[Hilo Oficial]NBA 2K11 - Ya en 3D!

yo aunque al final me venda al mejor postor, creo que betaré a gatorade, odio las bebidas isotonicas aguachirriosas y todas sus propiedades, sprite bueno aceptaria sin ser un honor (siento una cierta adicción a la gaseosa, y en america sería lo más parecido),
Don Francisquito escribió:Hola a todos, ya seguía este hilo como un usuario anónimo pero me he dicho; joder, voy a registrarme. Aircriss te pegas un curro con el hilo que da gusto tio. Como nuevo usuario y participante del hilo, me tomo la confianza de traducir esta nueva info del My Player (espero que no te moleste ;)):

Inglés: Become a star in My Player mode and you'll get sponsorships from iconic brands. What sponsor would you most like to have? Jordan Brand? Gatorade? Sprite? 2K Sports???

Español: Conviértete en una estrella en el modo Mi Jugador y podrás recibir ofertas de patrocinio de conocidas marcas. ¿A qué marca te gustaría patrocinar? Merchandising de Jordan, Gatorade, Sprite, 2K Sports... (Yo creo que solo patrocinaria a 2K si pagan mucho jajaja).

Saludos y gracias por toda la info a todos los participantes del hilo!

Bienvenido, con gente como tu entran ganas de aportar mas y mas al hilo XD
Gracias por la traduccion XD, pork el tito google a ves da unas cantadas...XD
aircriss89 escribió:
Don Francisquito escribió:...quote]
Bienvenido, con gente como tu entran ganas de aportar mas y mas al hilo XD
Gracias por la traduccion XD, pork el tito google a ves da unas cantadas...XD

Jeje, de nada tio. Espero ansioso la info de mañana!

PD: Has probado lo de poner chorradas en español en el traductor de google, traducirlo a chino, copiar y pegar el resultado y pasarlo de nuevo a español? LOL.
PD2: He visto que eres de Málaga, jeje yo soy un ''pisha''.
Don Francisquito escribió:
aircriss89 escribió:
Don Francisquito escribió:...quote]
Bienvenido, con gente como tu entran ganas de aportar mas y mas al hilo XD
Gracias por la traduccion XD, pork el tito google a ves da unas cantadas...XD

Jeje, de nada tio. Espero ansioso la info de mañana!

PD: Has probado lo de poner chorradas en español en el traductor de google, traducirlo a chino, copiar y pegar el resultado y pasarlo de nuevo a español? LOL.
PD2: He visto que eres de Málaga, jeje yo soy un ''pisha''.

entonjeh ereh de cadih cadih noh? XD
Te haran rodar anuncios para la marca elegida?? XD XD
aircriss89 escribió:entonjeh ereh de cadih cadih noh? XD

De cadi cadi coone JAJAJA [carcajad]
kain_083 escribió:Te haran rodar anuncios para la marca elegida?? XD XD

Seria un Puntazo.

Un saludo
os imaginais XD, como molaria jaja, en plan minijuego XD, sesion de fotos soobre fondo croma (verde) XD y tu haciendo posturitas jaja

o un anuncio asi...


o asi
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OmWrsp4 ... re=related

o ..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsoP6bjA ... re=related

XD en plan minijuego XD
Otra gran noticia..!

Gracias! XD XD
Buf, lo que me ha costado entrar. He tenido que bloquear la publi de www2.smartadserver.com porque no había manera...

Visto el éxito del año pasado y las mejoras, definitivamente tendré que probar esto del My player! :)
Es que el myplayer casi todos lo usamos en la version anterior, a mi me engancho muchisimo.

Se sabe algo si empezaremos como el año pasado, campus, otro campus y fichar, o entramos por draft??
BartMadrid escribió:Es que el myplayer casi todos lo usamos en la version anterior, a mi me engancho muchisimo.

Se sabe algo si empezaremos como el año pasado, campus, otro campus y fichar, o entramos por draft??

Pues este año viene incluido en el juego el tema Draft Combine, asi que se supone que haremos entrenamientos, destacaremos, nos draftearan y ahi pasaremos a las ligas de veranos con el equipo se supone.
Joder y todavía quedan novedades por mostrar... Yo de verdad que no sé que pueden tener más para sorprendernos.

Impresionate 2k !

