› Foros › PlayStation 5 › General
albertoooooooooo escribió:Día de salida:
TitoKeren escribió:albertoooooooooo escribió:Día de salida:
Todavía recuerdo estar en Carrefour a las 22:00 de la noche el día antes de la salida de la consola comprando ese pack
bichobola escribió:pepeporras escribió:bichobola escribió:
Sony podría estimar daños si tuviera las reservas activas, pero como las cancelado y ha devuelto el dinero podría tenerlo bastante difícil reclamar cantidades, porque no han puesto un juego para descargar,sólo imágenes, no es fácil estimar perdidas de ventas si lo que se ha compartido no es algo jugable como un videojuego que es de lo que se trata. Si fuera una película la cosa sería distinta.
En este foro la mayoría ha descargado juegos pelis y todo lo que se pone a tiro, no veo ahora el interés de preocuparse tanto por la economía de una empresa en particular, y en base a que algunas personas hayan puesto spoilers.
Solo hay que ver lo bien nutrida que está web para realizar modificaciones y "usar bak-ups" como para que empecemos con el doble rasero de dar ips, y denuncias a la benemérita por simples spoliers, vamos que sería de chiste o de tener una moral muy selectiva...
Y con eso no digo que esté bien lo que se ha hecho,pero eso ya de animar a dar ips a la guardia civil y demás cosas que he leído de algunos es para flipar....el que vea un spolier que lo reporte y que moderación lo borre
Abro el paraguas porque sé perfectamente la mierda que va a llover, pero lo que he dicho es la puta verdad guste o no guste.
Que son solo imagenes?
Tu sube una foto o algún vídeo robado de alguien sin su consentimiento a internet y como le causes algún perjuicio, verás que rápido te denuncia, que pasa que eso sí se puede denunciar y a los que difunden o proporcionan acceso a vídeos o imágenes propiedad de naughty dog no se pueden denunciar? Me puedes explicar que lógica usas para llegar a esa conclusión? Sabes lo que es la propiedad intelectual y los derechos de autor?
Que para tí sea una gamberrada sin importancia no quiere decir que legalmente no esté penado, y sí, simplemente por divulgar y por poner links ya es un delito, te guste o no, estás creando perjuicios a esa empresa y ofreciendo contenido suyo sin su consentimiento.
Con eso no digo que tengan que denunciar a quien haga spoilers, yo no lo haría, me la pela esa gente, cada uno que tenga conocimiento de lo que hace y porque lo hace, pero legalmente, es denunciable y se iban a llevar un buen susto por hacer la gracia de querer joder a los demás con esta mierda de guerra entre consolas.
Hay que tener en cuenta que el delito no solamente lo cómete la persona que difunde las imágenes o vídeos por primera vez sino que también lo cometen aquellas otras personas que difunden o proporcionan acceso a esas imágenes o videos aunque sea solamente por diversión.
Y no lo digo yo, lo dice la ley de propiedad intelectual y derechos de autor
Te molesta un espoiler....
Y esto no te molesta?
La carga de backups de procedencia dudosa no te molesta, ah....vale vale es que eso solo se usar para cargar emuladores...espera...que las roms de los emuladores también tienen derechos y copyright...
Hipocresías las justas.
Y reitero que no me parece bien lo que han hecho.
albertoooooooooo escribió:TitoKeren escribió:albertoooooooooo escribió:Día de salida:
Todavía recuerdo estar en Carrefour a las 22:00 de la noche el día antes de la salida de la consola comprando ese pack
Yo tuve suerte de que un familiar del sector me la trajo un par de días antes a casa. Tenía cola en la puerta de colegas que querían verla
Eormonder escribió:albertoooooooooo escribió:TitoKeren escribió:Todavía recuerdo estar en Carrefour a las 22:00 de la noche el día antes de la salida de la consola comprando ese pack
Yo tuve suerte de que un familiar del sector me la trajo un par de días antes a casa. Tenía cola en la puerta de colegas que querían verla
Pero no sacaron reservas? O no enviaban a domicilio? Yo quiero reservar la ps5 con envío a domicilio....
albertoooooooooo escribió:Eormonder escribió:albertoooooooooo escribió:
Yo tuve suerte de que un familiar del sector me la trajo un par de días antes a casa. Tenía cola en la puerta de colegas que querían verla
Pero no sacaron reservas? O no enviaban a domicilio? Yo quiero reservar la ps5 con envío a domicilio....
