dany0015 escribió:Haber......... no hos parece raro que saquen un video, 1 semana antes de la feria con los graficos "un poquito" solo mejorados y una jugabilidad muy parecida al 2009. Ami esto me suena a marketing.
Con este video mucha gente se a desilusionado ( que es lo que querian los de Konami ) para luego en la feria, enseñar la demo en condiciones, con todos los extras tan secretos que no se pueden ni contar.
¿Puede ser ??

Segun tengo entendido, no es cuestion de desilusionar, sino que el año pasado les fue muy mal en la feria de Alemania, y este año no quieren que les pase lo mismo. Quiere mostrar una demo bestial, con tantos cambios respecto a lo que se ha visto por ahora que la gente vea que este año han trabajado como negros. Quieren que al gente diga: "joder, es imposible que hayan hecho tantos cambios en solo un año".

Lo que no es logico es que en Alemania no enseñasen novedades algunas o una demo mal acabada. Os recuerdo que es oficial que en Alemania van a estar los peces gordos de PES (Seabass y demas). No creo que vayan a ir a la feria a enseñar una bodrio para que la gente se los coma alli mismo. Si van ellos a dar la cara, es porque estan seguros de que va a ser un exito, y se quieren llevar la "gloria", sino no irian y mandarian a los "becarios".

Esta es mi opinion, y la he sacado de todo lo que se ha comentado durante estos meses. No sé si será así, es tan solo mi opinion.

djpinchu está baneado por "usar clon para saltarse baneo temporal"
Pues son las 12:30! A las de 12 de que pais? XD
impresiones sobre la nueva beta en level7:

We have played PES 2010
Written 2009-08-12 12:00:00 by Erik Hansson
A summary of about four hours of matching and menu scrolling in a nearly finished version.
Konami has managed to turn Skutan. Last year’s game was a disappointment to many, but in spring and especially summer, they have released photos and information been talking about PES 2010 to be really positive. FIFA players are talking about changing the game again, and PES-boycotting considering resuming the series. Now it’s just up to the game to deliver.

Not ready code

First and foremost it must be said that the code, I spent four hours with at this point is not clear. It will be fixed to the things before the launch so that I write from now on can be changed. But do not expect any revolutionary changes.
On the other, we could not test the online mode and for many is the game and with that it works without adding.

Konami has made an effort to

This year, it finally felt that Konami efforts. The last three, four, five years, the PES series in many ways been and stamp in the same Well areas without any special drastic changes. But now, there has been a great deal. The licensing of the European League (formerly the UEFA Cup) and Champions League are two really important licenses makes much of the gaming experience. This year is also the first time that the game’s menus are translated into Swedish and except any mistakes and that cup units coup saw it okay.Even the menus are much nicer and more easy to navigate by now.
Moreover, they added a lot of new law and then, believe it or not, the career mode Master League received a major facelift.

After five years - a new Master League

It is really pathetic to read the review of PES4 and realize that it just happened with the PES series career mode for five years. What other sports can say that about? But now Konami have actually changed a lot.
You start by choosing a team. You can take the large established law to play with your favorite player or a skruttlag for a little challenge. You can also make your own team of emblems, costumes, names and home and put in your own line. About 20 law can thus be edited and added.
After the choice of law, it is time to choose settings for how the league cup is in place, how many cards that lead to shutdown and some other small things with the overall league.
Requirements Sponsor

Then you get to see a list of the sponsors we have. The contracts will last a number of years and provides a fixed sum, but it can also be a bonus clause that gives you extra money if you, for example, finished third or better in the league, or ten o’clock unbeaten matches in a row. There may also be annuleringsklausul that makes you lose a sponsor if you go out in the group in the Champions League (yes, both Champions League and European League is the Master League). These examples apply to Liverpool. Significantly lower requirements of course for you if you select a kasst law.

Pay staff

On the whole the economy is a major new part of the Master League. It may be in addition to revenues from sponsors also fans membership. The more fans the more revenue. As regards expenditure consists of the course of players’ salaries, but also how much money you spend on different parts of your staff. Should the club doctors to cost 50 000 euro or 10 million? How much should scout activities or ungdomslaget get? Each personnel record can get five replacement and although I did not have time to test it, I presume that compensation is the quality you get.

New transfer system

Another major innovation is the transfer system. Meanwhile, will enter the Master League just before the season and therefore has the chance to get any new players before it’s time to go out on the plan. But it seems not as easy as before. Now the Scouts are very important and without them you will not know what the players have for the values. It is only after a few games that your scouts can tell if watched player characteristics.Moreover it takes before you receive notice of a contract negotiation. During our quick test of the negotiations, it took about four games before we were told that a player was not interested in a contract with us. It seems disturbing that it has more control than that, but it must be tested much more before I know for sure.
It is also possible to simulate matches, look at the average player to get a quick overview of their ability, determine what an individual player’s training will focus on and hear what a scout has to say about a certain player.
Where is Ruskin?

It should also be mentioned that the team to start with no longer contain Minanda, Ruskin and the other TINPOT players. There is now real players and real teams. By contrast, found the old FAITHFUL in ungdomslaget from the start where they Bidar their time before they are ready to take over in a team. Exactly how this works, we do not know yet. But a reasonable guess is that they develop in ungdomslaget depending on how much money you spend on their training.

Become a legend again

Among the other game modes will return “Become a legend” and there seems to be the same as last year, but I tested only mode for a few minutes.
From the main menu, you can also choose to play a quick match, cups and leagues.

Add audience audio

For those of you who like to edit teams and players, there are roughly as many hairdos and faces as last year, you can still take pictures and add as faces or emblem and there is still no really full beard. A cool detail is that you now can add about ten audience audio per team to create a little more unique atmosphere at the stadiums.
Graphically, there has been an improvement in the lighting effects and details on many of the players and on the field. Some players are like their uncanny role models, while others are laughable. Olof Mellberg has for some reason has become somewhat unrecognizable and Erik Edman is just weird with a new emo-haircut. Malnate behave about as silent as before and faces react to what happens on the plan.
License front has moved east

In the case of licenses, there Hammarby, AIK, IFK Gothenburg and Kalmar in Sweden. In England, only Manchester United and Liverpool fully licensed, the rest are wrong Team name and costumes. The entire Spanish league is in addition to “a small team who shambles under Konami. All Italian and Dutch law is, many Russian and several new Eastern European storlag, four Greek, three Belgian, some Portuguese, but in this version is the German league very empty. I do not think I saw a single law. The reason is that EA owns the Bundesliga license.

More FIFA?

So the most important; sense of perspective. It has Konami been kaxiga. It will probably not feel like an immediate improvement for most who try it for the first time. Players are now a little heavier, a little more physical. It is not as easy to just run through the players that it was in PES 2009, but it is a little TOUGHEN the mark. Getting away: An overlay or shoots can take a tenth of a second extra to get the players will gain control of the ball or to the animations will catch up with. The players are not as quick to change löpvägar and have not been as easy to go from standstill to full speed. It is perhaps more real, but it gives a slightly TOUGHEN sense of perspective. I hardly dare say it, but it is a little more FIFA games over the feeling.