PD: Los vídeos de los anuncios, chulísimos, sobre todo el de Carter XD
Hola soy nuevo en el foro, y gracias a este hilo he podido ver toda la info del 2k11 hasta el momento,muchas gracias ha todos los que ponen su granito de arena XD bueno y me gustaría saber si en el modo my player habrá contratos y poder negociar con los equipos y tal porque en el 2k10 no había,no creo que sea imprescindible tener contratos porque después para que usas el dinero? xD pero dado que puedes hacer ruedas de prensa después de los partidos y hasta tener tu propia marca de zapatillas el tener un caché te da calidad no? xd
aircriss89 escribió:
BartMadrid escribió:Es que el myplayer casi todos lo usamos en la version anterior, a mi me engancho muchisimo.

Se sabe algo si empezaremos como el año pasado, campus, otro campus y fichar, o entramos por draft??

Pues este año viene incluido en el juego el tema Draft Combine, asi que se supone que haremos entrenamientos, destacaremos, nos draftearan y ahi pasaremos a las ligas de veranos con el equipo se supone.

Pues menos mal porque eso de que había que comprarlo aparte..ademas menudo coñazo estar entrando y saliendo.

Creo que este año se han esforzado en el myplayer a ver que dicen esta noche.
El año pasado fue un invento el tema del my player y apenas estaba explotado, era solo un incio de algo que se puede explotar y mucho. Es un diamante en bruto. Vieron que tuvo exito el tema del my player y este año se han esforzado en mejorarlo de tal modo que sea algo mas que echar partidos por jugar XD.
aircriss89 escribió:El año pasado fue un invento el tema del my player y apenas estaba explotado, era solo un incio de algo que se puede explotar y mucho. Es un diamante en bruto. Vieron que tuvo exito el tema del my player y este año se han esforzado en mejorarlo de tal modo que sea algo mas que echar partidos por jugar XD.

Pues yo el my player es lo unico que uso.. llevo ya jugados casi 400 partidos a 8 minutos el cuarto.

Que le vamos a hacer, me mola ser el prota XD
Bueno, Ronnie ha vuelto a la carga XD

RT @domidomdomz@Ronnie2K possible the vid to be approved and having the My Player Dev Insight released today?->Possible, not 100% though

Ahora dice que es posible pero no 100% seguro que CUELGEN EL VIDEO HOY!!!!!! ATENTOS!! XDDD
Quiero info de online........ A ver si acaba el tema de myplayer
LordVegeta escribió:
aircriss89 escribió:El año pasado fue un invento el tema del my player y apenas estaba explotado, era solo un incio de algo que se puede explotar y mucho. Es un diamante en bruto. Vieron que tuvo exito el tema del my player y este año se han esforzado en mejorarlo de tal modo que sea algo mas que echar partidos por jugar XD.

Pues yo el my player es lo unico que uso.. llevo ya jugados casi 400 partidos a 8 minutos el cuarto.

Que le vamos a hacer, me mola ser el prota XD

Yo no llego a tantos partidos pero me pasa igual, básicamente del NBA 2K10 he jugado sólo al modo MyPlayer. Me encanta y eso que tiene mucho por mejorar.

Un saludo!
yo lo que mas he quemado en el nba 2k10 ha sido las ligas online pese a sus fallos (2 ligas he jugado), y el My Player que a pesar de la multitud de fallos que lastraban al juego, era una gran novedad, y un lujo poder crearte (aunque en la cara no te parezcas en nada XD) y poder ir subiendo y subiendo al estrellato, mola cantidad.
Si a esto le sumas todas las novedades que estamos viendo...va a ser genial XD
que ganitas de ver le video joder! XD que mostraran? porque las fotos pintan que no veas, pero un video es un video XD
aircriss89 escribió:yo lo que mas he quemado en el nba 2k10 ha sido las ligas online pese a sus fallos (2 ligas he jugado), y el My Player que a pesar de la multitud de fallos que lastraban al juego, era una gran novedad, y un lujo poder crearte (aunque en la cara no te parezcas en nada XD) y poder ir subiendo y subiendo al estrellato, mola cantidad.
Si a esto le sumas todas las novedades que estamos viendo...va a ser genial XD
que ganitas de ver le video joder! XD que mostraran? porque las fotos pintan que no veas, pero un video es un video XD

Pues sí, espero que el editor My Player lo hayan mejorado! Si encima hay más novedades de las que sabemos es para ir a comprar cohetes y reventarlos el día D Lanzamiento [boma]. Peazo de Juego! Hasta los shooters deberían aprender a manejar una saga como lo hace 2K. Impecable su trabajo.
Que bien pinta lo de My Player, es mas ahora voy a echarme un vicio para quitarme el monazo!! Muchas gracias por el hilo y por el poco offtopic que hay! Salu2
mas info de ronnie!