Claro que si, como cualquier comercio, y más ahora que los pedidos online están más normalizados. Yo tenía un familiar en ElCorteInglés, por eso la pude tener un par de días antes (y más barata).
Para PS5 en cuanto la anuncien, podrás reservarla (es más, lo aconsejo, dicen que van a haber pocas unidades) y ya eliges el método de entrega que a ti te interese.
Anubel escribió:Presentacion PS5: 4 Junio
https://vandal.elespanol.com/noticia/13 ... eriodista/
elpeluson escribió:Que ganas de que empiecen a soltar info de una vez. Si trae hdmi 2.1 completamente descartado que traiga displayport 2 verdad?
albertoooooooooo escribió:
Yo tuve suerte de que un familiar del sector me la trajo un par de días antes a casa. Tenía cola en la puerta de colegas que querían verla
elpeluson escribió:Que ganas de que empiecen a soltar info de una vez. Si trae hdmi 2.1 completamente descartado que traiga displayport 2 verdad?
Frasier Crane escribió:albertoooooooooo escribió:
Yo tuve suerte de que un familiar del sector me la trajo un par de días antes a casa. Tenía cola en la puerta de colegas que querían verla
Frasier Crane escribió:@albertoooooooooo Es cierto que antes era mucho más fácil llevarse cosas antes de tiempo.
En esa época, que aún se compraba música en CD, me he llevado muchos discos del Carrefour ( creo que en ese momento aún era Pryca) hasta dos días antes del lanzamiento.
Plage escribió:Tmac_1 escribió:Pues sí, fallo mio también porque la PS4 si salió con packs.
Eso sí, el "starter pack" de PS3 no fue de lanzamiento.
Exacto, el starter pack de ps3 fue más adelante porque yo la ps3 no me la pillé de lanzamiento y la compre con el pack de dos mandos, resistance y motorstorm
prendetefuego escribió:Alguien sabe sobre qué fechas se pudo empezar a reservar ps4 o ps3?
Por saber con cuánta antelación se podrá reservar
WinterMoon escribió:prendetefuego escribió:Alguien sabe sobre qué fechas se pudo empezar a reservar ps4 o ps3?
Por saber con cuánta antelación se podrá reservar
Da igual, ya que la situación es distinta. Si no hay rebrote de pandemia y todas las fábricas y la logística siguen funcionando hasta que se recuperen por completo saldrá sin problemas a finales de año y calculo que a finales de verano quizás se puedan reservar.
Anubel escribió:WinterMoon escribió:prendetefuego escribió:Alguien sabe sobre qué fechas se pudo empezar a reservar ps4 o ps3?
Por saber con cuánta antelación se podrá reservar
Da igual, ya que la situación es distinta. Si no hay rebrote de pandemia y todas las fábricas y la logística siguen funcionando hasta que se recuperen por completo saldrá sin problemas a finales de año y calculo que a finales de verano quizás se puedan reservar.
En las fabricas no habrá poblemas, lo que si puede haber problemas de stock por pocas unidades.
dankv escribió:vencedor escribió:Vamos a ps5, creeis que saldrá con 2 mandos de inicio? Con 1 normal? Con uno con las palanquitas detras?
Cual creeis que seria un buen pack?
Mis apuestas para los packs de lanzamiento.
PS5 + Gran Turismo 7
PS5 + The Last of us 2, destacando que tiene notables mejoras para PS5 (pienso que estas mejoras serán gratuitas para quienes ya tengan el juego en PS4). No habrá dos juegos distintos en definitiva.
