We've had a busy January simplifying our signup process and adding new features to make our next update the most exciting yet! Since we opened up early-access in November we've added new enemy Nethers, the subway system for even more territory to explore, dual-sport motorcycles for fast travel, a wing suit for gliding from building to building and surveying the map, player groups and many new objectives to complete. As of today the world of Nether is more alive than ever and only growing!
Today we are really excited to announce "TRIBES" , a new feature that allows our players to join one of 16 unique tribes and battle each other in a struggle for territory. By joining a Tribe, players will be rewarded with stronger offensive and defensive skills, larger cash and loot drops, extra space to store inventory items, and more. Tribes will fight for control of the city's strategic vantage points, which will provide the controlling tribe greater power over enemy movements, the ability to affect market prices and alter mission objectives in their favor.

Call to Action Box Make A Pledge
In the newest update you will find:
Scavenging and Crafting - The much requested crafting, trading and questing system is available...Why find guns when you can craft your own!
Guest keys replenished - Everybody gets their guest keys back to invite friends into the game
Character reset - New game balance for recent and upcoming features.
So head to the Safe Zone to pledge to the tribesman, share your new guest keys with friends and prepare for Tribal warfare! Only then will you know if you and your friends have what it takes to become a worthy tribe!
We really appreciate your support and feedback, so please visit the forums and give us your feedback on Nether!