorio que me has dicho y tengo que reiniciar la Rpi por corriente ?
/storage/hyperion/bin/hyperiond.sh /storage/.config/hyperion.config.json </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/storage/hyperion/bin /storage/hyperion/bin/hyperion-v4l2 -v PAL --width 64 --height 64 --screenshot
/// Configuration for the embedded V4L2 grabber
/// * device : V4L2 Device to use [default="/dev/video0"]
/// * input : V4L2 input to use [default=0]
/// * standard : Video standard (no-change/PAL/NTSC) [default="no-change"]
/// * width : V4L2 width to set [default=-1]
/// * height : V4L2 height to set [default=-1]
/// * frameDecimation : Frame decimation factor [default=2]
/// * sizeDecimation : Size decimation factor [default=8]
/// * priority : Hyperion priority channel [default=800]
/// * mode : 3D mode to use 2D/3DSBS/3DTAB (note: no autodetection) [default="2D"]
/// * cropLeft : Cropping from the left [default=0]
/// * cropRight : Cropping from the right [default=0]
/// * cropTop : Cropping from the top [default=0]
/// * cropBottom : Cropping from the bottom [default=0]
/// * redSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the red channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * greenSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the green channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * blueSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the blue channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
"grabber-v4l2" :
"device" : "/dev/video0",
"input" : 0,
"standard" : "PAL",
"width" : 300,
"height" : 200,
"frameDecimation" : 2,
"sizeDecimation" : 8,
"priority" : 1100,
"mode" : "2D",
"cropLeft" : 1,
"cropRight" : 1,
"cropTop" : 1,
"cropBottom" : 1,
"redSignalThreshold" : 0.2,
"greenSignalThreshold" : 0.2,
"blueSignalThreshold" : 0.2
killall hyperiond
/storage/hyperion/bin/hyperiond.sh /storage/.config/hyperion.config.json </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
// Automatically generated configuration file for 'Hyperion daemon'
// Generated by: HyperCon (The Hyperion deamon configuration file builder
/// Device configuration contains the following fields:
/// * 'name' : The user friendly name of the device (only used for display purposes)
/// * 'type' : The type of the device or leds (known types for now are 'ws2801', 'ldp8806',
/// 'lpd6803', 'sedu', 'adalight', 'lightpack', 'test' and 'none')
/// * 'output' : The output specification depends on selected device. This can for example be the
/// device specifier, device serial number, or the output file name
/// * 'rate' : The baudrate of the output to the device
/// * 'colorOrder' : The order of the color bytes ('rgb', 'rbg', 'bgr', etc.).
"device" :
"name" : "MyPi",
"type" : "ws2801",
"output" : "/dev/spidev0.0",
"rate" : 250000,
"colorOrder" : "bgr"
/// Color manipulation configuration used to tune the output colors to specific surroundings.
/// The configuration contains a list of color-transforms. Each transform contains the
/// following fields:
/// * 'id' : The unique identifier of the color transformation (eg 'device_1') /// * 'leds' : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this color transform applies
/// (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based. /// * 'hsv' : The manipulation in the Hue-Saturation-Value color domain with the following
/// tuning parameters:
/// - 'saturationGain' The gain adjustement of the saturation
/// - 'valueGain' The gain adjustement of the value
/// * 'red'/'green'/'blue' : The manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the
/// following tuning parameters for each channel:
/// - 'threshold' The minimum required input value for the channel to be on
/// (else zero)
/// - 'gamma' The gamma-curve correction factor
/// - 'blacklevel' The lowest possible value (when the channel is black)
/// - 'whitelevel' The highest possible value (when the channel is white)
/// Next to the list with color transforms there is also a smoothing option.
/// * 'smoothing' : Smoothing of the colors in the time-domain with the following tuning
/// parameters:
/// - 'type' The type of smoothing algorithm ('linear' or 'none')
/// - 'time_ms' The time constant for smoothing algorithm in milliseconds
/// - 'updateFrequency' The update frequency of the leds in Hz
"color" :
"transform" :
"id" : "default",
"leds" : "*",
"hsv" :
"saturationGain" : 2.0000,
"valueGain" : 1.5
"red" :
"threshold" : 0,2000
"gamma" : 2.000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 1.000
"green" :
"threshold" : 0.2000,
"gamma" : 2.000,
"blacklevel" : 0.8000,
"whitelevel" : 1.000
"blue" :
"threshold" : 0.2000,
"gamma" : 2.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.000,
"whitelevel" : 0.5000
"smoothing" :
"type" : "linear",
"time_ms" : 100,
"updateFrequency" : 25.0000
/// The configuration for each individual led. This contains the specification of the area
/// averaged of an input image for each led to determine its color. Each item in the list
/// contains the following fields:
/// * index: The index of the led. This determines its location in the string of leds; zero
/// being the first led.