The Raven and the goalkeeper

Sometimes, it looks good that the players do not really control the ball in all situations, but it is still too often true Raven-receptions of Premier League players. It is okay if it happens rarely, but my impression of the ten games I played or witnessed is that it happens too often. It happened several times that the player fumbling the ball at the sidelines when they receive a long standby, as if they still do not have an eye on each plan.
I saw a lot of new animations and physical duels seemed more alive. It happened several times that players almost stood still, and fought for the ball before anyone came out.The chair maid löpanimationer from PES 2009 is slightly better now, but still not sufficiently flexible.
One detail that irritated me was that the goalkeeper is extremely slow in the passing game to back the line from kicked out. It does not seem to be the goalkeeper has become so much faster to throw the ball.

New tactics and short

It is quite clear that it is not just throwing themselves into the PES 2010. It is a slightly new feel of the plane where you like in FIFA 09 has to be slightly ahead in the tank at all times and fit a little sooner than we think necessary. The new tactics system also requires careful testing. You can set how much support players to give, how hard the press team will bring, and much more. It looks good in the menus with clear instructions and animated examples of how it affects the game.
A new card system with various special abilities of the players have also been introduced, but I honestly do not so much of it yet. Players can have different characteristics as to toklöpa along the edges, breaking in on goal or the like. One way to define how they often play on the plane about which the stars in PES 2009, but exactly how it works can I come back to.
Statistics for games on the sofa

We could, as I said not to test the online mode, but for you who like to play against friends offline, there are now profiles to save you and all your opponents to compare you in all possible statistics. Kind of like the PS2 versions in other words.
Another clear feature compared to PES 2009 is that the game loads faster now and that we may see the game offerings while waiting. A small, smart trick.
Even the music had improved. It is not the same painful tones from Konamis most sadistic person anymore. There is still much that is created by Konami itself, but it is now a little better productions.

Cautiously positive

My gut is that Konami has made it a little difficult for themselves. We Master League nerds will probably be satisfied with the new system far deeper, but all who want that exact, meticulous control which I still think PS2 versions, most successfully to obtain will probably be disappointed in the beginning. PES 2010 is not something you just throw themselves into and mastered after two matches. I need more match hours before I am sure my impression. So far, I am cautiously positive.

Erik, we salute you!

http://winningelevenblog.com/blog/level ... pressions/
MQC escribió:Lo que no es logico es que en Alemania no enseñasen novedades algunas o una demo mal acabada. Os recuerdo que es oficial que en Alemania van a estar los peces gordos de PES (Seabass y demas). No creo que vayan a ir a la feria a enseñar una bodrio para que la gente se los coma alli mismo. Si van ellos a dar la cara, es porque estan seguros de que va a ser un exito, y se quieren llevar la "gloria", sino no irian y mandarian a los "becarios".

Esta es mi opinion, y la he sacado de todo lo que se ha comentado durante estos meses. No sé si será así, es tan solo mi opinion.


Por experiencia propia te dire que el 99% de gente que trabaja en prensa son una pandilla de pajilleros [sonrisa], he sido participe de una de las mayores mierdas musicales que se han hecho en este pais y la prensa solo queria tomarse una copa, ante la presencia de Seabass nadie tendra arrestos de cuestionar nada, la mayoria solo quiere estar alli y hacerse una foto. Si fundamentas la calidad del juego por la presencia en Alemania de los "no-becarios" creo que cometes un error, dicho esto, ojala lo que se vea en la feria colme nuestras expectativas.

djpinchu está baneado por "usar clon para saltarse baneo temporal"
jjoseca escribió:impresiones sobre la nueva beta en level7:

We have played PES 2010
Written 2009-08-12 12:00:00 by Erik Hansson
A summary of about four hours of matching and menu scrolling in a nearly finished version.
Konami has managed to turn Skutan. Last year’s game was a disappointment to many, but in spring and especially summer, they have released photos and information been talking about PES 2010 to be really positive. FIFA players are talking about changing the game again, and PES-boycotting considering resuming the series. Now it’s just up to the game to deliver.

Not ready code

First and foremost it must be said that the code, I spent four hours with at this point is not clear. It will be fixed to the things before the launch so that I write from now on can be changed. But do not expect any revolutionary changes.
On the other, we could not test the online mode and for many is the game and with that it works without adding.

Konami has made an effort to

This year, it finally felt that Konami efforts. The last three, four, five years, the PES series in many ways been and stamp in the same Well areas without any special drastic changes. But now, there has been a great deal. The licensing of the European League (formerly the UEFA Cup) and Champions League are two really important licenses makes much of the gaming experience. This year is also the first time that the game’s menus are translated into Swedish and except any mistakes and that cup units coup saw it okay.Even the menus are much nicer and more easy to navigate by now.
Moreover, they added a lot of new law and then, believe it or not, the career mode Master League received a major facelift.

After five years - a new Master League

It is really pathetic to read the review of PES4 and realize that it just happened with the PES series career mode for five years. What other sports can say that about? But now Konami have actually changed a lot.
You start by choosing a team. You can take the large established law to play with your favorite player or a skruttlag for a little challenge. You can also make your own team of emblems, costumes, names and home and put in your own line. About 20 law can thus be edited and added.
After the choice of law, it is time to choose settings for how the league cup is in place, how many cards that lead to shutdown and some other small things with the overall league.
Requirements Sponsor

Then you get to see a list of the sponsors we have. The contracts will last a number of years and provides a fixed sum, but it can also be a bonus clause that gives you extra money if you, for example, finished third or better in the league, or ten o’clock unbeaten matches in a row. There may also be annuleringsklausul that makes you lose a sponsor if you go out in the group in the Champions League (yes, both Champions League and European League is the Master League). These examples apply to Liverpool. Significantly lower requirements of course for you if you select a kasst law.

Pay staff

On the whole the economy is a major new part of the Master League. It may be in addition to revenues from sponsors also fans membership. The more fans the more revenue. As regards expenditure consists of the course of players’ salaries, but also how much money you spend on different parts of your staff. Should the club doctors to cost 50 000 euro or 10 million? How much should scout activities or ungdomslaget get? Each personnel record can get five replacement and although I did not have time to test it, I presume that compensation is the quality you get.

New transfer system

Another major innovation is the transfer system. Meanwhile, will enter the Master League just before the season and therefore has the chance to get any new players before it’s time to go out on the plan. But it seems not as easy as before. Now the Scouts are very important and without them you will not know what the players have for the values. It is only after a few games that your scouts can tell if watched player characteristics.Moreover it takes before you receive notice of a contract negotiation. During our quick test of the negotiations, it took about four games before we were told that a player was not interested in a contract with us. It seems disturbing that it has more control than that, but it must be tested much more before I know for sure.
It is also possible to simulate matches, look at the average player to get a quick overview of their ability, determine what an individual player’s training will focus on and hear what a scout has to say about a certain player.
Where is Ruskin?

It should also be mentioned that the team to start with no longer contain Minanda, Ruskin and the other TINPOT players. There is now real players and real teams. By contrast, found the old FAITHFUL in ungdomslaget from the start where they Bidar their time before they are ready to take over in a team. Exactly how this works, we do not know yet. But a reasonable guess is that they develop in ungdomslaget depending on how much money you spend on their training.

