Adam habla sobre la nueva beta (ya ha jugado):
A mixture of Xbox 360 and PS3 codes played, and both had different strengths right now. 360 was super fluid and the freedom of movement was more profound, whilst the PS3 had newer content and looked a tad sharper.
I think both were about 75%, so still work to do. Animations looked really nice, some of them were out of this world!
We'll chat about it at length in this evenings podcast. Apologies for the lack of activity today, just difficult to get online consistently while shopping with the missus!
Oh and sorry for the downtime WENB has suffered today, max hits seems to be 50K before it goes down, and we're hitting well over that today. We're moving servers really soon, so fingers crossed we'll get this sorted.
aparte dice esto:
the king is back guys! certainly the best PES in ages! but still work to do to make it a classic