Bonus track; PS5 será negra como color base, igual que su mando. La versión del mando que hemos visto es una edición limitada "day one".
PS5 reveal coming Tuesday May 5th
5 exclusives games to be shown
PS5 "boost mode" reveal
"Several" new PS5 Features
New "Partnerships" and "collaborations"
PSnow on PS5 will "Revolutionize" the service
A PS5 complete teardown stream on May 6th
Original Post:
There's been an uptick in posts from FoxyGamesUK in the last few days and with the PS5 reveal being imminent, I thought I'd summarise some of it here in a post so we can see where the cards fall.
Remember, this is just for a bit of fun discussion to keep ourselves busy. Their tweets in " ", my thoughts are in the brackets.
God of War PS4 running 4K/60 w/ no load times
"You'll be using the standard mechanical HDD as storage only. #PS5s #UltraSSD will be doing all the donkey work. In fact, #PS5 Games won't even run without SSD. Probably going to want to upgrade to a 2TB SSD day 1."
been using #MayDay hashtag alot...That's the 1st of May, this friday.
also been hinting at something in June. We could be looking at a console reveal, tear down in may and full blowout in in June.
select non PS4 legacy titles will be playable. digital only. not until a while after launch
Maybe you'll get your chance soon Miles.. #SpiderMan2 (Mile main character for Spidey 2?)
""Are ye not gods? " Psalm 82:6" (No idea...probably Godfall, maybe God of War 2)
"Last year #SIE tried to downplay the (rumored) successor to #PSVR In this industry you kinda have to be economical with the truth... #PSVR2" (PSVR 2 announcement coming as well?)
"The 80s era is on the verge of making a major comeback! Sadly, not for #PS4 #XboxOne #PS5 #XboxSeriesX" (GTA VI ?)
"The prophecy is fulfilled..." (No idea...could david cage be remaking Indigo Prophecy? that could be cool)
"96.8% .. #PS5" (No idea...maybe referencing closeness to a May 1st reveal?)
"_ _ E / _ E_ / _ _A_ #PS5" (No idea...Some people have been guessing 'The Getaway' which could be cool)
"A galaxy far, far away... from #StarWars #PS5" (Could Savage Starlight make an appearance?)
"Isn't that already common knowledge..?" (To the above one, someone commented about Ratchet & Clank, this was their reply.)
"We're on the road to Hell..." "Viet Cong." (They also retweeted a thing about the next battlefield being confirmed for 2021, so it wouldn't surprise me if we head back to Vietnam)
"#PS5 will initially have much slower uptake than #PS4 In terms of high production, AAA quality video game development and future unit installs, #PS5 will surpass anything & everything that preceded it. Trust me on this, everybody's going to want one. " (sounds good to me)
"Fancy a #DaysGone prequel sequel thingy for #PS5..? Be nice to see how it all began fully 'fleshed' out"
"It sure took its sweet time, but (finally) Sony are almost ready to announce/reveal one helluva big, big #phatpipe #PS5 exclusive."
"It's not a Tower.." "She's boxy, curvy, sleek, and weighty.. You're going to be spending a lot of late nights with her... #PS5" (seems like a catch all description of the console, but I guess we'll see)
"16GB of GDDR6 Ram you say? I wonder what it would be like to have upto 100 GB of virtual ram to go with that..."
"#PS5 Ultra #SSD is so FAST, you could (literally) blink, and #PS5 has already loaded a game into memory, ready to play. It's a two way street too, superfast, uninterrupted gameplay during updates and installs. #PS5 makes #PS4 seem as slow as #PS4 > #PS3"
"If you want to see revived, rebooted, remade classic #PlayStation franchises next gen #PS5, Sony have got you big time! Excitement is killing me softly.."
"What IF the next #MaxPayne was #PS5 exclusive, timed or otherwise?" (I, personally, would love that)
"Werewolves, Vampires and the Great Serpent... #PS5" (My mind immediately went to a The Order sequel)
" [half moon emoji] > [crescent moon emoji] > [bat emoji] #PS5" (No idea...)