Become a legend again

Among the other game modes will return “Become a legend” and there seems to be the same as last year, but I tested only mode for a few minutes.
From the main menu, you can also choose to play a quick match, cups and leagues.

Add audience audio

For those of you who like to edit teams and players, there are roughly as many hairdos and faces as last year, you can still take pictures and add as faces or emblem and there is still no really full beard. A cool detail is that you now can add about ten audience audio per team to create a little more unique atmosphere at the stadiums.
Graphically, there has been an improvement in the lighting effects and details on many of the players and on the field. Some players are like their uncanny role models, while others are laughable. Olof Mellberg has for some reason has become somewhat unrecognizable and Erik Edman is just weird with a new emo-haircut. Malnate behave about as silent as before and faces react to what happens on the plan.
License front has moved east

In the case of licenses, there Hammarby, AIK, IFK Gothenburg and Kalmar in Sweden. In England, only Manchester United and Liverpool fully licensed, the rest are wrong Team name and costumes. The entire Spanish league is in addition to “a small team who shambles under Konami. All Italian and Dutch law is, many Russian and several new Eastern European storlag, four Greek, three Belgian, some Portuguese, but in this version is the German league very empty. I do not think I saw a single law. The reason is that EA owns the Bundesliga license.

More FIFA?

So the most important; sense of perspective. It has Konami been kaxiga. It will probably not feel like an immediate improvement for most who try it for the first time. Players are now a little heavier, a little more physical. It is not as easy to just run through the players that it was in PES 2009, but it is a little TOUGHEN the mark. Getting away: An overlay or shoots can take a tenth of a second extra to get the players will gain control of the ball or to the animations will catch up with. The players are not as quick to change löpvägar and have not been as easy to go from standstill to full speed. It is perhaps more real, but it gives a slightly TOUGHEN sense of perspective. I hardly dare say it, but it is a little more FIFA games over the feeling.

The Raven and the goalkeeper

Sometimes, it looks good that the players do not really control the ball in all situations, but it is still too often true Raven-receptions of Premier League players. It is okay if it happens rarely, but my impression of the ten games I played or witnessed is that it happens too often. It happened several times that the player fumbling the ball at the sidelines when they receive a long standby, as if they still do not have an eye on each plan.
I saw a lot of new animations and physical duels seemed more alive. It happened several times that players almost stood still, and fought for the ball before anyone came out.The chair maid löpanimationer from PES 2009 is slightly better now, but still not sufficiently flexible.
One detail that irritated me was that the goalkeeper is extremely slow in the passing game to back the line from kicked out. It does not seem to be the goalkeeper has become so much faster to throw the ball.

New tactics and short

It is quite clear that it is not just throwing themselves into the PES 2010. It is a slightly new feel of the plane where you like in FIFA 09 has to be slightly ahead in the tank at all times and fit a little sooner than we think necessary. The new tactics system also requires careful testing. You can set how much support players to give, how hard the press team will bring, and much more. It looks good in the menus with clear instructions and animated examples of how it affects the game.
A new card system with various special abilities of the players have also been introduced, but I honestly do not so much of it yet. Players can have different characteristics as to toklöpa along the edges, breaking in on goal or the like. One way to define how they often play on the plane about which the stars in PES 2009, but exactly how it works can I come back to.
Statistics for games on the sofa

We could, as I said not to test the online mode, but for you who like to play against friends offline, there are now profiles to save you and all your opponents to compare you in all possible statistics. Kind of like the PS2 versions in other words.
Another clear feature compared to PES 2009 is that the game loads faster now and that we may see the game offerings while waiting. A small, smart trick.
Even the music had improved. It is not the same painful tones from Konamis most sadistic person anymore. There is still much that is created by Konami itself, but it is now a little better productions.

Cautiously positive

My gut is that Konami has made it a little difficult for themselves. We Master League nerds will probably be satisfied with the new system far deeper, but all who want that exact, meticulous control which I still think PS2 versions, most successfully to obtain will probably be disappointed in the beginning. PES 2010 is not something you just throw themselves into and mastered after two matches. I need more match hours before I am sure my impression. So far, I am cautiously positive.

Erik, we salute you!

http://winningelevenblog.com/blog/level ... pressions/

Alguien traduce?
TitoT está baneado por "faltas de respeto, troleos y flames continuos"
Jjoseca, no pierdas el tiempo dando mas esplicaciones de las necesarias. La información esta en el hilo y cada uno que saque sus conclusiones. El juego no va a ser mejor porque tu u otro lo defendamos ni va a ser peor porque cualquiera lo critique.

Ya se que no estas defendiendo nada, sino puntualizando... Pero a veces no sirve de nada, como has podido comprobar, sacan un video de las estrategias y el online es una mierda...

No pierdas el tiempo.

Un abrazo !!
djpinchu escribió:
jjoseca escribió:impresiones sobre la nueva beta en level7:

We have played PES 2010
Written 2009-08-12 12:00:00 by Erik Hansson
A summary of about four hours of matching and menu scrolling in a nearly finished version.
Konami has managed to turn Skutan. Last year’s game was a disappointment to many, but in spring and especially summer, they have released photos and information been talking about PES 2010 to be really positive. FIFA players are talking about changing the game again, and PES-boycotting considering resuming the series. Now it’s just up to the game to deliver.

Not ready code

First and foremost it must be said that the code, I spent four hours with at this point is not clear. It will be fixed to the things before the launch so that I write from now on can be changed. But do not expect any revolutionary changes.
On the other, we could not test the online mode and for many is the game and with that it works without adding.

Konami has made an effort to

This year, it finally felt that Konami efforts. The last three, four, five years, the PES series in many ways been and stamp in the same Well areas without any special drastic changes. But now, there has been a great deal. The licensing of the European League (formerly the UEFA Cup) and Champions League are two really important licenses makes much of the gaming experience. This year is also the first time that the game’s menus are translated into Swedish and except any mistakes and that cup units coup saw it okay.Even the menus are much nicer and more easy to navigate by now.
Moreover, they added a lot of new law and then, believe it or not, the career mode Master League received a major facelift.

After five years - a new Master League

It is really pathetic to read the review of PES4 and realize that it just happened with the PES series career mode for five years. What other sports can say that about? But now Konami have actually changed a lot.
You start by choosing a team. You can take the large established law to play with your favorite player or a skruttlag for a little challenge. You can also make your own team of emblems, costumes, names and home and put in your own line. About 20 law can thus be edited and added.
After the choice of law, it is time to choose settings for how the league cup is in place, how many cards that lead to shutdown and some other small things with the overall league.
Requirements Sponsor

Then you get to see a list of the sponsors we have. The contracts will last a number of years and provides a fixed sum, but it can also be a bonus clause that gives you extra money if you, for example, finished third or better in the league, or ten o’clock unbeaten matches in a row. There may also be annuleringsklausul that makes you lose a sponsor if you go out in the group in the Champions League (yes, both Champions League and European League is the Master League). These examples apply to Liverpool. Significantly lower requirements of course for you if you select a kasst law.