At 3 PM PST, we're going to be posting EITHER the Insight (if video is approved) or another My Player Feature on FB. Look out for it...

al parece a las 3pm hora pacifivo (sobre las 00.00 como siempre o un pelin antes) tendremos nueva info del my player con posible video si lo aceptan XD

habra que estar atentos
aircriss89 escribió:mas info de ronnie!

At 3 PM PST, we're going to be posting EITHER the Insight (if video is approved) or another My Player Feature on FB. Look out for it...

al parece a las 3pm hora pacifivo (sobre las 00.00 como siempre o un pelin antes) tendremos nueva info del my player con posible video si lo aceptan XD

habra que estar atentos

como siempre al pie del cañon XD. Yo ya lo dije, el my player me encanto, pero hubieron muchas cosas que me mosquearon, como el no detectar los cambios defensivos o el mal equilibrio entre los ratings de los jugadores que creas y las maquinas, o el hecho de sentar a la estrella de tu puesto siendo un jugador de 60.... necesita mas realismoy supongo que asi le daran. Ademas lo del draft combine ayudara mucho, ciertamente
Colegas vaya ansias de la nueva info y del video! La verdad es que apostaria a que la nueva info tiene que ver con dos posibilidades: Se podra usar el dinero que se cobre, o que habra contratos con los equipos. Aver aver que se cuece en el seno de 2K Sports :).
Don Francisquito escribió:Colegas vaya ansias de la nueva info y del video! La verdad es que apostaria a que la nueva info tiene que ver con dos posibilidades: Se podra usar el dinero que se cobre, o que habra contratos con los equipos. Aver aver que se cuece en el seno de 2K Sports :).

Lo del dinero sería brutal, no creo que llegue al nivel de: Ser un jugador muy metido en las ONG, o ser comprador de coches de lujo compulsivo, de armas incluso (llegar a pagar multas por escándalos), o gastar millones en puros al más PURO estilo Jordan, etc...
yo apuesto por un rollo sobre la química con el resto del equipo, algún tipo de interacción ke haga llevarse bien y no haya lucha de egos, se podría incluso relacionar con las ruedas de prensa y afectaría hasta la hora de ke te pasen mas la bola, algo de eso.
CAIM4N3Z escribió:
Don Francisquito escribió:Colegas vaya ansias de la nueva info y del video! La verdad es que apostaria a que la nueva info tiene que ver con dos posibilidades: Se podra usar el dinero que se cobre, o que habra contratos con los equipos. Aver aver que se cuece en el seno de 2K Sports :).

Lo del dinero sería brutal, no creo que llegue al nivel de: Ser un jugador muy metido en las ONG, o ser comprador de coches de lujo compulsivo, de armas incluso (llegar a pagar multas por escándalos), o gastar millones en puros al más PURO estilo Jordan, etc...

Este año pinta juegazo con los derechos de MJ pero no os dejeies llevar por el HYPE que luego llegan las decepciones..comprar armas... XD seria EPIC pero no en un NBA 2K..a la espera del video y enhorabuena a aircriss por el curro del hilo que esta actualizado casi al minuto ;)
Remesa de imágenes del Jordan Challenge (una de cada partido), esa última de The Shot :O :

The Arrival

69 Points


Bad Boys

First Finals

The Shrug

Double Nickel

Father's Day Victory

The Flu Game

Michael's Last Dance

Una del Draft jejeje:


De nada hombre, lo más raro es que del álbum del Facebook que las he cogido handesaparecido de ahí, las he cogido de milagro [sonrisa] . Y unas de las novedades (como el control y tal...) sí se me han escapado pero bueno...

Del twitter:

My Player Video Approved!!!