/// * hscan: The fractional part of the image along the horizontal used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
/// * vscan: The fractional part of the image along the vertical used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
"leds" :
"index" : 0,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 1,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0357, "maximum" : 0.0714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 2,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0714, "maximum" : 0.1071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 3,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1071, "maximum" : 0.1429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 4,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1429, "maximum" : 0.1786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 5,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1786, "maximum" : 0.2143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 6,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2143, "maximum" : 0.2500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 7,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2500, "maximum" : 0.2857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 8,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2857, "maximum" : 0.3214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 9,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3214, "maximum" : 0.3571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 10,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3571, "maximum" : 0.3929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 11,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3929, "maximum" : 0.4286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 12,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4286, "maximum" : 0.4643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 13,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4643, "maximum" : 0.5000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 14,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5000, "maximum" : 0.5357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 15,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5357, "maximum" : 0.5714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 16,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5714, "maximum" : 0.6071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 17,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6071, "maximum" : 0.6429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 18,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6429, "maximum" : 0.6786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 19,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6786, "maximum" : 0.7143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 20,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7143, "maximum" : 0.7500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 21,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7500, "maximum" : 0.7857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 22,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7857, "maximum" : 0.8214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 23,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8214, "maximum" : 0.8571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 24,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8571, "maximum" : 0.8929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 25,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8929, "maximum" : 0.9286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 26,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9286, "maximum" : 0.9643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 27,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9643, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 28,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9231, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 29,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8462, "maximum" : 0.9231 }
"index" : 30,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7692, "maximum" : 0.8462 }
"index" : 31,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6923, "maximum" : 0.7692 }
"index" : 32,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6154, "maximum" : 0.6923 }
"index" : 33,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5385, "maximum" : 0.6154 }
"index" : 34,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4615, "maximum" : 0.5385 }
"index" : 35,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3846, "maximum" : 0.4615 }
"index" : 36,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3077, "maximum" : 0.3846 }
"index" : 37,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2308, "maximum" : 0.3077 }
"index" : 38,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1538, "maximum" : 0.2308 }
"index" : 39,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0769, "maximum" : 0.1538 }
"index" : 40,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0769 }
"index" : 41,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9643, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 42,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9286, "maximum" : 0.9643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 43,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8929, "maximum" : 0.9286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 44,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8571, "maximum" : 0.8929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 45,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8214, "maximum" : 0.8571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 46,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7857, "maximum" : 0.8214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 47,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7500, "maximum" : 0.7857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 48,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7143, "maximum" : 0.7500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 49,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6786, "maximum" : 0.7143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 50,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6429, "maximum" : 0.6786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 51,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6071, "maximum" : 0.6429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 52,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5714, "maximum" : 0.6071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 53,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5357, "maximum" : 0.5714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 54,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5000, "maximum" : 0.5357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 55,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4643, "maximum" : 0.5000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 56,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4286, "maximum" : 0.4643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 57,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3929, "maximum" : 0.4286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 58,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3571, "maximum" : 0.3929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 59,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3214, "maximum" : 0.3571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 60,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2857, "maximum" : 0.3214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 61,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2500, "maximum" : 0.2857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 62,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2143, "maximum" : 0.2500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 63,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1786, "maximum" : 0.2143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 64,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1429, "maximum" : 0.1786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 65,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1071, "maximum" : 0.1429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 66,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0714, "maximum" : 0.1071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 67,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0357, "maximum" : 0.0714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 68,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 69,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0769 }
"index" : 70,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0769, "maximum" : 0.1538 }
"index" : 71,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1538, "maximum" : 0.2308 }
"index" : 72,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2308, "maximum" : 0.3077 }
"index" : 73,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3077, "maximum" : 0.3846 }
"index" : 74,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3846, "maximum" : 0.4615 }
"index" : 75,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4615, "maximum" : 0.5385 }
"index" : 76,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5385, "maximum" : 0.6154 }
"index" : 77,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6154, "maximum" : 0.6923 }
"index" : 78,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6923, "maximum" : 0.7692 }
"index" : 79,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7692, "maximum" : 0.8462 }
"index" : 80,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8462, "maximum" : 0.9231 }
"index" : 81,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9231, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
/// The black border configuration, contains the following items:
/// * enable : true if the detector should be activated
/// * threshold : Value below which a pixel is regarded as black (value between 0.0 and 1.0)
"blackborderdetector" :
"enable" : true,
"threshold" : 0.02
/// The configuration of the effect engine, contains the following items:
/// * paths : An array with absolute location(s) of directories with effects
/// * bootsequence : The effect selected as 'boot sequence'
"effects" :
"paths" :
"bootsequence" :
"effect" : "Rainbow swirl fast",
"duration_ms" : 500
/// The configuration for the frame-grabber, contains the following items:
/// * width : The width of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * height : The height of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * frequency_Hz : The frequency of the frame grab [Hz]
///"framegrabber" :
/// "width" : 96,
/// "height" : 54,
/// "frequency_Hz" : 40.0
/// The configuration of the XBMC connection used to enable and disable the frame-grabber. Contains the following fields:
/// * xbmcAddress : The IP address of the XBMC-host
/// * xbmcTcpPort : The TCP-port of the XBMC-server
/// * grabVideo : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during video playback
/// * grabPictures : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during picture show
/// * grabAudio : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during audio playback
/// * grabMenu : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) in the XBMC menu
/// * grabScreensaver : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) when XBMC is on screensaver
/// * enable3DDetection : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber should switch to a 3D compatible modus if a 3D video is playing
"xbmcVideoChecker" :
"xbmcAddress" : "",
"xbmcTcpPort" : 9090,
"grabVideo" : true,
"grabPictures" : true,
"grabAudio" : true,
"grabMenu" : false,
"grabScreensaver" : false,
"enable3DDetection" : false
/// The configuration of the Json server which enables the json remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the json server is started
"jsonServer" :
"port" : 19444
/// The configuration of the Proto server which enables the protobuffer remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the protobuffer server is started
"protoServer" :
"port" : 19445
/// The configuration of the boblight server which enables the boblight remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the boblight server is started
// "boblightServer" :
// {
// "port" : 19333
// },
/// Configuration for the embedded V4L2 grabber
/// * device : V4L2 Device to use [default="/dev/video0"]
/// * input : V4L2 input to use [default=0]
/// * standard : Video standard (no-change/PAL/NTSC) [default="no-change"]
/// * width : V4L2 width to set [default=-1]
/// * height : V4L2 height to set [default=-1]
/// * frameDecimation : Frame decimation factor [default=2]
/// * sizeDecimation : Size decimation factor [default=8]
/// * priority : Hyperion priority channel [default=800]
/// * mode : 3D mode to use 2D/3DSBS/3DTAB (note: no autodetection) [default="2D"]
/// * cropLeft : Cropping from the left [default=0]
/// * cropRight : Cropping from the right [default=0]
/// * cropTop : Cropping from the top [default=0]
/// * cropBottom : Cropping from the bottom [default=0]
/// * redSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the red channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * greenSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the green channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]......
/// * blueSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the blue channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
"grabber-v4l2" :
"device" : "/dev/video0",
"input" : 0,
"standard" : "PAL",
"width" : 300,
"height" : 200,
"frameDecimation" : 2,
"sizeDecimation" : 8,
"priority" : 1100,
"mode" : "2D",
"cropLeft" : 1,
"cropRight" : 1,
"cropTop" : 1,
"cropBottom" : 1,
"redSignalThreshold" : 0.2,
"greenSignalThreshold" : 0.2,
"blueSignalThreshold" : 0.2
"endOfJson" : "endOfJson"
// Automatically generated configuration file for 'Hyperion daemon'
// Generated by: HyperCon (The Hyperion deamon configuration file builder
/// Device configuration contains the following fields:
/// * 'name' : The user friendly name of the device (only used for display purposes)
/// * 'type' : The type of the device or leds (known types for now are 'ws2801', 'ldp8806',
/// 'lpd6803', 'sedu', 'adalight', 'lightpack', 'test' and 'none')
/// * 'output' : The output specification depends on selected device. This can for example be the
/// device specifier, device serial number, or the output file name
/// * 'rate' : The baudrate of the output to the device
/// * 'colorOrder' : The order of the color bytes ('rgb', 'rbg', 'bgr', etc.).
"device" :
"name" : "MyPi",
"type" : "ws2801",
"output" : "/dev/spidev0.0",
"rate" : 1000000,
"colorOrder" : "bgr"
/// Color manipulation configuration used to tune the output colors to specific surroundings.
/// The configuration contains a list of color-transforms. Each transform contains the
/// following fields:
/// * 'id' : The unique identifier of the color transformation (eg 'device_1') /// * 'leds' : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this color transform applies
/// (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based. /// * 'hsv' : The manipulation in the Hue-Saturation-Value color domain with the following
/// tuning parameters:
/// - 'saturationGain' The gain adjustement of the saturation
/// - 'valueGain' The gain adjustement of the value
/// * 'red'/'green'/'blue' : The manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the
/// following tuning parameters for each channel:
/// - 'threshold' The minimum required input value for the channel to be on
/// (else zero)
/// - 'gamma' The gamma-curve correction factor
/// - 'blacklevel' The lowest possible value (when the channel is black)
/// - 'whitelevel' The highest possible value (when the channel is white)
/// Next to the list with color transforms there is also a smoothing option.
/// * 'smoothing' : Smoothing of the colors in the time-domain with the following tuning
/// parameters:
/// - 'type' The type of smoothing algorithm ('linear' or 'none')
/// - 'time_ms' The time constant for smoothing algorithm in milliseconds
/// - 'updateFrequency' The update frequency of the leds in Hz
"color" :
"transform" :
"id" : "default",
"leds" : "*",
"hsv" :
"saturationGain" : 2.0000,
"valueGain" : 1.5
"red" :
"threshold" : 0.2000,
"gamma" : 2.000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 1.000
"green" :
"threshold" : 0.2000,
"gamma" : 2.000,
"blacklevel" : 0.8000,
"whitelevel" : 1.000
"blue" :
"threshold" : 0.2000,
"gamma" : 2.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.000,
"whitelevel" : 0.5000
"smoothing" :
"type" : "linear",
"time_ms" : 100,
"updateFrequency" : 25.0000
/// The configuration for each individual led. This contains the specification of the area
/// averaged of an input image for each led to determine its color. Each item in the list
/// contains the following fields:
/// * index: The index of the led. This determines its location in the string of leds; zero
/// being the first led.