Pay staff

On the whole the economy is a major new part of the Master League. It may be in addition to revenues from sponsors also fans membership. The more fans the more revenue. As regards expenditure consists of the course of players’ salaries, but also how much money you spend on different parts of your staff. Should the club doctors to cost 50 000 euro or 10 million? How much should scout activities or ungdomslaget get? Each personnel record can get five replacement and although I did not have time to test it, I presume that compensation is the quality you get.

New transfer system

Another major innovation is the transfer system. Meanwhile, will enter the Master League just before the season and therefore has the chance to get any new players before it’s time to go out on the plan. But it seems not as easy as before. Now the Scouts are very important and without them you will not know what the players have for the values. It is only after a few games that your scouts can tell if watched player characteristics.Moreover it takes before you receive notice of a contract negotiation. During our quick test of the negotiations, it took about four games before we were told that a player was not interested in a contract with us. It seems disturbing that it has more control than that, but it must be tested much more before I know for sure.
It is also possible to simulate matches, look at the average player to get a quick overview of their ability, determine what an individual player’s training will focus on and hear what a scout has to say about a certain player.
Where is Ruskin?

It should also be mentioned that the team to start with no longer contain Minanda, Ruskin and the other TINPOT players. There is now real players and real teams. By contrast, found the old FAITHFUL in ungdomslaget from the start where they Bidar their time before they are ready to take over in a team. Exactly how this works, we do not know yet. But a reasonable guess is that they develop in ungdomslaget depending on how much money you spend on their training.

Become a legend again

Among the other game modes will return “Become a legend” and there seems to be the same as last year, but I tested only mode for a few minutes.
From the main menu, you can also choose to play a quick match, cups and leagues.

Add audience audio

For those of you who like to edit teams and players, there are roughly as many hairdos and faces as last year, you can still take pictures and add as faces or emblem and there is still no really full beard. A cool detail is that you now can add about ten audience audio per team to create a little more unique atmosphere at the stadiums.
Graphically, there has been an improvement in the lighting effects and details on many of the players and on the field. Some players are like their uncanny role models, while others are laughable. Olof Mellberg has for some reason has become somewhat unrecognizable and Erik Edman is just weird with a new emo-haircut. Malnate behave about as silent as before and faces react to what happens on the plan.
License front has moved east

In the case of licenses, there Hammarby, AIK, IFK Gothenburg and Kalmar in Sweden. In England, only Manchester United and Liverpool fully licensed, the rest are wrong Team name and costumes. The entire Spanish league is in addition to “a small team who shambles under Konami. All Italian and Dutch law is, many Russian and several new Eastern European storlag, four Greek, three Belgian, some Portuguese, but in this version is the German league very empty. I do not think I saw a single law. The reason is that EA owns the Bundesliga license.

More FIFA?

So the most important; sense of perspective. It has Konami been kaxiga. It will probably not feel like an immediate improvement for most who try it for the first time. Players are now a little heavier, a little more physical. It is not as easy to just run through the players that it was in PES 2009, but it is a little TOUGHEN the mark. Getting away: An overlay or shoots can take a tenth of a second extra to get the players will gain control of the ball or to the animations will catch up with. The players are not as quick to change löpvägar and have not been as easy to go from standstill to full speed. It is perhaps more real, but it gives a slightly TOUGHEN sense of perspective. I hardly dare say it, but it is a little more FIFA games over the feeling.

The Raven and the goalkeeper

Sometimes, it looks good that the players do not really control the ball in all situations, but it is still too often true Raven-receptions of Premier League players. It is okay if it happens rarely, but my impression of the ten games I played or witnessed is that it happens too often. It happened several times that the player fumbling the ball at the sidelines when they receive a long standby, as if they still do not have an eye on each plan.
I saw a lot of new animations and physical duels seemed more alive. It happened several times that players almost stood still, and fought for the ball before anyone came out.The chair maid löpanimationer from PES 2009 is slightly better now, but still not sufficiently flexible.
One detail that irritated me was that the goalkeeper is extremely slow in the passing game to back the line from kicked out. It does not seem to be the goalkeeper has become so much faster to throw the ball.

New tactics and short

It is quite clear that it is not just throwing themselves into the PES 2010. It is a slightly new feel of the plane where you like in FIFA 09 has to be slightly ahead in the tank at all times and fit a little sooner than we think necessary. The new tactics system also requires careful testing. You can set how much support players to give, how hard the press team will bring, and much more. It looks good in the menus with clear instructions and animated examples of how it affects the game.
A new card system with various special abilities of the players have also been introduced, but I honestly do not so much of it yet. Players can have different characteristics as to toklöpa along the edges, breaking in on goal or the like. One way to define how they often play on the plane about which the stars in PES 2009, but exactly how it works can I come back to.
Statistics for games on the sofa

We could, as I said not to test the online mode, but for you who like to play against friends offline, there are now profiles to save you and all your opponents to compare you in all possible statistics. Kind of like the PS2 versions in other words.
Another clear feature compared to PES 2009 is that the game loads faster now and that we may see the game offerings while waiting. A small, smart trick.
Even the music had improved. It is not the same painful tones from Konamis most sadistic person anymore. There is still much that is created by Konami itself, but it is now a little better productions.

Cautiously positive

My gut is that Konami has made it a little difficult for themselves. We Master League nerds will probably be satisfied with the new system far deeper, but all who want that exact, meticulous control which I still think PS2 versions, most successfully to obtain will probably be disappointed in the beginning. PES 2010 is not something you just throw themselves into and mastered after two matches. I need more match hours before I am sure my impression. So far, I am cautiously positive.

Erik, we salute you!

http://winningelevenblog.com/blog/level ... pressions/

Alguien traduce?

yo por mas q intento entender algo... esq tambien lo han traducido con el traductor de google, asinq.. esperemos una traduccion al ingles mejor, o si alguien sabe sueco q lo traduzca al espñaol directamente XD
TITOT NO tienes ni put.... idea de lo que hablas, sacas las cosas de contesto , tu sabes a ciencia cierta que el porcentaje que dice jjseca que falta va aser sobre la jugfabilidad ????? y que el motion capture mejora el resto de aprtados como podria ser el on line? y que el resto no pudiese ser ese apartados u otros , que mentes mas cortas algunos,,, si es que o0s gusta sacar las cosas fuera de contesto, en fin , simepre lo mismo, bla bla blabl aalballballalblal, dinos que es guapisimo y hacernos pajas mentales y aye sta, no se puede debatir cuestiones o puntos??? por que algunos solo qujieren que les llenen de hype , igualito que año pasado AJJAJAJAJJ
Nada nuevo en ese analisis, dicen basicamente todas las mejoras de master league etc y del juego que han mejorado la transicion de animacion, pero que todavia no les termina de convencer y que no les gusta que cuando el portero despeja sea tan lento en volver a porteria, si no lo entendi mal, aunque en general la opinion es positiva, pero vamos nada nuevo.