"I suppose a lot of you have probably missed the #TwistedMetal series."
"It's really all a matter of perspective, but in my humble opinion, if you plan on picking up both #PS5 and #XboxSeriesX keep them separated. They both look awesome, but their design doesn't really compliment the units very well. You see soon enough..."
"A game that used to be synonymous with one platform is being reintroduced/rebooted for #PS5.. and I'm staying away from twitter the day it is revealed. People are going to be pissed!" and "It is 100% exclusive to Sony. They own the IP now...though they may choose to release it on *PC at some point." (Not sure what this would be....any ideas?)
"Sony has a 3rd person action/shooter game that has 100% destructible environments. Glass looks real & shatters with advanced physics when penetrated by a projectile. It's been in development since late 2016, was originally planned for #PS4. Wish I could tell its name." (Maybe Socom? Syphon Filter?)
"We've experienced 2D and 3D gaming, and we love it.. but did you know Sony are experimenting with 4D gaming? #PS5 My knowledge on the subject is a little weak, though my understanding is the 4th Dimension relates to the space/time continuum. Could be interesting.. " (hmm)
"#HorizonZeroDawn sequel uses Ray Tracing in abundance. Particularly the sky box/water surfaces, and most metallic materials inc. weapons lavished w/ RT, inc. audio. You can explore under water environments now. Sony made RT a (comparative) easy to pull off on #PS5"
They've also been hinting at a Bloodborne sequel
Nexus6_BCN escribió:Más rumores de la presentación del 5 de mayo. https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/g ... mumblings/PS5 reveal coming Tuesday May 5th
5 exclusives games to be shown
PS5 "boost mode" reveal
"Several" new PS5 Features
New "Partnerships" and "collaborations"
PSnow on PS5 will "Revolutionize" the service
A PS5 complete teardown stream on May 6th
Original Post:
There's been an uptick in posts from FoxyGamesUK in the last few days and with the PS5 reveal being imminent, I thought I'd summarise some of it here in a post so we can see where the cards fall.
Remember, this is just for a bit of fun discussion to keep ourselves busy. Their tweets in " ", my thoughts are in the brackets.
God of War PS4 running 4K/60 w/ no load times
"You'll be using the standard mechanical HDD as storage only. #PS5s #UltraSSD will be doing all the donkey work. In fact, #PS5 Games won't even run without SSD. Probably going to want to upgrade to a 2TB SSD day 1."
been using #MayDay hashtag alot...That's the 1st of May, this friday.
also been hinting at something in June. We could be looking at a console reveal, tear down in may and full blowout in in June.
select non PS4 legacy titles will be playable. digital only. not until a while after launch
Maybe you'll get your chance soon Miles.. #SpiderMan2 (Mile main character for Spidey 2?)
""Are ye not gods? " Psalm 82:6" (No idea...probably Godfall, maybe God of War 2)
"Last year #SIE tried to downplay the (rumored) successor to #PSVR In this industry you kinda have to be economical with the truth... #PSVR2" (PSVR 2 announcement coming as well?)
"The 80s era is on the verge of making a major comeback! Sadly, not for #PS4 #XboxOne #PS5 #XboxSeriesX" (GTA VI ?)
"The prophecy is fulfilled..." (No idea...could david cage be remaking Indigo Prophecy? that could be cool)
"96.8% .. #PS5" (No idea...maybe referencing closeness to a May 1st reveal?)
"_ _ E / _ E_ / _ _A_ #PS5" (No idea...Some people have been guessing 'The Getaway' which could be cool)
"A galaxy far, far away... from #StarWars #PS5" (Could Savage Starlight make an appearance?)
"Isn't that already common knowledge..?" (To the above one, someone commented about Ratchet & Clank, this was their reply.)