/// * hscan: The fractional part of the image along the horizontal used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
/// * vscan: The fractional part of the image along the vertical used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
"leds" :
"index" : 0,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 1,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0357, "maximum" : 0.0714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 2,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0714, "maximum" : 0.1071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 3,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1071, "maximum" : 0.1429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 4,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1429, "maximum" : 0.1786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 5,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1786, "maximum" : 0.2143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 6,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2143, "maximum" : 0.2500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 7,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2500, "maximum" : 0.2857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 8,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2857, "maximum" : 0.3214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 9,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3214, "maximum" : 0.3571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 10,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3571, "maximum" : 0.3929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 11,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3929, "maximum" : 0.4286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 12,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4286, "maximum" : 0.4643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 13,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4643, "maximum" : 0.5000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 14,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5000, "maximum" : 0.5357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 15,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5357, "maximum" : 0.5714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 16,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5714, "maximum" : 0.6071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 17,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6071, "maximum" : 0.6429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 18,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6429, "maximum" : 0.6786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 19,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6786, "maximum" : 0.7143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 20,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7143, "maximum" : 0.7500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 21,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7500, "maximum" : 0.7857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 22,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7857, "maximum" : 0.8214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 23,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8214, "maximum" : 0.8571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 24,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8571, "maximum" : 0.8929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 25,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8929, "maximum" : 0.9286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 26,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9286, "maximum" : 0.9643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 27,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9643, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 28,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9231, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 29,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8462, "maximum" : 0.9231 }
"index" : 30,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7692, "maximum" : 0.8462 }
"index" : 31,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6923, "maximum" : 0.7692 }
"index" : 32,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6154, "maximum" : 0.6923 }
"index" : 33,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5385, "maximum" : 0.6154 }
"index" : 34,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4615, "maximum" : 0.5385 }
"index" : 35,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3846, "maximum" : 0.4615 }
"index" : 36,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3077, "maximum" : 0.3846 }
"index" : 37,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2308, "maximum" : 0.3077 }
"index" : 38,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1538, "maximum" : 0.2308 }
"index" : 39,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0769, "maximum" : 0.1538 }
"index" : 40,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0769 }
"index" : 41,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9643, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 42,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9286, "maximum" : 0.9643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 43,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8929, "maximum" : 0.9286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 44,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8571, "maximum" : 0.8929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 45,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8214, "maximum" : 0.8571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 46,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7857, "maximum" : 0.8214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 47,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7500, "maximum" : 0.7857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 48,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7143, "maximum" : 0.7500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 49,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6786, "maximum" : 0.7143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 50,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6429, "maximum" : 0.6786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 51,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6071, "maximum" : 0.6429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 52,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5714, "maximum" : 0.6071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 53,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5357, "maximum" : 0.5714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 54,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5000, "maximum" : 0.5357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 55,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4643, "maximum" : 0.5000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 56,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4286, "maximum" : 0.4643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 57,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3929, "maximum" : 0.4286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 58,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3571, "maximum" : 0.3929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 59,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3214, "maximum" : 0.3571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 60,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2857, "maximum" : 0.3214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 61,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2500, "maximum" : 0.2857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 62,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2143, "maximum" : 0.2500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 63,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1786, "maximum" : 0.2143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 64,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1429, "maximum" : 0.1786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 65,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1071, "maximum" : 0.1429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 66,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0714, "maximum" : 0.1071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 67,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0357, "maximum" : 0.0714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 68,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 69,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0769 }
"index" : 70,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0769, "maximum" : 0.1538 }
"index" : 71,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1538, "maximum" : 0.2308 }
"index" : 72,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2308, "maximum" : 0.3077 }
"index" : 73,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3077, "maximum" : 0.3846 }
"index" : 74,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3846, "maximum" : 0.4615 }
"index" : 75,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4615, "maximum" : 0.5385 }
"index" : 76,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5385, "maximum" : 0.6154 }
"index" : 77,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6154, "maximum" : 0.6923 }
"index" : 78,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6923, "maximum" : 0.7692 }
"index" : 79,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7692, "maximum" : 0.8462 }
"index" : 80,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8462, "maximum" : 0.9231 }
"index" : 81,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9231, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
/// The black border configuration, contains the following items:
/// * enable : true if the detector should be activated
/// * threshold : Value below which a pixel is regarded as black (value between 0.0 and 1.0)
"blackborderdetector" :
"enable" : true,
"threshold" : 0.02
/// The configuration of the effect engine, contains the following items:
/// * paths : An array with absolute location(s) of directories with effects
/// * bootsequence : The effect selected as 'boot sequence'
"effects" :
"paths" :
"bootsequence" :
"effect" : "Rainbow swirl fast",
"duration_ms" : 500
/// The configuration for the frame-grabber, contains the following items:
/// * width : The width of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * height : The height of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * frequency_Hz : The frequency of the frame grab [Hz]
///"framegrabber" :
/// "width" : 96,
/// "height" : 54,
/// "frequency_Hz" : 40.0
/// The configuration of the XBMC connection used to enable and disable the frame-grabber. Contains the following fields:
/// * xbmcAddress : The IP address of the XBMC-host
/// * xbmcTcpPort : The TCP-port of the XBMC-server
/// * grabVideo : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during video playback
/// * grabPictures : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during picture show
/// * grabAudio : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during audio playback
/// * grabMenu : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) in the XBMC menu
/// * grabScreensaver : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) when XBMC is on screensaver
/// * enable3DDetection : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber should switch to a 3D compatible modus if a 3D video is playing
"xbmcVideoChecker" :
"xbmcAddress" : "",
"xbmcTcpPort" : 9090,
"grabVideo" : true,
"grabPictures" : true,
"grabAudio" : true,
"grabMenu" : false,
"grabScreensaver" : false,
"enable3DDetection" : false
/// The configuration of the Json server which enables the json remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the json server is started
"jsonServer" :
"port" : 19444
/// The configuration of the Proto server which enables the protobuffer remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the protobuffer server is started
// "protoServer" :
// {
// "port" : 19445
// },
/// The configuration of the boblight server which enables the boblight remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the boblight server is started
// "boblightServer" :
// {
// "port" : 19333
// },
"endOfJson" : "endOfJson",
/// Configuration for the embedded V4L2 grabber
/// * device : V4L2 Device to use [default="/dev/video0"]
/// * input : V4L2 input to use [default=0]
/// * standard : Video standard (no-change/PAL/NTSC) [default="no-change"]
/// * width : V4L2 width to set [default=-1]
/// * height : V4L2 height to set [default=-1]
/// * frameDecimation : Frame decimation factor [default=2]
/// * sizeDecimation : Size decimation factor [default=8]
/// * priority : Hyperion priority channel [default=800]
/// * mode : 3D mode to use 2D/3DSBS/3DTAB (note: no autodetection) [default="2D"]
/// * cropLeft : Cropping from the left [default=0]
/// * cropRight : Cropping from the right [default=0]
/// * cropTop : Cropping from the top [default=0]
/// * cropBottom : Cropping from the bottom [default=0]
/// * redSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the red channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * greenSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the green channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]......
/// * blueSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the blue channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
"grabber-v4l2" :
"device" : "/dev/video0",
"input" : 0,
"standard" : "no-change",
"width" : 300,
"height" : 200,
"frameDecimation" : 2,
"sizeDecimation" : 8,
"priority" : 1100,
"mode" : "2D",
"cropLeft" : 1,
"cropRight" : 1,
"cropTop" : 1,
"cropBottom" : 1,
"redSignalThreshold" : 0.2,
"greenSignalThreshold" : 0.2,
"blueSignalThreshold" : 0.2
// Automatically generated configuration file for 'Hyperion daemon'
// Generated by: HyperCon (The Hyperion deamon configuration file builder
/// Device configuration contains the following fields:
/// * 'name' : The user friendly name of the device (only used for display purposes)
/// * 'type' : The type of the device or leds (known types for now are 'ws2801', 'ldp8806',
/// 'lpd6803', 'sedu', 'adalight', 'lightpack', 'test' and 'none')
/// * 'output' : The output specification depends on selected device. This can for example be the
/// device specifier, device serial number, or the output file name
/// * 'rate' : The baudrate of the output to the device
/// * 'colorOrder' : The order of the color bytes ('rgb', 'rbg', 'bgr', etc.).
"device" :
"name" : "MyPi",
"type" : "ws2801",
"output" : "/dev/spidev0.0",
"rate" : 250000,
"colorOrder" : "bgr"
/// Color manipulation configuration used to tune the output colors to specific surroundings.
/// The configuration contains a list of color-transforms. Each transform contains the
/// following fields:
/// * 'id' : The unique identifier of the color transformation (eg 'device_1') /// * 'leds' : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this color transform applies
/// (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based. /// * 'hsv' : The manipulation in the Hue-Saturation-Value color domain with the following
/// tuning parameters:
/// - 'saturationGain' The gain adjustement of the saturation
/// - 'valueGain' The gain adjustement of the value
/// * 'red'/'green'/'blue' : The manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the
/// following tuning parameters for each channel:
/// - 'threshold' The minimum required input value for the channel to be on
/// (else zero)
/// - 'gamma' The gamma-curve correction factor
/// - 'blacklevel' The lowest possible value (when the channel is black)
/// - 'whitelevel' The highest possible value (when the channel is white)
/// Next to the list with color transforms there is also a smoothing option.
/// * 'smoothing' : Smoothing of the colors in the time-domain with the following tuning
/// parameters:
/// - 'type' The type of smoothing algorithm ('linear' or 'none')
/// - 'time_ms' The time constant for smoothing algorithm in milliseconds
/// - 'updateFrequency' The update frequency of the leds in Hz
"color" :
"transform" :
"id" : "default",
"leds" : "*",
"hsv" :
"saturationGain" : 2.0000,
"valueGain" : 1.5
"red" :
"threshold" : 0.2000,
"gamma" : 2.000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 1.000
"green" :
"threshold" : 0.2000,
"gamma" : 2.000,
"blacklevel" : 0.8000,
"whitelevel" : 1.000
"blue" :
"threshold" : 0.2000,
"gamma" : 2.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.000,
"whitelevel" : 0.5000
"smoothing" :
"type" : "linear",
"time_ms" : 200,
"updateFrequency" : 25.0000
/// The configuration for each individual led. This contains the specification of the area
/// averaged of an input image for each led to determine its color. Each item in the list
/// contains the following fields:
/// * index: The index of the led. This determines its location in the string of leds; zero
/// being the first led.
/// * hscan: The fractional part of the image along the horizontal used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
/// * vscan: The fractional part of the image along the vertical used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
"leds" :
"index" : 0,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 1,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0357, "maximum" : 0.0714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 2,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0714, "maximum" : 0.1071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 3,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1071, "maximum" : 0.1429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 4,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1429, "maximum" : 0.1786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 5,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1786, "maximum" : 0.2143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 6,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2143, "maximum" : 0.2500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 7,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2500, "maximum" : 0.2857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 8,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2857, "maximum" : 0.3214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 9,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3214, "maximum" : 0.3571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 10,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3571, "maximum" : 0.3929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 11,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3929, "maximum" : 0.4286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 12,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4286, "maximum" : 0.4643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 13,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4643, "maximum" : 0.5000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 14,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5000, "maximum" : 0.5357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 15,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5357, "maximum" : 0.5714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 16,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5714, "maximum" : 0.6071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 17,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6071, "maximum" : 0.6429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 18,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6429, "maximum" : 0.6786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 19,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6786, "maximum" : 0.7143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 20,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7143, "maximum" : 0.7500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 21,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7500, "maximum" : 0.7857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 22,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7857, "maximum" : 0.8214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 23,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8214, "maximum" : 0.8571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 24,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8571, "maximum" : 0.8929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 25,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8929, "maximum" : 0.9286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 26,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9286, "maximum" : 0.9643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 27,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9643, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 28,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9231, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 29,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8462, "maximum" : 0.9231 }
"index" : 30,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7692, "maximum" : 0.8462 }
"index" : 31,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6923, "maximum" : 0.7692 }
"index" : 32,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6154, "maximum" : 0.6923 }
"index" : 33,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5385, "maximum" : 0.6154 }
"index" : 34,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4615, "maximum" : 0.5385 }
"index" : 35,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3846, "maximum" : 0.4615 }
"index" : 36,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3077, "maximum" : 0.3846 }
"index" : 37,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2308, "maximum" : 0.3077 }
"index" : 38,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1538, "maximum" : 0.2308 }
"index" : 39,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0769, "maximum" : 0.1538 }
"index" : 40,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0769 }