Yo sigo diciendo que el video de las estrategias no es una beta avanzada, por lo menos casi seguro que no tiene implementadas muchas cosas.
Fundio escribió:TITOT NO tienes ni put.... idea de lo que hablas, sacas las cosas de contesto , tu sabes a ciencia cierta que el porcentaje que dice jjseca que falta va aser sobre la jugfabilidad ????? y que el motion capture mejora el resto de aprtados como podria ser el on line? y que el resto no pudiese ser ese apartados u otros , que mentes mas cortas algunos,,, si es que o0s gusta sacar las cosas fuera de contesto, en fin , simepre lo mismo

mmm, esq ya te he dicho q el motion capture sólo mejora las animaciones, nada mas
TitoT escribió:Jjoseca, no pierdas el tiempo dando mas esplicaciones de las necesarias. La información esta en el hilo y cada uno que saque sus conclusiones. El juego no va a ser mejor porque tu u otro lo defendamos ni va a ser peor porque cualquiera lo critique.

Ya se que no estas defendiendo nada, sino puntualizando... Pero a veces no sirve de nada, como has podido comprobar, sacan un video de las estrategias y el online es una mierda...

No pierdas el tiempo.

Un abrazo !!

TitoT escribió:Jjoseca, no pierdas el tiempo dando mas esplicaciones de las necesarias. La información esta en el hilo y cada uno que saque sus conclusiones. El juego no va a ser mejor porque tu u otro lo defendamos ni va a ser peor porque cualquiera lo critique.

Ya se que no estas defendiendo nada, sino puntualizando... Pero a veces no sirve de nada, como has podido comprobar, sacan un video de las estrategias y el online es una mierda...

No pierdas el tiempo.

Un abrazo !!

Como que no pierda el tiempo????, crea dos hilos en 360 y PS3 y por que alguien cuestiona sus palabras debe abandonar el trabajo, no te equivoques, esto es un foro y los creadores de hilos deben aportar informacion a sus hilos (cosa que JJ hace cojonudamente) y "aguantar" a los partidarios y a los detractores o ahora resulta que un hilo es solo para cepillar el ego del creador???
popidc escribió:Nada nuevo en ese analisis, dicen basicamente todas las mejoras de master league etc y del juego que han mejorado la transicion de animacion, pero que todavia no les termina de convencer y que no les gusta que cuando el portero despeja sea tan lento en volver a porteria, si no lo entendi mal, aunque en general la opinion es positiva, pero vamos nada nuevo.

Yo sigo diciendo que el video de las estrategias no es una beta avanzada, por lo menos casi seguro que no tiene implementadas muchas cosas.

Esto tb he entendido yo al leerlo a falta de una mejor traduccion ...

Nose... estoy bastante dudoso la verdad...

dormilon ZZZZ escribió:
TitoT escribió:Jjoseca, no pierdas el tiempo dando mas esplicaciones de las necesarias. La información esta en el hilo y cada uno que saque sus conclusiones. El juego no va a ser mejor porque tu u otro lo defendamos ni va a ser peor porque cualquiera lo critique.

Ya se que no estas defendiendo nada, sino puntualizando... Pero a veces no sirve de nada, como has podido comprobar, sacan un video de las estrategias y el online es una mierda...

No pierdas el tiempo.

Un abrazo !!

Como que no pierda el tiempo????, crea dos hilos en 360 y PS3 y por que alguien cuestiona sus palabras debe abandonar el trabajo, no te equivoques, esto es un foro y los creadores de hilos deben aportar informacion a sus hilos (cosa que JJ hace cojonudamente) y "aguantar" a los partidarios y a los detractores o ahora resulta que un hilo es solo para cepillar el ego del creador???

Muy bien explicado, a ver si no se va poder tener diferentes puntos de vista , jjoseca lo hace de put... madre , pero parece que no se le pueda debatir nada por parte de algunos usuarios
Fundio escribió:
dormilon ZZZZ escribió:
TitoT escribió:Jjoseca, no pierdas el tiempo dando mas esplicaciones de las necesarias. La información esta en el hilo y cada uno que saque sus conclusiones. El juego no va a ser mejor porque tu u otro lo defendamos ni va a ser peor porque cualquiera lo critique.

Ya se que no estas defendiendo nada, sino puntualizando... Pero a veces no sirve de nada, como has podido comprobar, sacan un video de las estrategias y el online es una mierda...

No pierdas el tiempo.

Un abrazo !!

Como que no pierda el tiempo????, crea dos hilos en 360 y PS3 y por que alguien cuestiona sus palabras debe abandonar el trabajo, no te equivoques, esto es un foro y los creadores de hilos deben aportar informacion a sus hilos (cosa que JJ hace cojonudamente) y "aguantar" a los partidarios y a los detractores o ahora resulta que un hilo es solo para cepillar el ego del creador???

Muy bien explicado, a ver si no se va poder tener diferentes puntos de vista , jjoseca lo hace de put... madre , pero parece que no se le pueda debatir nada por parte de algunos usuarios

para nada, podeis debatir todo lo q querais, yo responderé en cuanto pueda y siempre respetando a todos
Me dais un enlace del video es que llevais muchas paginas y no lo encontre...
No se si he entendido bien,pero segun parece hay una parte en la que se habla de tecnicos espia,los tipicos del football manager para espiar jugadores o equipos y en otro parrafo tambien dicen que si es rentable fichar a un medico por no se que cantidad de dinero...

Espero haber entendido bien o igual me estoy volviendo loco( que tambien puede ser)

contratar medicos? contratar tecnicos espias?

liga master MUY MEJORADA con estas implementaciones manager,chapeau.
SCM_MURCIA escribió:Me dais un enlace del video es que llevais muchas paginas y no lo encontre...

en el post principal lo tienes, pero toma por youtube [oki] :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnVcxMuP ... r_embedded
TitoT está baneado por "faltas de respeto, troleos y flames continuos"
Fundio escribió:
dormilon ZZZZ escribió:
TitoT escribió:Jjoseca, no pierdas el tiempo dando mas esplicaciones de las necesarias. La información esta en el hilo y cada uno que saque sus conclusiones. El juego no va a ser mejor porque tu u otro lo defendamos ni va a ser peor porque cualquiera lo critique.

Ya se que no estas defendiendo nada, sino puntualizando... Pero a veces no sirve de nada, como has podido comprobar, sacan un video de las estrategias y el online es una mierda...

No pierdas el tiempo.

Un abrazo !!

primero relajate.
Segundo, puede ser que yo no tenga ni puta idea...y que tu si. Pero al final, digas lo que digas todo se reduce a una sola cosa. Te vas acompra e juego o no?...

Cuando yo le digo a jjoseca que no se moleste, es porque después de tres post explicando, vienes tu y dices que la captura de movimientos no va a mejorar la ambientación yel online... Que so dos aspectos del juego que se han visto todavía en NIINGUN video y sobre lo que no existe información alguna. Pero como yo no tengo ni puta idea, y tu si sabes de lo que hablas, ya esta todo dicho.

PD. No te preocupes no te he reportado, mis historias me las arreglo yo, no necesito llamar a Papa, no soy una nena.

Como que no pierda el tiempo????, crea dos hilos en 360 y PS3 y por que alguien cuestiona sus palabras debe abandonar el trabajo, no te equivoques, esto es un foro y los creadores de hilos deben aportar informacion a sus hilos (cosa que JJ hace cojonudamente) y "aguantar" a los partidarios y a los detractores o ahora resulta que un hilo es solo para cepillar el ego del creador???

