edu101 escribió:Habrá que devolverle el favor a nvidia: concurso para ganar montones de premios (gtx 1080, cheques steam.) para casi todo el mundo (menos España).
Se ve que los españoles no compramos a nvidia (o a lo mejor las compramos demasiado fácilmente, y así para que regalarles).
Todo un detalle nvidia

Condiciones del concurso:
1. Eligibility
You must be a resident of either the United Stated of America United Kingdom, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey, India (excluding the State of Tamil Nadu), Ukraine, Hungary, New Zealand, Serbia, Australia, Canada, Belgium,
Spain, Mainland China (Excluding Hong Kong and Macau), Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Singapore, Argentina, Chile, Philippines, Columbia, Brazil, and Peru, and eighteen (18) years of age or older to be eligible to participate in this Contest. This Contest is open to individuals only. No team entries and no corporate or institutional entries are permitted in this Contest. Employees of Sponsor, its affiliates, and their respective contractors, service providers and professional advisors connected with this Contest, as well as members of their immediate families and/or households, are NOT eligible to enter.