"index" : 41,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9643, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 42,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9286, "maximum" : 0.9643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 43,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8929, "maximum" : 0.9286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 44,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8571, "maximum" : 0.8929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 45,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8214, "maximum" : 0.8571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 46,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7857, "maximum" : 0.8214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 47,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7500, "maximum" : 0.7857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 48,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7143, "maximum" : 0.7500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 49,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6786, "maximum" : 0.7143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 50,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6429, "maximum" : 0.6786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 51,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6071, "maximum" : 0.6429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 52,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5714, "maximum" : 0.6071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 53,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5357, "maximum" : 0.5714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 54,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5000, "maximum" : 0.5357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 55,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4643, "maximum" : 0.5000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 56,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4286, "maximum" : 0.4643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 57,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3929, "maximum" : 0.4286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 58,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3571, "maximum" : 0.3929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 59,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3214, "maximum" : 0.3571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 60,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2857, "maximum" : 0.3214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 61,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2500, "maximum" : 0.2857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 62,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2143, "maximum" : 0.2500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 63,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1786, "maximum" : 0.2143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 64,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1429, "maximum" : 0.1786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 65,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1071, "maximum" : 0.1429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 66,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0714, "maximum" : 0.1071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 67,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0357, "maximum" : 0.0714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 68,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 69,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0769 }
"index" : 70,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0769, "maximum" : 0.1538 }
"index" : 71,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1538, "maximum" : 0.2308 }
"index" : 72,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2308, "maximum" : 0.3077 }
"index" : 73,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3077, "maximum" : 0.3846 }
"index" : 74,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3846, "maximum" : 0.4615 }
"index" : 75,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4615, "maximum" : 0.5385 }
"index" : 76,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5385, "maximum" : 0.6154 }
"index" : 77,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6154, "maximum" : 0.6923 }
"index" : 78,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6923, "maximum" : 0.7692 }
"index" : 79,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7692, "maximum" : 0.8462 }
"index" : 80,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8462, "maximum" : 0.9231 }
"index" : 81,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9231, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
/// The black border configuration, contains the following items:
/// * enable : true if the detector should be activated
/// * threshold : Value below which a pixel is regarded as black (value between 0.0 and 1.0)
"blackborderdetector" :
"enable" : true,
"threshold" : 0.02
/// The configuration of the effect engine, contains the following items:
/// * paths : An array with absolute location(s) of directories with effects
/// * bootsequence : The effect selected as 'boot sequence'
"effects" :
"paths" :
"bootsequence" :
"effect" : "Rainbow swirl fast",
"duration_ms" : 3000
/// The configuration for the frame-grabber, contains the following items:
/// * width : The width of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * height : The height of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * frequency_Hz : The frequency of the frame grab [Hz]
///"framegrabber" :
/// "width" : 64,
/// "height" : 64,
/// "frequency_Hz" : 10.0
/// The configuration of the XBMC connection used to enable and disable the frame-grabber. Contains the following fields:
/// * xbmcAddress : The IP address of the XBMC-host
/// * xbmcTcpPort : The TCP-port of the XBMC-server
/// * grabVideo : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during video playback
/// * grabPictures : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during picture show
/// * grabAudio : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during audio playback
/// * grabMenu : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) in the XBMC menu
/// * grabScreensaver : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) when XBMC is on screensaver
/// * enable3DDetection : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber should switch to a 3D compatible modus if a 3D video is playing
"xbmcVideoChecker" :
"xbmcAddress" : "",
"xbmcTcpPort" : 9090,
"grabVideo" : true,
"grabPictures" : true,
"grabAudio" : true,
"grabMenu" : false,
"grabScreensaver" : false,
"enable3DDetection" : false
/// The configuration of the Json server which enables the json remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the json server is started
"jsonServer" :
"port" : 19444
/// The configuration of the Proto server which enables the protobuffer remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the protobuffer server is started
"protoServer" :
"port" : 19445
/// The configuration of the boblight server which enables the boblight remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the boblight server is started
// "boblightServer" :
// {
// "port" : 19333
// },
"endOfJson" : "endOfJson",
/// Configuration for the embedded V4L2 grabber
/// * device : V4L2 Device to use [default="/dev/video0"]
/// * input : V4L2 input to use [default=0]
/// * standard : Video standard (no-change/PAL/NTSC) [default="no-change"]
/// * width : V4L2 width to set [default=-1]
/// * height : V4L2 height to set [default=-1]
/// * frameDecimation : Frame decimation factor [default=2]
/// * sizeDecimation : Size decimation factor [default=8]
/// * priority : Hyperion priority channel [default=800]
/// * mode : 3D mode to use 2D/3DSBS/3DTAB (note: no autodetection) [default="2D"]
/// * cropLeft : Cropping from the left [default=0]
/// * cropRight : Cropping from the right [default=0]
/// * cropTop : Cropping from the top [default=0]
/// * cropBottom : Cropping from the bottom [default=0]
/// * redSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the red channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * greenSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the green channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]......
/// * blueSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the blue channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
"grabber-v4l2" :
"device" : "/dev/video0",
"input" : 0,
"standard" : "no-change",
"width" : -1,
"height" : -1,
"frameDecimation" : 2,
"sizeDecimation" : 4,
"priority" : 800,
"mode" : "2D",
"cropLeft" : 50,
"cropRight" : 30,
"cropTop" : 40,
"cropBottom" : 0,
"redSignalThreshold" : 0.0,
"greenSignalThreshold" : 0.0,
"blueSignalThreshold" : 0.0
popy5 escribió:Ok, prueba con éste... En el tuyo encontré un par de errores... faltaba una coma al final de una línea, tenías como separador decimal una coma, cuando debe ser un punto (cosas de los anglosajones), y creo que cambié una línea de posición... El resto es tu fichero de configuración, por lo que no afectará al número de leds.