Muy bien explicado, a ver si no se va poder tener diferentes puntos de vista , jjoseca lo hace de put... madre , pero parece que no se le pueda debatir nada por parte de algunos usuarios
La review de level7 también me deja frío. Nada nuevo. Si estos tíos están probando la nueva beta ¿dónde se queda la noticia bomba?. ¿Cómo puede ser que Konami esté distribuyendo betas sin esa noticia bomba (360) implementada?

Entiendo que esos grandes cambios son lo primero que se plasma en un juego y no lo último. No entiendo que uno de los últimos toques a dar en un juego sea precisamente lo que se supone que es la clave de su jugabilidad.

En definitiva, que estamos como todos los años. Cuando se ve que el juego flojea comenzamos con eso de que hay una novedad bestial, un as en la manga, que si faltan cosas por meter en el juego, que si es una beta antigua o no, y al final, ¡zas! un PES2009 pulido y mejorado.

¿Recordáis a los de WENB el año pasado diciendo que lo que Konami había mostrado en Leipzig no era lo que les habían prometido, que lo sentían mucho, etc? ¿Y que comprastéis luego en las tiendas?

Pues eso, exactamente el mismo PES2009 que Konami mostró en Leipzig.

Konami PES=día de la marmota


PD: y aún así, mantengo la esperanza en la Gamescon [looco]
Titot Otra vez???????? lo del on line y otros apartados es referencias a los porcentajes que esta dando , tu estas sacandolo fuera de contesto con lo del video [bye] reportarme ?? [+risas]

Janhgo , me has leido el pensamiento , bueno de hecho es lo que llevo diciendo varios post a mi manera [bye]

Luego os preguntais el porqué de que los hilos del PES y del FIFA baten records de baneos cada año... y estamos en agosto.

Un saludo.
djpinchu está baneado por "usar clon para saltarse baneo temporal"
Ferdopa escribió:Jur...

Luego os preguntais el porqué de que los hilos del PES y del FIFA baten records de baneos cada año... y estamos en agosto.

Un saludo.

Ferdopa escribió:Jur...

Luego os preguntais el porqué de que los hilos del PES y del FIFA baten records de baneos cada año... y estamos en agosto.

Un saludo.

me paso y leo esto xD
Como me siento sin palabras... :) :p [sonrisa] [looco] :Ð :-| :-? [decaio] [enfado1] [+furioso]
Yo lo que no entiendo es una cosa:

Los que probaron la beta (la primera) hablaban maravillas, que les habia encantado y tal...... Y ahora sale una beta mas nueva (que no se si será la misma la del ultimo vídeo y la que comentan por Level7) y resulta que ahora lo que comentan es: "Buf, bueno... esta bien pero no es para tirar cohetes"

¿¿¿ Que cojones esta pasando aqui ??? [qmparto] [qmparto]
Leyendo por encima hay mucha paja y bueno, por lo que he podido entender, la jugabilidad en sí parece un poquito tosca, como que los porteros son lentos y se tarda algo más en chutar.

Después de leer esto, me reitero más que hay que esperar a probarlo, aunque no se quien será esta persona que ha hecho ese pequeño análisis...
tengo tantas ganas de pro que me conformaria con que hicieran el campo un pelin mas pequeño todo mas proporcionadooooorrrr
4N63L escribió:Yo lo que no entiendo es una cosa:

Los que probaron la beta (la primera) hablaban maravillas, que les habia encantado y tal...... Y ahora sale una beta mas nueva (que no se si será la misma la del ultimo vídeo y la que comentan por Level7) y resulta que ahora lo que comentan es: "Buf, bueno... esta bien pero no es para tirar cohetes"

¿¿¿ Que cojones esta pasando aqui ??? [qmparto] [qmparto]

Pues yo acabo de ver el video y tengo que decir que me ha ilusionado bastante, hace 3 años que ya no juego al PES (y era fanático) y lo que he visto sobre tácticas y estrategias me ha gustado mucho, junto con el hype, me están entrando muchas ganas de meterle mano a este nuevo PES.

No he jugado a ningún juego de futbol que te permita tener un control "real" sobre el comportamiento de tus jugadores en el campo... si, te permiten cambiar la posición que ocupan y actitud más atacante o defensiva (que simplemente se traduce en adelantar o retrasar la posición), pero no más. En el video se muestra un control mucho más amplio de las tácticas de juego y se me hace la boca agua de pensar las posibilidades que puede tener a la hora de jugar si se lleva a buen término.

Por ejemplo, poder hacer que tu delantero juegue como Eto’o en el Barça, buscando las diagonales y el balón al espació, siendo Messi quien viene a recibir el balón al pie y genera los espacios; o en cambio, que sea un delantero que juegue de espaldas a portería, anclando a los 2 centrales y generará espacios para las diagonales de Messi. Si saben reflejar todo eso, a ese nivel, creo que será el mayor adelanto a nivel jugable, y si la IA se adapta a tus tácticas tras varios partidos te puede llegar a poner las cosas difíciles en una Liga Master.

A nivel de animaciones no entro, poeque no creo que sea lo que el video pretende mostrar, prefiero darles tiempo y ver que enseñan en la gamescon.

Un saludo!
djpinchu está baneado por "usar clon para saltarse baneo temporal"
Las expectativas catastroficas de algunos usuarios del foro se estan cumpliendo desgraciadamente...
winningeleven escribió:
4N63L escribió:Yo lo que no entiendo es una cosa:

Los que probaron la beta (la primera) hablaban maravillas, que les habia encantado y tal...... Y ahora sale una beta mas nueva (que no se si será la misma la del ultimo vídeo y la que comentan por Level7) y resulta que ahora lo que comentan es: "Buf, bueno... esta bien pero no es para tirar cohetes"

¿¿¿ Que cojones esta pasando aqui ??? [qmparto] [qmparto]


xDD, estoy igual q todos, yo sigo confiando en todo lo q me han comentado, pero es irremediable q empieze a dudar con estas impresiones, q por cierto no entiendo como las han puesto hoy, nosé si se habran pasado el embargo por los cojones o si yano hay tal embargo :-?
Hola yo vengo aqui a comentar un poco lo que he dicho en el subforo de 360 del pes 2010.. si bien hay cosas que me han gustado como la mejora gráfica, el balón y el ritmo que parece más pausado hay otras que no me gustan pero se ha mostrado muy poco y hay una cosa que no entiendo si realmente estuviesen haciendo un gran juego no creeis que lo enseñarian y anunciarian a bombo y platillo? vamos yo si fuese el productor asi lo haria.. necesitan recuperar el credito y los aficionados perdidos..

Estamos otra vez con el tema de que si esta al 60% que si al 70% que si falta implementar tal o cual a estas alturas? a mi al menos me genera bastante desconfianza y yo espero mucho de esta saga por lo que nos ha ofrecido y no solo que mejoren las ultimas entregas (cosa bastante facil por otra parte) y nos den un juego en condiciones pero aun hay margen y cuando salga la demo veremos si una vez más todo es humo o si han cumplido porque estos 2 ultimos años no se que han hecho?..

las mismas impresiones de level7, pero esta vez bien traducidas al ingles:

A summary of about four hours of matching and menu scrolling in a nearly finished version.