"We're on the road to Hell..." "Viet Cong." (They also retweeted a thing about the next battlefield being confirmed for 2021, so it wouldn't surprise me if we head back to Vietnam)
"#PS5 will initially have much slower uptake than #PS4 In terms of high production, AAA quality video game development and future unit installs, #PS5 will surpass anything & everything that preceded it. Trust me on this, everybody's going to want one. " (sounds good to me)
"Fancy a #DaysGone prequel sequel thingy for #PS5..? Be nice to see how it all began fully 'fleshed' out"
"It sure took its sweet time, but (finally) Sony are almost ready to announce/reveal one helluva big, big #phatpipe #PS5 exclusive."
"It's not a Tower.." "She's boxy, curvy, sleek, and weighty.. You're going to be spending a lot of late nights with her... #PS5" (seems like a catch all description of the console, but I guess we'll see)
"16GB of GDDR6 Ram you say? I wonder what it would be like to have upto 100 GB of virtual ram to go with that..."
"#PS5 Ultra #SSD is so FAST, you could (literally) blink, and #PS5 has already loaded a game into memory, ready to play. It's a two way street too, superfast, uninterrupted gameplay during updates and installs. #PS5 makes #PS4 seem as slow as #PS4 > #PS3"
"If you want to see revived, rebooted, remade classic #PlayStation franchises next gen #PS5, Sony have got you big time! Excitement is killing me softly.."
"What IF the next #MaxPayne was #PS5 exclusive, timed or otherwise?" (I, personally, would love that)
"Werewolves, Vampires and the Great Serpent... #PS5" (My mind immediately went to a The Order sequel)
" [half moon emoji] > [crescent moon emoji] > [bat emoji] #PS5" (No idea...)
"I suppose a lot of you have probably missed the #TwistedMetal series."
"It's really all a matter of perspective, but in my humble opinion, if you plan on picking up both #PS5 and #XboxSeriesX keep them separated. They both look awesome, but their design doesn't really compliment the units very well. You see soon enough..."
"A game that used to be synonymous with one platform is being reintroduced/rebooted for #PS5.. and I'm staying away from twitter the day it is revealed. People are going to be pissed!" and "It is 100% exclusive to Sony. They own the IP now...though they may choose to release it on *PC at some point." (Not sure what this would be....any ideas?)
"Sony has a 3rd person action/shooter game that has 100% destructible environments. Glass looks real & shatters with advanced physics when penetrated by a projectile. It's been in development since late 2016, was originally planned for #PS4. Wish I could tell its name." (Maybe Socom? Syphon Filter?)
"We've experienced 2D and 3D gaming, and we love it.. but did you know Sony are experimenting with 4D gaming? #PS5 My knowledge on the subject is a little weak, though my understanding is the 4th Dimension relates to the space/time continuum. Could be interesting.. " (hmm)
"#HorizonZeroDawn sequel uses Ray Tracing in abundance. Particularly the sky box/water surfaces, and most metallic materials inc. weapons lavished w/ RT, inc. audio. You can explore under water environments now. Sony made RT a (comparative) easy to pull off on #PS5"
They've also been hinting at a Bloodborne sequel
Nexus6_BCN escribió:Más rumores de la presentación del 5 de mayo. https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/g ... mumblings/PS5 reveal coming Tuesday May 5th
5 exclusives games to be shown
PS5 "boost mode" reveal
"Several" new PS5 Features
New "Partnerships" and "collaborations"
PSnow on PS5 will "Revolutionize" the service
A PS5 complete teardown stream on May 6th
Original Post:
There's been an uptick in posts from FoxyGamesUK in the last few days and with the PS5 reveal being imminent, I thought I'd summarise some of it here in a post so we can see where the cards fall.
Remember, this is just for a bit of fun discussion to keep ourselves busy. Their tweets in " ", my thoughts are in the brackets.
God of War PS4 running 4K/60 w/ no load times
"You'll be using the standard mechanical HDD as storage only. #PS5s #UltraSSD will be doing all the donkey work. In fact, #PS5 Games won't even run without SSD. Probably going to want to upgrade to a 2TB SSD day 1."
been using #MayDay hashtag alot...That's the 1st of May, this friday.
also been hinting at something in June. We could be looking at a console reveal, tear down in may and full blowout in in June.
select non PS4 legacy titles will be playable. digital only. not until a while after launch
Maybe you'll get your chance soon Miles.. #SpiderMan2 (Mile main character for Spidey 2?)