Seguro que al final es una tontería...// Automatically generated configuration file for 'Hyperion daemon'
// Generated by: HyperCon (The Hyperion deamon configuration file builder
/// Device configuration contains the following fields:
/// * 'name' : The user friendly name of the device (only used for display purposes)
/// * 'type' : The type of the device or leds (known types for now are 'ws2801', 'ldp8806',
/// 'lpd6803', 'sedu', 'adalight', 'lightpack', 'test' and 'none')
/// * 'output' : The output specification depends on selected device. This can for example be the
/// device specifier, device serial number, or the output file name
/// * 'rate' : The baudrate of the output to the device
/// * 'colorOrder' : The order of the color bytes ('rgb', 'rbg', 'bgr', etc.).
"device" :
"name" : "MyPi",
"type" : "ws2801",
"output" : "/dev/spidev0.0",
"rate" : 1000000,
"colorOrder" : "bgr"
/// Color manipulation configuration used to tune the output colors to specific surroundings.
/// The configuration contains a list of color-transforms. Each transform contains the
/// following fields:
/// * 'id' : The unique identifier of the color transformation (eg 'device_1') /// * 'leds' : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this color transform applies
/// (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based. /// * 'hsv' : The manipulation in the Hue-Saturation-Value color domain with the following
/// tuning parameters:
/// - 'saturationGain' The gain adjustement of the saturation
/// - 'valueGain' The gain adjustement of the value
/// * 'red'/'green'/'blue' : The manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the
/// following tuning parameters for each channel:
/// - 'threshold' The minimum required input value for the channel to be on
/// (else zero)
/// - 'gamma' The gamma-curve correction factor
/// - 'blacklevel' The lowest possible value (when the channel is black)
/// - 'whitelevel' The highest possible value (when the channel is white)
/// Next to the list with color transforms there is also a smoothing option.
/// * 'smoothing' : Smoothing of the colors in the time-domain with the following tuning
/// parameters:
/// - 'type' The type of smoothing algorithm ('linear' or 'none')
/// - 'time_ms' The time constant for smoothing algorithm in milliseconds
/// - 'updateFrequency' The update frequency of the leds in Hz
"color" :
"transform" :
"id" : "default",
"leds" : "*",
"hsv" :
"saturationGain" : 2.0000,
"valueGain" : 1.5
"red" :
"threshold" : 0.2000,
"gamma" : 2.000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 1.000
"green" :
"threshold" : 0.2000,
"gamma" : 2.000,
"blacklevel" : 0.8000,
"whitelevel" : 1.000
"blue" :
"threshold" : 0.2000,
"gamma" : 2.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.000,
"whitelevel" : 0.5000
"smoothing" :
"type" : "linear",
"time_ms" : 100,
"updateFrequency" : 25.0000
/// The configuration for each individual led. This contains the specification of the area
/// averaged of an input image for each led to determine its color. Each item in the list
/// contains the following fields:
/// * index: The index of the led. This determines its location in the string of leds; zero
/// being the first led.
/// * hscan: The fractional part of the image along the horizontal used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
/// * vscan: The fractional part of the image along the vertical used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
"leds" :
"index" : 0,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 1,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0357, "maximum" : 0.0714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 2,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0714, "maximum" : 0.1071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 3,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1071, "maximum" : 0.1429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 4,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1429, "maximum" : 0.1786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 5,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1786, "maximum" : 0.2143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 6,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2143, "maximum" : 0.2500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 7,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2500, "maximum" : 0.2857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 8,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2857, "maximum" : 0.3214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 9,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3214, "maximum" : 0.3571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 10,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3571, "maximum" : 0.3929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 11,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3929, "maximum" : 0.4286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 12,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4286, "maximum" : 0.4643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 13,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4643, "maximum" : 0.5000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 14,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5000, "maximum" : 0.5357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 15,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5357, "maximum" : 0.5714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 16,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5714, "maximum" : 0.6071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 17,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6071, "maximum" : 0.6429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 18,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6429, "maximum" : 0.6786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 19,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6786, "maximum" : 0.7143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 20,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7143, "maximum" : 0.7500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 21,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7500, "maximum" : 0.7857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 22,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7857, "maximum" : 0.8214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 23,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8214, "maximum" : 0.8571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 24,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8571, "maximum" : 0.8929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 25,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8929, "maximum" : 0.9286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 26,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9286, "maximum" : 0.9643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 27,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9643, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 28,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9231, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 29,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8462, "maximum" : 0.9231 }
"index" : 30,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7692, "maximum" : 0.8462 }
"index" : 31,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6923, "maximum" : 0.7692 }
"index" : 32,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6154, "maximum" : 0.6923 }
"index" : 33,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5385, "maximum" : 0.6154 }
"index" : 34,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4615, "maximum" : 0.5385 }
"index" : 35,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3846, "maximum" : 0.4615 }
"index" : 36,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3077, "maximum" : 0.3846 }
"index" : 37,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2308, "maximum" : 0.3077 }
"index" : 38,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1538, "maximum" : 0.2308 }
"index" : 39,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0769, "maximum" : 0.1538 }
"index" : 40,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0769 }