Konami has managed to turn the bottle. Last year's game was a disappointment to many, but during spring and especially summer, they have released photos and information that been talking about PES 2010 to be really positive. FIFA players are talking about changing to PES again, and PES-boycotters considering to return to the series. Now it's just up to the game to deliver.

Not complete code

First and foremost it must be said that the code, I spent four hours with at this point is not clear. Things will be fixed before the launch so that I write from now on can be changed. But do not expect any revolutionary changes.
On the other, we could not test the online mode and for many is the game and with that it works without lagging.

Konami has made an effort

This year, it finally felt that Konami has made an effort. The last three, four, five years, the PES series has in many ways been stamping in the same Well-Proved areas without any special drastic changes. But now, there has been a great changes. The licensing of the European League (formerly the UEFA Cup) and Champions League are two really important licenses that is doing much for the gaming experience. This year is also the first time that the game's menus are translated into Swedish, except some mistakes like Cup is kupp but otherwise it was okay. Even the menus are much nicer and more easy to navigate by now.
Moreover, they added a lot of new Teams and then, believe it or not, Master League has received a major facelift.

After five years - a new Master League

It is really pathetic to read the review of PES4 and realize that nothing has happened with the PES series career mode for five years. What other sports can say that about? But now Konami have actually changed a lot.
You start by choosing a team. You can take the large established team to play with your favorite player or a Crappy team for a little challenge.You can also make your own team with, emblems, costumes, names and stadium and put in your own league. About 20 teams can be edited and added in the league.
After the choice of Team, it is time to choose settings for how the league is going to work, how many cards that lead to a suspension and some other small things with the overall league.

Requirements for Sponsors

Then you get to see a list of the sponsors you got. The contracts will last a number of years and provides a fixed sum, but it can also be a bonus clause that gives you extra money if you, for example, finished third or better in the league, or are unbeaten in 10 matches in a row. There may also be a Clause that makes you lose a sponsor if you get knocked out of the group in Champions League (yes, both Champions League and European League is the Master League). These examples apply to Liverpool. Lower requirements for you if you select a crappier team.

Pay the staff

The economy is a major new part of the Master League. In the addition of sponsors you also get money from the fans membership. The more fans the more money. The money goes of course to the players salaries first, And then on different parts of your staff. Should the club doctors cost 50 000 euro or 10 million? How much should scout activities or the Youth Team get? Each personnel record can get five replacement levels and although I did not have time to test it, I presume that compensation is the quality you get.

New transfer system

Another major innovation is the transfer system. Meanwhile, will enter the Master League just before the season and therefore you have the chance to get any new players just before it's time to go out and play. But it seems not as easy as before. Now the Scouts are very important and without them you will not know what the players have for the values. It is only after a few games that your scouts can tell about the watched players abilities. Moreover it takes some time you receive notice of a contract negotiation. During our quick test of the negotiations, it took about four games before we were told that a player was not interested in a contract with us. It seems disturbing that you doesn't have more control then that, but it must be tested much more before I know for sure.
It is also possible to simulate matches, look at the average of the player to get a quick overview of their ability, determine what an individual player training will focus on the most and hear what a scout has to say about a certain spelare.

Where is Ruskin?

It should also be mentioned that the team to start with no longer contains Minanda, Ruskin and the other crappy players. There is now real players and real teams. But they will be found in the Youth Team from the start where they spend their time before they are ready to get moved up to the A-team. Exactly how this works, we do not know yet. But a reasonable guess is that they develop in Youth Team depending on how much money you spend on their training.

ah, y palabras de erik, el autor de las impresiones de level7 en wenb:

Hi guys!
Thanks for all the clever criticism, but the fact is that I've been testing early versions of PES for the last five years and it's never a big difference between that code and the final.

The only reason I don't write about the so called "BIG news" is because Konami didn't want me to. I have to wait for the official press release. The "big news" were in the code I tried.

The news should've been out by now along with the pack shot, but it seems to be delayed.

And please don't hope for a Megaton. It's nice functions, but I guess that depends on how desperate you are.

kind regards

Erik from Level7.nu
alguien me podia decir si las dimensiones del campo las cambiaban y lo de los pantalones?? es que pensaba haberlo leido en algun lado a lo mejor lo soñe XD
xDD, estoy igual q todos, yo sigo confiando en todo lo q me han comentado, pero es irremediable q empieze a dudar con estas impresiones, q por cierto no entiendo como las han puesto hoy, nosé si se habran pasado el embargo por los cojones o si yano hay tal embargo :-?[/quote]

jjoseca, es verdad tio, me está dando un bajón... Es verdad lo que dicen algunos usuarios de que el video lo que nos muestra es el tema de tácticas y tal, y que puede estar muy bien, pero creo que todos esperabamos algo que nos entrara por la vista, y a mí, como a muchos otros, visualmente me parece muy similar al 2009, esperaremos... [tomaaa]
gel0catil escribió:alguien me podia decir si las dimensiones del campo las cambiaban y lo de los pantalones?? es que pensaba haberlo leido en algun lado a lo mejor lo soñe XD

lo de las dimensiones del campo lo pregunté yo en wenb a peticion de un usuario de este foro y dijo q si q habían cambiado un poco
jjoseca escribió:xDD, estoy igual q todos, yo sigo confiando en todo lo q me han comentado, pero es irremediable q empieze a dudar con estas impresiones, q por cierto no entiendo como las han puesto hoy, nosé si se habran pasado el embargo por los cojones o si yano hay tal embargo :-?

Es que yo alucino. Me gustaria saber que vieron en esa primera beta que tanto les entusiasmo para que luego prueban algo mas "nuevo" y resulta que es peor..... Que le digan a Konami que lo saquen ya, que la primera beta era mejor !!! [carcajad]

Me jode mucho todo esto de las betas, que si al 50, al 60, al.... pollas !!! Tengo clarísimo que lo que veremos en Colonia va a ser lo que vamos a ver en la demo y en el juego final. Si nos gusta, fenomenal. Si no, no esperemos milagros porque ya no los va a haber.

Ya me marearon bastante el año pasado con este tema.
A lo del campo te refieres que seran acordes segun los quipos o en general , por que seria interesante esto, ya que no tiene las mismas dimensiones el camp nou del Barça que el del Getafe y etc...
CN_PS2 está baneado por "Spam"
Take escribió:
CN_PS2 escribió:jjoseca, si es que algunos son un poco cortitos, si tresesentiende perfectamente XD

Ten mas respeto perroflauta que a ti nadie te ha faltado, esta claro que yo cuento con 360 por lo que han dicho pero me gustaria tenerlo totalmente confirmado ya que mi experiencia con konami... y de paso me gustaria saber todas las novedades en el apartado de movimientos/animaciones.
JJoseca por descontado que lo decia en coña lo de la carcel, bastante haces cada año con dar mas info que nadie.

Algunos necesitan liberar un poco las tensiones acumuladas, eso de insultar por sentirse aludido a un comentario jocoso que claramente no iba dirigido a nadie, ni en concreto ni en general...
Disculpas aceptadas.

