jjoseca escribió:Sobre el cursor y el cambio de jugador:
cursor change is indeed fixed. L1 works great, although now you can change player with the right stick ala FIFA.
Sobre los tiros a puerta y física del balon:
Shooting is more like the older games. More control, and result make more sense. New shooting animations, and new ball physics
Sobre la nueva cámara:
New broadcast cam is wonderful, we never switched to wide. It shows more of the pitch, and sits still like traditional widecam
Sobre la ambientación fuera del terreno de juego:
in PES 2012 you can see subs warming up, managers moving, and ground staff/camera men walking around the pitch
Sobre el cesped y las diferentes angulos de camara para los estadios:
grass looks more lush. Different cuts for different stadiums promised, and, BIG NEWS, different camera angle for different stadium
Sobre las animaciones de los jugadores al correr:
running aminations are back! So players like Messi and Ronaldo have their own, and there are tonnes more that you can assign
Sobre la IA:
we played on the hardest, and it was tough. New defensive AI on top teams is tough to break down, first match, no shots on goal!
![Ok! [oki]](/images/smilies/net_thumbsup.gif)
Sobre las animaciones:
No ones asked, but want to confirm stunbling animation has gone, You always stay in control of players at all times. 100% more responsive
Han arreglado lo de que lo jugadores veloces puedan irse en velocidad, ahora, si se puede:
Yes! catch up bug has gone!Quick players stay ahead and can get way from slow players! More on this in the podcast with examples
Sobre el sistema de colisiones:
please read my timeline as you re-asked. Foul animations look much more realistic. Collision system is fantastic
Vuelve a insistir sobre las animaciones al correr y dice que es 100% fluido:
player runs are now amazing. Also, zero animation lag in PES 2012. 100% more fluid. Big player run announcement coming soon...
Sobre la nueva física del balón:
YES! Ball physics are so improved you now see curling and bobbles on passing.
Tambien cuenta que gracias a la nueva física del balón, los tiros a puerta son diferentes a PES 2011.
yes thanks to new ball physics. Shooting overal different to PES 2011
Sobre los saques de puerta:
Throwins and goal kicks massive change. Now you flick right stick to select who you want to pass to. Big improvement
La velocidad del juego (la normal) sera similar a PES 2011:
similar speed to PES 2011 in gameplay
Sobre los tiros libres:
freekicks feel different, again from ball physics. Both crossing and shooting ones have more dip and ball movement
Dice que los defensas ya no se quedarán parados al dar un pase al hueco como pasaba en PES 2011 (o algo asin):
very easy to hold up play. No more worry about physical contant. No more easy throughball through defence, completely gone!
Los arbitros mejorados, tendremos ley de la ventaja, PORFIN!:
Yes, REFEREES ARE FIXED! They play advantage rule, the also (heard from new build) book players after play stops!
Los pases serán muy diferentes a PES 2011, la barra la podremos quitar si queremos.
passing very different to PES 2011, feels more satisfying. Bar can be turned on or off
El juego es tan fluido como FIFA.
dude, I've already said response times improved. And yes, as fluid as FIFA, as fluid as it can be with footplanting
Tendremos la opción de poner el juego en manual, si, pero sólo en los pases:
Manual as stated is only in passing, not others. No idea on other camera angles. Already tweeted about subs and managers.
Las tijeretas, voleas altas, chilenas desde fuera del area (o como querais llamarlo) han sido eliminadas:
jumping volleys are out! no more silly jumping volleys from outside the box. as for shooting, check timeline
Ahora Asim, cuenta que los porteros están muy mejorados (buena noticia):
Keepers are very good, even at this stage. Konami are still improving to, remember
Sobre la defensa..:
defenders don't let the ball fly past them, they are more aware of where the ball is
PD: Me cito ami mismo para que no se pierda en la anterior página, luego intentaré traducir todo y lo pondré en el primer post.