""Are ye not gods? " Psalm 82:6" (No idea...probably Godfall, maybe God of War 2)
"Last year #SIE tried to downplay the (rumored) successor to #PSVR In this industry you kinda have to be economical with the truth... #PSVR2" (PSVR 2 announcement coming as well?)
"The 80s era is on the verge of making a major comeback! Sadly, not for #PS4 #XboxOne #PS5 #XboxSeriesX" (GTA VI ?)
"The prophecy is fulfilled..." (No idea...could david cage be remaking Indigo Prophecy? that could be cool)
"96.8% .. #PS5" (No idea...maybe referencing closeness to a May 1st reveal?)
"_ _ E / _ E_ / _ _A_ #PS5" (No idea...Some people have been guessing 'The Getaway' which could be cool)
"A galaxy far, far away... from #StarWars #PS5" (Could Savage Starlight make an appearance?)
"Isn't that already common knowledge..?" (To the above one, someone commented about Ratchet & Clank, this was their reply.)
"We're on the road to Hell..." "Viet Cong." (They also retweeted a thing about the next battlefield being confirmed for 2021, so it wouldn't surprise me if we head back to Vietnam)
"#PS5 will initially have much slower uptake than #PS4 In terms of high production, AAA quality video game development and future unit installs, #PS5 will surpass anything & everything that preceded it. Trust me on this, everybody's going to want one. " (sounds good to me)
"Fancy a #DaysGone prequel sequel thingy for #PS5..? Be nice to see how it all began fully 'fleshed' out"
"It sure took its sweet time, but (finally) Sony are almost ready to announce/reveal one helluva big, big #phatpipe #PS5 exclusive."
"It's not a Tower.." "She's boxy, curvy, sleek, and weighty.. You're going to be spending a lot of late nights with her... #PS5" (seems like a catch all description of the console, but I guess we'll see)
"16GB of GDDR6 Ram you say? I wonder what it would be like to have upto 100 GB of virtual ram to go with that..."
"#PS5 Ultra #SSD is so FAST, you could (literally) blink, and #PS5 has already loaded a game into memory, ready to play. It's a two way street too, superfast, uninterrupted gameplay during updates and installs. #PS5 makes #PS4 seem as slow as #PS4 > #PS3"
"If you want to see revived, rebooted, remade classic #PlayStation franchises next gen #PS5, Sony have got you big time! Excitement is killing me softly.."
"What IF the next #MaxPayne was #PS5 exclusive, timed or otherwise?" (I, personally, would love that)
"Werewolves, Vampires and the Great Serpent... #PS5" (My mind immediately went to a The Order sequel)
" [half moon emoji] > [crescent moon emoji] > [bat emoji] #PS5" (No idea...)
"I suppose a lot of you have probably missed the #TwistedMetal series."
"It's really all a matter of perspective, but in my humble opinion, if you plan on picking up both #PS5 and #XboxSeriesX keep them separated. They both look awesome, but their design doesn't really compliment the units very well. You see soon enough..."
"A game that used to be synonymous with one platform is being reintroduced/rebooted for #PS5.. and I'm staying away from twitter the day it is revealed. People are going to be pissed!" and "It is 100% exclusive to Sony. They own the IP now...though they may choose to release it on *PC at some point." (Not sure what this would be....any ideas?)
"Sony has a 3rd person action/shooter game that has 100% destructible environments. Glass looks real & shatters with advanced physics when penetrated by a projectile. It's been in development since late 2016, was originally planned for #PS4. Wish I could tell its name." (Maybe Socom? Syphon Filter?)