#NBA2K11 My Player Developer Insight/Video to be released at approximately 3 PM PST (top of the hour)

Como diría Marv Albert: YEEES!!
Este juego puede hacer HISTORIA
Let the world know guys. The My Player Insight is almost here...

ya viene!!!!!

nunca un vide habia creado tanta espectacion XD (al menos en juego de basket XD) QUE ENSEÑARAAA???
aircriss89 escribió:Let the world know guys. The My Player Insight is almost here...

ya viene!!!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIzrYcgfOH4 Minuto:3:35
Ni la fiebre podía con el mejor deportista de todos los tiempos.
capellista escribió:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIzrYcgfOH4 Minuto:3:35
Ni la fiebre podía con el mejor deportista de todos los tiempos.

gran video, gracias

puff mi F5 esta que se va a salir del teclado XD
Ya ta!!!

Ponlo tú que te lo has ganado!

Me esperaba un poco más pero no ha estado mal, todo sobre las ruedas de prensa, aunque tiene muy buena pinta!! Qué ganas de probarlo!!!!!!!!

http://community.2ksports.com/community ... 17606&l=11

Hey everyone,
This is Erick Boenisch again, Producer for NBA 2K11 although many of you may know me by my forum name, SimBaller. I spoke a few weeks back about MJ: Creating a Legend. I’m here today to talk to you about the My Player mode and some of the exciting changes we have made to it this year. NBA 2K10 saw the birth of My Player, the first true career mode experience ever for the NBA 2K series. With one year of this mode under our belts, we’ve learned quite a bit; things like what works, what doesn’t work, and what you all want to see in the mode this year. Enough chatter, let’s dive into what NBA 2K11’s My Player is all about…

Career Path
The first thing you’ll notice upon starting the mode is that My Player no longer begins in the Summer Circuit. This year, you will be taking your created player to the NBA Draft Combine at Attack Athletics in Chicago, Illinois. This fully licensed and rendered gym will be your player’s home for the first three games of his career. Your goal at the Draft Combine is to impress the scouts and coaches in attendance at the event. If you perform well enough, you’ll find yourself attending the NBA Draft at Madison Square Garden in our authentically rendered draft environment. If you are lucky enough to get drafted, your My Player will walk up the steps and be greeted by David Stern at the podium. Enjoy the photo op while you can, the going gets rough from here on out.

Once the draft is over, you will be invited to participate in the Summer Circuit. You will play four games to prove to your team that you belong on an NBA roster. If at any point you slip during the Summer Circuit, your team will either cut you outright, or ask you to join their NBA D-League affiliated team. Your road to the NBA won’t be over, but it will certainly be a lot more difficult if the latter happens. If you do manage to last the 4 games of the Summer Circuit as well as impress your team’s management, then you’ll be invited to the 12-man roster for the upcoming NBA season. This is just the beginning of your story...

My Career
I call it a story, because this year, your career will be defined by whatever persona you want to take on in the all-new My Career feature. My Career is the new hub where you can go to find all things central to your career as an NBA player. You’ll find a detailed breakdown of your minutes and where they are coming from/going, a Timeline detailing important career milestones, a place to view all of the Endorsements you have received, and of course, a place where you can go talk to management and tell them that you’ve had enough and that you want a trade (the choice is ultimately theirs though, unless you force their hand…).

The high level concept with My Career is that every action you take in your career has a reaction. The reaction may be positive or negative. This leads to the most innovative component of My Player and easily my favorite feature in the game this year. Following games, you will participate in Press Conferences where members of the media will grill you on pressing events happening around you and the team. Did the game come down to a last second shot, but you didn’t take the shot? The media are going to want to know how you feel about not taking that last shot. The team’s on a 5 game losing streak? They’ll be asking you what you think about your teammates. Have you recently requested a trade? They’ll ask you why. How you answer these questions shapes how people around the league perceive you. Check out this video...

My rookie season isn’t going so well. We’re two weeks away from the trading deadline and my name is being thrown about in the rumor mill. How I answer this could have a big impact on if I stay or go…

**NOTE: Individuals are not blurred as shown in video during gameplay. Other members of your organization will be at the podium with you during NBA 2K11 game action**

You have three character traits that define you and change based on your actions:

- Teammate Chemistry: If you have your teammates’ back, they will have yours. If you start throwing them under the bus, you’ll quickly find them starting to freeze you out on the court. Get open all you want, they’ll just look the other way for their next pass.

On the other hand, if you can prove to management that you are a great teammate, they will come to you looking for suggestions on who they should trade during the season and who they should try and sign during the offseason.