Y siguiendo con el tema, a mi tambien me resulta chocante eso de que con una beta temprana el juego pintaba cojonudo y con una posterior no es para tanto? Me lo expliquen a mi tb xD

Salu2 y tranquilidad
PD:Cuando pueda traduzco, aunque seguro que se me adelanta alguien xD
jjoseca escribió:
gel0catil escribió:alguien me podia decir si las dimensiones del campo las cambiaban y lo de los pantalones?? es que pensaba haberlo leido en algun lado a lo mejor lo soñe XD

lo de las dimensiones del campo lo pregunté yo en wenb a peticion de un usuario de este foro y dijo q si q habían cambiado un poco

graciasss, pero x lo ke se ve todavia no lo han implementado o si? dios que nerviossssss
The only reason I don't write about the so called "BIG news" is because Konami didn't want me to. I have to wait for the official press release. The "big news" were in the code I tried.

The news should've been out by now along with the pack shot, but it seems to be delayed.

And please don't hope for a Megaton. It's nice functions, but I guess that depends on how desperate you are.

kind regards

Erik from Level7.nu

Se confirman mis temores. La review del juego está hecha incluyendo el "super notición que te cagas" de Adam. Y, como me temía, no es nada de otro mundo...

Estoy empezando a temer que todo esto de generar hype es un "pacto" entre Konami y algunas webs que, sin duda, sacan buen provecho de estas tonterías al ver como sus visitas se multiplican por diez cada vez que hablan de "big news", "novedades impactantes", etc del PES2010.

Y nosotros, tontos del culo por picar año tras año.

Fdo. Un tonto del culo [ginyo]
eso tiene una clara explicacion,bueno mejor dicho 2

1.el juego no ha evolucionado como se esperaba,al ser una beta en un estado muy temprano de desarrollo los que la han probado permiten fallos que luego no deberian verse reflejados en la version final (o mas avanzada en este caso) si esos fallos perduran y mas si es un estado ya avanzado o muy avanzado pues la cosa ya no pinta tan bien

2.alguien nos esta tomando el pelo XD

eso si,si el producto final no es bueno esta vez ya seria la tercera en next gen,ya seria hora de que le enseñaran la puerta de salida a Seabbas y todo su equipo,que metieran gente nueva ahi y que empezaran desde 0 y que salga lo que dios quiera XD

no obstante un poco de paciencia hasta verlo y/o probarlo ;)
Fundio escribió:A lo del campo te refieres que seran acordes segun los quipos o en general , por que seria interesante esto, ya que no tiene las mismas dimensiones el camp nou del Barça que el del Getafe y etc...

lo decia en general la sensacion que da es que el campo no esta proporcionado con los jugadores parece muchisimo mas grande que un campo real
CN_PS2 está baneado por "Spam"
4N63L escribió:Tengo clarísimo que lo que veremos en Colonia va a ser lo que vamos a ver en la demo y en el juego final. Si nos gusta, fenomenal. Si no, no esperemos milagros porque ya no los va a haber.

MQC escribió:Buenas:

Perdonad que insista de nuevo en lo mismo. ¿Realmente le dais todos tanta importancia a los graficos y a las animaciones de los jugadores?. Entiendo que estamos en una nueva generacion de consolas, pero sinceramente, estos graficos a mi me parecen suficientemente buenos (de hecho me parecen muy buenos). Las animaciones aun las veo muy toscas, pero tambien mejores que en el PES2009.

Pero lo que quiero decir es que de este video se pueden sacar cosas muy positivas de la jugabilidad. De hecho, se pueden sacar tantas cosas positivas sobre la jugabilidad, que para mi es suficiente (quiza no sea tan exigente como otros).

Yo lo que deseo por encima de todo es que los jugadores cuando defiendan no pierdan el norte sin sentido. Lo que quiero es que el jugador que saca el corner no se quede como una estatua despues de golpear la pelota. Lo que quiero es que no sea posible que los delanteros se marchen facilmente de los defensas por velocidad. Quiero que los atacantes defiendan y los defensores ataquen si yo así se lo ordeno. Quiero que los jugadores controlados por la CPU no tomen decisiones en defensa automaticamente, o que el portero haga tantas cantadas.

Todo eso creo que mejora la experiencia de juego. Creo que eso hace realmente bueno al juego.

Lo demas es envoltorio. Yo no quiero un envoltorio como el Assassin's Creed (perdon por el ejemplo, pero lo necestio para hacerme exlpicar). Yo no quiero graficos sin nada dentro, lo que quiero es un buen juego. Por supuesto, si ese buen juego va acompañado de buenos graficos y buenas animaciones, pues mejor que mejor, pero es el extra, es lo secundario. Bonito, guapo, alucinante, pero secundario al fin y al cabo.


Yo de momento estoy de acuerdo contigo, de momento... aunque espero mejoria, si que es verdad que las animaciones son mas suaves que en 2009 y esta claro que lo mas importante para mi a parte de graficos y animacion es jugarlo.
jahngo escribió:The only reason I don't write about the so called "BIG news" is because Konami didn't want me to. I have to wait for the official press release. The "big news" were in the code I tried.

The news should've been out by now along with the pack shot, but it seems to be delayed.

And please don't hope for a Megaton. It's nice functions, but I guess that depends on how desperate you are.

kind regards

Erik from Level7.nu

Se confirman mis temores. La review del juego está hecha incluyendo el "super notición que te cagas" de Adam. Y, como me temía, no es nada de otro mundo...

Estoy empezando a temer que todo esto de generar hype es un "pacto" entre Konami y algunas webs que, sin duda, sacan buen provecho de estas tonterías al ver como sus visitas se multiplican por diez cada vez que hablan de "big news", "novedades impactantes", etc del PES2010.

Y nosotros, tontos del culo por picar año tras año.

Fdo. Un tonto del culo [ginyo]

puedes traducir ese tema que comentas?

Dos opciones:

1- Al ver la primera beta se notaban cambios que hacian presentir un buen avance y parecia todo bueno al faltar todabia tanto por desarrollar y junto las ganas de un nuevo pes y luego no han evolucionado tanto como se esperaba y se a quedado estancailla la beta y ya no sorprende tanto al ver catado la primerra beta.

2- Enseñaron en la primera beta un juego que pintaba bien pefro que necesita para evolucionar 2 años de trabajo , peero como no pueden perder un año sin vender , en vez de sacar un dlc que actualice el juego , sacan una beta mezcla de lo nuevo que sera el año que viene junto lo que ya tenian de pes09 , lo cual ahora no cumple lo esperado, pero prefieren sacar un juego cada año y no teenr que esperar dos en sacarlo y perder dinero para seguir desarrollando el del 2011 sobre la base de la beta que han enseñado .

Todo esto suposiciones mias , [+risas] y nada oficial ni tonterias solo sugerrencia de lo que podria ser; las posible explicaciones
de verdad que estoy leyendo esto con una cara de gili...llas... ¬_¬
Joer que caos hay por aquí ajajaj, es flipante, yo sinceramente ya no entiendo nada de lo que ocurre, esto es un WTF monumental [tomaaa].
28101 respuestas