"We've experienced 2D and 3D gaming, and we love it.. but did you know Sony are experimenting with 4D gaming? #PS5 My knowledge on the subject is a little weak, though my understanding is the 4th Dimension relates to the space/time continuum. Could be interesting.. " (hmm)
"#HorizonZeroDawn sequel uses Ray Tracing in abundance. Particularly the sky box/water surfaces, and most metallic materials inc. weapons lavished w/ RT, inc. audio. You can explore under water environments now. Sony made RT a (comparative) easy to pull off on #PS5"
They've also been hinting at a Bloodborne sequel
davidDVD escribió:Yo tras leer a las "fuentes fiables..." En mayo Software (con el bombazo de Silent Hill) y en junio
Hardware/resto de cosas... Lo que venga sin fuente, directamente ni me paro a leerlo.
P.d: Y que yo sepa... TLoU2 se podrá jugar en PS5; lo que está por ver es las mejoras (que de eso no se sabe nada, pero de ninguno)
pers46 escribió:Una cosa que pediría a PS5 sería un USB trasero, viene bien para tener un cargador de mandos y que no se vean los cables por delante.
Magix escribió:elpeluson escribió:Que ganas de que empiecen a soltar info de una vez. Si trae hdmi 2.1 completamente descartado que traiga displayport 2 verdad?
O hdmi o displayport, ambos no va a traer.
yagamigen escribió:dankv escribió:vencedor escribió:Vamos a ps5, creeis que saldrá con 2 mandos de inicio? Con 1 normal? Con uno con las palanquitas detras?
Cual creeis que seria un buen pack?
Mis apuestas para los packs de lanzamiento.
PS5 + Gran Turismo 7
PS5 + The Last of us 2, destacando que tiene notables mejoras para PS5 (pienso que estas mejoras serán gratuitas para quienes ya tengan el juego en PS4). No habrá dos juegos distintos en definitiva.
Bonus track; PS5 será negra como color base, igual que su mando. La versión del mando que hemos visto es una edición limitada "day one".
en serio creeis q the last of 2 en ps5 sera via retro?
tendrás q pasar por caja y apoquinar los 70€
7Nar escribió:Nexus6_BCN escribió:Más rumores de la presentación del 5 de mayo. https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/g ... mumblings/PS5 reveal coming Tuesday May 5th
5 exclusives games to be shown
PS5 "boost mode" reveal
"Several" new PS5 Features
New "Partnerships" and "collaborations"
PSnow on PS5 will "Revolutionize" the service
A PS5 complete teardown stream on May 6th
Original Post:
There's been an uptick in posts from FoxyGamesUK in the last few days and with the PS5 reveal being imminent, I thought I'd summarise some of it here in a post so we can see where the cards fall.
Remember, this is just for a bit of fun discussion to keep ourselves busy. Their tweets in " ", my thoughts are in the brackets.
God of War PS4 running 4K/60 w/ no load times
"You'll be using the standard mechanical HDD as storage only. #PS5s #UltraSSD will be doing all the donkey work. In fact, #PS5 Games won't even run without SSD. Probably going to want to upgrade to a 2TB SSD day 1."
been using #MayDay hashtag alot...That's the 1st of May, this friday.
also been hinting at something in June. We could be looking at a console reveal, tear down in may and full blowout in in June.
select non PS4 legacy titles will be playable. digital only. not until a while after launch
Maybe you'll get your chance soon Miles.. #SpiderMan2 (Mile main character for Spidey 2?)
""Are ye not gods? " Psalm 82:6" (No idea...probably Godfall, maybe God of War 2)
"Last year #SIE tried to downplay the (rumored) successor to #PSVR In this industry you kinda have to be economical with the truth... #PSVR2" (PSVR 2 announcement coming as well?)
"The 80s era is on the verge of making a major comeback! Sadly, not for #PS4 #XboxOne #PS5 #XboxSeriesX" (GTA VI ?)
"The prophecy is fulfilled..." (No idea...could david cage be remaking Indigo Prophecy? that could be cool)
"96.8% .. #PS5" (No idea...maybe referencing closeness to a May 1st reveal?)