"index" : 41,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9643, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 42,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9286, "maximum" : 0.9643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 43,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8929, "maximum" : 0.9286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 44,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8571, "maximum" : 0.8929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 45,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8214, "maximum" : 0.8571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 46,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7857, "maximum" : 0.8214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 47,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7500, "maximum" : 0.7857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 48,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7143, "maximum" : 0.7500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 49,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6786, "maximum" : 0.7143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 50,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6429, "maximum" : 0.6786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 51,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6071, "maximum" : 0.6429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 52,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5714, "maximum" : 0.6071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 53,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5357, "maximum" : 0.5714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 54,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5000, "maximum" : 0.5357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 55,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4643, "maximum" : 0.5000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 56,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4286, "maximum" : 0.4643 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 57,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3929, "maximum" : 0.4286 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 58,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3571, "maximum" : 0.3929 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 59,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3214, "maximum" : 0.3571 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 60,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2857, "maximum" : 0.3214 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 61,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2500, "maximum" : 0.2857 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 62,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2143, "maximum" : 0.2500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 63,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1786, "maximum" : 0.2143 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 64,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1429, "maximum" : 0.1786 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 65,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1071, "maximum" : 0.1429 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 66,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0714, "maximum" : 0.1071 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 67,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0357, "maximum" : 0.0714 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 68,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0357 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 69,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0769 }
"index" : 70,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0769, "maximum" : 0.1538 }
"index" : 71,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1538, "maximum" : 0.2308 }
"index" : 72,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2308, "maximum" : 0.3077 }
"index" : 73,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3077, "maximum" : 0.3846 }
"index" : 74,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3846, "maximum" : 0.4615 }
"index" : 75,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4615, "maximum" : 0.5385 }
"index" : 76,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5385, "maximum" : 0.6154 }
"index" : 77,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6154, "maximum" : 0.6923 }
"index" : 78,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6923, "maximum" : 0.7692 }
"index" : 79,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7692, "maximum" : 0.8462 }
"index" : 80,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8462, "maximum" : 0.9231 }
"index" : 81,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9231, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
/// The black border configuration, contains the following items:
/// * enable : true if the detector should be activated
/// * threshold : Value below which a pixel is regarded as black (value between 0.0 and 1.0)
"blackborderdetector" :
"enable" : true,
"threshold" : 0.02
/// The configuration of the effect engine, contains the following items:
/// * paths : An array with absolute location(s) of directories with effects
/// * bootsequence : The effect selected as 'boot sequence'
"effects" :
"paths" :
"bootsequence" :
"effect" : "Rainbow swirl fast",
"duration_ms" : 500
/// The configuration for the frame-grabber, contains the following items:
/// * width : The width of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * height : The height of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * frequency_Hz : The frequency of the frame grab [Hz]
///"framegrabber" :
/// "width" : 96,
/// "height" : 54,
/// "frequency_Hz" : 40.0
/// The configuration of the XBMC connection used to enable and disable the frame-grabber. Contains the following fields:
/// * xbmcAddress : The IP address of the XBMC-host
/// * xbmcTcpPort : The TCP-port of the XBMC-server
/// * grabVideo : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during video playback
/// * grabPictures : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during picture show
/// * grabAudio : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during audio playback
/// * grabMenu : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) in the XBMC menu
/// * grabScreensaver : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) when XBMC is on screensaver
/// * enable3DDetection : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber should switch to a 3D compatible modus if a 3D video is playing
"xbmcVideoChecker" :
"xbmcAddress" : "",
"xbmcTcpPort" : 9090,
"grabVideo" : true,
"grabPictures" : true,
"grabAudio" : true,
"grabMenu" : false,
"grabScreensaver" : false,
"enable3DDetection" : false
/// The configuration of the Json server which enables the json remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the json server is started
"jsonServer" :
"port" : 19444
/// The configuration of the Proto server which enables the protobuffer remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the protobuffer server is started
// "protoServer" :
// {
// "port" : 19445
// },
/// The configuration of the boblight server which enables the boblight remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the boblight server is started
// "boblightServer" :
// {
// "port" : 19333
// },
"endOfJson" : "endOfJson",
/// Configuration for the embedded V4L2 grabber
/// * device : V4L2 Device to use [default="/dev/video0"]
/// * input : V4L2 input to use [default=0]
/// * standard : Video standard (no-change/PAL/NTSC) [default="no-change"]
/// * width : V4L2 width to set [default=-1]
/// * height : V4L2 height to set [default=-1]
/// * frameDecimation : Frame decimation factor [default=2]
/// * sizeDecimation : Size decimation factor [default=8]
/// * priority : Hyperion priority channel [default=800]
/// * mode : 3D mode to use 2D/3DSBS/3DTAB (note: no autodetection) [default="2D"]
/// * cropLeft : Cropping from the left [default=0]
/// * cropRight : Cropping from the right [default=0]
/// * cropTop : Cropping from the top [default=0]
/// * cropBottom : Cropping from the bottom [default=0]
/// * redSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the red channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * greenSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the green channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]......
/// * blueSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the blue channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
"grabber-v4l2" :
"device" : "/dev/video0",
"input" : 0,
"standard" : "no-change",
"width" : 300,
"height" : 200,
"frameDecimation" : 2,
"sizeDecimation" : 8,
"priority" : 1100,
"mode" : "2D",
"cropLeft" : 1,
"cropRight" : 1,
"cropTop" : 1,
"cropBottom" : 1,
"redSignalThreshold" : 0.2,
"greenSignalThreshold" : 0.2,
"blueSignalThreshold" : 0.2
Fonsot escribió:@popy5 cojonudo, otro paso alante, con el fichero que me has pasado editado el ultimo, el de la parte de http://www.alessandrocolla.com/ambilight-video-source-raspberry-part-3/, ya me encienden los leds, pero me encienden parpadeando y cada led de un color jajajaja, di que es algo bueno que hemos DESPERTADO los leds pero ahora estan siempre encendido y de varios colores los 116 leds.
///"framegrabber" :
/// "width" : 64,
/// "height" : 64,
/// "frequency_Hz" : 10.0
"framegrabber" :
"width" : 64,
"height" : 64,
"frequency_Hz" : 10.0