- League-wide Popularity: Being a dominant player isn’t the only way to make a name for yourself. You can also do this in the Press Conference room. Showing endless confidence, and even a little arrogance, is definitely one way to catch the attention of fans around the league. The tricky part is trying to build this while keeping your teammates and the local fans on your side. The prize? As you guys have seen from the Ronnie2K teases on the NBA 2K FB page, Endorsements aplenty if you can raise your popularity high enough. If you manage to reach the pinnacle of popularity, you’ll find yourself designing and naming your very own signature Jordan Brand shoe that other players around the league will be seen wearing as your star rises.

- Local Fan Support: The key to building your League-Wide Popularity starts with the grassroots support of the local fans for your team. Earn the adoration of the local fans and they’ll reward you with undying support, thundering applause, and MVP chants. If you are disrespectful of them in the Press Conferences, you’ll find they will be the first people to let you know you aren’t wanted anymore. If things go bad enough, you’ll find the crowd chanting ‘Trade Him’ whenever you touch the ball. No one wants to be THAT guy, right?

Teammate Grade 2.0
Another big focus for us with My Player this year was increasing the quality of the existing features in the mode. So many games make the mistake of adding bigger and better things, all the while forgetting about the foundation. It was important for us to stabilize and build upon the foundation that defines the My Player experience. The single biggest piece of A.I. in the mode is the Teammate Grade logic, and I’m pleased to say that it has received an extensive overhaul in its logic.

We were very ambitious in our design for Teammate Grade in 2K10’s My Player. While I think we achieved great success with it, basketball is a game filled with nuances, and there were plenty of situations where I’m sure you didn’t agree with the outcome. A common one that we received feedback on was the ‘Allow man to score’ following a defensive switch. Your teammate would be guarding ‘your man’ and when he scored, you took the hit for it. These are the types of issues that we spent months isolating and eliminating. The under-the-hood work we did here isn’t flashy; it isn’t going to make you jump out of your seat with excitement, but it will absolutely make your time spent playing My Player a much more satisfying and enjoyable experience. Here are a few examples of some of the new additions:

- Pass Leading to Assist/Foul: Commonly known as the ‘hockey assist’, this is often the instrumental pass that sets up a basket. We want to make sure you get your credit this year for being the playmaker.

- Bad Pass Out of Shot: For those guys whose reaction is to shoot first and then decide mid-animationthey want to pass out, and you pass to a player who is already fully covered, you’re going to take a negative hit to your Teammate Grade. Smart passing is not recommended, it’s required in 2K11.

- Allowed Inside Pass: If you allow your man to establish a favorable position in the interior through a lapse in defense, you’re going to get dinged for it.

The Little Things
The ‘Little Things’ is my favorite section of any Developer Insight that I write. This is the area where we talk about some of the lower profile additions to the mode. On their own, they don’t necessarily carry a lot of weight, but together, they define the attention to detail that we strived so hard to achieve. I’ve compiled a quick list of just some of the changes you’ll find in My Player this year:

Key Games: The NBA season is often described as a long 82-game grind. Not every game has the significance of a playoff game or a matchup against a rival. New to NBA 2K11, Key Games are games played during the season that are of more significance than other games. This may be because you are matched up against a star player at your position, or it may be because the game is against a hated rival. Due to the significance of these matchups, users will earn a 2x multiplier to their Skill Points during these games. Key Games don’t come easy, but if you can perform in the clutch, you will be rewarded handsomely with an abundance of Skill Points.

Attribute Caps: In an effort to make each Playstyle mean more, we are enforcing attribute caps on players this year. An example of what this means is a Defensive PG might have a max stealing attribute of 99 while a Shoot First PG might have a max stealing attribute of 80. This is going to pay off when you you’re playing My Player Pick-Up games. In 2K10, without attribute caps, this would mean that you might be playing against a 7’2 center that had a ballhandling rating of 99. That’s not realistic and not an experience we want you to encounter.

Adjustable Qtr Length and Sim Qtr Length: The ability to change in-game quarter lengths is something that was not supported in My Player until the release of the patches last year. This year, I’m proud to reveal that not only are adjustable quarter lengths supported, but simulated quarter lengths as well. This means you can adjust the length and pace of simulated games to ensure that the pace you play at results in scores that are similar to the other teams around the league.