"_ _ E / _ E_ / _ _A_ #PS5" (No idea...Some people have been guessing 'The Getaway' which could be cool)
"A galaxy far, far away... from #StarWars #PS5" (Could Savage Starlight make an appearance?)
"Isn't that already common knowledge..?" (To the above one, someone commented about Ratchet & Clank, this was their reply.)
"We're on the road to Hell..." "Viet Cong." (They also retweeted a thing about the next battlefield being confirmed for 2021, so it wouldn't surprise me if we head back to Vietnam)
"#PS5 will initially have much slower uptake than #PS4 In terms of high production, AAA quality video game development and future unit installs, #PS5 will surpass anything & everything that preceded it. Trust me on this, everybody's going to want one. " (sounds good to me)
"Fancy a #DaysGone prequel sequel thingy for #PS5..? Be nice to see how it all began fully 'fleshed' out"
"It sure took its sweet time, but (finally) Sony are almost ready to announce/reveal one helluva big, big #phatpipe #PS5 exclusive."
"It's not a Tower.." "She's boxy, curvy, sleek, and weighty.. You're going to be spending a lot of late nights with her... #PS5" (seems like a catch all description of the console, but I guess we'll see)
"16GB of GDDR6 Ram you say? I wonder what it would be like to have upto 100 GB of virtual ram to go with that..."
"#PS5 Ultra #SSD is so FAST, you could (literally) blink, and #PS5 has already loaded a game into memory, ready to play. It's a two way street too, superfast, uninterrupted gameplay during updates and installs. #PS5 makes #PS4 seem as slow as #PS4 > #PS3"
"If you want to see revived, rebooted, remade classic #PlayStation franchises next gen #PS5, Sony have got you big time! Excitement is killing me softly.."
"What IF the next #MaxPayne was #PS5 exclusive, timed or otherwise?" (I, personally, would love that)
"Werewolves, Vampires and the Great Serpent... #PS5" (My mind immediately went to a The Order sequel)
" [half moon emoji] > [crescent moon emoji] > [bat emoji] #PS5" (No idea...)
"I suppose a lot of you have probably missed the #TwistedMetal series."
"It's really all a matter of perspective, but in my humble opinion, if you plan on picking up both #PS5 and #XboxSeriesX keep them separated. They both look awesome, but their design doesn't really compliment the units very well. You see soon enough..."
"A game that used to be synonymous with one platform is being reintroduced/rebooted for #PS5.. and I'm staying away from twitter the day it is revealed. People are going to be pissed!" and "It is 100% exclusive to Sony. They own the IP now...though they may choose to release it on *PC at some point." (Not sure what this would be....any ideas?)
"Sony has a 3rd person action/shooter game that has 100% destructible environments. Glass looks real & shatters with advanced physics when penetrated by a projectile. It's been in development since late 2016, was originally planned for #PS4. Wish I could tell its name." (Maybe Socom? Syphon Filter?)
"We've experienced 2D and 3D gaming, and we love it.. but did you know Sony are experimenting with 4D gaming? #PS5 My knowledge on the subject is a little weak, though my understanding is the 4th Dimension relates to the space/time continuum. Could be interesting.. " (hmm)
"#HorizonZeroDawn sequel uses Ray Tracing in abundance. Particularly the sky box/water surfaces, and most metallic materials inc. weapons lavished w/ RT, inc. audio. You can explore under water environments now. Sony made RT a (comparative) easy to pull off on #PS5"
They've also been hinting at a Bloodborne sequel
Si esto es así, arrasa a la competencia
El Hombre Araña escribió:Ojalá, pero huele a fake. ¿Cuantos fakes van ya?
Yo solo quiero que enseñen el Spider-Man de PS5, quiero saber cómo se va a ver ese juego
El Hombre Araña escribió:
Ojalá, pero huele a fake. ¿Cuantos fakes van ya?
Yo solo quiero que enseñen el Spider-Man de PS5, quiero saber cómo se va a ver ese juego
El Hombre Murciélago escribió:Yo solo quiero que enseñen el Batman de PS5, quiero saber cómo se va a ver ese juego.