Sim To End of games: Another nice little feature is the ability to simulate to the end of the game s(available once you reach the NBA). If your team is getting blown out, or you are blowing out your opponent, you will now have the option to simulate the remainder of the game. Our simulation engine will ‘play’ your character for you as you continue to rack up stats for your player.

Skill Point buyback: This one is quite simple. In 2K11, you are now allowed to buy back Skill Points should you later change your mind on an attribute you had previously upgraded. The catch? You only get 75% of the original purchase price back. This means that if you spent 100 Skill Points upgrading your Offensive Awareness, you will only receive 75 Skill Points in return should you choose to sell it back at a later date. This affords you greater flexibility in developing your My Player without being able to do so in a fashion that negatively impacts My Player Pick-Up games.

Scaled in-game goals: With the addition of the ability for users to customize the quarter length of their My Player games, it only seemed to make sense that we make the game objectives commiserate to the length of the quarter. If you choose to play 5 minute quarters, you may get an objective to record 5 assists in a game. This same objective in a 10 minute quarter might require that you record 8 assists. The idea here is to provide a realistic challenge regardless of the quarter length you choose to play.

NBA 2K11’s My Player is a mode built entirely on the feedback from you, our fans. Looking at the items above, I’m sure that comes across quite clear. Honestly, I feel like there is so much more I could talk about here, but I’ve gone on long enough as it is. To find out what else is in store for you and your career, stay tuned to the NBA FB page (Ronnie2K wanted me to tell you guys that there is at least one more My Player surprises this week that I didn't mention so make sure you stay tuned to FB... that guy is such a marketing shill...) and make sure to pick up NBA 2K11 in stores on October 5th. Also, keep an eye out for Michael Jordan; he’s watching your every move in My Player mode this year. If you perform well enough, he’ll be in touch…
¡que wapo¡ pudiendo responder preguntas y subiendo o bajando la quimica etc
INCREIBLE! yo me esperaba algo que seleccionas la respues y punto, pero es que ademas de eso tu jugador da la respuesta con su voz XDDDDDDD
Me encanta!! Todo lo que siempre sentia que faltaba en este modo a sido arreglado/incluido!

Sobretodo esto , que llevo pidiendo desde que probe el juego:

Attribute Caps: In an effort to make each Playstyle mean more, we are enforcing attribute caps on players this year. An example of what this means is a Defensive PG might have a max stealing attribute of 99 while a Shoot First PG might have a max stealing attribute of 80. This is going to pay off when you you’re playing My Player Pick-Up games. In 2K10, without attribute caps, this would mean that you might be playing against a 7’2 center that had a ballhandling rating of 99. That’s not realistic and not an experience we want you to encounter.

Ya esta bien de pivots de 2.15 con 99 velocidad,robo,mate,triple.... no se puede tener todo!
Este juego va a ser epico.
estoy viendo las preguntas respuestas que dal el jugador, ahora las posteo
aircriss89 escribió:estoy viendo las preguntas respuestas que dal el jugador, ahora las posteo

si pueden ser traducidas mejor [sonrisa]
gracias air por el curro que haces en breve me pillaré una ps3 supongo que el pack de 320 y este juego cae fijo
·Pregunta: Your name has started to surface in the Rumor Mill with numerous teams reported to be interested in your services. How do the rumors have an impact on your play on the court?

·Respuesta (profesional): Its important for me to stay focused on my job out there on the court. I can't really control all of the trade talk, you know? I just gotta keep doing what i do and let everything else sort itself out man.

·R (Arrogance): It’s not really a surprise to me that other organizations see the value I can bring to their team. As for how it affects me on the court, it doesn’t. Simple as that. I’ve seen too much to let little things like get into my head, you know?

·R (Lealtad): Its always flattering when a team thinks you can step in and immediately make their team better. I trust the guys upstairs here will make the best move for the organization. If that means me changing zip codes, I will thank them for the opportunity to play here in this great city, and I will be on my way. In the meantime, I just need to keep my head down, play hard, and help these guys win ball games.

·R(indiferente): I don’t really concern myself with the he said, she said oof-the-court rumors. I can’t really control what happens, so I figure, why worry about it? I just need to stay focused on the game of basketball and let the pieces fall where they may
Vídeo del my player !!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doG1i_IY ... r_embedded


Ostias no me había dado cuenta de que ya estaba puesto. [tomaaa]
7048 respuestas